1906. Congressional Reoord-Sena.Te.·

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1906. Congressional Reoord-Sena.Te.· 1906. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENA.TE. · 327 Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Paul E. Ayer-to ARLINGTON (VA.) NATIONAL CEMETERY. the Committee on Pensions. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ By 1\Ir. LILLEY: Papers to accompany bills for relief of tion from the Secretary of War, recommending that section 4S'i5 Laura 1\1. -Keyes and Silas E. Buckland-to the Committee on of the Revised Statutes be amended so as to provide a comperr­ Invalid Pen ions. sation of $100 per month, with fuel and quarters, for the Su­ By 1\lr. LINDSAY: Petition of colored citizens of Boston, perintendent of the Arlington (Va.) National Cemetery; which Mass., against the President's order discharging Companies B, was referred to the Committee on Military Affalrs, and or­ C, and D of tbe Twenty-fifth Infantry, United States Army­ dered to be printed. to. the Committee on Military Affairs. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANIC A.RIS. By 1\Ir. LOUDENSLAGER: Petition of Thorofare Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, against free distribution of seeds-to The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ the Committee on Agriculture. tion from the Secretary of the- Interior, transmitting, pursuant By Mr. 1\lAHON: Petition of Lewisburg Council, No. 926, to law, a report of the disbursements for the fiscal year ending .Junior Order United Americ..'lil Mechanics, favoring restriction June 30, 1907, made in the States and Territories under the of immigration (S. 4403)-to the Committee on Immigration provisions of an act to apply a portion of the proceeds of tJJe and Naturalization. public lands to the more complete endowment and support of By l\Ir. PATTERSON: Petition of E. Wetzmann & Co., schools for the benefit of the agricultural and mechanic arts, against legislation in the copyright law against mechanical in­ etc.; which was referred to the Committee on Territories, and strument music-to the Committee on Patents. ordered to be printed. By Mr. RAINEY: Petition of A. W. 1.\lcGeachin and 44 EXPERIMENTS WITH CHOLERA ·VIRUS IN THE PHILIPPINES. others, for a service pension-to the Committee on Invalid fen­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ sions. tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a By Mr. RHODES: Paper to accompany bill for relief of resolution of the Senate of the 12th instant, facts pertaining· to Lewis Rockwell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. experiments with cholera virus alleged to have be(m made at AI o, paper to accompany bill for relief of 'Villiam H. Piice­ Manila upon prisoners by Surg. Richard P. Strong, United to the Committee on ·Military Affairs. States Army, etc.; wfiich was referred to the Committee on the By Mr. PADGETT: Papers to accompany bills for relief of Philippines,. and ordered to be printed. Hugh H. Brown, James S. Beard, and James ,V. Stanley-to MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of the Veteran.>s Association of A message from the House of Rep-resentatives, by :Mr. W. J. the First Reginlent Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Spanish­ BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed American war, for reestablishment ·of the ~ nteen in the Army­ a concurrent resolution providing that when the two Houses to the Committee on Military Affairs. adjourn on Thursday, December 20, 1906, they stand adjourned Also, petition of the Business Men's Association of New until Thursday, January 3., 1907; in whi-ch it requested the. con­ IIaven, Conn., for forest reservations in the White and South­ currence of the Senate. ern Ap.p:ilacbia.n mountains-to the Committee on Agriculture. HOLIDAY RECESS. By 1\fr. SHERMAN : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Mr. HALE. I ask the Chair to lay bef.)re the Senate the reso­ .James Swan~to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. lution just received from the House of Representatives. By Mr. TALBor.rT: Petitions of Fairmount Council, No. 63; The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the concur­ Franklin Council, No. 150; Relief Council, No. 36; New Wind­ re-nt resolution of the House of Representatives; which was sor Council, No. 44; Guiding Star Council, No. 9; Independence read, as f~llows : Council, No. 98; Mechanicsville Council, No. 78; Alesia Hall Rcsoh:ed by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), Coundl ; Multiply Council, No. 4; Mount Royal Council, No. That when th-e two Houses adjourn on '.rhursday, December 20, th-ey 61, and Mason and Dixon Line Council, No. 141, Junior Order stand adjourned until 12 o'clock meridian, January 3-, 1907. United American Mechanics, favoring resbiction ·of immigra­ l\f.r. HALE. I ask that the resolution of the House be sent tion (S. 4403)-to the Committee on Immigration and Natu­ to tb.e Committee on Appropriations. ralization. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The concurrent resolution will be By 1\Ir. ·WACHTER: Petition of American Council, No. 60; referred to the Committee on Appr6priations. Wabash Council, No. 73; Riverside Council, No. 105; Ells­ PETITIONS AND ME:MORU..LS. worth Council, No. 158, and Baltimore Council, No. 1,. Junior Mr. KEAN presented the memorial of Frank C. Storck, of Red Order United American Mechanics; Liberty Council, No. 6, Bank, N. J., and the memorial of D. Wolff & Co., of Newark, Daughters of Liberty, of Baltimore, 1\Id. ; Eutaw Coun-cil, No. N. J., remonstrating against the adoption of a certain amend-· · 77, and Friendship Council, No. 7, Junior Order United American ment to the copyright bill relating to musical instruments; which Mechanics; Defender Council, No. 6, Daughters of_ America, of were referred to the Committee on Patents. Baltimore, 1\fd. ; Monumental Council, No. 13, Daughters of He also presented a memorial of Thorofare Grange, No~ 59, Liberty, of Baltimore, Md.~ and 1\Iaryland Council, No. 2, Junior Patrons of Husbandry, of Thorofare, N . .J., and a memorial of Order United American Mechanics, favoring restriction of immi­ Upper Township Grange, No. 139, Patrons of Husbandry, of grution (S. 4403)-to the Oommittee on Immigration and Nat­ Tuctmho:e, N. J., remonstrating against any further appropria­ uralization. tion being made for the free distribution of seeds and plants ; Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of :M. H. Plunkett-to which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Naval Affairs. Forestry. By Mr. WOODYARD: Petition of citizens of the Fourth Con­ Mr. PLATT presented the petition of F. C. Colton, of New gressional district of West Virginia, for an appropriation to im­ York City, N. Y., praying for an investigation into the existing prove the Little Kanawha River-to the Committee on Rivers conditions in the Kongo Free State; which was referred to the and Harbors. Committee on Foreign Relations. By Mr. ZENOR: Paper to accompany bill for relief of John D. He also presented a petition of the New York branch of the Myers-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · National League of Com.niission Merchants of the United States, praying that reciprocal trade relations with Germany be estab­ lished, especially relative to the fruit industry; which was re­ SENATE. ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. THUI1SDAY, Decembe-r 13, 1906. He also presented a memorial of the board of managers of the New York Produce Exchange, of New York City, N. Y., re­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD E. HALE. monstrating against the enactment of legislation providing for 'lhe Secretary proceeded to read the .Journal of yesterday's the free distribution of seeds; which was referred to the Com­ proceedings, when, on request of Mr. KEAN, and by unanimous mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. consent, the further reading was dispensed with. · He also presented memorials of sundry citiz-ens of New York IIIGIIWAYS IN CHICKASAW AND CHOCTAW NATIONS. City and Brooklyn, N. Y., remonstrating against the enactment The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a Qommunicu­ of legislation requiring certain places of business in the District tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of a of Columbia to be closed on Sunday; which were referred to the memorial of the legislature of the Chickasaw Nation, approved Committee on tlie District of Columbia. by the governor of that nation September 20, 1906, relative to 1\fr. BRANDEGEE presented a petition of the First Regiment, the establishment of public highways or roads in the Chickasaw Spanish War Veterans, of New Britain, Conn., praying for the and Choctaw nations; which, with the accompanying papers, reestablishment of the Army canteen; which was referred to was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and -ordered the Committee. on Military-Affairs. to be printed. Mr. MARTIN presented a petition of the Chamber of Com- 328 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD--SENATE. DECEMBER 13, merce. Board of Trade, and the Business l\Ien's Association of the Senate, as in Committ~e of tbe Wh"ole, proceeded to ·its Norfolk, Va., praying for the enactment of legislation providing consideration. for an increase in the salaries of post-office clerks; which was The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, or­ r.eferrcd to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. dered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, l\Ir. CULLOl\1 presented a petition of the Banker's Club Of and passed. Chicago, Ill., praying for the enactment of legislation providing ADJOURNMENT TO M:OND_AY. for a bank-note currency to meet the requirements Of the busi­ l\Ir. HALE. I move that when the Senate adjourns to-day ness of the country ; which was referred to the Committee on it be -to meet on l\londay next.
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