The Iranian Government has Iranian students will he left they will he deported or not is at ordered all its Embassies and without a visible means of sup- the whim of the Home Office. EXEC Consulates abroad to step up port_ Once again they are liable Home Office policy, as far as their spying operations on to be deported. is known, is to treat every case Coel E. 7 counter-revolutionaries. and ff they are sent home. many on its own merits. Those who not to renew the passports of will face summary execution can show that it they return they A t- 5&N 'so-called' students'. Recently a group of students face persecution "for reasons of In a document from the Ira- studying in France and Ger- race, religion. nationality, nian Ministry of Foreign Affairs many went back to visit their membership of a particular marked -TOP SECRET -- families -- they were executed group or political opinion", will URGENT', foreign delegations before they even left Tehran he allowed to stay. Those who are told to: "supply with the airport. cannot seem likely to he utmost accuracy the names of all The Iranian Consulate in deported. Bahai's and counter- London. somewhat predictably, One thing is certain --- the revolutionaries, especially the denounced the document as a Home Office is going to come so called students, resident in forgery. under great pressure from Stu- the area of your responsibility. "We don't know whether it dent Unions throughout the "Also refuse renewal of their was produced in this country or country to allow Iranian stu- passports and only issue them in Germany -. said a spokesman. dents to stay. with the pass permits-. "It is just another piece of area NUS is pressing This seems to be part of a counter-revolutionary prop- for all Iranians to be allowed to growing campaign by the Kho- aganda". remain in Brilaillkikaticaat two. meini regime to silence opposi- The spokesman claimed that Sears tion from Iranian students they are renewing all Iranian is to table an emergeney motion studying abroad_ If a foreign passports. except for those at the NUS conference, asking national does not have his pass- non-students who are eligible the NUS to publicise and con- port renewed each year by his for National Service. demn the Document from the embassy. he automatically He also denied that Khomeini Iranian Foreign Ministry. becomes an illegal immigrant agents are spying on students, They will also ask NUS to and faces deportation. "Of Milne we spy on prominent write to the Home Office. ask- This week Iranian State counter-revolutionaries like ing it they intend to deport Ira- Radio announced that no more es-president Bakhtiar, but we nians, and they hope to get an money will be allowed out of don't consider students to he NUS committee set up to deal to pay student fees. Ostens- counter-revolutionaries". with the problems of Iranian ibly this is to save foreign cur- Such platitudes are unlikely St udents. Exec stay home rem!, but if this ruling is to inspire confidence in Iranian BY JAMES MATES. enforced many thousands of dissidents in Britain. Whether Red-faced Exec_ Members have The turnout from the University been rummaging around for was a disgrace, but students were excuses to explain their absence hardly set a good example by those In Brief..In Brief..In Brief..In BriE 'rum the crucial lobby of M.P. 41, at in authority. So why weren't they Westminster. there? Here are their excuses -- An NUS brief distributed to all make of them what you will. Following the decision tit last Union President Seamus t eiversities appealed for as many Seamus Gillen and Jim Murtaah Thursdays Poly Union OGM on come out top of the poll in this .'dents as posstbte to attend. "A --- "We had to attend a senate weeks elections for delegates to the Carnegie (see page 2 for full report) large turnout from every University meeting on staff redundancies".• a special General Meeting has been NUS conference on the -7th-/th is vital if we are to persuade the Rob Earn I Welfare Secretary and called, to be held at Beckett Park on December. Government and Parliament of the Leeds Area NI'S chairperson) --- , a time when The week also saw u double Tuesday nt 12.46 strength of feeling against the cuts. "I had to go to a meeting about almost all non Carnegie students triumph for leading F.C.S. member \ lake sure you're there!" Iranian students", He came an tines- are away from the Beckett Park Marcus But on a da when the entire Andy Kershaw (Treasurer, and peeled 2nd place in the NUS elec- attending lectures at the City sites, Exec_ of 13radtord University were delegated to distribute publicity on tions, and then followed it up by The motion states: "This Union in LAindon. our Exec. members the lobby) --- Unavailable for being elected Publicity Secretary. believes all residents of Carnegie went about their normal business in comment as he was at lunch with a should be students affiliated to Car- taking over from the retired Leeds. representative from Brighouse Catherine Ogle. negie School. In all only 26 people felt on the Games This Union resolves to mandate Andy Graham did only half as I_ U. U. coach -- and ten of them Jill Newman tCuliural Affair% the Executive to support the cus- wetl. He was elected External were lecturers Secretary) — "I was too busy". toms and traditions of any school or Affairs Secretary. but only man- Deputy President Jim Murtagh Elaine Goswell (General Secret- department within the Polytechnic aged to get elected as an observer to blamed the appalling turnout on a ary) --- "I had a meeting". that might be to the advantage of the NUS. breakdown of communications and Piers Williamson (Education the students. There were other unexpected a lack of publicity_ Precious hole Secretary 1 --- Unavartahle for Mads Dohm. the Poly Union failures in the NUS election. Jeremy comment. • Seamus Gruel) notice was given to students of the Vice President for communication Mindell, the often critieesed °GM lobby. and the publicity (if one Marcus Killick, Andrew Graham and Recreation commented that speaker. and Gill Newman. the cur- could find any) was nothing it not and Philip Chand all recently "The motion is a waste of time. It rent Cultural Affairs Secretary, Election ineffectual_ elected were no doubt too flushed could have been put to an Ordinary both failed to be elected as dele- No-one in Exec. even seemed by their victories to he able to tear GM. The hit about 'all residents of gates to the Conference_ Results sere who was responsible for the themselves away. Carnegie' is daft. However they can take bean mobilisation of this campaign BY PENNY JACKSON. "A lot of the students in Carnegie from the fact that others did worse, House Secretary.'- are members of other schools". As much worse. Poor I.ynnc Guerney Phillip Chanel' 517 Your Letters to the "resolves" part of the motion could only muster one first prefer- Jeremy Mindell: 267 Mr Dohm said "Exec. already sup- ence vote --- her own maybe? Feature: Soviet Jewry Page 4 ports all the customs and traditions Mary Cassidy, sister of former External Affairs Centre Pages of the schools and departments" Exec. member David Cassidy and Crossword Secretary: - outspoken President of Amnesty 'Bow Wow Wow' Page 2 International came third, with John Helena Coningharn.. 354 Review - Arts Pages Cinema Reviews Erskine in fourth place. Adrew Graham: 432 Rob Earn, Welfare secretary. Aikido Report Arts Pages Chairperson of LANUS, and Me Publicity Secretary -- Page 10 Mains behind the Rent Strike, came a creditable fifth. Saeeda Khnama: 369 A full list of elected delegates Marcus 440 wears on page three.

Page Two 13 Each way crossing (5) , CLUES ACROSS 23 Proclamation takes nothing to L * to 14. Last one breaks endurance (51 What the tea boy does in Israel (7) agree (4) 17 Put acid A compound in both 5 Attempt to follow Monarch 26 Customs offices at the Great side for chemical complex (7) was therefore. .(4) Wall - found on board (7.8) 18 Yonder lies a girl (7) 9 Apprehended in very sinister 27 Stars may vary in size (4) 19 Went red - in diamonds? (7) circumstances (6 3.6) 28 Puts down march before set 20. Opposes one's 10 These bills follow his back position in breaks (7) mightiness (4) CLUES DOWN ■1111 24 RIP no drye eye seen 11. Booium points to early vessel 1. Make common use of a dog I 0 II il 25. Lowest types end out on (5) track (7) 2 Dainty fit for a king - no rye rollt (4) /T 12 Lapse occurring before winter (4) 17.7) 15 Lee side faced this opposition 3 She chose Narcissus at heart Compiled by St John Daly (7) 14) /Faculty of Medicine! 1 16 Observed the pond after 4 They do well in season 17) winter (7) 5 Close press to a fire dog (7) 2 tickets to 6 Leave at the mention of nanny .5 It 17 Tear around - aim to dress (7) 19 Infer Finn is a bit flighty (7) (4) Hyde Park Cinema 11 IIIIII 21 Cut off entrance to ship (4) 7 Did play a tune (7) for 1st correct entry ■■ 22. Went back underground on 8. Go forward with punishment first attempt (5) for deposit (7,7) opened on Monday. J.7_ Is

44 Is Growing Support Poly Union 0GM II ■Apathy doesn't rule. OK! its original form. A demonstration outsider the vi Town Hall last Friday after- Not at least when the agenda Finally, the motion on Carn- noon kisplayed the growing contains so much inflamatinary igie. Principally this concerned support for Kitson student material. The Polytechnic the fact that on the Becket Chun Hee Leong the Malaysian O.G.M. was nothing if not Park site there are a disprop- student who is facing deport- cotraversall. With motions cov- portionately large number of ation. ering all grades of emotional places awarded to students FCS attack NUS (again) Mr. Gholan, Mr Leong's reaction from feminism to Carn- of Carnegie, which results in bad feeling towards Carnegie Right wing Chairman of the tenure, and the University solictor, heard from Leed's igie collective ego, the meeting students Federation of Conservative Stu- Grants Committee abolished. M.P., Merlyn Rees, at the was packed, often rowdy, sometimes unmanageable, but Concerning the banning of dents. Tim Linacre. last week "It is a bloody crazy Home Office had extended the pornographic material from hit out against the NUS. body to be doling out money". deadline by a week to 21st never apathetic. Union buildings; the Union saying that Leeds students he said. "Even Tony Benn November. After a further Preliminaries were quickly get nothing in return for the would not take 5 minutes representation, the deadline dispensed with, before going held that: pornographic/provo- £40,000 it contributes every to close down the U.G.C. has again been extended, on the the meat of the agenda, cative material in any form fosters violence against women. year Mr. Linacre is in league although it is not known for starting with the proposal to At a meeting of the Leeds with ex-students Paul Soden how long. have any society supporting Also, sexist advertising is unn- ecessary and unpleasant and FCS he urged that Leeds in his attempt to end com- An appeal has been lodged the Khomeni regime in Iran should be eradicated especi- continue to press for disaff- pulsory membership of Student in the divisional courts against banned. It was pointed out iliation, although he thought Unions. "Students Unions have the decision of the Immigration that this was unconstitutional. ally from displays in public places. It thus declared it's that the FCS had already no 'sacred cow' position. If tribunal on the grounds that and the wording was amended intention to be non-sexist moderated NUS policy by pres- Students no longer want them. Chun Hee Leong's supported to "investigate'' Even so, in all matters, and ban sexist sure from within. then they will go him not only while he was in members of the YSS and adverts from the union. His talk covered many areas But even Mr Linacre, a Malaysia but also while . they SWRF were concerned at the of Higher Education... he supp- man who's recent history were apart. implication, especially as they In discussing a late minibus for women students, the union orted the abolition of the includes arrested for being It is hoped that he will support Khomeni as being minimum grant and an increase 'drunk and disorderly', is not a he allowed to stay with her anti-Imperialist. A warning recognised the special danger to women at night. But It in parental contributions, as fan of the Education Secret- at least until the appeal has from the floor that the motion well as only giving students acy. been heard A lobby will sought to involve LPU with would cost £197.50 pe'r week a 4% rise. "I don't think Sir Keith be held outside Kitson College affairs beyond its jurisdiction to run even a limited service. He would like to see lect- Joseph has any policies", he at 12.30 today in a weak and uncertain It was resolved to organise urers lose their security of declared By MARILYN HONIGMAN. way did not affect the mood a LANUS campaign for the of the meeting and the motion return of a late night bus was immediately passed. service for the benefit of every- Moving on to a motion to one. And in the meantime ban pornographic and sexist to use present Union trans- material from Union buildings. port to prevent people being and the motion was passed stranded. CADBURY convincingly, despite weak The Hall of residence should speeches for the motion, and a have a fair representation of lot of chauvenist heckling for the academic disciplines and its supporters. not be overrun by one depart- SCHWEPPES A motion called for a late ment, said the °GM_ It was minibus service fell victim to resolved to request Hall commi- the confusion generated by tteees to have "LEEDS POLY- CAREER calls for the Carnegie motion TECHNIC" printed on their to be read, and lost any sweatshirts and not "LEEDS chance of being passed in CARNEGIE" LAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Z a. PRESENTATION -a, =--z- -a-


-..- . • Games = = • Badges, Gifts, etc_ OPPORTUNITIES = =— = . Reduced Books = =--- = • Cheap American Imports for Rorcommended rn Sparierw te8' 511101111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g TECHNICAL/SCIENCE LEEDS GRADUATES PLAYHOUSE Calverley Street. Tel: 442111 book also at University Union Record Shop'

2./..t final weel. FILM THEATRE MUSIC Tuesday 24th November THE OLD ORDER tonoche at 11 ibp S,.1•• •) 74On rn folk w,^"."9 SIR HENRY AT BOYS OF LOUGH •. 491 1M1S WWI/ re., no h. troy, RAWLINSON END tih a.w. Odra* •wo.fiK 11400 (AA). 5.30p.m. Ave, Vp/14./orr Pan OP.,. 1.1 INKKonber 10xii J•nuar• Tennononeat 11 1frp 11OPTET so, ne kloo/ Knd • Show ALL NIGHT SCI-Fl Mociornb, 12 noon FREDDIE Crean.* ton/ If•• thick L•goon LA, GORDON BECK'S SUPERFLEA on 3-D EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY HOUSE 15,1. .Innuay• Dm In...Kt/01r Shnniong Man Al / QUARTET P iAF - p.,, Game elmbanolla IX/ King Kong Ali 11 C,no Few. Outu Spec. rAl DINING ROOM in 3-D Page Three NUS WANT 17% RISE MINIBUS OFFERED £7,500

FOR STUDENTS The University Council has The University is also trying agreed to fund three quarters to limit the use of the of the Women's Minibus minibus to trips between the Service but only for one year. Union building and the wom- and only if abuses are ruled hope for is the Government's norm of income, and drastically increasing en's homes. The National Union of Student, and there is talk of parental contribution', out. Union President Seamus has lodged a claim for ■17 per 4 per cent. "The Government seems poised In The agreement to provide cent rise in student grants to give them not even getting that- Gillen has insisted that negotia- miller great hardship on students students back the real income they Sir Keith Joseph. Secretary of State a lump sum of £7,500 with tions are still open. The pay- for Education, at last weeks Select and their parents. An increase in had in 1978/9 when Mrs Thatcher strings attached was made Committee on Education. did not deny the parental contribution would divide ments are not being backdated to power. came families and make students even more as last Thursday's Finance to last April. and he is keen David Aaronovitch. NUS President, that student grants might hear the dependant on hank overdrafts." Commute meeting. The Comm- claims that in the last three years 'brunt of Department of Education to get this changed. as well as The grant increase was only 7 per "inflation has outstripped the student and Science next year ittee decided on a one- clear guidelines as to what cent last year. despite most college grant by 20 per cent. and nowadays He emphasised that the student hall tees rising by between 15 off payment to be reviewed constitutes legitimate use of the most students live in real poverty"- loans issue is not vei dead_ and and 25 per cent. At Manchester next year rather than a firm minibus. He said that if the value of grants is reported to admire the American Poly. hall fees rose by 4h continues to decline. only the wealthy practice of students working their per cent. commitment to a percentage will he able to go on to college way through college. Many Universities and Colleges have figure. also started charging students for by Christine Jackson it univerioti Mr Aanmovitch says he is: But. Ow size of this claim " ins-m(1011v worried about recent services and amenities they had toes not hide NUS tears that the press reports which tell of abolishing previously provided free. grant is going to take another the £410 minimum award, paid to all harp lull. the most st udents can students regardless of their parent's ELECTION RESULTS FOR NUS DELEGATES THE "PINK PANTHER" yo -g4‘5- 1 STRIKES AGAIN! The following candidates were ELECTED at the following gq-r- 14,E(.1.1"\t/Aci cxAsr- stages: - 1 'i4 Sean Morris. Poly president. SEAMUS GILLEN 1st stage - DELEGATE 1 FFec-fs of MARCUS KILLICK 1st stage - DELEGATE -ft; ri■tyy THE seas seen to be looking tired last week. He came in on JOHN ERSKINE 2nd stage DELEGATE AQN4 -1-Etztl 12eNeiz-ri' ./ Monday to find his office MARY CASSIDY 2nd stage DELEGATE desk and chair had vanished. ROB EARN 11th stage DELEGATE The only clue was a note PAUL EARNSHAW 11th stage - DELEGATE claiming his toy Pink Panther STEPHEN LANE 13th stage - DELEGATE was responsible. MICHAEL KIRSCH 13th stage - DELEGATE Rumour has it that Carnegie JOHN JAMES 15th stage - DELEGATE students who objected to a ADAM LEBOR 19th stage - DELEGATE motion he put at 0GM were JONATHAN GREEN 19th stage - DELEGATE responsible. JEREMY MINDELL 19th stage - OBSERVER The disappearing trick with ANDREW GRAHAM 19th stage - OBSERVER ABDUL AL AJEEL the furniture was mastermind- 19th stage - OBSERVER ed, so it transpires. by a former fiat mate of his, who's allegedly and the following candidates were ELIMINATED at the famous for pranks of this genre. following stages:- The Carnegie contretemps ALISON SOWERY 5th stage was resolved after a full ALISON THORPE 5th stage and frank exchange of iews SHANA WOOLNOUGH 5th stage as to the exact nature ef the PAUL HUBERT 7th stage motion. CAROLINE ARSCOTT 8th stage Sean was not available for GILL NEWMAN 9th stage comment as this newspaper CHRISTOPHER VICKERY 10th stage was going to press - perhaps, EDWARD CROSBY 7 2th stage not surprising he was taking GEOFFREY DUNN 747h stage time out for a breather. NICHOLAS KENWAY 18th stage CHRIS J AMES. YOUTH HELD ON INSTRUCTOR MURDER UNIVERSITIES MAY REINSTATED CHARGE HAVE TO CLOSE Sacked Womens self-defence A youth aged 17 has been Education Secretary Sir Ke- damage". the loss of overseas student instructor Mr. McGee is to be charged with the murder of ith Joseph has indicated this Sir Keith also believes that fees which has cut their income reinstated at least until the end Mrs. Mallita Dheerasinghe - week that Government spend- the cuts could produce a higher by a further 7%. All this at a of this term following last a cleaner at Leeds Girls High ing cuts may well lead to the standard of graduate by giving time when the lagacy of the Monday's Union Council meet- School, Woodhouse Lane. closure of some Universities. better opportunities in certain '60s baby boom is an unpreced- ing. Anthony William Brandsard- He feels this would be pref- areas. ented number of 18 year- Sackey of Gipton. Leeds appea- Mr. McGee was sacked last. erable to allowing random The Education Secretary's olds. red before Leeds magistrates week after allegations that he bankruptcies. extraordinary "doublespeak" Government policy will mean oa Saturday morning. had made sexist remarks dur- Giving evidence to the Com- comes after his flat rejection the loss of some 10,000 He was remanded in custody ing his classes. but at this mons Select Committee on of a plea by the Vice- places for new home students weeks meeting Council memb- until November 23rd. charged Education, he said: Chancellors' Committee for in each of the next two or with Mrs Dheerasinghe's mur- ers could not even remember " We would certainly deplore more time to carry out the three years. der at the school on Monday what the alleged remarks were. random closures, random bank- cuts. The Vice-chancellors wou- The real dilemma for the last week. rupties. resulting from a failure ld like the cuts to be spread universities is that to pay Council voted unanimously Her husband, Dharmasena. of a Uiversity to adjust over 5 years instead of 3. off a lecturer who is made to send Mr. McGee a letter of Springfield Mount is a stud- adequately.._But if it were reducing the need for expens- redundant will cost as much. apologising for the 'over-hasty ' ent at the Institute of Trans- the judgement of the UGC ive redundancies and allowing if not more, than to keep him Way he was dismissed. port Studies. that it would be better them to accomodate present on. for the qualtiy and standards high levels of -18 year- Mr Christopher Price. chair- of Higher Education as a whole olds_ man of the Education Select that some thing other than ln a letter to Sir Keith Committee said: LEEDS POLY. ENTS. random bankrupties must occ- Joseph they say that "cuts If universities do make presents ur, Government would listen of unparalleled severity of such people redundant they are to that advice". speed are certain to do liable to go bankrupt and if His that some Universities untold harm to the quality they do not make people may close seems at odds of both teaching and re- redundant they are also liable DOCTOR FEELGOOD to go bankrupt". FRIDAY 4th DECEMBER with his comments on the search". They point out that probable effects of the cuts; they have not only been The Government hopes to f2.60 "1 should concede that in hit by the 8% budget cut save £250 million from cuts very limited areas indeed ordained by the Public expend- in the education budget and there may he something called iture white paper, but also overseas student grants - CHRISTMAS BALL almost exactly the sum that SATURDAY 12th DECEMBER 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 the vice-chancellors are saving WITH RADIO 1 D.J. they will have to get from the Governnwnt to pay for & THE HEEBEE GEEBEES i. all the required staff redund- LATE BAR * TICKETS f2 pecibeobmzelub ancies. SUPERB BAR : REAL ALES Sir Keith Joseph seems pre- 58 62 Francis St. Leeds 7 pared to see the closure GOOD MUSIC of some universities, and irre- perable damage to others ALL IN THE POLY'S NEW PREMISES d/z e 8taclent3elwice at no saving to the Gover- nment from its present positi- B. BLOCK! on. dot Q o o ci /4/it eat Sir Keith. after 3 years TICKETS FROM: of "giving in" to the national POLY CITY SITE INFORMATION POINT BECKETT PARK -iced industries, would seem Mon to Sat 9 30 -2 00am Sundays 9-30 -Midnight COFFEE BAR LEEDS UNIVERSITY RECORD SHOP to be staking his political cred- ibility on forcing through the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, university cuts. p in 1968 American bombers were aggression: but it is the most a destroying Vietnam and went on to sive that must he chastised finish the job in Cambodia? If we strongly. are democratic. how can Mr Mates Western decisions on MX. Tri- justify Western behaviour in Chile dent, Cruise missile systems a in 1973. in Cuba in 1962. in the frightening; they give such an ow \LEI-It:BS Dominican Republic in 1956? Dova whelming superiority over t Mr Mates believe, just because a USSR (we had it anyway!) that n Russian submarine was incompet. tear war is inevitable. ant enought to get caught in Swed- Cruie missiles are first strike. A Edda,- to the ish territorial waters, that NATO a NATO chief and ha will reply to Leads 5utimt, themselves aren't engaged in simi- the contrary: ask him then how such lar activities elsewhere in the a weapon can he justified to kill 155 WoodhouetLa EDITOR world? Come off it James, that type innocent people, and he will argue, Lo.ecis of arguement is naive and worthy of that they will kill no innocent pet derision. plc. but are aimed at Missile sit All contributions must be received What we must accept is that both Ask him, then, the usefulltiess of a / power blocs would gladly grab at missile aimed at destroying empty, by the Sunday before publication. world domination by their own silos. Unless the Cruise missiles atilt respective political and economic fired first to arrive first, before t systems if they could get away with Russians launch their attack they it. Both are equally culpable. They arc useless. Lets face it James the would fight their wars in Europe if West is preparing fur war. and we'd they could get away with it. but are better do something to stop it. Nall content to fight them in the Third sincerity, your article doesn't con- World for the moment: European vince me at all that I'm on the wrong peace has therefore been achieved path. by exponing war and fighting it by Yours sincerely. Better president proxy. Russian aggression must he SEAMUS GILLEN . condemned. and so must American CND Society.

Come off it Seamus, you know as merit. than premier? well as I do that neither of the two By all means dispute the facts articles were intended to reflect my behind the anti-CND case, but Dear Sir, NATO from the USA: how conve- decision of NATO planners in the opinions. They were intended to out- please note that they are their argu- found the first of James Mates nient to exclude from the NATO list early 711's to switch from tank pro- line the two opposing cases. As you ments. not 'nine, At no stage did ! air articles on CND, the one arguing Buccaneers, Jaguars. and American duction to anti-tank missile produc- no doubt remember 1 discussed the my own views on the subject. for unilateral disarmament, quite F-10. all nuclear bombers. How tion. NATO has I 95.000 of these first article with you (in your capac- Lets face it Seamus, you knew that readable and convincing. However, convenient, yet again (!) of Mr accurate anti-tank missiles installed ity as a member of CND) to make better than most people. because I the second one was a sham. It may Mutes to totally ignore NATO's in Western Europe alone. Not to sure that I gave fair expression to the went to great lengths to explain u to be politically expedient to make 12:1 superiority over the Warsaw mention the fact that even the arguments ofCN 0, Do you deny the you when we Mel. generalisations based on inac- Pact in nuclear artillary. including NATO funded Institute of Strategic other side the right en lyre same treat- JAMES MATES. curacis but for a topic as important the Lance and Honest John missile Studies has accepted that Russian as nuclear disarmament anyone systems. And finally, how conve- tanks are more concerned with who refuses to check up on their nient of Mr Males to imply that all keeping an Iron Grip on E Ger- Dear Editor, why it is that all our meetings have facts and who ignores other embas- the USSR's SS-20's are based in many and Poland etc than on invad- I am writing to you in response to attained a quorum, that at least two sassing arguments in favour of Europe (which they are not) and ing the West. Mr Wright's letter in your last issue have had over 400 people at them unilateralism is doing your reader- that all the USSR's Fencer-fighter But let us turn to Russian Expan- written under the heading "Tory and that there are a record number ship no good whatsoever. and Flogger- D bombers are nuclear sionism I would be the first to con- Saboteurs", which incidentally your of students running for Union and In other words, such a debate hombers (which again they arc nut). d•mn Russia for not knowing what paper spelt wrongly. There are one Polytechnic Committees? This, I should he conducted an the basis of If one therefore makes some new the word democracy means: CND or two points that need clearing up. believe is due to the fact that the what we know and not on the basis calculations, the total is as follows: nationally has. for example. con- 1. Had Mr Wright attended the entire Executive is hard-working of what we would like to think is NATO warheads. 7.000. Warsaw demned the Invasion of Afghanis- hustings he would have heard me and enthusiastic. Furthermore, for actually happening. For example, Pact warheads: 3.250. prose me tan and the installation of SS-20's. questioned constantly as to my poli- once the Executive looks like it is according to Mr Mates, the balance wrong Mr Mates' Yet how can Mr Mutes talk about tics, and he would have heard me actually enjoying the job and 1 am of nuclear forces in Europe is such And so to continue. The Warsaw the Soviet threat and ignore the reply that I resent my politics being sure this is reflected in the interest that NATO has a total of 1109 war- Pact's conventional superiority over behaviour at our own so-called brought into the Student Union being shown in the students. heads and the Warsaw Pact has a the West is a fallacy. They may have democracies? Has he forgotten that affairs. We are all supposedly think- 4. As for being an insiduous capital- total of 3502. How convenient of 25.000 tanks and we may only have whilst Soviet tanks rolled into Hun- ing people, and we all have our ist purveyor of propaganda I can Mr Mates to exclude from the 12.000. hut, leaving aside the fact gary. in 1956, British and French views, mint were quite well known assure Mr Wright I have better NATO fist the 400 warheads to be that the Pentagon has openly said fighter aircraft were bombing Suez? before I was elected. but then as things to do with my time than play found on the Posiden submarines that Russian ranks arc just no match Has he forgotten that at the same now they had nothing to do with the at petty politics and would suggest which are on permanent loan to for NATO, one should refer 141 the lime as Czechoslovakia was invaded Students Union. that he may also have better things 2. As to Mr Wright's comment, to do. The students don't like it and about my acceptance of so-called I don't like it. A &Top, SucH IS THE "Funds" from the Tory Party for my In conclusion let me say this, I Hurl-ALI-Ty P642 cnHructc-1.1 election I can assure him that I have been involved in Students NON A OF Esisessris Rion- would not be so stupid as to accept Unions for Five years now, not SWC rwrw funds from anyone for my election, because of any political reason but (A DAY ti-J -THE LIFE OF ERIC WHIM) STA Reirsis. ••• • • • . - ReNtE TH JumPER let alone from a political party. because I enjoy it . I think Student NI' 7. 'CAPTAIN/ ARact-HY ' or IA) bather read' nu h is 1'3. no 0( ids %or 4- Perhaps if Mr Wright thinks that my Unions are institutions worth campaign was so large and blatant defending and are institutions that IF You missEra PART 2: he should consider the fact that it should be run efficiently and prop- LAST ktEESC's EcIsso0E,THAT s puI e ,,,,, co-rap TO was well-planned, had a large team. erly. that is how Leeds Polytechnic PIT`( -"YOu'VE. EVEN LESS A -flats HE'S NOT iablaita and was well organised. For that Union is being run this year. and I CHA"J

Deaf Ltittor . The stoke Mandeville Appeal ass On behalf of Leeds University has now raised tri,000.000 needed Conservative Association we would to rebuild the Spinal Unit at Stoke like to thank all those students who Mandeville, due to the support of took pan in the Sponsored Walk the general public and the and came to the disco last term in enthusiasm of Jimmy Saville. a id of the Stoke Mandeville Appeal. Thanking everyone who contri, On the 18th October 1981 we pre- buted to the appeal. sented a cheque to Jimmy Saville F1ONA CAREY-WOOD, for £300 at Leeds General Infir- GEOFF DUNN. mary. Page Five Heavy Sexism?

Dear Sir, ihly with respect to the Union which 1 would draw your readers' atten- endorsed it. tion to the posters which have The members of this society appeared throughout the Univer- involved with the publication of it sity during the past week, and which activities cannot have been unaware advertise the Leeds University of the reaction which a poster such Union Heavy Metal Society "Fri- as this would be likely to provoke; day the 13th Over Thy Top Disco", and so their motives for pressing 'To illustrate the advertisement of ahead must remain a mystery. What this event the posters bear the must. however. he clarified is the crudely reproduced pictures of two Union's own stance on matters such young women, both attired and as these; and thus I suggest that the postured to project their physical Union either withdraws its support LUU ELECTIONS allurements to the obvious advan- From this society, or else dissuades it tage. from using such publicity methods 3 seats on Union Council Personally. I find this blatantly in the future: since to do an can only 12 seats on Disciplinary Tribunal sexist advertising offensive in the he to detract from the fight for 7 seats on Disciplinary Tribunal Appeal Committee extreme. and degrading to women. women's emancipation, to which 1 Student Member of Senate The Heavy Meal Society is, by its Leeds University Union must um 2 Student Members of University Council very affiliation to the Union an offi- quivocally commit itself. 1 Student Member of Academic Committee cially recognised body. and is thus Yours faithfully, under an obligation to act resprins- Peter M. Wynne. Nominations are invited for the above elections The successful candidates wilt hold office for the remainder of session 1981 ,'82 NOMINATION FORMS may be obtained from the Porters Office on or after Tuesday 17th November 1981 When returned the nomination for ms should havethe name of Student drop outs the candidate and the signatui es of the proposer and seconder on them BYE-ELECTION OF 7 MEMBERS OF THE UNION CONSTITUTION REVIEW BODY AND 1 FACULTY (ARTS) I am writing concerning one of phis a membership tee, the course is the most exciting pastimes the Uni- it comparahle £35, but trainees MEMBER OF UNION COUNCIL FOR REMAINDER OF versity has to offer, namely para- receive 12-14 hours training at SESSION 1981/82 chuting. Thomby Barracks, while the Uhl At the present time, the Univer- versify club trainees train for 6- 7 Nominations are now invited for the members of the Union Constitution Review Hedy sity has its own sport parachute hours in a lecture theatre. and 1 member of Union Council to represent the faculty of Arts for the remainder of club. 1 and 40 other students at Through Leeds Student I hop I session 1981 82. Leeds University have jumped at can draw the attention of all poien- Nomination forms can be obtained from the Porters' Office on or after Thursday 5th the Bridlington Club, having been litd parachunsts 10 an alternative to November 1981 trained by the 4th Battalion. Para- L. USPC, which offers regular chute Regiment all their barracks at courses and has, 1 believe better a) Candidates must be student ordinary members Pudsey. Para has its own sport para- standards of training. b) Proposers and seconders must be student ordinary members chute club completely civilian I wish LINK: the hest of luck in outliD and uses the facilities the the future. while reminding ahem ONE COMPLETE NOMINATION FORM should be handed personally bv the canididate paratroops use. i.e. benches, beams, that the number of students who to the General Sect etal y, any day before 2 00p rn on Thursday 27th November 1981 mats, suspended harnesses and a have jumped with 4 Para from 3511 'fan' trainer. Leeds University. is rapidly Four copies of the manifesto with photographs attached, and one spare photograph. This sort of training is sadly lack- approaching the numbers in their should be handed by the candidate to the General Secretary. any day before 2.00e rn ing to LUSPC, as is the amount of own club. on Wednesday 25th November. 1981 training given. KEVIN SMITH (Economic His- A separate manifesto of a maximum of 50 words, for publication Leeds Student. This year I am putting many stu- tory in TYPED NOT HANDWRITTEN, should be submitted on the for m provided dents from the University on Jth Battalion (VI. courses run by 4 Pam. The Parachute Regiment. YOTING WILL TAKE PLACE on Monday 30th November and Tuesday lst December While LUSPC's course costs DO 1981 and will be by means of a stamp on the Current Union Card LU.U. 11111 ULU.

NUS CARDS available free in Exec business included:- every lunchtime ■12.00 - 2.00p.m. Delegation from Mandate Monday 23rd November. ■Sulzers (UK Ltd) Please bring a photograph and your union card. ■Nuclear Power ■Minibus Campaign ■Video for Third World & Turkey UNDER T 11 I THE PLIGHT OF THE JEWS In 1968, as a result of the 6 History, Biology and accused of knowing secrets Day War, a new ideologi- Jurisprudence. In the and she was not. cal perception developed academic years 1977/78 By depriving young regarding Jews and their and 1978/79 not a single Jews of an incentive to live role in higher education. A Jew was admitted to the in the U.S.S.R.. the leading Polish Communist Faculty of Mathematics. authorities are adding to theoretician Andrzej The number of Jews thenumbers of those want- Werblan in an article writ- accepted for medical insti- ing to emigrate. But an ten in June 1968 argued tutes has been sharply application for an exit visa that anti-Communist dis- reduced. The Moscow leads to further discrimina- eases were generally Institute of International tion. To want to leave the inherent in Jews. The con- Relations NN hiCh trains dip- U.S.S.R. is not unlawful, centration of people of lomats. jurists and yet an application for an Jewish origin in univer- economists for work exit visa is treated as a sities and institutes created abroad is completely crime! It is reason enough "had political atmos- closed to Jews. to expel a student from col- • from the -Pravda Ukramy - , phere" and he recom- A study was under- lege, to sack a person from "The participating on any aspect of Jewish his- mended the "correction of taken by two mathemati- his job. to disconnect the States will respect human tory or culture, the teach- the irregular ethnic com- cians,B.I. Kanesysky and telephone, to prevent that rights and fundamental ing of Jewish history is for- position" in higher educa- V.A. Sandevov, who person from receiving any freedoms including the bidden and anything tion through discriminat- taught in special Maths mail, to divide families. It right to freedom of remotely connected with ory devices. It was later and Physics in schools in is commonplace for the thought, conscience, relig- Israel of Zionism is consi- discovered that this was the U.S.S.R. One group Soviet authorities to split ion or belief, for all without dered to be an anti-Soviet written on the initiative of consisted of 47 students. families, allowing only one distinction as to race, sex, activity. Hebrew is consi- the Soviet Central Party none of whose parents or member of the family to language or religion". dered an anti-Soviet crime. Committee in Moscow. grandparents were Jewish, emigrate. The family has "Everyone has the right Most synagogues have been From the academic year the other group consisted to face the agonizing deci- to leave his country, includ- closed and the few show- 1968/9 the admission of of 40 students whose par- sion of whether those ing his own, and return to place synagogues that have Jews to Soviet universities ents and grandparents given visas should leave for his country". been left open are strictly for the first time declined were Jews. Of the first the West and be separated The above .xtracts are controlled by the K.G.B. dramatically. group. 40 students were from those who are most taken from the Helsinki Anti-semitism today in Jews are kept out of the admitted to the Mocow dear to them in the hope Final Act on Human the Soviet Union is open best higher educational University. Of the second that one day they too will Rights, to which the Soviet and official. More and institutes according to group, only 6 were be allowed to leave, or Union and Soviet bloc more progressions are join- recent "Samizdat" accepted. Yet students in whether to stay and con- countries are signatories. ing forces with politics and (underground press) dis- both groups attained simi- tinue to live in Soviet Rus- Commenting on the there are no Jews in the closures, by a system lar grades in their final sia. One woman wrote to agreement signed in Hel- army, journalism or litera- worked out, in fine detail school examinations. the Soviet authorities after sinki in 1975, Leonid ture. for lowering the marks of receiving another refusal: Brezhnev said that it was: Jews, which is adminis- "...I am a sick old woman, "... of historical signifi- tered by specially selected REFUSNIKS a mother and I appeal to cance... millions are con- WITHIN examiners who give Jews you with an urgent request scious of the special nature EDUCATION unusually difficult oral for help. It is already ten of this event and its politi- entrance exams. As a A further obstacle is that years since I had last seen cal sweep..." result. Jewish students are it is Soviet policy to expel my son -- and my only There are approximately Higher education in the failed in entrance exami- any student from univer- grand-daughter..." 3 million Jews living in the U.S.S.R. is one of the only nations of the universities sity or institute, who has Application for an exit Soviet Union, making them two doors that leads to a of the main cities and find applied for an exit visa. visa can lead to the K.G.B. the eleventh largest career higher than routine it possible to he admitted There has not been a case constantly following and minorities in the U.S.S.R, technical administration, only to the universities in where an applicant for an harassing the family who are permitted their own clerical or manual. The the outlying cities if they exit visa has been expelled want to emigrate. It can traditions, languages, his- other door is party mem- are fortunate. There are for academic reasons such mean exile, prison and tories and cultures. The bership. However. it is numerous cases of stu- as poor grades. labour camps, as in the Jews in the U.S.S.R. how- increasingly difficult each dents who it appears have While he is a student, case of Anatoly ever, are the only minority year for Jewish students to been failed in their exams the male Soviet citizen is Sharansky, Ida Nude!, Vic- group totally denied enter university. Until as a result of discrimina- exempt from army service tor Bratlovsky and so facilities to perpetuate 1968, the number of Jews tion. Misha Tratuta a 20 which is compulsory for many others. their own heritage: There admitted to Soviet univer- year old student. is a gifted men over 18. Expulsion Thus those Jews who are no text books available sities continued to climb. artist. He applied to an art from higher education apply to emigrate but are school but was informed means the loss of this refused an exit become he had failed the entrance exemption. Thus Jewish "Refusniks". examination after a vig- students who are expelled orous t; interview, The fol- from a university or insti- lowing year he applied tute arc immediately, again to a less prestigious rendered liable to serve. college. He was once more Further conscript is barred notified that he had failed from making an applica- the examination, The tion for permission to emi- Soviet examination proce- grated for a further five dure allows candidates to years. This rule is inflex- appeal against a failure ible and extends to every before 7.111) pm on the day conscript regardless of of the result. Mishit and hether he has been con- one other Jewish candi- nected with a secret loca- date were not given their tion or project. results until 8.00 pm, too The Soviet authorities late tor an appeal. even accused children of Entry to Moscow Uni- having learnt state secrets versity is now virtually from their parents. Boris closed to Jews especially in Kalenarer's older sister technical faculties: phys- was granted an exit % isa in ics. mechanics, maths, 1973. She lived at borne engineering etc. and in with her family, as did her • Ariotoly Sharansk y faculties of Journalism, brother, yet he was • Yosel Bernstein with his wife Fa Page Seven E PrIANINIE IN SOVIET RUSSIA TODAY! At the beginning of the in her diary before her sen- Sharansky wrote to his year Yosef Bernstein a tence: mother in the one letter he refusnik. wrote to his "October 25th. is allowed to write from cousin in England: I leave the house in the prison every 6 months: "...On 10th November morning. After a few "...For a long time my only 1980. after my wife and I minutes I hear steps contact with human beings and a number of other behind my hack. Two men has been with the bird nn refusniks had lodged a pro- stop me and demand that I my window-sill and the test regarding the illegal get into their car - I insects in my cell..." refusal to allow us to emi- refuse.,. I am hit on the Anatoly Sharansky's 70 grate to Israel, our family shoulder and fall. I am year old mother wrote to became the focus of perse- grabbed by my arms and Brezhnev just after her cution and threats. dragged into the road, a son's imprisonment: "But it was the uninhi- car arrives. I am thrown in "... Almost 3 months have bited blackmail to which and we leave... The car passed since the cruel, the officials resorted that stops at militia headquar- unjust and inhuman trial of was the most shocking and ters... I leave the car. I am my son Anatoly... there is agonising aspect of it all in brought into the room and no cessation of humiliation its deliberate cruelty and the door is locked on the inflicted on us. the aged cynicism. Calmly... they inside. One of the men and sick patents. Knowing said that we have a nice puts the key into his poc- full well that his father was young single daughter who ket. I ask them who they seriously ill during that dif- could easily be assaulted are - they refuse to say, but ficult period, in fact, he • by criminals, whom, they merely declare they are suffered a severe heart said, it would be difficult to going to interrogate me... attack - nevertheless, he I ii restrain. They spoke for a They are holding me there was by calculated deceit, long while in a refined until the evening. At night deprived of a visit to see his manner, accusing us of not a car arrives. I am pushed son which had been • This cartoon from "Pravda . shows a shylock type Jr. hinking enough about our into an iron box, locked up authorised by the Supreme c , ■Ilecting -Zromst Gold' . to finance Israeli armament daughter and adding that and being driven some- Court. This may have been by trying to obtain permis- where. My person will he the last opportunity fur a an extract from a recent your friendship. concern sion to emigrate to Israel. searched. I demand to meeting between an ailing letter received from a and support are extremely we were exposing our know of what I am being father and his condemned refusnik living in Kiev: important to us in this dif- daughter to the risk of accused, what have 1 son**. "... This is yy hat "s hap- ficult period in our lives..." being mutilated or raped clone? Why am I being tre- On January 20th 1980. pened to us during the past For further details and it by criminals... in a cool ated like this? They do not Sharanaky's 32nd birth.,. yearand aboif: threatsand von -AXish to write to a manner and with a meas- stand on ceremony. Grab- day, his father died with- humiliation on registering refusnik, please see the ure of shrewdness they bing me by my hands they out having seen his son for and submitting our docu- Soviet Jewry Society appealed to man's most push me into a room and one and a half years. ments for emigration; life notice hoard in the Uni- precious quality - parental start un-dressing me by The present situation for as social outcasts; an illegal versity Uion. feeling, to deter us from force. Dirty hands are Jews in the U.S.S.R. is refusal: the hopelessness attempting to get the touching my breasts, my deteriorating rapidly. On of our future in this coun- illegal refusal regarding whole body, lifting my June Ilth 1981 a refusink try. visas reversed..." skirt and crawling into my wrote: ...Emigration for us is REPORT pants. They find neither "...Today in Leningrad a now a matter of life or This story is not an atom bombs nor revolvers. common event took place. death. If we're refused a BY exception, rather the They do not know them- a Jew was fined for wear- visa we shall be brought to PHILIPA norm. selves what to look for...- ing a vamulka (skullcap) the brink of psychological It is difficult to imagine and for speaking about and material disaster, for a BRAGMAN THEIR that human beings can cre- Shabbat (the Sabbath). refusal would now amount ate such horror but this is What comes next?" to the physical destruction ORDEAL not some adventurous During the past three of our family. novel, nor does this infor- years, the increase of -Friends in the West, Everyone has their own mation record occurrences anti-Jewish attacks in the our situation worsens with ...And we are silent. tragic story and horrific from ten or twenty years press, books and media, each passing day, but We live, we work, we experiences to relate. Ida ago, it records something accusing visa applicants of there's not the slightest enjoy ourselves. Nudel who is serving four that is happening now. being criminals, has incited sign that out petition to We've got our minds on years internal exile in At the moment that you hooliganism and racial emigrate will he answered football, the World Krivosheino, a remote are reading this article. descrimination. Individu- in the near future. Cup, Siberian village for apply- Anatoly Sharansky weigh- als have had their photo- "In our hour of need we then it's tennis, then ing for an exit visa, wrote ing 61/2 stone, going blind, graphs and addresses pub- particularly appreciate the hockey. is being tortured both lished in the local press and concern and interest in our There's always some mentally and physically in shown on nationwide T.V. fate which you show... championship a camp in Siberia because A Jew can now only There's always some boll- he is a Jew who wanted to apply for an writ visa if he ••• da) practice his religion in has been 'invited' to live in And a man is rotting in NUMBER OF freedom in Israel. Israel by a close relative: jail, Before he was sent to mother, father, husband. JEWISH And a man is being Siberia, Sharansky wrote wife or child. Even a EMIGRANTS: hounded to death. to his wife who, after being brother or sister is not con- OCT '79 - 4,500 And a man is not allowed sidered a close enough to the as he wants. married to her husband for OCT '81 - 368 just one day was told she relative. So few Jews are To the? could emigrate and the allowed out of the ••••• The don't let him think! - authorities would defi- U.S.S.R. at the moment Or breathe - nitely give Anatoly his visa that of those who are per- But that is on CV there. a ‘S a.. On the after 6 months. That was 7 mitted to apply to leave. ••••• Far years ago: only a mere handful actu- other side of the world - it hard') "...the cars. the ring of ally manage to get permis- NUMBER OF :Oleos as. 'tails' around us in the sion to do so. REFUSNIKS IN W hat's an the ktim street. the 'watchmen' by programni, the doors and in the lift... 1981 - 400,000 Sri itch on the I this is the picture of our life THE FUTURE? today". ••• b) FELIX ION & daughter Yana On August 30. 1981, To conclude this article Tattoo You? A.B.C. painted on fur a one-night Every great love leaves stand-it has to last', and so its mark' says the slogan he drugs Maddy and begins accompanying the film Tatoo. to make his perManent mark showing next week at the on her. ABC. The tory invokes New When she awakens and York tatoo artist. Karl Kinsky tier reflection in the m' (Bruce Dern) who is asked Maddy is horrified and _ to tattoo several models for a to kill her captor. What seems photo feature in a leading like a six million halfhearted fashion magazine. It is here attempts later, she still hasn't that he meets beautiful blonde succeeded and 1 realised that model. Muddy (Maud Adams) just w hen I thought the action about to begin - it whom he falls in love with to as the point of obsession. wasn't. When work on the magazine Maddy spends the rest. of is finished he is determined the film either drugged or to see her again. but an locked up in a cupboard. evening at his flat turns or trying to kill Karl. and sour when Karl is shocked by Mr. Kinskv (who turns out to Maddv's promiscuous advances be rather kinky! carries on and is offended by her tatooing until he has finished coarse language. for he is a his masterpiece. man of high/ olcl fashioned It is a shame that the moral standards. He sends action is so slow, since both Maddy home but regrets it Maud Adams and Bruce Dern later when he finds that give good performances. But he cannot forgey her. He the director. Bob Brooks. has persistently asks her out and not really exploited the story she. understandably. refuses. to its full potential. There Eventually he is driven to is little suspense and no abducting Muddy and he terror until the end. when takes her off to a secret it eventually comes, is both hideaway. overcome by the predictable and frustrating. desire to bestow on her an since neither Karl nor Maddv indelible mark of love, in seem to be acting according other words. to tattoo pretty to their beliefs, and one is patterns all over her body. left wondering what the point 'Love'. he tells his victim. of the filni realty was. by ROZ HANNA • "You tool All those needles and all your shooting's ink"' it 's not something to he Another Gig bites the Dust' flint •ustituuel anti (...vnerni %% LI, sonic ivcu e n J,d up ad Mil Z. , Saint. pugging. The songs were boun- was not nearly enough conside- cy tunes but barely me- ration for the audience, its Poly. morable. no joke sitting around for two The encore version of "Anot- hours waiting for a band to This concert was dogged by her One bites the Dust" turn up. and the rapport problems. Clint Eastwood and which was in the reggae between the band and the General Saint didn't arrive on charts at No.1 for 12 weeks. audience was non-existant. If stage until 9.45 p.m. This The set lasted nearly an hour groups like this aren't inter- mac not sounJ too had but though I was surprised that ested in their audience why is clearly unsatisfactory when a they didn't play another encore bother to go on tour at all? concert is due to start at with the prolonged applause On a moat positive note, 7.45 and when the support they received. The audience the debut album called Run group. in this case "Night deserved it at the very least is due out in December and Doctor". do not even bother The three members of the if you get the chance, it may to turn up. The sound too. backing band "laity" were well he worth a listen. The was poor, indeed the guitar competent players, but stayed group shows signs of promise. and Bass were barely audible. in the background for the set, and of having something to The audience reacted apath- taking little interest in the pro- offer, but unless they are able etically when 'the band event- ceedings. and stayed virtually to share it with their audience ually managed to arrive on the motionless. Were they playing there isn't much hope for them stage, the game of 'statues'? as regards playing live. Clint Eastwood and General All in all, the evening did JOHN TAYLOR. Saint, alternating on vocals did provide the audience with some managed to inspire some life highly danceable music once it amongst the disheartened ero- got under way', but I must

Warehouse Theatre Group Preview

Fad Cadget aist and cos ering himself LUX. Theatre Group has Whilst a totally different. the introduction of revolutio- 12th November. with shaving foam. the crowd's .t double-hill of modern one-act work, "The Dumb Waiter" nary concepts and devices to betnitsement turned into out- plays in the offing. nevertheless echoes the theme the post-war British, Theatre. I he Warehouse audieoct right laughter. Many people The company will he staging of the unfamiliar, as revealed /buts ever, the status of w as packed with local tans. became actively involved in the "The Durnh Waiter'' by Harold by the prokssiona I relationship '"I he Dumb Waiter" vis-a-vis w Iii' give a cool reception eig, plastering each other with Pinter. together with Eugene of tw o men in a lint- of work the Theatre of the Absurd is tar the support hand -Angels loam, and eventually clamber- lonesco's, "The Bald Prima w Inch is to say the least off- more one of being broadly One Fite"' a renegade punk ing on stage to dance and play Donna- This last play appears beat . sympathetic rather than lying 11(1011. moth Iron, L,1 synthesiser with the band. in place of the originally The former play.. written 30 in its 'Mainstream' as luneco's .1114:v responded more enihu Good fine but maybe the announced "Green Forms" years ago, is a classic of the material does. hi-flit-ally to Fad Gadget's circus- like atmosphere detract- by Alan Bennett, which had "'Theatre of the Absurd". "The Dumb Waiter and yisualls challenging entrance. ed Iront the musical effect. to he abandoned when perform- All of the previously eonvent- "The said Prima Donna" are The read Singer kept the Fad 1.:adget's chirpy synthes- ing rights were withheld. Ional dramatic devices are turn- being performed on Monday audience mesmerised. rapping ised funk wits overlaid with a The action of —the Bald ed on their heads, including 23rd and Tuesday. 2.1th Novem- a ss ralicsised rod on stage. strong rhythm section, and Prima Dania'- takes place in characterisation, plot and time ber. and Thursday 2tith and (Urine into the crmAd. climb- though the ty ries were some suburban lounge. but haying sequence. Friday 27th November, in the ing on to speakers. and. is It at 'pedestrian' the overall said that hole else is certain! Most of all "The Bald Riles Smith Hall of the for his Finale. illustrating the sound w as impeccable. 1he Smiths. an archetypal Prima Donna'' is a master- University. Union at 7-30 p.m. song. - Laity Shave- by pulling Prepared to dispense with English couple are visited by piece of flaw ed dialogue. out of There will be no perform- ont hairs from, his he-ad, under- eooluess. Fad Gadget had the equally ay crag.. Martins. which Middle-Class manners ance on Wednesday orros Last'. CVCrl places successfully involved and enter- andw hat begins as a rureof- and outlook emerge in a ret rrtt et. don "1 mcnti,m (Balls! tained their audience through- t he - nnll soc. ial evening des clops hilarious and ridiculous light. --_the Editor does) out the gig. in thoroughly bizzarre direct- Harold Pinter meanwhile est- After ht stripping to the LUCY O'BRIEN. ablished his work through

Page Nine * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Aits * Arts * Sensual Jungle Rhythms

It11M Nnr, HUN Is 1.114 lo .iu ct 4.m1. t. :is _ht pi I Is II, 1l111141,1 nhcn.it■ sk'll Intnn 511.111 liltN1.11,1101 Nola 1 .11 VII Aracrics:I.N.,1 A111,•1, rmlian ICJ! , 01.11 l ilt l'.11111 Po • 11,1511,1 11151 tom. in till, .1,341 1iirrran 111:ilAntim.ii soul 5-4's 01■Ingil Ili 11 9.11,1l. 111 01.11111.1W lilt otivi 1411111 and 1 1,...,11 Knit 14 cni, W1111 . 11111411' fo, 01,14,611) lit• lt,s1 Ali,111C.11,1 tiati expectations 11, I ,I11.1. 11.1s ,141111111 1r,..11 ,line 1. `III 1.151' 11,01 la ol tilt -4.110m11 M,11511.',1 1114.- St. .1111112.1i: 110, .'1 ■ ,11 111111 .1,- 1 .111,l the . in nes .11 I 11,11 Iiik'si•nt ■.11 st.tcs. I Iti• ativittion iii • 11/ 1 ■ ,1 .1t11 11 I. 111; lighting. a1514.1 `IIII am, .1II 'molt a N.A.:Mc& lilt Littitth tom. and 11c115 ■.. I him, itlaniiii• 1111111s! :Amu Ilia t pin Into - I litLit antiIn,111 111.1 11.11,%4111..1144,1

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441 i 1, 1.711 .1 1,, Or, - this record in your living room and it sounds like an elegant torch song with a sharp hook line, catch it in a night club and the high pitched vocals will shoot through your head like a silver bullet - striking a balance between dance beat and lyrical sensit- ivity unseen since Linx's Britfunk classic, Throw Away the Key. Martin Fry. leading light of A.B.C. and apparant aspiring Ferry man is 'dedicated to the • Annabelle of Bow Wow Wow. Pic: Dave Stacey point of obsession with an aim to craft the perfect pop song' - more Dexyesque pretension, but this single is strong enough if not to defuse the pretence, at least to suggest that they may not be shooting entirely beyond their abilit- ies. 'Fifiris Are N lit Enough has been ringing round my head for a week, perfect it's not but it provides a pro- mise for the future which is lacking from the products of the other pale-faced funkers.

TENPOLE TUDOR `Throwing the Baby Ont With The Bath Water'. [Stiff] Well. those loveable greasers still look like armour plated stiffs with quiffs but-it appears that they have joined in the ABC! current wave of music for Marlboro smokers - countering that it was merely a temporary illiterate out there would be the preference of the other aberration. Perhaps Eddie. Old bound to object if I continued country and western revivers Bob. Dick and Harry will regardless, thus I shall con- for sensitive ballads with a now retire to the Greasy tent myself with reproducing storming ho-down, featuring Hamburger and spend the a section of the lyrics: a typically rabble rousing remainder of their days leering Oh god I want xmas all year chorus; you know the sort silently over mugs of tea round of thing, reminds you of a (some hope). I want a swimming pool but I Don Dare reviews Singles: couple of hundred chocolate bar don't adverts. DEPARTMENT S Want to drown I want a lot of I never thought the spirit 'I Want' Money but I don't want to pay A.B.C. continues with an enclosed of the Rock and Roll Swindle [SW taxes Tears are not enough postcard which displays a album would ever produce Talking of one hit wonder... Unless it's just a penny in the I Neutron Records For Your Pleasure type promo anything resembling a half I'd very much like to re- pound. Strange that the packaging shot on one side and on decent single - I was wrong view this record but as it has (!!!!!!1!) of a band who claim to be the flip details the Story once, in the case of Swords been locked in the Leeds the vanguard of the new pop of A.:B.C. with more than a hint of a Thousand Men, but Student office all weekend Plant ya now, order should be so familiar. It of the Dexy's vision - but for at least the blow is softened I have yet to actually listen Dig ya later. starts with the cover, a blatant soul subsitute pop. by the fact that is seems to it and some po-faced DON DARE stab at the Brian Ferry These elements are evident Lounge lizard/gigolo style and in the grooves as well. Hear AXLEY c ust-ic siozbooks CHRISTMAS BALL ART LOVERS! Visit the THAMES & HUDSON Fr i dcy, la, December 9.00,3,L-3.00.,” EXHIBITION NOW ON AT OUR UNIVERSITY BOOKSHOP, 21 BLENHEIM TERRACE SLOWTWITCHFIBRES COLLECT YOUR FREE COPY OF AUSTICKS fo= BOOK NEWS FROM ANY OF OUR BRANCHES. Now on sale at 1-?1G Ctilff013)(31CDteec HELP A CHILD IN NEED 64 The Neadrow, Buffet 25 Cookridge St T...xET-E1.0 La te 86 SEND UNICEF CHRISTMAS CARDS 21 Blenheim Terrace Page Ten Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Arts * Ar

that he is not like her and he By the end when Mother circus. The film has all the refuses to be like her. and Ernie had set off for home turns of plot of the typical Drama She throws a pathetic and and Shirley had decided to go Werewolf film - the close unconvincing 'I love you' at back to her husband. the Cinema knit and less than welcoming 'Wilfred' him three times but he doesn't impossible happens; Wilfred Yorkshire community with a Northern Studio Theatre hear because he is so busy actually appears as a giant: closely guarded secret; the R.S.H. with the dog, or ranting. Poodle! human touch, as Kessler falls We went into the Riley When eventually she does An American Werewolf in Has reality finally descend.- in love with lonely English Smith on Wednesday to be get through to him, he ed, the pretence of happiness, London nurse Alex Price (Jenny Agu- Odeon accosted with Christmas; upon doesn't understand. with Shirley having been chuck-. ter) and the return of the friend our ears a series of carols; Especially funny. if slightly ed out? from the ranks of the undead and upon our eyes the spectacle grotesque, were the scenes in Or will Hallum he able to to warn Kessler that under of a room all ready for the which Hallum became the dog. behave like an irresponsible the light of the full moon he With the rash of entirely event. To add to this note of animal out on the common' will undergo a grotesque trans- uninspired horror films which Hallum has baggy trousers confusion Shirley becomes in- with no qualms? formation (cue dramatic swoop we've been assailed with in and carpet slippers and there- corporeal in one place. We had Or is Wilfred the final the last few months it is of orchestration). fore looks the slob his words already had Mother making self-assertion of the individual- refreshing to at last discover What makes the film except- betray him to be. valiant attempts to do up the ist? one which is not only intelli- ional however, is the way the His Mother is garishly imaginary buttons of imaginary (I don't know, perhaps you archetypal plot is treated. gent and imaginative enough Middle - Aged in both dress Ernie's imaginary shirt. To- would like to call in and tell There is a strong vein of to maintain interest throughout and character; bright red lip- wards the end we nearly had me about it sometime. rill humour running through the but which also brings an amu- stick, with conversation to Hallum making love to an very confused. Ed.) whole film - the frighteningly sing and disquieting touch of match. imaginary woman! AMANDA TAYLOR. scene reality to the age old subject realistic metamorphosis Shirley looks like a profess- is accompanied by Sam Cooke's of Lyeanthropy. ional working woman, always Blue Moon and after a night smart, she speaks like some- of blood lust Kessler wakes one with an education Y., hich John Landis's An American up in the zoo la dig at is in direct contrast of the broad Werewolf in London is just Altered Statesperhaps?) to face Yorkshire of the other two, CINDEQELLA8 that. Although Landis has had the problem of making his way Hallum's opening words his commercial successes in the across London completely nak- "Wilfred has crapped in the past. with Kentucky Fried ed. It stops short of complete Wardrobe" reveals his main Movie and Animal House, with parody, however, and the effect preoccupation. It rapidly be- this production he is aiming of the humour is to increase comes plain that he thinks of considerably higher, attempt- the effect of the horror. (KfRffLUIS the dog and himself as kindred ing to set the Werewolf Kessler is no cardboard cut- spirits. The lack of communic- Story against the 'ordinary. out, he is a real character ation between he and Shirley Merrion Way, Leeds LS2 8 BT and even humourous events of who reacts to the intrusion can be conveniently blamed every day life.' It's a tall of supernatural forces on his on Wilfred whose total oblivion A superb club now available order, certainly. but the result life in a realistic fashion - to the couple's expectations of is a film that is head and by entertaining doubts as to his him is an obvious metaphor for Free Private Hire shoulders above his previous own sanity. for Hallum's refusal to adopt efforts. Add to this three dimensional Ideal r,:t Students Parties, Birthday Patties, the 'Norm' demanded by soci- Charity Events, etc David Naughton to dead treatment an impressive array ety. Available ringer for Sylvester Stallone) of special effects - the work Shirley is played as a head- every Sunday. Monday and Tuesday , plays the title role - starting of Rick Baker, who created in-the-clouds intellectual thou- Special free Introductory Offer, the film as David Kessler the superb bar-room monsters gh it is only too evident Interested? We think you will be. and innocent, boorish hitch- in Star Wars-and you have a that she has nothing in conm-ki: Ring Sandra 440704 for details. hiker trudging accross the film which w ill have yuu unsure ith them, intellectually. socia- Yorkshire moors with his whether to laugh or grimace lly or in any other way. (Plus free admission to all Students every equally loud and tasteless but which is guraranteed to She continually tries to analyse Monday and Tuesday upon production of friend. and ending it as a entertain, herself and her relationship Students Unron Card) , four legged friend in Piceadily DON W ATSON. w it h ildliullt refusing to accept • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport •Sport •

first team travelled to Deeside Martial Style to play in a triangular fixture k■-1 T11, 111.11 11.11 .111N do,. fp- ith Naughton. .cents lust s in the depths 01 lapattese 11111. iwwatirau tore.,. Good serving by captain legends and history. In contrast to Ithco .1w.riinu It ..t tatone Andrew Craig helped Leeds this. Aikido was founded by Morthei it over and reapplying ii lit this win the first set 15-12. The Ueshiha, suit died a. recently as lgh9, oat, quite slight people were able second set went to Deeside. Thy mosenient he founded to Japan lu ihrou Ian 1,, heft\ 4,„,t-, ent., who had begun to put their ha. spread an noel the world. 1,1 filotr w a, the feeling that 't' 0%11 Chill V 1.,1111trieS in all six .111, rsorked AgUttli.1 Ine- game together and played ,toilmous The 15h Aikido leder• or4:11/1..3 for example certain confidentally to take it 15-10. Minn W.E., t011ildrd ill I4(di, and no,. 1,d/111411C, Ali MOM ;1 swordsman ss Olin! The third set was a great has write nflO s1udr111%. 1..1,1 Sal bc..: ol loth- use hail the battle. Neil Dewsnip scored .11-doo. Oles held their seventh animal ,,t ...,hat gomod and cmpliwed oentunstration In lir,idlord. ill, blade nr•ohwrl‘ But. 1 triwo four in a row on service, Aikido is a no ill-agerc ,11 V' art. who. •.s. it': been months since I us and the blocking of Colin if 1,16,.-.1 iron" many yd the Ado- ▪• ked lilt sword. and the ritual Toal and Guy Scott was impres- mai art, essentiall, non- avet I rs almost all martial sive. The Poly took the set tic and loom/it 11 1' repel it1LM disctpluir• that have cc I ulsed trorn 111 IC6.1111111(11" rather inan ill 0..111,...,1 the .1Aptinc.c:firrhiirry aims 15-12. Deeside were demoraliz- nixthod of llnIning. VtItougli n WO, Id- mitiouull Ole rho, m.erc ed and lost the last set u• ..1110.! evrIcitiv. tI tille• mu ha ■ ..: stalk. iit then application of the 15-5 to the newly promoted need n muscle-hound image. At the art. 1111, ill no was true of the demonstration there were people of masaais. out especially Kanetsuku Poly t cam all ages and sires. few of whom ',rose, who is a fihh din. His generated a sand-kicking image. The 4,:monsitation came al the end. Leeds Poly 3 Houghton 2 demonstration showed Aikidn in all mill in it he 1:unwittingly disarmed its forms. from novice to expert, and and nullified the threat ot lour The Leeds line-up was showed the techniques used in various kickers,ackers , one arined with d ,word, aspects of the art. another %Silk 4. irk. and the remaining changed to bring in new It began and ended w oh .1 iva• Pao each firmly gripping uric hi!‘ setter Nic Kapayioridcs in place ware. the free.torni exercises used 111111, 11 slight figure. he embodied of Neil Dewsnip who had an to warm up and unwind front training. the uneninms ed the Aikido move- excellent first game. Again Thel followed demonstration, with ment, displaying good humour and an sword. knife and ':balk. and Nation% eti%!, relaxed grace. Toal and Anderson scored ,well unarmed trefutiittlet. against different Aikido is tine of Britatii■molt recent and the Poly was leading numbers at opponents and various, Japcnew and tt Jot's 13-4 until they lost momentum weapons and attacks. 11(11 11.1k: Ilse Tong established Itudititlit ,...11(13c% of or the and lost the set 15-17. The Perhaps the mod impressive part al 01 ludo tor in jilicu. disaster for the the display was mit the almost ;,r1(1. rinrITZJ enforced 111.1.4111111.1 of K at- next set was a static displays, but rather the classes m e and Kling Fit. the crsit.. Poly. with Haughton taking the v.r were shown_ in which the :huh. ‘t. hit It totok part in I'll: &Mot-para. set 15-4. It seemed the Poly ■ Imams wades of Aikido eould hr i W! showed death .1.n Aikido has would lose 3.0. However, the .n. F. , • I. I. , 50. tr tollonring. lighting qualities of the Poly now pull out all stops in their with no-one in the side Ladies' game of the season. side were unleashed, and with remaining matches to win howling particualrly well except The ladies finally won 3-1 brilliant blocking and smash- t he group winners' trophy. Peter Gaffikin with a solid with some superb bowling from ing. they took the set 15.2. Ten Pins The Poly 'A' team lost 488 series, Karen Prior 463 and Nikki The fourth set saw a Poly 3.! after kvirming the first However the Poly Ladies Bruce 482. side full of confidence. winning Leeds Polytechnic 2 game, as did the 'C' team team once again gave a fine 15-8. with Dewsnip scoring Un ►ersov 8 who, despite an excellent performance. After losing their well. The deciding fifth set was periorman•e front Graham Fire first game by only seven Volleyball an anticlimax, with Anderson. On Sunday in the' N_I'.. Lone ith a 531 series includ- pins they regained their com- enabling the Poly to win 3 sets of the -1 ett-pin Bowling Leeds 3 Deeside League, ing a 210 game. couldn't posure winning the second with to 2, the Poly lost to the University in rnatt..11 the combined scores an excellent 774 game. which After a very useful training a tense, low-scoring match a the opposition. the 'B' will take sonic heating for the game against the University 11,, is P 2 oint., 10 Thcs must cam were well- beaten 4-0 on Friday. the Poly men's t. prite of the country's best Page Eleven Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Spo Reserves ensure victor

Fred Kelly Cup Quarter Final dearly shaken by the Hambro Life Leeds University Reserves 6 - Ham- fight back. bro life 3 The second period was predict- Leeds University Reserves ably toughter and more urgently reached their first semi-final of the fought than the first. Leeds were season by beating Hambro Life 6-3 awarded a penalty after 55 minutes, at the Osmanthorpe YMCA but Aspinal's kick was well-saved Ground. by the keeper diving to his left. Emphatic as this scorclinc may Within minutes the Reserves paid seem, this was no one-sided contest, fully for this miss, when weak the 'Insurancemen' only folding in defence allowed the Hambro attack the last ten minutes. Despite inces- to work a fine equaliser on the hour. sant Leeds pressure it took them At 3-3 and encouraged by the home fifteen minutes to score the opener. support. Hambro Life now looked A right-wing corner was only half- favourites to clinch the tie. cleared and captain Foster drove Against the run of play. Leeds the ball home from eight yards. re-established a lead when Fanning Within ten minutes the Reserves broke away on the right. rut inside scored two mote goals through and sent a well-flighted shot past Fanning to ease themselves into a the keeper, This goal, giving Fan- 3-0 lead. The first was a delicate ning his hat-trick, knocked most of backheader and the second full the fight out of Hambro Life. Leeds reward for chasing an overhit increased their lead when Keogh throughhall which the keeper fum- scored his first goal for the club. bled at the big centre-forward's with a low 15-yard drive to com- feet. However instead of ending the plete a five-man movement in Hambro Life resistence this Leeds which Caldwell. and Foster were burst only served to spur them on. prominent. Fanning rounded off an Leeds keeper. McQuaid. twice afternoon of razor-sharp finishing saved well before pushing a cross- when he scored his fourth. and the shot into the path of an oncoming Reserves sixth goal after 80 opponent. Two minutes later Ham- minutes. Win a few, lose a few bra cut the deficit to one goal when Winning this tie. Leeds Univer- Leeds 4th XI 0 - Bradford I (16 people and a dog) saw Leeds Lyall an attempted clearance by Leeds sity Reserves now meet Rock Inn in The 4th XI had the misfortune of cruise to a comfortable victory over defence was hooked hack into the the penultimate round of the Fred having to play this match on a vast a lack-lustre Hull outfit. goal by the opposition right hack. Kelly Cup in early December. shale (all weather) pitch. with the In a scrappy first-half, Leeds kicks to Thus Leeds went off leading 3-2 but Steve Quilty. result that the normal flowing style failed to test Hull's portly custo- of the forwards was somewhat dian, Tommy Lawrence. and Large hampered. However. Gilson played was honked. However, from the a solid game in goal. and helped in start of the second half, Rigby and victory keeping the Bradford score as low Conning took the midfield in hand as it was. Much of the game was and began to release Kenny Wilson Ionians 6 - Leeds University 16 spent in the centre. where Gaskell down the right. It was only a matter After a morale-boosting victory and Coudon restricted the play of of time before Leeds opened their against Bradford University, Leeds the Bradford forwards.yesar ably. .A. acAPXkutgs. be brVdahrotlitb , elaim,ed their. fact .scalp over a dub. _Am lot of 'unsubtr —pray .6e Brad- coming wnen a misjudged back- side last Saturday. ford defence meant that the Leeds pass allowed Wilson to slip the ball Despite a slow start during which forward had to work very hard - to to Large who finished with clinical they were rather fortunate not to go particular Woodrow and Bansal - precision, sending the crowd into behind. the University soon began and came close to scoring several raptures. to pose some problems for the home times. The umpiring of this game Following this setback. the vis- defence and in their first excursion contributed quite considerably to itors' attack collapsed under an into the opposition's half. fly-half the needless harsh 'tackles' and one avalanche of Leeds' pressure. With Andy Lyall kicked a magnificent can only hope that when meeting ten minutes to go. Conning penalty goal to make the score 3-0. more ruthless opposition that the swooped onto a fine Wilson centre Leeds scored the first try of the Umpires will take a firmer control and sent a bullet-like header into match when a handling movement of the game. the bottom corner of the net. Law- by the backs saw winger Dave Brun- Andy Homer. ton followed this by sliding home a ten squeeze over at the corner to put Leeds University 1st XI 3 - Hull 0 low cross from Wilson to make the the score at 7-0. Then just before On a crisp afternoon, Weet- final score 3-0. half-time a superb drive by the Ledger balances score wood's biggest crowd of the season Brian Granville. Leeds pack took the ball to the Ionian's line and when the ball was On Wednesday llth November, punishing hockey and scored 3 fed out to the backs there was centre the 1st XI played the Polytechnic, goals. As the game progressed. Cross Country Ian Gibbins to finish off the move watched by the national coach Leeds were more able to counter Meanwood Park was once again the and go over for his sixth try of the TREVOR CLARKE. After a the Sheffield attack due to resolute venue for the Cross Country race on season. With Lyall's conversion hotly-contested and entertaining defensive work from MIKE Saturday. Though the turnout was a putting the score at 13-0. Leeds game in which the University were BLACKBURN and TOBY MUL- little disappointing, there was some were in a formidable position at the awarded 2 penalty strokes, the first LINS. and began to put together strong opposition for the Leeds interval. which GEOFF LEDGER neatly some useful moves of their own teams. In the second half Ionians fought converted and the second which he which resulted in a near miss fro Axon was our best runner of the back strongly and it was during this pushed extremely wide, the final NEIL MARGERISON. after fine day, though despite leading in the period that centre Howard Batey result was a 1-1 draw. work down the left by IAN MILLS. early stages, he dropped back to fin- defended heroically by tackling The 2nd X1 put up a fine perfor- ish an eventual fifth, with Dodds every ball thrown at him. Mention On Saturday the university had 4 mance to heat Bradford 2-1. both running well to come just behind must also be given to deutante full- sides in action. The first team goals being scored by MARTIN him. Staunch running from Taylor back Puig whose tackling was played Sheffield at home while the LAMBDON, (14th), Jennings (21st), Brown superb throughout. 2nd, 3rd and 4th met Bradford. Yet again. the 3rd XI won. 3-2; (32nd) and Tupper (45th) helped Ionians scored the finest try of the The first XI found it hard to come the goals being scored by JOHN the "A" team into 3rd place, allow- match when they managed to run to terms with a well-organised Shef- WOODMAN (3). A. JONEE t 1) ing that several of our strongest the ball from their own line and field side who, during 20 minutes of and JIM COULTHURST (1). runners were absent. score at the other end. However, intense pressure, put together some The 4th XI lost 1-0 to Bradford. Our second team proved their fly-half Lyall produced yet another consistency this season by notching magnificent goal to put the game up another win, thanks to some beyond Ionians' reach. The Leeds strong running, Hodges (48th), pack, whose tackling was somewhat Leeds hole out Brown (50th), ex-captain weak throughout managed to suck to their task fairly well and work- Leeds University 4t5 - Bradford victory belonged to Steve Fuller by McGregor (53rd). A special mention should be manlike performances were given University 1% 6 and 4. The remaining matches given to Graham White, who by Eley. Burke and Ian Taylor. however were much closer affairs. allowed the event to be a success. Following a 4-2 home defeat Philip Hemsted was engaged in a against Sheffield three weeks ago see-saw battle with his old rival tries. showing a surprising turn of and an encouraging 3-3 draw at Mark Windebank with honours speed. The Leeds' serum-half Nottingham a fortnight ago, Leeds ending even. Meanwhile, in a spi- Sheffield outclassed weaved his way through most of the University returned to form with a rited display, John Cheetham. won opposition to score twice, and sec- 41/2-11/2 victory against Bradford at three of the last four holes to finish Leeds University 66 - Sheffield Poly. in 14 tries and conceded only 1. ond row Rick Pearce scored, two Northcliffe Golf Club last Wednes- all square. 3 Superior speed. fitness and organ- long range tries. day. After this fine team performance The Leeds team produced a isation was shown with the ball The pack deserve a special men- The Leeds middle order asserted Leeds require one victory from memorable display of attacking being sent quickly along the line and non for producing a sterling per- their superiority in the opening their two remaining league fixtures rugby at Sheffield; despite only hav- the most being made of every formance, tackling hard and provid- holes, taking a decisive advantage in to qualify for the knockout of the ing 11 men and being greatly out- opportunity. ing the perfect support for the three matches. The most emphatic U.A.U. Championship. weighed by the opposition, they ran Dave Myers led the way with five hacks. ▪

7E- Clubs and Societies - Use Dateline to -=--=

-g advertise your events. Bri ng details to University Union Office or Poly Executive office by 1.00p.m. on Wednesdays - It's free.

I'HOTOSOC and refer. hall, 10.00 - 4.30 And INDIAN ASSOC. 1 LIU photosoc - judging of slide talk Lg10 6.1)0. Dinah celebration, Fri comp plus slide show. Wed 25th. LUU EVENTS 7.30-11.30, refer. 7.30 pm, Lecture Theatre B. Mech. A packet of three incredible bands: BOXING Eng. Late entries may be brought to The Discount Chiefs (single out Join the new LUU Boxing Club for start of meeting, subject to restric- now!). The Rhythm Bandits and peak fitness, anyone welcome. 50p tion. The Three Johns. featuring John only, first session - Nov 15th. PACKHORSE Geilgud Langford of the Nelsons. Cromer 'Ten. gymn 6-8 pm. Cinema Theatre Nov 24th, Debbie and the G men. plus Seething Wells and disco. ACTION 30p. 8.30, Bar ext.. Tartan Bar, Fri 201h, 8 pm. Action recruiting. Mon 23rd NETWORK FOUR Be there, or he square! 12-2.00. Presidents' reception HYDE PARK PLAYHOUSE Tues. 1.30 Magazine. Also On AMNESTY INT. room. Still looking for a project. Fri and Sat. Mahogany and Platy it The Old Order, by Stephen Bull. Campus with BBC Radio Leeds. Meeting - Tues 24th, 5.00 OSA Then come and see us? Again, Sam 7,110 Until Nov 28th. 7.30 (eke! Tues. Thurs 1.10 pm News. Lounge. Many thanks to all who TEXTILE SOC. ' Late Show Fri, I I pm. Leeds Stu- 8,00) BEGGARS helped with Sat's flag day - be Annual Ball at the Dragonara dent All Night charity rag film LUU THEATRE GROUP The Adelphi, Leeds Bridge. able to tell you how much we got. !keel, This is the last day for tickets show. £2.50. Tickets from rag office Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter, and Nov 22nd Les Barker and Mrs Ack- ENG SOC. at this price - £6,80 rums, £7.50 or on door. The Bald Primadonna, by Eugene royd. at its best. Film - Coma, Mon 23rd. Mech. others, lunchtime, in the man made Late Show Sat. 11 pm. Woods- lonescu, ANTI-APARTHIED Eng. Lecture Theatre. 7.30. Mems. fibres bldg. tock... the one to crown them ull, so u.30, pert. 23-24. 26-27, 60p mem- Nov 24th, The African National 40p, others fitip LABOUR CLUB come curly. bers, 90p others. Riley Smith Hall. Congress (South Africa) school: an IRAN SOLIDARITY CITE. Wed 25th. 1 pm meeting. Cmttee Sunday and week oust Wedl. Last Night, all standing - 50p. alternative to apartheid gutter edu- Meeting. Mon 23rd. 1-2 pm, Cite rm B. McVicar and Midnight Express. YORKSHIRE TOURING COM- cation. A photo exhib. Union ext Rm A. All welcome. Sun • 6.00, Week - 6.20. MUNITY THEATRE COMPANY Wed. Special. 2.30 and 6.40. Jane Their new show - Palace Tales - Eyre. plus Wuthering Heights. music. magic, dance, songs. stories. puppets. TOWER Wed 25th. Lipman Bldg. 8.00. I at Sun and week. The Full House. and door. bar. My Bloody Valentine (no times available) LOUNGE Mel Brooks' History of the World Pr I . this week and next. Discos COTTAGE ROAD Until Sat. Stripes cont. Icp 7.20 RUB CLUB Fri. Late Show. 10.45, Caligula. Friday, dance. dance. 7.30. Doubles PLAZA bar. poss. late bar. 40p and 60p Sun and week. Mondo Erotica, and shimmy. Confessions of a Prostitute. HEAVY METAL DISCO Sun - 3.55. 6.55. Week -, Sat 21st. 8 pm, 'Tartan Bar. 7.25. Judy's benefit bop. Members 30p tellers 50p No fringes. quilts. or Eli(' I I:cedsciteis. please 131:17mEt Saddk., and I he LPLL NAILING CLt B DISCO Holy Grail. Brunswick Terrace. Fri 201h, 8.30 Sun and week - Life of Brian plus prn. 60p, Late Bar. Airplane. LPU HOLLIN HALL DISCO ABC 2 Beckett Park, Late Bal. Fri 20th, Fri. Sat - The Shogun Assassin. 9.30 pm. Adm 50p. Sun and week - The Burnine. ABC 3 Frt. Sat - Dead tint! Buried. Sim and week - Blazing Saddles and the Holy Grail. Misc.

ODEON 1 This week and next, The French ELL ENTS Lieutenant'. W,Iman 'Wed ' 5111 Noy I my lick cis ... 7", sue - .!ii, s OR. 7 .so xV•ek - 2 30. rim WARE11011 SE 5 211, sees, Slim 23rd - Funkapolitan ODEON 2 Theis 26th - 11111 Nelson, Richard Lo, sat, inter y hl diner. lobsiin. Oast: Claridge Sielday and week. Enter the Netta . RAG ODEON 3 Rae Vitg selling trip to Manchester. I ft. k;;11. tidtc,. I oN c S:11 21st. I eases Parkinson steps Sun and m.e.s.k. Isr:uuer y Kr.inter 9 45 am. Sign in Rag office • "I have designs on you"

Shortie. you douhle-crossing fink. lsmailis. please contact A InCor at Gialiam Alabaster and Gillian A keen ( Iltehe(ache castrates can- the tatty thine has abducted Alt Room D8 Mary Morris Residence_ Wray have decided to legalise their nelloni eimiemplating Counat 5- fornication by getting married Bump. thests Classified Congrat elation, **** **** **** How arc the spare tyres James" The Walls at Great Tess have been Who is that salacious insalubrious **** breached thanks to the tactical skills Four arailahle places for ski-ing sophistleated sock-strewn stodge Did Short Dick sleep well Wednes- Stompers holiday in Switzerland this Christ- of the major. soaked stonking, good stronk'411 day? **** stompers mas Phone 7811063 ask flit Mark **** titi,mjieis /slobile Disco **** Greenpeace seen recruiting at quar- Tel Leeds n2113s5 Ions Went to Malta. Bunter, Bunter. Where's your Dad? ter to seven Save Chris. join **** **** Yaroop!Contaci U Simmunds Law Greenpeace. Newcastle Brown and Supertramp, Dept. **** **** \ PING: Essays. theses, disserta- Rebecca'' Rudy, Rod, Ricketts. George and **** Does Crystal Tips get at thrill from tions etc quickly and accuratetv Joe would like to know' where Her- Alister's Union Jack. typed by experienced academic typ- If sex were free man's gone. ist. Reasonable rates. And women blind. **** **** For details ring. Mrs K Leeds Nigel would take them ices , which Sully gives good blow Come home Snotty, we still love 6.71s5k, Personal From behind. jobs - metals, you D5H, **** **** **** **** Annette - Snotty has strong nails Rich Hertford - was (us haircut Is Chris stylistically ideosyncratie. 1 spetlition to Orinoco Riser. Per- too, ask Trevor. worth it" **** Pin Salt' 'stoma l oily,: 1 .1110 sons interested in forming meaning- **** **** Is James really the Michelin Man? ()Outs. 107-1 %t()1 and t.o,ed tea relationships vital local wildlife. The monster !rant the deep thanks Its amazing what peanuts can do for **** I.510 ono Marty new nails Tan, sec Charles Shoebridge t Flog Hand- Piglet and the Pink Pussycat for ask- a singing voice' Girls, are you in Drysdale- hUl reliabic 1 rl 44 4:49 ask lot ler) ing him to he rrodo, **** Anderson's top sixty? Chris. Murry hurts only -me **** **** Publicity's Good though eh Rick" **** remanent: Wendy ts a leech - and blood is not Is James going to make the Michelin Emma. please cook us bread-hoard Alan Roberts five men three days. *** ihe ,lily thing shy sucks Calendar this year' stew again Mike Darby. **** **** LEEDS *** P,"1,1cril by Malsuir on Noss Patter. Building bock Road Lytham St Anna* Lamm Tel Lyth.ln, /30126 Pubbthstd by lsosdis Sludwol 155 Wnorthoutto Lana loody1.52 3E0 MI 10532. 39071 UNIVERSITY RegisbaolO wish his Post ()them as a new•pager ARCHIVES