For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New Elementary School Person who has made significant Alan Fitzpatrick Elementary School Al Fitzpatrick served North Clackamas for many years in a huge variety of positions. He was a contribution to humanity teacher, principal, and mentor to younger teachers and principals. Throughout his career and into retirement, Al has an positive impact on the lives of an enormous number of North Clackamas students and the careers of district staff. New Elementary School Historical Significance Barlow Trail Elementary It was the only saloon. New Elementary School Person who has made significant Elementary Betty Roberts was the first woman to be a judge on both the Court of Appeals and the x contribution to humanity . New Elementary School Historical Significance Catherine Coburn Elementary Catherine (Kate) Scott Coburn came over on the Oregon Trail as a child. She became one of the x first teachers and educators in Clackamas County. It would be wonderful to have a woman of historical significance to the area be named. Thanks! New Elementary School Person who has made significant Catherine Scott Coburn She was a pioneer in women’s right to vote movement and an educator from The Clackamas area x contribution to humanity New Elementary School Historical Significance Chinookan Elementary School Clackamas county was named after the Native Americans living in the area, the Clackamas Indians who were part of the Chinookan people. Chinookan is a small family of languages spoken in Oregon & Washington along the . I believe this name in itself reflects as it says a small family of languages, children of different cultures and languages. New Elementary School Historical Significance Chinookin I am interested in Native American history, and learned that the Chinookin were the motivation for the naming of Clackamas county early in its history. There is a Chinook High School in Alberta, BC, and numerous Chinook High Schools in Montana. There is also a Chinook Middle School in Bellevue, WA. But no Chinookin. New Elementary School Historical Significance Christilla Valley That was Happy valley's prior name - named after Christian and Matilda Deardorff New Elementary School Geographical Significance Damascus Elementary School I recommend this name because of the geographic location. There are several high schools in the North Clackamas School District, and keeping the names location-related is helpful to individuals/families that are new to the area. New Elementary School Historical Significance Damascus Frontier(s) Elementary Named after actor Smokey Humbird and his wife's band the Damascus Frontiers. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Damascus Valley High School Combines Happy Valley and Damascus New Elementary School Geographical Significance, Deardorff Elementary School The Deardorf's were the first settlers of Happy Valley and I think it would be a great honor to the Historical Significance family to have a school named after them. New Elementary School Person who has made significant Diego Valeri Elementary School Seldom does an athlete have such a positive impact on the youth of the community outside of their x x contribution to humanity sport. This one spends as much time cleaning donated children's books and painting foster child waiting rooms as he does practicing and winning the MLS MVP award. New Elementary School Historical Significance Dolly Fisher Elementary School Dolly Catherine Pedigo Fisher (1830-1917) was married to John Smith Fisher and their 319.96 acre x Donation Land Claim in 1866 includes at least a portion of Vogel Rd where the school is to be built. Dolly was the daughter of Edward Pedigo who is credited with giving the name "Damascus" to the area that was originally called the Rock Creek Precinct. There are very few women pioneers honored with a school named after them in NCSD. New Elementary School Person who has made significant Donald Fortlage He has taken care of and delivered many of the grandparents, parents, and even children in this contribution to humanity district. He is a great man that truly cared for and connected with his patients even seeing them probono. He was also one of the first physicians to see OHP patients. New Elementary School Historical Significance Edward Pedigo Elementary He named the city New Elementary School Historical Significance Edward Pedigo Elementary School Edward Pedigo is credited with naming Damascus. After arriving from Iowa he thought of the town as the place of a new beginning which led to further thoughts of Paul on his route to Damascus, Syria. New Elementary School Historical Significance Edward Pedigo Elementary School Edward Pedigo named Damascus in 1854. New Elementary School Person who has made significant Esperanza Elementary Esperanza Spalding is woman of color (African American, Native American, Hispanic as well as x x x contribution to humanity Welsh) from Pdx and is an internationally known musician. Esperanza is also “hope” in Spanish, a great quality to instill in children. It also honors a significant portion of our community by using a Spanish word to name a school. New Elementary School Geographical Significance, Foster Elementary Foster Road is an important east-west street, a strategic route that began as a Native American trail. Historical Significance It became an alternative route of the Barlow Trail during the pioneer era, bringing settlers directly into Portland rather than down to Oregon City. Foster then became a well-traveled farm-to-market route connecting to Powell Valley Road near the present-day 52nd Avenue and to the and Portland. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New Elementary School Person who has made significant George M Cohan Elementary George M. Cohan is a prominent historic figure in music and theatrical arts. contribution to humanity New Elementary School Person who has made significant George Washington Bush George Washington Bush was born in 1790, the son of an African American servant and an Irish contribution to humanity maid. While many pioneers earned reputations as rugged individualists, Bush epitomized compassion and selflessness, traits that helped him become one of the most important leaders settling the West. In May 1844, Bush partnered with Michael Troutman Simmons to lead a thirty-two- person party over the perilous Oregon Trail. He personally funded those of his party who could not afford to make it on their own. After four months, the wagon train arrived in Oregon. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Hillview Heights Elementary I love that it will have scenic hills around the school. Name seemed appropriate for that. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Kellogg Creek Elementary This piece of land is in the Kellogg Creek watershed. New Elementary School Geographical Significance, Laurel Hill Elementary 1. We have no schools with a feminine name in our District. x Historical Significance 2. We live on one of the most Historical trails in the . Many families traveled to this area for new opportunities and to own land. This is one of the last large pieces of land that we might be able to purchase in our District. Lets honor those families that traveled to this area to farm and raise their children. Laurel Hill is a trail that these pioneers created on their route to a better life. This trail was meant to avoid traveling down the Columbia River. The terrain was rough and unpredictable.

New Elementary School Geographical Significance, Laurel Hill Elementary Laurel Hill Elementary pays tribute to the awe-inspiring stories of perseverance, dedication, and x Historical Significance hope which combine to create the fabric of the Oregon Pioneer Spirit. Nearby Laurel Hill is often described as the most challenging and harrowing stretch of the historic Barlow Road on the way to prosperity. Laurel Hill Elementary will be committed to preparing generations of North Clackamas students to face the challenges of future years, with similar grit and determination as the pioneers who conquered the pitfalls of Laurel Hill and mountains of yesteryear. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New Elementary School Person who has made significant Mahatma Gandhi Elementary Mahatma Gandhi is revered the world over as one of history’s most transformative and inspirational x x contribution to humanity figures. Throughout his life in South Africa and India, Gandhi was a fearless campaigner for the rights and dignity of all people, whose constant and unwavering promotion of non-violence as a tool to win over hearts and minds has forever left its mark on the world. The man known today for his calm, courage and compassion in the face of oppression was not always comfortable before the crowds. Born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in Porbandar, India in 1869 — he was later nicknamed “Mahatma,” for “great soul” — in fact suffered for much of his life from an acute fear of public speaking. Gandhi’s glossophobia was so severe that when he faced a judge for his first court case as a young lawyer, he froze and fled from the courtroom in a panic.

Over time, Gandhi managed not only to overcome his fears, but to turn them to his advantage. His unease at speaking made him an excellent listener, whose humility and empathy allowed him to channel the dreams and aspirations of the masses. His hesitancy with words taught him the power of saying more with less — and today, these words, inflected with the heart and wisdom that have made him an international icon, continue to inspire countless millions across the globe. Here are a few quotes:

"If you want real peace in the world, start with children."

"Be the change that you want to see in the world."

"A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes."

"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet."

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong."

"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." New Elementary School Person who has made significant Malala Yousafzai Elementary School Malala Yousafzai's story is something which we can all agree is nothing short of amazing. She has x x x contribution to humanity done and is doing so much work for children worldwide and we should immortalize her legacy in the name of the school. New Elementary School Historical Significance Martha Jordan Martha Jordan was a teacher in Vanport, which was created primarily for African-Americans who x x x moved to Oregon to support American wartime efforts. As a result of racially driven housing policies, African-Americans were encouraged live in this poorly constructed, flood prone area, which was ultimately destroyed by flood. Martha later became the first African-American teacher in Portland Public Schools. New Elementary School Historical Significance Mary Charlotte Elementary Mary Charlotte Foster was the wife of Philip Foster. While he was a prominent community member x (building the Barlow Rd., serving in government, creating one of the most important waystations on the Oregon Trail) he could have done none of that without Mary Charlotte. Pioneer women are seldom recognized, and she deserves to be. She willingly uprooted herself to come to Oregon, but managed to bring her lilac tree with her (still growing, it is the oldest lilac in Oregon). She ran the waystation and was a vital part of Oregon history. New Elementary School Person who has made significant McLovin Elementary School Old enough to party contribution to humanity New Elementary School Geographical Significance Mt View Elementary The view of the mountain is close to the school New Elementary School Historical Significance I would like to see one of the new schools be named after Norma Paulus. Paulus served as both x Oregon Secretary of State in 1977 and later as Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction for nine years! For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New Elementary School Person who has made significant Norma Paulus Norma Paulus (born March 13, 1933) is an American lawyer and politician in the state of Oregon. A x contribution to humanity native of , she was raised in before becoming a lawyer. A Republican, she first held political office as a representative in the Oregon House of Representatives, and then became the first woman elected to statewide public office in Oregon when she became Oregon Secretary of State in 1977. Paulus later served as Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction for nine years. She had failed bids to become and United States Senator. She lives in Portland where she is involved with several non-profit groups and sponsored a ballot measure to create open primaries in Oregon's statewide elections. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Pedigo elementary school The school should be named like this since Edward Pedigo helped name the city Damascus. In the 1850’s Pedigo moved to this city; and by then it didn’t have a name. When the city began to grow, a name was needed. Pedigo suggested “Damascus” wich means “The place of a new beginning.” Many liked it, and so the city was named Damascus. With this, Pedigo helped name a city, and now this city is receiving a new school; it’s a new beginning. New Elementary School Historical Significance Philip Foster Elementary Many NCSD students have visited Philip Foster's home in Eagle Creek, and know of his work to serve immigrants on the Barlow Road. Other than Foster Road, this first treasurer of Oregon has received very little recognition. Five acres of his original Farm is now a historic site dedicated to sharing Oregon's pioneer history with students and adults through hands-on activities, living history interpretation, and community events. New Elementary School Historical Significance Phillip Foster Elementary By 1851 Portland had overtaken Oregon City as the area’s main city. In 1852 Philip Foster built a second road from his farm in Eagle Creek to Portland. Known as the Barlow-Foster Trail, this new trail passed over Damascus’ current Royer Road and to what is now known as Foster Road. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Pleasant Valley Elementary It is in the area Pleasant Valley Golf Course used to reside New Elementary School Geographical Significance Rock Creek Elementary Location New Elementary School Geographical Significance Rock Creek Elementary The property is in close proximity to Rock Creek and this name allows the district to continue to honor this geographical feature of the area. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Rock Creek Elementay School Best describes surrounding location. New Elementary School Geographical Significance, Person Elementar School Given the fact that no Native American females have been recognized by NCSD as well as many x x x who has made significant other school districts in our area, I believe we should honor this pioneering woman who helped the contribution to humanity Corps. of Discovery travel westward to the Pacific from St. Louis in the early 1800s. If it hadn't been for Sacagawea's ability to navigate and translate for the group, they most likely would not have made it safely across the western territories of what became the United States. I strongly feel that we should honor Sacagawea for her significant regional and historical contributions! New Elementary School Person who has made significant Sam Hyde Elementary School uhhhh contribution to humanity New Elementary School Historical Significance Smokey Humbird Elementary He brought Hollywood to Damascus where they filmed a lot of westerns. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Sunny Hill School Sunny Hill School New Elementary School Geographical Significance Sunshine Elementary Because it’s sunny in happy valley New Elementary School Person who has made significant Teachers Rock Lots of schools have educators' names but I don't know of any that recognize a teacher. contribution to humanity New Elementary School Geographical Significance Trillium Beautiful lake on Mt Hood New Elementary School Person who has made significant Ursula LeGuin She's a significant Oregon writer and humanist. x contribution to humanity New Elementary School Person who has made significant Significant former mayor, fled Nazi occupation x contribution to humanity New Elementary School Person who has made significant Vera Katz She was the mayor of Portland and the first female speaker of the house. A great role model for our x contribution to humanity girls. New Elementary School Person who has made significant Vera Katz Elementary She made a huge impact in Oregon for many years. With her passing, this is a great way to honor x contribution to humanity what she's done for our state and the people. New Elementary School Person who has made significant Vera Katz Elementary School Vera Katz did some much for Portland. With her passing I think naming the the new Elementary x contribution to humanity school after her would be such an honor for all she has done for our city. Thank you New Elementary School Geographical Significance vogel elementary location New Elementary School Geographical Significance Vogel Elementary School It's the name of the street the new school will be built on. New Elementary School Geographical Significance Vogel Elementary School Based on it's location/street name, it's simple and non-controversial, and there does not appear to be a school with that name in Oregon New Elementary School Geographical Significance Vogel Elementary School Named after it's location. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New Elementary School Geographical Significance Vogle Elementry Vogle is the name of the street it will be on. New Elementary School Geographical Significance vogle elementry Vogle is the name of the street it will be on. New Elementary School Historical Significance White Elementary Whites don’t get the pride they deserve there is so much racism against whites who are told their heritage doesn’t matter. Clackamas County is a predominately white community and deserves a school that takes pride in the long history of what whites have done here in Clackamas! MAGA! New Elementary School Person who has made significant Winfrey Elementary Oprah Winfrey is an inspirational woman of color, philanthropist, and understands the importance of x x x contribution to humanity education. The majority of the population in this area is white, and I think it would be beneficial for students to be reminded that leaders come in all colors and backgrounds. Her story also shows grit and resilience! New Elementary School Person who has made significant Woody Guthrie Elementary School Woody Guthrie is everything America should be. His kind of inclusive, welcoming spirit and humble contribution to humanity circumstances have inspired generations of Americans for decades. He wrote one of the most beautiful and iconic songs about our country (This Land is Your Land) and perfectly embodies the resilient spirit of America. New High School Person who has made significant Ada Lovelace Woman who is considered to be the original inventor of the computer. x contribution to humanity New High School Person who has made significant Alfred Nobel High School humanity contribution to humanity New High School Persona que ha hecho una Barack Obama First black US President, protected undocumented children from deportation with DREAM act x contribución significativa a la (DACA), delivered LGBQT Rights, legalized same sex marriage, delivered health care for millions of humanidad uninsured Americans, stabilized the economy from the Great Recession, championed Civil Rights, passed Wall Street Reform, Secured a U.S. commitment to global climate change, ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, normalized and brought peace to US relations with Cuba, rescued FAFSA from for- profit banks, expanded pell grants for college students, rescued the American image abroad, regulated Tobacco adding it to the FDA, created US investments in Clean Energy, reduced US and Russian nuclear stockpiles, passed Credit Card reform, expanded overtime pay, cracked down on terrible For-Profit Colleges (e.g. Western business college, Ashley, Apollo College), improved school nutrition nourishment (Michelle Obama), stabilized housing and mortgage, expanded broadband internet to the US, avoided most scandal. Obama made a overall feeling of empowerment of all students, especially students of color to raise graduation rates and make a voice within the school setting. The graduation rate reached a 83.2% all time high. If we (as a district) say we stand for equity, we should show it by having a school named after the first black US President.

New High School Person who has made significant Barack Obama High School Barack Obama is a great role model for so many people x contribution to humanity New High School Person who has made significant Barack Obama High School First black US President, protected undocumented children from deportation with DREAM act x contribution to humanity (DACA), delivered LGBQT Rights, legalized same sex marriage, delivered health care for millions of uninsured Americans, stabilized the economy from the Great Recession, championed Civil Rights, passed Wall Street Reform, Secured a U.S. commitment to global climate change, ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, normalized and brought peace to US relations with Cuba, rescued FAFSA from for- profit banks, expanded pell grants for college students, rescued the American image abroad, regulated Tobacco adding it to the FDA, created US investments in Clean Energy, reduced US and Russian nuclear stockpiles, passed Credit Card reform, expanded overtime pay, cracked down on terrible For-Profit Colleges (e.g. Western business college, Ashley, Apollo College), improved school nutrition nourishment (Michelle Obama), stabilized housing and mortgage, expanded broadband internet to the US, avoided most scandal. Brought graduation rate to new high of 83.2%.

New High School Historical Significance High School To honor the first female governor of Oregon...Barbara Roberts. x New High School Person who has made significant Ben Carson a first black brain surgeon, from a struggling single mother- Ben Carson is respectable, honorable, x contribution to humanity accomplished & most of all a great example for the disadvantage to stay in school- New High School Geographical Significance Carver High School Carver, Oregon, the Carver bridge, and the Clacakams River all hold significant geographical importance to the area near the school. New High School Geographical Significance, Christian Deardorff High School He was the original founder of Happy Valley and was my fifth (or fourth) great grandfather. :) I am a Historical Significance teacher at Whitcomb Elementary. Thank you! New High School Geographical Significance, Person Christilla Deardorff High School Christian and Matillda Deardorff were the first settlers to "Happy Hollow" and were important figures who has made significant in its settlement. Christilla was the name of the 1st school in Happy Valley. contribution to humanity For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Geographical Significance Christilla Valley High Historical meaning New High School Historical Significance Christilla Valley High School Original name of Happy Valley from the first settlers New High School Historical Significance Christilla Valley High School Happy Valley was originally called Christilla Valley, named after the first residents, Christian and Matilda Deardorff. New High School Geographical Significance Clackamas East High School It is in the east side of North Clackamas School District and the Clackamas East Bldg will no longer exist due to the middle school moving to that location New High School Historical Significance Concord High School Concord Elementary School has been open for more than 150 years but now is closed. We should honor the school and our relatives who went there. New High School Geographical Significance Dam-Happy High School I have been teasing my Clackamas High School graduate and told him I was going to submit it. The combination of Damascus students with Happy Valley students, I think it only makes sense! It is the perfect name and hopefully all the kids there would love it! New High School Historical Significance Deardorf High School The Deardorff Family were the first residents of Happy Valley that traveled across the plains and received a land grant of 625 acres in 1851. New High School Historical Significance Deardorff Valley High School Last name of the first settlers in Happy Valley. New High School Historical Significance Diversity High School Since Happy Valley is known for its diversified community, it sounds like a good High School name. New High School Historical Significance Donald Trump High School He is the first celeberty to be in office. Huge progress New High School Geographical Significance East Side High School It’s located on the east side New High School Person who has made significant Einsenhower David Dwight Eisenhower was a strong leader that helped lead our country win freedom for all contribution to humanity Americans. He was a five-star general responsible for victory in WWII and elected President by a grateful country. He governed with overwhelming support and approval from people of both major political parties.

New High School Person who has made significant Ellen Degeneres High School Ellen Degeneres is a great humanitarian. She gives away multiple Roku televisions on each episode x x contribution to humanity of her daily talk show. Ellen Degeneres is also funny at times, which can reflect High School. I think Ellen Degeneres would love the honor of having a high school named after her. Fun fact: Shutterfly, who sponsors her, gives away lots of cash. Thank you for the consideration. - John Doe New High School Historical Significance Guithlakimas High School The Clackamas Native American tribes name New High School Person who has made significant H. Desmond Johnson He has taken care of and delivered many of the grandmothers, parents, and even some of the contribution to humanity children in this district. He is a great man that truly cared for and connected with his patients even seeing them probono. solo-practice New High School Historical Significance Happy Hollow High School The name of the 1st house built in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley Academy Academy is a word used frequently in the UK instead of High School. I think it would be good to have something different from High School. New High School Geographical Significance, Person Happy Valley Barons For the Deardorff family who settled Happy Valley. They were of German heritage. who has made significant contribution to humanity New High School Geographical Significance, Happy Valley Bobcats It has a nice ring to it. Historical Significance New High School Geographical Significance, Happy Valley Brahma Bulls For the Brahma Bulls that live on Hwy 224 & 152nd Avenue. They are a community landmark. Historical Significance New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley Hedgehogs It’s cool New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High I think it would be an awesome school name - clackamas, milwaukie are named after the city it is in, so should happy valley after the city New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High It’s in Happy Valley and it sounds amazing New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High I like it and I feel like it's something people will remember and we'll finally have a high school in Happy Valley so why not? New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High I think this name would be great considering it’s located in happy valley and we already have a happy valley elementary and middle. We just need a high school:) New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High Geographical Location. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High Because this is what we were told in a class taught by one of your planners. Name fits. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High It has a nice ring to it plus the school is in happy valley. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High Because it’s the first high school in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High Based off location. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High My family live and love the city of Happy Valley. What better way to express it than naming the local high school after it. My children will bring so lucky to get to go to this new high school! New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School The new high school's boundaries are fully within the city limits of the city of Happy Valley. Two other high school's in the area are named for the city or county (Milwaukie High School and Clackamas High School). Happy Valley High School would easily be associated by other schools and surrounding community members by its location. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School No other name would make sense. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It seems fitting to have a Happy Elementary, Happy Valley Middle school and now, Happy Valley High School. With Happy Valley growing so much, I feel that we need a high school to represent it. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Great way to elevate our city and create identity. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Happy Valley is a very pleasant name that represents not only the name of our community but the geographical landscaping, and the overall characteristics of the people in Happy Valley. I think the community as a whole is very happy, courteous, pleasant and strong. We have high standards and it shows in our schools and educational values. Happy reflects our character and Valley represents the geographical landscape. Perfect for our new High School. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Most cities have a high school after their name, and the closest we have is Clackamas High. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School We have Happy Valley Elementary School, Happy Valley Middle School, and it would be nice to then also have a Happy Valley High School. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School We have Happy Valley Elementary, HV Middle schools and since the new high school is in Happy Valley city limits, I feel it should match the other originals. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It makes sense geographically. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School I feel like it would only fit with the rest of the high schools in Oregon. Many are named after the city they're in, so it'll only make sense to be named after our great city. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It is geographically relevant and many students will be from HV. Just like Clackamas HS every single student won’t live in the actual city. Don’t name it Rock Creek HS as thst is a city in Washington County and will be confusing. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Because of the are, this would be a great name for the school. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It is the only high school in Happy Valley and should be named appropriate to the location. Just as Milwaukie High is named appropriately. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Clackamas boundary school is Clackamas High School, Happy Valley High School makes the most sense because it in Happy Valley. If Clackamas High School hAd a name other than the city then I would say find another name that fits by since there will be two high schools in the area now divide them by their city names!!! New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Why make it complicated? The high school is located in Happy Valley; the name should reflect the location. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Simplicity New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School We have a Happy Valley Elementary and a Happy Valley Middle, common sense and geographic sense to have a High School New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School A school represents the community in which it is. This will be a clear representation for anyone wondering who and where the school is. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Like Clackamas and Milwaukie, I think the high school should be named after the city. As our city has continued to grow so has the need for a new high school. If my kids didn't end up going to Clackamas I would like to see them attend a school also named after the city we live in. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School There is already a Happy Valley elementary school and Happy Valley middle school. The new High school will be located in Happy Valley. It sounds good and has an uplifting ring to it. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It just fits New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Located in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School I grew up in Happy Valley and went to Happy Valley Elementary. It will be great to continue the tradition with my kids going to a Happy Valley school. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley high school It sounds good and is in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School The first high school in the city limits should always be named after the city. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School This is high school is in Happy Valley and the name should reflect that. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Because it will be lo ated in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School The school is located in Happy Valley, so that makes the most sense. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Happy Valley High School would be a great name to describe our sense of community and our wonderful city! For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Happy Valley is a name to be proud of. When I tell people I live in Happy Valley Oregon they hardly believe that this happy city really exists. When I look out onto the hills of Happy Valley, I truly feel happy and I think this name should reflect this wonderful city and the attitudes of the kids going to this new school. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Most of the students attending the new high school will live in happy valley. We already have happy valley elementary and middle schools, so it is logical that the high school in happy valley would share the same name. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School I like the High School's being named after their geographic locations and it is a common practice in the United States. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School There is Happy Valley Elementary, Happy Valley Middle, but no Happy Valley High yet. So "Happy Valley High School" completes the lineup. In the future, we'll have a Happy Valley College. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Historically, all high schools in Clackamas County have a high school that is named after the city they are located within. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Because our beautiful community needs to have our own High School! New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School I recommend this name because of the geographic location. There are several high schools in the North Clackamas School District, and keeping the names location-related is helpful to individuals/families that are new to the area. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It's located in Happy Valley. Why complicate things? New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School I believe that a sense of community is what makes Happy Valley unique and a great place to raise a family in. Many families have moved here for just that reason. Please take pride in our community and name the school after somewhere we all unite for! This will not create controversy or divide in our community, something we do not need any more of. I believe uniting us is more important now than paying homage to someone or something that may socially divide us. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School I feel it's simple and it makes sense due to it's location in Happy Valley. I also think it will help represent Happy Valley in a positive way. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School The majority of the geographical population will reside in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Located in the City of Happy Valley. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School It's located in Happy Valley. New High School Geographical Significance, Person Happy Valley High School Cause it's in happy valley, and it's a high school. Sounds cool to me. who has made significant contribution to humanity New High School Geographical Significance Happy valley high school It’s in happy valley New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School Clackamas High school is in the Clackamas area. Happy Valley High school is in the Happy Valley area. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School The school is in Happy Valley, and it has a nice sound to it. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School - Mascot: It is in Happy Valley and everyone loves the Ducks! Ducks, Flying V New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley High!! Just makes sense - we LOVE our community! New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley Highschool Proud of happy valley. It deserves a high school bearing the city name to complement the elementary and middle schools. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley Honey Badgers No geographical significance, just sounds good. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley Jack Rabbits It is very common to see rabbits in the field surrounding the property the new high school will be. New High School Geographical Significance Happy Valley Turkey Vultures The Turkey Vulture is common around our region and is unappreciated compared to the Eagle or the Hawk. New High School Geographical Significance Hidden Falls High Matches up to the geographic significance and uniqueness of the Hidden Falls park and waterfall directly behind the school. New High School Geographical Significance Hidden Falls High School It’s unlike any other name in our District. The mascot could be rapids or water related. New High School Geographical Significance High School "Rock Creek" is name of current middle school at same location. There is no need to change the name and the name does recognize the Geographical location. The name "Hoodview" is appropriate for Geographical reasons and even though Hoodview Park is colocated there, it does make sense from Geographical and visual perspective in our community. Mt. Hood is an identifiable and recognized landmark for all in the boundary of the proposed new high school. I offer both names, have no preference and believe either is appropriate. New High School Person who has made significant Hillary Clinton High School Hillary Clinton is role model to women and girls everywhere. It would be amazing if the school was x contribution to humanity named after a strong woman like her For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Geographical Significance Hood View Three of our four district High schools will be named for geographic location. I attended the fourth (Putnam), and all I ever heard in high school was mockery of that name. Don't name this high school after a person who is not an American president. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View The view of my hood is amazing from right there. Matches the ball park’s name New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High Fits the area and it’s consistent with the park’s name New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High The view of Mt. Hood is front and center from the entrance of the school. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High Fits the area. Best view of my hood. Named goes with the baseball park New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School Our new high school will be located next to Hood View Park and in the shadow of one of Oregon's most beautiful geographical and culturally-significant features, Mt. Hood. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School I like the idea of keeping the name reflective of the community/geography it serves. Since it borders Hood View Park and presumably has a view of Mt. Hood, I think Hood View High School is appropriate. It also has a fun, alliterative sound to it. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School "Hood View" is a good choice as it is located next to the existing (and we'll established) Hood View Park (which rumor has it - will be absorbed by the new HS), and for the obvious reason that it faces easterly with a spectacular view of one of Oregon's most beautiful and recognizable features...Mount Hood. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School Sharing the name of the adjacent local park makes sense, and references a significant, majestic, and beautiful geographical landmark that easily represents qualities that we strive for and nurture in our schools and community. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School Since it is next to Hood View Park. It makes sense and it sounds good. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School Attached to areas best park of same name. Great views of Mt. Hood! New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School The view of Mount Hood is amazing from that location New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School The school will stand adjacent to Hood View Park and will have a great view of the scenery, including Mt. Hood. The name is simple, yet unique. The mascot could possibly be either the Rangers or the Lumberjacks. As a student-athlete from the North Clackamas School District, I have spent many days at Hood View Park and I, as well as many others, have grown to love it. I believe the new high school should be called Hood View High School because of the significance of the Park, and the scenery in the surrounding area. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School The beautiful view of Mt. Hood this school offers causes one to pause and reflect on its beauty, power, and impact on the greater Portland community. With no high school in Oregon currently holding the name "Hood View High School", I believe this name would bring the school and district immediate recognition. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School The property has a beautiful view of Mt Hood. Hood View Park is adjacent to the school site, so the name is consistent with the area. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School This name has worked well for the sports complex. It encompasses a description of the area without isolating either of the two communities. Hood View Mountaineers... Good luck with the process!

New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School It is located right next to the Hood View fields. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School The mascot could be the Mountaineers, which fits in the equity lens of the district without being an animal. The prominent feature from the school it the view of Mt. Hood, so this seems an appropriate name. Considering a mascot that makes sense with the given name of the school seems appropriate, especially at the high school level. A note about a name I don't like: Happy Valley High School seems exclusive to me--not all of the students who attend will come from Happy Valley. As an educator, I think this reinforces an us-vs- them mentality at a school which is detrimental to student learning. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School It makes sense geographically, sounds good. That area of the district is already known as Hood View so it makes sense since it’s going into an existing building. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School I'd like to suggest Hood View as the name of the new high school as it has a beautiful view of Mt. Hood and the park already shares the same name. The name is neutral, unlike the suggestion floating around of Happy Valley High School. Happy Valley High School would not be representative of our entire population and would cause division (besides it sounds very Beverly Hills 90210 or Sweet Valley Highish). Happy Valley is already trying to separate and elevate themselves and this fuel the fire. In addition, many Happy Valley residents will attend Clackamas, and many students attending the new high school will live in Damascus and Clackamas. It seems a better option to pick something neutral like Hood View that would not create division. Thank you for allowing us to give suggestions. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School Highlights the proximity to Mt Hood, one of our states most beautiful landmarks New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School View of Mount Hood and it is something besides Happy Valley High. We don't need it named after Happy Valley! I'd much prefer JOE KRUMM HIGH but not sure it qualifies New High School Geographical Significance Hood View High School or Parklane I think we should avoid names that link it to a specific city like Happy Valley HS. Hood View is High School already associated with the park that I believe is going to become part of the high school. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View HS Hood view Park has been there for quite a few years and is recognizable by many. New High School Geographical Significance Hood View HS The ball field property is already established with the name Hood View and the name fits and honors the location on the Eastern border of the district. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High My kids thought it was the perfect name given the beautiful views of the mountain from around this property. They spend lots of time at the Hoodview Sports Complex and always enjoy their time there.

New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High SChool It is a lovely but generic enough geographic name. The park is already named this and is already on google maps, etc.

Please do NOT consider Happy Valley High School. Families from other cities/areas will likely attend the school. There are already rumors flying about the HS already being named Happy Valley High and many assumptions are already being made about boundaries, etc. There is a divide and stigma in the community between Happy Valley (the core/north of Sunnyside) vs. they rest of the east side of the district based on number of apartments/mobile homes, housing costs, school test scores, etc. Please consider this in the naming and the new boundaries. Thank you!!! New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School Based on location, current facilities that are attached and will become the baseball, softball and soccer fields. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School The ball fields that are currently there are named Hood View already, so it would be a logical transition - and there is a gorgeous view of Mt. Hood from there. I strongly do NOT want the High School to be named Happy Valley High School. Many of the children attending will not even live in Happy Valley - and frankly, it would only serve to further the divide between those who live in Happy Valley and those who do not. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School Hoodview is more inclusive of the students that will be attending the high school. The name Happy Valley has become bogged down with socio-economic stereotypes, both from within and without. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School I think the name should not be Happy Valley High School. I believe it will cause more confusion. A large portion of Happy Balley residents think they are in their own district. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School Easy and makes sense. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School Just please DO NOT name the new high school "Happy Valley High School." It sounds ridiculous and has a very "white" connotation. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview High School The location has a great view of our majestic Mt. Hood, as well as the proximity to Hoodview Park which is a great source for a wide variety of community events. New High School Geographical Significance Hoodview HS Due to the complex having been there and already named Hoodview for quite some time. We all already know it as that. (And view of Hood) so yes, geographical location. It sounds inviting. And I so strongly believe HV High would be thee worst name for it. It just sounds so 'white' and so non diverse. Unless we are writing a teenage drama novel, please do not name it HV High. It would cause a divide rather than a unity. it rings 'rich kid' I'm begging you New High School Historical Significance Hubbard high Much of this area began with the Hubbard family back in the early 1900’s New High School Person who has made significant President Jimmy Carter had a strong policy focused specifically on Human Rights. His decision to contribution to humanity open the door of United States for thousands of Vietnamese refugees was followed by other nations in the world. He's spending his retirement ceaselessly on projects building homes for un-privilege people around the country and advocating for Human Rights in the world. New High School Geographical Significance Judge Judge Adrienne Nelson is the first African American person put on the Supreme Court of Oregon on x x x Jan. 10, 2018. New High School Person who has made significant Margaret L. Carter Margaret was the first black woman elected to the Oregon House of Representatives, served as x x x contribution to humanity President of the Urban League of Portland, and worked for the Oregon Department of Human Services and Portland Community College. She has served the state of Oregon for decades and embodies the qualities that we want our students to nurture and develop. New High School Geographical Significance, Martin Luther King High As the growing diagraphics change, I think it would be fitting to name the HS with historical x x Historical Significance significance to also reflect student population. New High School Historical Significance Matilda Deardorff High School The first female settler in Happy Valley x For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Person who has made significant Michael Cera High School Her house smells like soup contribution to humanity New High School Geographical Significance Mt. Hood Highschool This school should have a view of Mt. Hood, correct? It is such a beautiful landmark that a school should be named for it. The mascot can be related too: Mountain Climbers, Conifers, Doug Firs.... New High School Geographical Significance New Valley H.S. It's new, and it is in Happy Valley! New High School Geographical Significance Park Valley High Parks are all around and the name of the street the school is on is Parklane. New High School Geographical Significance Parklane High School I think is should be named this because it is on Parklane dr and it would go together. New High School Geographical Significance Parklane High School It fits the geographical location of the School New High School Person who has made significant Rick Best High School Died defending the values of inclusiveness and equality, deserves to be honored by his community. contribution to humanity New High School Person who has made significant Ricky John Best Memorial High As everyone in our community will remember, Ricky John Best was killed while riding a Portland Max contribution to humanity School Train on May 25, 2017. Best, along with two other victims, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche and Micah David-Cole Fletcher, was stabbed by a white supremacist after he stepped in to protect two muslim teenagers, whom his attacker was harassing. As a teacher in the North Clackamas School District, I consistently teach my students to be “upstanders” rather than bystanders, to stand up for the rights and fair treatment of others. Ricky John Best made the ultimate sacrifice doing just that. He exemplified the type of character we want our students to possess. He was pillar in our community, the parent of four North Clackamas students and now, a Civil Rights Hero in our own time. I can think of no one more deserving of this honor than Ricky John Best. New High School Historical Significance Robert E Lee High A great confederate hero! New High School Person who has made significant Robert Libke Memorial High School Officer Robert Libke gave his life in the service of others. He was a reserve police officer with the contribution to humanity Oregon city police department and was shot and killed in the line of duty in November, 2013. Officer Libke exemplified selflessness by charging into the line of fire to protect others. He was a true friend to many CCSO Deputies and an integral part of the tight-knit first responder community in Clackamas County. Remembering him and all others who have paid the ultimate price to afford us safety must not go unnoticed. It is both right and fitting for the school to bear his name. New High School Geographical Significance rock creek high location and easy transition New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High or Rock Creek Good fit with what’s existing elementary New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School It makes sense to transfer the name of the old middle school to the new high school. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School It's familiar New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School Keep it simple. Easy change from Rock Creek Middle School and keeps the “history” of the school for those that attended before it became a high school. New High School Historical Significance Rock Creek High School Because of its current name.. People already know it as Rock Creek Middle School.. Keep it, as it’s a great name. All my children have gone there.. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School Simple, familiar to folks in the district, less expensive to change the signs - just change it from middle school to high school! New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School Seems logical to keep the original name that was first selected for the area. Just change it from Middle School to High School. New High School Geographical Significance, Rock Creek High School 1) "Rock Creek" retains the original name, and hints at the District vision (excellent IMHO) to build a Historical Significance MS structure that could be morphed into a HS. (2) "Mountain View" or "Hood View" are also nice, but who knows if the view will be blocked in the near future. (3) I was a fan of Joe Krumm (the person), but think it might turn into the unfortunate nick-name "Crummy High". (4) Please do not name it "Happy Valley" - too divisive. Who knows who will end up attending the school over the years? Most likely it will draw from a number of towns/entities. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School To keep continuity. It’s currently Rock Creek M.S. I would hate for that to be lost once the high school is open in its place. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School The name does not sound exclusive like "happy valley high school" but instead embodies the idea of the entire area and community. Rock Creek Middle already has a great community and for the kids who would transition from middle to high school, it would make the school feel like it is passing on a great tradition in values and education. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School 1. Already associated with the location/current school. 2. Easy to say and remember. 3. Already has a mascot associated with it (Wolves). 4. Is not controversial. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School Because it's easy and it makes sense. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School the location is next to the rock creek middle school, it's just make sense to name it the same as in high school. thanks. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School If you do this, all you have to do is switch the ‘middle’ to ‘high’ and you will spend less money! New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School Rock Creek runs through our community. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School Since it is occupying the former middle school by the same name, it makes sense. Whatever the logistical reasons were for this name at this location, keep it. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek High School or Hood View Please do not name the High School Happy Valley High. It alienated students who do not live in High School Happy Valley. New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek HS Easily transitions and simplicity New High School Geographical Significance Rock Creek or Hoodview Rock Creek and Hoodview are both names that are representative of natural community and regional landmarks. These names do not alienate any students and/or community members who do not live within any one certain municipality. They are politically neutral, refer to the natural surroundings of the area, and are brief and easy to say (or cheer or chant). Please do not name the new high school after the City of Happy Valley as that name carries significant divisive connotations for some members of the community. New High School Person who has made significant High School Ronald Reagan was a great President and lead the country with wisdom, strength and wit. contribution to humanity New High School Person who has made significant Rosa Parks High School Because she was a historically important civil rights activist. x x x contribution to humanity New High School Geographical Significance, Person Sacagewea She was a women of color. She had a lot to do with this region. With Lewis and Clark. x x x who has made significant contribution to humanity New High School Geographical Significance, Skookum Chinook High School Skookum means strong, brave, powerful in the Chinook language. The Chinook tribe was spread Historical Significance out, but also located near the Clackamas and Willamette river. New High School Historical Significance Strickrott High School The last name of the people who built the 1st house in Happy Valley New High School Geographical Significance Sunrise High School My girls went to NC Sunrise Middle school which then became the East campus of Clackamas High. Both graduated from CHS. I would like to see Sunrise be reinstated. My eldest daughter is a 5th grade teacher & youngest works at the Pentagon, after 8 years as US Marine. Both my parents worked for NC#12 New High School Geographical Significance, The Rock Creek Foxes Because Oregon in general has a history with foxes, they used to be very popular and still are if you Historical Significance look in the right places. There used to be a lot in Rock Creek as well. New High School Historical Significance Thomas Battin High I was in 1st grade when Battin Elementary was Torn down and pretty much Most of the Thomas Battin land destroyed by the freeway. I think he should be rehonored. New High School Historical Significance Thomas Jerffeson Thomas Jerffeson, the third American President, who has many dedication about education, economic, social, political for American. New High School Person who has made significant Tom McCall High School Governor Tom McCall's greatest strength as an environmental visionary with the ability to eloquently contribution to humanity and pursuasively communicate his ideas and passions to Oregonians resulted in ground-breaking legislation and cultural acceptance that quality of life and vibrant business can successfully co-exist. His leadership and legacies would provide the level of academic and moral challenge that this new high school could hold up as a model for preparing our future leaders and citizens. There are currently no high schools in Oregon named after Tom McCall. Let's be the first to honor his legacy with a school located in such a beautiful location. New High School Geographical Significance Trillium High School The neighborhood adjacent to this school is called Trillium. It's a type of flower New High School Geographical Significance Valley High School It sounds cool and that's all teens care about. New High School Geographical Significance Valley View High School Many reasons: The surrounding terrain has many valleys, with views and we're in Happy Valley. New High School Person who has made significant Vera Katz She was a pioneer in the state of Oregon and did a lot to help Oregonians. x contribution to humanity New High School Person who has made significant Vera Katz Vera Katz broke gender barriers as the first woman to become Oregon's House speaker, who then x contribution to humanity won three terms as Portland's mayor. She was a "tough but tender" trailblazer for gender equality, gay rights and education reform as well as a Jewish survivor who escaped the Holocaust at age 8, hiking with her family over the Pyrenees--representing not only gender but religious diversity as well as the embodiment of determination to survive and thrive against difficult odds. New High School Person who has made significant Vera Katz High School Icon to Portland with historical significance to our community and since she just passed it would be a x contribution to humanity great dedication to her family. New High School Person who has made significant Vera Katz High School To commemorate a remarkable woman, whose story would inspire girls, for generations to come. x contribution to humanity For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School Person who has made significant Vera Katz Highschool Vera Katz was an important local influence who was the first female speaker of the Oregon house, x contribution to humanity and creator of the Notable, Oregon Educational Act for the 21st century. She was an excellent advocate and role model for our young people, and recently passed away. New High School Person who has made significant Woody Guthrie High His music is part of the fabric of America. This Land Is Your Land is almost a second national anthem contribution to humanity and is a positive and inclusive piece of art. New High School Person who has made significant Woody Guthrie High School Woody Guthrie is everything America should be. His kind of inclusive, welcoming spirit and humble contribution to humanity circumstances have inspired generations of Americans for decades. He wrote one of the most beautiful and iconic songs about our country (This Land is Your Land) and perfectly embodies the resilient spirit of America. New High School Geographical Significance Wy’East High School Our most famous mountain is Wy East New High School Geographical Significance Wyeast High School Wyeast is the native name for Mt. Hood. The school sits with a perfect view of Mt. Hood and the park by the school is Hoodview. Also, this high school is on the East side of the Metro area and this name would indicate that. First Nations legend indicates that there was an epic battle between the mountains we know now as Hood/Adams/St. Helens. To take it a bit further, the mascot could be the Wyeast Warriors. I believe this brings some equity in our school district by honoring those who were here before the white man. New High School, New Persona que ha hecho una Barack Obama First black US President, protected undocumented children from deportation with DREAM act x Elementary School contribución significativa a la (DACA), delivered LGBQT Rights, Legalized same sex marriage, Delivered health care for millions of humanidad uninsured Americans, stabilized the economy from the Great Recession, Championed Civil Rights, Passed Wall Street Reform, Secured a U.S. commitment to global climate change, ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, normalized and brought peace to US relations with Cuba, Rescued FAFSA from for profit banks, Expanded pell grants for college students, rescued the American image abroad, Regulated Tobacco through FDA, created US investments in Clean Energy, reduced US and Russian nuclear stockpiles, passed Credit Card reform, expanded overtime pay, cracked down on terrible For- Profit Colleges, Improved school nutrition nourishment, stabilized housing and mortgage, expanded broadband internet to the US, avoided scandal. New High School, New Persona que ha hecho una Barack Obama First black US President, protected undocumented children from deportation with DREAM act x Elementary School contribución significativa a la (DACA), delivered LGBQT Rights, Legalized same sex marriage, Delivered health care for millions of humanidad uninsured Americans, stabilized the economy from the Great Recession, Championed Civil Rights, Passed Wall Street Reform, Secured a U.S. commitment to global climate change, ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, normalized and brought peace to US relations with Cuba, Rescued FAFSA from for profit banks, Expanded pell grants for college students, rescued the American image abroad, Regulated Tobacco through FDA, created US investments in Clean Energy, reduced US and Russian nuclear stockpiles, passed Credit Card reform, expanded overtime pay, cracked down on terrible For- Profit Colleges, Improved school nutrition nourishment, stabilized housing and mortgage, expanded broadband internet to the US, avoided scandal. New High School, New Persona que ha hecho una Barack Obama First black US President, protected undocumented children from deportation with DREAM act x Elementary School contribución significativa a la (DACA), delivered LGBQT Rights, legalized same sex marriage, delivered health care for millions of humanidad uninsured Americans, stabilized the economy from the Great Recession, championed Civil Rights, passed Wall Street Reform, Secured a U.S. commitment to global climate change, ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, normalized and brought peace to US relations with Cuba, rescued FAFSA from for- profit banks, expanded pell grants for college students, rescued the American image abroad, regulated Tobacco adding it to the FDA, created US investments in Clean Energy, reduced US and Russian nuclear stockpiles, passed Credit Card reform, expanded overtime pay, cracked down on terrible For-Profit Colleges (e.g. Western business college, Ashley, Apollo College), improved school nutrition nourishment (Michelle Obama), stabilized housing and mortgage, expanded broadband internet to the US, avoided most scandal. New High School, New Person who has made significant Barak Obama First African American President x Elementary School contribution to humanity New High School, New Geographical Significance, Person Catherine Troeh High or Elem School Catherine Herrold Troeh (1/5/11 – 6/28/2007) was an American historian, artist, activist and advocate x x x Elementary School who has made significant for Native American rights and culture, especially in the Pacific Northwest. She was a member and contribution to humanity elder of the Chinook tribe[1] and a direct descendant of the great chief, or tyee, of the Chinook people, Comcomly. Troeh was an active member of the Chinook Indian Tribe. She was the only woman to join the newly formed Chinook Tribal Council in 1952.[1] She wrote a Native American- focused newsletter, which was distributed at least once a month during her lifetime. For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School, New Geographical Significance, Person Comcomly Comcomly (or Concomly) (1765 – 1830) was a leader of the Native American Chinookan people. x x Elementary School who has made significant Referred to as "Chief" or "'King" Comcomly in contemporaneous journals, he was the principal leader contribution to humanity of the Chinook Confederacy, which extended along the Columbia River from the Cascade Range to the Pacific Ocean. Modern historian James Ronda characterizes Comcomly as a talented diplomat and shrewd businessman. He was friendly to the British and Euro-American explorers whom he encountered, and he received peace medals from Lewis and Clark. He offered to help the Americans fight the British during the War of 1812. He was entertained at by John McLoughlin and he piloted Hudson's Bay Company ships up the Columbia. New High School, New Geographical Significance Damascus elementary and happy Well I think for the elementary because that's where it's located and same for the high school Elementary School valley high or Vogel high New High School, New Geographical Significance Damascus Elementary and Happy Easy to remember, logical naming Elementary School Valley High School New High School, New Person who has made significant Dorothy Hester Stenzel Dorothy Hester Stenzel (September 14, 1910 – February 25, 1991) was an American aviator and x Elementary School contribution to humanity stunt pilot born in Milwaukie, Oregon and learned to fly at the Rankin School of Flying in Portland, Oregon in the late 1920s. Dorothy had a successful stunt aerobatics career, and later opened her own flight school in Cornelius, Oregon. One of Dorothy's specialties during her performance was the which she learned from Tex Rankin. She became the first woman to perform the outside-loop maneuver on June 30, 1930. New High School, New Person who has made significant Ethel Fortner Ethel Nestell Fortner (2/11/07 – 4/16/87) was an accomplished poet, critic and editor. In 1931 she x Elementary School contribution to humanity moved to Oregon, accepting a position in Salem teaching at the historic Oregon School for the Blind. Here she would teach and become principal during her 12-year stay. She received a BA in psychology from the in 1937. Her next position, lasting until some time after World War II, was as Vision Supervisor in the Oregon State Department of Education. The Fortners moved to a farm close to Estacada; Ethel began teaching and administrating again for thirteen more years before retiring. Fortner eventually published above two hundred poems and received the first place award in the Oregon State Poetry Association contest in 1964 and the "Voice of the Year" publication awards in 1967. The Ethel Fortner Award was instituted in her honor in 1986 at St. Andrews Presbyterian College.Fortner is interred at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. New High School, New Person who has made significant Fred Moultrie Fred Moultrie is my Uncle and Husband to Louise Moultrie ( Retired school teacher from OTES), Elementary School contribution to humanity Fred is a Retired Principle from Oregon Trail Elementary School in Happy Valley from back in the day. He is a wonderful, caring man and is a beloved member of his family, friends and community. He plays softball, golf, etc. Fred loves his grandkids, nieces and nephews. My Uncle Fred has worked hard and played hard. He is currently battling Cancer and this would be the cherry on top to honor Fred Moultrie this way! Thank you!

New High School, New Geographical Significance Happy Valley High School & Vogel Keep it simple! Elementary School Elementary New High School, New Geographical Significance Hidden Falls Elementary or Hidden There is a new North clackamas park going in the Hidden Falls development called “Hidden Falls Elementary School Falls High Park” it seems fitting to name a new school in the area the same. New High School, New Person who has made significant Ida B. Wells (elementary or high None given. x Elementary School contribution to humanity school) New High School, New Persona que ha hecho una La Preparatoria Barack Obama First black US President, protected undocumented children from deportation with DREAM act x Elementary School contribución significativa a la (DACA), delivered LGBQT Rights, Legalized same sex marriage, Delivered health care for millions of humanidad uninsured Americans, stabilized the economy from the Great Recession, Championed Civil Rights, Passed Wall Street Reform, Secured a U.S. commitment to global climate change, ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, normalized and brought peace to US relations with Cuba, Rescued FAFSA from for profit banks, Expanded pell grants for college students, rescued the American image abroad, Regulated Tobacco through FDA, created US investments in Clean Energy, reduced US and Russian nuclear stockpiles, passed Credit Card reform, expanded overtime pay, cracked down on terrible For- Profit Colleges, Improved school nutrition nourishment, stabilized housing and mortgage, expanded broadband internet to the US, Barak Obama avoided most scandal. New High School, New Person who has made significant Norma Paulus Paulus served as both Oregon Secretary of State in 1977 and later as Oregon Superintendent of x Elementary School contribution to humanity Public Instruction for nine years! New High School, New Person who has made significant President Barack Obama Great progressive, inclusive, respectful leader who moved the country forward x x Elementary School contribution to humanity For which school are Into what category does the Proposed School Name: Please explain why you believe the school should have this name (150 word limit): Person who Person of Person of Under you submitting this proposed name fit? identifies/identified Color: Represented name? as female: Group: New High School, New Geographical Significance, Sacagawea Sacagawea played a huge role in Lewis and Clark's expedition west. Without Sacagawea leading x x x Elementary School Historical Significance the way, perhaps Lewis and Clark would never have made it to our awesome home-state of Oregon. She is often forgotten when considering the Oregon Trail and I think it's about time that she gains the recognition that she deserves. Additionally, I think that "Sacagawea High School" or "Sacagawea Elementary" has a great ring to it. Plus, we don't have the acronym SHS or SES yet in the North Clackamas School District. Thank you for your consideration. New High School, New Person who has made significant Trump Donald J Trump represents the middle class the long neglected Americans and we should honor his Elementary School contribution to humanity greatness and generousity by naming our schools after him. MAGA! Make Clackamas Schools Great Again! New High School, New Person who has made significant Vic Atiyeh High or Elementary It is with prude and pleasure to submit a name reflective of the contributions to humanity x x Elementary School contribution to humanity