Quick Mount PV Products Are NOT Designed for and Should NOT Be Used to Anchor Fall Protection Equipment
E-Mount Lag QMSE - LAG ,7(0 '(6&5,37,21 47<%2; 7+,6('*(72:$5'6522)5,'*( 12 )/$6+,1*;;0,// 4%/2&.&/$66,&$&$67$/0,// 3/8*6($/,1*;(3'066 /$*6&5(:+(;+($'[66 :$6+(5)(1'(5,';2'66 5$&.,1*&20321(176 127,1&/8'(' 7,7/( 406(/$*4039(02817 $9$,/$%/(,10,//$1' %521=($12',=('),1,6+(6 :,7+/$*%2/7 81/(6627+(5:,6(63(&,),(' 6,=( '5$:1%< 5$' 5(9 ',0(16,216$5(,1,1&+(6 72/(5$1&(6 )5$&7,21$/ $ '$7( 35235,(7$5<$1'&21),'(17,$/ 7:23/$&('(&,0$/ 7+(,1)250$7,21&217$,1(',17+,6'5$:,1*,67+(62/(3523(57<2)48,&.0281739$1<5(352'8&7,21,13$5725$6 '21276&$/('5$:,1* $:+2/(:,7+2877+(:5,77(13(50,66,212)48,&.0281739,6352+,%,7(' 7+5((3/$&('(&,0$/ 6&$/( :(,*+7 6+((72) Lag pull-out (withdrawal) capacities (lbs) in typical lumber: Lag Bolt Specifications Specific Gravity 5/16" shaft per 3" thread depth 5/16" shaft per 1" thread depth Douglas Fir, Larch .50 798 266 Douglas Fir, South .46 705 235 Engelmann Spruce, Lodgepole Pine (MSR 1650 f & higher) .46 705 235 Hem, Fir .43 636 212 Hem, Fir (North) .46 705 235 Southern Pine .55 921 307 Spruce, Pine, Fir .42 615 205 Spruce, Pine, Fir (E of 2 million psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL) .50 798 266 Sources: American Wood Council, NDS 2005, Table 11.2 A, 11.3.2 A Notes: 1) Thread must be embedded in a rafter or other structural roof member.
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