Volume 15 | No.5 | September 2020 The Albertian News Letter Estd. 1946 ST. ALBERT'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) Established and Administered by Archdiocese of Verapoly Accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC | ISO 9001:2015 certified by TUV Rheinland Banerji Road, Ernakulam, Kochi - 682 018, Kerala, India www.alberts.edu.in |
[email protected] Ph. 0484-2391245 'To me, the Platinum Jubilee message g r e a t e s t Excellence - not a destination, but an ever continuing journey p l e a s u r e o f ORIAL writing is not St. Albert's College (Autonomous) is one of the pre- what it's about, EDIT eminent premier institutions in the Ministry of but the inner.' – Dr. Rosalind Gonzaga Truman Capote. Education of the Archdiocese of Verapoly. The service This herculean task of editing and rendered by this hallowed edifice of learning spanning releasing the Albertian Newsletter over seven and a half decades in the moulding of the would not have been possible without the sincere support of the members society and the new generations has been remarkable and edifying. The involved in the process. We are really College has been able to mould many towering personalities who have proud to release the September excelled in various areas of societal life such as science, arts, judiciary, edition, which brings out the best of the Albertian family. These editions education, politics and economics. When we count all these blessings, it are released in the priceless attempt to is also wise and worthwhile to commemorate the sacrifices and toils throw light on our budding talents undertaken by our forefathers to make this temple of learning a reality.