Chag Chanukah Sameach! 1964-2020 Celebrating 56 years of publishing GEORGE FREY OAM - FOUNDING EDITOR, 1964 DECEMBER 2020 KISLEV-TEVET 5781 ChanukahIN THE CITY SUNDAY 13 FeaturingFeaturing DECEMBER 4PM - 8PM REDDACLIFF PLACE AMAZING BYRON BAY (TOP END OF QUEEN ST MALL) Shai Shriki Band STREET CONCERT DELICIOUS FOOD LIGHTING OF THE GIANT MENORAH KIDS SHOW SINAI COLLEGE CHOIR ON SCREEN SENSATIONAL Cyrious Acrobat Due to Covid, registration is required TO BOOK FREE ENTRY TICKETS NOW: CLICK HERE! ON THE LARGE SCREEN 8th Day For any questions or for more information, Please email:
[email protected] or call 0738436770 For More Information: Call 07 3843 6770 or PROUDLY 2 VisitSHALOM MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2020 SUPPORTED BY A PROJECT OF FEATURE THE TIMES OF ISRAEL The last bar mitzvah before Kristallnacht By Ellen Bachner Greenberg As bad as things were, they could not have The rabbi’s ominous imagined that only a few weeks after Fredi Bachner’s bar mitzvah, synagogues throughout sermon on my father’s Austria and Germany would be destroyed on Kristallnacht, including the Rykestrasse big day carried him Synagogue, where Fredi’s bar mitzvah was through the pogrom, celebrated. the camps, and then liberation: ‘It doesn’t become daytime before it literally becomes night’ Fredi Bachner and the Rykestrasse Synagogue, the site of his 1938 The Rykestrasse Synagogue, Berlin. (The Folklore Research Center, Hebrew bar mitzvah. (National Library of Israel) University of Jerusalem; available via the National Library of Israel Digital Collection) At the time of my father’s bar mitzvah His bar mitzvah would be the last held at the in Berlin, Hitler had been in power Rykestrasse Synagogue for many years.