The Utah State Quarterly, Vol. 14 No. 4, May 1937
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Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Utah State Magazine Publications 5-1937 The Utah State Quarterly, Vol. 14 No. 4, May 1937 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Utah State University, "The Utah State Quarterly, Vol. 14 No. 4, May 1937" (1937). Utah State Magazine. 41. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah State Magazine by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The u T A H J T A T E QUARTERLY ';' ~ ~ Altty 1937 - cc;---~-------- ~-· ' ~ ~~ I TO THE MORE THAN 400 NEW ALUMNI WE EXTEND OUR SINCEREST CONGRATULATIONS You have made a good beginning and may yo u continu e to build on the Foundation you have laid at UTAH STATE. CACHE VALLEY BANKING COMPANY FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN LOGAN BRANCH, FIRST SECURITY BANK OF UTAH, N. A. 1937 SUMMER SESSION AT THE UTAH STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Class Instruction and Special Lecture An extensive and varied program will be offered by visiting educators of recognized scholarships m addition to our resident faculty in graduate and undergraduates courses. EDUCATION: COACHING: Dr. Boyd H. Bode, Ohio State University Two nationally known coaches in football a nd basketball will be present for the II th annual Utah A ggie Miss Roma Gans, Columbia Un iversity C oaching School Director Henry Oberhansley, B.A.C., Cedar City Mrs. Em. Eccles Jones-Kindergarten MUSIC: Mi ss La ure Bryant, It haca , New York, Public Sc hools- . HOME ECONOMICS CONFERENCE: CHARACTER EDUCATION: Dr. E. V. McCollum, John Hopkins Un iversity Dr. John A. Widtsoe Dr. W. E. Blatz, University of Toronto Dr. F. L. W est Miss Flora M. Th urston, Portland , Oregon Miss Etta Scorup, State Supervisor of Home Economics ZOOLOGY: Dr. Vasco M. Tanner, Brigham Young University PHYSICAL EDUCATION: LECTURE PROGRAM: Professor Eugene Roberts, University of Southern Calif. Dr. Ed ward Davison , University of C olorad o Professor E. R. Knollin, University of Oregon Dr. Ernest C. Lawre nce, Un iversity of C alifornia Miss Bernice Moss, State Dept. of Public In structio n Many othe r prominent e ducato rs The Session Begins June 7 and Ends July 16 POST SESSION OF REGULARLY SCHEDULED CLASSES JULY 19- AUGUST 13 W rite for a Catalogue Utah State Agricultural College LOGAN, UTAH THE UTAH STATE QUARTERLY Published quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural College Alumni Association. Entered as second class "FINE CLOTHES FOR ALL matter at the post office in Logan, Utah, under the act OCCASIONS'' of March 3, 1897. Style-Quality- Variety LLOYD N. JOHNSON '35 Editor and Manager Vol. XIV MAY, 1937 No.4 Officers of the Association LLOYD M. THEURER President LOGAN - OGDEN - PROVO LLOYD N. JoH SON Executive Secretary Executive Committee LLOYD M. THEURER BoYD H. PuLLEY L. R. HUMPHERYS ALTA ORSER CROCKETT R. L. JUDD J. W. KmKBRIDE HUGHES - 77 North Main - Alumni Council Members L. R. HUMPHREYS '12 ALTA ORSER CROCKETT '30 The Clothes HARRISON R. MERRILL '16 NOELL. BENNION '28 of J. MORRIS CHRISTENSEN '21 CARL FRISCHKNECHT '~4 BoYD H. PuLLEY '33 EDMUND CRAWFORD '04 CHARM LLOYD M. THEURER '28 R. L. JUDD '09 EMERSON ABBOTT '32 HEBER BENNION '13 DRESSES, COATS AND SUITS FOR GEORGE Q. BATEMAN '22 ETHEL LUND '24 EVERY OCCASION ELMO R. MoRGAN '35 Council Members Ex-Officio Program .of Forty-Fourth J. W. KmKBRIDE '19 B. L. RICHARDS '13 R. 0 . PoRTER '12 A. E. SMITH '18 Annual Comm · encem ~ ent VERE L. MARTINEAU '12 KENNETH E. SMITH '27 Friday, June 4 GEORGE R. HILL, JR. '08 HERVIN BUNDERSON '12 SU SET FESTIVAL - TABERNACLE 8 :15 P . M. Saturday, June 5 Alumni Committee Chairmen COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES BOYD H. PULLEY '33 Chapter Organization ADDREss To GRADUATEs VERE L. MARTINEAU '12 Endowment Fund Dr. Alexander Meikeljohn RoBERT L. JuDD '09 Legislative University of Wisconsin KENNETH SMITH '27 Alumni Membership College Amphitheatre 9 :00 A. M. LLOYD M. THEURER '28 Public Relations NoEL BENNION '28 Athletic ALUMNI BANQUET J. W. KIRKBRIDE '19 Loan Fund College Library 6:30P.M. Sunday, June 6 BACCALAUREATE SERVICE Elder A . E. Bowen College Amphitheatre 9:30 P.M. WICKEL·s President and Mrs. E. G. Peterson's Reception for Alumni, Graduates, and Parents "FOR THE SMARTEST IN Student Commons 3:30 to 5:30 P . M. MEN'S WEAR" Annual Alumni Meetings The annual Alumni council and business meetings -LOGAN, UTAH- will be held in the Faculty Room, Main Building, on the College campus at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 5, 1937. All members of the Alumni Association are extended an invitation to attend the business meeting. Three Library Receives $1050.00 Alumnus Receiv·es Appointment Alumni Gift to College Board ofTrustees We quote from a recent letter written under date George Q. Spencer, '26, Payson , Utah, was recently of May 1, 1937 by Vere L. Martineau '12LF, Chairman appointed by Governor Blood to a position on the Board of the Endowment Fund Committee, to end owment fund of Trustees of the Co ll ege in which capacity he succeeds subscribers : Mr. P. H. Mulcahy of Ogden. Another new appointee to "The Endowment Fund Committee of the Alumni· the Board is Mrs. Joseph W. Jensen of Roy, Utah, who Association of the College recentl y turned over to the replaces Mrs. Claire P. Dorius, '11, of Salt Lake City. Co ll ege Library Committee the urn of $1050.00 for the Mr. Spencer graduated from the Co ll ege in 1926 in purchase of books under regulations governing the dis the School of Agriculture. A leader in student affairs position of tills fund. The amount represents earning while at the College, he participated in many branches on the Alumni Association Endowment Trust Fund and of student activity, including membership in the Delta brings the total amount now tran ferred to the library Nu social fraternity, Pi Delta Epsilon, Short Story Club well over $3500.00. and Photophores. He was a member of the freshman "The Alumni Library Fund which was made pos football team, was in the freshman play, manager of sible through the generosity of alumni and friends of basketball ; associate editor of the Buzzer, a member of the college is something of which the Association is the Junior Prom committee, a member of Student Life ju tly proud and for which the Institution is extremely tafT ; participated in debating and during his senior grateful. The principal amount is held in trust and year held a position on the Student Executive Commit stands as an impregnable source of much needed reve tee. Mr. Spencer is now engaged in farming near Pa'yso n, nue. The investment during the years to come will be Utah. returned many fold, an amount equal to one-fifth of the Mrs. Jensen is the wife of Joseph Wm. Jensen, We entire fund thus far received having already gone to ber County farmer and Speaker of the House of Rep wards the enrichment of the co ll ege library." resentatives during the recent Legislative session. Mr. We echo Mr. Martineau's thought that the alumni Jensen is a graduate of the College with the class of library fund is the one thing of which the Alumni 1900 and a former member of the faculty in the school Association can be justl y proud. True, the fund is small of Engineering. Mrs. Jensen holds a special Home Eco by compari on with that of some of the older institutions nomic certificate from the College for attending the of the nation, but they, too, had small beginnings. Ac· Ad~ l t Leaders Training Schoo l during three annual cording to Dr. W. W. Henderson, former chairman of sessions. the endowment fund committee, a well-known university The full membership of the Board of Trustees is as with present endowments of over $100,000,000.00 had follows : a less amount than our ow n Alumni Fund prior to its F. P. Champ, Logan; C. G. Adney, Corinne ; Mrs. fiftieth anniversary. Minnie W. Miller, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Joseph W. Jen Elsewhere in this issue of the Quarterly is printed sen, Roy; Frank B. Stephens, Salt Lake City; E. E. Mon a balance sheet showing the condition of the Alumni Li son, Salt Lake City; Fred M. ye, Ogden; Clarence E. brary Endowment Fund as of April 1, 1937. This state Wright, Salt Lake Ci ty; Olof elson, Logan; Joseph B. ment is published for the purpose of acquainting en White, Paradise; M. J. Macfarlane, Cedar City; George dowment fund subscribers with the present condition of Q. Spencer, Payson, and Melvin J. Ballard, Salt Lake the fund and to indicate what has been accomplished City. with the remittances which you have made to this fund. To those who haven't subscribed, a perusal of the state ment will be interesting as it indicates a splendid avenue for investment in something enduring and of real ma Semi-Centennial terial value to an institution held in high esteem by its Utah State Agricultural College's Fiftieth anniversary thousands of alumni. will be observed by a series of programs to be conducted during the 1937-38 school year. Special programs are Appointed being arranged for March 8, 1938, the date commemo Dr. B. K. Farnsworth, '25, of the College education rating the 50th anniversary of the signing of the legis department and a member of the General Board of the lative act which established the Agricultural College of Y.