Amphibian Reproductive Strategies

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Amphibian Reproductive Strategies 2/3/2009 AMPHIBIAN LIFE CYCLES ANURA (Greek) / SALIENTIA (Latin): Frogs Nearly worldwide except few above Arctic Circle and none in Antarctica; 45 families, 5450+ species. URODELA / CAUDATA: Salamanders Mostly north temperate; Plethodontidae to the Amazon Basin; 9 families, 560+ species (378 of Which belong to the Plethodontidae) GYMNOPHIONA / APODA: Caecilians Worldwide in tropics except Madagascar and Oceania; 6 families, ca. 170 species 2009 SEASONALITY Primary Cues: Induce production and release of reproductive hormones and responsiveness of target organs Temperature Moisture Day Length Some amphibians, especially in temperate zones, have definite reproductive seasons (late winter/early spring, summer, fall), especially in temperate zones Some amphibians, especially in aseasonal tropical environments, breed year-round, although breeding may be more intense in periods of greater or lesser precipitation or, possibly, longer day length Most species breed once a year, but some breed only every other year MATE ATTRACTION and RECOGNITION ANURA Females attracted to species-specific call of males Primary recognition by females associated with call of male; primary recognition by males associated with female behavior URODELA Recognition based on olfactory cues and courtship rituals GYMNOPHIONA Unknown 1 2/3/2009 FERTILIZATION EXTERNAL 1. Most frogs: Amplexus - Inguinal (waist; ancestral), Axillary (behind front legs), cephalic; others (e.g., no amplexus) 2. A few salamanders (Cryptobranchidae, Hynobiidae) INTERNAL 1. A few frogs (Eleutherodactylus jasperi and E. coqui [Brachycephalidae] in Puerto Rico; Mertensophryne micranotis [Bufonidae] in Africa; some Nectophrynoides [Bufonidae] in Africa), Ascaphus [Leiopelamtidae] 2. Most salamanders - Spermatophores 3. Caecilians - phalodeum (modified cloaca) A “TYPICAL” LIFE CYCLE - occurs in Anura, Urodela, Gymnophiona ADULT MALE ADULT FEMALE EGGS may be laid on land or in water Hatch AQUATIC LARVAE (Fee ding ) Metamorphosis JUVENILES Growth B Notophthalmus viridescens (Salamandridae) LIFE CYCLE High - Elevation Populations ADULT MALE ADULT FEMALE EGGS laid in water Hatch AQUATIC LARVAE (Feeding) Metamorphosis I TERRESTRIAL EFT (Non - Reproductive) Metamorphosis II Growth 2 2/3/2009 C “TYPICAL” LIFE CYCLE with NON-FEEDING TERRESTRIAL LARVAE occurs in some Anura ADULT MALE ADULT FEMALE EGGS laid on land Hatch TERRESTRIAL LARVAE (Non - Feeding) Metamorphosis JUVENILES Growth D DIRECT DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE - occurs in Anura, Urodela, Gymnophiona ADULT MALE ADULT FEMALE EGGS laid on land Hatch TERRESTRIAL JUVENILES Growth E LIVE - BEARING LIFE CYCLE (Ovoviviparity/Viviparity) occurs in Anura, Urodela, Gymnophiona ADULT MALE ADULT FEMALE Birth in water or on land JUVENILES Growth 3 2/3/2009 F PARTHENOGENESIS Parthenogenesis is a form of unisexual (not asexual) reproduction. All individuals in a population or a species are female, and all are reproductive as adults. Females produce eggs which develop mitotically without fertilization. Parthenogenesis may be obligate (permanent) or facultative (individuals belonging to a population or an entire species may reproduce parthenogenetically but, in response to environmental cues, may begin to produce both male and female offspring which reproduce sexually). Known to occur in many invertebrates, as well as some fishes, lizards and snakes. Suspected in salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum complex [Ambystomatidae]) and frogs (XXX esculenta complex [Ranidae]). Has been artificially induced in mammals (rabbits) and birds (turkeys). G KLEPTOGENETIC LIFE CYCLE - occurs in Urodela e.g., Ambystoma jeffersonianum Complex (Part) (Ambystomatidae) and in the Pelophylax esculenta group (Ranidae) of frogs in Europe KLEPTOGENETIC ADULT FEMALE (Species A) SEXUAL ADULT MALE (Species B) Sperm serves only to stimulate the unreduced (2n or 3n) egg to begin to divide mitotically EGGS Hatch on land JUVENILES Growth H HYDRIDOGENETIC LIFE CYCLE - occurs in Anura and Urodela e.g., Pelophylax [Rana] esculenta (Ranidae) Complex Ambystoma jeffersonianum Complex ADULT FEMALE Pelophylax esculenta (Hybridogenetic) ADULT MALE Pelophylax lessonae or Pelophylax ridibunda (Sexual) EGGS Hatch in water AQUATIC LARVAE Metamorphosis JUVENILES Growth Females are phenotypically hybrids but, when they undergo meiosis, the male contribution to their genome (their father’s contribution) is eliminated and all gametes contain the genome of only the female (their mother’s) line. 4 2/3/2009 HETEROCHRONY “Shape arises from differential growth within a structure” (Vitt and Caldwell 2008, p. 37). Heterochrony is a change in the timing and/or rate of growth of a trait relative to that in the ancestral taxon. Several patterns of heterochrony are recognized (Reilly et al. 1997) and two are emphasized here: 1. Paedomorphosis 2. Paedogenesis Both occur in taxa in which sexual maturity is achieved while larval characteristics are retained. PAEDOMORPHOSIS This is an interspecific process and reflects change over evolutionary time. Comparison is made between the paedomorphic taxon and its immediate non-paedomorphic ancestor. It is irreversible in the shoort term (i.e., full metamorphosis does not occur). Examples include salamanders in the families Siren and Proteidae,and Ambystoma mexicanum (the Axolotl; Ambystomatidae). It also occurs in several genera of salamanders in the family Plethodontidae. Caecilians and salamanders in the families Amphiumidae and Cryptobranchidae, as well as some species in the family Salamandridae, exhibit some paedomorphic traits although the their morphology is not so fully larval as the taxa cited above. PAEDOGENESIS This is an intraspecific process and reflects change over ecological time Individuals within populations of a species retain larval characteristics while achieving sexual maturity, and may or may not metamorphose into a “fully adult” stage, depending on environmental conditions. Examples include some, but not all, populations of Ambystoma talpoideum, populations of Ambystoma tigrinum in the Great Plains and at higher elevations in the Rocky Mountains, and Ambystoma gracile in northwestern United States and southwestern Canada. 5 2/3/2009 I PAEDOMORPHIC and PAEDOGENETIC LIFE CYCLE - occurs in some Urodela “LARVAL” MALE (Sexually Mature)* “LARVAL” FEMALE (Sexually Mature)* EGGS Hatch AQUATIC LARVAE (Feeding) Growth and Development * In some populations of some species, “adults” may be carnivorous PARENTAL CARE Parental care occurs in Anura, Urodela, and Gymnophiona and there are a wide variety of types. Among these are: A. Construction of nests (e.g., Physalemus [Leiuperidae], Hyla boans [Hylidae], many salamanders, some caecilians) B. Guarding of eggs, or eggs and larvae, by the male or female parent (e.g., some hylid frogs, Pyxicephalus adspersa [Pyxicephalidae], many salamanders, some caecilians) C. Carrying of the eggs on or in the body of a parent (e.g., Alytes [Alytidae], Pipa Pipa [Pipidae], Gastrotheca [Amphignathodont- Idea, live-bearing caecilians) D. Carrying of the tadpoles on or in the body of a parent (e.g., Dendrobates [Dendrobatidae], Rhinoderma [Cycloramphidae], Rheobatrachus [Myobatrachidae]) E. Carrying of the eggs, tadpoles and, in a few species, newly metamorphosed young on the body of a parent (e.g., Hemiphractus [Hemiphractidae] REFERENCES Duellman, W. E. and L. Trueb. 1986. Biology of Amphibians. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Reilly, S. M., E. O. Wiley and D. J. Meinhardt. 1997. An integrative approach to heterochrony: The distinction between interspecific and intraspecific phenomena. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 60:119-143. Vitt, L. J. and J. P. Caldwell. 2008. Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, 3rd Ed. Academic Press, Burlington, Massachusetts. Wells, K. D. 2007. The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 6 2/3/2009 KEY TO SPECIES APPEARING ON SLIDES Incomplete .. photo credits will be added Slide Image Taxon 1aAtelopus varius (Bufonidae) b Plethodon jordani (Plethodontidae) c Dermophis mexicanus (“Caeciliidae”) 3 a Anaxyrus americanus (Bufonidae) b Anaxyrus bufo (Bufonidae) 4 Ascaphus montanus (Leiopelmatidae) 5aPyxicephalus adspersa (Pyxicephalidae) b Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (Cryptobranchidae) 6aNotophthalmus viridescens (Salamandridae) - Adult b Notophthalmus viridescens (Salamandridae) – Eft 7 Plethodontohyla inguinalis (Microhylidae) KEY TO SPECIES APPEARING ON SLIDES Continued Slide Image Taxon 8aHemidactylium scutatum (Plethodontidae) b Plethodon yonahlossee (Plethodontidae) c Eleutherodactylus coqui (Brachycephalidae) 9aTyphlonectes natans (Typhlonectidae) b Eleutherodactylus jasperi (Brachycephalidae)) c Salamandra salamandra (Salamandridae) 11 a Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Ambystomatidae) b Ambystoma laterale (Ambystomatidae) 12 a Pelophylax esculenta (Ranidae) b Pelophylax lessonae (Ranidae) c Pelophylax ridibunda (Ranidae) 16 a Siren intermedia (Sirenidae) b Necturus maculosus (Proteidae) KEY TO SPECIES APPEARING ON SLIDES Continued Slide Image1 Taxon 17 a Chiromantis xeramplina (Rhacophoridae) b Chiromantis xeramplina (Rhacophoridae) – Egg Mass c Ambystoma maculatum (Ambystomatidae) d Alytes cisternasii (Alytidae) e Gastrotheca piperata (Amphignathodontidae) f Pipa pipa (Pipidae) g Dendrobates pumilio (Dendrobatidae) h Rhinoderma darwinii (Cycloramphidae) 1 a and b – top left and right, respectively, etc. 7.

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    Correspondence ISSN 2336-9744 The journal is available on line at Strange affection: male Bufo bufo (Anura: Bufonidae) passionately embracing a bulge of mud SONJA ĐOR ĐEVI Ć1,2,* and ALEKSANDAR SIMOVI Ć2 1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Zoology. Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 2Serbian Herpetological Society “Milutin Radovanovi ć”. Bulevar despota Stefana 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E- mail: *Corresponding author. E-mail: Received 13 March 2014 │ Accepted 20 March 2014 │ Published online 21 March 2014. On March 11 th 2014, app. between 10 AM and noon, we visited a pond on the Avala Mt. (44°40.879 ′ N, 20°33.098 ′ E, 230 m a.s.l.). Its north–northeastern portion, overgrown with reeds, was crowded with common toads, Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758). Males were vocalizing, chasing females (and males), struggling to clasp them in firm grip; we observed several “mating balls” – three to ten males were vigorously fighting over a single female. On the margin of that mating frenzy, at the edge of the pond, we observed a silent, lonely male holding on to a bulge of mud (Fig. 1). He was literally motionless in that position for at least half an hour (recorded time). Figure 1. Male common toad firmly grasping a muddy protuberance (Photo: S. Đor đevi ć) Anurans are notorious for making mistakes during mating. Their erroneous amplexuses include conspecific males, dead conspecifics of both sexes, other anuran species, caudates, fish, small tortoises, etc., and even inanimate floating objects (Banta, 1914; Davies & Halliday, 1979; Pearl et al., 2005; Simovi ć et al., 2014; Storm, 1952).
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