Arxiv:1811.02064V1 [Hep-Th] 5 Nov 2018 Skyrmions

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Arxiv:1811.02064V1 [Hep-Th] 5 Nov 2018 Skyrmions Skyrmions and clustering in light nuclei Carlos Naya and Paul Sutcliffe Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom. Email: [email protected], p.m.sutcliff[email protected] (Dated: October 2018) One of the outstanding problems in modern nuclear physics is to determine the properties of nuclei from the fundamental theory of the strong force, quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Skyrmions offer a novel approach to this problem by considering nuclei as solitons of a low energy effective field the- ory obtained from QCD. Unfortunately, the standard theory of Skyrmions has been plagued by two significant problems, in that it yields nuclear binding energies that are an order of magnitude larger than experimental nuclear data, and it predicts intrinsic shapes for nuclei that fail to match the clustering structure of light nuclei. Here we show that extending the standard theory of Skyrmions, by including the next lightest subatomic meson particles traditionally neglected, dramatically im- proves both these aspects. We find Skyrmion clustering that now agrees with the expected structure of light nuclei, with binding energies that are much closer to nuclear data. QCD is the fundamental theory of the strong nu- methods based directly on protons and neutrons. clear force and describes how quarks are confined to Skyrmions in the standard version of the model form protons and neutrons, together with the bind- are displayed in Fig.1a, for nucleon numbers A = 1 ing of these nucleons to form atomic nuclei. How- to A = 8, by plotting baryon density isosurfaces ever, the complexity of the non-perturbative regime that reveal the intrinsic shapes of the nuclei pre- means that extracting the properties of nuclei di- dicted by these Skyrmions [4]. Although Skyrmions rectly from QCD is not within reach of current com- have had some success in modelling nuclei over the putational capabilities. Traditional methods of nu- last few decades [5] there are two major problems clear physics have confirmed that protons and neu- with Skyrme's original version of the theory. The trons are excellent effective degrees of freedom at first is that it produces binding energies for nuclei the nuclear energy scale, but establishing a link to that are an order of magnitude larger than nuclear the more fundamental theory will not only provide data obtained from experiments, and the second is a more complete understanding of nuclear physics that it does not reproduce the clustering structure but will also allow predictions for experimentally un- of light nuclei suggested by both experimental data known nuclei and for matter under extreme condi- and more conventional nuclear theories [6]. tions, for example in the interior of neutron stars. The novel aspect of Skyrmions is that nuclei com- Skyrmions are named after the British physicist posed of baryons miraculously appear as solitons in Tony Skyrme, who introduced the standard version a field theory of meson particles. In the standard of the model almost sixty years ago [1] as a nonlinear version of the Skyrme model only the lightest me- field theory of the lightest subatomic meson parti- son particles, pions, are included within the theory. cles, called pions. This theory has topological soliton Heavier mesons are expected to provide corrections [2] solutions, that is, twisted localized particle-like to this leading order theory but they are neglected excitations of the pion fields, that are now known as in the standard Skyrme model, simply to make the arXiv:1811.02064v1 [hep-th] 5 Nov 2018 Skyrmions. The number of twists in the pion fields computation of Skyrmions tractable. By perform- corresponds to the number of Skyrmions and Skyrme ing extensive parallel computations on a high per- proposed that this be identified with baryon number: formance computing cluster, we have been able to which is equal to the mass number A, that counts the obtain the first results for Skyrmions in the theory number of nucleons in a nucleus. This proposal was containing both massive pions and rho mesons, the verified twenty years later [3] by demonstrating that next lightest of the meson particles. In this letter the model may be regarded as a low energy effective we show that including the previously neglected rho field theory of QCD in the limit of a large number mesons dramatically improves the two major failings of quark colours. Skyrmions therefore provide an of the standard Skyrme model highlighted above. intermediate approach to nuclei, between the cur- Namely, Skyrmions now produce the required clus- rently intractable fundamental theory of quarks, and ter structure of light nuclei, with binding energies the accuracy of more conventional nuclear physics that are much closer to nuclear data. FIG. 1. Baryon density isosurfaces for Skyrmions with nucleon numbers A = 1 to A = 8: (a) in the standard Skyrme model, (b) in the extended Skyrme model that includes both pions and rho mesons. Colours indicate which of the three constituent pion fields has the largest magnitude and its sign, according to the colouring scheme shown. In the standard version of the Skyrme model [1] practice is to use the conversion values calculated by the triplet of pion fields (π1; π2; π3) is encoded in the fitting to the properties of the proton and its excited SU(2)-valued Skyrme field state the delta baryon [7]. In these units the phys- ical pion mass corresponds to the value m = 0:526, σ + iπ iπ + π U = 3 1 2 ; (1) which we take from now on. iπ − π σ − iπ 1 2 3 Baryon number is identified with the integer- where the auxillary sigma field imposes the con- valued topological charge straint σ2 +π2 +π2 +π2 = 1: The three su(2)-valued 1 2 3 Z currents are defined to be R = @ UU −1 and in di- 1 3 i i B = "ijkTr(RiRkRj) d x; (3) mensionless units the static energy that defines the 24π2 Skyrme model is given by with the integrand being the baryon density B. Z Skyrmions that model nuclei with mass number A c1 c2 2 Eπ = − Tr(RiRi) − Tr([Ri;Rj] ) 2 16 are the stable energy minima of the energy Eπ with B = A. m2c2 + 1 Tr(1 − U)) d3x: (2) Skyrmions are computed, as described in detail c2 in previous work [8], by evolving dynamical second- Without loss of generality, the positive constants c1 order in time field equations derived from a La- and c2 can be set to unity by rescaling the dimen- grangian with a static contribution equal to −Eπ; sionless energy and length units, and this choice of where fourth-order accurate finite difference approx- scaling is known as using Skyrme units. However, in imations are used to evaluate spatial derivatives on this study it will be convenient to work with a differ- a cubic lattice with boundary condition U = 1. ent scaling, so we set c1 = 0:141 and c2 = 0:198, to Flow to minimal energy states is achieved by instan- match with the normalization of the extended ver- taneously freezing the motion, via setting all time sion of the model to be introduced later. The con- derivatives to zero, whenever Eπ is increasing. The stant m is the pion mass in dimensionless Skyrme simulations presented in Fig.1 were performed on units and is fixed by the experimental value. a cubic lattice containing 1283 lattice points with a The only parameters of the Skyrme model are lattice spacing ∆x = 0:08 and the time evolution im- therefore the two conversion factors to convert di- plemented via a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method mensionless energy and length units into physical with a timestep ∆t = 0:02. units. Two physical quantities are required as in- The results for Skyrmions in the standard Skyrme put to determine these two factors and the common model are presented in Fig.1a by plotting baryon 2 density isosurfaces B = 0:02: These surfaces are states and these have been calculated for many coloured to indicate which of the three constituent Skyrmions [9], including all those shown in Fig.1a. pion fields has the largest magnitude and its sign, ac- The predicted ground state spins and isospins for nu- cording to the colouring scheme shown in the figure. cleon numbers A = 1; 2; 3; 4 match with experiment This information is relevant for understanding the as a result of the symmetries of these Skyrmions. forces between Skyrmions, because the pion fields Unfortunately, the above match between Skyrmion interact as a triplet of orthogonal dipoles. states and nuclear data begins to break down at A = 5 and is particularly poor for odd values of A. This signals a problem with the intrinsic shapes of Skyrmions for A > 4 that is not unexpected and can already be anticipated from the images in Fig.1a. As discussed in more detail below, the basic prob- lem with Skyrmions for A > 4 is that they fail to show a cluster structure, and instead allow all con- stituents to merge and form configurations that are too symmetric. The extended Skyrme model requires the inclu- sion of the three su(2)-valued rho meson fields ρi: These are introduced using the dimensional decon- struction formulation [10], that has the advantage FIG. 2. Experimental nuclear data on the mass per nu- of introducing no additional free parameters, and cleon, in units of the proton mass (blue squares). The mass per nucleon of Skyrmions in the standard version yields the energy [11] of the extended model given of the Skyrme model of pions (red circles) and in the by Eπ,ρ = Eπ + Eρ + Eint, where extended version of the Skyrme model including both pions and rho mesons (black diamonds), in both cases Z 1 1 E = −Tr (@ ρ − @ ρ )2 + ρ2 normalized by the single Skyrmion mass.
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