ANOTHER LINK IN THE ENDLESS CHAIN Of popular offerings! An absolute revelation to the public of SPECIAL what can be done in the way of selling reliable DRY GOODS B EIGHT DAYS, LOW PRICES! Commencing Saturday, May 14. AT 25C Eveni"g Shades and Black Surah Silks. PEE YARD One lot China Silks, black and colors, at 50c THE BEST OFFER EVER MADE KOR EIGHT DAYS ! 25-inch $1 double-warp Black Surah and Pongee Silks at 75 READ 22-inch $1 Black Faille Silks, Gros Grain and Peau De Soie, for <5c All our $1.85 24-inch Black Faille Silks, Satin Rhadame, Alma WE WILL SELI, Royal, elegant Gros Grains—the best $1.SS silks in the. city, all go at _ $i Printed China Silks, black and colored grounds, fancy colored fig- 25-CENT LEADER, ures, beautiful summer silks for waists and dresses, worth $1, a big purchase, all to go at 65c 25 pieces Black Silk Grenadines, fancy stripes, figures and satin brocades, worth $1.25, all to go at 9;c AT 9Qn 5 pieces satin-stripe Black Wool Dress Goods. 500 yards new Gimp Dress Trimmings, worth 25c, all to go at 10c

SPECIAL—500 pounds '-White Star" Carpet Warp at 15c a pound—the 22c quality.

Notice This 5e List—All Big Bargains: PER YARD 50 pieces Light and Dark Prints 1 5c 1 bale 8c Linen Crash 5C 50 pieces new Dress Ginghams fie 25 pieces new Striped Pi >ieia 5c 20 pieces White Check Muslin 5c delegate Sheehan:—"MAYOR DOTY GAVE YOU ANX ARBOR! HERE IS CHICAGO! IT'S THE BEST WE CAN DO CONSIDEMM 10 pieces fancy stripe Curtain Scrim 5c THAT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE YOU THE COUNTRY." 50 pieces 10c embroideries to go at 5c 1 case soft-finished Bleached cotton 5c FROM HON. J. S. CLARKSON. The New Hospital. though he had received his share of Pretty Seaside Flannels, worth 10c, for _ 5c life's afflictions, and that he ought While sauntering through the newto be spared any further suffering in AND THIS— 1 ease Dress Prints s]4e The Best 25-Cent Hose He Approves of the College Republican University hospital a day or twothis way. 1 case pretty Challies 8home in good health, but in a few 183 feet deep, with a 20 months another came, and he return- The list of speakers consisting of On Monday last the stock of mer-ed to the hospital again. A counsel Gov. Win. McKinley, of Ohio; Hon. Last week cleaned us up on a great many of the staple ft. alley in rear, chant tailoring goods of James M. J. Sloat Fassett, of New York; Hon, goods, but in order to dispose of the slower selling articles, fronting on of physicians agreed that the only Stafford was taken possession of byhope for permanent cure would be to M. M. Kstee, of California; Judge such as BRUSHES, BROOMS, PAILS, SHOW CASES, either Goodspeed & Son on a chattel mort- John M. Thurston, of Nebraska; Hon. gage, it is stated. On Tuesday Mr. remove the entire bone of the lower HORSES, WAGONS, Etc., we will by TUESDAY MORN- jaw. After some hesitation the pa-John M. Langston, of Virginia; Ex- Stafford made an assignment to John Congressm&n Mason, of Illinois; Gen. ING, May 3, have a full supply of all staple goods and wilJ R. Miner for the benefit of all his cred- tient consented to this. The opera- continue to sell them at Forest, Olivia or Lincoln Aves. itors and Sheriff Dwyer took posses- tion was successfully performed and R. A. Alger, of Michigan; Hon. A. B. sion of the store and goods on a writ the patient again went to his home. Humphrey, of New York; Hon. E. P. of replevin, and put Mr. Miner In For a long time he was perfectly well, Allen, Hon. A. J. Sawyer, and others, charge. It is thought that after had a good appetite, slept well, and will be such as to call a large crowd ACTUAL COST It only takes $50 all the debts are paid there will still never felt better, and just as he wasof people. Letters have been receiv- TILL to secure one. be left for Mr. Stafford a handsome beginning to think there was some ed from all over the country apply- The slower selling articles are closed out. Those who were balance, by careful handling. Mr. ing for tickets. Stafford lias donen remarkably good happiness in lifue for him after all, an- unable to get waited upon Saturday will please call early in business in Ann Arbor and has pros- other of these terrible growths ap- We are requested to announce that the week, so as to avoid the great rush of Saturday's trade. pered admirably until sickness render- peared. So a few weeks ago he came everybody coming to Ann Arbor on ed him unable to attend to it entirely back again, and had the last tumor that day will have a chance to hear GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED. E. B. HALL, in person. He has the sympathy of removed. He is getting along nice- the business community of Ann Arbor Gov. McKinley speak. ly, and shows but little the severe The music for the evening will be No. 9 N. Main St., in his troubles, which have come upon tussel he has had with disease and the him through no fault of his own. furnished by the Jamous Chequame- FRED T. STIMSON, ANN ARBOR, MICH. 2 W. HURON ST. SB niaos pino-u. }i gons. Judge Tourgee has compiled a list The Boise boom is said to have bust POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. hoe to remove the surface soil are al the tools needed for its extermination of murders of colored people in the The Ann Arbor Courier ed. How is the Hill boom ? Hoist United States the past year, and he ed? A Meeting Full of Interest to Fruit The only known remedy agains finds that there were 118 in the south- Just th Growers and Consumers. peach yellows is to root out and burn ern states and three in the northern WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1892. Michigan will be representajj ;i t the every tree which shows the disease anc California meeting of the national edi- states. From a pamphlet recently torial association this month by state The May meeting of the Washte- plant a healthy one in its place. Black published are taken these paragraphs Oh printer Robert Smith and H. R. I'atna- w Horticultural society was held knot, which disfigures and ultimatel} in relation to these murders: tengill, of The Moderator. on Saturday last.Hon. J Austin Scott pre- destroys trees of the plum and in some A few months ago a colored man was cases of the cherry, is caused by a wel hanged in Mississippi. The published size. The Inn Ark Couriei siding. The discussion of the topic,"Fer rep.ort said in excuse that he was "en- Some of the shrewd political iram biers are taking all the bets that are tilizing the Orchard," was opened by. known fungus which lives in the in ticing laborers to go to Arkansas with terior of the wood and bark and is the promise of better wages." It was (Published Every Wednesday offered on Cleveland's nomination at the corresponding secretary. The said that "prominent gentlemen from Chicago. They appear to think that theory and experience of Hon. J. J therefore out of reach of ordinary reme three counties took part in the affair!" Gfrbver will not have a sufficient pull. dies. The simplest and safest remedy There were no arrests. Has a Large Circulation amons Merchants Rjbison, that natural trees or seedlings Mechanics, Manufacturers, Farmers, The man known as the ice manfurnishe, d the pollen for the grafted or therefore, is to cut away and burn al Last spring it was reported that the You want it. and Families Generally. limbs that show the disease and thus employes of a Louisiana planter com- Patrick O'Sullivan, one of those con- budded trees and in that way were a plaining of ill treatment, made a victed of the can-nae-gal murder ol help in increasing the fertility of theprevent its prorogation to other trees. break for Arkansas. The employer A Very Desirable Medium for Advertisers followed with an armed force. Two Dr. Cronin. in Chicago, and sentenced orchard was confirmed. The secfetary The remedy for grape rot known as were shot. "'The others," the press "TRY IT. to state prison at Joliet, died last further stated that it was necessary to the Bordeaux mixture is best knowi report merely said, "were persuaded E. BEAL, week. feed the trees liberally. His orchard and has been applied with uniform sue to return." R$K TOR IT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. The Boston Herald (Mugwump) con was seeded down in orchard grass , and cess. To prepare this procure a barre About the same time a planter ar- fesses that "in the democratic party it was his experience that the apples on holding forty-five gallons and diisolve riving at a station in Arkansas found there is an element of bold, defiant, one of his employes about to take the TERMS: grass land ripened later and were in it six pounds of powdered copper sul train. Refusing to return, the employ RlQHTNOW. undisguised badness." Of course noth- phate.usingeightor ten gallons of water er shot him dead in the presence of $1.00 per Year in dvance. To Subscrib- ing personal to Mr. Hill is intended better keepers than apples on cultivated the crowd, saying that if every one ers out of the County, 15 cents extra, lands. In order to keep up the fertility or sufficient tor the purpose. In another would imitate his example, "there in this remark. receptacle shake four pounds of Iresh would soon be no more runaway nig- to pay postage. of the orchard, he fed them very liber- A cargo of American pig tin from ally with liquid manure from a cistern lime, to which then add sufficient water gers." No attempt was made to ar- that great western state, California, rest the murderer. Sntered at the Ann Arbor Postofficeas Second' in the barnyard. If the cistern water, to make a creamy white wash, strain Class Mail Matter. has been brought to New York nnd this through a coarse sack into the The planters of several states de- sold there at the same price of thecollected by the rains and leachings of cided to pay but fifty cents per 100 the manure pile, was not strong enough, barrel containing the copper sulphate pounds for picking cotton. It is starv- imported article. Another nut for ation wages. Very few slaves could OXLT ALL METAL CUTS INSERTED the tin plate liar to split his teeth on be added hen manure. This would then fill up the barrel with water pick 2oo pounds under the most favor- belp both the grasa and the trees. He when the mixture ia ready for useable conditions, even with the driver's JOB PRINTING- The Gentile democrats in Utah have also kept his pear orchard in grass, but Thi8formula is given in the latest bul- lash to spur them on. A strike was EWING-. got into a fight with the Mormon begun. Thirteen negroes were killed We have the most complete job office in the mulched the trees heavily. It is easier letins of the U. S. department of agri- at one point and several more—the State or in the Northwest, which enables us to democrats as to which is which and culture and is only one half of the press report said fifteen—at another, print Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Programmes, who is who. A republican Judge will to gather fruit in grassland than on cul- enough to stop the strike at least. Bill-Heads, Note-Heads, Cards, Etc., in supe- tivated ground. strength of that heretofore used. rior style, upon the shortest notice. lave to decide between the contend- During the twelve months previous OBACCO ing factions. Why not split the dif- President Scott said; "There is some- All pruuing, old berries, leaves, etc. to December. 1891, the public press BOOK-BINDING-. ference ? should first be removed and burned to reported seven colored men burned Connected with THE COURIER office is an thing in the pollenization of grafted alive in those states, one flayed ailve, is "Hie intensive Book-Bindery, employing competent GOT. Boyce, of Iowa. What about trees by natural fruit trees. Grafted destroy the spores. Tne first applica-and one mutilated, disjointed, disem- and experienced hands. All kinds of Records, lim ? Only this: He was born, bred trees come into bearing sooner than tion of the mixture should be made as boweled and tortured by a mob for Ledeers, Journals. Magazines, Ladies Books, and reared as a republican and won two hours before death came to his Rurals and Harper's Weeklies,Etc., bound on seedlirjgs, but the seedlings would hold soon as the buds begin to swell, to be relief. Suppose they had been white the shortest notice and in the most substan all his spurs, except the governor's, followed by a second, when the leaves Christians tortured by dusky savages, tial manner, at reasonable prices. Music es- n the republican party. Will the dem- out longer. The practice of some pecially bound more tastefully than at any nurserymen to raise tree3 from root are one-third grown and a third appli- how many would it be necessary to "TOBACCO other bindery in Michigan. ocrats nominate him for the presi- cation at the time of blossoming. This kill to square the account ? dency ? Hardly. rafts or from sprouts he di.i not ap- offered for should be repeated at intervals of tenA WIDOW IX THUMS—By J. M. Bar- MASONIC DIRECTORY. prove. Trees should start from seed- In the municipal elections held in ings. Fertilization of the orchard has or twelve days until the fruit is fully rie, author of "Lady Nicotine," the. mon^y— ANN ARBOR COMMANDERY, NO. 13, meets first Indiana last week the republicans grown, bat should then cease in order etc., New York Cassell Publish- Tuesday of each month, B. F. Watts, E. C;were victorious almost without ex- not been brought before the public as it should have been. When young do not that no limo remain to disfigure the ing Co. For sale in Ann Arbor by John K. Miner, Recorder. ception, carrying democratic strong- berries. If long droughts occur fewer Sheehan & Co. Price 25 cents, WASHTENAW CHAPTER. NO. 6, R. A. M.—Meets eed your trees too high to stimulate | lolds that had not been carried by applications are needed. A compara paper. first Monday each month. L. C. Goodrich, hem before in years. It is a repub- unnatural growth; when bearing, This is a story, written in an at- H. P.; N. D. Gates, Secretary. ican year or all signs fail. eed your trees liberally but not near tively new remedy worthy of trial, is an animoniacal solution of precipitated tractive way, scene laid in Scotland, ITTLE^ONEY BUSINESS CARDS. The fraudulent democratic legisla- he trunk but away around the tree as and colloquy introducing Scotch dia- "ar as the branches grow. The feeding copper carbonate, or copperdine, as it is ure of New York has increased the called by one manufacturer. This has lect. It is a bright little narrative, londed indebtedness of New York City •oots are way out there. Roots grow as and will prove interesting to the read- Chas. ~W. "Vogel, and Brooklyn about $30,000,000.' ar us the branches extend, il had anthe advantage of being a perfectly clear er who delights in light literature. de alerts It Dealer in all kinds of ?lie greatest squandering of money ashery near my orchard in the Maumee solution which never disfigures the Fres=h and Salt Meats. im-e the old Tweed ring ran things. Valley and applied it very liberally to fruit and is also useful as a remedy for A national guard—Quarantine. Jwo. "f/NZER &Jrto's.,L oufsv/ile. my orchard of sixty acres. This or- apple scab and several other fungus Raise the question—Auctioneers. Poultry, Lard, etc. If the Washtenaw Republican Club diseases. roposea to send delegates to the na- hard frequently brought me §4,000 per Bill heads—Busts of Shakespeare. EVERYTHING NEAT AND CLEAN lonal convention to be held in Sara- nnum clear of all expenses. Leached In conclusion, I desire to again call No. 9 E. ANN ST., ANN ARBOR. oga June 20, they better get a move shes are a very fine fertilizer. My attention to the suggestion made at our n them. Other places are enthus- randfather planted an orchard for ast meeting that some one in each Low Prices IM Honest Goods I WANT COLUMN. astie over the matter, and delegates veryone of his children." (Such a man neighborhood take up^ spraying as a re being chosen even from far away Are always to be found at Short advertisements not to exceed three eservesa monument.—Editor.) business. Is requires considerable lines, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or California. tudy to learn the best remedies and Rent. Wants, etc.. inserted three weeks for The secretary thought that farmers Pfl DRUG 25 cents. Situations wanted, free. From figures of the foreign trade low to apply them and in the hurry of f the United States for the past 12 nd horticulturists should burn wood nstead of coal. It creates a more pieas- pring work it is apt to be neglected. STORE. RS. DR. N. H. PIERCE has changed her lonths the fact is ascertained that The twelve tooth planet junior culti- M office to the rooms on second floor at No. ver 55 per cent, of our imports come nt heat, is cleaner and furnishes an in- 9 N. Main St.. where she lnny be found from 9 aluable fertilizer for most plants. vator, or rather harrow, on exhibit was to 12 and 1 to 6 o'clock, daily. n absolutely free of duty under the ery much admired. For fine cultiva- 75,000 LYMOUTH ROCK EGGS of Geo. .1. Nissly's rovisious of the MeKinley act, and J. J. Eobison: "The farmers in Free- ion, either deep or s-hallow, especially P best stock. Dandelion, Boneset, Raspberry sag than 45 per cent, are dutiable, om have more natural fruit among their Shrubs and Syrups. Strawberry plants for sale. n other words the free list is larg- mong small plants, where eyen culti Address Emil Itaur. Dexter Avenue. rafted trees. Their grafted trees are ation is so desirable, this machine, r now than ever before. etter loaded with fruit. They make ANTED—GENERAL STATE AGENT to with its peculiar dagger-shaped teeth, open headquarters in some principal If it is true, as our free trade friends etter cider from natural fruit." Wcity, assume control of our business, and «)>- lid the bill. Close observers of tools point local and sub-agents in every city in this tssert, that free trade is such a inag- E. Nordman : "I barrel more apples missed a brace from the handles down ••• goods in universal demand, and pay a ificent thing for a country, why is rom thirty-five trees which I cultivate act profit of 50 to 100 per cent. THE ONION t that our Canadian neighbors, es- o the second teeth in order to keep ,(iMl'ANY, 714 Broadway, NEW YORK. nd feed well than from 400 trees.which he tool more steady. The secretary ecially the farmers, are coming over re in a sod of blue grass and which are PHEAM FOR SALE—Will sell them seperate. o the states constantly ? Why is it All new Spring designs. _L Also new house on Forest Ave.,with all lot manured." o had this tool in use this spring, modern conveniences. H. Richards, 9 Detroit hat protected is the Mecca Look at the low prices: St., Ann Arbor. or the people of all nations ? Why Jacob Sfihaefer: "I believe in manur- s satisfied that he never had anything ng and cultivation of the orchard." qual for thorough and even cultiva- PER ROLL -fXrANTED WASHING —Will go to private o they seek "tariff oppressed" United W houses or do it at my residence. tates ? H. O. Markham lectured on potato ;on. Best Blanks at 4, 5 and 6c 23Hiscottst. Miss. EMILE BUCHHOLZ. ulture. In. his very able lecture he A resolution was passed to extend Best Gilts at . - - - - 8, 10 and 12c If the republican state convention he heartfelt sympathy of this society Fine Paper at - • • • 15, 20 and 25c ANTED—A House with Barn. House with n , Wis., the other day, oasidered scil, fertilizers, preparation W about 6 or 7 rooms. Must be in good re- f the ground, varieties, planting, culti- o brother Stephen Mills, who lately pair. In good location. Call at Courier office s any criterion of the feeling of the PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. or address X. arty in that state, is good ation, harvesting, marketing or storing, met with a severe accident. Mr. Mills was always a regular attendant from ISS GRACE HEN.DRICKSON — Pupil of or its old-time, and more than old- 'his lecture, the outcome of brains and Profs. Luderer and Yunck. of Detroit, ime, republican majority. The scene pecial attention to the cultivation of he beginning of this society.and one of M•will give instructions on the violin. Particu- GEORGE WAHR, lars at residence, 72 S. State St. 8m is depicted in the papers, was an en- his most popular and useful vegetable! he closest and most experienced ob- husiastie one, and bodes no good for s worthy of a wide circulation. ervers on horticultural topics. Mr. W. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, ATER TANK FOR SALE.—Tank. 4 feet .he enemies of the great party of 3 • ^ WBquare by 4 feet deep, made of 2 inch pine Mr. Markham exhibited perfect ?. Bird and the secretary were ap- ASK ABBOK, MICH. plank, lined with heavy galvanized iron. En- irogress in this country. pointed to draw resolutions of regret at Remember we lead them all. GOOD- quire at this office pecimens of the Eyeless, Eureka, YEAR'S DRUG STORE, The workingman of America who Carina, E. Rochester, Stray Beauty, he death of James Toms, the florist, O RENT.—An office suite over F. & M. Bank •otes for free trade, votes to put him- who so cheerfully had adorned tl;e No. 4 S. Main St. Tcor. Main and Huron sts. Apply at COURIER Josh Konong, Rural New Yorker No. 2, OFFICE. self in the position that many of the thunderbolt, Burpees Super, Dandy, rooms of the society with the flora of aboring men of England are in to-day. lis greenhouses since the creation of ARM FOR SALE—The Bullock or Ev- White Flower, Bannok, Cambridge erett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station, On a banner in a parade of many 5rol., Alexander Prolific. He believes .his society in 1878. anFd 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containing 109 housand unemployed workmen in acres; house and barnes. stock, and well n late potatoes for the farmer, who ha6 The only fruit on exhibition was water, timber; school and church within a London, a few days since, was this mile. Land naturally the best and cultivation no time to market early potatoes D'Arcmberg pears by the secretary, stood; also forty acre farm for sale, the S y% nseription: "We demand the right of the E. '4 of the S. E. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann to work." The red flag of anarchyChose who wish perfect seeds and which were enjoyed by those presnet. Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North r sound councel on the potato culture EMIL BAUR, Secretary. place north of the County Farm; "8 miles from was freely displa5 ed in another pa- Mack & Schmid's," 1% miles from city limits. rflrde. Are you ready to do this, my should consult Mr. Markham. In this First-class land for peaches. Prices and terms seasonable. Call on or address Andrew E. Gib- riend ? connection it may be remarked that Gladstone has written a letter stat- ion. 82 Maynard St., Ann Arbor 'Bulletin 85 of the Michigan Agricult- ing that woman suffrage can well OF DETROIT, MICH., There is no uncertain sound in theural Experiment Station, "Potato wait for the settlement of more pres resolutions of the Wisconsin repub- sing issues. For that he is being se For the Year Ending December 31st, 1891. The Albany Journal has swung out icans. Honest 100 cent dollars, pro- 'Tests," by Prof. L. R. Taft is a blessing verely criticised by some of the Lib- the name of John Sherman for pres- tection to American labor and indus- io the farmer and an honor to our state. eral leaders. ident. A private dispatch says that tries, a free ballot and a fair count The paper on Insecticides and Fungi- President Harrison will favor Secre- of those ballots, a good navy, and cides by A. A. Crozier, the entomol- Jerry Simpson, the man who went retary Rusk, in case he is not reno- the steady forging ahead of the Amer- ogist of our society, was well prepared to congress from Kansas as "Sockless REVENUE ACCOUNT- minated himself. ican people in all branches of indus- and as well received. The paper, after Jerry," says that "the democrats will try and trade, through the admirable lose nearly every southern state, Received for Premiums, -...-- $ 882,514 26 One of the newest and greatest going over the ground of the extensive 179,689 80 principle of reciprocity, is the banner literature of the subject, mentions a and the presidential election will be Received for Interest, - monopolies in the nation to-day the republicans of that state will thrown into the house." Jerry never TOTAL INCOME ... $1,062,204 06 the anthracite coal trust. There is march to victory under. few of the insect and fungus enemies was a good prophet. Disbursements Jor Death Claims Dividends, Matured Insurance, Sur- no tariff on coal. It is as free as the which fruit growers of this locality render Values and all Expenses, $ 654,994 20 $ 407,209 86 most violent free trader could wish Gen. John M. Palmer, of Illinois. have to contend with, "Codling Moth." The farmers of Kansas have been BALANCE TO INVESTMENT ACCOUNT, • Now is a time for these reformers to What about him ? Only this: Be- For this moth or apple worm Paris paying off their mortgage indebted- put their brilliant theories into execu fore the war he was an antagonist jreen and London purple have super- ness at the rate of $500,000 per ASSET ACCOUNT tion. Come on with your free trade of the democratic party. During the ceded all other remedies. A thorough month ever since the last harvest Cash in Bank, ------126,940 14 arguments and bust up this coal mon- war he was an antagonist of the dem- First Mortgage Liens on Real Estate, .... 2,428^03 80 spraying of the trees once or twice Every mortgage paid has been a nail Real Estate, ..-.-. 225,406 59 opoly. ocratic party. Since the war he hasafter the petals fall, is an almost perfect in the political coffins of Jerry Simp- Loans to Policy Holders secured by Reserves, 305,835 88 been an antagonist of the democratic Agents' Balances ...... 8,537 2» preventive of wormy apples. The poi- son, Pfeffer and their kindred. Bills Receivable ...... 32,951 67 Eastern farmers, who have abun party, until within a short time. U. S. Bonds and Stock Collaterals, .... 11,923 76 tint supplies of water for crops, anO son is applied at the rate of one pound Interest and Rents accrued, ..... 54,851 61 Now he wants his old time enemy to A Dane, named John Anderson, who Interest and Rents dne, - - - 32358 82 every other purpose, by rainfall anc nominate and elect him as president of Paris green to 200 gallons of water or had played "My Joe" for .twentyOutstanding Premiums, secured by Reserve Fund (20 per cent, load- springs and rivers, know Httle o one of London purple to 160 gallons ing deducted), .... 205,036 0* of the United States ! What will he times, in other "words had marriec Deferred Premiums, secured by Reserve Fund (20 per cent, loading tvhat the problem of a water supplj run on ? His political record ? It has London purple, applied as for the Codl- deducted)...... 36,681 45 means to the farmers in the dry beltb twenty wives, was convicted in Cleve been exceptionally good until within ing moth, has with some given appar- land last Friday. Not for marrying so TOTAL ASSETS, $3,468,726 98 and arid regions of the west. Some a few years. But the democrats entiygoodreBultsagainstthecurculioon many wives, oh no, but for stealing idea of the labor involved in securing won't relish it. water for irrigation may be gatherec thep lum and cherry. Others, however $1,200 from the last one he married. LIABILITIES from the following figures of the fou have obaerved little benefit from its ap Amount of Reserve Fund, American Table (4% per cent.) $2,976,778 00 Here ia a nut to crack for our po New York City ought to be able to Deposits of Policy-Holders, ..... 420 9Si largest dams completed last year litical enemies who pronounce "reci plication, so that for the present the Death Claims, not due, ..... 18,209 2t> old remedy of jarring the insects upon erect the monument to Gen. Grant Surplus, ..-..-.. 473,318 80 the Walnut Grove dam, near Pres procity a humbug." Before the re •without calling upon the old soldiers cott, A. T., 110 feet high, enclosing ciprocity arrangements were conclud sheets of canvas is probably the mos to contribute their mite toward the TOTAL, - $3,468,726 98 750 acres, and having a capacity o ed between this country and Brazi reliable. The insects usually firs fund. Rich as the people of that New Bisks assumed in 6,927,921 60 4,000,000,000 gallons; the Mercec the Brazilian Steamship Co., accom Increase of Assets, 461,173 85 make their appearance when the young great city are, they eeem to be unIncrease of Surplus, 33,761 Si dam at Central California, one mil modated all the business they could plums have attained the size of youni American in one "way, viz: they are long, 60 feet high, enclosing 650 acres get in four trips a month between peas. Daily jarring for one week wil stingy. Long, long ago, they shoult During the year 1891 this Company loaned to Policy-Holders oier $70,000.00 upon Endowment and storing 5,500,000,000 gallons' the ports of the two countries. Nowusually insure a crop. have had this monument completed Policies assigned to it as security, the Beserre in each case being in excess of the Loans made. the Sweetwater River dam, near Sa this company has been obliged to in and it should have been one the en The total amount paid to Policy-Holders by this Company to date is, - $3,860,256 08 Diego, Cal., 90 feet high, 725 acres crease, the number to fourteen pe Many valuable trees are needlessly the world might have been called up Hon. T. W. PALMER, Pres. storage capacity 6,000,000,000 ga month. All clear again, gentlemen lost by means of the peach borer. Iti on to look at, and the New Yorker's Ions; and the Bear Valley dam, i The free traders, under the guise o O, Ft. LOOKER, Sec'y. S. R. MUMFORD, Vice-Pres. San Bernardino county, Cal., 60 fee presence is readily detected at the base heart should swell with pride while H, F. FREDE, Ass't Sec'y. "tariff reformers," would kill all thi of the stem by the gum exuding from the showing it. How long would Chicago C. W. SANDERS, Actuary. high, enclosing 2,250 acres, and hold prosperity, which is being brough wound, which it makes just under th dally over a thing of the kind, think W. F. RAYNOLDS, Consulting Actuary. ing 10,000,000,000 gallons of water about by protection and reciprocity bark. A strong knife and sometimes you ? gtF~ ENERGETIC AND EXPERIENCED AGENTS WANTED. ADDRESS THE SECRETAEY. A Shawl Reveals Yet Hides a Woman' Drunkenness or the Liquor Hab GEMS IN VERSE. Positively Cured by adminlsterln Form. Dr. Haines' Golden SDecific. overedwitha Tasteless and Solrb^ Coating. ', Advice to the Curious. It Is manufactured as a powder Would you learn to tunnel through the hills, The shawl always was and alway Or solve most knotty problems? will be the companion of woman, a whLch can be given in a glass of beer BEEMTS Find an antidote for all the ills. sort of a friend indeed. a cup of coffee or tea, or in food with Or dissipate hobgoblins? When a woman starts to see he out the knowlegde of the patient. I PILLS Ascertain the distance from the stars is absolutely harmless, and will el are a marvellous | Far in yonder heavenly span neighbor in a hurry, what does shi Antidote for Weak From Jupiter to fabled JIars? sieze ? A cloak or jacket ? Not i feet a permanent and speedy cure Ask the intellectual man. whether the patient is a moderate Stomach, she has a shawl handy, i SICK HEAD- Would you know the protoplasmic germ If she wants to meet her lover jus' drinker or an alcoholic wreck. I That floats within our water? hiis been given in. thousands of cases ACHE, The name of a thousand legged worm. around the corner, or, like the fail and in every instance a perfect cur Impnlr. Or that of Pharaoh's daughter? Juliet, wants to meet him in the gar has followed. It never fails. Th ed Diges- The fruit that most abundant grows den, what does she wear ? A jacke tion,Con- fa eastern Hindostan? system once Impregnated with th sOpatiom FARGO'8# Why, reference make to one who knows— or cape '.' No; it is a shawl. Specific, it becomes an utter impos Disorder- The intellectual man. And if she doesn't take a shawl she ed IA ver, <' sibility for the liquor appetite to etc.*found ], "Box Tip" School Shoes ought to. it will give the young exist. Cures guaranteed . But if you wish to learn the latest score; man a chance to show his chivalry Also to bo especially efficacious and remedial j for Boys and Girls, Baking The horse that won the race; \ ; by FEMALE SUFFERERS. Heeled or Wedge Heel. 48 page book of particulars free 1 01 all drupgiata. Prlcn 2.% cents a box.!' Tie shop that has the swinging door; by wrapping it more closeiy arounc Sizes-8tolO'/£ Which fellow sets the pace; the shoulders of his inamorata, says, Address New York Depot, 365 Canal St. *' 1.50 Where eyes have ever softest glow. GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 183 Race st. 1.75 In England or Japan; the New York Morning Journal. Cincinnati. O. Ito3 If you really have a wish to know— Welcome the shawl by all means S'/ito 5-4 3.00 A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Don't ask the intellectual man. With the shawl the mantilla will fol FARCO'S Superior to every other known, —Columbia Spectator. low. Don't fear, my dear neighbor She Taught Him a Lesson. u Used in Millions of Homes— M. & H. $2.50 Calf Shoe Bight Here at Home. If the shawl will come, it will be re for Gentlemen, 40 Years the Standard He settled himself back in his chai Unequaled by any shoe Right here at home, boys, in old Hoosierdom, ceived with a welcome by the ever in America at the same Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Where strangers allus joke us when they come. quick-witted American girl. with a self-satisfied air and said: WRITING TABLETS. price. In Oonsresn, But- Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable ton and Luces Men's aad postal for descriptive list BISHOP'S RESIDENCE, MABQUETTE, Mich., | To boost a feller up 'at wants to climb ing clad in sombre costume, with a Sure Cure for Weak Men, aa C. H. PARGO & CO., Chicago. 111. Nov. 7, 1889. j And 's got the git up in him to i?o in shawl and mantilla to match. With he said, with some pride, "I've prac proved by reports of leading phy- The Rev. J. Ktraabisl, of above place, writes And git there, like he purt'nigh allus kinl tically worked night and day." sicians. State age in ordering. DOTY & FEINER, I have suffered a great deal, and whenever I these at her disposal, a smart wo Price, SI* tutalogue Free. She nodded, and he continued: A O A curA safe e and speedy AGENTS, - ANN ABBOR now feel a nervous attack coming I take a dose Right here at home, boys, is the place fer us— man will be able to show off her lH Al 1*0 ^r Gleet, of Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic and feel re Where folks' hearts' bigger 'n their money taste. "I'll do better yet, Mary. I'll hav< M W M Stricture and all lieved. I think a great deal of it and would pu's; A hat and a jacket are mor efit for you even more comfortable thai unnatural discharges. Price®®. rather he without bread than without the Tonic And where a common feller's jes' as good now." REEK SPECIFICgTooii As ary other in the neighborhood. a carriage drive. But take, for in and Skin Diseases* Serof« Will Do Wliat It Purports to Do. The world at large won't worry yon and me stance, a lady going to church. Let "Youu will if you keep on working along Sores andSyphllltlC c Affections, with* SOMERSET, Ohio, Nov. 11,1890. Right here at home, boys, where we ort to be. out mercury. Price, SSS. Order from . My wife 'was troubled with nervousness her wear her shawl drawn close to as you have worked," she said, "but— 1 which so affected her mind that I became very Right here at home, boys—jest right where we her shoulders, the rest hanging down "But what, Mary?" THE PERU DRUGS, CHEMICAL CO. £S. much alarmed, as a mental derangement was air- Let her put a black mantilla on her "I've sometimes wondered, Joe,' 189 Wisooiisin Street, MILWAUKEE, WIB. A very important invention which hereditary. After using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Birds don't sing any sweeter anywhere; with a faint smile, "if you quite un Tonic one day she could sleep soundly, her la- Grass don't grow any greener 'n she grows head, just dropped on as she drops a will be hailed with delight by every menting ceased, and I can say that bar menta! Acrost the pastur' where the old path goes- napkin on her breakfast table; let itderstood the clergyman." condition is very much improved. All things in earshot's purty, er in sight, fall naturally just a little over her "The—why, Mary ?" body using a stove or range for hot JOSEPH A. FLAUTT. Right here at home, boys, ef we size 'em right. forehead and pinned in front, says the "The clergyman who married us." water circulation. After years of ex -A Valuable Book on Nervous Right here at home, boys, where the old home Boston Globe. "Why, what have I done ?" h Diseases sent free to any address place asked, suddenly, straightening up in perience we have succeeded in pro and poor patients can also obtain Is sacred to ns as our mother's face, That garb will show that her mint HEADACHES this medicine free of charge. Thia remedy has been prepared by the Eeverenc Jes' as we rickolleet her, last she smiled is only for things divine. It will give his chair. ducing a simple and perfect WATER Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876, and And kissed us—dyin so and rickonciled, "Nothing wrong, I suppose, Joe, isnow prepared under his direction by the Seein us all at home here—none astray- her a charming appearance very tak FOR 2§c. CURED BACK. Right here at home, boys, where she sleeps to- ing with men from sixty to eighty she replied in the same quiet way KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. day. Later in the day she can draw up the"but it has seemed sometimes—jus It overcomes all the present troubles Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. 3 for $5 —James Whitcomb Riley. shawl a little closer so that it wil! a fancy of mine, perhaps—it has seem of extracting lime and other sedi- Large Size, S1.75. 6 Bottles for »9. reach only to her waist. She might ed as though you thought you hac Who Knows? married the office. It sees more o ments which accumulate in water Philosophy assumes to tell tie it with a careless, loose knot in backs, often making them useless How happened this, how happened that; front, or if the shawl is of crepe de you than—than—" Reasons of sequence passing well. chine, the two ends can be drawn be- She stopped. It wasn't necessar; and in great many instances becom- By process none may cavil at. hind. In either way the beautiful to say any more. It was only neces ing dangerous. FOR MEN ONLY sary to kiss him to show that it was If this be true, then that must be; fringe will set off the dress, be it ever And so on, it seems very plain; so plain. not in a purely fault-finding spirit The outlay of dollars is reduced ta YOUNG MEN^OLD MEN But what rules human destiny? that she spoke, and she did that. Ant dimes. No household using a range GET II THE TOILS OF THE SERPUTS OF DISEASE. We ask and cannot ascertain. The mantilla can now be caught They make heroic efforts to free thcmielvej, the lesson that money—well, the les can afford to be without it. jet bat not knowing bow to successfully up from both sides above the temples f^SHAKE OFFTHE HORRID SNAKES The deeds we do, the words we say. son was not lost on him.—The Chicago No more trouble by using city they give up in despair and link into an early May serve a purpose, or may not; and there fastened with pretty jewel- X grave. What an £UBOB I There U HELP t, Some soul may be a wreck today ed pins or a dagger. Give a large Tribune. water for hot water circulation. OUR NEW BOOK Through some light word, long since forgot, fan to this lady and let Mother Na- Can be used in any stove. Ask nut free. poit-p»M, (sealed) Get fired—Coals. for »limited tlm«.eipl«ini "Mistakes," says Science; yet the wise. ture do her share. your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water the philoflopty of D lieas- The height of fun—Hi-larity. •s and Afflictions of the Whose far gaze traces the rolling spheres, The city of Boston possesses one of Back. Jrgans of Mm, and bow by Grope blindly through life's mysteries Help the blind—Raised letters. HOME TREATMENT, And weep, with others, human tears. the best public gardens in the world. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for oy methods exclusively our own, the rvorst caae> of Why not make it a flowery salon of sale at C. Eberbach are provided with Lost or railing Manhood, Philosophy cannot forecast 1892 V SPEKD YOUR VACATION ON THE Gen.nl and Herrcrei De- The workings of one human breast; GREAT LAKES, our improvement. bility, Weakness of Body Nor trace the springs of action, past; What can be more charmingly ro- , and Mind. Effects of Errors VOB SALE Bt Everybody call and examine this or Excesses, Stunted or Life is a riddle at the best. mantic than our public garden seen Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. I Sbrunkes Organs «?aii b« Cared. Benents in a day. EBEBBACH A^D SOX. ANN ARBOR.useful invention. Bow to Enlarge and BtrengthenWE AK, UNDEVELOPED We plan what we shall be and do, by moonlight with its boats float will only cost you about $13 from Detroi CEO ANB * PARTS of BODY made plain to all Interested. or $18 from Cleveland for the round trip Men t*itifv from 50 SUMS, Territories aod Portign Countries. While bars of fate around us close. ing in the silvery lake ? you can writ* them. For Book, foil eipliDStitio «nd proofs, addreis That strain or stroke may not break through; including meals and berths. The attrac ESTATE OF LYMAK S. WOOD. HUTZEL & CO., We plan and purpose, but—who knows? Think what a picture the Boston tionsofatriptothe Mackinac region are ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.Y. woman would make there, dressed in TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte- Plumbers and Steamfitttrs. —Ellen P. Allerton. unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand S naw, ss. j^; white clothes, with white crape romantic spot; its climate is most invigor At a session of the Probate Court lor the ANN ARBOK, - - MICH A Prosperous Couple. ating. Save your money by traveling County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate shawls thrown loose on their shoul- Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, CARTER'S Wall, wife, it's fifty years ago sence you an me ders and white mantillas just pinned between Detroit and Cleveland, via the the thirtieth day of April in the year one •olc's Co-btom. Ttoot> wuz tied. at the back of their heads ! D. & C. Line. Fare, $2.25. This division thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. CO MPOUND ITTLE An we hev clum the hills er life together side is equipped with two new steamers. "City Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro- .Composed of Cotton Root, Tansy and by side. Oh, the American girl does not bate. Pennyroyal—a reoent discovery by an of Detroit" and "City of Cleveland," now In the matter of the estate of Lyman S. 1.. Jld physician. Is mjuxesssfuUy u»«S How we hev prospered, hain't we, wife? and know what she will lose by not adopt- famous as the largest and most magnifi Wood, deceased. numtlilu—Safe, Effectual. Price $1, by mall, IVER how well off we be— ing the shawl, if it should come in cent on fresh water. Leave every night On reading and filing the petition duly veri- sealed. Ladies, ask your drasgist for Cook's W'en we wuz spliced we owned one cow, an irriving the following morning at des fied of Pamela Wood, praying that adminis- Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, PILLS. now, gosh, we own three. style. tration of said estate may "be granted to Mau- or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad- A woman never looks so pretty as tination, making SI;RB connection with al rice Or. Wood, or some other suitable person. dress POND LILY COMPANY, No 3 Fisher I owed five hundred on this farm, fivehun - morning trains Palace steamers, fou Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the Block, 131 Woodward live., Detroit. Mich. dred dollars then. when she looks down or up from un- trips per wpek between Detroit, Mark thirty-first day of May next, at ten o'clock But I hev prospered far beyond the gen'l run der the mantilla, black or white. The inac, Petoekey, the "Soo" and Alarquett.e in the forenoon, be assigned for the hear- er men. young man can not resist her. Send for illustrated pamphlet. Aildres ing of said petition, and that the heirs-at- EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL CURE A kindly Providence hez shaped the rough A. A. Schantz. G. P. A . Detroit & Clove law, of said deceased, and all other persons interested iu said estate, are required to Bick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci- course of events. land Steam Nav. Co.. TVIT-AJ*. Mich. appear at a session of said court, then to be BELOW PLLS, dent to a bilious state of tho system, such as An now I owe four twenty-five an thirty-seven How States Were Named. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann T ATYT"I?C! TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PE- Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after odd cents. Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any i-l±\.U-LHiO RIODICAL" PILLS from eating. Pain in the Side, &c. While their most there be, why the prayer of the petitioner Paris, France. Established in Europe 1839, remarkable has beeii shown in curing 'Twas only fifty years ago you only had one Maine takes its name from the prov- should not be granted. And it is further or- Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregulari- dress, ince of Main in France, and was cal- Notice to Builders anil Contractors. dered, that said petitioner give notice to the ties, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable To aggravate your beauty and increase your persons interested in said estate, of the pen-monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any led as a compliment to the Queen of Notice is hereby given to Builders and Con dency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, druggist, $2. American Pill Co., Proprietors, loveliness; tractors that sealed bids will be received b\ Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., SICK Now you've got two scrumptious dresses, an a Charles I., who was its owner. the State Board of Education up to and inelud" by causing a copy of this order to be published In the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed wholesale agents, and all other druggists in Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ara most tremendous bonnet. New Hampshire takes its name from Ing Wednesday, May 25, for constructing tw< and circulating in said County, three succes- Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted to equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- With a monst'ous horticult'ral fair a-flourishin brick two-story annexes to the State Xotma bring on the " change.' venting this annoying complaint, while they also Hampshire, England. New Hampshire School, at Ypsilanti, said annexes to be con sive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. • correct all disorders of thestomach.stimulatethQ upon it. was originally called Laconia. structed during July and August of the pres [A true copy.] J. WILLARt) BABBITT, i liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only eut year. Plans and speeiflcations can be Judge of Probate. Three chairs wuz in our sittin room but fifty Vermont is French (Verd Mont), sig- •qund at the State Normal School, on and aftei W. G. DOTY. Probate Register. GET THE BEST years ago. nifying green mountain. Wednesday. April 20, and also at the office o But we hev prospered wonderf'ly, an now :he architect, Arthur B. Cram, 80 Griswold st. there's five, you know. Massachussetts is an Indian word, Detroit. ESTATE OP JOHN M. LETTS. Ache they would bo almost priceless to those who We've gained a lamp, a puddin dish, an extra signifying ''country about the great For further information as to the manner OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte- FIRE INSURANCE GufTer from this distressing complaint; blft f ortu- yoke er steers, hills." and form of proposals, etc., apply to the Prin O naw, ss. cately their goodneBSdoesnotendhere.andthoso A grin'stone, an a dingle cart, an all in fifty cipal of the State Normal School or address At a session of the Probate Court for the $29,000,000. Tvho once try them will find these little pills valu- years. Rhode Island gets its name because the undersigned, to whom all bids must be ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate ifible In so many ways that they will not bo wil- sent. PERKY F. POWERS, )flice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the Security held for the protection of.; the policy- ling to do without them. But after allsick bead of its fancied resemblan e to the Island Chairman of Building Committee. iwenty-sixth day of April, in the year one holders. [t's all true wa't our pastor said, the worl moves of Rhodes, in the Mediterranean. 12 Cadillac, Mich. housand eight hundred aud ninety-two. fast today. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. An with a quick, electric whiz goes spinnin on The real name of Connecticut is In the matter of the estate of John M. Letts, its way; Quan-eh-ta-but. It is a Mohican ESTATE OP JOHN W. WIHTLARK. ncompetent. ACHE It jest goes spinnin on its way until its work is CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte George J. Crowell, the guardian of said ward, Christian Mack. 1B the bane of GO many lives that here Is where done, word, and means "long river." 3naw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for comes into court aud represents that he is now Represents the following flist-class companies, we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while 3ut there's few spinners, my dear wife, who've New York was so named as a com- ;he County of Washtenaw, holden at the Pro-prepared to render his annual account as such of which one, the .(Etna, has alone paid $65,000, others do not. spun ez we have spun. bate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Satur- ;uardian. 000 fire losses in sixty-five years: Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and pliment to the Duke of York, whose day, the thirtieth day of April, in the year Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the -S. W. Fose. one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two wenty-third day of May next, at ten o clock iEtna, of Hartford $9,192,641 very eaBy to take. One or two pilla make a doso. Charles II., granted him that terri- n the forenoon, be assigned for examining aud They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or The Usual Oversight. Present, J. Wifiiard Babbitt, Judge of Pro- Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118.713 purge, but by their gentle action please all who tory. bate. illowing such account, and that the next of use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold "Had I best run the risk? Shall I make her New Jersey was named for Sir kin of said ward and all other persons inter- Germania.N.Y 2,700,729 In the matter of the estate of John W. Whit- ested in said estate, are required t,o appear at German, American, N. Y 4,065,968 by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail, my wife?" George Carter, who was at that time ark, deceased. a session of said Court, then to be holden at CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. Thus lie mused while considering the step of Edward Treadwill, the administrator de ,he Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, London Assurance, London 1,416,788 his life. governor of the Island of Jersey, in >onis non of said estate, conies into court and n said county, and show cause.if any there be, Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287.608 SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE 'Will her wit entertain me, her beauty at- the British Channel. •epresents that he is now prepared to render vhy the said account should not be allowed: N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 tract?" Delaware derives its name from lis final account as such administrator. and it is further ordered that said guardian ie tried to remember some virtue she lacked. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the give notice to the persons interested in said National, Hartford 1,774.505 RINSEY & SEABOLT'S Thomas West, Lord de la Ware. wenty-seventh day of May next, at ten o'clock istate, of the pendency of said account, and Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 'Can she save, be submissive and loving at n the forenoon, be assigned for examining and he hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this once, Maryland was named in honor of illowing such account, and that the heirs-at- rder to be published in the Ami Arbor Cou- Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. )r simper and purr like the average dunce? Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. aw of said deceased, and all others persons ier, a newspaper printed and circulating in Policies issued at the lowest rates of premium. BAKERY, GROCERY, "2an she make her own dresses, prepare all the nterested in said estate, are required to appear aid County, three successive weeks previous lHUtf meals, Virginia got its name from Queen fit a session of said court then to be holden at o said day of hearing; he Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in [A true-copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITT, Jo away with the bang and wear sensible Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen." aid county, and show cause, if any there heels?" Kentucky does not mean "Dark and >e, why the said account should not be Judge of Probate. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. le thought it all over, then made up his mind allowed. And it is further ordered, that said V. G. DOTY, Probate Register. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK That she was as perfect as any he'd find. Bloody Ground," but is derived from Administrator give notice to the persons in- ERS, CAKES, etc., for wholesale and 'I'll have her," at last he decided; but woe! the Indian word, "Kain-tuk-ae," sig- e rested in said estate, of the pendency of said QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslne- retail trade. We shall also keep ie'd forgotton to weigh up her possible no. nifying "Land at the Head of thenccount and the hearing thereof, by causing a O naw, as. a supply of —Judge. opy of this order to be published in the Ann At a session of the Probate Court for the River." () Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circu- ounty of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Of- SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST Consistency. ating in said county, three successive weeks ce, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the Ohio has had several meanings fit- irevious to said day of hearing. sth day of April, in the year one thousand Reproach me not, though it appear. ted to it. Some say it is a Suwanee j. WILLARD BABBITT, [gh( hundivd and ninety-two. While I true doctrines teach, (A true copy.) JUDGE OF PROBATE. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro- White Wheat Flour! I wholly fail in my career word, meaning "The Beautiful River," \V. G. DOTY'. ate. OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR, BUCK- To practice as I preach. Others refer to the Wyandotte word, Probate Register. Iu the matter of the estate of Henry Doug- WHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, is, deceased. Leyi 1). Wines, the adminie- Oheza, which signified, "Something •ator of daid estate, comes into court aud FEED, ate, at wholesale and Yon guidepost has, through countless daya, EAL ESTATE FOR SALE—State of Michi- AtisseU his Opportunity! DON'T Mli« retail. Ageneral stock of "To London" pointed on. reat. epresents that he is uow prepared to render HE— V our*, Ke;ider. The majority tio^lect their op- R gan, County of Washtenaw. ss. is final account as suoh administrator. portunities, (iud from Unit caoselive tn poverty and dio in Nor once has quit the angled ways. Missouri means "Muddy Water." In the mutter of the estate of Flora A. Van- Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the obscurity 1 Harrowing despair is the lot of many, as they And up to London gone. Michigan is from an Indian^ word, awarker, minor. Oth duy of May next, at teu o'clock iii the look back on lost, forever lost, opportunity. I.i 1 e" Is pasi* —Uoane Robinson. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of orenoon, be assigned for examining and al- lute! Reach out. Be up and doing. Improve your opportu- GROCERIES and PROVISIONS neaning "Great Lake." n order granted to the undersigned guardian nity, and Bocurepiosperity, prominence peace. It was said owing such account, and that the heirs at law by a philosopher, that "the Goddess of Fortune offers a Constantly on hand, which will be sold on a Our Ideal. Colorado is a Spanish word, applied f said minor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate f said deceased, and all other persons inter- UoHlen opportnnity to each person atiome period of life1, reasonable terms as at anv other house in the or the County of Washtenaw, on the 12th day sted in said estate, are required to appear at a embrace the chance, and she pours out her riches; fail to do city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and Have we not all, 'mid life's petty strife. to that part of the Rocky Mountains f April, A. D.1892, there will be sold at Public ession of said Court, then to bo holden at the BO and she departs, never to return." How shall you find COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods de- Some pure ideal of a noble life "endue, to the highest bidder, at the east front robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the GOLDEN opportunity? Investigate every chance that livered to any part of the city without extra That once seemed possible? Did we not hear on account of its many-colored peaks. oor of the Court House, in the city of Ann tid County, and show cause, if any there be, appears worthy, nnd of fair promise; tlmt is what all suc- charge. Nebraska means shallow waters. \rbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said hy the said account should not be allowed: cessful men do. Here is an opportunity, such us is not often The flutter of its wings, and feel it near, tate, on Tuesday, the thirty-first day of May, nd it is further ordered, that said Adminis- within the reach or laboring people. Ixuproved, it will give, And just within our reach? It was. And yet Nevada is a Spanish word, signify- V. D. 1892, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that at least, a grand start in life. The GOI.IH.N opportunity for RINSEY & SEABOLT. We lost it in this daily jar and fret. ator give notice to the persons interested in tn.iny is here. Money to be made rapidly and honorably ng •'snow-covered mountains." ay (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage nid estate, of the pendency of said account, by any indimrioup person of either sex. Allagei. You can But still our place is kept and it will wait r otherwise existing at the time of the sale, id the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of do the work and live ut homo, wherever yon are. Even be- Ready for us to fill it, soon or late. 11 the right title and interest of said minor) lis order to be published in the Ann Arbor ginners are easily earning from SSii to SlOpor day. Yon A fair question—"Will you exhibit?" No star is ever lost we once have seen; Look out for any strands of old barb' he following described Real Estate, to wit: ourier, anewspapcr printed and circulated iu can do as well if yon will work, not too bard, but iudastri- Lots 15 and lli, block two (2) north of Hu- aid County, three successive weeks previous ously; and you can increase your income us yon go on. Yoa Old collegiate friendship—Oxford We always maybe what we might have been. d wire that may be lying about. on Street range, six (6) east, according to the can give spare time only, or nil your time to ttiework. Easy —Adelaide A. Procter. said day of hearing. to learn. Capital not required. We start yon, All is com- ties. They are likely to cause more trouble ecorded plot of the village, now city, of Ann paratively new nnd really wonderful. \Vo instruct and Vrbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. J. WILLARD BABBITT, show yon how, free* Failure unknown among onr work- A dog for a hunting "tip"—The The higher literature—Books bound han when strung up in proper order true copy) JUDGE OF PROBATE. ers. No room to explain liere. Write nnd learn all free, HERMAN KRAPP, G. DOTY, by retnrn mail Unwise to delay. A' IIow to Cure 8kin Diseases," 64 pages, 60 concerned, the Yellow and Blue says: of Virginia. A better list was never elatives in the city for a few days, illustrations, and 100 testimonials, mailed free. "We are truly in the hands of our presented by the Michigan Club at eturned home Saturday last. GET A. TICKET Detroit. SEARCH FOR DIMPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and friends, and needless to say, we ex- Mrs. George I. Blowers, of Buchan- -OF ill™ oily skin cured by CtrricnRA SOAP. pect great things from them." At the fourth annual contest of n, Mich.., is spending the week with The Detroit Tribune favors the rais- the Senior law class, held in Univer- er sister, Miss Flora Sterrett. HOW MY BACK ACHES! sity hall last Friday night, W. I. Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and Weak- ing of fully $40,000 to complete and A. C. Schumacher returned Satur- Ksalth and Pleasure W. F. LODHOLZ ness, Soreness, Lameness, Strains, and furnish the new gymnasium. Thai! Manny won the first prize, his ora- ay evening from a trip to Milwau- 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Pain relieved in one minnte by the is about the amount needed. ,Other tion being upon "The Individual and ee Wis., where he went to make an and lovely S UMMEIl WE A THER during the Cuticura Anti Fain Plaster. And you are entitled to a choice of The Home institutions have erected gymnasiums the State." The standing of the con- nalysis for some ammonia works. changeable Spring months by taking a trip to Instructor, the Life of General Sherman, testants were: W. I. Manny 95 1-6 the West Const of Florida, and if you have or the Life of P. T. Barnura (free), when JNO. BAUMGARDNER, costing from $100,000 to nearly $200,- Mrs. M. C. Sheehan returned home Ume extend the same to Cuba, but remember cash purchase to the amount of $15.00 per cent., S. H. Whitley 90 1-3, T. S. o Detroit Saturday, after a few o see that your ticket reads over the has been made. 000, but Ann Arbor could get along handsomely on $80,000 if it could McClure 90 1-8, Arthur Webster ay's visit with friends in Ann Arbor. Savannah, Florida & Western, only be raised. 88 2-3, C. W. Lemmon 85 1-3, E. A. Mrs. Prof. Perry went to Bay THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. Church 82 2-3, R. C. Wertz 81 1-6. ,'ity last Saturday to visit her sou (more familiarly kuown as the Waycross Short I.AKGE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. The II. of M. Republican Club has Line) to all points in Florida, making direct A compendium of useful knowledge neces- ordered 1,000 pearl button badges TO TIIE MEMORY OF JENXIK Jf. DAVISON. . B. Perry and wife for a few days. connection at Port Tampa forCuba ml hint sary for the practical uses of every-day life. Rev. R. A. Holland, Jr., returned S. S. Line. W. M DAVIDSON, A complete and perfect guide to life in public from the Detroit factory with which On Saturday, April 23d, 1892, Miss Gen. Pass. Agt., Jacksonville, Fla. each attendant at the banquet will Jennie M. Davison of the Literary ast Thursday from a delightful two D. H. El.UOTT, 122 Chamber Commerce JBulId week's visit at his home in St. Louis, ing, Chicago, 111. 18M5 be graced next Tuesday evening. A class of '9-4, died at her home in this " THE LIFE AND DSSDS OF GEN, W. T. capital idea. Pearl buttons never city. Mo. could have been manufactured in this It is the second time that the class Emory Townsend, of Saginaw, e. SBESXil, , was an Ann Arbor visitor last CBOWX OCTAVO, 56S PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. ountry had it not been" for that of '94 has been called to mourn a NOTICE TO A graphic narrative of his boyhood and grand protective measure, the Mc-fallen class-mate. Although we were "riday, looking hale, hearty and pros- early life education, career in Florida and erous. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte- C'lHfornla, military achievements, life as a Kinley bill. not personally acquainted with her, S naw, ss. . citizen, last sickness and death; with fine Forty-eight members of the senior Miss Davison surely leaves a bright Miss Jessie Bushnell, of Noble. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of steel portrait. the Probate Court for the County of Washte- and junior classes of the Pharmacy de- remembrance in the hearts of her fel- Branch county, is visiting her sisters, naw, made on the third day of February A. Irs. Geo. H. Pond, and Miss Lury D. 1892, six months from that date were al- partment went to Detroit last Fri- low-students. Her Christian faith a lowed for creditors to present their claims TBS LIFE OF P. T. BARVm. The Warld- day and inspected the laboratories of works are at the same time a warn- (ushnell for a few weeks. against the estate of Sarah D. Giles, late Parke, Davis & Co., and Stearns & ing and a comfort to us who are left Miss Josie Henion is back in her for- of said county deceased, and that all creditors mer position at J. R. Bach's office, of said deceased are required to present their CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. Co. They had a good opportunity behind. It is especially fitting that claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate vhich failing health compelled her to Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examina- His early life and struggles, bold ventures Also, Stone Walks. — Estimates cheer- to gather knowledge from a practi- her class-mates should pause a mo- tion and allowance, on or before the third and brilliant success; his wonderful career, fully furnished. cal standpoint. At the laboratory ment to weep over her grave, that elenquish some time ago. day of August next, and that such claims his wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a will be heard before said Court, on the third citizen, etc.—to which is added his famous Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts .ANN ARBOR, MICK, of Mr. Stearns they were handsomely they may learn the double lesson of Harry Watts left last night for day of May and on the third day of August book, "The Art of Money Getting." Minneapolis, Minn., to accept a po- next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each treated, being shown all the workings her life and death. of the laboratory, and in addition to a We desire that thi.s expression of ition as optician In one of the large Dated, Anil Arbor, February 3rd, A. D. 1892. nice souvenir for each one, they were our sorrow and sympathy be publish- istablishments of that city. J. WILLARD BABBITT. W. F. LODHOLZ treated to a fine lunch, which proved Jacob Knapp, of Freedom, was in Judge of Probate. 4 & 6 BROADWAY. ed in the college and city papers and 1640 very acceptable. They came away be forwarded to the family of the he city to-day, and reports things voting Mr. Stearns a generous host deceased. •ery wet, "in fact too wet to go and an admirable entertainer. a fishing," as he expressed it. '94 CLASS COMMITTEE. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Orcutt, of Mil- THE NEW MUSIC. XEW SONGS. At the annual intercollegiate ora- NEW DANCES. er ave., entertained, over Sunday, NEW JOKES. NEW SPECIALTIES. torical contest held at Evanston, 111 SLANDER FROM'DOWN EAST. last Friday night, J. S. Bacon, of heir daughter, Mrs. Robert Thomp- SI REASON YPSILANTI OPERA HOUSE son, of Toledo, and her husband. ^ ^ the U. of M. presided. The first prize What Wild Ideas Bean-eaters Have of SATURDAY, MAY 11th. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bach entertain- WHY ANN ARBOR Opera House, was awarded to Albert S. Mason, of the West. FW REASONS WHY the Northwestern University, who d Mrs. Bach's brother, Bert Treniainey, FRIDAY, MAY 20th. if < loveland, Ohio, over Sunday. Mrs. YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR -AT Seats on sale at Dodge's Music Store, Y'psi- had for his subject "The Battle of Below is given a quotation from lanti. Gettysburg." J. F. A. Payne, of the Tremaine returned home with her hus- GROCERIES Boards open at Wahr's up-town Book Store, the Boston Journal, which for mis-band. Ann Arbor, on Monday, May 16th. University of Wisconsin, took second information, or for slander, one oi OF OS— prize, speaking upon "Poetry and' A very pleasant progressive pedro the other, is ahead of anything yet party was given Friday evening last, Freedom." Jesse E. Roberts, of the given to the public. It is a question —•*© GRAND OPERA HOUSE ANN ARBOR U. of TSI. stood third, having for a ay Miss Mate Clark, in honor of her BECAUSE whether these slanders upon the gooo guests, Mrs. Greene, of Detroit, and subject "American Materialism." Obert name of the students of this univer Mrs. Smith, of Chicago. 1. OUR STOCK IS NEW AND COMPLETE. ONE NIGHT ONLY! lin college was represented by A. H.sity are published in the interest o Currier, and the University of Iowa' Perry F. Powers, of the Cadillac 2. OUE GOODS ARE ALL FIRST QUALITY. other colleges, or whether they are SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 16,by A. Beardsley. In the election of published merely for the sake of some Xcws, was a caller at the Courier of- 3. WE ALWAYS KEEP THE CHOICEST BUTTER. officers, J. P. Johnston, of Michigan, ice Saturday. He is one of the wide Comedy without a flaw ! Continuous laugh- thing sensational. 4. YOU GET SIXTEEN OUNCES TO THE POUND, was chosen 2d vice-president. awake republican hustlers and was ter ! Greatest Irish comedian! In either case, they are shameful. o. OUR CLERKS ARE COURTEOUS AND OBLIGING. one of the best speakers the Michigan There were two exciting games of The misdoings of students here are Jress Association had on its southern 6. OUR DELITERIES ARE PROMPT AND RELIABLE. Herbert Cawthorn! base ball on the Athletic grounds in punished the same as any other of :rip last winter. this city last Saturday. At 2 o'clock 7. YOU GET THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY. fenders, and it is safe to assert thai Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Robison, Mr. 8. OUR GROCERIES ARE ALL WOOL AND A YARD WIDE. p. m., a game was called with the there are less offences against the law And His Comedy Cherubs, in Albion nine, and resulted in a score by the student community of Am and Mrs. D. F. 8chairer, Mr. and Mrs. 9. YOU ALWAYS FIND OUR GOODS JUST AS REPRESENTED. of 13 to 2 in favor of the Universities. Arbor, than by any class of people Will F. Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. 10. OUR SUGARS ARE SWEET, SWEETER, SWEETEST. It lasted for 1 1-2 hours. The sec-in any city, village or hamlet in Mas Martin, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Boyden, of Webster, go to Jack- 11. YOU CAN SATE FIFTEEN CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR YOU INTEST. ond game was with the D. A. C. sachusetts, yes or even in all New LITTLE team. It took two hours and 20 min- England. son to-night to attend a party givea 12. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TWENTY MINUTES TO GET SERVED. iv Mr. and Mrs. Byron Foote. utes to play the game, and 11 innings What benefit can come to any one to decide the contest. By a wile We Could RESPECTFULIT, from such articles as this, from the Town Advertsiing1. NUGGET! throw the U. of M's lost the game, Boston Journal, is a mystery: Give you 99 more good reasons for the result being 2 runs, 4 base hits and "One of the evils of college life is In a very interesting article from buying your {roods of us, but we are -HIITUIDIFOOTE- Vienna Lady Quartet. Songs. Dances, Music, 1 error on the part of the D. A. C's to the stimulus it gives to the perpetra Printer's Ink, on the best methods too awful busy. If you will call at our tion of mischievous and disorderly Scenic and Mechanical Effects! Famous 1 run, 7 base hits, and 2 errors on to advertise a town, we notice one store we will glumly gire you the key- STATE STREET pranks by the students. The indu! NUGGET QUARTET! the part of the U. of M's. The game gence of these propensities by the stu of the points is right in line with note to success in purchasing was one of the most ecxiting of the Tiie highest cash prices paid for all kinds of dents in the Michigan University a our editorial and communication in Ann Arbor, Mich., has obliged the na last week's issue about the need of GROCERIES farmers' produce—a Prices - - 5Oe., 75c, of the season and was witnessed by tional government, lor the protec several hundred people. tion of its property, to build a ston a good large hotel in Ann Arbor. The ale of Seats at P. O. Newsstand. wall in the corridor of the Ann Arbo extract is an follows: post office, to prevent rushes of stu dents in that building. In that ol 'In this line of aids nothing is more (Ice one student has been killed and important or of more material help policeman mained for life during thes than a good hotel. The hotel is the rushes, while the property of th pulse by which the observing man government has been frequently dam judges of the health, enterprise and aged. Cambridge and New Haven can future condition of the town. A good bear abundant testimony to the law hotel draws all kinds of people to a lessness of students, who generallj place and it advertises in many ways. escape severe penalties in a crimina The drummers stop within its doors court. The trouble is that too muci whenever possible and always plau leniency is shown these offenders to pass Sunday with the host; tour- Rowdyism is rowdyism, whether per ists hear of its fame and lay over a petrated by a college student or anj day or two and view the town; ex- body else, and should be punished ac cursion trains will stop at an cordingly. Then there would be les hour or two for dinner, and so the of it in our colleges." good hotel is an immense aid to a Is the number we bought last week in New York. Four hundred came to Ann Arbor, and town anxious to grow." Francis L. York starts for Pari Printers' Ink is one of the best the balance went to our stores in Bay City, Lansing and Jackson, Mich. We bought in Monday, May 16th, to study wit journals especially devoted to adver- large quantities and were able to buy at our own prices. Our store is filled to the brim Guilmant, the greatest living organ tisers and is thoroughly wide awake. 1st. Mr. York will be absent unti So its advice has weight. with neat and nobby designs in Suits. Look at what we are offering at $7.77. If these September, and will resume teachin Ann Arbor is growing rapidly and in Ann Arbor about October 1st, gi\ cannot get along much longer without Suits are not worth $10,00, they are not worth a cent. We are making our reputation on ing two lessons a week, Mondays an a hotel large enough to accommo- Thursdays. date the state conventions which so fine Clothing at prices that are within the reach of all. frequently convene at the University1 Fred X. Stimson's great sale .c city. ____^__ groceries still continues, and it cer tainly is an indication that he is se Bee sought—Flowers. ling as advertised by the way he i Raise the wind—Cyclones. moving his stock. There are howevei Nameless things—New babies. many bargains left in staple and fane A "skin" disease—Swindling. We are Sole Agents for L. Adler Bros. & Co J Fine Clothing. groceries. Get cornered—Postage stamps. Thomas' concerts—Feline music. Full treatment—Bi-chloride of gold A forward spring—The frog's. It is not too late in the seaso Help walvted—A drowning man. Each and every department in our store is complete with all the novelties of the season. to cultivate common sense. Something left behind—Bequests. ' We are crowded for room and will close out our entire stock of TRUNKS AT COST. Arrest your thoughts, if they b A grate mistake—Using kerosene. idle tramps. Set them at -work. Where commencement is the end—At' Let your undertakings be small an college. your accomplishing.? will be greater Give a "lnm turn" entertainment— A few grains of common sense ma College banjo clubs. sometimes be worth more than a to The best is none too good, be it of fertilizers. in coat or character. The Ladies Society of St. Andrew's On Wednesday, of next week the The Ann Arbor Courier. church give a tea social at Harris Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar Club will hall Thursday evening, at 6 o'clock. give a concert in Saline. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1892. Everybody invited. The Minnis drum corps will go to The republican headquarters for the Jackson Memorial Day, to play for county committee will be at B. J. the reunion of the old 20th infantry. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS! FRIENDS OF THE COURIER WHO HAVE BUSI- Boutwell's office, over Wm. Allaby's NESS AT THE PROBATE COURT, WILL PLEASE James J. Parshall says the blossoms REQUEST JUDGE BABBITT TO SEND THEIR PRINT- store, on S. Main st. on hifi 5,000 peach trees are all right ING TO THIS OFFICE. Mr. J. V. Seyler, formerly of this yet. But he is afraid of the blighting city, is to assist in the next conserva- proprnsities of the east winds. m in tory recital at Normal Hall, Ypsi- Motor Line Time. For April County Treasurer Brehm lanti, to-morrow night. received $1,324.09, and disbursed $3,- In effect Dec. IS, 1891. In a large number of the cities and 74G.10. Overdraft May 1st, at Farm- Leave Ann Arbor, from Court House, at 7:20, villages of th eestate the school chil- The Success of the Special Sales at the STAR CLOTHING HOUSE 8:60, 10:50, a. m., arid 1:05, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50,8:50. er's & Mechanic's Bank, $22,549.60. dren planted trees on Arbor day. has been Phenomenal! NO MATTER NOW WHAT THE CAUSE. 10:50 p. m. Next Sunday evening Rev. J. T. Leave Ypsilanti at 7:00.8:30,10:30, a. in., and Too many could not be planted. 12:45, 2:30, 4:80,0:30,8:30, 10:30 p.m. Sunderland will give the closing lec- The fact remains the same. We propose the Greatest Suit Sale on SUNDAY TIME. The subject of Rev. Dr. Cobern's ture in his series on the "Great Non- record. NOTHING LIKE IT IN COUNTY OR STATE. Prices for I^cave Ann Artor, from Court House, at lecture next Sunday evening, in the 2 20, 3:50,5:20, 6:50,8:20,9:50 p. m. Christian Religions." Subject, "Mo- TWO DAYS—FRIDAY OR SATURDAY, Leave Ypsilanti, at 2:00, 3:30,5:00, 6:30, 8:00, course on "The Egyptian Monuments hammedanism." 9 -.30 p. m. and the Bible," will be "The Stones Cars run on city time. Coupon tickets, 15 The committee of arrangements de- oents. For sale by conductors. Crying Out." sires us to say that everybody who J. E BEAL.Pres. John V. Sheehan is having his newcomes to Ann Arbor on the day of the residence on S. State st. wired for banquet will be able to hear Gov. electric lights. Wonder if John in- McKlnley, of Ohio, speak. JLOCAL. tends to induce some fine lady to be- At a recent charvari of a newly come tli elight of that household ? This gives choice of Suits worth $12 to $16, and $15 to $20! We A tea and social, by the ladies of wedded pair in this city last week, the Presbyterian church, next Thurs- The Collins band will give open air young ladies are accused of sitting anticipate an immense rush. Come as early as possible. day ait'.>6 p. m. All invited. concerts on Saturday evenings. If on the fence and ringing cow bells to the citizens will give the band the encourage the boys in their noise. A great many are growling about proper encouragement this fine fea- Mrs. Eva Miller, and Mr. Freder- the backwardness of this spring. But ture will become a very popular one. after all it is about the usual thing ick Markley were married at the res- John M. Wheeler, Henry J. Brown. lor spring. idence of the bride's sister Mrs. T. B. Dr. Chas. B. Nancrede were chosen Rev. Dr. Cobern delivered an excel- Albro, on Thursday last. Presents delegates to the Diocesan convention, were numerous, the music fine, and lent discourse at the Presbyterian to be held at Detroit in June next and church last Sunday morning, Rev. refreshments delicious. A. L. NOBLE Chas. S. Denison, E. Treadwell, and Ypsilanti citizens have subscribed Oelston occupying his pulpit in ex- Dr. Jas. C. Wood alternates. change. $40,000 stock for the purpose of es- CL0THIEE AND HATTER. On Saturday last the Ann Arbor All the leading railroads of the tablishing one of Keeley's gold cure high school nine played the Normal sanitariums in that city. Our Ypsi- Circuit Court Proceedings. state will give special rates for the nine on the grounds of the latter and V. of. M. Republican Club banquet lanti business men and capitalists won by a score of 6 runs, 8 hits are always on deck for a good thing. The following cases have been dis- on Tuesday evening next. A large and 5 errors, against 5 runs, 9 hits Primary school funds have been ap- posed of at the regular May term CTOwd of strangers is expected. a.nd 9 errors by the Normals. CORSETS. portioned to this county at the rate of the circuit court, up to date, Hon. Chas. R. Van Gieson, formerly of The S, S, society of the high school B. D. Kinne presiding: this county, has received the appoint- of 08 cents to the scholar. There held a very pleasant social hop at being 12,403 children of school age The People vs. John R. Ray and Emma Gra- If you have not been able to find a Corset ment of post-master at Weatherford, Ladies' Library last Friday evening. ham. Adultery. Admitted to bail in the sum Texas. One thing is very certain, they in the county, it makes $8,434.04 to of $500 each. to fit you, try our Corset Department. Fourteen couple were present. The be divided among the townships and Erastus E. White vs. Fred I'rey, Commis- have a good republican in one post sioner of Highways of Lima Township. Costs We carry all the most desirable things, and certainly can piease you. Many oi our best styles' chaperonea were Mesdames E. E. Beal, cities. Ann Arbor's share will be up- are to be found only with us, as exclusive agencies have in such cases been granted us by office in Texas. retaxed at $66,35. the manufacturers. Certainly the following list will contain something you will find satis- F. A. Howlett, G. Shanks and R. Bell. wards of $2,000. The People vs. Edward C. Joslin and Harper The Young People's Society of the factory— in wear, in fit, in style and in price: The Courier readers will be pleas- W. Lane. Selling liquor without license. Ar- Presbyterian church will give a so- John Meyer, Titus Hutzel, Emanuel raigned and plead not guilty, and were granted ed to read this, from the Dexter News: separate trials. cial at McMillan hall next Friday eve- L'uick, Eugene Oesterlin and Albert C. Warner's Coraline, . . . $1.00 "Herbert A. Williams spent Sunday The People vs. Adam Ritz. Violation of the ning at 8 o'clock, p. m. All young peo- Schumacher have been appointed a Warner's Health 1.25 with his family at Ann Arbor. Out liquor law. Plead guilty and paid fine of $5 ple, and others interested in the so- committee to make arrangements for and costs. Duplex (Improved), .... 1.00 of door life is rapidly improving Bert's ciety are cordially invited at attend. a bazar for the Arbeiter Yerein next Michael Seery. administrator, etc., vs. Mar- Ball's H. P., 1.00 health and he bids fair to soon be- fall. Fred Schmid and Christian Mar- garet McGue. Trespass on the case on promi- : ses. Continued. Ball's "Ladies' Health Waist," . 1.25 The action of the democratic state come a heavy weight." tin go as delegates from this society Louis Winans vs. Sarah R. Cole. Appeal. Our No. 402 (equal to "P. D.," . 2.00 convention at MiiBkegon last Wednes- Assistant Adjutant General C. to the Bund convention at Bay City Continued. day, in choosing John V. Sheehan, of Y. R. Pond, whose headquarters have June 14-16. The People vs. W. J. Clark. Bastardy. Con- this city, as delegate to the national tinued. Notice Our Line of 50c. Goods: been established here, has issued or- George Kalmbach, the motor man J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate, for the convention at Chicago, meets with the ders to all the G. A. R. posts in the of car No. 4, stopped his car and use and benefit of Julia Killum vs. William E. "Lilly," "Ada " and " Star" Corsets, ALL 50c. hearty approval of many of John's Depew, et al. Debt. Continued. And the same department of Michigan, for the ob- caught a horse that was attempting disposition of Nos. 20, 21, 22,23, 24, 25 aud 26, all The " Haut Ton" Waist is our latest addition; combines all the excellencies of a friends hereabouts. servance of Memorial Day. A re- to run away, the horse being attached practically the same. Corset with every comfort of a Waist. We recommend this Corset to all who wish to Owen McLain vs. Frank Dunlavy. Appeal. Dr. Jesse A. Dell is the owner of a ligious service on the Sunday preceed- to a phaeton in which were two Continued. combine comfortand elegance ina Corset. Price,$1 each. We have exclusive sale. new colt that he would not part with ing will also be held at some church. ladies, last Saturday morning, near E. R. White vs. Commissioner of Highways of Lima Township. Appeal. Discontinued. BXlA.0K CORS I5XS, ALL FAST BLACK - for a $500 bill. It is blooded and The Dexter Leader has this most J. T. Jacobs' store. The manner in John Nelson vs. William H. Lehr, et al. De- will make the owners of horse flesh excellent item, in which a large num- which it was done indicated a great fault. Cause continued and default set aside. Raven $.50 in this section open their eyes with ber of our readers will be interested: deal of grit on Mr. K"s part. Mary Efner vs. Fred Browu. Trespass on No. 510, 1.00 envy in a few years. the case. Continued. "George A. Peters has left the po- On Friday evening last the enter- Rosina Haab vs. John Staebler. Trespass on No. 515, 1.25 Arrangements have been perfected litical arena for good. His voice will tainment given at the North Side the case. Continued. Special Drive—25 Dozen FAVORITE WAISTS, cheap at $1, will be sold at 69c. Miuuie MeClusky vs. M. C. Ry. Co. Trespass for the improvement of the middle henceforth be tuned only to life in- chapel for the benefit of the library, surance and religion. He is intent on on the case. Continued. Ypsilanti road. It is proposed to was a pleasing one. The young la- John Boatman vs. M. C. R. R. Co. Trespass make it a desirable drive between the bettering the condition of his fellow die's banjo club made some fine mu- on the case. Contiuued. men." In re-appeal of Laura B. Kerr from the order two cities. An improvement that will sic, and the entire affair was a suc- of the Probate Court removing said appellant receive hearty approval of all the There seems to be a craze about cess. Another entertainment will be from the office of Exceutrix of the Estate of E. F. MILLS town to cut down trees, and shade William Kerr, deceased. Appeal dismissed traveling public in this section. given soon, the receipts to be devot- aud certified back to Probate Court. trees, fruit trees and evergreen trees ed to the repairing of the chapel. The Huron has been quite a river Martha L. Smurthwaite and Emma Webb, 20 South Main. are being cut down, where in many executors, etc., vs. Mary A. Thomas. New trial during the past week or so. If it A fine business has grown up in instances it seems useless. But as granted. TO STUDENTS DSSIRING SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. could only keep up the same flow all our city, attracting little attention Charles H. Combs, vs. Hiram Dunsmore. everybody is supposed to know his Discontinued. the year through it would be a grand own business best, it is perhaps no- and making little noise, but forging William Biggs vs. J. F. Schuh and Andrew thing, for the river, and the country body's business but the business of ahead all the same. We refer to the Muehlig. Continued. through which it passes also, but sad Ann Arbor Extract Manufacturing Co. Matthew Jeuson vs. M. C. R. R. Co. Trespass those who make it their business to ( on the case. Verdict of jury "no cause of THE PROPRIETOR OF to relate the f has to come off the cut down trees. of which Wm. Bress is proprietor, action. flow. They manufacture all sorts of ex- Florence Stevenson, by her next friend vs. Adrian Press:—"Bill O'Neil, had the tracts, and of such a superior qual- The M. C. R. R. Co. Order appointing George Wm. Webber's clothing got caught 'monumental gall' to borrow $2 of Stevenson next friend of Florence Stevenson. in "some cog wheels at Allmendinger & ity that their goods find ready sale Judgment eutered by consent of parties for Dr. Chase's Recipes Justice Butts, of Ann Arbor, and give in the markets. Their place of busi- $750. Schneider's mill yesterday afternoon, Charles Farmer vs. M. C. R. R. Co. Amend- a stolen ring as security. The judge ness is at No. 25 South Fourth ave. and but for the miller, Mr. Hammond, wishing to cause an impression, gave ment to decree granted. noticing that something was wrong George E. Darrow vs. T., A. A. & N. M. R. R- himself some airs with the ring on The residence of P. G. Suekey, edi- Co. Suit for damages for being put off of a And signalling the engineer to stop his finger and was promptly 'jumped' tor of the Hausfreund, in Pittsfield, freight train after being unable to purchase OR INFORMATION FOR EVERYBODY ticket. On trial. the machinery, he would surely have by the owner of the jewel who saw it. was injured by fire last Saturday af- been crushed to death. As it was he A warrant was issued. O'Neil stay- ternoon to quite a considerable ex- Sick-Headache yields to Beecham'a had a piece of flesh cut out of his ed for no its, or Butts, but skipped." tent. Two young children were sleep- Will give profitable employment, good terri- right side. Pills. The secretary of state has been re- ing in the room where the flames were tory, and terms that will be better than any The hunting and killing of any of minding the supervisors once again discovered and Mrs. Suekey rescued OR SALE—Ten room Queen Ann cottage, the following birds is strictly forbid- them, rang the farm bell for help and F 87 \V. Huron street. All modern improve- of their duty to ascertain, by actual ments. Apply to C. B. Eavisou, 45 N. Main other publisher will offer. This is the original den in this state at all times: Robin, inquiry, the births and deaths that then went to work with pails and street, or at the Courier Press Rooms. blurbird, swallow, martin, mosquito water to putting out the fire, which have occurred during the year in their ANTED—Competent girl for general and only Dr. Chase's Recipe Book, and is the hawk, whippoorwill, cuckoo, wood- districts. As a general thing these was successfully accomplished by the W house-work. Inquire at 37 Madison St. pecker, catbird, brown thursh, red statistics have not been very valuable aid of two or three men who came 13* best-selling Book of the kind ever put upon the bird, dove, goldfinch, bluejay, finch, but it seems as if they might be made to her assistance. The fire destroyed OR SALE CHEAP, or exchange for Ann Ar- thrush, lark, cherry bird, yellow bird, a number of family relics that were bor property—120 acres of flat land, about valuable, but a supervisor ought to Fsixteen miles from Ann Arbor, in western part market. It will pay those in want of summer oriole and bobolink. The penalty for be paid a decent amount for doing invaluable to them. The house was of Saline township. Can be made very valu- oach offense is $5. Robbing the nests insured in the German Farmer's Mu- able by drainage; excellent for stock or gar- the work. dening. Much of it might be adapted to grain of these birds is also prohibited. tual Fire Ins. Co., and the contents in crops as the gravelly loam lies near the sur- employment to call or write for information. A grand concert is to be given by the Agricultural of Watertown. face. Enquire at 24 N. State St., Ann Arbor, There will be an excursion to De- the Gesang Yerein Lyra, under the di- Mich. ADDRESS, troit on Thursday, leaving Ann Ar-rection of Prof. R. H. Kempf, at Ger- bor at 10.55 a. m., on the Michigan mania hall, on Thursday evening May Faree Comedy. Or. Ciiass's Steam Publishing House, Central. Tickets can be procured of 12. Among the soloists who will John Stanger, at Kock & Henne's take part are Walter Taylor, tenor; Farce comedy, with numerous spec- ANN ARBOR, MICH. furniture store, on S. Main st. The Fred McOmber, flute; Miss Lilly Con- ialties introduced, is, without any ex- price of the tickets will be $1.15 for tfon, piano; Prof. Collins, cornet; Mr. ception, the most popular form of en- the round trip. In case 50 tickets B. N. Bilbie, violin, and Miss Hazzard, tertainment that the patrons of are not sold the excursion will not soprano. The Congregational church amusement places enjoy. "Little Nug? SELECT YOUR NEW CARPETS NOW go and the money will be refunded. It quartette will also assist. get," which appears at the grand ope- •will be for the benefit of the Zoar Asy- ra house on Saturday night, is one -AT- Mrs. Selina S. Stagg, of Detroit, lum. of the most successful of this kind of formerly a resident of this city, and attractions and the audience will find mother of Wm. Stagg, treasurer of The cartoon given in the last Cour- abundance of amusement in the per- the Wayne county Savings Bank, died ier, was the work of a young man formance. Since it was last done who never had had an engraving tool :\t her home in Detroit last Friday, I here it has been revised and variously [ STORE in his hands until he made the plate aged about 92 years. Her remains were brought to this city for inter- improved, and now affords practical- from which that picture was cast. ly, unlimited opportunities for the ex- New Spring Samples and New Prices. It was a remarkable fact that he ment last Monday. The deceased was an active member of the M. E. church cellent specialties and various other made a success of the first plate he kinds of fun-making—the biggest part Elegant! Superb! Exquisite! Artistic! worked at, and he gives evidence of when a resident here, and was well known to many of our older citizens. of the burden falls on five people; Lower prices than last year. An immense line of samples of beautifully having a genius that will, if carried Herbert Cawthorn, as Barney O'Bra- out, make him a rival of Nast or The committee on arrangements dy; Ed F. Cogley, as Jakey Kumpher; colored Ingrains, heavy, durable three-plys; sensible, serviceable Barritt, or Arkell. He sketches the have decided to admit ladies to the Dick Chalfant, as Billie Simpkins; Miss Time has arrived for you Tapestry Brussels; exquisitely designed Body Brussels; soft, picture on paper first, then engraves i% banquet tables on Tuesday evening Susie Forrester, as Mrs. Simpkins; handsome Velets; fashionable, luxurious Moquettes. on what is known as a chalk plate, next, and Mrs. President Jas. B. An- and Miss Drusie Gilmore as "Little to secure a hat in the lat- from which it is reproduced by electro- gell, Mrs. Gen. R. A. Alger, Mesdames Nugget," who is an excellent sou- Extra Super CO., - - 58c and 60c typing. His genius will be given the J. C. Knowlton, V. C. Vaughan, M. brette and singer and an excellent est spring style. For a Courier readers from time to time. E>. Cooley, Evart H. Scott, and Jun- dancer. The specialties introduced Extra Super All Wool, 65, 67, 70. 73 and 75c ius E. Beal will act as patronesses The effort of residents along the by these and the other members of the selection that cannot be for the evening. Especial tables will Tapestry Brussels, 58,62,65,70,75,80 and 85c middle Ypsilanti road, to make it one company are all new and of a very be provided for the ladies, and it is of the best in the county, ought to entertaining kind, and will more than surpassed for style, price Body Brussels, 95c, $1, $1.07,$1.10,$1.15, $1.25 thought they may become interested receive the general aid of the public please. We predict the biggest busi- in politics. of this section. It is a public enter- ness of the season with this company, and quality, call at IO E# Velvets, 98c, $1, $1.05, $1.10, $1.15 and $1.25 prise, every citizen is interested in it Arthur M. Clark, grand lecturer F. although the average is by no means Moquettes, $1, $1.10, $1.20, $1.25 and $1.30 to a greater or less extent, and the & A. M., will be in Ann Arbor on Fri- low. Washington street. money to do the work ought not to day May 20th, to hold a school of be raised entirely by those who live instruction for the benefit of all the MARRIAGE LICENSES. Remember, these prices mean SEWED ready to put down and CUT WITH- along the road. Every man who blue lodges in this county. The fore- OUT WASTE. My stock of Furniture isworthy of inspection. owns a horse and drives it, either in noon will be devoted to inspecting NO. NAME. AGE. Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti, ought to con- the books, the afternoon to exempli- 1568. William Parker.Lima 31 SHADFORD Parlor Suits - - from $27 up fying work in the 1st and 2d degrees, Clara Schaible, Freedom 30 tribute toward the building of this 1569. Frederick Markley, Ann Arbor 48 Bed Room Suits - - from $15 up highway. If they would do it, even and in the evening Fraternity lodge Mrs. Eva Miller, Ann Arbor 32 and though giving a small amount, the will confer the 3d degree on Fellow- 1570. Charles Kanovsky, Ann Arbor 32 GOOD STYLES AND GOOD WORK. craft Churchill, who is a grandson Clara Claveter, Ann Arbor 24 enterprise would be of such manifest 1571. CORSON. benefit that others would take up the of Hon. John P. Little, of Three Oaks, Robert B. Honey. Dexter 24 Mich., formerly W. M. of Fraternity 1572. Margaret Gallagher, Dexter 24 work, and our wagon roads become Jacob J. Bollinger. Manchester 25 HALLEE lodge and who is held in high esteem what they ought to be in the course 1573. MaryE. Kappler, Sharon 23 of time. here by old friends. Henry H. Ballari, Detroit 40 52 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Mrs. Huldah Reynolds, Ann Arbor.. 40 A Nursery View of It. SEPOBT OF TEE CONDITION pity of her or himself; he was not Enemies in the Air. OF THE ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. clearly conscious of either, but of a Alice ia seven. She was visiting at HOW HE TOLD HER, dull happiness such as he had never If our eyes were microscopes, what a world of wonders, and even of ter- Teddy's house in the country. Teddy known. is six. They -were playing "keeping "She'll have to go; ain't no way He looked down at his clothes with rors, the atmosphere would appear .(I (I out of that. She'll have to skip," said to be ! Even air that is apparently house," the other day when it rained BASE a faint shame; they were not his "I'll be the father," said Ted, "and Dave Kiiiney. He squinted in a cross- best ones. He bad a ready-made suit pure contains a great number of mi- All kiuds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and eyed manner at the cracker crumb on croscopic floating •particles. There is go to the office. You are the mother, Flowers, from Elhvanger and Harry. Order at home, but these his mother madi'. you must stay at home and dit the ANN ARBOR. MICH.. early by mail. Syrups,.Medicinal Wines,Rasp- his tawny, scraggy beard, and trans- He wished they looked better. The dust that has risen from the ground, berry Syrup, Boneset, Dandelion and other and been transplanted from afar by dinner." Domestic Grape Wines, prepared especially for ferred it carefully to his mouth. There light in Bissel's window cast its long At the close of business, Dec. 2, 1801 invalids. Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs. was a wedge of cheese on his left knee. shadow on the whole ground. /It the winds; there is powdery matter "No," rejoined Hiss Alice. "I must When the Fence Corners School Board waved there, shrinking and lingering; that has been ejected from the inter- go to business, too. My mamma al- EESOUECES. originally Fennett's Corner's, but ior of the earth by volcanoes; there ways puts on her bonnet and goes Loans and discounts |848,52S i1- thin it pushed on and up to the door. stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc SiO.921 (>7 EMIL BAUR, thus aptly abbreviated—had a meet; It was not the Custom of Fence are mimite particles of meteoric mat- to the office after breakfast." (Her Overdrafts 3.710 70 ing, it. was, by general agreement, in mother is an editor.) Due from bank" in reserve cities 82*753 80 West Huron St., Ann Arbor. Corners to rap; H would have been ter that come floating down out of Due from Washienaw County 40J80 71 old Hank's grocery, where crackers looked upon as a useless formality. intersteller space, and there is a great ••Who dits the dinner at your Bill* in transit 2,023 75 and cheese, and mayhap a herring, He stepped into BJsSel'B large, sranti- variety of living germs and organisms, house ?" asked Teddy, thinking of his Furniture and fixtures y.OOO 00 stomach. Current expenses and taxes paid 1.659 86 might relieve its tedium. But to-night ly furnished, rag-carpeted best room. some of which produce diseases and Interest paid :i,094 36 Unlike the Dutch Process there was an alleviating interest. •'Nobody. We get things to eat Checks and cash items 1.019 45 He gasped as he stood there. Ho death. Nickels and pennies 883 65 •'About the size of it," said Silas had vaguely hoped for a little re- The investigations that are going at some restaurant, or we have them Gold C.125 00 S&tfnders. He preferred totacco, and prieve, but she sat there by the lamp, on concerning the origin of the in- sent in," Silver 1.343 05 rolled a quid under his tongue. "This U. S. and National Bank Notes 10,930 00 Ho Alkalies bending over some work. She rose fluenza now inflicting mankind in var- ••Haven't you any kitchen in your —OR— ain't no place fer her here. W'y, I at his entrance, and came forward a ious quarters of the globe have led house '?" Total $441,276 78 wouldn't answer for the consequen- little to offer her hand; but he did some men of science to conclude that "No; we have only mamma's room, LIABILITIES. ces if she staid; there ain't no tellin' not see it, and she dropped it back in a micro-organism, or bacillus of some the sitting-room, the study and my Capital stock paid In $ 50,000 00 Other Chemicals what might happen, ner what cussid- awkward haste. Surplus fund 10,000 00 kind, which lives and is diffused room. Don't you ever tell any one, Undivided profits 1G.259 10 are used in the ness them boys might be up to. Look "Won't you take a chair ?" she through the air is the cause of this but my room is just a corner of the Individual Deposits 130.104 54 preparation of at Corny Rouke, six foot two or three, asked. most troublesome disease. study behind the screen." Certificates of Deposits 1S4,139 99 if he's an inch, and chuck full, chuck Savings deposits 48.814 62 She brought one forward. Thorn- But even a bacillus, so small that ted sat thinking. Then, crossing Due to bank 1,958 53-365,017 6S full. He's always be'n the one to put ton sat down. He dropped his hat as the utmost powers of the microscope the teachers out, and there ain't no his short, fat little legs, he said, with Total J441.276 78 he did so, and he picked it up with a are taxed to render it visible, must an air of a man who has thought STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( W. Bafeer & Co.'s doubt but what it's his idea this red face. Then he sat still. He would have something to live on, or it will COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, ) sb' time. Barricadin' the school house much and deeply upon the woman I, F. H. BELSER, Cashier, of the above have tried to speak, but he knew he perish. question: "Well, when I dit married named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above right out bold first day o' school; could not; his tongue felt thick and In absolutely pure air it could not statement is true, to the "best of my knowledge now, who but Corny'd 'a' thought o' I shall have a kitchen in my house, and belief. F. H. BELSEK, Cashier. immovable. survive, but Doctor Symes Thompson and my wife shall cook the dinner. I Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th Breakfast Cocoa, that?" "If snowing, ain't it ?" said the makes an interesting suggestion that day of December, 1891. There was something of contempla- fink it is tunny for mammas to go to JOHN K. MINER, which ia absolutely pure school-teacher; she bore the marks of minute particles of organic dust float- offices. I fink they ought to stay Notary Public. tive admiration in his tone. diffidence herself in her timorous voice ing in the air may serve as rafts for CORKECT—Attest: Ambrose Kearney, Chas. and soluble. at home." E. Greene. Jnnius E. Beal. Directors. It has more than three times the strength "Goin' te be done, whoever's doin' and look. it tto live on. To which the small but progressive it," said Kinney, exploring his cracker Thornton nodded; it was all he What a strange picture this sug- of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot woman replied: "It isn't funny one or Sugar, and is far more economical, bag. "Goin' to git in at eight o'clock could do. He stared at her fixedly, gestion forms in the imagination ! bit. It's a good deal nicer than cook- to-morrow mornin' an' shut up the almost vacantly. His mind wandered Particles of matter, too small to be costing less than one cent a cup. It ing dinners. When I am grown up is delicious, nourishing, and EASILT door and fasten the windows, and any back and strove to anchor itself on discerned with the naked eye, float- I shall have a stylographie pen, HAVE teacher that gits in'll have to git in something. Once he had spent an ing through the atmosphere, and bear- DIGESTED. evening at Bissel's, on the occasion wear it behind my ear, just like mam- YOU Sold by Crocers everywhere. through the key-hole er a crack; ing, like a microscopic felet, unac- ma. I am not quite sure, though, ASTHMA? of a party, and taken her hand in accountable millions of organisms, what they said." whether I shall be a writer-woman SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure He had told it before: he had called one of the games; once he had over- whose combined attack suffices to ren- Never fails to givo instant relief in the worst or a doctor-woman like Aunty May." cases, and effect* cures where others fall* W. Baker & Go,, Dorchester, Mass. a meeting for the purpose of telling taken her, in a wagon, on her way der a large faction of the human Trial Pafingo FREE of DrngglHts or by Kail.. to school, and had given her a lift. race miserable ! Ted looked at Alice seriously out of Addrwt DR. R. SCHIFFMANN, St. Panl, Sinn. it. But it was interesting to dwell his big brown eyes. "I don't think upon. That was all. He thought it might But knowledge is power, and the have been something more, but that I'll marry you then; I was finking There was an impressive silence. more we learn about our microscope I would, maybe." "Wai, we'll have to give her no- was all his morbid self-distrustfulness enemies in the air, the better prepar- had allowed him. ed we are to resist their assaults. 'I don't care," responded Alice, tice. You're jest the one to do it, flippantly. "I've wiped dishes once Thornton—eh ?" Saunders observed to The ticking of the clock oil a cor- ner-stand filled the silence. It was a The Fussed-up Girl. and I don't like it. You might cook a third member of the Board. He your own dinner and see how you was himself uneasy. "She got along round, nickle clock, and it tjeked so loudly as to force itself upon them. Did you ever meet her, the fussed- would like it lor a while. My papa fust-rate, summer term," he added. says he can make cocoa just as good He appeared to feel a vague and im- 'That's my school clock," said the up girl ? Possibly I should ask you teacher. "I am all ready for to- if you ever waited for her to get ready. as he wants it any day. I don't potent regret. "Needs the money, want to play house with you if you should jedge." morrow. There are my books over If Job had invited her to go to the there with it, and the register." theatre, or to some concert or recep- want me to cook dinners. You play "She needn't 'a' made no calcula- you're sick and I'll div you some medi- tions to teach no winter term here— The school director dropped his mis- tion, his patience would have given erable eyes to the faded stripe in the out long before she was ready, for cine. Let me feel your pulse; where not to Fence Corners," Kinney re- is your tongue ?" sponded, with some contempt. "If carpet at his feet, but he did not see the fussed-up girl is in fact never it; his hat shook with the trembling ready. Even when she makes her The eavesdropper tiptoed to the there hain't be'n a winter for five appearance in the drawing-room with door for a peep at these wise chil- years but what there's been a rumpus of his hands. 'I've been thinking how many I'll gloves and bonnet on, she is not ready. dren. Alice was standing over Ted and gener'lly school shut up. w'y, she She will require from one to five min- trying to keep her mother's eye- For twenty-five years the experience of millions needn't 'a' looked fer there going to have likely," the school teacher went THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND of sufferers, old atid yomijr, malt* and female, have on. His misery imparted itself to her utes more before the mirror to com- glasses on her pug nose. Ted was NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. gratefully endorsed the unraculuus virtues or" be.': plete her fussing up. There is no mis- rocking a scrubby-looking rag baby, My doctor says it acts gently on the Btomach, liver It was unanswerable; but the store in a degree of nervousness, and she let and kidneys, and Isa pleasant laxative. This drink This Pharmaceutical Taradox of the Age her work drop. "I had twenty-five taking this type of girl, iro matter and, judging by the dejected look on is made from herbs, and is prepared for use as easily keeper entered a weak suggestion whether you meet her in the street his rosy face, he felt that the years as tea. It ia called A vitalizing stimulant without al over his motley counter. this summer; there's always more in eohoL A nerve sedative •without winters, ain't there '?" car, at a place of public amusement, of servitude predicted by Alice had narcotics. A blood purifier without "I should think that gang ought or at a private house. Strange to begun.—New York Recorder. LAKE'S MEDICINE poisoas. A liver cleanser. A purely to be broke up," he said. He managed to say yes. His eyes say, the fussed-up girl is never tidy. All druggists sell It at 50c. and $1.00 per package. vegetable tissue-maker, promoting He expected no rejoinder, and got were wandering about the room now, Deserving Praise. Buy one to-day. Lane's Family Medicine moves She will be loaded down with fancy the bowels each day. In order to be healthy, thia digestion, nutrition, secretion, ex-1 none. The School Board's attention his lips parted as if for air. He saw pins, bits of ribbon, and curious look- We desire to say to our citizens, cretion and respiration. A life-giving was centered upon no such whimsical a new pane in the window, clumsily that for years we have been selling tonic, pure and simple, without the ing jabots, ruches, fichus, ruffles, puffs Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- Horses for Sale. disastrous reactions of the deadly irrelevancy. puttied—a break in the cane seat of a or odds and ends, and yet she will chair—a camphor bottle left on the sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, compounds of rum and alcohol us- "Reckon your the one to notify her, not have a clean and wholesome look Buoklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Parties wishing to buy horses will ually sold as bitters. Thornton," said Saunders again. melodeon—a small tub filled with about her, says Clara Belle, in the Bitters, and have never handled reme- white asters still in bloom. He contin- find it to their interest to call on Was never known lefore In the World. He wriggled unquietly on his stool. Washington Post. Her bonnets will dies that sell as well, or that have Wallace, Noyes & Co. Horses guar- Thornton sat motionless. Whether tinued looking at these. given such universal satisfaction. AVe Its discovery amonft the medicinal fruits, roott be overtrimmed, her hats too heavily do not hesitate to guarantee them anteed or money refunded. Kitridge's and herbs of California in fact or by a trick of the ill-burning 'They're real late ain't they ?" said garnitured, her fan and lorgnette will the girl. "They're mine. I potted every time, and we stand ready to re- bam. WAS A MIRACXE, lamp on the counter, his good-looking have a bit of old ribbon tied to them, fund the purchase price, if satisfactory 11 WALLACE, NOTES & CO. and their combination into a phenomenal life* face, with its heavy light moustache, 'em myself, and I guess they'll last her handkerchief will not match her results do not follow their use. These giving tonic appeared pale. He sat with his arms the best part o' the winter; I've heard costume—in a word, she will have remedies have won their great popu- A TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAL ART. larity purely on their merits. Eber- The only change made in tlie formula during crossed on his knees and his eyes on they will, if taken care of. Do you a crazy-quilt look about her—twenty Teachers' Examinations. twenty-five years has been to present it in two want one ?" bach & Son, and Geo. T. Haussler, the floor, silent. different colors and no two of them of Manchester. combinations. "Jest so," said Kinney, with an air She put down her work and went The old original remain unchanged, but being in harmony. And if you catch a .6- Examinations of teachers in Washte- stronger, more laxative Rnd better. A new form. of impartial decision. "You can get and picked one. Then, with a shy glimpse of her shoes, ten chances to naw county, lor the ensuing school more agreeable to tha taBte and better adapted to laugh, she took her scissors and went Clever Reasoning. delicate tvonen and children, but comprising it off better'n Saunders or me, Thorn- one they will be square-toed or have year, will be held as follows: the same tonic properties, is now made and the ton. You're a better lookin' man, back to them. some peculiarity about them. Her The regular examination will be science of the world- is challenged to produce Rather an original lesson in political the equal of this anyhow, and you're better rigged "Maybe your mother'd like a few; way of arranging her hair, too, is in- economy was that once taught by the held each year on the first Thursday she h'aiu't got 'em, has she ?" she TRULY & ONLY TEMPERENCE BITTER8 KNOWN up," he concluded with a polite ami- variably intricate. Every hair seems Japanese nobleman, Awoto, and thus of March and August xit the county or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicine ableness. said. to have a particular place to be in, translated by Sir Edwin Arnold, in seat. Applicants for all grades can of any kind, whose action is at once so safe, so cer- They made an attempt at a care- She made a bunch, and tied it with and her frizzes are provokingly even Seas and Lands:" only be examined at these dates. Spe- tain and comprehensive as the less dismissal of the subject. Kinney her black thread. Thornton watch- on her forehead, so that they take on cial examinations will be held at: CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, One evening as he was going to the or any compound which from its varied aetioc got up and threw his cheese-rind into ed her; a slight girl in a cheap and a 'Woodeny look. You sit wondering palace to take his turn in keeping Ypsilanti, last Friday ol Mar., '92. well-worn dress, her dark hair in a upon the vital functions is equal to the the stove. Thornton passed his hand how in the world she ever coaxed them night watch, he let ten cash drop out Ann Arbor, last Friday of Aug., '92. CURE OF SO MANY DISEASES. over his mouth and swallowed hard. girlish braid, and her eyes mild. This to stay just so. As to her rings, they of his tinder case into the stream, and Ypsilanti, last Friday of Sept., '92. Their name is legion—Rheumatism, Neuralgia, "You can just put it easy," said she was, but who shall.tell what he look like th ewindow of a pawnbrok- then bought fifty cash worth of Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Catarrh, Jaundice, Kidney Disease, Scrofula, Skin saw ? His agony rose, culminated as lJiseases and Boils. Consumption, Piles and all dis- Kinney, encouragingly. "You can tell er's shop, such a mixture of stones, torches to search for the lost coin. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Mar., '93. orders arising from indigestion, impure blood, her jest how 'tis, and how it's fer her she turned to him; he clutched his sizes, shapes, styles, and such an in- Hlfl friends laughed at him for spend- MARTIN J. CAVANAUGH, nervous prostration, and dilapidated constitution hat till its stiff brim cracked. She was genuity in their arrangement. You Com. from any cause givo way to it like mist before tha- own good, and ain't ter be put off ing so much in order to recover so sun, while its singular power over ner avoided. You can tell her she coming toward him with the flowers. wonder how long it required her to little, and he replied with a frown: Bueklen's Arnica Salve. THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMNIPRESENT study out that arrangement and also The best salve in the world for Cuts done first-class, summer term. W'y "There, maybe she'd like a few," "Sirs, you are foolish and ignorant BACTERIA you can tell her jest what you're a she repeated, faint heartedly; but he where in the world she picked up such Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, indicates its superiority in all diseases of malarial old fashioned earrings, brooch, and of economies. Had I not sought for Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, origin, and renders it tho mind to," cried Kinney, magnanimous- did not, hear her. He felt his face these ten cash they would have been Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup- BEST VERMIFUGE KNOWN. ly- aflame like fire, and a choking in his chatelaine pin. She makes up, too, tions and positively cures Piles, or no No family can afford to do without a bottle of without the slightest bit of art, often lost forever—sunk in the bottom of pay required. It is guaranteed to Their colleague rose. Ho was a tall throat. He struggled to speak, and the Nameri-gawa. The fifty cash OLD AND NEW STYLE VINEGAR- BITTERS penciling an eyebrow so as to give it give perfect satisfaction, or money re- In the house, as expressed by thousands of te»Uv and powerful young fellow, but there did make an inarticulate sound, at which I expended on torches will re- was an odd laxity in his movements which she looked up at him in wonder. a curious Mephistophelian upward funded. Price, 25 cents per box. For monials. Send for beautiful book. Address, ' main in the hands of the tradesman. sale by Eberbach & Son, andl Geo. U. H. McDONALD DRUG CO., now as he went towards the door. He He looked up at her pitifully and then twist. Looked at from the front she T. Hauesler, of Manchester. reminds you of a cheap ivory minia- Whether he has them or I is no mat- Hew Vo<9 held his hat brim to his lips, too, and fell stumblingly on his knees at her ter; but not a single one of the sixty and turned his face from the light. feet and buried his face in her skirt, ture, but this make-up ends abruptly at the ears; back of them her neck has been lost, and that is a clear Hanks stared at him till the door clos- and groping for her hands, pulled gain to the country." ed. them down till they pressed his throb- presents the appearance of old ivory. "I s'pose you've found out that bing head_and rested there, her happy Even her teeth have the same fussed- Jim Thornton's about the bashfulest wondering tears falling upon them. up look, the gold fillings being in the I Had Faith. feller in toen, hain't you ?" he queried. strangest places and of the strangest About six months ago I was advised $1 There was no response. "Bashfull ?" said Dave Killey to shapes, seemingly a study in dental to consult Mrs. Hall, the great Spirit- skill how to put her teeth in harmony ualist doctor, to see if she could cure SOLVES THE PROBLEM. "And you've prob'ly suspicioned, the Hanks, the storekeeper. "I'd like to me of Scrofula, from which I have suf- same as other floks, that he's kind o' know what's your idee of bashfulness. with her collection of finger-rings. fered from childhood. She said if I •EBIBUOC ItOBRA NNA EHT EKAT TAKE THE ANN AKBOR COURIER. sweet on that schoolma'am, er would W'y, Jim Thornton walked out o' would have faith in the medicine she if ihe dast'.'" In manner the fussed-up girl is stif- gave me, that she could cure me. I .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA EHT EKA AKE THE ANN ARBOR COURIER. this store that night and up to Bissels' took her medicine, and in less than The School Board was silent. straight as a string, and told that fer than buckrum. She smiles as if three months I was cured. Why, the .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA EHT EK KE THE- ANN ARBOR COURIER. "Wai," he concluded with a grin, school teacher that, owin' to circum- she were afraid to crack an enamel way the medicine worked was a mira- half of disgust, half of admiration, stances that he didn't have no control mask. She talks as if she feared her acle. I begged of her to tell me .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA EHT E B THE ANN ARBOR COURIER. "you couldn't 'a' hired me to be'n lips might part With their rouge. In what the medicine was made of, but over, she couldn't have the school she said she could not do so. Finally .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA EHT THE ANN ARBOR COURIER. that mean to a yeller dog—not to a this winter, ner likely there couldn't perfumes, too, she is original. Usual- she told me the medicine was Sulphur yeller dog." nobody else neither, but if it'd be any ly she exhales a stupefying odor of Bitters, and that she never knew it .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA EH HE ANN ARBOR COURIER. '1 consideration to her, she could have sandal wood, ambergis, or musk, and to fail in all such cases as mine.—Mrs. Thornton made his way up the Clara Knowlton, 35 Street .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA E E ANN ARBOR COURIER. him; told her that right up and down, her handkerchief is a pronounced ecru. Boston, Mass. j-oad through a warm and lightly fal- and didn't make no bones of it. If In her reading she affects heavy litera- .REIRUOC ROBRA NNA ANN ARBOR COURIER. ling early snow that whitened and Jim Thornton's bashful, w'y the fel- ture, Carlyle's "Sartor Resartus," or noftenod and beautified it, dark as it ler that ain't is what I'd like to sec. Comte's "Positive Philosophy," and .REIRUOC ROBRA NN NN ARBOR COURIER. is from the tairequency of buildings she invariably says "I-ther" for either, and hubbly with the frozen mud. He —Selected. .REIRUOC ROBRA N N ARBOR COURIER. ••-• "not-able" for notable, "litera-toor" forgot to put his hat on till he met a for literature, "dra-ma" for drahma, .REIRUOC ROBRA ARBOR COURIER. •man in a wagon, who stared at him. Notice to Fanners and Dealers in Milk. "is-sue" and "tis-sue" for ish-shu and .REIRUOC ROBR RBOR COURIER. His face aud hair were damp with The M. C. Ry.. have made arrange- tish-shu, "on-ly" for ownly, "eck-ono- melted flakes. He went slowly almost ments to handle milk on their passen- mical" for economical, and "bean" for .REIRUOC ROB BOR COURIER. crcepingly, for there was in his heart a, ger trains in the baggage-car, be- been. She's a rare show. terrible, sinking dread of what he tween Jackson and Detroit, at low .REIRUOC RO OR COURIER. must d.o. It was almost'more than TO MACKINAC rates. Farmers in the vicinity of A Million Friends. i-ould master. .REIRUOC R R COURIER. Ann Arbor, might find a. profitable A friend in need is a friend indeed, SUMMER TOURS Wheve was she ? Bissel's; ho knew PALACE STEAMERS. LOW RATES. .REIRUOC COURIER. market for their surplus milk, at De- and not less than one million people Four Trips per Week Between she boarded at Bissel's and it was troit, or dealers at Ann Arbor might have found jus6 such a friend in Dr. .REIRUO OURIER. not far; Be i-ould see its light through find it to their interest to obtain their King's New Discovery for Consump- DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND tion, Coughs and Colds. If you have Petoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and .REIRU URIER. the snow-laden trees. The pain in supply of milk at Grass Lake, Chelsea, never used this Great Cough Medi- Lake Huron Ports. Jiis heart was all but physical; he 'Dexter, Scio, or Delhi, to arrive at cine, one trial will convince you that Every Evening Between. REIR RIER. winced, and kept his hand on his nerv- lAjm Arbor on the morning and after- it lias wonderful curative powers ia DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ous mouth; there was a mist in his noon trains. For information as to all diseases of Throat Chest and Sunday Trips during Jane, July, August aud .REI IER. eyes, and he grew into tears. He was frates and arrangements apply to Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to September Only. not surprised at them, nor ashamed do all that is .claimed or money will OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, .RE ER. H. W. HAYES. be refunded. Trial bottles free at Kates and Excursion Tickets will be furnished of them; he wiped them off mechani- 14 . Agt,, M. C. K'y. Eberbach & Son & Geo. J. Haus- by your Ticket A^ent, or Address .R K. cally with his rough strong hand. He sler's Drug store, Manchester. Large A. A. 8CHANTZ, AsB'T Q. P. A., DETROIT, MICH., did not know whether they were from bottles 50c and $1.00. - Read down the center, from right to left or left to right, Rolls of honor—Vienna. THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. any way you please and you will find it profitable. have been added to the church in f.ie convention were instructed for Har- • u* .- - -..• Scientific American past four years. rison. The platform heartily indorses r T Agency for Ths News Condensed. ' E Michigan Salt Company has re-President Harrison's administration; Important Intelligence From All Parts. duced the price of salt ten cents a bar- commends the McKinley tariff and reci- rel at all its western agencies in order procity and praises Secretary Blaine's CONGRESSIONAL. to meet New York and Ohio compe- administration of the state department. SHILOH'S IN the senate on the 2d the bill to fix the price tition. THE republicans of Rhode Island in INTENTS J lands entered under the desert-land laws at CHARI.ES KENDALL ADAMS, president convention at Providence elected dele 11.25 per acre was passed. A substitute for the CAVEATS, bill to indemnify the settlers upon the Deosf Cornell university at Ithaca, N. Y.,gates to the national conventioL who CONSUMPTION TRADE MARKS, Motnes river lands in Iowa was reported which has resigned. go uninstructed. DESIGN PATENTS appropriates J500.000 to be applied to this pur- CHARLES PIXCKHAM, JR., formerly THE prohibitionists of Arkansas met COPVRICHTS, etc. pose upon condition that the state shall appro- Vto Information and free Handbook write to president of the Bank of Harlem, N. at Little Rock and nominated N. J. Nel- CURE. KVHM S & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. priate an equal sum In the house bills were son for governor. Oldesniae.tt buImroar u for secuiinsecurinKg patents in AmericaAmerica. Y., was arrested on the charge of mis- Everv ;,MC . taken out by us is brought before passed to pension survivors of the Black Hawk, The success of this Great Cough Cure is Ibepabfic L Cherokee, Creek and Semlnole wars; appro- appropriating 870,000 of the bank's THE Minnesota repaulicans in con-without a parallel in the history of medicine. .i notice given free of charge in the priating J160.000 to pay the expenses of thefunds. vention at St. Paul elected delegates to All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- Behrlng sea arbitration, and the free binding IT- was reported that ex-Tax Col- the national convention and adopted a itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- mmxt Jlmmcmi twine bill. platform indorsing President Harrison's cessfully stand. That it may become known, tl THR senate agreed to the conference report lector P. J. Becker, of Covington, Ky., Largest c-rciilation of any scientific paper in the had been found to be 850,000 short in administration, protection to American the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are worm. - ,...rdidly illustrated. No intelligent on ths Chinese exclusion bill on the 3d. The industries, favor a currency based on placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home man si>on',; >e without It. Weekly, S3.00 a OIVE> ENJOYS president's message on the subject of an Inter- his accounts. year; SUB «x months. Address MOT & CO, national conference as to silver coinage was THE Chinese minister at Washington gold and silver, and denounce specula- in the United States and Canada, if you have PUBllsnjvi: •. 3C1 Broadway, New York. Both the method and results when discussed. Mr. Kyle spoke in favor of th« free tion in agricultural products. a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for coinage of silver.. .In the house the diplomatic denounces the exclusion bill and says it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and consular appropriation bill was passed. the measure is a most flagrant violation THE republicans of Wisconsin in con- or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief and refreshing to the taste, and acts The senate amendments to the army appropria- of treaty stipulations. vention at Milwaukee elected Henry C. is sure. If you dread that insidious disease gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, tion bill were non-concurred in and a conference DR. LEWIS SWIFT, of Rochester, N. Paine, John C. Spooner, Lucius Fair- Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- was ordered. Y., has been awarded the comet medal child and Isaac Stephenson as delegates SHILOH'S CURE, Price io cts., 50 cts. and IN the senate on the 4th bills were passed con- given by the Astronomical society of at large to the national convention. $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, tem effectually, dispels colds, head- veying certain land to the state of Kansas for nse Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts the benefit of the old soldiers and for the sale of the Pacific coast. The platform indorses President Har- L aches and fevers and cures habitual the lands of the Klamath river Indian reserva- IN Lancaster county, Pa., an earth- rison's administration, favors protec- constipation. Syrup of Figs is thetion in California.... In the house the conference quake shock was followed by a terrific tion to American industries and labor, only remedy of its kind ever pro- report on the Chinese exclusion bill was agreed SHL ESTITEad UUK UDICT to. A bill was introduced providing for the re- rain and hailstorm which unroofed opposes the free coinage of silver, and duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- peal of all laws imposing a tax upon the cur-houses, leveled barns and caused life declares the educational issue in the Doyovfs No. 2 Hamilton Block. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in rency of circulating notes Issued by authority of of life. state as permanently settled. its action and truly beneficial in its any state or any banking association organized CHARLES VANSARTEN and Minnie Goff, THE prohibitionists of the Third Illi- Life, Fire aud Accident Policies written in by the authority of any state. who were engaged to be married, tried First Class Companie Rates Low. Losses •effects, prepared only from the most IN the senate a remonstrance was presented nois district have nominated Joseph E. Coucifi healthy and agreeable substances, its on the 5th agadnst legislation to close the to ford Beaver creek at Stuart, la., and Young for congress. liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One many excellent qualities commend it world's fair on Sundays. Bills were passed to both were drowned. W. A. MCKEEGHAN has been renomi- hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Ad- establish sub-ports of entry at Superior, Wis., THE largest horse in tne world, stand- nated for congress by the independent DONT DEL/M dition for sale on easy terms. to all and have made it the most and Ashland, Wis.... In the house the river and popular remedy known. harbor bill ($47,000,000) was presented and Mr. ing twenty-two hands high and weigh- people's convention of the Fifth Ne- OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 Holman (Ind.) and Mr. Breckinridge (Ky.) at- ing 2,800 pounds, died at Fort Worth, braska district. to 5 p ni. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50ctacked the bill as being an extravagant one. Tex. THE Virginia republicans in state and $1 bottles by all leading drug- IN the senate on the 6th a resolution was dis- HIGH water was still doing great dam- convention at Richmond elected dele- A. W. HAMILTON. gists. Any reliable druggist who cussed to pay the Choctaw and Chickasaw na- tions for their interest in the Cheyenne and age in portions of Illinois, Iowa and gates to the national convention who may hot have it on hand will pro- Arapahoe reservations about {3,000,000. Eu- Indiana. will go uninstructed. BALSAM cure it promptly for any one whologies were delivered upon the late Senator PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. THE republicans of the Eighth Ohio ivishes to try it. Do not accept any Wilson, of Maryland. Adjourned to the 9th district have nominated Thomas R. Mor- In the house the session was devoted almost en- THEODORE L. WOODRUFF, aged 81, the gan for congress. substitute. tirely to consideration of the river and harbor pioneer in the building of sleepingcars, bill. An adverse report was made on the bill was killed by being struck by a train FOREIGN. Now we are ready with a new Brick Store- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. proposing an amendment to the constitution house for the storage of Household Goods, at Gloucester. N. J. Pianos. Books, Stoves, etc. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, providing for uniform divorce in the several ALFRED FRIEDLANDER, a well-known It Cures Conghi, Golds, Sore Throat, Cronp.Whoop- LOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK, fl.Y. states. THE people's party of Maine met in Berlin banker and broker, failed for ing Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A cei tain cure for PIANOS AXD convention at Gardiner and nominated Consumption in first »t*g«s, and a sure relief in advanced DOMESTIC. 2,500,000 marks. stages. x>e at ODCP. Tou will see the excellent effect L. C. Bateman for governor. Delegates THE Russian government has offered after taking the first dose. Sold by dealers every whert* HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS HEAVY snowstorms prevailed in por- at large to the national convention were 100,000 rubles reward for the detection Large Bottles, 60 oeuu and $1.00- It Cures Influenza. - Ca.refu.ll3r avCo-srocl. tions of Minnesota, Wisconsin and South also chosen. Dakota. of the publishers of anarchy pamphlets All kinds of heavy and light Draying. JAMES KHOONS, aged 101 years, died in which the czar is blamed for the fam- FREIGHT WORK SULPHUR GEN. GEORGE F. DUTASSIGI, general at Peru, Ind. ine and misery now prevailing in parts WALL PAPER WALL PAPER manager of the Phoenix Fire Insurance WISCONSIN democrats in convention of the empire. C. E. GODFREY, Company of Hartford, Conn., committed at Milwaukee instructed delegates to AT Vilna, Russia, six Jews and Jew- Of all the Latest Designs. 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. suicide at Wilmington, Del. the national convention to vote foresses were convicted of murdering BITTERS CHRISTIAN NELSON, of Denmark, la., Cleveland. The delegates at large are babies that had been intrusted to their PRICES ttue "Wood's became angered at his wife on some THE GREAT E>GLI*H REMEDY. William F. Vilas, Edward S. Bragg, Ed charge and were sentenced to from six Used for 35 years" of Youthful folly THE BEST AND slight pretense and beat her fatally ward C. Wall and John H. Knight. The -AT- by thousands suc- and the excesses with a club. to twenty years' penal servitude. cessfully. Guar- of later years. platform opposes free coinage of silver, BOMBS were thrown at the mail trains anteed to cure all Gives immediate PUREST MEDICINE MRS. SAMUEL M. BAUER was filling a opposes state interference with paren- forms of Nervous strength and vtg~ running from Pesth to Temesvar, in Weakness, Emis- or, Ask druggists EVER MADE. gasoline stove at Louisville, Ky., when tal rights in the education of children, OSCAR O. SOBG, sions, Spermator- for Wood'i Austria, and three passengers were in- rhea, ImDoteucy. phodine; take no the fluid exploded, fatally burning and approves the record of the last dem- Tlie 3Deooia,tor. and all the effects ___substitute. One Don't be without a bottle. You | Mrs. Bauer and her 16-months-old son. ocratic national administration. jured. packagek , SiS ; sixi , $5, by mall. Write for pamphlet. I will not regret it. Try it to-day. FIRE at Montreal destroyed the Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward What makes you tremble so? A PASSENGER train going at the rate The North Dakota republican conven- Island City paint and oil works, with a 70 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. ive., Detroit, Mich. TOUR NERVES are all unstrung, and I of 55 miles an hour ran into a freight tion at Grand Forks elected delegates large stock. Loss, 8125,000. NEED a gentle, soothing TONIC train on the Panhandle road near Scio, \o the national convention favorable to SPARK to assist nature to repair the damage | O., and several passengers and train A from a locomotive was the By The Cincinnati and Florida which your excesses have caused. /larrison. cause of a fire at Waterloo, Can., which hands were injured and the engines and THE republicans of Connecticut in destroyed twenty buildings. Limited Vestibuled Traini Sulphur Bitters a mail car were wrecked. ^FLORIDA Placed in service between Cincinnati tonvention at Hartford adopted resolu- THE police of Paris have notified the and Jacksonville and St. Augus- THEODORE S. BAKEK cut his throat tions indorsing the administration of tine by the East Tennessee, Virginia IS NOT A St. Petersburg police of the departure • MD THE SOUTH © A Georgia R:\ilway have no superiors with a razor at Landes, 111., because President Harrison and expressing con- from France of a party of nihilists who in the world. They consist of U.S. Miss Lulu Paddocks refused to marry tinued belief in the principles of pro- and spend tne 'Winter in Mail Cars. Southern Express Oars, CHEAP are plotting against the czar. Baggage Cars. Day Coaches and Pull- him, and died at her feet. tection to American industries. The man Drawing Room Sleeping: Cars. PREMIER RUDINI, of Italy, handed in Tickets for sale at all Railroad Offices RUM OR THE treasury department monthly delegates to the national convention the resignations of himself and cabinet. in the United States. B.W.WRESN, statement of changes in the circulation were uninstructed. Lovely Gen1) Pass. Agt, Knuxvillv, Tenn. WHISKY JOHN DAVID NICHOL, editor of a Lon- PARES during April shows a net increase in MARYLAND republicans in convention don anarchist paper, was sentenced to DRINK the circulation during the last month at Frederick adopted resolutions in- eighteen months' imprisonment. amounting to $4,930,724. The total cir- dorsing Harrison's administration, re- culation May 1 was 81,613,572,244. LAMPERTI, the famous singing master, > more MICHIGAN (TENTRAL to be taken by the glass like other ciprocity and the McKinley bill, and died at Milan. Among his pupils were preparations which stimulate only to THIRTEEN persons were injured, three against the- free coinage of silver. The lime. Albani, Miss Van Zandt and of this; " The Niagara Falls Route." DESTROY. If you have FAILED fatally, in an accident on the San Fran- delegates elected to the national con- ^apanini. Time table taking effect Nov. 19,1891. | to receive any benefit from other cisco and San Mateo Electric railroad. vention were instructed for Harrison. I medicines or doctors, do not despair. MRS. BRIDGET WALSH was murdered THE Michigan democrats in conven LATER NEWS CHICAGO TO DETROIT. Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. in a fiendish manner in Chicago by her In all cases of stubborn, deep seated tion at Muskegon elected Spencer O. THE United States senate was not in nephew, Thomas Walsh. The body was STATI'S. | diseases, Sulphur Bitters is the best Fisher, Don M. Dickinson, Edward session on the 7th. In the house the •2- I medicine to use. Don't wait until j hacked and gashed in sixty-five places. Ryan and Edward F. Uhl as delegates time was occupied in discussing the ! to-morrow, try a bottle to-day. JESSE MOORE, 19 years old, who lived at large to the national convention anc river and harb-r appropriation bill. A.M. A.M. P.M. P. H. with her mother near Zanesville, O., the delegates were instructed to vote Chicago. Lv 7 05 9 00 12 20 310 9 25 10 10 455 THROUGHOUT the northwestern tier of Kala'oo. 1155 2 17 3 53 700 155 3 32 10 05 Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Orrtway & Co., was fatally injured by a vicious cow. for Cleveland. Tariff reform was pro- counties in Nebraska snow fell to the Jacks'u. 2 55 4 251 5 30 8 4' 4 15 6 15 9 25 Boston, Mass., for best medical work published CONSIDERABLE excitement existed nounced the overshadowing issue of the Chelsea. 3 59 5 08 7 10 10 20 depth of 16 inches. Dexter.. 414 5 23 7 25 10 38 over the ugly attitude assumed by thecoming campaign. THE famous castle at Rantzleu, Ger- P.M. A.M. . Cheyenne Indians toward the settlers THE republicans in state convention many, stored with antiquities, has been Ann A'r. 4 42 5 25 A 29 9 15 5 43 10 55 "A JJAKESIS " gives instant in the lands recently opened to settle- Ypsil'ti. 5 03 540 9 56 6 01 8 03 1110 relief and is an infallible at Nashville, Term., nominated George destroyed by tire. We Jc €ure for Piles. Price $1. By ment in Oklahoma. 5 27 6 27 1130 Druggists or mail. Samples W. Winstead for governor. The plat- THE plant of the Butters & Peters De't .Ar. 6 IS 6 45 20 10 45 7 15 9 20 12 10 free. Address"A>"AKKSlS," MART and Susie Demitaler, children form adopted indorses the administra- Salt and Lumber Company near Lud- Box 2416, New York City. DETROIT TO CHICAGO. of Mrs. Mary Demitaler, were fatally tion of President Harrison and the Mc- ington, Mich., was wiped out by fire,th e M . o . PILES injured by the cars in Chicago. STATIONS. o . "a X Kinley bill, and denounces the state loss being $175,000. M MAKING A A FIRE at Eushville, Ind., caused a convict lease system. IT was said that 12,000 negroes were Mai : i* loss of §150,000. IN state convention at Stockton the preparing to leave Tennessee for Okla- A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. THE Eobinson Woolen Company oi Detroit..Lv. 8 20 740 120 800 4 45 California republicans elected delegates homa. Wayne J'n.. 900 955 5 19 BEAUTIFUL HOME Kansas City, Mo., failed with assets to the national convention who go un- FIRE destroyed forty-five dwellings Ypsilauti... 9 22 '8~25 2 05 900 1015 5 40 IS not a Question of money. Taste, experience anc $1,000,000. Liabilities unknown. instructed. The platform favors free A.M A.M P.M. P.M. A.M. P. H. P.M. skill have much to do with it. If you intend to build, and many places of business at Fair- Ana Arbor.. 9 35 8 40 2 19 9 18 10 1910 32 5 52 It will be a mistake not to send for our books of SKN- CHARLES EMORY SMITH, United States silver coinage, the eight-hour law and 9 55 9 45 607 -SIBLK LOW-COST HOUSKS, now arranged In three vol- ville, N. B., and eighty families were left Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably tight, Dexter 10 52 umeB. In them you will flnU perspective views, floor minister to Russia, arrived In New York the election of United States senators homeless. generally illp off toe feet. Chelsea. ... 10 10 9 58 1107 6 18 plans descriptions, and estimates of costs for 105on the Teutonic. by direct vote of the people. President Jackson .... 1100 9 85 3 14 10 40 ii'15 1155 655 tasteful, new design for houses. They also give our IN a fit of jealousy Abel Smith shot THE '-COLCHESTER" BUBBEB CO. Kalamazoo.. 205 1150 100 12 55 3 18 prices for complete Working Plans, Details, and Spec- MRS. ELLIS CARPENTER, wife of aHarrison's administration was indorsed. Chicago. Ar. 755 3 55 900 650 4 50 755 ifications, which enable you to build without delays, and killed his wife at Canarsie, L. I., make all their shoes with lnnlde of heel lined with mistakes or quarrels with your builder, and wh " prominent farmer of Shupp Hill, Pa., CHARLES HARRIS, known as "Carl and then threw himself before a train rubber. This clings to the ihoe and prevent! the G. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, •any one can understand. Good builders reccomi___. rubber from Allpptng off. these plans. Testimonials from all parts of the coun- was struck and killed by lightning Pretzel," for many years well known and was instantly killed. G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor try. Vol. I contains 35 copyrighted designs of houses while praying. Call for the •* Colchester " coating between $300 and 91800. Vol. II contains 85 as a newspaper publisher, died in Chi- REPORTS from points in Iowa, Louis- -copyrighted designs, SISOU to $3000. Vol. Ill contains JENNIE MITCHELL and Sylvia Guihen "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." 85 copyrighted designs, tSOOO to «9U00. Price, by mall, cago, aged 49 years. iana, Mississippi, Missouri and Indiana NEW TIME TABLE. #1.00 Mcft, 0»*S3.OU for the set. were struck by an express train at THE republicans of the Thirteenth FOR SALE BY "Wealso publish "COLONIAL HOUSES," a volume Knobnoster, Mo., and killed. showed alarming- conditions caused by In effect December 6,1S91. •showing Perspectives and Floor Plans of houses ar- Illinois district have nominated Charles the prevailing flood. ranged in the inimitable style of the Colonial Archi- THE hawser of the steamer Peruvian WM. ALLABY, L GRUNER, tecture, and having all modern arrangements for P. Kane for congress, and in the First BY the capsizing of a boat at Woods- comfort. Price 83.00 snapped at her pier in Boston, cutting Missouri district nominated R. D. Cra- JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. Toledo, Ann Arbor and PICTURESQUE HOUSES FOR FOREST AND off both feet of Joseph Silver and both dale island, near Cincinnati, Alice SHORE:—This shows Perspectives and Floor Plans mer. In the Eighteenth Illinois dis- Larue and Katie Clark, young ladies, DOTY &IFEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON 5 •of new designs for Summer Cottages, which are ro- hands of George Neal, stevedores. trict the people's party nominated John North Michigan R y. mantic, convenient, and cheap. Price si. 00 by mail. were drowned. ARBOR. Address PAUL CONRAD, manager of the Louis- Poirrot. IN Kentucky the people's party made iana lottery, says that the lottery will IN state convention at Springfield the GOING NORTH. NATIONAL ARCHITECTS'UNION, cease to exist in any form when its con- the following congressional nomina- No. Illinois republicans renominated Jo- tions: First district, B. F. Keys: Sec- 1.—Mail Express 7 27 a. m. 120 N. Seventh Philadelphia, St.. Ps tract expires in 1S95. seph W. Fifer for governor. Dele- 3.—Passenger Ann Arbor Accom 12 m. THE department of agriculture has ond, Thomas Pettit; Third, C. W. Big- 5.—Mail 1'assenger 4 25p.B3i gates at large to the national conven- gers; Fourth, M. R. Gardner. GOING SOUTH. issued a bulletin which shows that at tion were elected as follows: Shel- No. SAW MILLS, least 15 per cent, of the entire food by M. Cullom, Richard J. Oglesby, NEAR Orlando, O. T., a cloudburst Jerome Freeman! 2.—Mail Passenger 11 18 a. m product of the country is adulterated. caused a flood that drowned many cat- 4.—Mail Express 8 40 p. m. Joseph T. Cannon, Joseph Robbins, tle and washed away several houses 6.—Passenger Toledo Accom 7 00 a. HI. EMGIMES, ALL the streams in southern Nebraska James n. Gilbert, Miles Kehoe, George All trains daily except Sunday. and northwestern Kansas were out of B. Swift and Samuel B. Raymond. The and barns. John Crockett was killed. Trains S and 6 run between Ann Arbor and Improved Variable Friction Feed. their banks and were doing much dam- CHARLES TAMERLIN, a stevedore, com- Toldo only. Central Standard Time. platform indorses the McKinley tariff W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Send for catalogue and special Drices. age to crops. bill, instructs the delegates to vote for mitted suicide at San Francisco while drunk by throwing himself into the fur- R. S. GREENWOOD, AGT. A. B. FABQUHAB CO., YorK, P AN express train on the Santa Fe Harrison for president, denounces the road went through a bridge into a proposed free coinage of silver and ad-nace of a firetug . ravine near Dumas, Mo., and seven per- vocates the repeal of the compulsory A FIRE in Niching, China, destroyed JCIUIICS t W OrK. . made by earnest 2,000 houses. A number of persons men and women We furnish the capital! I: sons were killed and over thirty others education law. George G. Willits and you mean business, drop us a card and get were injured. Richard Yates were nominated for con- were killed and thousands were left POSTOFFICE some facts that will open your eyes 1 A legiti destitute. LUMBER! PATRICK O'SULLIVAN, the ice man,gressmen at large. mate line of goods, and honest men wanted to SCOTT'S famous Haymarket restaurant introduce them in' town and country. Don' who was sentenced to life imprisonment IN the democratic convention at Wait! Address at once, P O Box 549, Cincin for connection with the murder of Dr. was burned in London and four waiters natl, O. Montpelier, Vt., B. B. Stnalley was perished in the flames. LUMBER! Cronin in Chicago, died at the peniten- nominated for governor. The resolu- tiary in Joliet. tions indorse Cleveland but do not in- IN the National league the percentages ALL the great central region has been of the baseball clubs for the week ended LUMBER! BEAL & POND, struct the national delegates. on the 7th were: Boston, .883; Brook- swept by flood and much damage was THE republican convention at Poca If you contemplate building, call at reported from cities in Illinois, Iowa lyn, .722; Louisville, .611; Pittsburgh, tello, Idaho, elected delegates to the.579; Cincinnati, .526; Philadelphia, .500; INSURANCE AGENTS and Kansas. Minneapolis convention instructed to FERDON'S FLAMES in a slaughter house in New Washington, .500; Cleveland, .471; New Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main St., vote for no person for president or vice York, 438; Chicago, 889; St. Louis, .294; York city caused a loss of 8150,000. Two president who is not in favor of free (Successors to C. H. Millen.) Baltimore, 11L The percentages in hundred horses and a hundred head of coinage of silver. clubs of the Western league were: Mil* cattle were burned. IN convention at Martinsburg the waukee, .800; Kansas City, .714; Colum- The oldest agency in the city. Established AT the leading clearing houses in the West Virginia republicans selected del- bus, .643; Toledo, .546; Omaha, 400; St. over a quarter of a century ago. Representing United States the exchanges during the the following first-class companies, with over egates to Minneapolis instructed to vote Paul, .333; Minneapolis, 250; Indian- week ended on the 6th aggregated for Harrison. The resolutions indorse apolis, .000. Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. 81,280,683,610, against 81,088,019,716 the the administration and the McKinley figures for all kinds of previous week. The decrease as com-bill. I am an Old Man. HOME INS. CO., of New York. pared with the corresponding week of CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. 1891 was 4.0. Shall be 79 years of age next June, NIAGARA INS. CO., of New York. THE republicans of the Sixth district and for the last six years have suf- LUMBER! GIBAKD INS. Co., of Philadelphia. L. D. SLAUGHTER and Tom Bailey of Ohio have nominated G. W. Hulick fered from general debility and old ORIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. age. At times I could not get out ROOMS. (both colored) were hanged at Little for congress. In the Twelfth Illinois We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran- COMMERCIAL UNION, of London Rock, Ark. Slaughter murdered his district the democrats nominated John of bed without help. I commenced tee LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. to take Sulphur Bitters. In a week mistress and Bailey killed a peddler. J. McDonald, and in the Thirteenth In- I felt stronger and got a mighty ap- Thomas Lawton was hanged at Canon diana district Jameo S. Dodge is the re- petite. I still continued their use, VERY LOW PRICES Bates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liber- City, Col., for the murder of John Hem- publican nominee. and to-day I walked three miles with- l^_ Give us a call and we will make it to ally Adjusted and promptly Paid. ming in 1S91. IN convention at Hutchison the Kan- out feeling tired, something I haven't your interest, as our large and well graded done in five years before. Sulphur Bit- stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone BISHOP THOBAN'S report on mission sas republicans nominated George T. Connections with office. work in India at the Methodist confer- Anthony for congressman at large. ters is a right smart medicine.—Geo. T. J. KEECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. BEAL POND. ence in Omaha shows 30,000 members The delegates elected to the national Brown, Keokuk, Iowa. 8 Dr. F. K. Owen read a paper Summer Schools Should be Opened. Teacher's Meeting. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. before the State Medical Society at (OFFICIAL.) its meeting in Flint last week. Ann Arbor, May 10, 1892. At the meeting of the Teacher's As- Regular meeting. It's just like a man The annual Normal News Oratori- Editor Courier:—Ann Arbor is pro-sociation of Washtenaw county, held Called to order by President Keech. cal contest takes place at the Normal verbially dull from July 1, to October, at the Ann Arbor High School last To say that his wife can't make Saturday, commencing at 10 o'clock Roll called. Present, Messrs. Keech as good bread as his Mother did. hall, Ypsilanti on Friday evening. and it need not be. We can make it Schuh, and Mclntyre. The Faithful Workers at Fowler- lively. One plan is to have the uni-a. m., there were about 150 of the ville, reported ^105.04 earned by'the versity open Summer Schools. Har- teachers of the county in attendance'. Minutes of previous meeting read and members from March 18 to April 1st. vard University is doing it, and has The forenoon and afternoon sessions approved. GILLETT'S Mrs. Ann \V. Bassett, oi Ypsilauti, been, and advertises them widely. Let were both or an exceedingly interest- Mr. Keech was chosen president for is one of the vice-presidents of the the Business Men's Association ap- ing nature, and the teachers all went the ensuing year. Michigan Equal Suffrage Association, point a committee to go at once to to their homes feeling that it was Mr. Schnh moved in obedience to the which met in Battle Creek last week. the president and faculty and re- good for them to have been there. resolution of the Common Council, the >iiss Kittie .Sullivan, Normal ''JO, quest them to open schools this year. Prof. W. S. Perry talked on "What Clerk is hereby ordered to advertise who is teaching at Portland, Oregon, Cornell commences this year, and a ;])•• Teacher is Before the Class," and for sealed bids on two car loads of first reports it a pleasant plate, and that large number of teachers who go to it was one of the best talks of ; <' class 3-inch hemlock plank for side- a large number of Michigan teachers Harvard or Cornell would come here meeting. In closing his remarks the are to be found there. because it would cost so much less Professor gave our commissioner of walks. The South Lyojn people would like than at those places where board is schools some words of praise. He said Yeas—Messrs. Keech, Schuh and to have some one purchase their flour- very high. Let our business men un- that Mr.' Cavanaugh, in introducing Mclntyre. Ing mill and set the wheels humming. derstand that teachers from all parts a system of grading into the district Mr. Keech moved that the bids for Absolutely Pure. of the country attend these schools. A (*eflm of tartar baking powder. Highest An Ann Arbor man has been looking schools, had done for them a great new stone culvert on Felch St., across of all in leaving strength.—Latest U. S. Govern-it up with that end in view. Some go to study thel anguages or deal of good, and that the scholars Mill race, be taken from the table and ment Food Report. one language; some go to study math, ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St.,N. Y. G. H. Gilmore, of Ypsilanti, claims who graduated from district schools reported to the Common Council. that his brother was the first white ematics alone; some to study the ap-under this system, come better pre- plied sciences. If these schools were pared and made better scholars than Yeas—Messrs. Keech, Schuh and child born in Lenawee Co., on April Mclntyre. 11, 1831, and that H. L. Robinson, started this year, we could get 500had been heretofore received from the who died recently, was not entitled or 1,000 teachers to come, and in district schools. Mr. Mclntyre moved that the Clerk Will give you the great advantage SPENGER1AN to that honor. three years 2,000 or 3,000 or as many Miss Nina Yandewarker, of the advertise for sealed bids for the con- which his mother had, and besides, As evidence of the public interest as there are students in the Univer- State Normal School also gave an ex-struction of culverts on Hill street and bread made with this yeast will awakened, under the new management sity now. This will advertise the cellent paper, on "Seeing They see Fifth street, according to plans and help bring back his boyhood's STEEL PENS city and the university. In fact specifications now on file. in our schools, w enote the fact that be the very best advertisement for Not," which referred to the teaching digestion, ensuring his enjoyment ARE THE BEST during the month of April there were the University, since the teachers of science in the schools, before the Yeas—Messrs. Keech, Schuh and of the rest of your cooking also. 277 visitors. 92 of whom paid their pupils reached the 8th grade. Mclntyre. respects to the high school.—Ypsi- would most likely recommend their Get Magic Yeast at your Grocer's. It is EXPERT WRITERS pupils to come to the University. After the afternoon session, officers Mr. Keech moved that the matter of always GOOD and always READY. lantian. Ann Arbor gave $2,000 to the uni-were elected for the ensuing year, as employing a surveyor be left to Mr. A fire broke out in the Hawkins' follows: ACCOUN- versity for a hospital and her citi- Schuh and report at our next meeting. house, Ypsilanti, last Saturday morn- zens have subscribed liberally to found President—Prof A. A. Hall, of Chel- "THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED," TANTS ing, and resulted in injuring the build- sea. Yeas—Messrs. Keech, Schnh and a School of Music, and the Business Mclntyre. AND "THE BIGS." ing to the extent of about $4,000 Men's Association should go to the Yice-president—Miss Nellie Horner, COMB, worth. An agent for a book publish- of Ypsilanti. The Street Commissioner was di- faculty and ask the university to re- TWO GRAND TRAINS DAILY BETWBEJF THE POKDENTS ing house lost about $2,000 worth of turn the favor by opening Summer Secretary—Prof E. D. Walker, of rected to grade point between Detroit sample books. Schools since the benefit will be mutu- Dexter. and Beakes streets and also put in the WORLD'S FAIK CITY AND THE FOOTHILLS. RAPID A resident of Novi, named Phil Tay- al. Let us hear from the resident Treasurer—J. G. Leland, of North- necessary sewer pipe on Detroit street, WRITING No. 35 lor, drank some of his wife's "face alumni on this matter. field. from Division street north to Mr. ONE NIGHT OUT OR ONE DAY OUT. TAKE powder," (he didn't do it on purpose; Executive Committee—Commissioner Weidlich's property, under the direc- YOUR CHOICE. BUSINESS DEMANDS IT anU it came near translating him to GRADUATE. M. J. Cavanaugh, Ann Arbor; Supt. tion of Mr. Mclntyre. AND THE PEOPLE MUST HAVE IT. the place where face powder and such ENGROSSING «*@ No. 36 W. A. Whitney, Ypsilanti; W. N. Les- The street bills for the month of things are unnecessary. He will look An Improvement Needed in our Public ter, of Saline; Prof. C. L. Blodgett, The popularity of "The Great Rock SOLD BY STATIONERS EVERYWHERE. before he drinks hereafter. April were audited by the Board. Island Route" as a Colorado line—it Schools. of Manchester; Miss Josephine Cos- Samples FREE on receipt of return postage, 2 cents. The appearance of the bulbs, the tello, of Dexter. On motion the Board adjourned. liaving long time since taken iirst place as the people's favorite between the opening of the flowers, and all the As a parent and one deeply interest- Music Committee—Misses Eleanor W. J. MILLER, Clerk. operations of nature as now ehxibited ed in our public schools, I am glad to Hagard. of Ypsilanti; Janet Y. Yan Lakes and the Mountains—has com- in the surrounding fields, should be see an agitation beginning in the pa-Dusen, Ypsilanti; Nettie Storms, Chel- The Mich. Cent. Ry are now selling (pelled the management to increase its objects of interest to the students in present splendid service by the addi- pers in favor of confining our children sea; Edith Case, Manchester; Lillie tickets to Cleveland and points in Ohio, tion 'Of a train that is one nig-lit on E. 1ST. BILBIE, our schools. Surely these early spring less exclusively to books, and turn- Schlee, Ami Arbor. and Penn., via the Detroit and Cleveland days should be improved, as they un- the road from Chicago to Denver, ing their attention more directly to This is the first time there has been boats. These boats leave Detroit dai Colorado Springs or Pueblo. This TEACHER OF VIOL N. doubtedly are, by the class in botany. nature and the world of things in a teacher's Association in this county. —Dexter Leader. ly, (except Sunday,) at 11 p. m. arriving train -will be known as the "Kocky Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlin, the midst of which they live. Doubt- During the past year three meetings Mountain Limited," and will be put As usual our pupils planted some less it is a good thing for American have been held, all well attended, and at 5:30 the next morning. This is the shortest, cheapest and pleasantest route in service May first. Leaves Chica- Germany. fine trees on the school grounds on boys and girls to know the names of all productive of much good. It is go daily at 10.45 a. m., arriving ,at Arbor day. This is a commendable the rivers of Africa, the principal pro- needless to say the association will to all points in Ohio and Penn. Bear Eooms in the A. A. Organ Co. Building. this in mind. 13. the above cities in the afternoon of enterprise and should be followed by ductions of Siberia, and why "but"keep forging ahead. the next day, earlier than any of its all schools throughout the land where is a disjunctive conjunction. But is competitors. Especial equipment has they have not already got a grove. it not quite as important for them to "It takes a-nawful long time to Will Fly the U. S. Flag. get a-nawful good dinner," as Tommy Ibeen built for this train, with the "view It is the business of the school to take know the names of the trees on our Of making- it a limited in every sense care of the trees after planting and streets, and something about the birds | remarked Thanksgiving day. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING SHOP. The action of congress in passing a Thei;e mus£ be something the matter of the word, and best of all, there will they 'do not want for care at this that sing around us all the season be. no extra charge. The route of VICTOR F. MOGK, place.—Pinckney Dispatch. through ? Is it well for them to grow bill to allow the two great steamers if the pigs squeal. Contented and hap- up to think that the little books that the City of Paris and the City of New py pigs keep the peace. •this exceedingly Jast train is by the Chelsea farmers are thinking of plac- York of the Inman line, to fly the Rock Island Short Line, and a few NO 6 W. WASHLSflTOS, AHN AKBOR. ing small-pox signs on their premises. men make are more important than The command was: "By the sweat the great book of nature which God American flag, althoxigh not built of thy brow shalt thou eat bread"— of the larger cities through which it Book and insurance agents worked at in the United States, is commendable. passes, are Davenport, Des Moines, Lin- them all winter; then came that gay makes ? What are our schools doing not some other fellow's brow. W. W. NICHOLS, to teach their pupils to see the world They are owned by citizens of the coln, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Beatrice, fruit tree agent; nets the agricultu- United States, and there is no good Sheriff Sale. tFairbury, Belleville, Phillipsburg, Col- DENTIST. ral impliment agragation fell due; around them ? A cent held close to by, Smith Centre and Goodland. This Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp the eye may shut out the sun. Do reason why they should not be ad- Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a Court House Square. and every day now, the road is full writ of fieri facias issued out of the circuit makes it the most desirable route, and not our school books too often shut mitted, to American registry. This court, for the county of Wasbtenaw, in favor VITALIZED AIR. of skirmishers for produce. With all will allow them to carry the United of Alice Waite, and against the goods and particularly interesting to the travel- these the Chelsea farmer is getting out the world from our children's clmttles and real estate of Frank Waite Phelps, er. Another point: The popularity Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take, minds ? The best educators of the States mail, and in the event of war to me directed and delivered, I did on the and no prostrating effects follow, while behind with his spring's work.—Adrian makes them available as United States twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1892, levy up- of our dining-car service is still on the teeth are extracted without pain. Press. world are beginning to protest loud- on and take all the right, title and interest of increase, and no money spared to make ly against so much of books, books, cruisers. the said Frank Waite Phelps in and to the fol- A rather peculiar but more sad cir- The steamships City of Paris and lowing described real estate that is to say: this service what our patrons always COUNTY AND VICINITY. and so little of things. They are All those certain pieces or parcels of laud sit- say, "the best." cumstance happened at the home of saying that it is more important to City of New York were especially con- uate and being in the township of Scio, County Wm. Fritz, in Lodi, yesterday after- structed with a view to naval as well of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to-wit: The The So. Lyon school board will re- see the grain, and the wheat, and undivided one-half of the west half of the Our "Big 5" will continue as usual, noon. Mr. F., who was a strong ro- the flowers, and to find out really as passenger service. They are, with south-west quarter of section nine, containing tain Prof. McNamara another year. bust German farmer of that vicinity, one exception, the Majestic, the fast- eighty acres of land, except one-half acre in leaving Chicago at 10 p. m., and ar- The Epworth League, of Ypsilanti, about them, than it is to read con- the north-west corner and north of Dexter Hving at Denver, Colorado Springs after eating dinner and feeling usual- cerning them. Why learn to spell est steamships in the world. They road, sold to Wilcox, and all that part of the are making great preparations tor ly well went out to cultivate in a have water-tight compartments, so east half of said south-west quaiter, which is and Pueblo the second morning, being an annual May festival. "goose" and "duck" before you can situated on the north side of the public high- •but one day out, and this fast and field near the house and after going a tell a goose from a duck, or either they will not sink, even if seriously way leading from Ann Arbor to Dexter, con- The Stoekbridge mill has been com- few rounds felt a severe pain in his taining fifty-two and thirty-eight one hun-popular train goes through Omaha.. from a hen ? Things, then words,— damaged, by collision or by shot and dredths acres; also a part of the south-east pletely fitted up with new machinery, head. He went to the house, sat on shell; their machinery and boilers quarter of said section nine, commencing at Our No. 11 will leave as heretofore and is now ready for business. that is nature's order; the concrete the centre of said section, thence east twenty- the steps a few minutes only, when then the abstract. Many of the bet-are protected from projectiles by coal five chains and six links, thence south sixteen at 6 p. m., arrive at Kansas City at It has been voted to retain Rev. Oh.e became speechless and entirely pros- bunkers, and they are each equipped chains and four links, theuce west twenty-four 9 a. m., and will reach Denver, Colo- B. Thurston for another year, by the ter schgols of the country now are chains and eighty-two links, thence north six- trate. His father, who was present, sending their pupils to nature regu- for the mounting of commerce des- teen chains and four links to the place of be- rado Springs and Pueblo the second Congregational church at Pinckney. hastened to call Dr. Chandler, who troying rifled guns of large calibre. ginning, excepting and reserving from said morning. larly, systematically,—not only bring- last description so much thereof as is situated The new M. E. church at Ypsilanti, lost no time in reaching the bedside ing in objects of nature, of all kinds, The bill passed by the senate to-day on the south-east side of the highway leading Our Colorado service is made per- which is a magnificent one, will be of Mr. F. It was too late, He had from village of Scio to the place known as the to be seen and handled and studied admits to American registry, these Freeman homestead, containing about four- fect 'hy this new "Rocky Mountain ready for dedication about June 1st. been dead nearly an hour when the in the school room, but every week two foreign-built vessels on condition teen acres of laud more or less and about one Limited" .and the "Big 5," and gives Monroe Taylor and James Elaine father and doctor returned. Paraly- hundred and forty-five acres of land in all from early spring to late autumn send that their owners contract within more or less. to the traveling public two flyers dug eight foxes out of one hole on sis probably the cause.—Saline Ob- ing out their pupils, of every class six months for the building of steam- Qaily. Gilbert Bradley's farm a short time server. and grade, at least one afternoon a ships of an aggregate equal tonnage All of which I shall expose for sale at public Maaiitou passengers should consult ago.—Brighton Argus. auction or vendue to the highest bidder, at the the onap and tiime tables of our line, Anyone who has not visited the week with a competent teacher to and also available for use as cruisers north front door of the Court House in the to fully appreciate the advantages in Mayor Glover had all of his ap-Hammond farm south of the city see and find out about the world in in case of war. The two British ves- city of Ann Arbor In said county and state of pointments for city officers confirm- Michigan, on the twenty-third day of June, A. time saved by taking this route, when within a month would scarcely recog- which they live—to explore the school sels cannot ply in coastwise trade, but D. 1892, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon when >on their summer vacation. ed last week by the Ypsilanti council. nize the place now, It is surprising yard, and discover its trees, ground, must make trans-atlantic journeys. Dated this 11th day of May, A. D. 1892. JOHN SEBASTIAN, They are all republican. how much energy and money can ac-plants, flowers, stones, bugs, spiders, New vessels must be under contract in 19 CHARLES DWYEE, Sheriff. G. T. & iP. A., Chicago. Mrs. W. K. Sexton, of Howell, one complish in a short time. Anything spider-webs, insects of a hundred six months, and must be built in Amer- of the prominent ladies of that place, like a detailed description of the many kinds; to explore the fields and gar-ican ship yards. The contracts for and a resident of Livingston county, great improvements recently made dens and woods, and brooks and river- their construction will call for the ex- since 1860, died on the 2-tth ult., there would be impossible, but it is banks, within reach—all of them as penditure of about $2,000,000 for aged 52 years. very safe to say that the beautiful full of undreamed-of and wonderful American labor and material. This is the time men eat Spring on- "cottage" mor eelegantly finished and things as any fairy land. Why should ions for luncheon and spend furnished than any house in this city, not all schools do this ? Does any the rest of the day removing their i! the two new barns whose aggregate one answer, "It would take time." ? breath in sections to keep people from length is over 500 feet, the private There is always time enough for the Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this state. ialling over it.—Perry World. mile race trade, the water works and most needed things'? If it would Rev. S. T. Morris, and Chas Morris, electric light plants, the long rows of take some of the time now given to of Lima, observed Arbor day together trees, the fine trout stream, the im-books, that is precisely what is want- CAPITAL by securing and in a workmanlike posing stone gateway, the gravel ed. There is no more pitiable dunce TOTAL Mh'SSk 66o.t2.SURPLUS $100,000 ner planting out rows of young hard drives, the flowerbeds and plants than a boy or girl with a head stuf- Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a maple trees on two sides of the Con-alone costing thousands of dollars, all fed with books, but unable to tell gregational parsonnage lot.—Dexter these and many other things combined an oak from an elm, oats from rye Leader. make for Mr. Hammond what will in the field, a bobolink from a blue- SAFE AND CONVENIENT PLAGE The mock congress of the Normal soon be the very finest stock farm in bird, or a shovel from a hoe. What school at Ypsilanti, appears to be a this whole state. He has already are schools for if not to teach chil- At which to make Deposits and do business. Interest Is allowed on all Savings De- flourishing body, and one that aids posits of $1.00 and upward, according to the rules of the bank, and done his part toward making it so; dren to be intelligent about the world interest compounded semi-aunually. the students in parliamentary law, it only remains to give nature a lit- in which they live ? and familiarizes them with public tle time to do the rest.—Ypsilanti bodies. Such organizations are helps Commercial. Money to Loan in Sums of $25, to $5,000. to many students. All this is written not in disparage- The state board of education has Is it Green Goods ? ment of our Ann Arbor schools. Of Secured by unincumbered Real Estate and other good securities. designated Aug. 22-26 inclusive as their kind they are certainly among DIBECTOBS-Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, William Deufcel, David BinseT, the time of holding the next examina- Last week one of our citizens re- the very best in the land. A more Daniel Hiscock, W. B. Smith and L, Gruner. • tion for state teachers' certificates. ceived a letter which amused him a intelligent, faithful or hard-working OFFICEBS-Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Viee-Prasldent; C. E. The examination will be held at the considerable, and he handed it to The body of teachers it would be hard to Hiscock, Cashier. ' office of the superintendent of public Courier to illustrate the slick traps find anywhere. But a new light instruction in Lansing. The second set by cunning schemers to get money is beginning to shine for all schools. examination for the year will be hold out of the unwary. We quote the Shall we not open our eyes to it ? T. JEFFERSON COOLIDGE. from December 26 to 30 inclusive. letter in lull: It is beginning to be recognized that T. Jefferson Coolidge, who has just The farmer is busy plowing, sowing Detroit, May 2d, 1892. the printed page is only one door to been appointed our minister to and getting in his spring crops. The Dear Pir:—I desire to propose a knowledge, and not the most direct France, is a resident of Boston, Mass., legitimate enterprise to you by which in which city he was born August 26, farmer's wife is equally as busy turn- you can realize a magnificent fortune either. The most important thing ing the house and everything in it in a year's time. There is no possibil- to teach a child is not the remember- 1831. He is a graduate of Harvard top-side under-most, and rooting out ity of loss and the capital invested ing of words, but to see and to think. University and has also studied in every particle of dirt or dust that will remain in your own hands. In Let him be made intelligent about the Europe. Later on he founded the firm order that I may be able to deter- of Gardner & Coolidge, and became has found lodging there during the mine whether or not you are the right near world first, after that about the past few months. Taken altogether party for me, you will kindly answer far away worlds. Let him first of the head of several large manufactur- JACOB HALLER it is a right lively time on the farm the following questions: How much all be taught to use his eyes. ing companies. He then became pres- cash capital could you command for ident of the Atchison, Topeka and Just now. temporary investment ? Cannot our school board and ourSanta Fe Railroad. Mr. Collidge is Mr. Nelson, of Ypsilanti town, Do you sacredly promise that wheth teachers arrange for this kind of in- WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER sold last week 44 1-3 acres of land er you engage in the business with struction to begin in a simple way, a very rich man and has resided lying just east of the city limits, north me or not you will never reveal to this spring, at least in all the lower abroad some times for years at one of Forest avenue, to Mr. Fisher, for any mortal being, the proposition grades ? This is reasonable; it would stretch. He has never been an active $5,000. If Mr. Fisher keeps on buy-which I will make ? cost little or nothing; it would be politician, and has evinced a lean- ing land we shall have to class him Later I will explain to you whyvery gratifying to many parents, as ing to the mugwumps. He is at the pretty soon, with Uncle Tom Palmer I apply to you in this manner, and I head of many local charitable organ- as "a horny-handed son of toil."— repeat that my enterprise is lawful. well as of the highest possible value 46 S. MAIN STREET Ypsilantian. Land is worth some- Very truly yours, to the children; it would put our izations in Boston and has given near- thing, anyway, according to those WM. F. YOLKMAR, schools in line with the most progres- ly $150,000 to his alma mater, the figures. Windsor, Ont., Canada. sive in the country. Harvard University. The new minister General P. O. J. T. SUNDERLAND. speaks French fluently.