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Assessing vulnerability and capacity of as a progressive smart-city: An empirical case study of Fani cyclone impact on the city

Author(s): Kawyitri, Neha; Shekhar, Ankit

Publication Date: 2021-04-01

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Assessing vulnerability and capacity of Bhubaneswar as a progressive smart-city: An empirical case study of Fani cyclone impact on the city

Neha Kawyitri a, Ankit Shekhar b,* a Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India b Department of Environmental Sciences System, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Keywords: This study aims to assess the vulnerability and capacity of Bhubaneswar, India’s first smart-city, to the most Vulnerability recent extremely severe cyclonic (ESC) storm ‘Fani’ which ravaged the city on May 3, 2019. After 2 weeks of its Capacity impact, this study conducted a household survey in the central part of Bhubaneswar city (comprising of different Social & human wards), where smart-city projects were implemented and ongoing. Survey questions categorized into Social & Financial Human, Financial, Physical, and Smart-city factors and their corresponding indicators were chosen through Smart-city Natural disasters literature review and some modified based on local conditions. A total of 22 vulnerability and 40 capacity in­ dicators were used to calculate the vulnerability and capacity index. The result indicates that overall capacity overweighs the overall vulnerability in the central part of the city during the Fani cyclone. Specifically, the city was more vulnerable based on Financial factors, whereas more capable and smartly prepared for the cyclone in the context of Social & Human factors, Physical factors, and Smart-city factors. The study indicates the mitigating impact of the smart-city project in the central Bhubaneswar city area and applauds the step taken by the gov­ ernment for preparation during such an extreme event. The realizations of these results will help the government to further improve its disaster management plan with important infrastructural modification highlighted in this study.

1. Introduction (IFRC), defines vulnerability as “the diminished capacity of an individ­ ual or group to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact Climate is changing since the origin of the Earth, but the recent of natural or man-made hazards”. On the other hand, capacity refers to climate change significantlyaffects the ways of living in the community “all the strengths, attributes, and resources available within a commu­ [1,2]. Climate change is enhancing the intensity and frequency of nat­ nity, organization, or society to manage and reduce disaster risk and ural disastrous events (e.g. severe cyclonic storm), which will have strengthen resilience” [14]. adverse effects on socio-economic development and living communities Many studies have assessed the vulnerability of the eastern coastal [3]. The eastern coastal regions of India have been frequently affected regions of India including the state of (see Ref. [15,16]. The by cyclones originating from the such as Phailin in 2013, analysis and ranking of the various coastal districts in Odisha predom­ Hudhud in 2014 [4,5]. It is essential to understand the origin and inantly vulnerable to cyclone and floods have been undertaken by development of vulnerability for managing disaster risk effectively [6, building a vulnerability index [17]. “An alternative approach have been 7]. Recognizing and measuring disaster risk and vulnerability before and developed for identifying vulnerable areas based on cluster analysis” after a natural disaster are imperious tasks for effective and long-term [18,19]. The analysis of vulnerability over different periods and the disaster-risk reduction [8]. “The vulnerability has emerged as a widely changes in vulnerability of people have been done for the coastal dis­ used concept in global environmental change, disaster risk manage­ tricts of Odisha by focusing on indicators of agricultural growth, infra­ ment, and climate change adaptation” [9]. Many approaches for structure, industrial development, demography, occupational, assessing vulnerability rely on an assessment of capacity as a baseline for geographical, climate variability, and extreme event-related indicators understanding how vulnerable people are to a particular hazard [20]. [10–13]. The International Federation of Red Crescent Climate Change However, the existing literature lacks empirical studies to determine

* Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Shekhar). Received 4 June 2020; Received in revised form 6 October 2020; Accepted 22 November 2020 Available online 28 November 2020 2212-4209/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

( N. Kawyitri and A. Shekhar International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 56 (2021) 101986 the vulnerability and capacity of cities, and none for progressive smart indicate the extent to which a system can survive the impact of an cities in India. Apart from vulnerability assessment of the much focused extreme event. It suggests that people can deal with some degree of coastal rural regions, there is a need for such assessments for urban cities destabilization, and acknowledges that at a certain point the capacity as more people migrate to live in cities. Filling this knowledge gap, an may be exceeded. empirical study to assess the vulnerability and capacity of India’s first progressive smart-city, Bhubaneswar, to the most recent extremely se­ 2.2. Smart-city vere cyclone (ESC) ‘Fani’ is presented here. Such assessments are vital for the proper development and evolution of Bhubaneswar as a smart- The smart-city concept emerged from e-governance movements and city. collaboration between technology and companies and government in Bhubaneswar city located in the district is the state capital Europe and the United States in the late 1990s and early 2000s [36]. A of Odisha. Bhubaneswar was selected as the firstchoice of the Ministry precursor to the Indian smart-city was the embrace of urban e-gover­ of Urban Development (MoUD) flagship smart-city project on January nance in the early to mid-2000s. In India, smart cities were seen as a 28, 2016, to build Bhubaneswar as India’s first smart city. While in it’s means to build on the coagulation of state and private sector interest in the fourth year of progress, on May 3, 2019, Bhubaneswar faced an ESC infrastructure-led growth. According to the Ministry of Urban Devel­ ‘Fani’. ESC ‘Fani’ is the 10th such cyclone to hit India in the past 52 opment, recognizing the importance of smart cities for the country’s years, and the strongest to strike the Indian state of development, the Indian government has initiated a smart-city mission Odisha since the 1999 Odisha cyclone [5]. According to the Damage, to provide basic infrastructure to ensure the quality of life, a sustainable Loss, and Needs Assessment (DLNA) report, at least 64 people have been environment, and smart solutions to the current issues in cities. killed by the Fani cyclone and total damage was estimated at 241,760 Smart cities and communities focus on the intersection between million INR, mostly in property damage and the relief in Odisha [4]. A energy, transport, and Information and Communication Technology good proportion of this damage occurred in the progressive smart-city of (ICT), which are also the fields that have received most of the EU’s Bhubaneswar. public smart cities related funding (under the Horizon 2020 program “smart cities and communities” [67]). The smart-city assessment builds 2. Theoretical background on the previous experience of measuring environmentally friendly and livable cities, embracing the concepts of sustainability and quality of life 2.1. Vulnerability and capacity but with the important and significant addiction of technological and informational components [37]. Six dimensions of smart-city have been Vulnerability is a multidimensional concept associated with different identified in literature i.e. a smart economy, smart people, smart conceptualizations [21]. The vulnerability concept was introduced as a mobility, smart governance, smart living, and smart environment [38]. response to pure hazard-oriented perception of disaster risk in the 1970s According to the World Cities Report 2016, cities should focus on but the concept has been changed now by the engagement of the po­ creating a just environment to ensure justice and equity for improve­ litical and structural causes of vulnerability within society [22]. During ment in our quality of life and also for sustainable development and the 1990s many works of literature on vulnerability emphasized the making the city less vulnerable to natural disasters. The city can face any importance of incorporating social and economic assets together with natural disaster with the least damage to life and property. Smart peo­ physical and biophysical aspects of vulnerability to natural hazards ple, smart governance, smart living, smart environment can make city [23]. The vulnerability concept has been continuously widening vulnerability less to the risk of natural disasters. The Government of including susceptibility, exposure, coping capacity, and adaptive ca­ India had launched the ‘Smart-city’ mission on June 25, 2015 to pro­ pacity into its definition [8]. Recently one of the better-known defini­ mote sustainable and inclusive cities that provide core infrastructure tions was formulated by the International Strategy for Disaster and give a decent quality to its citizens, a clean and sustainable envi­ Reduction [24], which defines vulnerability as ‘the condition deter­ ronmental, and application of ‘smart’ solutions. mined by physical, social, economical and environmental factors pro­ cesses which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impacts of 2.3. Framework of vulnerability and capacity hazards’. Recognizing the role of capacity in reducing risk also indicates an In the past few years, different varieties of frameworks have been acknowledgment that people are not helpless victims [25,26]. IPCC’s developed to better systematize different aspects of vulnerability as well fourth assessment report definedthat vulnerability to climate change is as the various alternatives of capacity and their measurements. A multi- the degree to which geophysical, biological, and socioeconomic systems dimensional and holistic framework for assessing vulnerability- MOVE are susceptible to and unable to cope with, the adverse impact of climate framework developed to provide an improved conceptualization of change while capacity is adjustments in a system’s behavior and char­ multidimensional vulnerability and incorporates the concept of adaptive acteristics that enhance its ability to cope with external stresses and capacity into disaster risk management with three key factors: exposure, allow a system to reduce the risk associated with hazards by reducing its susceptibility, and lack of resilience as well as six thematic dimensions of vulnerability [69]. Vulnerability refers to the propensity of exposed el­ vulnerability: physical, social, ecological, economic, cultural and insti­ ements such as human beings, their livelihoods, and assets to suffer tutional [39]. The Sustainable Livelihood Guidance sheet of the adverse effects when impacted by hazard events, on the other hand, Department For International Development (DFID) framed the capacity refers to the ability of people and systems to use available skills people-centered analysis and livelihood strategies for vulnerability and resources to face and manage adverse conditions, emergencies, or assessment which identifiesfive core asset categories or types of capital disasters [24,27–30]. Vulnerability is the clearest statement of the social upon which livelihoods are built: Human capital, Social capital, Natural construction of risk factors in the context of disaster risk management capital, Physical capital and Financial capital, these assets are funda­ [31]. The interaction of society with the changing-physical world build mentally affected by critical trends as well as by shocks and seasonality – disaster risk by transforming physical events into hazards through social over which they have limited or no control [40]. DFID facilitates the processes that increase the exposure and vulnerability of population identificationof practical priorities for action and it is multidimensional, groups, their livelihoods, production, support, infrastructure, and ser­ people-centered as well as a holistic approach that supports livelihood vices [32–34]. Improving capacity is often identified as the target of development. UN/ISDR conceptual framework describes the different policies and projects, based on the notion that strengthening capacity phases of disaster risk reduction such as vulnerability/capacity analysis, will eventually lead to reduce risk and to reduce the impact of climate risk assessment, early warning, and awareness-raising in which change [18,35]. Capacity is typically used in humanitarian discourse to vulnerability is a key factor of risk, classified into social, economic,

2 N. Kawyitri and A. Shekhar International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 56 (2021) 101986 physical, and environmental components [24]. Bohle’s double structure the level of development, willingness to change and reform, resources of vulnerability framework describes vulnerability as an internal side i.e. and aspirations of the city residents.” [56]. coping capacity from the impact of a hazard as well as an external side i. “Some definitional boundaries are required to guide cities in the e. exposure to risk and shocks [25]. Turner’s framework provides the Mission. In the imagination of any city dweller in India, the picture of classes of components and linkages that comprise a coupled system’s a smart city contains a wish list of infrastructure and services that vulnerability to hazards such as linkages to human and biophysical describes his or her level of aspiration. To provide for the aspirations conditions, perturbations and stressors, exposures, and adaptive capac­ and needs of the citizens, urban planners ideally aim at developing ity [41]. the entire urban eco-system, represented by the four pillars of The quantification of vulnerability is a multidimensional phenome­ institutional, physical, social and economic infrastructure. This can non and there is no specific approach has yet been standardized for be a long-term goal and cities can work towards developing such measuring vulnerability [13]. However, researchers have used various comprehensive infrastructure incrementally, adding on layers of methods to assess vulnerability and capacity using different dimensions ‘smartness’” [56]. such as social, physical, financial, human, and institutional. Paul and Mazumdar (2016) used factor analysis specifically the Principal Therefore, our Smart-city factor (SCF) related capacity indicators Component Analysis (PCA) method for the reduction of a large set of was designed keeping in mind the four pillars of urban infrastructure variables in the districts of four eastern coastal states of India: West (institutional, physical, social and economic [56]; in context to capacity Bengal, Odisha, , Tamil Nadu, and a union territory of towards extreme cyclones. Table 3d shows the SCF indicators and the Puducherry, which shares a common coastline with the Bay of Bengal corresponding pillar of smart-city according to GoI, (2015) along with [13]. Ahsan and Warner Ahsan and Warner [42] used a household an explanation of selecting the indicator. It is to be noted that the Indian survey to assess the vulnerability of local socio-economic and biophys­ SCM was only in 4th year of its progress of urban redevelopment and ical factors in . Phung et al., Phung et al. [43], used the an­ retrofitting, and thus Bhubaneswar is referred to as a ‘progressive alytic hierarchy process and principal component analysis to evaluate smart-city’, as it might presently be closer to a normal urban city rather the vulnerability index for each province in the Mekong Delta region in than an established smart-city from -American region. Vietnam. Similarly, Walker et al. [44], has also used an analytic hier­ archy process is used to produce a place-specific index of social 3. Methodology vulnerability in the Greater Victoria region in British Columbia, Canada. Cutter examined the social vulnerability for all 3141 U S. counties by 3.1. Study area producing a composite social vulnerability index score [45]. Rana and Routray [9,46] used an index-based approach for assessing five di­ Bhubaneswar is one of the upcoming and active cities in India. The — ◦ ◦ mensions of vulnerability social, economic, physical/infrastructural, city center coordinates at 20.27 and 85.84 and is situated in the institutional, and attitudinal vulnerability in Punjab province and also eastern coastal plains. The city is divided into three zones – North zone, the urban centers of Pakistan. Birkmann and Fernando Birkmann and South-East zone, and South-West zone with an area of 422 sq km. The Fernando [47] used sustainable livelihood as a meta-framework to city can be broadly classified into different areas which namely consist structure the questionnaire survey and the analysis of the tsunami of the old city, the new planned city, added areas, and other peripheral census data. Scheuer presented an approach to modeling multicriteria areas. Bhubaneswar was the first choice of the Ministry of Urban floodvulnerability which integrates the economic, social, and ecological Development (MoUD) for this flagship Smart-city Project. The city was dimensions of risk and coping capacity and tested the approach in an featured in the top 20 global cities of the world in the Global Smart-city urban case study, the city of Leipzig, Germany [48]. Gain used an in­ Performance Index 2017, according to a survey by UK-based Juniper tegrated risk assessment framework that combines physical, social, and Research (Smart City Association, 2017). According to the District ecological dimensions for assessing flood risk in the eastern part of Census Handbook (DCHB) [68], the city consists of a total of 260,000 Dhaka City [49]. Panthi assessed the livelihood vulnerability index and households in which 119,778 households are good residence and 69,312 IPCC vulnerability index, around the Gandaki River Basin of central are livable residences. In comparison, the Bhubaneswar Development Nepal [50]. Similarly, Hahn developed the Livelihood Vulnerability Planning Area (BDPA) is home to nearly 1.3 million people spread out Index (LVI) to estimate climate change vulnerability in the Mabote and over an area of approximately 1110 sq. km. Due to the coastal plain area, Moma Districts of Mozambique [51]. Pandey et al., Pandey et al. [52], the city is highly prone to cyclone hazards and multiple cyclones have evaluated the climate change vulnerability of Himalayan communities occurred in the city. The ESC ‘Fani’ hit the city on May 3, 2019. The ESC through the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) and Current Adaptive ‘Fani’ affected thousands of people, destroyed physical infrastructure. Capacity Index (CACI) including the five forms of capital leading to a Over one million trees that once stood tall provided green cover to the sustainable livelihood, i.e. human, natural, financial, social, and phys­ city was demolished by the raging winds of , several houses ical capital. This study adopted index-based vulnerability and capacity destroyed and the cyclone also damaged the electricity and communi­ assessment approach based on previous research [9,12,53] for assessing cation facility in the affected areas [57]. social, human, physical, financial vulnerability, and capacity of a nat­ ural hazard in rural and city areas by doing the household survey. Furthermore, the smart city indicators have been discovered in this 3.2. Sampling study for capacity assessment of the city. Most of the current smart-city research is in line with Euro-American For this study, we chose to analyze only the central part of Bhuba­ notion of urban infrastructure, and might be underestimating for Indian neswar city (the new-planned city), where most of the smart-city pro­ smart cities due to lack of theorization of ‘smart’ in Indian geography jects were implemented as shown in Fig. 1. The study area consists of a [54,55]. The Indian Smart Cities Mission (SCM) was recently launched total of 11 wards and encompasses important administrative buildings in 2015 by (GoI), with a focus on urban redevel­ and residential areas. According to the 2011 Census, the study area opment and retrofitting of existing cities, with Bhubaneswar being consists of about 85,000 households, with both government quarters ranked #1 among 100 cities in the SCM. Under the Indian SCM, the GoI and privately owned houses. This study area was also reported to be has the following viewpoint of a ‘smart-city’: greatly affected by the ‘Fani’ cyclone with structural damage to build­ “There is no universally accepted definitionof a smart city. It means ings and trees, being observed even after 15–20 days of cyclone impact. different things to different people. The conceptualization of smart city, A sample size of 96 households was calculated for 95% confidence in­ therefore, varies from city to city and country to country, depending on terval (the probability that the samples accurately reflectthe attitude of

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Fig. 1. Study area consisting of the Bhubaneswar city wards (right figure-red polygons with ward numbers) in the Bhubaneswar municipality corporation (BMC; right figure) of Odisha state (left figure). the population) and 10% error of margin (Range in percentage, stating (Table 1) and 40 indicators were selected for the capacity component by how much the population’s response differs from the sample), using (Table 2). For index calculations, multidimensional approach based on the method of Kirby et al. Kirby et al. [58]. Although, 5% error of margin previous studies was used [9,12,46,53,60]. The indicators were divided is the most common sampling strategy, however, due to financial and into different categories according to the nature and characteristics of technical constraints, a 10% error of margin was chosen, as done by the indicators. These categories show the responses of the questionnaire previous study [42]. Bhubaneswar is an educational hub of Odisha with of the survey data and represent the degree of variation in each indi­ people coming to work and study there from all over the state. Houses cator. For each category, weights were assigned depends on the number with residential family in Bhubaneswar for more than 5 years were only of the categories and their vulnerability and capacity response. In­ chosen for the questionnaire survey. dicators with only two levels of class i.e. yes or no were assigned with the weight value of 1 and 0. For three categorical levels, the weight were 3.3. Questionnaire design, household survey and data collection either [0.33, 0.67, and 1] or [0, 0.5, and 1], based on the relevance of the weight. For the four-level category, the weight was 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and From the framework of the Sustainable Livelihood Guidance sheet of 1. In the vulnerability context, the highest vulnerability class was the Department for International Development (DFID), three key di­ assigned with a weight value of 1, while the least vulnerability class was mensions based on livelihood assets – Human, Social, and Financial are assigned with a weight value of 0 (see Table 1). In the capacity context, taken to assess the vulnerability and capacity. One other dimension i.e. the highest capacity class was assigned with a weight value of 1, while Smart-city factors is added here in the key dimension to assess the ca­ the lowest capacity class was assigned with a weight value of 0 (see pacity. Vulnerability and Capacity indices are calculated by trans­ Table 2). Thus the composite index for each component falls between forming indicators into weights as used by various researchers [9,12,46, 0 and 1. Considering the weights of indicators, original datasets were 53,59,60]. calculated by the Composite Index (CI) using equation (1), Vulnerability A structured questionnaire was specifically designed for the house­ Index (VULI) using equation (2), and Capacity Index (CAPI) using hold survey concerning vulnerability and capacity indicators through equation (3). Tables 1 and 2 show the indicators, classes, weights, literature review and the indicators relevant to this study based on the explanation, and the references which include the empirical studies for Indian SCM for the smart-city factors. The questionnaire was divided calculating vulnerability and capacity index. into four parts i.e. Social and Human factors, Financial factors, Physical ∑n w = i factors, and Smart-city factors. Each factor included both vulnerability CI (1) i=1 n and capacity related questions separately (Tables 1 and 2). Each part consisted of 10–25 questions and the complete questionnaire consists of where CI is the composite index, w1 to ​ wn are respective weights 65 questions. Only close-ended questions were included in the ques­ assigned to the classes of indicators, and n is the number of indicators tionnaire. Few questions were associated with pre- and post-cyclone used for calculating the composite index. response, for example, damage of education and health institutions ∑25 both pre- and post-cyclone period was included. Explanations behind VWi Vulnerability Index(VULI) = (2) every question are depicted in Tables 1 and 2. The household survey i=1 n data is published in the Mendeley data repository [70]. ∑40 CWi Capacity Index(CAPI) = (3) 3.4. Indicators and index calculation i=1 n

Each vulnerability and capacity indicator was based on a question. A total of 22 indicators were selected for the vulnerability component

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Table 1 Vulnerability indicator, associated weights, explanation, and references used in this study.

(a) Social and Human Factors Sr. Indicator Categories Weights Explanation References #

1 Total Family Members <5 0 Larger the family size, the greater the number of people who are vulnerable to [12,45] 5 and Above 1 cyclone events. 2 Number of Children (<15 years old) 0 0 Households with a higher number of children under the age of 15 are more [43,50] 1 0.5 vulnerable due to their tender and little experience of cyclonic situation. >1 1 3 Number of elders (>65 years old) 0 0 Households with a higher number of elders can increase vulnerability because of [48,50] 1 0.5 their mental and health related problems during calamities. >1 1 4 Female to Male ratio (physical <1 0.25 Females are more vulnerable than males due to restricted mobility and limited [43,45] dependency ratio) 1 to 2 0.50 physical strength. 2 to 3 0.75 >3 1 5 Number of Family member with a 0 0 Handicapped people or persons with serious illness need special assistance and [42,50,51] serious illness or handicapped 1 0.5 hinder mobility in case of emergency, and therefore are more vulnerable to a >1 1 hazard. 6 Type of family Nuclear 0 The joint family will be more vulnerable due to social capital. [9] Joint 1 (b) Financial Factors

Sr. Indicator Categories Weights Explanation References #

1 Monthly Family Income (INR) <15 k 1 Low-income household is more vulnerable and has a limited capacity to recover [44] 15 k to 30 k 0.67 from the cyclone. >30 k 0.33 2 Primary occupation Government 0.33 Government employment is more secure in case of hazards than other occupations, [45,60] Non-Government 0.67 like those associated with their own business. Self 1 3 House ownership Own 0.33 House tenants cannot repair, maintain their building against the cyclone. [44,45] Government 0.67 Rent 1 4 Household Loans Yes 1 Families with household loans are more vulnerable due to the lack of money. [50,51] No 0 (c) Physical Factors

Sr. Indicator Categories Weights Explanation References #

1 Type of house Pacca 0.33 Pacca houses are less vulnerable to floods compared to Kaccha (mud) houses. [49] Semi-Pacca 0.67 Kaccha 1 2 Location near bus/train station & Yes 0 Houses near the bus station, railway station, and hospitals are less vulnerable as [9,45] hospitals No 1 they can easily go to the safe places. 3 Location near construction site Yes 1 Houses near construction sites are more vulnerable due to the chances of damage to [9,45] No 0 the house. 4* Loss and damage to the house Yes 1 Damaged houses before the cyclone are more vulnerable. [53] No 0 5* Nearby health facilities damaged Yes 1 Damaged hospitals and medical shops before the cyclone are more vulnerable [53] No 0 because they could not provide any medicine to people affected by the cyclone. 6* Nearby education facilities damaged Yes 1 Damaged schools and colleges affect education and escalate vulnerability. [53] No 0 7 Type of electricity connection Regular 0 Households with irregular electricity connections are more vulnerable. [9,13] Irregular 1 8 Type of water connection Supply + Self 0.25 Households with a limited period of supply water are more vulnerable due o the [13] Supply (24 h) 0.50 insufficiency of water storage. Self 0.75 Supply (limited 1 period) 9 Sanitation facilities Yes 0 Households with no access to sanitation facilities predispose their negative health [42,50,51] No 1 outcomes which increases the vulnerability. 10 Drinking water facility Yes 0 Households with no access to drinking water are more vulnerable. [42] No 1 11 Internet connection Yes 0 Households with no internet connection are more vulnerable due to the lack of [13] No 1 communication. 12 Location near market and shops Yes 0 Households with nearby markets and shops are less vulnerable due to the – No 1 availability of essential goods.

*Before Cyclone.

4. Results Physical factors, the city was financially more vulnerable with a mean Financial vulnerability index (VULI) of 0.527 (Table 3 and Fig. 2), 4.1. Vulnerability assessment whereas the mean VULI for Social & Human factors and Physical factor was 0.284 and 0.330, respectively. This higher financial vulnerability Our results indicate that in comparison to Social & Human, and can be attributed to about 44% of the households earning less than 30 K

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Table 2 Capacity indicators, associated weights, explanation, and references used in this study.

(a) Social and Human Factors

Sr. # Indicators Categories Weights Explanation References

1 Highest family education Primary 0.25 Higher education of family will help in a better understanding of protocols [42,49–51] High school 0.50 and communication during the cyclone. College 0.75 Above 1 College 2 Number of household members having 0 0 Households with skills like welding, plumbing, electrician, repairing, will [12] livelihood skills (plumbing, electrician, 1 0.5 help in procuring extra livelihood sources. repairing, etc.) >1 1 3 Good relation and trust with neighbors Yes 1 Good relations and trust with neighbors and community members can [12,48] No 0 increase capacity in the form of information dissemination, any medical help, and help in the evacuation. 4 Family members in other cities Yes 1 Households can move to other cities in case of a cyclone event and return [42,47,50] No 0 when cyclone recedes. 5 Doctors in community or family Yes 1 Doctors can provide medical treatment to the affected people. [43] No 0 6 Receiving time of cyclone warning (in days) ≤5 0.33 Timely warning of cyclone hazards allows people to move their belongings [12,49] 6 to 9 0.67 to safe places to minimize losses. ≥10 1 7 Unsafe feeling psychologically regarding To large 0.33 The psychological mindset of safe feeling during cyclone makes people [46] cyclone extent more capable. To some 0.67 extent Not at all 1 8** Increase in crime rate in the week of cyclone Yes 0 Lesser the crime rate, the higher the capacity for safety. – No 1 Cannot say 0.5 (b) Financial Factors

Sr. Indicators Categories Weights Explanation References #

1 Number of earning members 1 0.33 Higher the number of earning members, the higher will be the capacity. [9,12] 2 0.67 >2 1 2 Multiple sources of income Yes 1 More than one source of income increases the capacity: if one source is [50,51] No 0 affected by the cyclone, people can use another source to survive. 3** Financial help (expected) from government Yes 1 Households receiving any financialhelp against their losses are more able [47,52] No 0 to recover from losses. 4 Owned houses or property elsewhere Yes 1 Households having property and house elsewhere are more capable to [12] No 0 recover easily from any losses. 5 Type/Number of vehicles None 0.25 The higher the number of vehicles, the higher will be the capacity. They [9,13] Two- 0.50 can go to safe places easily. wheeler Four- 0.75 wheeler Both 1 (c) Physical Factors

Sr. Indicators Categories Weights Explanation References #

1 Planned housing society Yes 1 Properly planned houses are less affected by the cyclone. [12] No 0 2** Support from NGO or government for Yes 1 Households getting support from NGOs for house reconstruction have [53] reconstruction No 0 more capacity to reconstruct. 3 Sewage and waste management facility Yes 1 Management of sewage and waste can make society more safe and capable. [12,13] No 0 4 Household inverter or generator availability Yes 1 Households having an inverter or generator are more capable to survive. – No 0 5** Medical facility damage Complete 0 Lesser the medical facility damaged after the cyclone, the higher the – Partial 0.5 capacity to survive. Not at all 1 6** Financial facility damage Complete 0 Lesser the financial facility damaged after the cyclone, the higher the – Partial 0.5 capacity to recover from losses. Not at all 1 7** Telecom facility damage Complete 0 Lesser the telecom facility damaged after the cyclone, the higher the [13] Partial 0.5 capacity to communicate. Not at all 1 8** Transportation facility damage Complete 0 Lesser the medical transportation damaged after the cyclone, the higher – Partial 0.5 the capacity to move anywhere. Not at all 1 9** Education facility damage Complete 0 Lesser the education facility damaged after the cyclone, higher the – Partial 0.5 capacity to start the schools and colleges. Not at all 1 10** Business/Employment damage Complete 0 – (continued on next page)

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Table 2 (continued )

Partial 0.5 Lesser the business facility damaged after the cyclone, the higher the Not at all 1 capacity to earn money. 11** Electricity back to normal (in days) <5 1 The timely return of electricity can allow people to survive easily and – 5 to 10 0.75 safely. 11 to 15 0.50 >15 0.25 12** Water supply back to normal (in days) <5 1 Timely return of water supply can make peoples’ life easy. – 5 to 10 0.67 >10 0.33 13** Medical services back to normal (in days) <5 1 The normalization of medical services can allow people to survive safely. – 5 to 10 0.67 >10 0.33 (d) Smart-city Preparedness (steps by government)

Sr. Indicators Categories Weights Explanation References #

1* Cleaning the area (sewage, garbage, and Yes 1 Cleaner the area, lesser the chances of damage and higher the capacity. – waste management) – [P.I] No 0 2* Food and water supply storage – [S.I] Yes 1 Storage of food and water makes people easy to survive during the cyclone. – No 0 Cannot say 0.5 3* First aid and medicine storage – [S.I] Yes 1 Storage of first aid and medicines make people safe during the cyclone. – No 0 Cannot say 0.5 4* Evacuation arrangements – [I.I] Yes 1 Arrangements of evacuation make people capable of any damage to life. – No 0 Cannot say 0.5 5* Working of helpline number – [I.I] Yes 1 People can use the helpline number in an emergency. – No 0 Cannot say 0.5 6* Financial safety arrangements availability – Yes 1 Arrangements of financial safety can help property less damage. – [I.I] No 0 Cannot say 0.5 7* Arrangements for temporary electricity – [P. Yes 1 Arrangements for temporary electricity can help people with their basic – I] No 0 needs. Cannot say 0.5 8* Preventions of important heritage places – Yes 1 Prevention of important heritage places can make the city more safe and – [S.I] No 0 capable. Cannot say 0.5 9* ATM/Bank conditions nearby – [E.I] Working 1€ People can collect money from working conditions of ATM or bank before (Maiti et al., Not working 0 the cyclone. 2015 [13]; 10* The convenience of digital/online Yes 1 Digital transactions make things easy for people because the do not have to – transactions – [E.I] No 0 keep cash with them all the time. 11** Inflation in the week of cyclone - [I.I] Yes 0 Lesser the inflation, the higher the capacity to survive. – No 1 Cannot say 0.5 12* Awareness regarding smart-city - [S.I] Yes 1 Awareness regarding the smart-city makes people more capable. – No 0.5 13* Awareness of smart-city projects – [S.I] Yes 1 Awareness of smart-city projects makes people more capable. – No 0.33 Cannot say 0.67 14** Availability of volunteers for any help – [S.I] Yes 1 Higher the availability of volunteers, the higher the capacity. – No 0 Cannot say 0.5

*Before Cyclone ** After Cyclone. [P.I], [I.I], [S.I] and [E.I] refers to indicators from physical, institutional, social and economic infrastructure of smart-city pillars as described by GoI, (2015).

handicapped member resulted in lower Social & Human VULI (Table 4). Table 3 Also in terms of Physical factors, the city parameters such as ‘Type of Vulnerability Index (VULI) and Capacity Index (CAPI) (mean ± standard error) House’, ‘Location near to the station (bus, railways) and hospitals’, values for Bhubaneswar. ‘Nearby health facilities damaged’, ‘Nearby education facilities Dimension VULI CAPI damaged’, Type of electricity connection, ‘Type of water connection’, Social and Human 0.284 ± 0.044 0.576 ± 0.025 ‘Sanitation facilities’, ‘Drinking water facilities’, and ‘Internet connec­ ± ± Financial 0.529 0.037 0.418 0.045 tion’ facilitated in lower vulnerability (Table 4). About 75% of house­ Physical 0.330 ± 0.028 0.431 ± 0.028 holds in the city were in good condition and 75% of households are Smart-city Preparedness – 0.600 ± 0.034 Overall 0.381 ± 0.021 0.506 ± 0.021 nearer to either bus stand or railway station and hospitals (Table 4). Furthermore, before the cyclone, about 70% of the health and education facilities were properly working in good conditions (Table 4). However, INR per month (Table 4). Additionally, about 62% of the households our response data reveals that the city was more vulnerable to the were sustaining on non-government or self as a primary household cyclone in the context of some physical assets. E.g., about 13% and 19% occupation, thereby inclining the city towards more vulnerably side. On of the households (Kaccha and few semi-pacca houses or urban slum) & the other hand, the Social Human indicators like ‘Type of family’ lacked proper sanitation and drinking water facilities, respectively. It & (75% - nuclear; Table 4 Fig. 3a), less number of elders in the family, was also found that 43.75% of electricity connection was irregular in the less female to male ratio (average of 1.1), fewer families with the

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Fig. 2. Factor-wise and overall Vulnerability and Capacity Index of Bhubaneswar as a progressive smart city.

4.2. Capacity assessment Table 4 Summary statistics of important vulnerability indicators obtained from the Capacity assessment of cyclone-affected people indicated striking household survey (N = 96). differences between each indicator. The city was found to be more Sl Vulnerability Indicators Categories Bhubaneswar City % capable of handling the cyclone (Table 3 and Fig. 2). Table 5 describes No. (N = 96) the response percentages data of the important capacity parameters. In 1 Family Size <5 52.08 terms of social and human factors, the city was more capable with the 5 and Above 47.92 CAPI value 0.576 (See Table 3). Assets of social and human factors such 2 Type of Family Nuclear 75 Joint 25 as ‘Highest family education’ with 33.33% households having college- 3 Monthly Family Income (In <15 k 17.71 level education and 56.25% households having above college-level ed­ INR) 15 k – 30 k 26.04 ucation (master’s degree or above) as shown in Fig. 4a; ‘Good relation > 30 k 56.25 and trust with neighbors’ with 98.97% households have their good 4 Primary occupation Government 37.50 Non- 27.08 relationship with neighbors; ‘Receiving time of cyclone warning (in Government days)’ with 45.83% households received the warning less than 5 days Self 35.42 before the cyclone, 50% families received 5–10 days before and 4.17% 5 Type of House Pacca 75.00 made the city more capable of handling the cyclone (Table 5). On the Semi-Pacca 21.87 other hand, the factors such as ‘Unsafe feeling psychologically regarding Katcha 03.13 ’ 6 Location near to the station Yes 75 cyclone with 75% of households were feeling unsafe and they were (bus, railways) and hospitals No 25 scared of the cyclone; ‘No. of household members having livelihood 7* Nearby health facilities Yes 30.20 skills (plumbing, electrician, repairing, etc.)’ with 78.13% households damaged No 69.80 have no family member who knew any livelihood skills; ‘Doctors in 8* Nearby education facilities Yes 29.16 ’ damaged No 70.84 community or family with only 30% households having doctors in their 9 Type of electricity connection Regular 56.25 family or community, are the reasons for making city somehow less Irregular 43.75 socially capable to the cyclone (Table 5). In the context of financial 10 Type of water connection Supply (24 h) 15.62 factors, the city was less capable with CAPI value of 0.418 (See Table 3). Self 48.95 Only 35.42% of households have two earning members and 12.50% of Supply (limited 35.43 period) households have more than 2 earning members in families as shown in 11 Sanitation facilities Yes 86.46 Fig. 4c. Surprisingly, 67.71% of households did not expect any financial No 13.54 help from the government. Only 40% of the households have another 12 Drinking water facility Yes 81.25 property of houses elsewhere. These assets imply that the city was No 18.75 13 Internet connection Yes 56.25 financiallyless capable to handle the cyclone while the assets like ‘No. of No 43.75 vehicles (type)’ with 87.50% households having vehicles added to the financialcapacity of the city to manage the cyclone. In terms of physical *Before Cyclone. factors, the city has a CAPI of 0.431 (Table 3 and Fig. 2) which indicates that city was not capable to handle the cyclone due to the lack of fa­ city, 27.08% households have limited period of supply water connec­ cilities such as ‘Support from NGO or Government for reconstruction’, tion, 23.96% households have their self-water connection which is ‘Sewage and waste management facility’, ‘Household inverter avail­ dependent on electricity connection and only 25% households have 24 h ability’, ‘Medical, Financial, Telecom, Transportation, Education, and supply water connection (Table 4). This suggests that these three assets Business/Employment facility damaged after the cyclone’, ‘Electricity, electricity, water, and internet connection made the city more vulner­ Water supply, and Medical services back to normal (in days)’. Only able to the cyclone. Nevertheless, the total mean vulnerability score of 28.13% households received support from NGO and government for the city is 0.381 which indicates that overall the city was slightly less their house reconstruction after 2 weeks of cyclone impact (Table 5). vulnerable to the cyclone. With 37% of the households having an inverter in their houses and repair of city electricity taking up to 15 days after the cyclone, affected the physical capacity of the city (Table 5). Furthermore, about 95% of medical facilities, 98% of financialfacilities, 96% telecom facilities, 95%

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Fig. 3. (a–d). Vulnerability index across (a) Type of family, (b) House ownership, (c) Monthly family income, (d) primary occupation type. transportation facilities, 95% education facilities were at least partially 5. Discussions damaged after the cyclone, thereby reducing the capacity of the city (Table 5). Also, about 88% of people’s employment and business were Before the ‘Fani’ cyclone in 2019, Bhubaneswar was also hit by the damaged or stopped after the cyclone. Compared to only 3% of the super cyclone of 1999. Such natural extreme and disastrous events can households for electricity supply, about 30.21% of households got water significantlyslow or stop the growth and development of a progressive supply back within 5 days of cyclone impact. About 40% of the medical smart city like Bhubaneswar. The household survey results suggest that shops and hospitals were opened within 5 days and most of the medical the overall capacity of the city center area outranked its overall services were back to normal within 10 days (Table 5). vulnerability to the cyclone. The reason of this increased capacity can However, in the context of smart-city factors, the city was more be, in some way, attributed to the Indian Smart City Mission launched by capable and prepared to handle the situation with CAPI of 0.6 (Fig. 2). GoI in 2015, implemented in the city which made the city more capable Assets like ‘Cleaning the area (sewage, garbage, and waste manage­ to handle the cyclone effect. Multi-hazard resistance houses were being ment)’ with 44% cleaned area before cyclone; ‘Food and water supply constructed for the cyclone-affected areas in Odisha under the Odisha storage’ with 55% households reporting storage of food and water Disaster Recovery Project [4]. It is important to highlight that our storage by the government; ‘First aid and medicine storage’ with 55.21% household survey sampling was done at 10% error of margin, therefore households reporting medicine and first-aidstorage before the cyclone; population result will deviate by about 10% from the survey results with 81.25% of ATM/Bank in working condition and 67.71% house­ shown in Tables 3–5 holds were using online or digital transaction (Fig. 4d) increased the A common opinion of ‘Bhubaneswar’s development went 5 years capacity of the city to the cyclone. Awareness of smart city projects in back’, was noted during the household survey which did not sound the local area was a major factor in increasing the capacity (Fig. 4b). vague especially after looking at the infrastructural damage done to the Whereas, 67% of the report suggesting an increase in inflation,and 20% city by the strong winds gusting speed up to 140 km/h. Most of the of the report suggesting not working of helpline number tends to de­ infrastructural development work in the city was either halted or creases the capacity in terms of smart city factors. Nevertheless, the partially destroyed due to the cyclone. The ongoing smart-city projects overall CAPI value of 0.6 shows that the city was more capable than in the city were aimed to achieve the benchmarks of the globally vulnerable in handling the cyclone. accepted Smart City norms with fiveintegrated strategic pillars and ten strategic directions under the Vision Strategic Plan ( Among many smart-city projects in the city, the relevant ones were the

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Table 5 Table 5 (continued ) Summary statistics of important capacity indicators obtained from the house­ Sl. Capacity Indicators Categories Bhubaneswar City = hold survey (N 96). No % (N = 96)

Sl. Capacity Indicators Categories Bhubaneswar City Cleaning the area (sewage, garbage, No 35.42 = No % (N 96) and waste management) Can’t say 20.83 1 Highest Family Education Primary 06.25 26 Food and water supply storage Yes 55.21 High School 04.17 No 33.33 ’ College 33.33 Can t say 11.46 Above 56.25 27 First aid and medicine storage Yes 55.21 2 Number of household members 0 78.13 No 32.29 ’ having livelihood skills (plumbing, 1 17.71 Can t say 12.50 electrician, repairing, etc.) >1 04.16 28 Working of helpline number Yes 34.37 3 Good relation and trust with Yes 98.96 No 20.84 ’ neighbors No 01.04 Can t say 44.79 4 Doctors in community or family Yes 30.21 29** Arrangements for temporary Yes 25 No 69.79 electricity No 60.42 ’ 5 Receiving time of cyclone warning ≤5 45.83 Can t say 14.58 (in days) 6 to 9 50 31 Inflation after cyclone Yes 67.71 ≥10 04.17 No 09.37 ’ 6 Unsafe feeling psychologically To a large 26.04 Can t say 22.92 regarding cyclone extent *Before Cyclone ** After Cyclone. To some 48.96 extent Not at all 25 ‘Smart Park’, ‘Integrated Improvement Infrastructure’, and ‘Socially 7 Number earning members 1 52.08 Smart Bhubaneswar’ ( 2 35.42 rojects?1). >2 12.50 ’ 8 Financial help (expected) from Yes 32.29 Under the ‘Smart Park project, three existing city parks were re- government No 67.71 developed to allow more social gatherings for public walking, open 9 Owned houses or property elsewhere Yes 39.58 gym practices, yoga practice, etc., which are centric for building social No 60.42 capacity in a city. Although the improved transport infrastructure (like 10 Number of vehicles (type) None 12.50 Two- 66.67 wide roads, intelligent traffic management, etc.) endured some dam­ wheeler ages, it was still in good shape carry the transportation in the city area Four- 02.08 immediately after the cyclonic impact. However, much work was still on wheeler going under the ‘Integrated Improvement Infrastructure’, like installing Both 18.75 efficient utility services for water supply, sewage management, under­ 11* ATM/Bank conditions nearby Working 81.25 Not 18.75 ground electric power lines, and solid waste management (https:// working Had 12* The convenience of digital/online Yes 67.71 these works been completed, the city would have been more capable. transactions No 32.29 Some of the constant household grievances were lack of electricity and 13 Support from NGO or government Yes 28.13 for reconstruction No 71.87 water supply for up to 10 days after the cyclonic impact. This also 14* Sewage and waste management Yes 65.62 affected medical and telecommunications in the city after the cyclone. facility No 34.38 Furthermore, their complaints about the lack of temporary electricity 15 Household inverter or generator Yes 36.46 during this period were also recorded. However, most of the financial availability No 63.54 institutions including banks and ATM were working properly to prepare 16** Medical facility damage Complete 48.96 Partial 45.83 people for the calamity. Furthermore, the transition of the city towards Not at all 05.21 digital/online transactions also acted as a buffer during the aftermath of 17** Financial facility damage Complete 62.50 the cyclone. These important steps at national and state levels are very Partial 35.42 fundamental in mitigating the impacts of such extreme events and thus Not at all 02.08 ’ 18** Telecom facility damage Complete 67.71 should be encouraged. The ‘Socially Smart Bhubaneswar project is an Partial 28.12 important step taken by the government to make the city more capable Not at all 04.17 by increasing the availability and accessibility of social and health 19** Transportation facility damage Complete 50 development programs to the people. Under such programs, the gov­ Partial 44.79 ernment aims for skill development, promotion of micro, small and Not at all 05.21 20** Education facility damage Complete 58.33 medium enterprise, etc ( Partial 36.46 ocial-smart). Such programs aim to make the community self- Not at all 05.21 dependent, thereby increasing adaptive capacity. The work and efforts 21** Business/Employment damage Complete 46.87 by the people and the government were appreciable as the city was up Partial 41.67 and running after 2 weeks of such a disastrous impact. An increase in Not at all 11.46 22** Electricity back to normal (in days) <5 03.13 inflation was a concern for financially weak communities and they ex­ 5 to 10 69.79 pected the government to regulate it. Although most of the people were 11 to 15 20.83 aware of the smart city projects and appreciated the development in the > 15 06.25 city, they were still skeptical to expect any financial help from the 23** Water supply back to normal (in <5 30.21 days) 5 to 10 56.25 government after the cyclone. Upon further conversation during the >10 13.54 questionnaire, it was clear that this dis-trust was from the period of 1999 24** Medical services back to normal (in <5 40.62 super-cyclone. However, few people were optimistic even after their days) 5 to 10 53.13 worse experience during the 1999 super-cyclone. >10 06.25 Although, comparing Bhubaneswar to smart megacities from the 25** Yes 43.75 west would be unfair for the former, but can highlight important aspect of preparedness and increased capacity that Bhubaneswar can learn

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Fig. 4. (a–d). Capacity index across (a) Education level, (b) Smart-city awareness, (c) Number of earning members in the family, (d) Convenience of online transactions. from, especially in context of cyclone vulnerability and capacity. The study the TC impacts and capacitive adaptation in the urban SWP areas socioeconomic and physical vulnerability of New Orleans, United States due to TC ‘Pam’ that occurred in March 2015. They highlighted the to hurricane ‘Katrina’ in 2005 is well documented [61,62]. As Bhuba­ positive importance of awareness in terms of both the TCs, its risk neswar, the increased socio-economic vulnerability was due to poverty perception and what to do in such a situation, and its positive impact of level, age and disability, gender, transportation etc., whereas, highly adaptive capacity. Similar results of awareness (although only in terms successful evacuation plans resulted in minimum fatalities [62]. How­ of smart-city projects), was also obtained in this study, with high ever, the increased physical vulnerability of New Orleans to hurricane awareness was associated to high adaptive capacity of the household. ‘Katrina’ due to inadequate structural infrastructure and inappropriate land use (e.g., exploitation of coastal ecosystem) resulted in citywide 6. Conclusions flooding, thereby paralyzing the city [61]. The case study of Katrina’s impact on New Orleans highlights the importance of sustainable This study makes an attempt to assess the vulnerability and capacity development of cities with major emphasis on land use management – of India’s firstsmart-city, Bhubaneswar, to an extremely severe cyclonic an important lesson for Bhubaneswar’s development into a smart city. storm ‘Fani’, which ravaged the city on 3rd May 2019. There is a lack of Another smart megacity, New York was also impacted by a hurricane – vulnerability and capacity assessment of Indian smart cities to extreme ‘Sandy’ in 2012. Social vulnerability study conducted by de Sherbinin events in the literature, which this study aims to fill. Such studies can and Bardy, de Sherbinin and Bardy [63], concluded that, in New York play a critical role in shaping the development of cities under the Indian the socially vulnerable people were not differentially affected by the Smart City Mission (SCM). The vulnerability and capacity of Bhuba­ hurricane ‘Sandy’, however the vice-versa was true in case of extreme neswar was assessed in terms of social & human, financial,physical, and floodingin Mumbai, India. This highlights the contrasting geographical smart-city (preparedness) indicators. A total of 22 vulnerability and 40 differences of social factors on vulnerabilities of urban area to extreme capacity indicators were created based on literature review and local events. Haraguchi and Kim, Haraguchi and Kim, [64]; studied the crit­ conditions to prepare a household survey questionnaire. A total of 96 ical infrastructure in New York city to assess the interconnected nature household survey samples were collected in the central-city area of of risk to Hurricane ‘Sandy’, and concluded that the electricity infra­ Bhubaneswar where smart-city projects were implemented so as to focus structure was the more crucial infrastructure and propagator of risk. The on the smart-city project’s impact on the city’s vulnerability and ca­ same can also be true about Bhubaneswar, as electricity cutoff, which pacity to the cyclone. The results indicate that Bhubaneswar was overall lasted for about 10 days, might have propagated the vulnerability to­ more capable than vulnerable to the ‘Fani’ cyclone. To some extent, the wards medical, financial and educational sectors. Such study of inter­ city was smartly prepared for the cyclone and thus faced less damage connected infrastructure risk is also recommended for the smart-cities in and people felt safer during the Fani cyclone than that of the previous India, which can only be possible if important infrastructure datasets are cyclone. Calculating the vulnerability index found that people were made available. Moving to the impact and adaptation of urban areas in financially more vulnerable than other indicators. On the other hand, the Southwest Pacific (SWP) – where 76% of the natural disasters are capacity index calculation shows that people were socially more tropical cyclone (TC) [65]. Magee et al., Magee et al. [66], attempted to capable, and also the city was more capable as per the smart-city

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