A Compilation of Plant Diseases and Disorders in Indiana— 1980

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A Compilation of Plant Diseases and Disorders in Indiana— 1980 I A Compilation of Plant Diseases and Disorders in Indiana— 1980 Gail E. Evans-Ruhl, Donald H. Scott, Paul C. Pecknold Department of Botany and Plant Pathology Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Introduction This paper is a compilation of those plant diseases and disorders which were diagnosed at the Purdue Plant Diagnostic Clinic from January 1 through October 30, 1980. Its purpose is to show which diseases and disorders are present in Indi- ana, their frequency, and whether they are increasing or decreasing. Ultimately, comparisons of yearly disease-disorder problems will enable us to (1) recognize the problems and initiate timely control efforts, (2) provide information for recommending plant varieties best suited for Indiana, and (3) give additional in- sight to plant diseases and disorders in the past, present, and future. Methods Plant specimens were submitted to the Plant Diagnostic Clinic from county extension agents, homeowners, growers, nursery operators and others. Specimens were diagnosed visually or by culturing the pathogen on selected media. Once diagnosed, appropriate control measures were given for each sample submitted. A breakdown of the total number of specimens handled from January 1 through October 30, 1980 is given in Table 1. Table 1. Total Number of Specimens Handled from January 1 Through October 30, 1980. Number of Different Number of Infectious Plant Species Samples Disease 1 Disorder 2 Chemical 3 Caiisal Agents AGRONOMIC (21%> Corn 161 96 45 20 16 Soybeans 114 60 28 26 11 Small Grain 57 50 7 15 Forage Grasses and Legumes 20 15 5 7 Tobacco 2 1 1 1 ORNAMENTAL (35%) Trees-Shade & Ornamental 362 106 238 18 32 Shrubs and Groundcover 126 72 52 2 23 Flowers 43 27 9 7 14 House plants 27 9 17 1 7 FRUIT (10% Tree Fruit 103 47 48 8 17 Small Fruit 59 32 24 3 15 VEGETABLE (11%) 189 104 63 22 40 TURFGRASS (5%) 89 69 19 1 12 PLANT IDENTIFICATION (12%) 205 FORWARDED TO ENTOMOLOGY (6%l 93 Total 1650 688 555 109 210 'Problem caused by an infectious disease causing agent eg fungus, bacterium, virus, mycoplasma, nematode. 'Problem caused by noninfectious environmental stress e.g., wind, drought, heat, soil compaction. 'Problem caused by herbicide or fertilizer misuse. 107 108 Indiana Academy of Science Results Weather related problems were commonplace in Indiana during the 1980 growing season (Table 1). Wet weather occurred in the spring and was followed by below normal precipitation during the summer in the western half of the state. Precipitation approached normal in the eastern part. Above normal temperatures prevailed throughout the state in July, August, and September. Disease losses were relatively light during 1980, even though some infectious diseases became widespread in drought and heat-stressed plants. Tables 2-8 show the host plant, the disease or disorder diagnosed, the pathogen or cause of disorder, and the number of samples received. Table 2. Shade and Ornamental Trees— Diseases and Disorders Host Plant Number of Diseases and/or Disorders Causal Agent Samples Abies (FIR) Miscellaneous Disorders Poor Vigor Stress factor(s) Needle Tip Burn Heat, wind and drought Acer (MAPLE) Anthracnose Gloeosporium apocryptum Wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Canker Unidentified Wetwood Unidentified bacteria Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Bark Shedding Natural Herbicide Injury Spray drift Frost Crack Winter temperature extremes Chlorosis Nutrient deficiency Acer (BOX ELDER) Miscellaneous Disorders Dieback Stress factor(s) Scorch Heat, wind and drought Carya (HICKORY) Anthracnose Gnomonia caryae Miscellaneous Disorder Scorch Heat, wind and drought Catalpa (CATALPA) Miscellaneous Disorder Scorch Heat, wind and drought Cercis (RED BUD) Wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Comus (DOGWOOD) Canker Botryosphaeria sp. Leaf Spot Unidentified fungus Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Herbicide Injury Spray drift Botany 109 Table 2- Continued Crataegus (HAWTHORN) Cedar Hawthorn Rust Gymnosporangium globosum Elaeagnus (RUSSIAN OLIVE) Canker Fusicoccum elaeagni Wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Fraxinus (ASH) Anthracnose Gloeosporium aridum Canker Unknown Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Chemical Injury Spray drift Juglans (WALNUT) Miscellaneous Disorder Scorch Heat, wind and drought Juniperus virginiana (RED CEDAR) Twig Blight Phomopsis juniperovora Miscellaneous Disorders Dieback Stress factor(s) Liquidambar (SWEET GUM) Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Liriodendron (TULIP TREE) Powdery Mildew Unidentified Wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Leaf Yellowing/Spotting Natural Chemical Injury Spray drift Magnolia (MAGNOLIA) Miscellaneous Disorders Winter Damage Desiccation Dieback Stress factor(s) Herbicide Injury Spray drift Malus (CRABAPPLE) Scab Venturia inaequalis Cedar-Apple Rust Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Fireblight Erwinia amylovora Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Wind, heat and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Picea (SPRUCE) Canker Cytospora kunzei Needle Cast Rhizosphaera kalkoffii Miscellaneous Disorders Dieback Stress factor(s) Chemical Injury Improper uses Needle Tip Burn Heat, wind and drought Mechanical damage Unidentified Pmus (PINE) Tip Blight Diplodia pinea Needle Cast Lophodermium pinastri Needle Blight Dothistroma pirn Pinewood Nematode Bursaphelenchus lignirolus 110 Indiana Academy of Science Table 2 — Continued Miscellaneous Disorders Decline Poor drainage site-stress factor(s) Air Pollution Injury Air pollutants Winter Damage Desiccation Needle Tip Burn Heat, wind and drought Sooty Mold Insect honeydew secretions Yellowing/Autumn Natural (previous yrs growth) Mechanical Damage Unidentified Platanus (SYCAMORE) Anthracnose Gnomonia veneta Populus (POPLAR, ASPEN, COTTONWOOD) Miscellaneous Disorders Dieback Stress factor(s) Prunus (PURPLE LEAF PLUM) Miscellaneous Disorder Winter Damage Desiccation Prunus (FLOWERING ALMOND) Fireblight Erwinia amylovora Prunus (ORIENTAL CHERRY) Miscellaneous Disorder Winter Damage Desiccation Quercus (OAK) Anthracnose Gnomonia quercina Oak Wilt Ceratocystis fagacearum Leaf Blister Taphrina coerulescens Leaf Spot Actinopelte dryina Wetwood Unidentified bacteria Miscellaneous Disorders Chlorosis (Pin Oak) Iron deficiency Dieback Stress factor(s) Scorch Wind, heat and drought Chemical Injury Spray drift Robinia (LOCUST) Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Wind, heat and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Salix (WILLOW) Canker Botryosphaeria ribis Canker Cytospora chrysosperma Canker Unidentified Sorbus (MOUNTAIN ASH) Fireblight Erwinia amylovora Leaf Spot Phyllosticta globigera Leaf Spot Septoria sp. Miscellaneous Disorders Scorch Heat, wind and drought Dieback Stress factor(s) Tilia (LINDEN) Miscellaneous Disorder Dieback Stress factor(s) Tsuga (HEMLOCK) Miscellaneous Disorder Sooty Mold Insect honeydew secretions Botany 111 Table 2 — Continued Ulmus (ELM) Dutch Elm Disease Ceratocystis ulmi Black Spot Gnomonia ulmea Leaf Spot Phyllosticta sp. Miscellaneous Disorders Dieback Stress factor(s) Chlorosis Nutrient deficiency Chemical Injury Spray drift Table 3. Ornamentals— Diseases and Disorders Hose Plant Number of Disease and/or Disorder Causal Agent Samples Ajuga (BUGLE-WEED) Miscellaneous Disorder Scorch Heat, wind and drought Aloe (BURN PLANT) Miscellaneous Disorder Leaf Spot Improper cultural practices Amaryllis (AMARYLLIS) Red Blotch Stagonospora curtisii Amelanchier (SERVICEBERRYI Root Rot Armillaria sp. Aquilegia (COLUMBINE) Miscellaneous Disorder Leaf Spot/Malformation Environmental Begonia (BEGONIA) Dieback Botrytis sp. Berberis (BARBERRY) Miscellaneous Disorder Dieback Improper site/poor drainage Campanula (BELLFLOWER) Miscellaneous Disorder Bud Abortion Excess water Celosia (COCKSCOMB) Stem Rot Rhizoctonia solani Cissus (GRAPE IVY) Miscellaneous Disorder Chlorosis Improper cultural conditions Clematis (CLEMATISl Miscellaneous Disorder Scorch Wind, heat and drought Cotoneaster (COTONEASTER) Fireblight Erwinia amylovora Chrysanthemum (CHRYSANTHEMUM! Stem Rot Fusarium oxysporum Stem Rot Rhizoctonia solani Stem Rot Pythium sp. Root Rot Pythium sp. Bacterial Blight Erwinia chrysanthemx Dianthus caryophyllus (CARNATION) Stem Rot Rhizoctoma solani 112 Indiana Academy of Science Table 3 — Continued Miscellaneous Disorder Stem Rot High soluble salts Dieffenbachia (DIEFFENBACHIA) Anthracnose Leaf Spot Colletotrichum sp. Miscellaneous Disorder Leaf Spot Improper cultural conditions Euonymus (BURNING BUSH) Crown Gall Agrobacterium tumefaciens Powdery Mildew Not identified Dieback/Canker Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Dieback Nectria/cold Miscellaneous Disorder Dieback Stress factors Herbicide Injury Spray drift Euphorbia (SNOW ON THE MOUNTAINS) Root Rot Rhizoctonia solani Ficus (WEEPING FIG) Miscellaneous Disorder Leaf Spot Improper cultural conditions Ficus (RUBBER PLANT) Anthracnose Leaf Spot Glomerella cingulata Miscellaneous Disorder Edema High soil moisture-retarded transpiration Forsythia (GOLDEN BELLS) Crown Gall Agrobacterium tumefaciens Miscellaneous Disorder Dieback Stress factors Hedera (ENGLISH IVY) Miscellaneous Disorder Leaf Spot Improper cultural care Hemerocallis (DAYLILLY) Dieback Botrytis sp. Miscellaneous Disorder Leaf Spot Improper cultural conditions Hibiscus (ROSE-OF-SHARON) Root Rot Not identified Hosta (PLANTAIN-LILY) Leaf Spot Phyllosticta sp. Ilex (HOLLY) Leaf
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