CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 13 Calif., Protesting Against the Passage of House Bills 4860, 5128, 3692
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7062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 13 Calif., protesting against the passage of House bills 4860, 5128, 3692. Also, petition of David J. Henry, president, Local No. 5643, 3390, 4907, 4909, 3029, 3051, 3031, 3032, 3035, 3241, 3245, .90 of the United Federal Workers of America, favoring the and 999; also Senate bills 407 to 411, inclusive, 668, and 1470, .passage of the Ramspeck"bill <H. R. 960); to the Committee and commending the Congressman from California who on the Civil Service. - voted against House bill 5643, the Hobbs bill; to the Com 3693. By Mr. LUCE: Memorial favoring resolutions me mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. morializing Congress in favor of the granting of full United 3676. By Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Petition of Nell G. States citizenship to aliens who served in the Military or Chapman, of Baltimore, Md., and 29 others, endorsing House Naval Establishments of the United States during the World bill 5620, the General Welfare Act; to the Committee on War and were honorably discharged from such service; to Ways and Means. the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. 3677. Also, petition of Mrs. C. D. Halbert, of Baltimore, 3694. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the National Parks Md., and 29 others, endorsing House bill 5620, the General Association, Washington, D. C., favoring the establishment Welfare Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. of the John Muir-Kings Canyon National Park, House bill 3678. Also, petition of Viola G. Sloffer, of Baltimore, Md~ 3794; to the Committee on the Public Lands. and 10 others, endorsing House bill 5620, the General Welfare 3695. Also, petition of the Sierra Club, San Francisco, Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Calif., concerning the Gearhart bill <H. R. 3794); to the 3679. Also, petition of Rev. Grace A. M. T. Bratcher, of Committee on the Public Lands. Baltimore, Md., and nine others, endorsing House bill 5620, . 3696. Also, petition of Local No. 90, United Federal the General Welfare Act; to the Committee on Ways and Workers of America, New York City, urging the passage of Means. the Ramspeck bill (H. :a,. 960); to the Committee on the 3680. By Mr. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY: Memorial of the Civil Service. · Second Quadrennial Convention of the Brotherhood of Rail 3697. Also, petition ·of the United States Independent Tele road Trainmen, endorsing the position of President Roosevelt phone Association, Chicago, Ill., concerning certain amend in urging conscription of wealth in time · of war; to the ments to House bill 5435; to the Committee on Labor. Committee on Military Affairs. 3698. Also, petition of the New York State Telephone Asso 3681. Also, memorial of the New York State Industrial ciation, Albany, N. Y., urging certain amendments to the Union Council, New York City, representing 700,000 workers Norton bill (H. R. 5435); to the Committee on Labor. a:tfiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, op 3699. Also, petition of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden; posing amendments to wage-hour and social-security laws C. Stuart Gager, director, Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing any exempting cannery and processing workers, urging limitation amendments to the Gearhart bill <H. R. 3794) , known as to bona fide agricultural laborers; to the Committee on Labor. the John Muir-Kings Canyon National Park bill; to the 3682. Also memorial of the Grand Lodge of the Brother Committee on the Public Lands. hood of Railroad Trainmen, endorsing President Roosevelt's 3700. Also, petition of the New York State Industrial Union foreign policies and his peace program, and urging that the Council, New York City, concerning· amendments to the brotherhood cooperate with other organizations who are sup wage-hour and social-security laws; to the Committee on porting such a peace program ~o the end that American Ways and Means. democracy, in which labor particularly has a vital stake, 3701. Also, petition of the New York Pharmaceutical Coun shall be fortified against war by helping to keep the world out cil, Jacob J. Goldberg, president, New York City, urging sup of war; to the Committee on Labor. port of the fair-trade bill <H. R. 3838) for the District of 3683. Also, memorial of Local No. 47 of the United Federal Columbia; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Workers of 4merica, requesting that House bill 960 be placed 3702. By the SPEAKER: Petition of George W. Bennett, on the House Calendar by the chairman of the Civil Service o:f San Francisco, Calif., and others, petitioning consideration Committee; to the Committee on the Civil Service. of their resolution with reference to House Joint Resolution 3684. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of the No. 266, Works Progress Administration appropriation; to National Maritime Union of America, New York City, urging the Committee on Appropriations. support of the Casey bill (H. R. 6470); to the Committee on Appropriations. 3685. Also, petition of the United Neighborhood Houses of SENATE New York, Inc., New York City, concerning curtailment of the National Youth Administration; to the Committee on TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939 Appropriations. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor of the Gunton 3686. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the Educational Con Temple Memorial Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C., servation Society, Long Island City, favoring the passage of offered the following prayer: the Barry-Mead bill providing for Federal aid to the States in the furthering of conservation education in schools, col 0 Thou whose amazing goodness crowneth our life, this leges, and universities; to the Committee on Appropriations. is one of the days which Thou hast made, and we will 3687. Also, petition of the National Parks Association, rejoice and be glad in it. Washington, D. C., concerning House bill 3794, Kings Canyon We seek Thee not in vain but in the assurance that the bill; to the Committee on the Public Lands. whole fullness of Thine infinite being is at our disposal, for 3688. Also, petition of the New York State Industrial Union in the revelation of Thy greatness we see Thy power to Council, concerning amendments to wage-hours security laws accomplish all that Thou hast promised, to confer upon us exempting cannery and processing workers; to the Committee all that we need, and to do for us abundantly above all that on Ways and Means. we can ask or think. 3689. Also, petition of Jacob J. Goldberg, president, New· May Thy special blessing rest upon these Thy servants. York Pharmaceutical Council, favoring the fair-trade bill Kindle within our hearts a desire to advance the welfare of <H. R. 3838) for the District of Columbia; to the Committee mankind everywhere. May sentiments of benevolence and on the District of Columbia. good will permeate all our thoughts and deeds. May these 3690. Also, petition of the Labor Non-Partisan League, sentiments become more natural, more powerful, more im- Washington, D. C., favoring the recommittal of the McGehee p~ti~ ' unemployment compensation bill <H. R. 4533) ; 'to the Com Help us to cleave with increasing tenacity of purpose and mittee on the District of Columbia. with fond affection to the coming of that day when Thy 3691. Also, petition of the United States Independent Tele will shall be known on the earth and Thy saving health to phone Association, Chicago, Til., concerning the wage-and all nations. hour bill (H. R. 5435); to the Committee on Labor. In the name of the Christ we pray. Amen. 1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1063 THE JOURNAL LOANS TO THEIR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS BY MEMBER BANKS On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the amend the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, ments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 1886) June 12, 1939, was dispensed with, and the Journal was to extend to June 16, 1942, the period within which certain approved. loans to executive officers of member banks of the Federal MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Reserve System may be renewed or extended. Mr. GLASS. I move that the Senate disagree to the House A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. amendment, request a conference with the House on the dis Chaffee, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House agreeing votes to the two Houses thereon, and that the Chair had passed the following bills, in which it requested the con appoint the conferees on the part of the Senate. currence of the Senate: The motion was agreed to; and the Vice President appointed H. R. 3838. An act to protect trade-mark owners, pro Mr. GLASS, Mr. BYRNES, and Mr. TOWNSEND conferees on the ducers, distributors, and the general public against injurious part of the Senate. and uneconomic practices in the distribution of competitive PURCHASES FROM INDIANS BY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES commodities bearing a distinguishing trade-mark, brand, or . name through the use of voluntary contracts establishing The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the amend minimum resale prices and providing for refusal to sell ments of the House of Representatives to the bill <S. 2154) unless such minimum resale prices are observed; to modify the provisions of section 10 of the act of June 30, 1834, and section 10 of the act of June 22, 1874, relating to the H. R: 5144. An act to authorize the board of directors of Indians, which were, on page 1, line 3, to strike out "10" and the Columbia Institution for the Deaf to dedicate a portion to insert "14"; on page 2, line 3, after "Provided,, to insert of Mount Olivet Road NE. and to exchange; certain lands with "however, That no employee of the United States Government the Secretary of the Interior, to dispose of other lands, and shall be permitted to make any such purchases for the pur- for other purposes; pose of engaging directly or indirectly in the commercial sell H.