Theoretical Aspects. Service to the Major Parts of This 868-Item
1,0C t- T R F: AC 002 713 ED 023 024 By -Crew, Vernon Bibliography of Australian Adult Education,1835 -1965. Austriahan Association of AdultEducation, Melbourne.; National Librarya Australia, Canberra. Pub Date 68 Note I Up. EDRS Price MF -SOSO HC -S580 Industry, CommunityDevelopment, Descriptors MdultEducation, *AnnotatedBibliographies, Broadcast Organizations (Grocps), *ReferenceMaterials, Rural Extension,State *Historical Reviews. Labor Education, Vocational Schools, Voluntary Procyon, *Teaching Methods. Units ofStudy (Subiect Fields), Universities, Agencies Identifiers -*Australia, New Guinea General works (bibliographies. yearbooks, directories,encyclopedias, periodicals), and biographical notes,international, national, and historical and descriptive surveys subject fields, state organizationsand movements, adulteducation methods and special clientele groups(women, youth, immigrants. theoretical aspects. service to education in aborigoes. armed forces,older adults, prisoners,and others), and adult the major partsofthis 868-item retrospective Papua. New Gulhea, constitute institutes, labor and bibliography on adult education inAustralia. The early mechanics' agricultural education, universityextension, communitydevelopment. workers education, among thesubject the humanities, parent education,and library adult education, are types reviewed.Educational methods includecorrespondence areas and program classes and study, group discussion,tutorial classes, residentialand nonresidential Entries are grouped undersubject headings and seminars,
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