

CAR TURNS OVER NEAR OATBS •TILL IN BUSINB88 Dl'RLEY ASSOCIA-nON MEMBERS HARLEV AMBUitOV KILLED ELECTRIC POWER INUDBTRY BlttLE KNTKitTAlNH Mrs. r.sDk Btslr surfered We have been In fall charge of TO RBCEn-B INTEREST CHEC^ There was a vecy regreUble af- Mr. WilUam Green, Preeldent of tractur* ot lhr««ribs Fridar night, The Scorcher eince the death ot The ladies of the Bible Clara oT ' Checks tor approximately 1800.- tbe American Federation of Labor. I-' - when the c«r in which she wst husband and father several weeks 000 for interest on the amounU de­ when William Carpenter shot a the Christian Church entcrtainM a« In a recent address before some of int silpped ovet the bank ago; we have worked hard to give ducted from their tobacco craps fatally wounded Harley Amburgy. their guests Mrs. Haggan. mother the most Important executives ot Charier Hone ’s residence at Gates. to the public the some clean, up-to- pay for the receiving plant property Several days ago Carpenter claim ­ Prof. Haggan, who Is leaving to> tbe country, made the following Mrs. Blair had been to Ashland |ind date local newspaper that was given morrojr for Covington, and Mta» of the Burley Tobacco Growers' Co ­ ed he waj beaten and robbed statement: was returning home with her during his life time. We will-con ­ operative AuoctatioD are being mail ­ Amburgy. which wae the cause BRIe King, teacher of the claaa< to • "There Is do industry la America when the accident occurred. The tinue to do that We make mis­ ed this week. Secretary and Treas ­ tbe killing. Amburgy was sitting alx o'clock dinner at the home of which occupies a more strategic po ­ other oocapants of the car were, takes In our work and perhaps there urer B. P. Anderson, of the asBOcia- In front of the Daniels and Havens Mrs. Addle Surratt Bveryt^ilng tbe sition than the electric power Indus- Murrel Blair. Oval Robinson. Ver­ will be many, but just remember, tion. announced Saturday. meat market when Carpenter eai appetite craves was there In abuB' Wlth all the advancement It non Dillon. Perrr Compton and readers, there are very few who are In casea In which, the participa ­ around the corner tn a car and U Is dance as well as a cordial weieome. has made there la still a ^reai and ThAnkUn balr. above mlitakes. aod when ertUdsm tion certificates of the growers have claimed he upon eecing Amburgy Following .dinner games were play ­ ever broadening opportunity In the Ther were not Injured except it offered we will take It good nat- been assigned to banks and these as ­ ed and the rest ot the evening filUA beeaiffe enraged and began shooting homee. In tbe factories and In trans ­ hadlr shaken up. Mrs. Blair nredly. but the mao or woman who signments are unsatisfied, and there —five shots uking effect In­ with music and heart to heart eon- portation systems In all countries ' brought to the Nlekells' ellnle and put out over the county the report 8 or liens on stomach. Amburgy was rushed verration. Those present were as - further extension and use. ' Taler removed to her home. She Is that we are going out of business record against' the growers, these tbe Nlciell Clinic where It t follows: Miss Effle King, Mrs. When we consider tbe t: {lettlnc along nlcetr. la very much mistaken and Is hardly checks, payable to the growers, are found that be was beyond medical Haggan. Miss Olivia Adams, Mn. C Ibis Industry bps made worthy ot our ndtlee. We srill say being mailed to the bank holding tbe aid aod be died five hours later Comlngo. Mrs. Laura Clayton. Mn. EARIiV'ltDmON they »re void of all human sympa- inutisfled aaslgnmenta. In the reeent years this Thos- Trumbo, Mra. Callte Oalvert, The unfortunate yonng man was It sUrtUng statement but The Scorcher will reach rou a day y ifi" hurt a woman and cWI- Mr Anderson said that checks are about 21 years old and is a so Mrs. Mary Care). Mrs. Clara RoMn- when tbe history of the men In this earlier this week. We are doing dren financially. We are not ask ­ being sent to the growers only Bon. Mrs. Maud Adams, Mrs. Chaa. ing charity from acybody. We are Industry Is studied and tbe oppor- this to accomodate the political ad- those accounts which are shown by >WD. and are among the Walts, Mrs Addle Surratt. Mrr. only asking that we be'given the lunlttee etlll before it are consider ­ rertJsera. We have done quite a the records to be free of asslgn- beat citizens of the county. He has John Calyert. Mra. Frank Havens. opportunity of making a living (or ed there 18 no question but what bit of advertlalDR for most of the menta. attachments, mortgages or young wife and one child. Hla wife Mra. Anna Bell Uyere. Mra. Cell* ourselves snd children who are de­ velopment Is still local candidates fof which we landlord or other liens. In cases In Is the daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Hudgens, and little Mira TImIow pendent on us. We are honeet ahead and It Is Impossible for any- to thaak them. We are sorry they which there are more than one as- William Gayheart. who live on the Gllkerson. niece of Ml* enough to say that It we did not give to predict tbe Umll of public can't all be elected, so slinimrat. either the bank or an tn- Midland Trail, near Morehead. The class colon of pink' and S the public a real live.. up-to-date dlrldnal. the checks will he held Mi-vice that can be rendered by the take your defeat good naiuredly and Yonng Carpenter Is a married being carried out lo the decorating, weekly newspaper, we would pending final decision of the Ken­ various light and power organisa ­ remember The Scorcher at no tl an about 30 years old. He U the made the dining room a palace ot ask for. their patronage. Just give tucky court of appeals. tions In America. Has taken any part either for you a or the late Leander Csirpenter beauty Nut said! When do we eat us the same chance yon would Freedom from health destroying againT —Contributed. dtalnst yon. with the exception of ROND •A.OOO who was well known to a number .n in the same t^usloees. We ap ­ labor la the factories and homes In Jndge Young ’s race and we still be­ of our older cltlxeos here. This Is preciate the support that has been L. James, who was chargM^ country has been partially made CARD OF THANKS lieve every voter In Rowan ^utny indeed a sad affair end one that the given us and hope thi people wtll with jilltlng Rbseoe McMillan, possible by electric power and mo ­ We. the children of the late Alex ehould stand by Judge Tonng. entire town and county regrets but continue to stand by us. waived examination and his bond tors but there is even greater op ­ Patton, wish to thank the many r.u stood for the interests of his these things happen in all counties was fixed at 13.000 which be readily portunity before tbe Industry than friends for kindness and sympathy district at all times and sapedally snd so long as time is It will NEW FRINfTFAli cave and returned to his homo. has been accomplished In ihe past. showiT us at the time ot his death has he been Interested In our get ­ ways happen. Prof. A. H. McGuire, of Creslvlew, The feeling of the great masses . and burial. We shall ever remember ting good roads. He has stood by rROPH I.ATE Young Amburgy's mother i Oldham county, will come to More- of people Is best evidenced by their them. We are also thankful for the our Normal School and to look at Several farmers were In town hearing of her son being shot had those beauUful buildings you cannot head this year as principal of the ipprovsl of the growth and expan ­ beautiful floral ofteringa. Monday from different paru of the heart atuek aod for s^e time it help but admire his loyalty Consolidated School. Prof. Mc­ sion of these power companies wlt- Mra. Blrchle Caudill. Mn. Era county and reported crops were very was thought she could n^ survive. home people. Guire comes highly recommended neaaed by their opposition to tbe Markwell. Charles. Robert. Joe* late but were looking well. If the We extend sympathy to the bereav ­ having served as principal of the political demagogues who. In order eph Wilburn and Eugene Pat- fall froets would Just stsy away long ed wife and parenu as well as tbe BMITR-MfGIXISHAN high school at Burdine. Letcher have aoqiething to rave about, county, as well as Crestvlew. Prof. enough for them to mature. numerous other relatives of tbe Friends here have received have decided that there is a menace McGuire Is a brother of Porf, S. H young man. Funeral and burial TRAIN ES TO BLAIR'S MILIR nouncemenu of the marriage of Miss ANNOUNCEMENT In these large eompantee The peo ­ McGuire, one of the tacu|^v of the took place at tbe Caudill cemetery The psasei)ge.r train on the H. ft Oeorglana Smith, of Rich Revival to be held at the Farmers ple have responded by selling their M. S. N. Tuesday at 2 o'clock N. Fork R R. is now running as far Mr. John H. McOloasan. of Ashland Christian church, begtnolng August municipal plants to these com ­ as Blair ’s Mills. The first tralh Mrs. McGlossan Is a teacher Jn the


■ t It I. CIUDILL Candidate For Pemocratic Nomination. For

CiRCUlT JUDGE ^ 21st Judicial District Composed of Counties of Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan ■li.: Primary au g u st ett Now go to tbe poib tomorrow, Saturday, Angazt 6th, and cast your vole for me wftb tbe fnfl aunrance that 1 wiD make yoa aa boned and iqaigbt ofidat-^nd wiB give eadi and everyora a “Sqoai* Dear-I thaift

Vote FW Caudal and Get A “Square ” Deal T

PAOS TWO THE MOUNTAIN 8COBCHEB lAr.-AUOUST 6. l»tt w»r aw) balnc plannad In the terri- AUTO OIL ANIMlAg BMOOBPEP torr, the Lnxlaston Herald reports. FITg Ojr STEmUNG WHEEL LocnUon oI a rectory meklns work To simplify keeping a record peats end .shirts in the quantity of gasoline and oil pnr- in the Dls Sendr Veliey U propoewi ebaaed for Use automobile and by the Bly-Welker Dry Goods Co., of datec wben new suppUea were St. Louis. PrestOQSburg Is o utned, a disk atucbed to tbe steer­ poinu betuf conelderod. ssys ing wheel, la easlljr used and al ­ m the BIc Ssody News, of Louisa. ready for reference, aaya^ Popular RACELAND|4 .IBOUT KENTUCKY few months to about 200, knows that tbe best ^uaUty b good ty Gazette- Mayavllte. Ky. WORTH K.NtlWTMi mouth Outlook reports for his customers. . Merehead, Ky. Daily reeevpts of milk at the Pet Two folders recently Iwtued by The Henderson Creamery Co. has Milk Condensery in Mayfield have That quality merebaniUSe the Hopkinsville CbambiT of Com ­ been incorporated with a paid in passed the 50.000 pound mark. Re­ tasting I merce hare conciseness of informa ­ capital of 926.000. Modem machin ­ That quaUty i presentatives of the CarnaUon Milk severe indigestion In the lltUe ones. tion and attraetlTenesi) of appear, ery has been ordered ter a building Products Co. vtsited Maysvllle last en and Inereaaa Oaidrcm. which Is now being .^odeled and boalneta. Something has been eaten that car ­ anew almost In (ho superlative de­ week for tbe purpose of reviewing Not otfering anything very new the Henderson GleaW says the That advarUaing has been proven ried tbe Infecdoa. or has bean swal ­ gree One of them deaerlbes Hop ­ survey recently In Mason and ad ­ to my reeders. 1 feel that a review plant will commence operations by the best means of obtalaihg lowed In an li le form. Salt ­ joining coontles to determine avail ­ itebllsbed methods In tbe man- kinsville as "The Hub of tbe High ­ Sept. 1. steady sale of ed peanuts. ImperfeeUy. mastlented, able supply for a milk condensery in agement of ehlldfch dUeasee of ways." and contains 15 numbered Farm mmcblnory is to be given that territory. That the bnlldlng of a buslnees la followwl by two or three le»«ream Items of Interest and value about the summer-time, arlll not be out of special display atehe eolls and crops, by SepLI for an endleM chain of doing one thing cone* —maybe a turn of unrips cUy. All of the well-known meeting to be held Augoat 9 and 4, Mercer county Is In prospect if plans after another to make It a great place or untimely. VomlUng. diarr ­ fralt. and the trouble Is on. dustries are cited and It is revealed at tbe Agrienltoral Experiment SU- of Interested farmm materialise, center of lerviee. hoea. or , both, usually sMompany that a building now under consCrur- Bear la mind—Just two prepoal- tiondParm In I>*xlngton . Since la ­ tbe Rarrodsbnrg HOrald Soma merchants think that pay ­ Bona confront us: Pint, to soothe tlcn will house a factory for school bor represents 60 per cent of the Newspapers In tbe strawberry ing for advertising la Just ponrlng desks, church furniture and store —to quiet the violent Irritation; tbe exhibit growing ^strietk' print money down a ratbole. This class second, to remove tbe offending snh- fttiures That the city has one of is encourage .gseeter use of the financial retnms from of merchant has much to team. He atenee: and. the quicker these thlngi the largWil floral eeUblUhmenta In of machinery in farming. this year's crop. The gross sum bad better start learning and do It Dreaded Achee, the stale, has the most powerful done effeetually, the sooner will Columns of the H sterling of 9660,OOIMras received In the Mc­ If be doesn't be soon won't broadcasung station In Kentucky we have tbe youngster to rigbta. Advocate are being used Cracken Aonty district, divided have any business to worry about. and possess.* 60 miles of paved and To give a vomiting child a dooe business houses of the city to up­ among 2.030 growers. Shipments PAINS larvla streets are among things to HIGHWAY LOG MIDLAND TRaiT. of castor-oil and get him to hold build the community under touted 361 ars. Members of the be learned from the folder The Log Town. It down. 1s a good practlee. hot I slogan. "Buy. Build. Believe In Ht. Franklin Strawberry Growers. Amo- Disappeared other bit of literature tells "Just a 0.0—W. Ya. LUe. have never been Able to perform the Sterling. elation shipped 222 an and receiv­ ■My baalth had horn Few Farts About Christian county." l-O—Catletteburg. miracle. To redden tbe chlld'a body It IS an unusually busy sei____ ed a toul of 9811.000. The Logan tor mm yean, beftxe 1 In three brief pages there is a mine 6.S—Ashland. with turpentine applied over the for Pendleton county bees, accord- county growers received about |50.- Oardni.' nye Mn. of Information regarding the adven- 22.2—Kilgore. stomach, la a good preliminary pro ­ : to the Falmouth Outlook. With 000- Warren county receipts are not Uge« of the enuntr for slock rais ­ 33.1—Grayson. • ceeding; a mixture of paragorte and exeeptlonai white tlo vei' crop^and listedjil this time but It is halleved ing, dairying and diversified fann- 49.6^Uve Hill, ••milk of Bismuth" should bezant arcompanylng Industry on the part they will help bring the Sute total iBg 99.9— Morehead. In every home where xbUdren Krei of the bees, the newspaper says Btrawberry shlpmenU to consider ­ ^n^lnltegthejoyt. 77.9 — Farmers. equal parte. t}ie proportion; t^ The Simpson rnunly fUcal court many carloads of hooey will be ably over 91,000.000 In value. has derided to employ a County 92.4—Salt Lick. doee ten to thirty drops every tifop* shipped from the county this fall. Hickman businai houses, organls- Agent, says the Franklin Favorite. 93.1- ty minutes Ull quiet. Only a feW Another heavy-producing oil well under the name of the Hickman doses may be neeeuary. J Improvements In the plant of the 197.4—Mt. SterUng. has been brought in by the Rig fn- Merchanu CooperaUve Association, along, BometiiBes ___ l-evy Pants Co. at Falmouth, are 123.6—Winchester. to leave my bed, bat _ Then, the Ueteleee preparaUons 6f )un Oil Co., In Owsley county, sear the dairying Industry under way and the present force of 142.8 — Lexington. taands of a growing family castor-oU are convenient; give a the famous gusher of last Novsm- In Fulton county by giving away a had to be ettESStoJlo^ 40 operatives will be Increased in a 150.3— Ft. Spring. large dote, one that will be sure to ber Extensive drillings are under pure blojdftlo^ JerseyJ« cow each week. would gat np, do what wae 168.4 — Versamea. do good. The anodyne mixture men­ I amR(itlve brochure of Ftank- lie down again, 166.9— Jett. tioned above, may be given as need­ fort has been Issued by tbe Indua- 171.4 — Frankfort ed to control griping, or other ex- trlal Bureau of (be Chamber of Com ­ 177.0 — Bridgeport lor nevexal mcaths. aD dtetlon of the intestinal nerves. Vig ­ merce. ’ The information was 180.7 —Oraefenabnrg. orous and prompt treatment may piled by Willard R. Jlllson, State 184.6 — Peytona. or Tlelta by tbV doctor, not Geologist, and U descripUve both of 187.2 — Clay Vlllaga. snffering ------poasibiy Ufe! the city's varied attractions and Its 198.7 — Sbelbyvllle. There are not many modem methods opportunlUee for capital seeking !n- 101.1— simpsonviBa. here, superior to the old. "CoUe" la veetmenL Labor, transportation and 308.7 — Eastwood. often preUmlnaiy - ICE general condldona. It la pointed out. 313.7 — Mld^etewa. which may be aborted by prompt

b Safe and Snre. make Frankfort partlenlarly attrao- 319.3— St Mathewa. tlve as a dte for a varied line of la- 836.3 — Lonlsville. ■f.»a5 DRINK MOREHEAD POP by the aothor. , 847.1 —West Point nntU tbe little aatferer la It’s Good For Yon. ■ OOEMBneS FOB MEN? SBi.g-r-TiiTTop. Atlantic City.—Men are going In 8T8.7 —Brandenburg. SCARDUi Lough charitably at your coupe .- 808.7 —Hnrdlnaborg. heavily for coemetiea accoMll^ to Helps Women Itor ’s advertlalug. Bemembei. the 886.8 —HawecvlUo. reports submitted to the thirty-third majority mnri belong to tho 168.8 —Owenaboro. to Health Morehead Ice and Bottling Co. of the AmwHefin modlocrity. I of Toilet Artlelee. 888.8 — BeedieraoB. Some of them are nslng brows 411.8 — Margaanald. fece ponder. The exenae, or aUhl, 448.9— MartoB. offered by the —ohah .... {, 470.7 — Smithlaud. the ugera desire to give the appear ­ 489.8— Padooah. ance of a coat of ten. And what la more, they Uke their PBOyBSglOKAL COZY THEATRE powdera scented and are going, In for highly pertttiMd toltet waters with very "flOMy" i ' OR. E. L. EZOKSLL EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT SATTJRDAT-WOHLD AT EEB FEET. Tbe bualoeee has taken eneb a leap during the last year that the oCka adjotnhig Dr. — SATDBDAY—DRUMS OF DESERT. Forth? of a free leetore or an No. 16 sndRadios. tenr orchestra la really not good NO. 88 enongh for a program of opma atari No. 81. * aa total tacMM ■UEob donafa. _ raiDAT, AUOUST 6, 1117 THB MOUNTAIN I

•oakwJ with w»t«r,. to tpllt rock 8POILKD POODR IN RUMMER Tbe expftniioD of the drt«d lub- COST HOUSBWIFB BIG RUM ■UDce in the wood Muted tbi ■tone U the ordinarily economical bo to brook. WE WANT wife will study the spoilage foods during the treacherous wet New wood can be treated to give she will be able i It an aged appearance with a mix­ feet kitche conomles that will be FOR SALE ture of a solution of hypdrogen J surprisiog. Farm and Fireside peroxide and hydrochloric add. four points out in giving s lUi of methods I have for sale the foirowini- valuable property: You to Tiait oor ston whan in parts of the former to one of Iba by which spoiling often can be pre­ acid. Tbe liquid U painted on, al ­ vented Flour Mill known as the Morchead Milling Co., lo- need of Life’s Beal Keceuities. lowed to dry. and the anUque color- Counting sMcea of Ram wasted he- iog develops quickly. The acid may nse of mold will give some idea eated near the C. £ O. Railroad on Mill street. 4f it is to Eat or Wear, We afterward be neutralised with am ­ of how kitchen losses can run into monia —Popular .Mechanics .Maga- Imporiam figures and (he coodltJoD Have It.. Our prices are lower slae. preventihd easily by covering Store Budding on East Main street now occu- end of the ham with a cloth pied by Baumstark Bros. consideiing the Quality of mer­ ANYHOW PROGRESS wrung from vinegar . Hot fat pour ­ chandise we sell.. We appre ­ Reboots ■ ------CosM ed over the out will also keep the ciate yonr trade. It is pleasant to learn that tins meat fresh. Also a racant lot adjoining this building 50 bv oatJoD spends more on public The vinegar soaked cloth Is a val 120 feet. schools thSB on any other govem- uable weapon against other spoil ­ fuDctlon —Doi escepUng age Bs well. When fresh meat it coat of keeping ready for war. Our brought from the butcher’s it should public schools cost two thousand be wrapped In a cloth Ireated with million dollars a year, about vinegar and placed on plales in the J. S. REYNOLDS fourth the loUl amount spent for coolest to be found The cloth public purposes. can be kepi moist by allowing one Two billions a year seems a great Clearfield Supply Co. end to lie In a saucer of vinegar deal, but it la not much really. Pub­ Left-over meat can be saved In the Coming , MOKE t’AliK Farts crop and made some money deopita The Old Beliable Clearfield, E7. | lic education, on which the future same way. but should be reheated The "saturation point In the cheap price of corn on the BAr- depends, absolutely costs less than beforl serving to destroy the flavor mobiles seems as far off as kel. But when it was safely crib­ Ui.U.^koariaBM6 M twenty dollars per capiu. And. by of the vinegar If additional heal ­ For the first six mooibs of 1937 bed his hODOre began cosUng Aim tbe way. it costs less than half the ing will make the meat over-done General Motors sold 840 4B1 cars money spent on cigareUes. It can be wrapped In a molsl cloth against 630.190 In 192t; aqd 39S. "I got a silver cup or ao for Mn. SCIB.'SOK NOTB8 and cruahed. bricka of different That last Is an encouraging fact. just before setting it in the oven. 360 In 1925, An Increase of 74.000 Marshall to keep dUpled off." he Wbat Is reported to be tbe deep- gradee used and praaaures ranging It proves that wbeo the people want The vinegar cloth Is also effective cars per month In n said, "a few pieces of farm machin ­ ait spot Id the ocean yet recorded from 2.000 to 6.000 pouods to tbe a thing they gel it. somehow or oih- when wrapped about cheese, as it ery from firms seeking to adrertise was measured recently by sallora square Inob applied. Just DOW, they want tbe best will keep it freab and moUt The big motor boom and fight their products, numerous invltatloas tbe erulaer ••Emden”'en route from dgarette. Some day they will de­ Another suggestloit^er the house ­ are expected in tbe Autumn, when pay my own etpeosce to meetings tbe Dutch EastSt Indies to Japan. The cide that they want the best possi' wife who has no cold storage facil ­ tell how I raised my big crop and High-powered alrpiaoe-propeller Henry Ford's new car will make its Miwdlnc was■ 34.416 feet,feel, or colae ble public edueaUon. Then they ities .is to pound into .fresh meat a small trip here and there with ex­ bisdes made from , ordinary canvas bow Ford is quoted to the effect to S.OM feet deeper than the pre- will spend ten billloDB and more a the proper amount of aei es. but on my own time." pressed Into a Mlve product that the country can easily absorb to 3.660 feet deeper thon tbe pre- year for it Instead of two billion. when It is received. Losses from Of meUlIle strength are to be used two miilloo new cars every year, ■rtoua "deepest spot" off tbe coast spoiled bread in summer are also far ••PICK-l'ROm’"' PANTS POCK. the navy department's training since, ai the present rate ^of car of Japan. TABS ON CARBON PAPER greater than usually believed sod ETH PUT IN UPSIDE DOB M planea The new material is like­ ownership, that would mean every there are a number of methods that Among the recent suggealioni for* wise uste for tbe'manufacture of SHEETS RlMPlAFr RKMcfvAL car would have to last six years can be effecUvely used la saving It. styles in men's clothing is a change instrumenU to utilise more effec- pulleys. Because of Us water-re ­ Taking abeets of carbon paper ilr Ford knows that 2.000.000 new Freshly, baked loaves should be put In the pocket to foil tbleres. aaya Ueely the beallna power of music sisting and molature-proof nature, from between tbe leaves of copy cars a year Is a ridiculously low ck - upon a wire tray or other device that Popular Mecbanlcs Magaxlne. U bare been dlalcned by a concert parts manufactured of tbU mate ­ stock U made easier by the addlUoo (Imaie Will Rogers describes a permits the circulation of air all folds Into the trousers and tbe open- pianist and a acientlBc InTesUgator. rial bare been accepted.as suodard of tabs at the lower right hand cor ­ poor family as a family "having on- aroundi them, and waxed paper Is at the bottom Instead of at With their apparatus, the long or equipment by tbe United Slates ner of the carbon and a cut-away wrapped Is an additloiral safeguard ne car ” And that is not exai;- .op BO that It would be extreme­ audla wave are Impoeed on rays that army and navy. portlon at tbe opposite corner, says geratioD Bread b^xet should be washed once ly difficult for a thief to pick It, penetrate the body. rosulUog Id Popular Mechanics Hagastne. These a week and set In the sunshine for very active Individual Including » which are aaid ) be of changes make it simple tn pull the THE FIRK EATER DUbes In which geUUn desserts an hour. bigger children In prosperous fam ­ great benefit In relleviog nervoua- duplicating sheets out ^ter the .Many a hot-blooded chap hna cold have been served, may be found Occasionally a loaf will become ilies. needs hla own car. and the , depression and other ils. work has been typed, save blurs and feet —Farm and Fireside." broken if they are left standing for moldy despite the best of,care. The four-car family will soon be numer- also prolong tbe life of the carbon without washing. The outer portions can be cut off and the us, Two cars to a family should WptUng brickwork tor a period by keeping It straight and uncrumi>- ressoh ^Lbat when the geltUn loaf reheated to freshen It Dread e the average To say that four after laying, doei not add to lu dries, Igf eseru a force strong that has become dry can be uUill- illllon cars, trucks, etc , can easily atrength. aecordlop to tests by the enough to pull tbe dishes apart or Some writers c If moistened, wrapped r absorbed In this rouiHr; every bureau of staodardi. For more chip it, in some instances. Egyp- rluslon In Ihe bag and reheated In a moderate yesr Is pulling It mildly, assuming, than six months, walls were built Uklfs alnillariy used wooden wedges. books. course, thi.l Intelligent udverila- ; 1» done In valuable newspapers INDOOR MOVIES I c UI« Editor on county, and Dorothy Hinton, age Jesse Moore, from Saturday until spent Friday night with Mr*. James Blue Grass Fair 17. Rowan county. Monday. Eidrldge. aneMd M wroaiKlMa B«U«rW July 4—Brine Brown, age 27. of and Mrs. Isaac Caudill were Mrs. James Stinson was the guest - ito ptMtofflce At MorthAAd. Kj. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY iCarler county, and Hadallne Wells, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Kannle of Mr. and Ura. L. B. .Stinson Sun day. • P0BBCRIPTION....tl.8D PER YEAR age 14. Lewis county. Sorrell, of Farmers. Sunday. July 5—Joseph A. Williams, age Mr. Augustus Curtla. Mias Goldie We arc aorry to report the death Angatt 22-27, Inchisive of the little child of Ur. and Mrs. PrtdA7. 5fm 4 &. 1«ST 33. Rowan county, and Phoebe Hlx. Hobart CurUs. MIm Martha J. Smith, age 19. Carter couoty Markwell and Mtas Eva Curtis, of Ora Parriah which passed away Mon ­ July 9- Jesse Oamblll. nge 37. of day night. ANNOUNCEMENTS this place, motored to New Hope to iDvitation Is Extended All To Visit Lexington Rowan county, and Bessie Perry, age We Are autborlied to Aonounee church Sunday. We call your aitenilon to tbe ad- During This Week. .15. Rowan county. 9 jBdge AlUe W. Young, ot More- Levi and Melvin Eidrldge took n vertlaemenl of Mr. Ray Perry which July 11 J C Smith a*e 21. teAd, AA A CA&dldAte {or the Demo- load of lumber to Salt Lick Satur ­ appears In other columns of tbe Harlan county, and Marthn WTI- Unsurpassed Floral Hall with Women ’s Work «ntlc nomination for State Senator day. Scorcher this week. Mr. Perry has llama. age 21. Morgan . county. Display. Agricultural Product^ Department Un­ tB tbe twenty-Orat diatrlct. aubjACl Misa Beadle Hyatt, of this place, been selllDg equalled, Dairy Products, Junior Club Work Under Is tbe primary election, Auguat 6. July lS--John W Dayls. age 59. has been very III with measles but paei nine years. He recenUy sold 1EE7. Rowan county, and Nannie Coffey. is improving a little now. Mrs. Martha Elllogton a monument Separate Tent, Poultry and Ruiming Rnces Daily. :e 58. Rowan county. John Collins and Astor Caudill, for her husband, the late Henry C. We are autbortaed to announce July 19- Selvan Johnson. of Roxana. Ky.. Letcher couniy. Ellington, which cost gl.600. Do Not Hiss It! Write For Catalogs Rowan county, and Grace >1rl'ar- Jodge B. R. PreTitt ae a candidate have been visiting relatives at this CARD OP THANKS for tbe Democratic nomination for land. 19. Bath couoty place the pest week and returned We desire to thank the many Otrenlt Judge of tbe Diatrlct eom- July 19- A. J. Mabry, age 74 home Sunday. C. S. DAKNABY, Secretary frlehds who were so kind to i a dur- ponad of Rnwno. Montgomery. Menl* Rowan county, and Emtly Littleton, age 75. Rowan county. WV had a nice rain here Saturday Ing tbe recent death of out mtle . fee and Batb counties and eubject and Sunday and It waa needed very boy. We want each know 406 Wolf-Wile Building. to tbe action of tbe DatnocraUe July 21 Casper Davis, are 21. bad. that we appreciate every kindness party at lU primary. Auguat 6. 1927 Carter County and Lydia Newman, age IK. Carter county. Rev Riley and Uncle Pete John- shown us. Especially do we thank July 23—James Lovles. age 96, n held church at the hdme of Mr. the mlniaters and those who sent We are aulboried to floral tributes. B. CaudUI. of Morehead. Rowan county, and Martha Buckner, and Mrs. H C Caudill Friday eve­ ENTERTAINS WOBlA.«Fa CLUB MRB. AMBUMY VERY ILL age 39. Rowan county ning. A very large crowd attended. Mr and Mrs. S W. Caudill. dldate for Circuit Judge of tbe 21at Tbe Morehead Womno'a Club wm Mrs. Elljeb AiAurgy who wi Jndiblal Diatrlct. subject to the Dem- July 27 -Wathen Gulletl. age 21. The dinner guesta of Mr. and MOVES Ttl NEW BlTLDiNG strlcken very 111 with heart trouble entertained Monday night at the oeratic primary August 6. Rowan couniy and Marguerile An­ Mrs. Hiram Bldrtdge Saturday were The Electric Power Company have home of Mrn. Grace Ford on Mnin upon bearing the newa of her son glin. nge 21. Rowan county. Mr. and Mrs H. C Caudill and son. moved their store from the Jeaae street The bostessee were Mm. being shot laat Monday, la sqil in a July 27 — Walker Byard, age 26. Wilson Caudill. John Collina. Ae- Johnston building on Carey Avenue We are autbortaed to annaunce Ford and MMw^. T. BaumaUrk. serious coodlUoo and It la feared Boyd county, and Bertha McBrayer. Caudlll and Mr and Mrs. J D W. C. HamlUoa aa a candidate for the new brick building recently After a social hoV delightful re- ahe will not live. age 23. Rowan-'ouniy. Caudill. All reported a nice tfine. It by John Cecil on Mala street tbe DemoeraUc notoibatlon for 1 to about 2D monwealtba Attorney of tbe Tventy- July 30—Darsle Thomas, age 23. Hobert Johnson has also moved his AWARDS CONTRACT HAIJIKMAN NhlWS m^pers of tbe club. Fits! Judicial district, composed of Dalh county and Lydia Armstrong, barber shop to this building from The cootrnet for the concrete Mr and Mr» Charley Sturgill arc- Rowan. Rath. Menifee and Hont- age 17. Rowan county. the Caskey building Just above it. walls on tbe campus ground of the spending the week with relatives in BUILDING ABOUT'DONE gomery counties, subject to the prt- Bute Normal School has boen Olympian Springs Hotel (Rath Co.) Gmhns. KK.VI'ED IIEST.AUUA.NT Tbe brick bulldlirg being erected aary elecUon, Auguat fi. 1927. awarded to Layne and Boggeaa, well Best medicinal waters. Games. Ex­ rs Cliff Kelley and daugther. Albert Hall has rented the restau ­ known contraetom of this dty. cursions, Bible Conference, Summer We are authorlaed to announce Mary. Pearl and Evelyn Silnaon and rant owned by Sam Allen on Rail- School, etc. 212 a week. 5-tf Mr and Mrs Dali Rlilridge were ihi- 0. M. Eatlll. of Batb county, as a roncl Rtrc>el and has taken charge. Suheeribe tor ibe Scorcher. aandldate for Repreaeniath-e from tbe Batb-Ro-tn Diatrlct, subject to tbe Demot'iuiic pr.maVy. Auguat $. H^NRY R. We are aulborlaed to annuunee Charlea E. Jennings as a candidate tor Circuit Court Clerk of Rowan County, subject to the acUon of tbe Republican party at ihe August pri- ■tory. We are auihoriied E. Hogge. of Eudsion as a candliiaie lor Circuit. Court Cl*rh, suhjeri i» tbe action of the Dem.M-nillc parr, PREWITT(OP MT. STERLINO) at the prii.iar) HwTli>n August 8ll.,

We ar*- auTlmnzMl .uiuounc STATE PRIMARY AUG. 6i 1927 STATE PRIMARY AUG. 6,1927 D. W Dwo.-U. oi owintsi-uu- as a candidate for Pummoijl^ltb s At tomey of the 2isi Judicial Dtsiriri To the Voters of Montgomery anbjert to tn»- artion of the Demo emtic parly ul the primarv. August Connty : (tb. Closing Words This judicial district is made up of four counties, and the mileage in a. We are authorized in Hcnouce With this issue I close my appeal to house to house canvas is beyond the Hep. Robt T Crowe a n-al Demo- my Democratic friends in this Circuit endurance of any one man to make. entt, of Oldhaiit (-ounly. Ky . as a Court District to make me their nomi ­ I have made as thorough canvas in the -candidate for Governor, subject to nee. I am asking that a full vote be counties of Bowan, Menefee and Bath tbe action of the Democratic Primary cast; I feel that the polling of a large Aagust Cih as it was possible to do and feel very vote in each county of the district grateful for the e; lent I met We are authorized to aiinounre would give me a decided majority over with. It may seem I have neg- Kverett Gaallneau as a candldati my opponent. Every man and woman lected my home county, j the voters V . (or Circuit Court Clerk, of Rowan should vote, and in advance X thank know me here, what I id for and to 4 COOnty, BUbJeet to the action of the them for the votes that will again call on them and com ■ these busy^ Dernocmilc party at the primary make me Circuit Court Judge. Angost 6ih. days, when both the fi ^nd the housewife are busily engaged in lajdng We are aulborized to announce Hy claims on your suffrage have been aside products and preparing clouiing 'Charles L Daly, of Mayavtlle. aa a placed before you andNsy pledge is to for the approaching winter dasrs, oudldate for the Democratic noml- make a fair, just and corrq^ judge. would be an imposition. aadon for Suie Senator In the 31st I have therefore employed the news­ Sokatorlal District, subject to the Stluary election. August 6tb. 1927. My Democracy is unquestioned, as is papers to convey to ydu through their my industry in office, my prompt legal columns my appreciation for past fa ­ PAK.IGON NEWS decisions, the observance of strict vors and to urge every'voting Demo ­ W. 8. L'tterbaek has been on economical methods resulting in sav- cratic citizen, women and men, to go to 4ek lint. ittfis to our citizens is before you, and the noils on August 6th and there, ac ­ Alfred Gregory and his slster-lo- with my announced platform I hope cording to their conviction decide Isw. Jane Cassity. returned from which of the candidates would render Middletown. Ohio. Monday where to have the support of a large majority (boy have been rlsIUng relatives. of the voters of the district. the b^t service alike to all of our peo ­ Th«r were accompanied back home ple. Ife^l sure that I am going to win by-ClIfton and Chatmer Cassity I thank one and all for the kindness . the nomination, but votes cast early Mr. and Mrs. Van McKenzie. oP shown me. would be' a Stimulant to others to vote. Shelby. Ohio, are visiting relatives I am trusting my home people to give to -me 'tbeiiygenerous supped. I will Dr. Andry Ellington and his lltUe Very BespectfuUy, - daughter. Lllltan. of Bloomfield, are appreciate the effort to give mi wMOng bin parents here. .majmity in my home county. We are sorry to any that "CrnCle;' H.^ PEE WITT. yhAMking all of you for the interest Clelt Donohew has been very poorly taken in my candidacy, I am - aad seems to Improve very slow. JoBoie Perkins, who ban been on Very Bespe^ully, -re the aueaU of Their Parents." ately. says Dr; JuanlU McF Jen- Monuments and Memorials Hlaa Amelia Duley over laat week­ CbrisUan Endeavor Sunday evening ningg. Assistant Director. Bureau of y Mr. and Mra. Joha CalTCrl and end at her home on (be Midland at $:1S. Maternal and Child Health. Ural, ehlldraa aotorad to Louiaa and Trail. have the besb doctor for children IN GRANITE and MARBLE apaot Cba past vaek-Md with Mra. that you can find examine him Have Calaart'a brother, Prank Hi«amaa here the latter part of the wi •The Epistle of the Imprisonment- him weighed and measured so you aad famiipr' win know if be weighs is much as Itlna his son. O. W.- Prichard. will be the subject for discussion. Mra, M. E. Suloy and thraa ettlld- "A Church With1 he should.ibould. Have hU eyes, nose and A mrinona] t„ a l.,vi-d .,ne »lioiiJf our love ilak Dr. Suler for a few dan. They LAND IIRQUIRBS tested. Do this, even If you think day enroute from OwlngaviUe and to la.st will],, wr liv,..butas a HUIuk tributi- which wUI return borne next week, LEGUME CROPS he Is all rl«bt. guests of Mr. Bradley s lor a week or ten dayi. wc can pass down to posterity and wbi.-h will endure grandmother. Mra. Utltla Bradley. Proper maintenance of fertility re­ If the doctor assures you that 17e quires a legume crop at least once Is all right and fit to enter school, tliroiiffij ajit-s to form*. Mra. Plorence Durham and two Mias Myrtle Tuaaey has ace In four years, according to a report then you will know that all you have ^Ue aaaa were here the firat of position at the Eagle s Neat, of the Kentucky Agricultural Rv to do Is to keep him physically fit. the week from tenntington, rialUns Mra. W, H, Bllstard All oi-dt-i-s from tlio gmallcst Imad stone to tlie Mr. and Mra. Grant Lewla. perlment Station uu Its tesu on If the doctor advisee treatment for first of the week visUing her sister soils and crops. him, of course, you will see that he memorials an* .solieitetl an«J sold by Mr. and Wra. Clyde Young and Mra. W H. Hogge. • While lime and ferlHIaers are gets U. If he has not been vaecl- daurhter. Mildred, were here Mon ­ Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Lyons, of aseasary to the growing of clovers Dated, have It done now. It Is day from Olympia, the gueaU of Frankfort, were here Sunday vUlt- end greatly Increase the growth of! wrong to enter a child In school and Robert T6ung and family. Ing Mra. Lyons- sUter. Mrs. Herbert cowpeas and soybens. and other!*' ’*® vaccinated. He may Mrs. L .E. Blair and two children. Caudill. crops to some extent," says tli be sick, RIs arm hurU. Instead of D. R. PERRY Jean and J. Warren, and Mrs. Mur Mra. T. J, Tracy, of Ashland ’ re~ (%rt. --soils cannot be brought being In the beat possible condition rel Croetley and llttl^ daughter. tumed to her home after a several high sUie of productivity without to begin the greatest experience of BAKOOE, KENTUerr Dorothy Helen left Saturday days- visit here with her sister. Mrs, either turning under the legume hla early life, he la unfitted at the Monteeello where they will rislt J. L. Phlllipa and her brother. 0 crops or returning the' manure made start. A vaccinated arm Is likely to their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maxey, of 'Blueotone. by feeding them oad other crops be hurt In the playgronnd or even T. Pranela. Edmond Mutters la vtalUng hla grown. in the classroom. Htve the vaccina ­ tion outvOf the way before the child Misses Nelle Caasity and Stella father. Scorch Mutters, at Catlatta- "The cropping -system should begins work In the fall. UArKKIRK DANGER IN BOATS I Mae Caudill were the all-day gueaU burg this week. ha^'V a legume crop on each Held at BIRTHS. If' the child h: 8 not already been Of Miasea Fanny and Beulah Alfrey Mrs. W. D. Chratlan, of Halde- least once In four years. In order STOPPED IIV VALVE Mr and Mrs. J B Meeser. of HaL Tuesday at Farmers. man. was here the first of the week that the legume may make the great ­ protected against diphtheria, have It Danger of fires on boats Is reduc- ] deman, are receiving congratUlaUous est Improvement of the soli It should done at the earliest opportunity go Mrs. Bartley Batson and Mrs. Br- vlsitlt.* her Bister. Mru. Ambroew ed In a nmior equipped with an lu over the arrival of a new baby boy be turned under, grased down, or that when be cones In contact with tomatic saf>*ty neet Jayne were ehopptog Ip Lexlng- Blair. their home July sgn, the diphtheria carriers which are li­ too Tuesday. Fred and William Caudill' have fed with the return of manure made take of the carburetor. nayH Popular able to be In the school, he will not returned from a several days' visli by feeding it along with other crops. Mechanicii Magazine It closes |n VOTE RIGHT! Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pelfrey and contract the disease. with their sister. Mrs. F. S. Whitney Turning under the legume crop is an caw the engine liac||fires. end the Head all the political edverUse- four ChUdreo were here Snnday from See that the chtld’e teeth have Salyersvtne. expensive way of improving the soil. Intake Is so arranged as to trap gas ­ tiieriis carefully, study the matter Greenup vlelUng his brother. Jesae Experiments have shown that ma ­ been examined and repaired by oline which ordinarily leaks Jasper Fraley, of the Ridge. over thoroughly and vote (be way Wfrey and family. nure made by feeding the crops dentlat. Decayed teeth j through the carburetor when the Boone Smedley. pf Lick Fork, D. B. you think Is right, and that will Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Berry, of Cyn- grown In a.routloo. such as Is used win catch food and germs, ache and motor is flotMled by much chok please us Hamm, of Cranston and William cause abeesses. Every mother ebould thiana. were rlelting their daughter. on the e.xperlment fields, la as effec­ ing This fealure also prevents i ■«»------Jones, of ZIlpo, all goo»* farmers, get advice from a competent dentist Mrs. W. T. Baumsiar!-. Saturday ana tive as turoJng under the clover, waste and insures better operation. MOVED TO MOREHKAD noticed among the court day to the proper care of the teeth. Sunday. Wsiiors here Monday. crop and returning all the stalks and when tie engine Is cold, by afford- | J'"' I’^ and family have moved straw of the other crops. ^ if the child has to be fitted with Ing a richer uilxliire ; here from Sharpsburg Into the eot- Mrs. Irrhl Darla and douehter. Lonnie Flannery motored up in "Some Improvement In pool .soils glasses, have It done now. The child ------I tave belonging lo Farris Cook on Mias L,eonora Davla. Mias Lucille e northern part Of Ohio last week may be expected from growing clover needs to become adjusted to the new Patronize merchants who adver-;Wesl Main street ,\|r Peed will Green and Mr. Julian Reed motored He says the crops up there In the and removing it a^d not returning He cannot wear them with Use Id The Scorcher. | lik.-lj .Tier the grocery buslne« here from Washington this week farming country look as late as the comfort for sometime. There Is so manure made from It. but a high and will be the gueau of Mra Da- crops in this part of Kentucky.' much that he has to meet In the DO—OR DIE TRYING! t productivity cannot be tU' father, J. Z. Havens, snd her ] first few days that It Is too bad to ^ I'm so glad you re comlnu on with reached. The use of soybeans und IM NGAlXm BEING RI'ILT brother, Frank Havens and wife, ' add anything to It. Let him have ' me. courage —the way la not so far came up Saturday from Lex- cowpeas In ibis way will t> far : The handeome slvrooni bungalow Warren Batton and family, of rislt with relslivea. j time 10 gel used to hla glasses lo the Land of Heart's Desire. And. 'which N F Kentiiird it building on ir K-rlally Improve f<,IIh." Wlnhheoter. vlslled at the home of Misses Mildred. Katherine. Eliiahetb I whisper: tho' we may never reach Wilw.ii .ureei w n.-anng compietioa. Ulidherirh seems H. M. Adams “ver the week-end. and Master Franklin Blair, who had It’s just as easy for father 'it, still shall we be happy Blrlving I There are several pretty homes on tempered young ma Mlts^ Hattie fYaiier. Mary been In I^xington several weeks re­ mother to agree with him as It Is for i to make the goal , Wilson sli;.-. t and several others lit-arr the songs Hogge and ...... Tabor motored 4o turned home with them. him lo get daughter to wear the contemplflte building on this written about hlfii Lexington Sunday and were the kind of clothes he thinks she ought I in the ne.ir future. ». future, the I l liilrresliiig gneete of frienda. Subscribe for The Scorcbei lo wear. Suhscrlne for t I ne Hcorcser



Candidate For Democratic

Nomination For I *. He answa-ed the caO of his country during the World War and defended his flag. Has saved faithfuDy as Oiunty Attorney of Bath County.

ciimiiiiiii's imiri r 21$t Judicial District Everyhody, the poor, the nih, the exalted,, the hnmlJe. He anieals to the women voters as well as the men for his fare alike with him. He asks the suppori of voters support Exainme his record, his ability and act accord- merit alone. Your will is his pleasure. ing to your good judgment Primary Election August 6th. Will Aiqireciate Your Vote and Influence mm. ■■■


VALVE OF TIME pantry sbelvea or cleaning spnrk Is that just about the Urns we have Arisons repOTta that no wolves sr* We oftwi hear people uy "I plugs, but I bnve time any day for mastered the art we are ready for now known to hs wlihla the hordera heren't time to do that" hours Ulk at lunch or dinner with nn the grave. BECKHAM CHANGES, of that sUte. A eon^nnt .patrol la This Is a perfectly honeet atate- interesting man or woman. kept along the IhternnUonnl bound* ment. Children discriminate in the use of Am BRUSH IN MAUVP ary to prevent invaelons hy nmK^r Tine U life, and each of ua la en- time at a verv early age. About SOLVES h wolvee and mounuUi Uoas troos SAYS VINSON UUed to BM his time as he eeea fit, the first thing a boy learns to say Is Exteoetve alteraUons In eoctumee Mexloo. just as we ere entlUed to spend oar “I haven't time.** He means that •omeUmes have to be made la the money ns we see fit. Candidate Favored Law Which Makes Pari- baseball and football 'occupy him to hide the Subscribe for lue ttooreher. A mao may aak me to go to a fully that be can't find nn hour for elfecu of sunburn. Mutuel Restrictions Effective. Served as raudeTllIe show, snd I may tell him mowing the lawn. * Uecbanlei Hsgailna. This will no -y Attorney Before Court of Appeals and 1 haven't the time, meanlag tliat I The truth la that we all haveive time longer be necessary, in the opinion prefer to work at my desk or tU at to do the things we J dof If of an inventor who has prepared a Contended that the Pari-Mutuel home with a book. we want to do many different things flesh-tint spray whldh U applied to Statute was Valid. We can do only so many things In we find the Ume. Strong nn^ varied the skin with n compressed sir out ­ WOMEN 1 day, or a year, or a lifetime, aod in desires generate energy and supply fit. An even coating is esslly nd- Who need a tonie order to find time for the pleasures enthusiasm for a muIUtode of tasks. mlniatered and the mstertal U nid Congresiunan Fnd M. \'in«on first sectk>n theretif. the Kentucky we enjoy most we are compelled JockeyClub, now b«-iiig denounced The trouble with Arnold Beonett ’s to cover the darkest shade of burn tboold take declared reciriily in inin>dui'ing eliminate those we enjoy least. by Beckham and his newspap« "How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours eeecUrely. Robert T. Crowe in Louisa that I enjoy almost every known game I. C. W. Beckham wa-s responsible support ers, would not now be in a Day" Is that many people have recreation, but my InterMt lor the introduction of the pari- exist nee. He further showed by a desire to stuff their day with GRAV WOLVES many is so mlU that I never Indulge smtuel system of. betting records of the court of appeals furious acUvity- I have read almost ARB yAKQtnSHED That I may have plenty of time race tracks of KentuckyKentU' ‘ and tht- that Beckham, after he had rerired all of Bennett's books. He le an Depredations of the large gray for those I like best. I have elimina ­ creation of the Kentitucky Jockt y as chief executive of the state, -exceptional man. with Inrioite In- wolf are believed lo be almost at CARDOl ted dozeos of others. dub. both of which he de- appearedired in court as attonaiiomey to teresu. The more he can crowd in­ an end in the west because of the Madecd Doonces. defend the constitutionality of the I have no time for professional day the better be feels wbso be inremitUng scUvIUes of the United Purely Vegetable " It is true the law authorizing pari-mutuel system of bettii baseball or golf, but have plenty of goes to bed st night| After one of States biological survey snd other ingredient*—oootaixia It was on December 10, 1917, tile pari-mutuel system of betting time for reading, talking, cross-coan- these twenty-four days another m»t« agenclee against them, says Popular no daageroqgdrugs. was enacted before Beckham be­ that Beckham appeared as attor ­ try walking, sawing wood and lonf- might go to be exhausted and with Mechanics Uagailne. tn New Mexi­ came rovemor, " Mr. Vinson said, ney in the court of appeals and U>8- sense of utter futility. co. only eight were caught last ysM- •'but It was not until 1906. when successfully defended the pari ­ h Um Ora- SO Ton 1 hnve almost so time for mending Living Is an art. and the tragedy j and tblrty-one the preceding year. be was governor, that the system mutuel law. as the appellate court was aet^y installed and placed held the law constitutional and re­ vada supervision of the state rac- versed the K%nton circuit court, bigeomraission. This commissdon which had held the law invalid, was created by the enactment of according to the court decision a law advocat^ by Beckham and cited bv Mr. Mnson. Asanattor- h was the first section of that law ney working for a fee, Beckham that authorized the formation of a went into a court of law and de­ eoiporation to control legalized fended the very sj-suan he now gambUt^ oa the race tracks of the says, as a candidate for governor, sute.” is indefenave in the moral and.ln ' He charged that had it not been law. Representative Vinson I for that law, and especially the dared. PoUUeal AdverUsement

WANT TO LIVE LONG? should provide these following main Take abundsDce of fresh air, eo- diritlons; pedalty in your sieeplog rooc 1— Shelter: Rent, or 1U eflUlvs- night. Avoid drafu; shut them off lent In Int^r^t or investment, of or move aside. property is owned; property taxes, fire aod Insurance: water' Take a full bath in moderately hot Ux; repair and upkeep of the house; watar and soap, followed with .cold railroad or carfare Incideotal water and a vgiorous rub once or uation of house. twice a week for clesniineas. Do 2— Food: All mesu, groceries, aot neglect to finish the bath with vegetables, dairy products, hus­ •old water to give vigor, close the band's or children's lunch, meals pores Slid insjrc- against ukinc cold, taken away from home. Take s cold plunge every morning, 3— Clothing All^aterials and wipe dry and then Induce s perfect articles of rlolhlng^^ending sup­ reaction by a friction rub with a plies, dressmaker or tailor, clothing coarse Turkish towel hv slapping repairs, pressing A and by exercise. < joperatlng Light, ^heat. tee, Have re-iiUr mertU of »hot.»o.ne telephone* wages' ol maid! laundress nutritious, well prep.nr«d and w.-ll and^pervice of all kinds house fur- cooked fiiods amt give strict alien ishtngs; labor-saving devices tlon to 111.- ngM combliintlon of foods ^ Savings I'ayments er^ endowment or life Insurance. Eaercis.- daily m Ih.- open. In th.- savings accouats. etc , bene­ performance of useful labor or on ficiary society or lodge.-r'~ Oirme Worthy mission. walUnc just j for the sake of walking i - Luxuries: Cigars, barber. best exercise Never be i hslr-drcsser and similar personal well. j luxuries All extra food, clothing. . candy and other Indulgences SUnd s an'ii-eitients, which are neither ■-ssilies n;>r advancement. I chest up. d e «iin held In. and , J practice fui A . . ; Advanerm-nt Mucallon. mu- WILL NAME HIGH­ ril "V : through.,,,. the nostrils, not through i J- mouth ,.h:.ritv, sifts recreation, va. THE Fk.MILY BrDfaCT jCatlon. health .physlrlnn, dentist. WAY COMMISSION I Every income can and should be-1 »«lcles. ^▼Ided according to some budget ' telegrams. plan. A budget Is Tradition Is a heavy anchor, aome- FAVOR OF PRESENT Imes too heavy to drag. PROGRAM A TROUBLE ENDER -for Faces Tender fBlEND OF LABOR


^ OP labor leaders Robert T. Crowe

Dun Made, nd leader IMwhice cbemomai pooch. Bad chlf tronble. VOTE FOR A COWSTRUenOMST

SW...W W XV cnere u pnouc intorMt


Robert T. Crowe and Win in November raiDAT, ATOUST 5. 19JT THE HOCMTAIN SCOSCHEH

the moat protlUtel six farms TBA<«ING HABITS averaged 82.747. and' on the least Laura B. Gray SHANKS, BUSINESS proflUble aU farms 81,181. Net "No matter how I uik and scold, receipts per acre on the beet farms Harry always leaves his pajamas on PAPERS IN ED ALVEY averaged I35.6S. compared with 85 the floor In the morning, and be cents on the least. proflUble farms. always cornea in without wiping his MAN, REVIEWS RECORD In the third group studied, the feet on the mat." I heard a mother CASE ARE MISSING chief crop enterprisea were truck complain. "1 tell him. and tell him Debt Reduced, Teachers Paid on Day Salaries and poutoea and the only llvealeok every day, and still be continues be­ Records Removed from Kentucky Historical Become Due, Schools are Built, Many Miles were dairy Cattle and ing careless about S4;cb things." poultry, these farms being I knew Harry ’s mother well, sod Society ’s Keeping in Frankfort. Louisville of Road Added, State Can Always Louisville, where land le high and I thought I would Just watch and Gambler Was Pardoned by Governor Trf! Where It Stands Financially followed. Receipts listen to see how she taught her less expenses on the best six farms boy to forut right habiu In s few Beckham Causing Outcryy frofrom Pulpit In this intensive group averaged tninules In came Harry, bounding W. H. Shanbi, untU reecn.tly and Press of Entire State done more f r>lv lovelier murals for children can be me thinking: what should the moth ­ Ed Alvey was pi^oned by forcement of the law, and the sup- debt bj-by tKs amount, obligationsc The financia'^condiuon of Ken- seen (anywhere. On one side of Che er have done? Surely the muddy Governor Beckham after the good pfes.-aon of vice, do hereby moat of $1,000,00011,000,000 incurred byI the old tuck)' Is excelTed b\- not more proscenium is Jack and the Bean ­ shoes and the clean floor were people of Louisville, seeking to earnestly protest again.st the aetko state aid hw of 1914 have been than half a dozen states in stalk and on the other side the slgnlflcaat besides tbe opporiunlty dean the dty of gambling, finally of the Governor of Kentucky oo union. Magic Trunk ^ajetalcally Hdinc In tor mother and child to get close obtained evidence for a convietkm. Pebnaary 27. 1901. in pardoning < A tbttl of 1,100 miles of high- Beckham not only pardoned Alvey Kentucky is just readv to go the sky . Other grmt panels depict each other. Might she not have and turning louse on this cosq - *w-ays has been constructed. forward if the present construe of the offense on which he had the Bleeping Resuty Hansel and disregarded them for the moinent munity two gamblers, viz.. Ed The etate4iighway department, tive policies are carried forward. been found guflty, but par^oed Alvey and Paddy Miles, whoss Gretel and their witch and other tn ronsldernllon of the child's eager ­ whidi on taking office had out ­ Certainly tlie Democraiic party three other indictments which had lives have long been given to tbe fairy scenes The foyer .finished In ness and have rejoiced with him standing against it an inherited should not repudiate a Democratic tile, recounts tales of Mother not been brought to trial, pardon ­ coTTUplioR and dishonor of the over the Insect and admired It* debt of approximately $3,500,000, administration of whidj all Ken­ Goose. ing before triaL youthiih of thisI ' city, and whose guilt now has a balance of approxi ­ beauty? She could Iheu have gen ­ tuckians should be proud, but "Such expenditures as are repre­ He gave as his excuse that there is expresslyressly coni^edco by the Gov ­ mately $1,000,000in the road fund. tly \alled attention to his lapse and should endorse tWs splendid sented In New York and the Ulenl ernor inn the siatement that they The present administration has aske4 him to slip out and wipe his doing the same thing who had record. available there, need not discourage have promised him they will not Pol. AdT. feel Ahlle she got down the nature not been caught. again vioLite ijte law; men ia other cttles." continues Hiss Mackey, book to look up the namt of the A mass meeting was held in whose favor there is not one palH- small. Intimate, neutral tinted butterny. Louisville and Rev. Drs. E. L. atiog dreom'^iance or reason why WIDE VABIATIONB expenaea. depredation on boUdlngt, auditorium such as moM little t have another friend whom I Powell. Prands R. Beattie and they sliould not suffd- the legal machinery and feneea, value of munity theatres poaseas Is often Peyton H. Hoge, Judge Alex P. IN PABM INOOMBS have always admired because of 4)eajdt>' for the crimes which they wonderfully appropriate for the Humj^y, James L. .^yser. and___ I In farm profits paid ^mlly labor and 6 per cen her "way" with children. They all have deliberately, knowingly, and glowing. Jewel-llke productions tor others took part with approxi ­ C II-I ______U rerealed In an anatysla of Uat The teMt profitable love her. She has a little fellow of pe^tently ^perpetrated, in open ehUdren. mately 600 present. Resolutions rear'a b«*lnaM of 4> farnu in Old defiance of law. and with shaine- bad an average retnni of "The little theatres of the coun ­ two years who is a delight and wndemning Beckham for nullify­ bam and Jafferaon eountlaa. mada coniempt for decency and lift. try of which there are mere than one pleasure to every one because of ing the efforts to rid Louisville of morality." by tba dapartment of farm bis sunny disposition and pleasing On the Bix moat9t proprofitable tarma hundred, have solved the problem PoL Adr. lea of tba Rentucky 'College of Agrl- mannera. Tbe other day I watched the groee Income of talent to an astonishing degree. CQltura and Experiment SUtlon. 'per* them: mother and son had bee |3« and the net income |20. com ­ The dramaUc society of today la the a walk and were coming up the Tlterr’s always s way to increase excite tbe public's palate. Aad th* The tarma atndied ware grouped pared with 129 gross Income and little theatre of tomorrow. What Steps. salsa Increase. AU based oa tb* Into tbiwa clnaaineatlons ^aaed upon 88.8S net InMme on the leeet pro- th^ adventurous groups bare done tba Itvaetock anUrprlaea. flteble alx farms Livestock retnrne aiydtiee can do. A competent com- "Now we will wipe our fee owner of s cefeterla puts Ibe des­ sound principle Lbat people's eyaa In gronp l..wban aattla, averaged higher and expenaea lonr- jalttee: a well worked out. practical getber —first baby's right Toot, then serts first haeauss tbey are sura to' are bigger tbaa their tummies. bocB, poultry and abaad^ beef cat- on the b^tenna. budget and a repertory of selected mother ’s right foot; now baby's plays that have proved valuable by tl« ware raised. In eonnecUon with Farms In groop 2, where dairy other foot and mother's other foot. test are the primal necessities." orchard graaa. elorer, wheat and cattle, bogs and pootlry were rnie- The boy stamped and rubbed his chubby little feet giggling with glee corn, the moat proflUbte alx afrma ed In connecUoD with orchard gicss. Facta. facU, nothing but facts. at the play ot wiping feeL returned en average of 18,810 per clover, wheat and corn, showed en We've never seen a man plum full farm to the operator for hU labor average net return to the operator of facU who wasn't halt 'Tull of "You are training him early." 1 FOR RENT! and mana g ement after paying all of 11.078. BeedpU leas expeuee pnmaa. said as they entered. "That's tbe only way to Instill habit." was tbe answer. "We wipe Good five-room cottage with bath on G>Uege mmmmmmmmmmmm our feet every time that we cross mat. and I was amused the other street. day when we were In a department store; I found Baby rubbing his feet 1 new mat In the furniture de­ partment. Fortunately his feet were quite clean that tim'e." H. L Wilson Talking about doing a thing will never teach a child to do U. Get him to do It so often that be cannot help doing U. Never let the child cross a mat without using U; do not let him leave the room until the pajamas are hung up. so that he will always feel subconsciously that something BUSINESS LOCATION Is wrong unUl they are put away Thest- and all other habits can only be gained by oeaselesa work Getting Ahead Financially patience on the part of the mother. Scolding does not help: it only FOR SALE ! drives the child away from you. To reach tbe goal of flnatictal indepen­ MIDLAND TRAIL—nr THE HEART OP dence—follow a definite inrestment ERRORS OP LIFE program. To attempt to set up your MOREHEAD, KT.—MAIN STREET. atandard ot right and wrong and The investor who is willing to ‘give some thot to the problem of iwAvoauiTtjr expect everybody to conform to IL his income and capital usually ^eds his arrival at unquestioned financial To try and meaaure the enjoyment success. ot othera by your own. Two Story, Brick Front To export unltormlty of opinion In Hiis type of investor, as a rule, follows a de^te investment program work ­ thin world. Concrete and Stone Back. ed out to meet his individual needs. To look for lodgment and axp^ ieoce In yonth. (M FEET FRONT BT 170 FEET BAGS) If he hsm’t the fina ncial knoiriei^ to map out a resultful program himself To endeavor to mold all dlapo^- tlou aUke. —and often when he has —^he, consults expert^ Nto to yield to FIRST FLOOR — OARAOE. It is generally conceded that socoessful investments are largely result of trine*. accurate knowledge and seasoned judgment To look tor perfectfoii to our SECOND FLOOR — 8 BOOMS NOW aetiona. The confidence and knowledge important investors have can be fdlowed To worry ouraotvoa and othera OCOUFIXD. by those who are less familuur with m^ern •boot what eansot be romadled. Not to altevUt*. If wa oaa. aU that Garage now rented to Ford Agene7 at $125.00 ptf I ^blie trtilitieB Preferred Stocks are being bought by the largest investors needa aUovlaUon. in the country, as well as insaranoe oompanies, trustees for laige inuns of Not to make tliowoMto tor the .>'Y ■< money, hanks. "These stoi^a are also favored by the milHrena of »mnii inves­ of others. tors who lave learned to keep their money working at all times. To eoartder anything I Booms ap stairs can be rented easily for |75.00 par that we cannot perform o month. To baUeve only wbat i mlnda/csn graap. If interested fai a good propo plans and expansion. caUarwifto —

Nnicnr POWER ca Ssbaerlb* tar The I The .opt!mist says, keep tba mod DR.aCNICKELL $ I a V I c I on the bottom; the niwinilal kaap a* fluM os the. top. Tbara why ttar ve heth a ssImsm to the THE UOUMVa IN 8C0RCHHB raroAT, Anouar i, iMt d®—flxg iPHAd Beckham Willing To Eliminate Pari-Mutuel Issue If Supported By Racing Interests Proof Shown in Affidavits I^rinted Below

Lp»inBlon. Kj., AUK. 1-—Kurther delallb of el- 'Further the aaiaot aaith not. lorw uv J. C. W. Uecicliaui and tlwood Huiuilion ■ THOMAS a. CROMWELL. • to Bam support ot the broedInB and laclUB mici- Subacrlbedaut/M,iiueu andauu swornawt/iu tovu beforei^-ioi me by Thomas ebU l»> a prauUti to efshiloitte tn*- pari-muiuei 1»- B. Cromwell, this July 31, 1S27. bue were revealed m bfftdaviw made Sundaj ULA DAHNELL i’UELiCS. jii-naioi A. U. SUiuUy UrouBlit tbe pioiKiaai Noury Public, Fayette County. Ky. (My Iioiii Mr. livckbaiu aud Mr. HuiulUoD lor u luewl ffilaalOD expires June 7. ^1930 lUK aiib Senator Johnaon N. Catudeu and Ue»Ua UrrckinudB.. It waa alal«d m aHldav.l. made and AOItUvit of yir. inulley. bv rt’ S, Dudley and Thomas U. Cromwell. "State Of Keoiucay. County of Fayelle: A me. tins ol Senator Stanley wnli Mr Dudl. y "The airlant. W. S Dudley, says be has re^d amt .Ml t.romwell in Mr Dudley » room at tlie Mr Thomas £1. Cromwell s staleiiient In regard to L-i(a\'Ue Hotel waa arruiiBed b> Ml. Cromwell at the vieellnB between himself and Senator Stanley, the repealed and urtenl BoiicHation of Senator wlilch he slates is an accurate and Suulv>, Mr, Cromwell . aaidaUt .late--.. In this I of what happened in this ineellng. and atnt- ed further conn I' liee Senator Stanley aaid. aocordinK to tne all.da.ilb oJ both Mr Cromwell and Mr Dudley, "That on Sunday morning. May 15. he called H,al l.ri.ad «-en both Meaar.. Klaood Hamilton Mr, Desha DreckinndBe and asked him to come to iiiiil J c w. ll.-ekhani. and could Sl‘v tbeir a*- «,!• 111.-, mat the .loeKUon of Ihe pan-niuiuei law III.- assurunce given by Senator Stanley from Mr. cnuid In . llmlnaled ll Ti.e breedlns inlereeu and B.ckham and Mr. Hamilton, and of the request r lor a c.inf.-D-nce wilh them the nicm. inlereata would SUArwniee their -...... hi |lt«kham I • Mr Ilrechinrldge derllned to agree to a con- fereice with Ibem Or have anylhing whatever l.J do with the miitier. n the IDul "The all.uni further • les that on Monday, May 16. about noon, he w..ul lo Senator Camden's res- His aiudaui lurlbei stales that Senator Cam^ Idenc- la Woodford county and found the senator rteu lelused the propoelllon on the ground that If In bed;, that he told Senator Camden the object Of his visit and the proposition coming through Senator Stanley from Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Beck­ oilK-r puiiucal, aasoclalos...... ana ' .. tboy ham. but did not inenllon Senator Stanley b name wbat they wanted regardless ot any to Mr, Caniden. as ho warf requested by Senator Stanley not to tell either Mr Breckinridge or Sen­ promises. ator Cailaniden • of■ "hie part ti the matter u ilesH they Mr Dudley Sunday sent the affldavlU to the agreed to a meeting wit...... Cuuile, Journal wttl| the lollowlnfi telegram re- Hamilton, but affiant told Senator Camden that uu-M.np mat they be published, he hfj a meaaage from Elwood Hamilton. tduur Courier-Journal. ,g forr GovernorGovt Beckham: and after explalnlag ,„u nave published an affidavit of Elwood whai Senator Stanley and Mr Hamilton had said VOTE FOR Hamliioc. uuesl.on.UK the truth »< ll was possible to do. Senator Camden declined ...... rtfl have placed my veracity against that ot POsHlveiy have any conference or consWor any Klw..<.d Hamilton'; I demand that you propoelllon from Governor Beckham «<..,upauMng affldavlU. which prove what I have "Affiant further suies: I asked him If he did not believe that if Governor Beckham gave his . "W. 8. DUDLEY." word of honor a* a he would keep ll In. allidaviU follow: and Senator Camden answered that Governor W. C. Hamilton AShUvU oS Blr. CnunwelL I) keep. . his.,s promiseproff and he believed If he were a vacuum he.would ______If he were Elected governor he would be controlled 1 -FOR- 1 associates, and they would make him do what' :r,a,,....pkv .rr.rr, Derb- ai Churchill Downs. Louisville. they wanted regardless of any promises; that he had no faith In any promises or agree- .....,rr, ,„.a TliDiiiab U Cromwell In his office Ip tnv. menu they, might make Within s day nr j'bo,.U laU.sl.n, Kj . ..J ..arf •> two —I think the next day.ay. ITuesday, May* i...ih wilh him concemiOK ll»- Impending cam ­ B In l,oul«vllle ■t Senator Stanley In 1 In the Rontucky Hotel and told him 1 t ion for ihe Democratic Kubernalorml nomlns- - the conclusion of that Ulk Senator 1 both Mr. Breckinridge and Mr. Camden CommonwealtifsAttorney and that they both declined i Thonuib B Crooiwelh arrange W encr or to entertain any propositions loo support of Mr. Beckham for governor. TWENTY-FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Signal 'r "W. a. DUDLEY. _ Subscribed and sworn to before roe by W. •The affiant. Thomas H Cromwell. that Mr Dudley was communl^ted «Hb • notary public. Pavette and wa- told of Senator Stanley b dealre to meet county. Ky. My c at Lexington; I June 7, 1930." with him either at Louisville f - PERCY HAI.Y RUNS TIU'E TO PYIRM State Primary Saturday iug. 6,1927 According to the ancient a^ge the leopard . not change his spoU nor the EthlopUn his skin. Rdu-...... _ - - . A lawyer of ability; a pleader before a jury ...... u. The first sute notoriety that Percy Haly gained was by the discovery t^t, during the contest be­ uxuurpaaaed tween Captain Blackht^m and Dr. Hunter. Percy Haly hid In the room'above the chamber In which u .clock .. .v,..... ay »«=
