MEGA E-AUCTION SALE NOTICE Surat Dist. Regional Office : 6th Floor (Recovery Department) E - AUCTION DATE : 21.03.2020 Phone No. : 0261-2294607 E-AUCTION – SALE NOTICE on Basis of SYMBOLIC/PHYSICAL POSSESSION email :
[email protected] Sale of secured immovable/ Movable assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) Notice is hereby given to the public in general and to the Borrowers and Guarantors in particular that the under mentioned properties mortgaged to Bank of Baroda, on the Basis of Physical & Symbolic possession of which had been taken by the respective Authorised Officers of the Bank under section 13 (4) of the Act, will be sold through e-Auction as per the terms mentioned below for the recovery of Bank's outstanding dues with applicable interest, charges and costs etc. The property described below will be sold on “AS IS WHERE IS, WHATEVER THERE IS AND WITHOUT RECOURSE BASIS” under the Rule No: 9 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules): Sr. Owner of the Nature of Reserve EMD Name of the Branch Borrower Description of properties Dues (in Rs.) EMD Collection contact person No Property Property price (in Rs.) (in Rs.) Account & IFSC Code & Contact No. Mr. Alkeshkumar Mr. Alkeshkumar Rs. 29,68,439/- Nimai Soren Jethabhai Patel & Jethabhai Patel Survey No. 269/2, 269/3 Located at Flat No. 402, 4th Floor Meghna Mansion, Adajan, TPS No. 13, Adjan, 40240015181219 1 Gothan Branch Residential + interest and Rs 29,33,000/- Rs.