Preslia, Praha, 77: 159–176, 2005 159 Morphological and karyological differentiation of Gymnadenia densiflora and G. conopsea in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Morfologická a karyologická diferenciace Gymnadenia densiflora a G. conopsea v České republice a na Slovensku Karol M a r h o l d 1,2, Ivana Jongepierová3, Anna K r a h u l c o v á 4 & Jaromír Kučera2 1Department of Botany, Charles University, Benátská 2, CZ-128 01 Praha 2, Czech Repub- lic, e-mail:
[email protected]; 2Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14, SK-845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail:
[email protected]; 3Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area Administration, Bartolomějské nám. 47, CZ-698 01 Veselí nad Moravou, Czech Republic, e-mail:
[email protected]; 4Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-252 43 Průhonice, Czech Republic, e-mail:
[email protected] Marhold K., Jongepierová I., Krahulcová A. & Kučera J. (2005): Morphological and karyological differentiation of Gymnadenia densiflora and G. conopsea in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Preslia, Praha, 77: 159–176. Gymnadenia densiflora was recently either misinterpreted or not accepted as a distinct taxon by sev- eral authors. To resolve its taxonomic position and differentiation from the related G. conopsea, a detailed study of the morphology, chromosome numbers and distribution of these two taxa in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and neighbouring areas was carried out. Chromosome counts showed an invariable diploid chromosome number (2n = 40) for G. densiflora, while G. conopsea is diploid, tetraploid and rarely also pentaploid (2n = 40, 80, 100).