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KKOT PAOn TOOAT THE MOUNTAIN SCORCHER IKDIWQUAl. OKlAir OP- OOOIfTT STASUfe FOB THE RIGHT AITO 00?n>KMlT8 THE WBOPO “8AM GASSITrs PAPER” VOLUME ni. MOEEHEAD, KY., SATURDAY, JULY23,1927 NUMBER 11 - CHILD KILLED BT CAB PnSKKAL BKBVICBS OF PSOO GIVEN ROWAN BCHOOIE KENTUCKY NEWS BEtV Victor, the tiro-yocr-oW con of KLNO CACDIU. Rewu county sebools get |'6Q0 Colonel Lindbergh wtU riett Mr. end Mrs. WsUer NiekoU. who The funeral services of Elmo WORST ACCIDENT IN HISTORY for repairing the ecbool bolldtags LoutavUle In bta tour of prtndpat Ure OB the MIdlsnd pfMl one atle' Caudill, age 8. the youngestson ot recently damaged by floods. Alloca dUea of the United Btatas. on Au- -west of Horeheod, Tms sUaok by Prof, and Mrs.- Steve Caudill were tion of $6,000 to the school boards gaat-8. cor Tbursdsy .evenlnf sbout Nven held at the home M bla parenu. ndar OF ROWAN COUNH of Rowu. Wolfe and Magoffin Bight prlaoaen ta tbe Pulaski o'clock. Re wsB mebed town Tuaaday afternoon. Elmo was eounUea. for tbe reconstruction ud county Jail at E Nteketl eUnic and all etforu to asTe oae of the unfortunate vlcUms of Five Killed and One Serionaly Injured When Train repair of eonnty sebools destroyed the tarnkey ud escaped last Thuru- hie lUe was in vain, for the fflRe the train aeetdent. which happened damaged by tbe recent Eastern day night - fellow was beyond human aid and Monday morningIn which fire peo* Strikes Oar In Which They Were Biding. Kentucky flood, was made Thurs In the Fayette dreolt court Sat and Burrendered hie young life at pie were Inatantly killed. The short day at a meeting of the Bastorn urday. Judg^ Richard C. Stoll grut- o’clock. service was held by Rev. T. P. Lyons The riUsens of Morehead and sur- bU neighborsor friends needed help Kentucky School RecensCruetlon ed 85 divorcee, a reeor^ number la Be leaves a father, mother and of the Church of Ood.. after which Alex Patton was always t^ere to do Board. Ot the 16.000 MagoOn uy one day. two small brothers and one sister, the tody was loterred In the family as never before Monday roomingat all be could. Re was a goodand eeuaty will get 13,000: Wolfe. 83.- Loulavflle boaiaeas men 'have ' . besidM nomeroos other ralaUi cemetery, near their home. The 10:30 o'clock who nthe news came honest man. devoted to his family 600; ud Rowu, $600. The m Started a bk eat to raise 6800.- pall bearers were Blwood Hall. Arch that Aelx Patton and family had and frienda. ^ The car was driven by Albert Van* ta part ot the $60,000 donated by 000 per year for three yean to ad Gaaslty. Henry Lee Pritchard. Watt bM killed by train No. 87 at Brons- Hr. Patton’s children an as fol book, a mechanic at the Midland the Amertcu Red Creea for school vertise the advantagee of Loalarille. Pritchard. Jr. John Paul NlckelL ton CroMtng two miles west ot lows: Mn- Stopben W. CaudUl. of Trail Oarage. It was said that the rehablUtatlon In Eastern Kentueky'e Everett Lowry. 31 yean oM. Elmo was a bright likeable little Morehead. Bronston;. Mrs. Nsainle Crawford. accident was unavoidable. The child Hood sone. was killed Sunday at tbe home ef" chap and was the pride of a loving Hr. Patton, bis wife and dve- Cleveland. Ohio; Mn. Bffle Abbott. MllUrd Pete White in Madison oooa- «^a.^aytDg on the road In front of J- H. Pewers. of this city, super mother, kind father and affectionate months-old baby. Allle. Mrs. Pat ClneinnaU, Oblo; Mn. Dan Dyer. ty. White sorreadered to anthorf- , h"ls ho^e, when .the accident occut- intendent of Rowu county schools: brother. A vacant place Is In the ton's daughter by a former Clearileld. Km Mrn Eva Markwell. tles. red. hid mother was near him hut Bruce Roee. Campion, superintend home Which can never, be filled and rUge. Miss Grace MeCUin. 16 ^ears Sbelby, Ohio; ------- — Qnnt, Shiloh. John C. Lewis. 83. founder ud did not have lime to get him out of ent of Wolfe county schools, and A only the lapse of time un heal ttie old; Elmo Caudill, an 8-year-old eon Ohio: Charles. Robert;. Joseph.Wil ehalrmu of tbe Loi the way of the approaching ear. We Olney Patrick. Saylersville. su^rin- •A-- extend sympathy to the bereaved. broken hearts. The sympathy of of Prof, and Mrs. Stephen Caudill, burn and Eugene, all of Sbelbyti store bMrtng bia unte. aad tendent of Magoffln county schooU, ■1 the entire comdSunlty go out to the forneriy of this city but who recent Ohio. He also leaves'a brother. Ed Confedente veteru. Sied at hla At the time of going to press the were received by the board. They family In their time of sorrow. ly movgd to a farm near the ecena Patton, of Dale. Oklahoma, ^and a home in Loutsrille Sunday. (nneral arrangemenU had not been told ot the dsmage done to of the accident, were killed instant sister. Mrs. Dorothy Ratliff, of Car Tbe fourth auual picnic sponsor CHAPEL NOTES. ■choota by tbe flood In their re ly. and Albert McClain. S-year-old ter county. ed by Masons of Bracken. Robert There will be chapel only two spective counties. eon'of Mra. Patton, was eerloualy son ud Msson eounUes. will be days a week, Tuesday and~ Thurs Mrs. Patton Is survived by the hurt and was takas to Good Samar EDITOR OUUiY NOMINATED day. dufteg ths B«^nd summer following chlldna: Fred McClain, held at tbe Oermutown fair ground itan Hospital at Lexlngtqp on train on Saturday. July 23. term. • age 17. .of Illinois; Alvin McClain, CongratulaUons to* CoL Hlrt In the amile vldnlty Saturday at No. J8 the aame day. where It la age 18 y«an: Milan George McClain,’ Dttley. editor Plemlngsburg Timee- In a flgbt OB tbe lUeeti of Paris 18 o'clock. Mr. Wallace Kisser's Tuesday morning Miss Ruby Van" •aid be le in a eerioua conditiob, hav 9 yean old. and Albert McClain, age Demoerat. who has been Saturday night; Alrin Turner slash smi^l son. John, shot his saatior saat gave a very IntereeUng talk on ingsuffered a brokln leg. crushed 5 years. She Is also survlvsd by her the Democratic nominee for Repre ed bta brother, James Turner several bM^r Charlie through Ifte head •The Relation bf Geometry to Na collar bone and other Iniuriee. father. Prank Dyer. She also leaves sentative In Fleming. No opposition Gmeo on tbe arm with a kntfe. in- With a shot gun. One of the larger ture.” ■The Patton family bad left their one balf-elster. Mrs. Clifford Wills, appeared, 'nils whole-hearted i fUctlng painful Injurlee. hoyu had been out' hpnUng and Tbureday Prof. Peratt brought home here early In the moraingto of Salt Uek. cognition of Col. Duley's devotion Tbe state tax comintaelon last brought the gun In and set It down out an InterpsUngstory in Kentucky pick blackberries. They had got Miss.Grace McClain. 15 yean old. for hmesty week Used the I the porch. The boy picked it history. It was about an old un- ten their bockeU fllled and were re a daughter, who was kilted, was a In polltlee. economy id goverment. Southern Bell Telephone ud 1$ and shot through the window. driUsed dtUen of many years age. turning home when at the crossing promlsinA young lady. She had obedience to law, and the right sort Telegnph Compeny. of AUuta. Oa.. Tb.e little boy lived four hours, who was reared la Lewis county. In the train struck the Pord touring been making her borne’ with o fllring on the part of every clUsen. at 813,766.000 on property in Kcn- after being shot. He wag laid to this Ulk he brought out the fact ear they were In with such force ss^ grandpaniyunear Salt Uek. In Bath comes somewhat Ute in the life of tueky. real at the Purvis grave yard. TBoee that boneety is ariraye the best pol to knock them several feet, laillng eounty. Sba had oaty been hen u xeoellwt mu. but not toe Ute Tbe womens who attended the funeral from icy. that in the end the man whe ta them iDsUntly as above sUted. The few days with her mother. She had tor biffl to pursue with rigor ud Richmond have reqneatad tbe city here were Harlan Cooper and boneat will be rewarded. UtUe Caudill hoy hod gottegjnthe many frienda in and around Salt determination for many yeara. we eoundl to nquln dairymen anp- family .Charlie Wells and wife and ear to ride to the home of his aunt, Rev. Cloyd. Christian pastor, was Uek. several of whom attended the hope, tbe prtadplee that have made plytag fflUk to Richmond to have Mrs. Herbert Cooper. We extend a visitor In chapel Thursday and dis Mrs. Prudle NMkell. only n short funeral. his modest Ufe stand out eoaaplc- (heir dairies luapectad regnlar our sympathy to the bereaved fam tributedbuted sp^so^ dueetlonnalreeq among distance from hU home. The funenl servleee were nonaly.-—Cynthtau Democnit. intervals. ily. B stude^ It was Indeed n ud thing to seo dacted at the Church of Cod. Wed- Hr. Daley Is tbe father of C. P. Thomas Stantau Byers. 60. form NOncB ■rt) CONTRACTORS Prof. Dampler. prlaelpal of the almori the enUre family Uken st needay. afternoon, by Rev. C. Duley, of this dty. aad' has muy er member of the State Board ed Sealed bids will be received from LewUburgMbool la Mason eounty, once.