Special Closing Out

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Special Closing Out VOLUME XXXI.-NO. 19. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY n, 1892. WHOLE NUMBER 1611. IT WILL NOT BE DECLINED. ANOTHER LINK IN THE ENDLESS CHAIN Of popular offerings! An absolute revelation to the public of SPECIAL what can be done in the way of selling reliable DRY GOODS B EIGHT DAYS, LOW PRICES! Commencing Saturday, May 14. AT 25C Eveni"g Shades and Black Surah Silks. PEE YARD One lot China Silks, black and colors, at 50c THE BEST OFFER EVER MADE KOR EIGHT DAYS ! 25-inch $1 double-warp Black Surah and Pongee Silks at 75 READ 22-inch $1 Black Faille Silks, Gros Grain and Peau De Soie, for <5c All our $1.85 24-inch Black Faille Silks, Satin Rhadame, Alma WE WILL SELI, Royal, elegant Gros Grains—the best $1.SS silks in the. city, all go at _ $i Printed China Silks, black and colored grounds, fancy colored fig- 25-CENT LEADER, ures, beautiful summer silks for waists and dresses, worth $1, a big purchase, all to go at 65c 25 pieces Black Silk Grenadines, fancy stripes, figures and satin brocades, worth $1.25, all to go at 9;c AT 9Qn 5 pieces satin-stripe Black Wool Dress Goods. 500 yards new Gimp Dress Trimmings, worth 25c, all to go at 10c SPECIAL—500 pounds '-White Star" Carpet Warp at 15c a pound—the 22c quality. Notice This 5e List—All Big Bargains: PER YARD 50 pieces Light and Dark Prints 1 5c 1 bale 8c Linen Crash 5C 50 pieces new Dress Ginghams fie 25 pieces new Striped Pi >ieia 5c 20 pieces White Check Muslin 5c delegate Sheehan:—"MAYOR DOTY GAVE YOU ANX ARBOR! HERE IS CHICAGO! IT'S THE BEST WE CAN DO CONSIDEMM 10 pieces fancy stripe Curtain Scrim 5c THAT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE YOU THE COUNTRY." 50 pieces 10c embroideries to go at 5c 1 case soft-finished Bleached cotton 5c FROM HON. J. S. CLARKSON. The New Hospital. though he had received his share of Pretty Seaside Flannels, worth 10c, for _ 5c life's afflictions, and that he ought While sauntering through the newto be spared any further suffering in AND THIS— 1 ease Dress Prints s]4e The Best 25-Cent Hose He Approves of the College Republican University hospital a day or twothis way. 1 case pretty Challies 8</,'c Club. since, the neat and clean appearance We might go on, from cot to cot 10 pieces Bed Ticking at 6c of everything was noted. The pa-and tell some such experience for each 200 mounted Holland Curtain Shades, each 25c Known to the Trade, for The following letter from Hon. J.tients seem to be kept very tidy. one. Every one there is a sufferer, 1 lot Ladies' fancy stripe Wash Skirts, each 25c S. Clarkson. to the editor of the Cour- It isn't a pleasant thing to look at and every one is being benefited by 50 dozen Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose, per pair 5c ier, relative to the banquet of thehuman beings who have been pruned medical science and surgical skill. Maj; U. of M. Republican Club at the Kink and pared and amputated by the sur-the good work go on as long as human Don't miss this—Three bales Argyle Sheeting—a good next Tuesday evening, explains that geon's knife, with perhaps a graft beings have to suffer from disease. It Cotton at 8c; our price until sold, b%c a yard. OUR gentleman's position relative to thehere and a patch there, but the hope- is a grand work, that the physicians importance of the undertaking and SPLEXDID 50-CEXT HOSE, fulness of the patients makes one feel and surgeons and nurses and attend- will be read with interest: that it is a great work that is being ants are doing. To be sure they may —IN OUR— Which has no equal at that priced HOT SPRINGS, ARK., MAY 3, '92. done for the liuman family at this get a little hardened to the sufferings Muslin Underwear Department MR. J. E. BEAL, institution. President Michigan Press Ass'n, of people by their constant contact 1 lot Ladies' Fruit of the Loom Drawers at Ann Arbor, Mich. One man with whom we conversed with it, but after all,, they seem to My dear Sir:—I am just now able said he was injured alst December, by keep a good deal of feeling and sympa- 25c a Pair. to take up my correspondence, and falling in a mine at Ouray, Col., that thy in their breasts, and their senses 1 lot Night Robes at among the first letters I will answer, he went to Denver and was treated are much keener to the pains and tor- Is jour kind communication of April but received no benefit, and having tures of disease than are those unac- 47e Each. I AulEQ $ Bay what you need for heard of this hospital resolved to customed to such things. 1 lot Fine White Skirts, trimmed with LHUILU ( ^ie entire season now/ 16th. I have to-day written a let- ter to Mr. Jas. F. Burke, president of come here. He had been here some Dr. Clark, the superintendent, has Torchon Lace and Embroidery, the University Club, in which I have three weeks or more, and felt that everything in systematic shape about 75c Each. answered all the questions contain- he was gaining rapidly. Dr. Darling the building. He sees to it that great ed in your letter, and as I have not gave him credit of recovering as quick- care is taken in keeping the entire ly ,as any case of the kind he had ever building scrupulously clean, and you the strength to write very much, I known of. will ask you to kindly see that letter. may go from garret to basement, and I have telegraphed Capt. Allen, and On the next cot was a little fel- you will find everything just so neat AlLUN, he has agreed to be at the banquet low who had had an operation per- and tidy. He has been putting in as the representative of the National formed for hair lip and cleft paalte. a new refrigerator for the use of the Leaders of Low Prices. committee and the National League. He was not handsome to look at but institution, which is a perfect model It is a matter of great regret to mehad been much benefited, and when of its kind, and sometime this summer, that I cannot be present also. I he goes forth •will not only look more when you feel that it would be a re- would rather attend that session than presentable, but be able to talk bet- lief and delight even for the world to anything else to which I could be in-ter He was humming a tune to him- turn it's cold shoulder, just step up vited, because I have such an intense self most of the time, and took his there and stand in that refrigerator interest in the formation of college medicine like a little hero when the a few moments. You will be sure clubs. We have not been getting, in nurse came around to him, without to experience a cold wave that will THOSE the republican party, our share of even a grimace, which called forth suggest the congealing of the marrow. the young men of the country. If the from her the kind expression, "that's Even the Dr's warm heart and genial young men in the colleges, represent- a brave boy." Very trifling those smile cannot withstand the tempera- words, but they were kindly spoken, ture of this spacious frigid closet any ing the best blood of the land, will and sent a sunbeam into the little take up the work such as the young great length of time. But perhaps fellow's heart that immediately flash- we are talking too much, so here in an men in the Michigan university have ed back out of his eyes, in pleasure. taken up, we shall receive our full end to it. CLOSING OUT: Those who can remember the unrest OF MY ENTIRE share of the young blood, and gain and activity of their own chidlhood the best possible allies. One active can imagine, perhaps, how hard it The Great Banquet. OFFERED BY young man is worth two old men, or is for a little fellow to lie in bed for middle aged men, in the activeness of three or four weeks at a time. Next Tuesday will be a great day a political campaign; we cannot have for Ann Arbor once more. Probably too many of them. Everything I can On the next cot was a man who Grocery Stock every college in the United States will do by way of encouraging the move- had been extremely unfortunate. have at least one delegate, and many AND FIXTURESTURES. Mrs. 0. B. Hall ment among the colleges will be very Some years ago he came to this hos- of them a dozen or more, in atten- gladly done. pital and had a cancerous tumor re- dance upon the grand banquet to be Yours very truly, moved from his lower jaw. He went given on that evening. for $500 are 66 feet wide and J. S. CLAEKS0N. home in good health, but in a few 183 feet deep, with a 20 months another came, and he return- The list of speakers consisting of On Monday last the stock of mer-ed to the hospital again.
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