Radiological Terrorism
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 11: 501–523, 2005 Copyright C Taylor & Francis Inc. ISSN: 1080-7039 print / 1549-7680 online DOI: 10.1080/10807030590949618 Radiological Terrorism P. Andrew Karam Department of Biological Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA ABSTRACT We run the risk that terrorists will decide to detonate an explosive device laced with radioactive materials (a radiological dispersal device, or RDD). If such an attack occurs, it is unlikely that the affected population or emergency responders would be exposed to high levels of external radiation, although airborne radionuclides may present a health risk under some circumstances. However, the effects of radia- tion and radioactivity are not well known among the general population, emergency responders, or medical personnel. This could lead to unwarranted panic, refusal to respond to the incident, inappropriately delaying or denying treatment to in- jured victims, and other unfortunate reactions during the emergency phase of any response. During the recovery phase, current regulations may lead to costly and restrictive radiation safety requirements over very large areas, although there have been recent efforts to relax some of these regulations in the first year following a radiological attack. The wide spread of radioactive contamination can also lead to environmental contamination, particularly in low-flow areas and near storm sewer discharge points, but the total radiation dose to the environment should not be excessively high in most locations. Key Words: RDD, dirty bomb, radiation, radiation health effects, terrorism, nu- clear weapons, radiological weapons. INTRODUCTION Since June 2002 we have become aware of the arrest of a suspected radiologi- cal terrorist (e.g., Warrington 2002), al Qaeda plans for constructing radiological weapons (El Baradei 2003), and the availability of large numbers (probably over 100,000) of “orphaned” radioactive sources in the world, thousands of which are sufficiently strong to cause harm (Gonzalez 2004).
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