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For the meeting held on Monday 18th February 2019 at 7.30pm at Lairhillock School, Netherley, .

Present Henry Irvine-Fortescue (HIF) Chair Elected Councillors in attendance Rod Farquhar (RF) Councillor Colin Pike, Aberdeenshire Council (CP) Mandi Dorward (MD) Councillor Ian Mollison, Aberdeenshire Council (IM) Graham Norrie (GN) Councillor Alison Evison, Aberdeenshire Council (AE) Bob McKinney (BM) Christopher Hakkennes (CH) Susan Astell (SA), Ben Tatler (BT),

13 members of the public in attendance

Welcome and Introductions HIF welcomed all to the meeting.

1 Apologies • Avril Tulloch (AT)

2 Police Report • Thanks to Inspector Steve Dick who attended our meeting. Insp. Dick took on the post in November 2018 and instigated drink driving initiatives in rural areas, coinciding with the city campaign in addition to introductions of hi visibility patrols during early & late peak times. As the AWPR opens fully tomorrow, we hope to see less traffic on rural roads. Officers are currently being trained on speed detection equipment. Minor offences taken place within ward, including parking issues in Portlethen and vandalism at the old college and low house breaking numbers. • HIF asked for clarification on 2 issues: Illegal parking on zigzag lines – £100 fine and three penalty points? Tyre tread below legal limit – 3 Points? Insp. Dick confirmed both. • Ongoing quad biking at Maryculter East – residents urged to continue reporting. • CH asked if farmer was cutting hedges and bumps into stone walls (not on his land) and removes stones from said wall – is this a crime. Yes, in certain circumstances it could be theft. • Signage around AWPR at Milltimber. Although this is not a police issue, it will be reported back and please cc Insp Dick to any correspondence with Roads Ltd. • Since AWPR opened, less traffic but more speed suggested one resident. As there are no lorries on the road, racers seem to be straddling white lines, driving into oncoming traffic. 3 Previous Minutes • Minutes of the ordinary meeting in January were proposed by GN and seconded by HIF.

Matters outstanding: • Any matters outstanding have been covered within matters arising. 4 Matters Arising

Schools • The Family Ceilidh held at Lairhillock School over the weekend raised £230. • The Christmas Fayre at Lairhillock School raised £5000 – which will be used by the Parent Council to fund trips for the children, amongst other purchases. • Further information can be obtained from the school’s websites: http://banchory- & &

Website, Facebook & Media • A meeting was held on Monday 11th February, with five in attendance (Lynne Beard, GN, AT, CH & MD) to brainstorm the current website. Plenty of proposals including: introduction of calendar, delete twitter & pinterest, include telephone number for chair & secretary, archive information over 24 moths old, Planning page is very outdated – insert links to Local Development Plan, Strategic Development Plan, PAS. Rename AWPR page as Transport/Roads and include TRAK information, Increase sign posting for funding and include links to KDP & Police . New document page to display insurance & constitution. • All CC members are encouraged to assist with the website, especially Planning & Finance • AT (at the meeting) agreed to contacting schools within the catchment, should any S3 – S6 pupils wish to help as a project. • Help required to implement changes – BT confirmed he works with “wordpress” and happy to assist. Action – MD to arrange meeting with BT & GN

Roads • The land next to the River Dee, which 2 healthy trees fell onto South Deeside Road, is thought to be owned by the residents of Mansefield House. Could the erosion after Storm Frank and rerouting of the River Dee be partly to blame? Action – HIF to write to Aberdeenshire Council, Chief Executive who will route the complaint to the correct department(s). • Again, concerns were raised with regards to the new cross roads at Milltimber Brae/North Deeside Road/AWPR. Whilst turning to the right from Milltimber Brae onto North Deeside Road, traffic lights can be seen on approach but not when waiting for a break in traffic to turn right from the middle area. The signage on approach to Milltimber from the AWPR is positioned at a blindspot and the arrows are very off putting whilst turning left onto North Deeside Road. The lines at the roundabout at are slightly difficult for some road users to comprehend also. Action – HIF to contact Alex Davie (Aberdeen Roads) for advice/assistance on these matters • The rumble strips at the Cleanhill Roundabout, have been placed, and there may have been two accidents since and the neighbours complain of noise. Action – HIF to contact Alex Davie • CH delighted that the footpath between Leggart and Beanacchar has been cleared. • A question was raised as to why signage of “changes in road layout” have been erected when changes are only now a bridge, not a road – 2 on the C12? HIF suggested that ARL are in the process of removing signs owing to AWPR. • The flyover at Causeymounth Road/Junction has new signage at the bridge saying cyclists only? Same at Bishopton Farm. Cllr Mollison had written to Management at ARL and was advised that the non-motorised decision was taken back in 2007. The new flyovers are for agricultural vehicles, pedestrians & cyclists only. Cllr Pike confirmed that the route is intended for public right of passage and not motor vehicles. The farmers have the ability to open and close the bollards/gates for farm animals or agricultural vehicles. Broadband • Nothing new to report 5 Planning

Validated February

APP/2019/0159 Alteration and extension to dwellinghouse – creation of extension to 8 Kilsyth Road, the rear of the property to form a lounge. Chapelton Expiry for comment 17/02/19 Statutory determination 24/03/19 APP/2019/0116 Erection of a Marquee (April – Sept), ancillary services (retrospective), Elsick House change of land use for parking. Expiry for comment 21/02/19 Statutory determination 23/03/19 Application for temporary erection to expand the commercial function activities at Elsick House. One objection has been submitted by a near neighbour (approx 425 m to SE) siting previous disturbance when events have been held at Elsick House including a “ lone piper” and the noise of fireworks which has on one occasion disturbed a noise sensitive dog of a visitor. The objector challenged the validity of the noise impact assessment since no wind direction at the time of the survey (only wind speed) was stated in the report. Aberdeenshire Environmental Health have also lodged an objection based on the potential for disturbance of residents of properties located on the estate who would not otherwise be involved in the function activities. The objection was further supported by the fact that no indication was given in the application for a means to ensure amplified music did not exceed a noise level of 90 dB @ 1m from the source. This noise level was the basis for modelling work to provide an indicative noise level at near by properties. Calculations of the expected noise levels at adjacent properties in the noise impact assessment were also only marginally below the threshold criteria of 35 dB required to ensure that internal noise levels (for partially open windows) would be at an acceptable level internally APP/2019/0160Site Matters specific to conditions relating to the erection 3 dwellinghouses East of Ashentilly, Expiry for comment 17/02/19 Maryculter Statutory determination 27/03/19 Roads dept have registered a holding objection due to insufficient information submitted in the application. APP/2019/0223 Erection of Sales Cabin and Parking at Riverside of Blairs Expiry for Land at Riverside of comment 24/02/19 Blairs Statutory determination 03/04/19 APP/2019/0223 Erection of Signage, Land at Riverside of Blairs Land at Riverside of 3m x 2m tri-stack sign and flags Blairs Expiry for comment 24/02/19 Statutory determination 03/04/19 APP/2019/0158 Conversion of Stables to form Dwelling house Alhamra, Blairs Serial applications over several years for conversion of stables to a dwelling house at this site have been rejected. NKRCC have consistently objected to the applications. Main reason for previous objections has been lack of compliance with LDP policies for development in the Green Belt. No objections to the application are currently registered. Expiry for comment 28/02/19 Statutory determination 27/03/19 **Discussions in relation to this application took place and can be viewed below**

Approved/Declined February

APP/2018/2975 Erection of dwellinghouse (4 bed) to provide onsite housing on site of Land to West of existing farm for essential worker Bishopton Cottage, Approved – Dwellinghouse is essential to the operation of the adjacent Portlethen farm and as such complies with LDP 2017 Policy R1 Special Rural Areas APP/2018/3093 Erection of temporary stables required for 9 month period while Back Mains of Altries existing stables are rebuilt Approved – Approval given for 12 month period to allow completion of building of permanent stables building previous approved for APP/2018/1912. The temporary stables is not judged to have any significant detrimental impact on the area and is compliant with LDP 2017 policies R1, P1 and E2. APP/2018/3053 Alteration and extension to dwellinghouse, change of use from holiday Maryculter Organic let to Class 9 (dwelling house). Farm, Maryculter NKRCC lodged a holding objection pending the public meeting on 21st Jan to allow opinion from the public to be gathered. Holding objection was subsequently withdrawn following the public meeting and discussion of the application by the CC in private session. Statutory determination 17/02/19 – no outcome at time of meeting APP/2018/2483 Various matters specific to conditions – layout and siting, external Plot 4,5,and 7 appearance, landscaping etc. Stripeside, Netherley Approved – compliant with LDP 2017 policies for technical, design and amenity impacts APP/2018/3034 Installation of drainage infrastructure to serve residential development Land at Stripeside, Approved Netherley APP/2018/2811 Various matters specific to conditions Chapelton Land to East Approved of Quarryline Street App/2018/1279 Erection of children’s day care nursery (Class 10 non-residential Land Adjacent to institution), children’s workshop, wildlife pond and dwelling house. Rothnick Croft Approved – at Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee Aberdeenshire planning initially recommended refusal on the basis that the application did (does) not accord with LDP 2017 policy R2 since the proposal is for a greenfield site and there was no justification for an essential worker to be on site 24/7. The application did not comply with policy RD1 relating to drainage. Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee determined to grant Full Planning Permission on the basis that the application was supported by national policy on day care, early years was a material consideration in this case. It was further supported by consideration of the need for a residential onsite employee to care for small animals that may be kept at the nursery and the potential to provide local employment opportunities. Significant public support from neighbours and wider area (51 from separate addresses). No objection from Education and Children’s services.

** APP/2019/0158 Alhamra, Blairs, Conversion of Stables to form Dwelling house

The applicant confirmed that planning permission has been sought on numerous occasions. Alhamra is their family home and has been for twenty years. The steading is currently lying empty and instead of it falling into disrepair, they would like to make use of this as accommodation, as they have three children. Their initial intention was to use the area as stables. Reference was made to historical documentation from the CC, which the applicants held grievance with.

GN asked if the current application was different to the previous application, by way of material or building style and it was clarified that no change had been made. The area would be left as a paddock, in keeping with the local area and as natural as possible.

RF reminded all present that the NKRCC could only represent the views of the public with regards to the current planning application and the session was to be held as a closed discussion, immediately after the ordinary meeting, where the CC would come to their decision to either support, object, make no comment or submit our observations.

6 Finance & Lottery

• The balance for the Bank of Scotland account is £1667.44 - £270 earmarked for lottery prizes and outstanding accounts. • The Lottery draws for January & February were made. Action – BM to distribute winnings

January 2019 Winning Number February 2019 Winning Number £20 132 £20 192 £15 153 £15 81 £10 70 £10 222 • A small fee of £20 is due to Aberdeenshire Council for lottery register. We have until June to make this payment. BM advised that 2/3 of the main sellers of lottery tickets were unable to assist in 2019/2020 and a decision should be made as to whether the NKRCC should continue with this fundraising or are other methods, such as signposting groups to various funding applications (KDP, Windfarms etc) the way forward? A member of the public suggested that these funding grants were great but the application forms were in excess of 20 pages. BM confirmed that Aberdeenshire Council supply an annual grant, of around £500, which could be used for annual requests (Invecrynoch Cup/Maryculter Senior Citizens). MD asked the Cllr’s in attendance if any of the other CC’s in the area raised money for local groups and it was suggested that they do not. The CC are a point of contact for he local area and should offer social support. A period of reflection has been agreed to consider possible alternatives and this will be discussed in full next month. Action – MD to include agenda point for March meeting. • Request for funding was received by Gavin Harper of Mearns FM for assistance in the redecoration of the studio. Mearns FM is based and serves the local community. A previous donation of £300 was made in 2017 for sound modulators. It was agreed that a sum of £200 would be donated. Action – BM to advise and distribute cheque. • Zincweb annual bill of £60 has been paid. • Information on Vattenfall Unlock our Future to be carried forward to next meeting.

7 Correspondence & Licensing Applications • Laureen Canessa asked for volunteers to assist with the delivery of 100 SDV’s around Banchory Devenick, on a bi annual basis and also 2 further area’s Netherley/Blairs Estate & Corbie Hall/Tilbouries. BT volunteered, GN to pass name to Laureen & CH agreed to check with parents of Banchory Devenick School. Action – CH to advise Laureen of outcome • A workshop is to be held on Saturday 9th March, on Community Participation in relation to the Community Empowerment Act. Only one delegate per CC to attend. BM agreed attendance. Action – MD to forward details to BM to respond. MD to raise agenda point for feedback at March meeting. • Numerous emails advertising LDP support meetings which have been advertised on facebook & websites. • Regulations were received for the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route/Balmedie to Tipperty Project. • Proposed revisions to Stagecoach services which will result in the withdrawal of Service 204. • Notes on Legal Case against Connell Community Council were received and it was confirmed that NKRCC have sufficient insurance through Zurich. Questions were raised as to who paid the insurance and MD read from an email received to confirm payment through Highland Council. Action – MD to forward email to Cllr Mollison – Please see March minutes for full clarification. 8 AOCB • SA gave feedback from the Environmental Interest Group meeting. Lots of interesting facts with regards to recycling. Speakers will be introduced, especially with the possible changing of legislation due to Brexit. Includes a conservation group and will meet every couple of months. • Cllr Evison spoke of Aberdeenshire Budget and the 3% rise in Council Tax. • Cllr Pike spoke of the new waste strategy to be adopted across Aberdeenshire Council. New bins will be rolled out later this year. The NKRCC agreed to add an agenda item for a Aberdeenshire Waste & Recycling officer to attend a suitable council meeting, closer to the roll- out of the new collection timetable and bins. • CH spoke of concerns at Tollohill Woods, where the owners appeared not interested in preserving nature as paths have not been made passable again after tree felling or roads properly cleared of debris after hedge cutting, or fences and (partly privately owned) stone walls being repaired that were damaged during tree felling or hedge cutting. Complaints were raised to the Forestry Commission and Davidson & Robertson (Forfar) apologised and residents of Beanacchar are now able to walk through the woods again. • GN reminded us that a further meeting on the Community Asset Transfer of Clochandighter Woods would be taking place o Thursday 21th. Action – MD to refresh facebook information to advertise event. • Does NKRCC own the noticeboard at Lairhillock School and who posts CC information? Confirmed as BM has keys. Action – BM to post agenda/minutes on noticeboard. 9 Next Meeting We would like to extend a warm welcome to our Ordinary Meeting on Monday 18th March 2019 at 7.30pm at Lairhillock Primary School, Netherley.

The meeting drew to a close at 9.28pm