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VOL. 113 - NO. 1 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, JANUARY 2, 2009 $.30 A COPY MOUNT CARMEL: THANK YOU, PRESIDENT BUSH, “WE AIN’T GOING!” for Keeping Us Free of Scandal and Terrorism by David Karki by Sal Giarratani As we observe the scandal From Blagojevich, whose thing they can to cover up for surrounding Illinois Gov. Rod two gubernatorial cam- and protect the object of Blagojevich, arrested for at- paigns Obama was a major their slobbering mindless tempting to sell the U.S. Sen- part of and to whom he’s al- worship. ate seat formerly belonging ready had to hold a press Heck, they’ve already to President-elect Barack conference denying any con- pulled out the old Clinton/ Obama to the highest bidder, nection (before he’s even Lewinsky card to play on and think of what it portends been inaugurated!), to the Blagojevich, labeling him for the next four years, it infamous Rev. Jeremiah crazy and sociopathic. It re- causes me to be grateful for Wright, to Bill Ayers and mains to be seen, I suppose, the two most important Tony Rezko, there is as if he saved the evidence so things President Bush has much potential for endless that he can avoid being de- accomplished during his eruption of scandals and stroyed. Will he have the tenure. soap operas on Obama’s part equivalent of the DNA- The first is that there has as there was on Clinton’s stained blue Gap dress to been absolutely no hint of part. Just as Clinton had the serve as the ultimate trump the scandal, soap opera or Arkansas machine, Obama card? three-ring circus that had has the Chicago machine, The second, on a more se- been a daily suffering under every bit as filled with clos- rious note, is that we’ve President Clinton. The dig- eted skeletons and history gone seven-plus years with nity and the prestige of the he’d rather not see revisited. no terrorist attacks on U.S. office of the presidency were Perhaps if Obama had interests. On the morning restored, and we could once been properly vetted during of September 12, 2001, this again take for granted that the campaign, we wouldn’t be would have been an unfath- this sort of thing wouldn’t here now. But the main- omable prediction to make, happen. As the Blagojevich stream media was so des- and yet President Bush has scandal shows, this pre- perate to orchestrate the made it come true. From sumption is no automatic election of their Messiah eight years of Clinton that thing. Nor was the restora- that none of this was looked began with attacks (’93 World Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in East Boston has tion a certain thing, simply into when it should have Trade Center), was filled been termed “The Alamo” by many fighting to reopen by having changed the in- been. And ironically, if sick- with attacks (Khobar Tow- the closed church. habitant of the office. eningly, this might be the ers, embassies in Kenya/ Yet here we are, with the one thing that keeps the Tanzania, USS Cole) and Over forty members of the Chancery in 2004 appar- proper dignity and respect Obama Administration from ended with the biggest at- Our Lady of Mount Carmel ently will continue. being shown, down to even unraveling into the total cir- tack of all in which nearly Survivors Group crowded Ben Tauro addressed those small matters of etiquette. I cus the Clinton Administra- 3,000 people were slaugh- the lower church parish hall gathered and spoke of re- sincerely hope that this ef- tion became — the media’s tered on our own soil, we’ve to decide their future as cent failed negotiations be- fort on President Bush’s part complete sellout for Obama had none in the years since. they head into a new year. tween the East Boston group was not in vain, but skepti- will continue through his Would they decide to stay and the Archdiocese of cism is the order of the day. tenure, as they do every- (Continued on Page 14) on or call it quits? The Boston. Two options were put parishioner takeover of their parish church shuttered by (Continued on Page 7) Mayor’s Column by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston News Briefs This has been a challenging year for banks, and City services. Through the by Sal Giarratani the City of Boston and its residents, FIT, we have made significant progress but looking back, as a City we can be on Hendry Street in Dorchester, where proud of the many accomplishments city officials are working with the de- A Piece of Junk with achieved over the course of this past veloper Bilt-Rite to completely renovate Seven Saint Statues year. Although we recently learned that four properties. The other day in traffic, I found myself behind the current recession likely began last Through the Foreclosure Prevention a piece of junk on wheels. It had the nerve to January, at home, we all certainly felt Initiative, over the last two years we sport vanity plates. Looking through the rear its effects long before economists made have helped more than 441 homeowners window, I noticed this car’s dashboard was sport- it official. While maintaining the qual- avert foreclosure, preserving more than ing seven saint statues, one crucifix and a pair ity of life for our residents is always $130 million in home values. In Sep- of dangling rosary beads. This car obviously my top priority, the current economic tember, the Department of Housing and needed all the help available. conditions will challenge that focus in Urban Development allocated $4.23 mil- I’m Still Listening to 2009. lion for Boston to be used primarily for With the foreclosure crisis gripping the acquisition and rehab of foreclosed 104.9 FM in the Morning cities and towns across the country, we and abandoned properties. North Shore 104.9 FM is the best oldies music doubled our efforts to keep residents in However, housing was not the only station around. I pick it up every morning over their homes and this year I testified to area affected by the economic downturn. by the West Roxbury Parkway, loud and clear. Congress that foreclosure prevention is In an effort to help families avoid mak- Charlie Curtis is the best DJ around Greater the most effective way to address the ing the choice of whether to heat their Boston. problem. Stemming from the 2006 Fore- homes or eat this winter, I began the You want good music, go to 104.9 FM. Don’t closure Prevention Initiative, this past Mayor’s Food and Fuel Campaign in take my word, listen for yourself. January the Foreclosure Intervention August. With partnership from non-prof- (Continued on Page 15) Team (FIT) attacked the problem of fore- closures by working with homeowners, (Continued on Page 14) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office will be open on Mondays and Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, JANUARY 2, 2009 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FinanciallySpeaking with Ben Doherty 2009 OUTLOOK HERMES AND MERCURY Weak financial markets, ing the holiday season when Hermes was the Greek god tility on them also. He be- houses, villas, and for gar- credit markets frozen, home retailers typically generate of herds, commerce, travel, came the father of many den rails. prices crumbled, oil prices 40% of sales. Americans and messenger of other gods. children by these nymphs, As the father of Autolycus, soared, and battered con- cut their spending. Total Mercury was the name of Pan and Daphnis being the the prince of thieves, Mer- sumers stopped spending, retail sales were down be- his Roman counterpart, and most widely known. Pan, as cury bestowed upon his son, which accounts for 70% of tween 2.5%-4% from the both are considered to be one you may recall, became a the gift of changing stolen the economy, which stopped same period in 2007. We and the same. Trickery, cun- god of the fields, forests, goods so as to make them growing. We are in the had the worst holiday season ning, inventiveness, and flocks, and shepherds. He unrecognizable. By this gift, middle of the worst Reces- of all time, says Michael versatility were his major was usually represented Autolycus became the first sion since post WWII as em- McNamara, VP of Master- characteristics. These be- with horns, ears, and legs of stolen goods “fence” in world ployers slash two million Card. Many retailers are came apparent from the a goat. Daphnis became the history. jobs, and are projected to cut either preparing to file moment of his birth. Stories Sicilian shepherd that Mercury was represented another two million jobs in Chapter 11 bankruptcy or about his escapades sound taught Pan to play the flute. in art by some of the world’s 2009, according to most fore- scrambling to avoid that fate. incredible, but then, that’s Daphnis was also consid- greatest sculptors. Most fa- casts. The unemployment Several retail chains, in- what legends are all about. ered to be the inventor of mous, no doubt, is the form rate now @6.7% will hit 9.4% cluding Ann Taylor stores, Before noon on the day he bucolic (rustic or countrified) which is similar to the FTD by the end of 2009 the worst Talbots, and Charming was born, he found a tortoise poetry.