Planning Guidelines Planning Guidelines 2015 Operating Guidelines 2015: General Objectives P

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Planning Guidelines Planning Guidelines 2015 Operating Guidelines 2015: General Objectives P 2015 Planning Guidelines Planning Guidelines 2015 Operating Guidelines 2015: General Objectives p. 3 Research and Advanced Education p. 7 Economic, Legal, Socio-Political Research p. 8 Scientifi c and Technological Research p. 10 Health p. 13 Historical and Artistic Heritage p. 15 Cultural Activities p. 21 Social Policy p. 23 Intersectoral Programs p. 28 Planning Guidelines 2015: support creativity and the defi nition General Objectives. of new solutions, also with a view to increasing effi ciency and streamlining organizational structures; investing in development, in order to address This document outlines the operating today’s emergencies while ensuring guidelines and the objectives that long-term sustainability and giving the Compagnia di San Paolo intends urgency in light of the persisting new momentum to growth. For Italy to pursue in 2015, in line with the economic crisis: the capacity to adapt - and particularly for the North- 2013-2016 Multiannual Planning to change for the local community, Western regions - 2015 will be a Guidelines. Special emphasis will be its local Institutions and their partner crucial year, because Milan will be placed on three cross-cutting areas of networks; the promotion of innovation home to the World Expo dedicated to action that have acquired additional (particularly cultural innovation) to food and the environment. View of Turin, the Compagnia di San Paolo’s main area of reference. This event will have a remarkable impact also on the territories where the Compagnia is traditionally most active. Consequently, the Compagnia intends to devote part of its efforts to attracting people and activities to Piedmont in connection with the Expo through initiatives that refl ect the Compagnia’s core programs and that are illustrated in the following chapters, broken down by Sector. The Compagnia’s approach - implementing programs that are organizations in their sectors of remains complex and articulated drawn up and put in place directly by activity; to ensure that the relevant the Compagnia, generally through the - implementing Partnership objectives are pursued using the creation of networks of experts and Agreements with Public Institutions, most suitable instruments. operators, but also through grant- at territorial and functional level, making in various forms; generally on a multi-annual basis and These include: - selecting and funding projects according to shared objectives. - calls for proposals and similar submitted by non-profi t operators and The structure of this publication, selection procedures to award Public Institutions, in line with the organized into thematic areas, grants targeting specifi c themes or Compagnia’s Planning Guidelines; refl ects the approach adopted in the geographical areas; - awarding resources for institutional 2013-2016 Multiannual Planning - supporting the Compagnia’s activities to a selected number of Guidelines. The redefi nition of major Operating Bodies, for which thematic areas that has resulted sector-specifi c objectives have from the revision of the Charter and been identifi ed to be achieved the new operational structure to be autonomously by each Body, and implemented in 2015 may require participating - not only fi nancially - to in the future modifi cations to the the activity of other Organizations of classifi cation adopted up to now, which the Compagnia is a member; without changes in content. 4 Institutional Activities. For the year 2015 provisions for outlined in the current Planning approved institutional activities are Guidelines. estimated at approximately 132 million million euros to the National Fund for The table below presents the euros earmarked in the budget for the Common Initiatives by Foundations. reorganization of the Sectors as same year. The Compagnia will also The graph on the following page is a currently envisaged by the Charter of contribute around 5.1 million euros provisional breakdown of allocations the Compagnia di San Paolo according to the Special Funds for Voluntary for institutional activities in different to the categories ex art. 11 Law Work (Law 266/91), and around 0.4 Sectors that refl ects the structure 448/2001. REORGANIZATION OF THE COMPAGNIA’S SECTORS (fi gures in thousand euros). Sectors envisaged under the Charter of the Compagnia di San Paolo and funds earmarked according to the 2015 Planning Guidelines Operating Sectors as reorganized Research Education Art Culture Health Social policy Total % under the Charter 33,000 11,000 16,500 15,500 6,000 50,000 132,000 Art, activities and cultural heritage* - - 16,500 15,500 - - 32,000 24.24 Scientifi c and technological research* 33,000 - - - - - 33,000 25.00 Education, schools and training* - 11,000 - - - - 11,000 8.33 Health, preventive medicine* - - - - 6,000 - 6,000 4.55 Voluntary work, philanthropy, - - - - - 32,100 32,100 24.32 charitable activities* Elderly care - - - - - 3,000 3,000 2.27 Youth development and education - - - - - 4,900 4,900 3.71 Mental disorders and disease - - - - - 3,000 3,000 2.27 2001 ed in Art. 11 of Law no. 448 dated 28 December Family - - - - - 4,000 4,000 3.03 - - - - - 2,000 2,000 1.52 Sectors identifi Sectors Crime prevention Drug addiction prevention and rehabilitation - - - - - 1,000 1,000 0.76 Total - - - - - - 132,000 100.00 * The fi rst fi ve Sectors as defi ned in Art. 11 of Law 448/2001 account together for 86.5% of the total funds allocated by the Compagnia di San Paolo to institutional activities and individually their weight is greater than that of other relevant Sectors of activity. 5 Research and National Fund for Common advanced education Initiatives by Foundations* 44,000,000 412,657 Historical and artistic Special Funds heritage for Voluntary Work* 16,500,000 5,139,811 Cultural activities Social policy . 15,500,000 50,000,000 s o 2 Health r 0 u 1 6,000,000 e 5 n : i br or ea ct kd Se ow y n o ns b f bu catio dget allo * The amount of funds is calculated as a percentage of the budget’s surplus. In case of a reduction of the surplus pursuant to the provisions contained in the new Stability Law for 2015, this amount will decrease accordingly. Naples will reach their conclusion. Research and Advanced Their goal is Education. to help young researchers develop the organization of the Research the skills required to become Operating Bodies will be redefi ned more competitive when applying constructively but substantially, ten The main item in the budget for for EU funds. years after their inception, a process Research and Advanced Education that will take place in collaboration is the Agreements with the three Grants supporting post-secondary with the relevant partners. Universities of Piedmont and the education (like PhD programs, The general framework that will one with the Federico II University of especially international and characterize the transformation of Naples, currently being renewed. In multi-university programs), the Operating Bodies with a view to 2015 the research grants cofi nanced internationalization and management creating a “research platform” will by the Compagnia and the Universities improvement will also continue. adhere to the guidelines currently of Turin, Piemonte Orientale and Moreover, in 2015 the mission and being defi ned by the General Council. Palazzo Nuovo, the seat of the School of Humanities of the University of Turin. Economic, Legal, approach; networks with other Centers in Italy, Socio-Political Research. - consolidating the level of in Europe and abroad. competitiveness achieved in the The new role of the Collegio Carlo previous planning period with regard Alberto will infl uence a number of In 2014 the activities carried out were to applications for EU funds for decisions for the future of this Sector. geared towards paving the way for the research, and capacity-building to It is likely that a function-based reorganization that will place the access additional funds; matrix will be defi ned according to the - integration within the Collegio Collegio’s areas of activity, leading to Collegio Carlo Alberto, the of University-based Research full integration in some instances, to Compagnia’s Operating Body in Centers active in similar areas of various degrees of collaboration in the Social Sciences, at the heart of an interdisciplinary platform devoted to policy defi nition and evaluation. As outlined in the guidelines for Operating Bodies active in Economic, Legal and Socio-Political Research and in the Multiannual Objective Function that was addressed to the Executive Board of the Collegio Carlo Alberto by the two founding members, in 2015 the following objectives will be pursued: - greater integration between the knowledge and mostly fi nanced by the others. While the objectives remain Collegio and the University; Compagnia; unchanged, the transformation - consolidation and development of - development of collaborations and process will begin to be implemented activities in non-economic disciplines in the course of 2015 as an essential (social sciences, political science, step towards the creation of a international studies, law) towards “scientifi c platform” for this vast area a multi- and inter-disciplinary of study. 8 In 2015 the Compagnia’s areas of Administration is crucial to ensure interest in this Sector will include the a rational approach and an effective following: cost-benefi t evaluation; - Economics, Law, Society: integration - International Relations: this area with the Collegio Carlo Alberto will be includes all the research Institutions more likely with economic research that, by virtue of the Compagnia’s Centers, to be evaluated on a case- agencies with which it is engaged. contribution to their activity and of by-case basis. The same will occur In the summer of 2014 the City of the presence of researchers from the with the Center for Comparative and Turin presented its new Strategic University, may be integrated with Transnational Law, which is closer Metropolitan Plan that sets the the Collegio for the aim of creating to the University of Turin, as is the objectives for local organizations for a quality Center that operates in case also with post-secondary Law the decade to come.
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