Southern Beaches Foreshore Access Management Strategy Lewisham to Connellys Marsh Final Report March 2002 A co-operative project between Southern Beaches Landcare/Coastcare Inc, Sorell Council and the Parks and Wildlife Service, funded by Coastcare Prepared by Wendy Leewood Acknowledgements This document could not have been produced without the generous support of the steering committee and the authorities they represent, in particular, all those at Sorell Council, who supported the logistics of the project. Further support came from Gwen Egg of the Southern Beaches Landcare/Coastcare: who was always ready with answers to questions. Also thanks to Colm, Joanna Macey, and many others. Contact details for the steering committee members and the authorities they represent are: Kim Willing, Southern Coastcare Facilitator 134 Macquarie St, Hobart, Ph 6233 3963 Brian Campbell, South East District Office of Parks and Wildlife Service, Seven Mile Beach, Ph 6248 4053 Sallie Clark, Southern Beaches Landcare/Coastcare Ph 6265 8843 Robert Farmer Manager Engineering Services, Sorell Council Ph 62656 400 Contact details for the Project Officer are: Wendy Leewood 3 Nguna Street Park Beach, 7173 Ph: 6265 9983, Fax: 6265 7793 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] 1. Introduction ................................................. 1 2. Overview of the Project .................................... 1 3. Purpose of the Study ....................................... 1 4. Objectives of the Study ................................... 2 5. Background .................................................