APS March Meeting 2010 Portland, Oregon
APS March Meeting 2010 Portland, Oregon http://www.aps.org/meetings/march/index.cfm i Monday, March 15, 2010 8:00AM - 11:00AM — Session A12 DFD: Microfluidics I: Electrokinesis and Transport B110-B111 8:00AM A12.00001 Flow Regimes and Parametric Competitions in Nanochannel Flows CHONG LIU, ZHIGANG LI, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong — Nanoscale fluid flow systems involve both micro- and macroscopic parameters, which compete with each another and lead to different flow regimes. In this work, we investigate the competitions of four fundamental parameters, including the fluid-fluid, fluid-wall binding energies, temperature of the system, and driving force. By illustrating the fluid flux as a function of a dimensionless number, which represents the effective surface effect on the fluid, we show that the fluid motion in nanochannels falls into different regimes. For small fluid-fluid self-binding energy, there are three flow regimes; as the dimensionless number increases, the flux undergoes a transition from fluid-wall binding energy independent to temperature independent. If the fluid-wall binding energy is of the order of room temperature, there is a critical value for the dimensionless number, which divides the flow into weak and strong fluid-wall interaction regimes. Each of these regimes is associated with a distinct mechanism which reveals the competitions of the parameters. 8:12AM A12.00002 Microfluidic Chemical Concentration Switching at Taylor’s Limit1 , EBERHARD BODENSCHATZ, ALBERT BAE, LASSP, Cornell University, Ithaca and MPI for Dynamics and Selforganization, Goettingen, CARSTEN BETA, Institute for Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam and MPI for Dynamics and Selforganization, Goettingen — In this talk, we will discuss the time for switching chemical concentrations in microfluidic devices.
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