Amtrak Agreements
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P DeLand • 2-hour off-peak service in each direction PHASE 2 • Up to 3-car train set • 30-minute peak service in each direction from: P DeBary • 5:30 am – 8:30 am P Sanford/SR 46 • 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm system map P Lake M a r y P PHASE 1 Longwood P Altamonte Springs P Maitland Winter Park/ParkAvenue Florida Hospital Lynx Central Church Street Orlando Health/Amtrak L P Sand Lake Road P MeadowWoods PHASE 2 P Osceola Parkway P KissimmeeAmtrak Poinciana P L • Approved by Federal Transit Administration for entry into Final Design in August 2008 • Full Funding Grant Agreement expected in Summer/Fall 2009 • Unanimous votes by local funding project status partners in four counties and the City of Orlando for $615 million capital costs • Costs split 25 percent local and state; 50 percent federal gas taxes • FDOT pays all operations and maintenance costs for first 7 years • Operating agreements approved • Governance agreements approved CSXT Agreements • State purchase of 61.5 miles of track • State dispatches all trains in corridor 24/7 • Local government responsibility in year 8 • State maintains corridor project status •Local government responsibility in year 8 • Unfettered passenger rail access 19 hours daily • Exclusive passenger rail 12 hours daily – no freight allowed Amtrak Agreements • Co-locating at four stations total (2 in IOS) • Signed memorandum of understanding July 2008 • Operations agreement nearly complete Bus Agreements •CRT budget include O&M costs for 13 Lynx and 3 Votran buses •State pays half of bus capital costs • Introduced TOD concepts to local partners and station hosts on Dec. 12, 2006 • PB Placemaking presented national TOD concepts, and examples of successful public-private partnerships • PB Placemaking led group mapping session of TOD potential at each station • Followed up with half-day meetings at each station site in February 2007 • PB Placemaking, FDOT, local planners, engineers, architects and designers attended • Developed TOD concepts for each transit-oriented development station, resulting in TOD sketchbook • Today, local governments have embraced TOD concepts to maximize taxpayer return on Commuter Rail investment DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs deland station Maitland Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | deland station •• AdjacentAdjacent toto historichistoric DeLandDeLand AmtrakAmtrak stationstation •• 184-space184-space park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea •• 7.87.8 acresacres •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 39,77639,776 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 11,31911,319 •• PelhamPelham SquareSquare residentialresidential developmentdevelopment plannedplanned adjacentadjacent toto stationstation DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs debary station Maitland Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | debary station •• 286-space286-space park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea •• 7.37.3 acresacres •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 16,84716,847 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 10,26610,266 •• NewNew CityCity ofof DeBaryDeBary downtown downtown commercial/retailcommercial/retail corridorcorridor plannedplanned adjacentadjacent toto stationstation DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs sanford station Maitland Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | sanford station •• 256-space256-space park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea •• 6.26.2 acresacres •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 48,83848,838 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 49,23349,233 •• NewNew residentialresidential developmentdevelopment onon easteast sideside ofof trackstracks withwith proposedproposed pedestrianpedestrian accessaccess •• CityCity developingdeveloping newnew transit-transit- orientedoriented developmentdevelopment zoningzoning overlayoverlay forfor thethe S.R.S.R. 4646 corridorcorridor DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs Maitland lake mary station Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | lake mary station •• 264-space264-space park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea •• 7.17.1 acresacres •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 70,27270,272 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 80,11780,117 •• LakeLake MaryMary DowntownDowntown redevelopmentredevelopment planplan includesincludes commutercommuter railrail stationstation DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs Maitland longwood station Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | longwood station •• 332332 spacespace park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea •• 5.45.4 acresacres •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 76,59576,595 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 73,16373,163 •• Multi-useMulti-use transit-orientedtransit-oriented developmentdevelopment plannedplanned forfor stationstation areaarea DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs Maitland Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St altamonte springs station Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | altamonte springs station •• 402-space402-space park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea •• 7.87.8 acresacres •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 96,24196,241 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 119,045119,045 •• LocatedLocated adjacentadjacent toto AltamonteAltamonte SpringsSprings GovernmentGovernment ComplexComplex DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs Maitland maitland station Winter Park Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | maitland station •• 150-space150-space park-n-ridepark-n-ride lotlot withwith busbus dropdrop offoff areaarea provideprovidedd byby citycity andand developersdevelopers •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 96,24196,241 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 119,045119,045 •• TwoTwo multi-usemulti-use trtransitansit orientedoriented developmentsdevelopments planneplannedd adjacentadjacent toto station,station, withwith resiresidential,dential, retailretail andand officeoffice spacespace •• PedestrianPedestrian accessaccess toto adjacentadjacent neighborhoodneighborhood providedprovided byby CityCity ofof MaitlandMaitland •• TrolleyTrolley serviceservice plplannedanned toto connectconnect toto downtowndowntown MaitlandMaitland corecore DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs Maitland Winter Park winter park station Florida Hosp Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | winter park station •• ConnectsConnects toto exisexistingting AmtrakAmtrak buildingbuilding •• NewNew platformplatform forfor AmtrakAmtrak passengerspassengers •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 100,409100,409 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 133,212133,212 •• AdjacentAdjacent toto existing:existing: -- CentralCentral Park retaretailil and commercial corridorcorridor -- MorseMorse MuseumMuseum of American ArtArt -- HighHigh densitydensity resiresidentialdential housinghousing •• WalkingWalking distancedistance to:to: -- RollinsRollins CollegeCollege -- WinterWinter ParkPark WelcomeWelcome CenterCenter -- CityCity officesoffices DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Spgs Maitland Winter Park Florida Hosp florida hospital station Lynx Central Church St Orlando Health Sand Lake Rd Meadow Woods Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee Poinciana central florida commuter rail | florida hospital station •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 populationpopulation withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 103,070103,070 •• ProjectedProjected 20302030 employmentemployment withinwithin 3-mile3-mile radius:radius: 238,913238,913 •• FloridaFlorida HospitalHospital MasterMaster PlanPlan includes:includes: -- 20,00020,000 employeesemployees -- 1,5001,500 additionaladditional bebedsds andand 1.51.5 millionmillion squaresquare feet ofof developmentdevelopment -- CRTCRT StationStation linkedlinked toto plannedplanned “Health“Health Village”Village”