Chapter 2.3 Aristocratic Notions Of
This is a post-print version. Please refer to the published version: Charlotta Wolff, ’Aristocratic Notions of Liberty and Patriotism in the Age of Liberty’, Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740–1820, ed. Pasi Ihalainen, Michael Bregnsbo, Karin Sennefelt & Patrik Winton, Ashgate, Farnham & Burlington, 2011, p. 121– 132. Chapter 2.3 Aristocratic Notions of Liberty and Patriotism in the Age of Liberty Charlotta Wolff In Sweden, as in other European countries in the early modern period, the nobility adopted the double role of both collaborator and opponent of the strengthening monarchical state. When opposing royal absolutism, the Swedish nobility would defend their liberty with arguments and concepts borrowed from a general European tradition that has often been called republican, but which could also be called patriotic.1 In the Sweden of the eighteenth century, the nobility dominated the Diet, the Council of the Realm and the highest administration. The noblemen who were active at the Diet were generally well educated, familiar with ancient Roman authors and recent French and English political literature. Their writings abound with literary references and classical commonplaces such as ‘liberty’, ‘republic’, ‘salus publica’ and ‘patriotic zeal’. The strongly European features of the Swedish nobility make the first estate of the realm a particularly interesting object of study. Although the form of government implied equal freedom and rights for all four estates, during the Age of Liberty political power was to a large extent concentrated in the aristocratic Council of the Realm and the Noble estate, while the monarchy remained weakened. The impression of Sweden being a republican monarchy governed 1 Jouanna 1989; Wolff 2008.
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