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Region Country Name Location Next Date Frequency Organizer URL Content and Notes Major Food Trade Fairs Region Country Name Location Next Date Frequency Organizer URL Content and Notes Europe Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, Armenia EXPO Food & Drinks Logos Expo Center 7-9 Sep 2012 annual LOGOS EXPO Center consumer goods (tobacco, alcoholic drinks) Diversified Business Everything about seafood, Seafood Services and Belgium European Seafood Expostion Brussells Exhibition Centre 25-25 Apr 2013 Communications Organizations, Seafood Complementary Products Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, Bulgaria Interfood and Drink Inter Expo Center Sofia 07-11 Nov 2012 annual Bulgarreklama Agency, packaging, machines and technologies National Palace of Culture – Focus on natural and organic food, products and Bio & Eco Expo ??? Sep 2013 biennial Sofia, Bulgaria technologies International Fair of Food, Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, Croatia Drinks and Innovative 9-12 May 2012 Zagreb Fair Zagreb Fair beverages, packaging Gastronomy - INGA Brno Trade Fairs and Focus on conventional food, food-processing, hospitality Czech Republic Salima Brno Exhibition Centre 28 Feb-2 Mar 2012 Exhibition, Messe industry, retail Düsseldorf GmbH Focus on conventionel food, consumer goods, food Estonia Tallinn FoodFair Estonian Fairs Centre 25-27 Oct 2012 biennial Estonian Fairs Ltd. processing, equipment for various food fields Parc des Expositions de Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, France Sial 21-25 Oct 2012 biennial Adeline Vancauwelaert Paris Nord Villepinte Paris beverages, packaging, machines and technologies Bordeaux-Lac Exhibition Focus on wines, spirits, still wine, champagne, spirits, Vinexpo 16-20 Jun 2013 biennial Vinexpo SAS Centre sparkling wine SIRHA-International Hotel Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, Catering & Food Trade Eurexpo - Parc des 26-30 Jan 2013 biennial Reed Expositions France fast food and catering, food trades, baking Exhibition Expositions Lyon L.É.O - Loire Événement Salon Bio Respire La Vie Angers 5-7 Oct 2012 annual Focus on natural and organic food Organisation Paris Expo Porte de Natexpo ??? Oct 2013 biennial Comexposium Focus on conventional food Versailles Anuga & Organic Trade Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, Germany Cologne Exhibition Center 5-9 Oct 2013 biennial Koelnmesse GmbH Forum beverages, dairy products, retail Fresh fruit and vegetable, dried fruits and nuts, packaging FRUIT LOGISTICA Messe Berlin 6-8 Feb 2013 annual Messe Berlin GmbH & labelling, transport and logistical systems, produce handling and storage Focus on natural and organic food, beverages, health and Natural Ingredients Europe Messe Frankfurt 13-15 Nov 2012 annual CMP Information Ltd. beauty products, Packaging and Processing Innovation Focus on wines, spirits, still wine, champagne, spirits, ProWein Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre 24-26 Mar 2013 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH sparkling wine Organic food , Natural products, natural textiles, fair trade BioFach Exhibition Centre Nuremberg 13-16 Feb 2013 annual Nürnberg Messe GmbH products, Household supplies etc. Organic food , Natural products, natural textiles, fair trade BioSüd Messe Augsburg 16-18 Sep 2012 products, Household supplies etc. Organic food , Natural products, natural textiles, fair trade BioNord Messe Hannover 9-11 Sep 2012 products, Household supplies etc. Organic food , Natural products, natural textiles, fair trade Bio Messe Berlin Arena Berlin 9-10.06.2012 products, Household supplies etc. Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic, Leipzig Exhibition Centre, Le Gourmet 14-17 Sep 2013 biennial Leipziger Messe GmbH consumer goods (tobacco, alcoholic drinks), equipment for Glass Hall various food fields Focus on natural and organic food, kitchen utensils, VeggieWorld Messe Düsseldorf 1-2 Sep 2012 annual MCO Düsseldorf vegetarian products, beauty without animal testing Rhein-Main-Hallen Focus on natural and organic food, kitchen utensils, VeggieWorld 15-17 Feb 2013 MCO Düsseldorf Wiesbaden vegetarian products, beauty without animal testing Rohvolution Stadthalle Speyer 22-23 Sep 2012 Focus on natural and organic food, raw products Stadthalle Mühlheim, Rohvolution 3-4 Nov 2012 Focus on natural and organic food, raw products Mühlheim an der Ruhr is a combination of saving energy, organic food, offers for ProBio (Regionalmesse) Weserpark Bremen 7-9 March 2013 GETPEOPLE e.K. a new future-oriented lifestyle Focus on conventional food, also on natural and organic InterCool Messe Düsseldorf 23-25 Sep 2012 biennial Messe Düsseldorf GmbH (dairy products, frozen foods, sausage, meat, cheese specialties) Greece HORECA METROPOLITAN EXPO 8-11 Feb 2013 annual FORUM SA Hotel & Mass Catering Sector ARTOZA METROPOLITAN EXPO 23-26 Feb 2013 annual FORUM SA Hotel & Mass Catering Sector the very best in food and drink products, catering Ireland IFEX King's Hall Complex, Belfast 29 Apr-1 May 2014 biennial Expo Exhibitions Ltd equipment, retail systems and much more technologies, raw materials and Italy Siab Verona Exhibition Centre 25-29 May 2013 annual Veronafiere semi-finished products for bread, pastry, pizza and pasta Sigep Rimini Expo Centre 19-23 Jan 2013 annual Rimini Fiera S.p.A. Gelato, Pastry, Confectionery and Bakery Food Processing Machinery & Equipment, conventional Mia Expo Rimini Expo Centre 25-28 Feb 2012 annual Rimini Fiera S.p.A. and organic food & Beverage beverage and drinks, foodstuff, furniture, equipment, raw Pianeta Birra Beverage & Co. Rimini Expo Centre 25-28 Feb 2012 annual Rimini Fiera S.p.A. materials GASTROFOOD Food and Poland Trade Fairs in Krakow 14-16 Nov 2012 annual Targi w Krakowie Ltd Focus on conventional food / beverages Drinks for Catering Trade Fair GASTRO TRENDY Internat. Poznan International Fair Focus on conventional food, Equipment for kitchen, hotels, Trade Fair for Gastronomy & Poznan International Fair 8-11Oct 2012 annual catering Pologra Food International Fair Parque das Nações Portugal Alimentaria Lisboa 14-17 Apr 2013 biennial Alimentaria Exhibitions, S.A. wide range of high-quality food and beverage products fairground, Lisbon wines, alcoholic, non alcoholic drinks and equipment of Romania Expodrink Romexpo, Bucharest 31Oct-4 Nov 2012 biennial Romexpo production Russia World Food Expocentre CEC, Moscow 17-20 Sep 2012 annual ITE GROUP international exhibition of food products and drinks Focus on conventional food also natural and organic, INGREDIENTS RUSSIA Crocus-Expo IEC 12-15 Mar 2013 annual ITE GROUP beverages, consumer goods, soft beverages, beer, gastronomic and grocery goods, SIBERIAN BEER & World Trade Center - 10-12 Apr 2013 annual Siberian Fair, ITE Group Plc equipment and technologies for trade enterprises, catering SIBFOODEXPO Novosibirsk and entertainment sectors Food products, drinks and ingredients, technologies and InterFood St. Petersburg Lenexpo Fairgrounds 3-5 April 2012 annual PRIMEXPO Ltd package for the food industry International Exhibition of Focus on conventional food also natural and organic and Foodstuffs and Food Raw ZAO Expocentr 11-15 Feb 2013 annual ZAO Expocentr consumer goods Materials PRODEXPO Venue for HI EUROPE conventional and organic food, beverage, health and Spain Health Ingredients Europe Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan 13-15 Nov 2012 annual CMP Information Ltd. beauty products, Packaging and Processing Innovation Carlos I conventional and organic food and beverages, products Fira Barcelona: Montjuïc Barcelona Degusta second half of 2013 biennial Alimentaria Exhibitions with Protected Designation of Origin, products with Venue Protected Geographical Indication Alimentaria Barcelona Fira Barcelona 24-27 Mar 2014 biennial Fira Barcelona Focus on conventional

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    THIS REPORT CONTAINS ASSESSMENTS OF COMMODITY AND TRADE ISSUES MADE BY USDA STAFF AND NOT NECESSARILY STATEMENTS OF OFFICIAL U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICY Voluntary - Public Date: 1/9/2013 GAIN Report Number: GM13002 Germany Post: Berlin Strong Food Service Growth Report Categories: Food Service - Hotel Restaurant Institutional Approved By: Paul Spencer Prepared By: Leif Erik Rehder Report Highlights: The German food service sector is large, fragmented, and highly competitive. Foodservice sales continue to be led primarily by independent full service restaurants. International chains have a very strong position in the fast food segment. Total turnover for the German food service sector increased by 3.8% to €65.3 billion in 2011. This is the strongest growth this sector has seen in recent years. General Information: Germany HRI Food Service Sector 2012 Section I. Market Summary Germany's 82 million inhabitants make the food and beverage market the largest in Europe. Overall, Germany is a net importer in most major classes of food products but local production and firms are in many instances established and globally competitive. German consumers have high quality expectation for their food and beverage products but they are also very price sensitive. Key Factor for Consumer Demand in Germany Declining population with a birth rate of 1.39 babies born per woman of childbearing age Ageing population Number of households is growing Households are becoming smaller There is a rise in number of working women Internationalization of consumer tastes e.g. Chinese, Indian, Italian, Thai, Mexican, American Reduction in formal mealtimes, leading to an increase in snacking Healthier eating habits Sustainability is the trend meeting consumer concerns about environment, obesity, safety of the food supply The German food service sector is large and highly fragmented, but can be divided into the commercial and institutional food service markets.
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