TV THREE-CAMERA FORMAT “The Trophy Wife” Written by Ladyclare Padua Ladyclare Padua
[email protected] “TheTrophyWife”byLadyclarePadua 1. TEASER FADE IN: EXT. IMPROV STAGE – NIGHT (Jerry Seinfeld) JERRY IS ON STAGE HOLDING A MICROPHONE. JERRY Don’t you find that rich people like things that project success and achievement? Sports cars, yachting trophies, mounted fish, wives . What’s with that? The trophy wife. How did those two words come together? I can see the similarities. You get the trophy after a long and arduous struggle. A long and arduous struggle happens after you get the wife. (PAUSE) A trophy attracts attention. A wife demands attention. (PAUSE) And if you leave a trophy unattended for too long, it just needs a bit of spit and polish. If you leave a wife unattended for too long, she’ll spit on you and polish you off. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER “TheTrophyWife”byLadyclarePadua 2. ACT ONE SCENE A FADE IN: INT. JERRY’S APARTMENT – DAY (Jerry Seinfeld, Kramer, George Costanza, Elaine Benis) JERRY IS STANDING IN HIS KITCHEN READING A NEWSPAPER ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER. KRAMER ENTERS, LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN. KRAMER (CLAPS HANDS AND RUBS THEM TOGETHER) Hey, buddy, what are you up to tonight? Because it’s all happening at my place! JERRY Planning a big night? KRAMER Yep, the biggest! A video night to break in my cushions. Newman’s in. JERRY Breaking in your cushions? What are they? Wild horses? KRAMER Jerry, I have to get that new, plump, hard feeling outta my new cushions. And nothing does it better than watching a good horror “TheTrophyWife”byLadyclarePadua 3.