FORiJlAT I Office of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Socia I F(:res try Division, Van Bhavan, Gangesh wa r Mahadev Road, Opp. D-Mart, Adaj an, Surat 395-009 Email.
[email protected] Phone No.: 0261 2733831 ~~~Tt_ ..~d:!!!!cf!!!!,s~u~r....aa"",i~1!!!!"t~@C~!!!!,g~~n~O~..,.~!!!!,~l,_I1~!!!!,l,~,~~,!!!!,!!!!~~r-~'a"""x~N~'"!!,o!!!!,, !!!!': ~0~2!!!!,6!!!!,1!!!!,2!!!!!7,!!!!!3~3~8~3~1~~~~ NO.B/Land/T-9' 12016-17 Dt. J) / OS/20]6 -tc I .- C Lt To, The Director (Policy & Corporate Affairs & HR & Admin.) Gujarat Gas Limited 9 th floor, Avdhesh House, Shri Govind Gurudwara, S.G.Highway, Ahmedabad-380054 Gujarat Sub. Diversion of 2.2601 Ha. Protected Fore .t land for laying of underground gas pipe!ines in ta/uka Chorasi, Bardo/i, Kamrej and Surat Cit:' in Surat district and Va/od and Vyara Taluka of Tapi District in favour of Gujarat Gas Limited, 3andhinagar, Gujarat Ref. 1. Government of Gujarat, Forest & En-rironrnent Department Letter No. FCAl1 015/1 0'/3 115/SF- 83/F(I), or 04/02/2016. 2. Government of Gujarat, Forest & En /ironrnent Department Letter No. FCA/1 015/1 0'13 115/SF- 83/F, Dt. 03/05/2016. 3. Director (Policy & Corporate Affair: & HF~ & Adrnin.), Gujarat Gas Limited, Gandhinaqar's Letter No. GGCL/PCAISurat-Tapi/Pf 12014/01 dtd. 06.10.2014 Sir, / am directed to invite a reference '.) your letter no. GGCL/PCAISurat-Tapi/PF/2014/01 dtd. 0610.2014 on the above mentioned subject seE <ing prior approval of the Government under Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 as per following.