03/06/2021 The two lawsuits facing the leader of the in Spain and what is his role in the crisis with Morocco - Market Research Telecast ----

 Market Research Telecast June 3, 2021

The two lawsuits facing the leader of the Polisario Front in Spain and what is his role in the crisis with Morocco BY MRT ON JUNE 1, 2021

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This Tuesday, the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, declared in Spain before a court of the National High Court. He has done it by videoconference from a hospital in Logroño, in the north of the country, where he has been admitted since last April 18 suffering from cancer and a severe case of covid-19.

Olmar Olmar

Ghali has appeared as an investigated person to respond to two complaints led against him accusing him of genocide, torture and murder, among other crimes. His presence in Spain was the trigger that set off a crisis with Morocco, against the background of the sovereignty of Western Sahara, and which manifested itself in the form of a migratory crisis when the Alawite kingdom opened its border and allowed the entry of almost 10,000 irregular migrants in the Spanish city of Ceuta, located in North Africa.

Upon leaving the court, his lawyer, Marcos Ollé, reported that Ghali had denied before the magistrate that he had committed a human rights violation against the population of the Sahara and described the acts of which he was accused of “absolutely false”. In addition, it has afrmed that Ghali has ended his intervention before the court saying that the motive of the complaint is “absolutely political to try to undermine the dignity and credibility of the and his struggle on the road to self-determination. “

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The investigating judge has refused to impose precautionary measures, such as the withdrawal of the passport or preventive detention, as requested by the private prosecution, which argued that there was a risk of ight.

Who is Brahim Ghali?

Brahim Ghali, 71, is since 2016 the general secretary of the Polisario Front, a liberation movement of the former Spanish colony of Western Sahara, which has been mostly under Moroccan rule for more than four decades.

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Also since 2016 is President of the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), recognized by between 54 and 84 states, according to sources, that aspires to the independence of the territory through a referendum endorsed by the UN that means the end of the Moroccan occupation.

Ghali is considered one of the founders of the Polisario Front and has been framed in the most radical wing of this institution. He has served as Minister of Defense (between 1976 and 1985), as a representative of the Polisario Front in Madrid and as a representative of the SADR in .

Why are you appearing?

Ghali must answer two complaints. The rst of these was brought by Fadel Breica, a sahrawi activist with Spanish nationality, dissident of the Polisario Front, which accuses him of torture and illegal detention allegedly committed in the of , in .

Breica maintains that in April 2019, when he arrived at the Tindouf camps, he was threatened by members of the Polisario Front to leave the place under the accusation of a traitor and that he was detained in an unidentied center, where he was tortured.

https://marketresearchtelecast.com/the-two-lawsuits-facing-the-leader-of-the-polisario-front-in-spain-and-what-is-his-role-in-the-crisis-with-morocco/59700/ 4/10 03/06/2021 The two lawsuits facing the leader of the Polisario Front in Spain and what is his role in the crisis with Morocco - Market Research Telecast The second complaint, for the crimes of genocide, murder, terrorism, torture and disappearances, was presented in 2008 by the Sahrawi Association for the Defense of Human Rights (Asadeh), against Ghali and 27 other people. According to the Polisario environment, this association is instrumentalized by the Moroccan intelligence service.

The rst case was already provisionally archived in its day due to lack of evidence by Judge José de la Mata, head of the Central Court of Instruction number 5 of the National Court. In the second process, Judge Santiago Pedraz already refused to establish precautionary measures against Ghali because there were no “clear indications of their involvement” in the crimes reported.

What is expected to happen?

From the Polisario Front it is believed that Ghali will soon return to Algeria, once he has recovered. They believe that the judicial proceedings will be archived since neither the judge nor the Prosecutor’s Ofce appreciate evidence of a crime.

Thus, the reactivation of the two lawsuits, once the presence of Ghali on Spanish soil was known, would only obey to comply with the obligation to take a statement to comply with the effective protection of the rights of the complainants.

What role does it play in the crisis between Spain and Morocco?

The unreported presence of the leader of the Polisario Front in Spain was the trigger for a diplomatic crisis with his neighbor to the south. However, this Monday the Moroccan Foreign Minister assured that this crisis “is not limited to the matter of one man” and that it will only end when Spain “claries without ambiguity. their choices, their decisions and their positions“in relation to Western Sahara.

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The truth is that after learning that Spain had received Ghali in a humanitarian way, Morocco showed its discomfort, and weeks later made a show of force that caused a migration crisis. For just over 48 hours, opened its border with the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, a small city of just 85,000 inhabitants, causing almost 10,000 people to cross into Spanish soil irregularly.

The unilateral Moroccan measure resulted in the collapse of Ceuta and the immediate return of thousands of people. Also, two weeks later around a thousand unaccompanied minors still remain in Ceuta. Some Moroccan families have claimed their children, some of whom crossed the border without their permission, while most of the families contacted (around 90%) prefer that their children stay in Spain on “socio-economic” grounds.

What is the underlying motive?

Behind the diplomatic tensions that crystallized a couple of weeks ago is an unresolved conict between Morocco and Spain that originated in 1975. That year Spain abandoned what until then had been its colony, the Occidental Sahara, territory that was occupied almost entirely by Morocco.

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The only country that recognized the Moroccan claims was the US, under the acting administration of President Trump, when it had already lost the elections last November. In return, Morocco reestablished diplomatic relations with Israel and strengthened itself as key ally in the region for American interests.

However, it has not got the same reaction from either Spain or the European Union, and its role as subcontracted gendarme, since the community bloc carries out a policy of outsourcing of border controlIt is the trick that has played now to pressure Spain and the EU to take positions in their favor in the Saharawi conict.

Nuria Lopez

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