CLASSIC SCATTERGUNS A NEW LONG- RANGER RIDES! GREATGREAT .38.38ss COLTCOLT && SMITHSMITH DEFINEDDEFINED STEVENSSTEVENS 301301 TURKEYTURKEY MINIMINI GOBBLERGOBBLER GUNGUN TAURUSTAURUS G3CG3C COMPACTCOMPACT BUDGETBUDGET BLASTERBLASTER SAASAA STARSTAR POWERPOWER JIMJIM MARTINMARTIN COMMEMORATIVESCOMMEMORATIVES ONON THETHE BORDERBORDER IT’SIT’S 19101910 AGAINAGAIN MARCH 2021 BCM_Guns_319.qxp 6/27/19 2:26 PM Page 1 No Guns, No Ammo, No Problem! JOE KRIZ ONLINE: Gifts You Can Actually Buy SPRINGFIELD 36 2020 WAYPOINT A new long-ranger rides into town. WAYNE VAN ZWOLL CAMPFIRE TALES 10 The Special .44 Special JOHN TAFFIN AYOOB ON HANDGUNS 24 Practice like you play MASSAD AYOOB GUNS ACROSS THE BORDER 32 What would a lawdog carry? DENNY HANSEN TAURUS G3C 42 Little brother budget blaster DAVID FREEMAN JIM MARTIN GUNS 44 Single-action art, for art’s sake ALAN GARBERS FOUR SHOTGUNS TO KNOW 48 The ultimate combat quartet JEREMY CLOUGH STEVENS 301 TURKEY 52 Go small for turkey. MARK HAMPTON THE GREAT THIRTY-EIGHTS 56 Colt Official Police and S&W Model 10 PAYTON MILLER GUNS Magazine (ISSN 1044-6257) is published monthly by Publishers’ Development Corporation, 13741 Danielson Street, Ste. A, Poway, California 92064. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Diego, CA and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (12) issues $24.95. Single monthly copies, $5.95. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Eight weeks notice required on all changes. Send old address as well as new. SUBSCRIP- TION PROBLEMS: For immediate action email
[email protected], write Subscription Dept., 13741 Danielson Street, Ste. A, Poway, California 92064 or call (866) 820-4045. CONTRIBUTORS submitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk.