Bava Kama Kitzur Notes #4 (23B -- 31A) (Shiurim 51 - 64) Shiur 51 (Mishnah 23B) 1
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Bava Kama Kitzur Notes #4 (23b -- 31a) (shiurim 51 - 64) Shiur 51 (Mishnah 23b) 1. Is a Mumar Lehach’is passul le’eidus? Machlokes Abayei + Rava; we paskin like abayei that he is. a. Do we trust a Reform Jew for Eidus Ishah? Safek in the Nesivos; common practice is to be meikil. Ra’avad thinks he ?עיר הנדחת Why does Rambam say to send two messengers to .2 wants them to do teshuva to get out of the Onesh, which is inconceivable. Or Sameach quotes Moreh Nevuchim who learned this was pshat in a story in Yehoshua. 3. Regarding Chazaka, when do we follow 2 times and when 3? Gemara Yevamos ~64: .Shor Hamu’ad: 3 times + ווסתות .Katlanis + Meisu Machmas Milah: 2 times ספק נפשות a. Why? Rav Soloveitchik: Regilus is established with 2 times due to Vestos and Shor Hamu’ad require a chalos shem mu’ad though (as ;להחמיר .which takes three times ,(נגיחות/ראיות של חיוב evidenced by din that you need 4. To whom does the din of katlanis apply? Teshuvas HaRambam beshem Ri Migash: Only for those who are superstitious. Rosh disagrees and thinks it always applies. doesn’t apply. SA quotes the Ri קטלנית Rebbe: If we know the cause of death, the din of Migash at the very end of the siman. to get divorced if a woman is divorced 2 or 3 times? Rashi הוחזקה Is there a din of .5 Yevamos 26a: Yes. Tosfos: No. 6. Are vestos deoraisah? Why or why not? We paskin derabanan. Chazon Ish: It’s not a good Rov since there are many factors at play which impact a re’iyah. on נז׳׳ש What’s the nafka minah between Abayei + Rava: Rashi (originally): Do you pay .7 :(R’ Azriel (Tosafist .משמעות דורשין איכא בינייהו :(3rd or 4th negicha. Rashi (afterwards If 4th negicha is on same day as the 3rd negicha occurred. cycle work? Rambam: If she has no vesses, continues נידה How does a woman’s .8 If she has a vesses, you switch .ז׳ ימי נידה + י׳׳א ימי זיבה forever switching between .(ווסתות דרבנן even if you hold) ווסת between 7 + 11, but the cycle restarts on her then, the next time she sees ;י׳׳א ימי זיבה followed by ז׳ ימי נידה Everyone else: There’s .ז׳ ימי נידה blood, she restarts 9. Does a Zavah need to see three re’iyos on consecutive days? Rasag: The three days can be non-consecutive as long as within 11 days. Tosfos: That’s against gemaras. if they say it 90 משיב הרוח by ספק Tur OC 114 quotes Maharam that one can get out of .10 Rema paskins this way. Acharonim: But R’ Yehuda .קירב נגיחותיו לא כ׳׳ש times since חלות that this doesn’t create a יוכיח to this logic?! Rebbe: It’s only a יוכיח is a זבה said that .רגילות but the logic was still good to demonstrate a ,שם Shiur 52 (24a) .Just whether to bring Korban :זב בעל ב׳ + ג׳ ראיות Nafka Minah between .1 .בעל השור Who is the punishment of skilas haShor for? Rambam: Punishment to .2 .punishment to the Shor ;שור של הפקר Ramban on Chumash: No, we kill even a 1 assur behan’ah? Everyone: Yes. Rabbeinu Tam: Not until after you שור שנגמר דינו Is a .3 schecht it. [See Nizkei Mamon 11:8 that Rambam probably holds this way as well.] and female parah is assur שור הנסקל Sanhedrin 80 discusses if a child from a male .4 :read this? Dvar Avraham ר׳׳ת How does .זו׳׳ז גורם behana’ah as well. Depends on Rabbeinu Tam thinks the Issur Hana’ah is already there from Gmar Din, but it just .בשר doesn’t need to be observed until you have Go’el Hadam ?יד העדים תהיה בו בראשונה What are the 3 times we don’t have a din of .5 is יד העדים since he’s avenging his brother), Shor Haniskal + Meisis (Rebbe: since) ,but in these two cases ,והצילו העדה meant to prevent them from testifying falsely due to (והצילו העדה there’s no din of you can be meikil not to require בשעת הדחק Rashba 112b is bothered why we say .6 שעת הדחק how can ,והועד בבעליו If it’s a din deoraisah based on .בפני בעל דין ha’adah by dinei ;דרישה וחקירה is just a din in בפני בע׳׳ד :make a difference? Ohr Sameach is just a new din בפני בע׳׳ד and ,דרישה וחקירה mammonos, Chachamim negated need for derabanan. Shiur 53 (24a-24b) .or a pircha? Gemara Chullin: Pircha יוכיח a - ק׳׳ו What’s a stronger way to ruin a .1 ?or knas ממון If an eved is worth exactly 30 shekalim, is the payment for killing him .2 Yerushalmi has two deios. Tosfos 24a: Still knas. 3. Eid Echad against Chezkas Issur: Tosfos: It’s a safek in Yevamos 87. Rema: not Assuming not believed, it’s a machlokes Ketzos + Nesivos .בידו believed unless it’s outside of ע׳׳א whether you’d need two kasher eidim to testify in beis din or just another beis din. The velt (R’ Lazer :שני(ם) עדים :What’s the difference between Shnayim + Shnei re .4 ע׳׳פ שנים Silver): Shnayim implies a group, while shnei implies separate -- pasuk says since דיני ממונות by שני while it says ,עדות מיוחדת by misah since we don’t accept עדים .is good עדות מיוחדת 5. Can we punish eidim zomemin for a result they cause if we don’t know they intended that result? 24b + Sanhedrin 41: No. עדות שא׳׳א יכול by mammon acceptable if it’s עדות מיוחדת a. Turei Even: If so, why is R’ Moshe Soloveitchik: The ?לשבועה באתי since each eid could say להזימה has two chiyuvim to it, you go lekula הגדת עדות gemaras just mean that when a on eidim zomemin and give them the lesser punishment. Proof from Beginning of .get chenek, not sreifah עדי׳׳ז tells you לאחיו ולא לאחותו Makkos that testify only that the kohenes was עדים זוממים b. Ri’s Safek in Tosfos Makkos 2a: If :Gevuras Ari ?חנק mezaneh and they don’t identify the man, do they still get only No room for safek -- that’s exactly the case the gemara is talking about since so there ,מיתות when they have different אין דנים שנים ביום א׳ says תוספתא נגעים must have been a gmar din on only one person! Rebbe: If so, R’ Moshe .as a source to his yesod לאחיו ולא לאחותו Soloveitchik can’t use Shiur 54 (24b) + ,Rabbeinu Chananel, Tosfos .תורא :Rashi ?ליעודי גברא או תורא How do we paskin on .1 .ספיקא דדינא Rambam Nizkei Mammon 6:1: Gemara answered for both sides, so 2 והצילו is never mechayev by dinei mammonos. Rebbe: Based on מרמזי רמוזי :Tosfos .2 .we darshin more lekula by them ,העדה שור :Tosfos ?משסה כלבו של חבירו but not by שור האצטדין Why is there a petur mamon by .3 .ממון not ,מיתה from פטור is acting in self-defense. Other Rishonim: it’s only a האצטדין 4. To which kal vechomers do we apply the concept of Dayo: Tosfos Harosh (lefi Rebbe): .to add to an existing din, but can to make a new din ק׳׳ו Can’t make a are only מידות Shagas Aryeh proves we don’t; the 13 ?הל׳׳מ s based onק׳׳ו Do we make .5 However, we can learn a kal vechomer within a .תורה שבע׳׳פ not ,תורה שבכתב shayach to .to learn its dinnim הל׳׳מ 6. What are the 3 independent parts of Torah, which cannot be learned one from the other? .are independent איסור, ממון + טומאה teaches that בין דם לדם בין דין לדין בין נגע לנגע :Gra Rav ?כתוב הג׳ המכריע ביניהם and no ב׳ כתובים המכחישים How do we paskin when you have .7 Yosef Engel based on Beitza 15b/Pesachim 68b: We compromise between the two. Shiur 55 (25a-b) Mordechai: Since ?בטל ברוב is זיבה rather than that א׳׳א בלא צחצוחי זיבה Why do we say .1 .it’s not battel berov ,בא בעולם בתערובת it’s 2. Which metal keilim are mekabel tum’ah? Gra: only the 6 mentioned in the Torah. .All metals :יבקש דעת Tifferes Yisrael Keilim Intro to a. Is tevilas keilim deoraisah? Most: Yes. Some: No. Rabbeinu Yonah in Issur .the klei seudah מגייר Vehetter: It’s like a geirus, that we’re being 3. If a mes touches food, does the food become an Av or Rishon? End of Eiruvin: Only a Tosfos Pesachim 17a: maybe .כל דלית ליה טהרה במקוה אינו נעשה אב הטומאה -- Rishon a kli, but if it touches other ochel, it would make the מטמא that rule just means it can’t be .into a Rishon אוכל other Ramban: Water is like a conductor, and even once ?הכשר לקבל טומאה Why do you need .4 that we treat it as tamei. Rav Soloveitchik: To make it גזירה דאור׳ it’s washed off, it’s a .ראוי לאכילה miderabanan, even a ;בית קיבול Which klei eitz are mekabel tum’ah? Only those with a .5 big pshutei kli eitz is mekabel tum’ah as well. it’s not mekabel tumah. Rishonim: That’s because ,מחזיק מ׳ סאה a. However, If it’s it’s like a separate room. בשר with a tiny opening? No - the pasuk says כלי חרס Can tum’as hesset be metamei a .6 .implying the human flesh has to be able to enter the kli for it to become tamei השב מביא או חוצץ בפני a) When it’s actually in the air, it’s neither :אוהל זרוק Two types of .7 .(Tosfos Eiruvin 31a) מביא ואינו חוצץ b) when it’s taxying on the ground, it’s ,הטומאה if gemaras regularly seem to אין אדם דן גז׳׳ש אא׳׳כ קבלו מרבו How do we understand that .8 treat them as subject to logical dispute? Some Rishonim (Tosfos Shabbos 97a): We ,Others: Tradition on the words .תוכן but not the ,גז׳׳ש have tradition on the number of but not which dinnim.