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.. THE MOUNTAIN SCORCHER nrpOTTBiAfc ougah of rowam o ouw n BTAITDB FOR THE RIGHT ANp OOITDEMAS THM hBONO •••AM OAssirrs pafbr - VOLUME m. MOKEHEAD, KY, FRIDAY, AUGUST S, 1927 NUMBER 13.. CAR TURNS OVER NEAR OATBS •TILL IN BUSINB88 Dl'RLEY ASSOCIA-nON MEMBERS HARLEV AMBUitOV KILLED ELECTRIC POWER INUDBTRY BlttLE KNTKitTAlNH Mrs. r.sDk Btslr surfered We have been In fall charge of TO RBCEn-B INTEREST CHEC^ There was a vecy regreUble af- Mr. WilUam Green, Preeldent of tractur* ot lhr««ribs Fridar night, The Scorcher eince the death ot The ladies of the Bible Clara oT ' Checks tor approximately 1800.- tbe American Federation of Labor. I-' - when the c«r in which she wst husband and father several weeks 000 for interest on the amounU de when William Carpenter shot a the Christian Church entcrtainM a« In a recent address before some of int silpped ovet the bank ago; we have worked hard to give ducted from their tobacco craps fatally wounded Harley Amburgy. their guests Mrs. Haggan. mother the most Important executives ot Charier Hone ’s residence at Gates. to the public the some clean, up-to- pay for the receiving plant property Several days ago Carpenter claim Prof. Haggan, who Is leaving to> tbe country, made the following Mrs. Blair had been to Ashland |ind date local newspaper that was given morrojr for Covington, and Mta» of the Burley Tobacco Growers' Co ed he waj beaten and robbed statement: was returning home with her during his life time. We will-con operative AuoctatioD are being mail Amburgy. which wae the cause BRIe King, teacher of the claaa< to • "There Is do industry la America when the accident occurred. The tinue to do that We make mis ed this week. Secretary and Treas tbe killing. Amburgy was sitting alx o'clock dinner at the home of which occupies a more strategic po other oocapants of the car were, takes In our work and perhaps there urer B. P. Anderson, of the asBOcia- In front of the Daniels and Havens Mrs. Addle Surratt Bveryt^ilng tbe sition than the electric power Indus- Murrel Blair. Oval Robinson. Ver will be many, but just remember, tion. announced Saturday. meat market when Carpenter eai appetite craves was there In abuB' Wlth all the advancement It non Dillon. Perrr Compton and readers, there are very few who are In casea In which, the participa around the corner tn a car and U Is dance as well as a cordial weieome. has made there la still a ^reai and ThAnkUn balr. above mlitakes. aod when ertUdsm tion certificates of the growers have claimed he upon eecing Amburgy Following .dinner games were play ever broadening opportunity In the Ther were not Injured except it offered we will take It good nat- been assigned to banks and these as ed and the rest ot the evening filUA beeaiffe enraged and began shooting homee. In tbe factories and In trans hadlr shaken up. Mrs. Blair nredly. but the mao or woman who signments are unsatisfied, and there —five shots uking effect In with music and heart to heart eon- portation systems In all countries ' brought to the Nlekells' ellnle and put out over the county the report 8 or liens on verration. Those present were as - stomach. Amburgy was rushed further extension and use. ' Taler removed to her home. She Is that we are going out of business record against' the growers, these follows: Miss Effle King, Mrs. tbe Nlciell Clinic where It t When we consider tbe t: {lettlnc along nlcetr. la very much mistaken and Is hardly checks, payable to the growers, are Haggan. Miss Olivia Adams, Mn. found that be was beyond medical C Ibis Industry bps made worthy ot our ndtlee. We srill say being mailed to the bank holding tbe Comlngo. Mrs. Laura Clayton. Mn. aid aod be died five hours later In the reeent years this EARIiV'ltDmON they »re void of all human sympa- inutisfled aaslgnmenta. Thos- Trumbo, Mra. Callte Oalvert, The unfortunate yonng man was It sUrtUng statement but The Scorcher will reach rou a day y ifi" hurt a woman and cWI- Mr Anderson said that checks are Mrs. Mary Care). Mrs. Clara RoMn- about 21 years old and is a so when tbe history of the men In this earlier this week. We are doing dren financially. We are not ask being sent to the growers only Bon. Mrs. Maud Adams, Mrs. Chaa. Industry Is studied and tbe oppor- ing charity from acybody. We are those accounts which are shown by Walts, Mrs Addle Surratt. Mrr. this to accomodate the political ad- >WD. and are among the only asking that we be'given the the records to be free of asslgn- lunlttee etlll before it are consider John Calyert. Mra. Frank Havens. rertJsera. We have done quite a beat citizens of the county. He has opportunity of making a living (or menta. attachments, mortgages or ed there 18 no question but what Mra. Anna Bell Uyere. Mra. Cell* bit of advertlalDR for most of the young wife and one child. Hla wife ourselves snd children who are de landlord or other liens. In cases In velopment Is still local candidates fof which we Is the daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Hudgens, and little Mira TImIow pendent on us. We are honeet which there are more than one as- ahead and It Is Impossible for any- to thaak them. We are sorry they William Gayheart. who live on the Gllkerson. niece of Ml* enough to say that It we did not give slinimrat. either the bank or an tn- to predict tbe Umll of public can't all be elected, so Midland Trail, near Morehead. The class colon of pink' and S the public a real live.. up-to-date dlrldnal. the checks will he held Mi-vice that can be rendered by the take your defeat good naiuredly and Yonng Carpenter Is a married being carried out lo the decorating, weekly newspaper, we would various light and power organisa remember The Scorcher at no tl pending final decision of the Ken made the dining room a palace ot an about 30 years old. He U the tions In America. Has taken any part either for you ask for. their patronage. Just give tucky court of appeals. beauty Nut said! When do we eat a or the late Leander Csirpenter us the same chance yon would Freedom from health destroying againT —Contributed. dtalnst yon. with the exception of ROND •A.OOO who was well known to a number .n in the same t^usloees. We ap labor la the factories and homes In Jndge Young ’s race and we still be of our older cltlxeos here. This Is preciate the support that has been L. James, who was chargM^ country has been partially made CARD OF THANKS lieve every voter In Rowan ^utny indeed a sad affair end one that the given us and hope thi people wtll with jilltlng Rbseoe McMillan, We. the children of the late Alex ehould stand by Judge Tonng. possible by electric power and mo continue to stand by us. waived examination and his bond entire town and county regrets but r.u stood for the interests of his tors but there is even greater op Patton, wish to thank the many was fixed at 13.000 which be readily these things happen in all counties district at all times and sapedally portunity before tbe Industry than friends for kindness and sympathy NEW FRINfTFAli cave and returned to his homo. snd so long as time is It will has he been Interested In our get has been accomplished In ihe past. showiT us at the time ot his death ways happen. ting good roads. He has stood by Prof. A. H. McGuire, of Creslvlew, The feeling of the great masses . and burial. We shall ever remember rROPH I.ATE Young Amburgy's mother i Oldham county, will come to More- of people Is best evidenced by their them. We are also thankful for the our Normal School and to look at Several farmers were In town hearing of her son being shot had those beauUful buildings you cannot head this year as principal of the ipprovsl of the growth and expan beautiful floral ofteringa. Monday from different paru of the heart atuek aod for s^e time it help but admire his loyalty Consolidated School. Prof. Mc sion of these power companies wlt- Mra. Blrchle Caudill. Mn. Era county and reported crops were very was thought she could n^ survive. home people. Guire comes highly recommended neaaed by their opposition to tbe Markwell. Charles. Robert. Joe* late but were looking well. If the We extend sympathy to the bereav having served as principal of the eph Wilburn and Eugene Pat- fall froets would Juststsy away long political demagogues who. In order BMITR-MfGIXISHAN high school at Burdine. Letcher ed wife and parenu as well as tbe have aoqiething to rave about, county, as well as Crestvlew. Prof. enough for them to mature. numerous other relatives of tbe Friends here have received have decided that there is a menace McGuire Is a brother of Porf, S. H young man. Funeral and burial TRAIN <K>ES TO BLAIR'S MILIR nouncemenu of the marriage of Miss ANNOUNCEMENT In these large eompantee The peo McGuire, one of the tacu|^v of the took place at tbe Caudill cemetery The psasei)ge.r train on the H. ft Oeorglana Smith, of Rich Revival to be held at the Farmers ple have responded by selling their M.