Review: Clinical Trial Outcomes For reprint orders, please contact:
[email protected] 5 Review: Clinical Trial Outcomes 2015/08/28 Turoctocog alfa in the treatment of individuals with hemophilia A: review of quality of life data collected in Phase III trials Clin. Invest. (Lond.) Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive hereditary bleeding disorder resulting Stephanie Seremetis*,1, Roshni from a deficiency in coagulation factor VIII. Difficulties due to hemophilia and its Kulkarni2, Antoine Regnault3 management present challenges for patient’s quality of life. Turoctocog alfa, a & Elena Santagostino4 1 recombinant, B-domain truncated factor VIII, is a recent US FDA- and EMA-approved Hemophilia R&D Portfolio, Novo Nordisk Inc., Plainsboro, NJ 08536, USA replacement therapy shown to be an effective and safe option for the treatment of 2Department of Pediatrics & Human individuals with hemophilia A. Data collected throughout two Phase 3, multinational, Development, Michigan State University, open-label, non-randomized, non-comparative trials demonstrated that individuals MI, USA with hemophilia A, particularly young adults experienced improvements in health- 3Mapi, Patient-Centered Outcomes, Lyon, related quality of life when switched from an on-demand to a prophylactic regimen France 4Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Hemophilia & of turoctocog alfa. Thrombosis Center, IRCCS Cà Granda Foundation, Maggiore, Hospital Keywords: EQ-5D • factor VIII • health-related quality of life • hemophilia • HAEMO-QOL • Policlinico, Milan, Italy questionnaires • turoctocog alfa *Author for correspondence: Tel.: +1 609 786 8390
[email protected] Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive hered- a reduced number of bleeds, a greater quality itary bleeding disorder resulting from a defi- of life (QOL) and may potentially reduce the ciency in coagulation factor VIII (FVIII).