Part 1, 2018 – 2019 BOT June 26, 2019 at 6:30Pm Village of Jeffersonville Hall, NY Minutes Approved July 27, 2019
BOT-06-26-2019-Minutes-Part1-Approved 2 BOT-6-26-2019-packet 7 WJFF Radio Catskill Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Annual Meeting part 1, 2018 – 2019 BOT June 26, 2019 at 6:30pm Village of Jeffersonville Hall, NY Minutes approved July 27, 2019 Trustees Present: Tim Bruno, Steve Davis, Kirsten Foster, Kathy Geary, James Lomax, Leila McCullough, Kevin McDaniel, Angela Page, Thane Peterson, Pat Pomeroy Trustees Absent: none Staff Present: Dan Rigney, Andrea Nero Eddings Members of the public present who identified themselves: Approximately 20 people in attendance A quorum being present, James Lomax called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Motion: To approve the minutes of the BOT meeting of May 15, 2019. (Bruno/Page). In favor: Tim Bruno, Steve Davis, Kirsten Foster, Kathy Geary, James Lomax, Leila McCullough, Kevin McDaniel, Angela Page, Thane Peterson, Pat Pomeroy Opposed: None Revision to the agenda: The matter of several board members attempting to call an emergency meeting for 6/26 at 5pm will be addressed under New Business. General Manager's Report See attached report. Programming Report See attached report. Treasurer Report Thane Peterson reports that we are on track this year for meeting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s requirement for NFFS $300k funding with the in-kind work by BOCES volunteers being significant. We are on track to meeting our budget of $40k in Benefit income. We are also going to meet or exceed our budget of $175 in membership support. See attached Treasurer’s report and supporting financial summary reports (Budget VS Actual, etc), Vanguard investments summary, and financial policies documents.
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