How Obama Got His Start
Tells the Facts and Names the Names jan. 1-15, 2012 Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair vol. 19, no. 1 Paul Krugman After Russia’s Winter Break Learns the Facts Liberals and Communists Regroup of Life On Health By Israel Shamir Insurance Moscow idwinter recess stopped ev- in broad daylight. By Rob Urie erything in Russia. It was like As for the natives, there was the bois- rinceton economist and New York August in France some years terous New Year celebration, quite simi- Times editorialist on econom- Mago, mutatis mutandis, with snow in- lar to the Western Christmas, the feast ics and politics, Paul Krugman, stead of sand, fir trees instead of palms, of partying, booze, presents and corpo- Pis the preeminent mainstream econo- and vodka instead of pastis. For two rate events. Coming a full week later, the mist of this era. While no innovator, weeks, the whole country laid off work Russian Christmas retained all the qual- Krugman is a knowledgeable defender of and relaxed. Moscow was blissfully ity of a religious feast, so peaceful, so the Keynesian economic framework that empty of its crowds, though Red Square tranquil with its well-attended midnight melded some elements of Marxian analy- was thronged by hundreds of Tajik and service. And afterward there was another sis, such as the recurrent crises of capital- Philippine “guest workers.” Usually busy week for skiing and relaxing. ism, with traditional capitalist econom- shifting snow loads and washing floors, People also traveled a lot. Ordinary ics. Like Keynes, Krugman seeks to patch the invisible class was free to view the masses descended on Turkey and the crumbling façade of the economic tourist sights of the capital and to be seen shamir continued on page 2 orthodoxy, not to repair its rotting foun- dation.
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