Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 334.610

will be closed when it is deemed nec- Base, Florida, or such agencies he may essary by the Commander, 45th Space designate. Wing or his/her designee to address any [41 FR 17898, Apr. 29, 1976. Redesignated at 50 perceived threat to the local area. With FR 42696, Oct. 22, 1985, as amended at 62 FR the exception of local, State, and Fed- 17554, Apr. 10, 1997] eral law enforcement entities, all per- sons, vessels, and other craft are pro- § 334.610 Harbor, at U.S. hibited from entering, transiting, an- Naval Base, Key West, Fla.; naval restricted areas and danger zone. choring, or drifting within the re- stricted area when it is closed without (a) The areas. (1) All waters within 100 the permission of the Commander, 45th yards of the south shoreline of the Space Wing or his/her designee. Harry S. Truman Annex, beginning at (2) Due to the nature of this re- a point on the shore at Latitude 24°32′45.3″ N., Longitude 81°47′51″ W.; stricted area, closures may occur with thence to a point 100 yards due south of very little advance notice. Closure of the south end of Whitehead Street of the area shall be noticed by the display Latitude 24°32′42.3″ N., Longitude of a red ball and red beacon from a 90- 81°47′51″ W.; thence extending westerly, foot pole near the shoreline at approxi- paralleling the southerly shoreline of ° ′ mately latitude 28 35.0 N, longitude the Harry S. Truman Annex, to Lati- ° ′ 80 34.8 W and from a 90-foot pole near tude 24°32′37.6″ N., Longitude 81°48′32″ the shoreline at approximately latitude W., thence northerly to the shore at ° ′ ° ′ 28 25.3 N, longitude 80 35.0 W. Informa- Latitude 24°32′41″ N., Longitude 81°48′31″ tion will be provided via marine radio W. (Area #1). broadcast and a warning statement dis- (2) All waters within 100 yards of the played on an electronic marquee sign westerly shoreline of the Harry S. Tru- located on the north side of the Port man Annex and all waters within a por- Canaveral ship channel between the tion of the Truman Annex Harbor, as Trident and Poseidon Wharf during the defined by a line beginning on the duration of the area closure. shore at Latitude 24°33′00″ N., Lon- (c) Enforcement. The regulations in gitude 81°48′41.7″ W.; thence to a point this section shall be enforced by the 100 yards due west at Latitude 24°33′00″ Commander, 45th Space Wing, Patrick N., Longitude 81°48′45″ W.; thence Air Force Base, Florida and/or such northerly, paralleling the westerly persons or agencies as he/she may des- shoreline of the Harry S. Truman ignate. Annex, including a portion of the Tru- man Annex Harbor entrance, to Lati- [74 FR 36401, July 23, 2009; 74 FR 58849, Nov. tude 24°33′23″ N., Longitude 81°48′37″ W.; 16, 2009] thence southeasterly to the shore (sea wall) at Latitude 24°33′19.3″ N., Lon- § 334.600 TRIDENT Basin adjacent to ° ′ ″ Canaveral Harbor at Cape Canav- gitude 81 48 28.7 W. (Area #2). eral Air Force Station, Brevard (3) All waters within 100 yards of the County, Fla.; danger zone. U.S. Coast Guard Station and the west- erly end of Annex begin- (a) The danger zone. From the west ning at the shore at Latitude 24°33′47.6″ side of the access channel at latitude N., Longitude 81°47′55.6″ W.; thence ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 28 24 37 , longitude 80 35 35 to the east westerly to Latitude 24°33′48″ N., Lon- side of the access channel at latitude gitude 81°48′00.9″ W.; thence due south ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 28 24 37 , longitude 80 35 26 and the en- to Latitude 24°33′45.8″ N., Longitude tire basin. 81°48′00.9″ W.; thence westerly to Lati- (b) Regulations. (1) No unauthorized tude 24°33′47″ N., Longitude 81°48′12″ W.; person or vessel shall enter the area. thence northerly to Latitude 24°34′06.2″ The area will be used for loading and N., Longitude 81°48′10″ W.; thence eas- unloading explosives. The entrance to terly to a point joining the restricted the basin will be marked by suitable area around at Latitude boundary signs. 24°34′03.3″ N., Longitude 81°47′55″ W. (2) The regulations will be enforced (Area #3). by the Commanding Officer, Naval Ord- (4) Beginning at the last point des- nance Test Unit, Patrick Air Force ignated in area 3 at Latitude 24°34.0550′


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N., Longitude 81°47.9166′ W.; proceed in N., longitude 81°41.970′ W.; thence to a a northwesterly direction to a point at point on shore at latitude 24°35.698′ N., Latitude 24°34.2725′ N., Longitude longitude 81°41.981′ W. 81°48.1304′ W.; thence proceed in a (b) The Regulations: (1) Entering or northeasterly direction to a point at crossing Restricted Areas #1 and #4 and Latitude 24°34.3562′ N., Longitude the Danger Zone (Area #6) described in 81°48.0192′ W.; thence proceed in a paragraph (a) of this section, by any northwesterly direction to a point at person or vessel, is prohibited. Latitude 24°34.4506′ N., Longitude (2) Privately owned vessels, properly 81°48.1444′ W.; thence proceed in a registered and bearing identification in northwesterly direction to a point at accordance with Federal and/or State Latitude 24°34.5619′ N., Longitude laws and regulations may transit the 81°48.1873′ W.; thence proceed in a following portions of restricted areas northeasterly direction to a point at #2, #3 and #5. NOTE: All vessels enter- Latitude 24°34.9084′ N., Longitude ing the areas at night must display 81°48.0945′ W.; thence proceed in a lights as required by Federal laws and northeasterly direction to a point at Coast Guard regulations or, if no con- Latitude 24°34.9809′ N., Longitude stant lights are required, then the ves- 81°47.9400′ W.; proceed in a general sel must display a bright white light northerly direction maintaining a dis- showing all around the horizon, tance of 100 yards from the shoreline of (i) The channel, approximately 75 Fleming Key, continue around Fleming yards in width, extending from the Key to a point easterly of the south- northwest corner of Pier D–3 of east corner of Fleming Key at Latitude Trumbo Point Annex, eastward be- 24°34.0133′ N., Longitude 81°47.6250′ W.; neath the Fleming Key bridge and thence easterly to Latitude 24°33.9600′ along the north shore of Trumbo Point N., Longitude 81°47.3333′ W.; thence Annex (area #3). southerly to a point on the shore at (ii) A channel of 150 feet in width Latitude 24°33.9117′ N., Longitude which extends easterly from the main 81°47.3450′ W. The Department of the ship channel into Key West Bight, the Navy plans to install buoys along that northerly edge of which channel passes portion of the restricted area boundary 25 feet south of the Trumbo Point which marks the outer edge of the ex- Annex piers on the north side of the plosive hazard safety distance require- Bight. While the legitimate access of ments. privately owned vessels to facilities of (5) All waters contiguous to the Key West Bight is unimpeded, it is pro- southwesterly shoreline of Boca Chica hibited to moor, anchor, or fish within Key beginning at a point on the south- 50 feet of any U.S. Government-owned west shoreline at Latitude 24°33′24″ N., pier or craft (area #3). Longitude 81°42′30″ W.; proceed due (iii) The dredged portion of Boca south 100 yards to Latitude 24°33′20.4″ Chica channel from its seaward end to N., Longitude 81°42′30″ W.; thence, a point due south of the east end of the maintaining a distance of 100 yards Boca Chica Bridge (area #5). from the shoreline, proceed westerly (iv) All of the portion of Restricted and northerly to Latitude 24°34′03″ N., Area No. 2 that lies between the Tru- Longitude 81°42′47″ W.; thence due man Annex Mole and the Key West north to a point at the easterly end of Harbor Range Channel. The transit the U.S. Highway 1 (Boca Chica Chan- zone extends to the northeasterly cor- nel) bridge at Latitude 24°34′39″ N., ner of the Truman Annex Mole, thence Longitude 81°42′47″ W. (Area #5). to the northwesterly end of the break- (6) Danger zone. All waters within an water at Latitude 24°33′21.3″ N, Lon- area along the northeast side of the gitude 81°48′32.7″ W. Naval Air Station on (3) Stopping or landing by any person defined by a line beginning at latitude and/or any vessel, other than Govern- 24°35.472′ N., longitude 81°41.824′ W.; ment-owned vessels and specifically thence proceed in a northerly direction authorized private craft in any of the to a point at latitude 24°36.289′ N., lon- restricted areas or danger zone de- gitude 81°41.437′ W.; thence proceed scribed in paragraph (a) of this section westerly to a point at latitude 24°36.392′ is prohibited.


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(4) Vessels using the restricted chan- (ii) A circular area located directly nel areas described in paragraph (b)(2) west of Marquesas Keys with a radius (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section of three statute miles having its center shall proceed at speeds commensurate at latitude 24°35.6′ and longitude with minimum wake. 82°11.6′, not to include land area within (c) The regulations in this section Marquesas Keys. The targets located shall be enforced by the Commanding within this area, pile-mounted plat- Officer, Naval Air Station, Key West, forms, will be used as high altitude Florida, and such agencies as he/she horizontal bombing range utilizing live may designate. ordnance up to and including 1,800 pounds of high explosives. In general, [54 FR 7033, Feb. 16, 1989, as amended at 59 these explosives will be of an air-burst FR 48802, Sept. 23, 1994; 62 FR 17554, Apr. 10, 1997; 70 FR 67371, Nov. 7, 2005; 72 FR 44973, type, above 1,500 feet. Aug. 10, 2007] (iii) A circular area located west of Marquesas Keys with a radius of two § 334.620 Straits of Florida and Florida nautical miles having its center at Bay in vicinity of Key West, Fla.; latitude 24°34′30″ and longitude 82°14′00″. operational training area, aerial (b) The regulations. (1) In advance of gunnery range, and bombing and scheduled air or surface operations strafing target areas, Naval Air Sta- which, in the opinion of the enforcing tion, Key West, Fla. agency, may be dangerous to (a) The danger zones—(1) Operational watercraft, appropriate warnings will training area. Waters of the Straits of be issued to navigation interests Florida and Gulf of Mexico southwest, through official government and civil- west and northwest of Key West bound- ian channels or in such other manner ed as follows: Beginning at latitude as the District Engineer, Corps of Engi- 25°45′00″, longitude 82°07′00″; thence neers, Jacksonville, Florida, may di- southeast to latitude 24°49′00″, lon- rect. Such warnings will specify the lo- gitude 81°55′00″; thence southwest to cation, type, time, and duration of op- latitude 24°37′30″, longitude 82°00′30″; erations, and give such other pertinent thence westerly to latitude 24°37′30″, information as may be required in the longitude 82°06′00″; thence southerly to interests of safety. latitude 24°28′30″, longitude 82°06′00″; (2) Watercraft shall not be prohibited thence southerly to latitude 24°25′00″, from passing through the operational longitude 82°06′30″; thence easterly to training area except when the oper- latitude 24°25′00″, longitude 81°57′00″; ations being conducted are of such na- thence southwesterly to latitude ture that the exclusion of watercraft is 23°30′00″, longitude 82°19′00″; thence required in the interest of safety or for westerly to latitude 23°30′00″, longitude accomplishment of the mission, or is 82°46′00″; thence northwesterly to lati- considered important to the national tude 23°52′30″, longitude 83°11′00″; thence security. northerly to latitude 24°25′00″, lon- (3) When the warning to navigation gitude 83°11′00″; thence easterly to lati- interests states that bombing and tude 24°25′00″, longitude 83°08′00″; thence strafing operations will take place over clockwise along the arc of a circle with the designated target areas or that a radius of 92 miles centered at latitude other operations hazardous to 24°35′00″, longitude 81°41′15″ to latitude watercraft are proposed to be con- 25°45′05″, longitude 82°23′30″; thence east ducted in a specifically described por- to point of beginning. tion of the overall area, all watercraft (2) Bombing and strafing target areas. will be excluded from the target area (i) A circular area immediately west of or otherwise described zone of oper- Marquesas Keys with a radius of two ations and no vessel shall enter or re- nautical miles having its center at main therein during the period oper- latitude 24°33.4′ and longitude 82°10.9′, ations are in progress. not to include land area and area with- (4) Aircraft and naval vessels con- in Marquesas Keys. The target located ducting operations in any part of the within this area, a grounded LSIL will operational training area will exercise be used for bombing and aircraft rocket caution in order not to endanger exercises. watercraft. Operations which may be


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