Email: [email protected]


For the virtual meeting held on Monday 18th January, at 7.30pm, via Zoom.

Community Councillors in attendance Elected Councillors in attendance Henry Irvine-Fortescue (HIF) Chair Cllr Ian Mollison Rod Farquhar (RF) Cllr Colin Pike Mandi Dorward (MD) Cllr Alison Evison Graham Norrie (GN) Bob McKinney (BM) Susan Astell (SA) Avril Tulloch (AT)

4 Members of the public in attendance

Welcome and Introductions HIF welcomed all to the virtual public meeting of the NKRCC, including our two visitors for the evening, PC Marc Camus, Police and Mr Andy Murray, Head Teach of Lairhillock Primary School.

1 Police Scotland • PC Marc Camus read through the December report, which is available to view on our website. Of the 49 Antisocial Crimes reported, 15 related to youth annoyance, predominantly non-Covid compliance (large groups gathering). Other calls in relation to low level noise breaches and vandalism to Edzell football pitch goal posts. 6 assaults of which 4 have been detected, 2 thefts and 1 housebreaking. Only 1 report in December for drug/drink

driving. Two drug warrants executed with positive intervention.

• PC Camus reported back on concerns of drug misuse in the car park at Ardoe House Hotel – only one incident recorded which involved butane gas. No need for concern. • Police Scotland can be contacted on 101 for non emergencies or by email [email protected] 2 Apologies Apologies were received by Roddy Macinnes, K&M Area Office,

3 Previous Minutes • HIF reviewed items from the previous minutes and the majority of items outstanding are covered within matters outstanding. • BM asked for amendment to Section 6, point 3, spelling error. Gregg to be amended to Greig (Action – MD to amend minutes) • Minutes of the December meeting were proposed by BM and seconded by AT.

4 Matters arising Schools • HIF welcomed Andrew Murray, the new Head Teacher of Lairhillock Primary School. Andy introduced himself confirming that remote learning is currently in place as the school is open for key worker children only. The school has a very healthy role with 137 children and 31 nursery children. The role is at its highest and it is hoped that class numbers, excluding the nursery, currently at 6, may rise to 7.

BM reported that the Parent Council Lottery exceeded expectations with all 300 tickets sold. • Three lucky winners received £250 & £750 will be used by the PTA to support the school. • A Food bank drop off area is being proposed in the school car park. A wheelie bin will be secured so folks can drop off food items, which will be collected and donated to Vineyard Church in for distribution. • Andy Murray described the PTA as supportive, resourceful and a real success, which the school is enormously grateful for. • HIF asked if Council had supported the school well during the pandemic. Andy stated that being part of the Stonehaven cluster, he was satisfied with the support and everyone had to be mindful to support the children and their families.

HIF asked of there was anything that the NKRCC could do to help support the school. Andy • would like to discuss with the school staff and the PTA. • Andy finished off thanking those in attendance for their time.


23 articles have been shared on the website & Facebook this month. • • An email was received from Emma Storey, K&M Committee Officer, to inform us that another Community Council had been audited by the Government Digital Service and was not compliant with Website Accessibility Regulations (access for people with disabilities, or special needs, or enabling access through the use of assistive technology). An audit should be undertaken to determine the accessibility of the NKRCC website, however, this is an expensive process and it is thought that our website would fall into the category of “disproportionate burden”. • The response required to Emma, before Friday 22nd January, is that we do have a website, it is partially compliant and that we would welcome support. Action – GN to prepare


CP stated that there was a huge team in Communications & IT with Aberdeenshire Council, • headed up by Kate Bond. Perhaps a template could be provided for Community Council websites and an offer of on-going support with data (servicing & hosting) as CC’s are volunteer led and may not have the expertise required.


• Drainage problems at the Millbank junction were solved after a visit from IM and the roads team. • CP confirmed that all three Councillors in attendance had a meeting on 19.01 with Bruce Stewart, Area Manager and asked to discuss the grit bins/gritting process and will update. By downloading the My Aberdeenshire App, it is easier to log complaints including road defaults, fly tipping, waste collection and much more. • A MOP visited the recycling centre looking for road salt (as done in previous years) and was informed there was none available for collection and was asked to contact the road department for an update on availability. It is believed that the Badentoy Depot has bulk salt and you are required to bring your own container to fill.

Potholes are still an issue in Banchory Devenick , even though the site was visited by CP • and the Road Team in November, two years have passed with no resolution. CP suggested registering the complaint again on My Aberdeenshire App, encouraging neighbours to do the same and log as a deep hole in the driving line, until it is resolved. • A MOP requested an update on the introduction of a 40mph speed limit at the Old Mill Inn. CP suggested this would be covered at the ward meeting as the Roads Engineer, Ross Anderson, would be present.

Broadband • No update

Due to intermittent signal, Finance was reported before planning.

5 Finance & Lottery • The bank balance remains unchanged at £1428.96. • As per previous minutes, 2 payments, to the value of £390 (Wreaths & Mearns FM), have not yet been paid as a second signatory is required for all cheques. • HIF asked if NKRCC has internet banking and BM confirmed this is used to check balances only. HIF suggested that online banking is set up to make payments, as opposed to raising a cheque, as the Bank of Scotland can send notifications to authorized signatories to confirm transactions. Action – BM to initiate access to online banking to make payments.

6 Planning

Validated December

APP/2020/2492 Formation of Access Road, Cycle Paths and Footpaths, Site To The South Of Mill Upgrade (Widening) of Causey Road and Access Cottage, Junction with Leggart Terrace and Associated Landscaping Banchory Devenick 5 objections submitted from separate addresses (9 in total) including Cults, Beildside and Milltimber CC. Expiry for comment 28/01/21 Statutory determination 13/02/21 See also application for housing development in City:- 201558/DPP Residential development (133 units) with associated Land To South And South-west landscaping and parking and supporting ancillary infrastructure Of Deeside Brae 11 objections submitted from separate addresses (15 in total) Aberdeen including Cults, Beildside and Milltimber CC. Expiry for comment 04/02/21 Statutory determination 17/04/21

APP/2020/2588 Proposed Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse and Old Mill of Monquich, Erection of Decking and Pergola Netherley Expiry for comment 11/01/21 Statutory determination 20/02/21 APP/2020/2618 Demolition of Existing Dwellinghouse and Erection of 3 West Blackbutts Dwellinghouses and Detached Garages Muchals, Development to replace current vacant fire damaged farmhouse and redundant outbuildings Expiry for comment 18/02/21 Statutory determination 11/03/21

Approved/Declined December

APP/2020/2118 Alterations and Extension to Dwelling House 1 Oldman Road, Approved - the application is for a development that is in Kirkton of Maryculter accordance with the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017. The proposal would have no adverse impacts on the character of the original house or affect the amenity of the surrounding properties in accordance with P1 Layout, siting and design and Policy P3 Infill and householder developments within settlements (Including home and work proposals) APP/2020/2318 Erection of Garage Heathview House, Approved - The proposed detached garage is considered Maryculter appropriate in its location, design and materials and would not adversely affect the appearance and character of the dwelling and surrounding area or have a significant and unacceptable detrimental effect on residential amenity due to the rural location and complies with Policy R2 Housing and employment development elsewhere in the countryside and Policy P1 Layout, siting and design of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017. APP/2020/2216 Erection of Marquee and Ancillary Services and Change of Use Elsick House, of Land for Parking (Permanent Retention of APP/2019/0116) Newtonhill Application for 3 year extension through to the end of 2023 2 valid objections submitted referencing excessive noise New Noise Management Plan published Sept 2020. The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 has controls in place that the Police can enact if excessive noise occurs outwith the terms of the management plan when Planning or Environmental Health officers would not be able to act. Approved - The proposed temporary development is of appropriate scale and design, providing an ancillary/extended function to Elsick House, and through compliance with the conditions the proposal can function without impacting on the amenity of nearby dwellings. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Policy R2 Housing and employment development elsewhere in the countryside, P1 Layout siting and design and E2 Landscape of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (2017).

• Aberdeenshire Council Planning Application APP/2020/2492, in conjunction with Aberdeen City Council Planning Application 201558/DPP was discussed. This is a residential development of 133 homes in the city with formation of access roads, cycle paths, footpaths and road widening within the shire. Expiry dates for comments are 28/01/21 & 04/02/21 respectively. Objections have been lodged by both members of the public and Cults, Bieldside & Milltimber Community Council to date. Complaints raised included that that the LDP, which includes the development, has still to be finalised, it must be noted that planning application can be made regardless of the LDP. The meeting registered opposition to the planning application, and this was mainly expressed by a member of the public who represents the Protect Banchory Devenick group." Action RF to formulate a response in draft format to share with the CC’s for approval. • APP/2019/2455, Old Mill Inn: No new action on Aberdeenshire Planning Files, still awaiting information from the applicant.

7 Correspondence and Licensing Applications • HIF will attend the COSS Introduction to Community Asset Transfer Webinar and will offer feedback at the February meeting. • Michael Morgan, Chair of NMCCC, has resigned from the post of Community Council representative for Ward 17 on the Local Community Planning Group. HIF suggests that this

reflects the increasing difficulty that individuals & Community Councils have on being heard.

AE agreed that this was not good for Aberdeenshire Council and it was important that all

voices be heard to create a full balance. AE to offer examples to HIF where plans have worked and how this is possible in a world on community asset transfers. HIF concluded that Maryculter Woods is fantastic and definitely a success story. 8 AOCB

GN reported that dial-in access, by telephone, will now be offered to those wishing to attend • the NKRCC virtual meetings. Action – GN to share info with MD to share on minutes & future agendas. 9 Next Virtual Meeting is on Monday, 15th February, at 7.30pm


Meeting ID: 849 8396 1497 & Passcode: SeaGlen


Dial-in Using A Telephone Call: 0131 460 1196 (Note that this is an Edinburgh number and charges may apply)

Meeting ID: 849 8396 1497 & Passcode: 6625375

The meeting ended at 2100hrs