How to be safe in the cloud • “Facts” about NSA/Snowden/Prism • data classification Guideline to Safe use of “Cloud”: • choosing and using Cloud • open source, alternative services • what Aalto can offer for cloud users

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Without the right of privacy, there is no real freedom of speech or freedom of opinion, and so there is no actual democracy,”

Tomi Järvinen – IT-Security specialist Aalto IT

Snowden’s bomb 6/5/2013 ”Prism”

Facts are based on several news papers, Financial2 times, Guardian, New york times, collection of all major news stories:

Hot topic 2013, Snowden & NSA

Claim: Only to prevent terrorism..


Snowden:these programs were never about terrorism: they're about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation.

So, who are the targets? Angela Merkel, Israeli PM, EU's competition commissioner, UN headquarter, German government buildings, Brazillian oil company Petrobras, heads of institutions that provide humanitarian and financial help to Africa, Médecins du Monde, energy and finance ministries.. And naturally all internet users..(Facebook, Google, Yahoo..) Doesn’t sound like terrorists..

Facts are based on several news papers, Financial times, Guardian, New york times, collection of all major news stories:


Hot topic 2013, Snowden & NSA

Claim: Only few people have access to confidential data


CIA official and principal at Booz Allen: Of the 4.9 million people (government, organizations, contractors) with clearance to access "confidential and secret" government information, 1.1 million, or 21 percent, work for outside contractors, according to a report from Clapper's office. Of the 1.4 million who have the higher "top secret" access, 483,000, or 34 %, work for contractors.

Facts are based on several news papers, Financial times, Guardian, New york times, collection of all major news stories:


Hot topic 2013, Snowden & NSA

Claim: They cannot collect all traffic from all users and keep it


For example NSA Utah data center (estimations): 5 million storage systems running roughly 1.25 billion, 4-terabyte hard drives,” . Latest estimation 5 Zettabytes (1 Zettabyte whole world one year internet use) 1 Gb = 960 minutes of music, 1 Zettabyte = 2 billion years of music.


Hot topic 2013, Snowden & NSA

Claim: It is just Metadata

Nonsense (US persons it seems to be mostly just metadata)

120 billion cellular calls from all over the world every month, Email, Chat - video, voice, Videos, Stored data, VoIP, Filer transfers, Video Conferencing, Notifications of target activity, logins, Online Social Networking, etc.

From US legal point of view there is nothing wrong with this, if target is non-US person. (FISA Amendments Act, Patriot Act) ------Few academic researchers using Intelius, Google search, and three initial sources associated 91% of the "metadata" to real persons.


Why should I care about NSA etc?

• presumption of guilt vs. modern law presumption of innocence. • false positives • nobody knows about future, Bruce Schneir: it is not about “nothing to hide” – it’s that we have everything to lose • transferring power to security organisations • the loss of personal data control • misuse, enormous overcollecting will lead to misuse, sooner or later. By government or individuals. There is huge money making possibilities

One false positive case, David Mery entered to the subway wearing a jacket in warm weather, an algorithm monitoring the CCTV Dacid suspicious. The police arrested him, and checked his flat. Though he was never convicted of a crime, Mery is still on file as a potential terrorist eight years later, and can't get a visa to travel abroad.

big question, do you need to trust over 1 M persons? or just very few

Sweden FRA 700 employees A”

UK GCHQ 4000 employees

USA NSA 40 000 own employees 483,000 Contractor employees

Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Dropbox…and their contractors. 8

Summary about revelations, Think about you and your work

• Some nationalities might be interesting • If you are travelling a lot • If you work with military projects or something innovative, or valuable • Political reasons • Co-operation with external corporations

If you are planning to be politician, nobel winner or some other ”VIP” take into consider that lot of people might have access to your whole online life.

But Cloud is Still Great! Next, guideline to SafeCloud! accessible from everywhere “pay only typically via for what browser you use” elastic resources scalable

There is a lot what you can do to keep yourself and your data safe!

Data classification?

Data classification is mandatory when organization is moving to cloud services in larger scale.

Aalto university has new data classification policy. (president decision 731/00.00.02/2013) Policy provide guideline for separating public data from classified data and separate detailed handling guide. There is six month period of transition, at the moment university IT is building new services for handling classified data.

Data classification policy specifies all organization data, determining its security class (public, internal, confidential or secret), and then assigning it to a categories.

During spring 2014 there will be trainings about classification.

First , think about your data

Basic rule is that cloud services are only for ”Public data”, meaning all the data what is NOT ”Classified” (confidential, internal, ST levels) in the policy.

Examples of classified data: • study attainments, student evaluations • research plans, development work (unpublished) • published intellectual property • unpublished patents • HR and employment • medical • financial • technology and telecommunications data (usage, log data) • security information • confidential business information • trade secrets • financial, tax, and insurance records

Full list in Data Classification policy

Second, your privacy? Privacy, If you like to keep your privacy, hide yourself and your device

• use "alias”, create web-identity, or several like :Teemu courseX2012, • use Android device with “Anonymous” account, like [email protected] • use services, VPN & Anonymous proxy • optimize your Browser privacy settings, (in any browser this doesn’t clear all) • F-Secure Freedome, • technical solution - Whonix is an focused on anonymity, privacy and security

You will lose a lot of functionality but think which one is more important for you? Privacy or active online life with your real identity.

(In organization network and with organization device options are limited)


Third, security (1)

• you cannot get anything “back” • services may claim ownership of the information • “free” services often collect and disclose information to third parties such as advertisers or collaboration partners. So, think what you Trend micro • malicious links, think before clicking • think where you buy from • "fakeware / scareware“, think before buying • be accurate, how and what you write • please do not comment on behalf of the University, unless it belongs to the job description :) • be careful, and specially with Android - > malware/android-risk-mitigation.aspx


Third, security (2)

• keep your password / username combination in safe, if the worst happens (serious illness, even death, or matters related to legislation) • material may be financially or because of some other reason valuable (university or relatives, e.g. script, photos, new 7 brothers:) • use different password and user id, mnemonic?, software like "KeePass“ for password management

• keep copies of everything on your own computer • do not accept all friend requests! • store files securely with cloud/

15 Fourth, choose the right service (1)

• three basic models: Free – Advertisement – Freemium (business) • free service (often end up to advertisement or freemium model) • advertisement:, what is the motivation of the service provider? – money, money, money (Typical services, Google, Facebook) • Freemium, light free version, full with paying something (example ) • and, stay focused, service for one purpose usually fits the user needs better and lasts longer – users learn how to use – service does what it is supposed to do – probably easier to find alternative solution when needed

MIT Study: "free" is a special price that confuses peoples' thinking.


Fourth, choose the right service (2)

pay attention! • documentation, widely used API:s • standard and multiple formats • anonymity (option to study without giving personal details to external marketing company) • EULA, terms of service, privacy policy (Good or Bad?) • integration to other same provider services (lock in vs. easy exit)

More information about EULAs: open community ”Terms of service - didn’t read”


Winners and one looser

mobile network information, one example: details of how you use the service, search queries, USERS USERS DATA phone number, calling-party DATA NO WITH number, forwarding COST LITTLE numbers, time and date of COST calls, duration of calls, SMS routing information and types 2013: of calls, system activity, Profit hardware settings, browser SERVI- type, browser language, the CE NO 12 Billions MONEY date and time of your COST request and referral URL.. Turnover 60 Billions….

”Bruce Schneier: users like free things, and don't realize how much value they're giving away to get it. “ Matti Wiberg UTU: Consumers have to learn that the data is valuable. There is no sense to give it away for free, even televisions are collecting data today.

Why not to try alternative solutions - > 18

Alternative Web-services & open source WEB search / ( ixQuick does not collect or share any personal information based in New York and the Netherlands. Anonymous and unlogged web searches. There is also a DuckDuckGo hidden service for users F-Secure Beta service Coming soon? Proxy for other search engines

------Tools and methods for totally anonymous web use, ”TOR”

19 Alternative Web-services & open source

DISK & File Encryption Real-time disk (hard drive, USB etc) and partition . Open source Encryption tool with “wipe” option Open source partition encryption solution

20 Alternative Web-services & open source Secure share and synchronise your data

www. .com/sync peer-to-peer file synchronization tool available for Windows, Mac, .. F-Secure sync tool Self-hosted version control and file sync. git-annex Synchronize folders on your computers and drives. “Guru tool”, good help pages

21 Alternative Web-services & open source

Email (naturally both communication parties must support technology) based on technology. is a promising alternative to email, but it has not yet been audited by security professionals. Italian based community, offers logging free email Accounts, , Web Hosting, etc. Complete data encryption and decryption tool, texts, e-mails, files, directories, and whole disk partitions. Plugin for Thunderbird

----- Good to know, Email, File Storage & Sync accounts hosted in Switzerland. Strong Swiss privacy laws but 10 CHF per month.

22 Alternative Web-services & open source Instant messaging Off -the-Record (OTR) Messaging allows you to have private conversations and instant messaging Encrypted text, voice, and video messaging for multiple platforms. encrypted end-to-end Android calls and txt Encrypted voice and video chat for multiple platforms. Encrypted multi-user chat.

23 Alternative Web-services & open source Publishing & collaboration image , audio, video hosting. Note that it Includes Google Analytics and Google Adsense if you do not have Do Not Track enabled. Image hosting with in-browser AES-256 encryption. surveys or polls and for scheduling meetings Self-hosted, real-time collaborative documents. Multi-user spreadsheet .


Alternative Web-services & open source Publishing & social media Private , decentralized social network server. Community-run, distributed social network. Serverless decentralised communication platform. IM, forums, VoIP, file , and more.


Final words, if you have some need, check always

Secure, reliable, in our own hands. Easy to solve problems, ”no NSA”, daily full backup……..

And then - – Recommended cloud services for light use

Need is something for light use or for small group, just choose the appropriate service and start using!

Grouped by Categories: •”Web presence” •collaboration •file synchronising •blogging •media share...

You can also find: • feedback page •request form, for a new services •list about recommended and approved services •instructions