CHILD KILLED BT CAB PnSKKAL BKBVICBS OF PSOO GIVEN ROWAN BCHOOIE KENTUCKY NEWS BEtV Victor, the tiro-yocr-oW con of KLNO CACDIU. Rewu county sebools get |'6Q0 Colonel Lindbergh wtU riett Mr. end Mrs. WsUer NiekoU. who The funeral services of Elmo WORST ACCIDENT IN HISTORY for repairing the ecbool bolldtags LoutavUle In bta tour of prtndpat Ure OB the MIdlsnd pfMl one atle' Caudill, age 8. the youngestson ot recently damaged by floods. Alloca­ dUea of the United Btatas. on Au- -west of Horeheod, Tms sUaok by Prof, and Mrs.- Steve Caudill were OF ROWAN COUNH tion of $6,000 to the school boards gaat-8. cor Tbursdsy .evenlnf sbout Nven held at the home M bla parenu. ndar of Rowu. Wolfe and Magoffin Bight prlaoaen ta tbe Pulaski o'clock. Re wsB mebed town Tuaaday afternoon. Elmo was eounUea. for tbe reconstruction ud county Jail at E Nteketl eUnic and all etforu to asTe oae of the unfortunate vlcUms of Five Killed and One Serionaly Injured When Train repair of eonnty sebools destroyed the tarnkey ud escaped last Thuru- hie lUe was in vain, for the fflRe the train aeetdent. which happened Strikes Oar In Which They Were Biding. damaged by tbe recent Eastern day night - fellow was beyond human aid and Monday morning In which fire peo* Kentucky flood, was made Thurs­ In the Fayette dreolt court Sat­ and Burrendered hie young life at pie were Inatantly killed. The short day at a meeting of the Bastorn urday. Judg^Richard C. Stoll grut- o’clock. The riUsens of Morehead and sur- service was held by Rev. T. P. Lyons bU neighbors or friends needed help Kentucky School RecensCruetlon ed 85 divorcee, a reeor^ number la of the Church of Ood.. after which Alex Patton was always t^ere to do Be leaves a father, mother and Board. Ot the 16.000 MagoOn uy one day. the tody was loterred In the family as never before Monday roomingat all be could. Re was a goodand two small brothers and one sister, eeuaty will get 13,000: Wolfe. 83.- Loulavflle boaiaeas men 'have ' cemetery, near their home. The 10:30 o'clock who nthe news came honest man. devoted to his family . besidM nomeroos other ralaUi 600; ud Rowu, $600. The m Started a bk eat to raise 6800.- pall bearers were Blwood Hall. Arch that Aelx Patton and family had and frienda. ^ The car was driven by Albert Van* ta part ot the $60,000 donated by 000 per year for three yean to ad­ Gaaslty. Henry Lee Pritchard. Watt bM killed by train No. 87 at Brons- book, a mechanic at the Midland Hr. Patton’s children an as fol­ the Amertcu Red Creea for school vertise the advantagee of Loalarille. Pritchard. Jr.John Paul NlckelL ton CroMtng two miles west ot Trail Oarage. It was said that the lows: Mn- Stopben W. CaudUl. of rehablUtatlon In Eastern Kentueky'e Everett Lowry. 31 yean oM. Morehead. accident was unavoidable. The child Elmo was a bright likeable little Bronston;. Mrs. Nsainle Crawford. sone. was killed Sunday at tbe home ef" chap and was the pride of a loving «^a.^aytDg on the road In front of Hr. Patton, bis wife and dve- Cleveland. Ohio; Mn. Bffle Abbott. J- H. Pewers. of this city, super­ MllUrd Pete White in Madison oooa- mother, kind father and affectionate , h"ls ho^e, when .the accident occut- months-old baby. Allle. Mrs. Pat­ ClneinnaU, Oblo; Mn. Dan Dyer. intendent of Rowu county schools: ty. White sorreadered to anthorf- brother. A vacant place Is In the red. hid mother was near him hut ton's daughter by a former Clearileld. Km Mrn Eva Markwell. Bruce Roee. Campion, superintend tles. did not have lime to gethim out of home Which can never, be filled and rUge. Miss Grace MeCUin. 16 ^ears Sbelby, Ohio; ------— Qnnt, Shiloh. ent of Wolfe county schools, and John C. Lewis. 83. founder ud A only the lapse of time un heal ttie the way of the approaching ear. We old; Elmo Caudill, an 8-year-old eon Ohio: Charles. Robert;. Joseph. Wil­ Olney Patrick. Saylersville. su^rin- ehalrmu of tbe Loi •A-- broken hearts. The sympathy of extend sympathy to the bereaved. of Prof, and Mrs. Stephen Caudill, burn and Eugene, all of Sbelbyti tendent of Magoffln county schooU, store bMrtng bia unte. aad the entire comdSunlty goout to the ■1 At the time of going to press the forneriy of this city but who recent­ Ohio. He also leaves'a brother. Ed were received by the board. They Confedente veteru. Sied at hla family In their time of sorrow. (nneral arrangemenU had not been ly movgd to a farm near the ecena Patton, of Dale. Oklahoma, ^and a told ot the dsmage done to home in Loutsrille Sunday. of the accident, were killed instant­ sister. Mrs. Dorothy Ratliff, of Car­ CHAPEL NOTES. ■choota by tbe flood In their re­ Tbe fourth auual picnic sponsor­ ly. and Albert McClain. S-year-old ter county. There will be chapel only two spective counties. ed by Masons of Bracken. Robert­ eon'of Mra. Patton, was eerloualy son ud Msson eounUes. will be days a week, Tuesday and~ Thurs­ Mrs. Patton Is survived by the hurt and was takas to Good Samar­ EDITOR OUUiY NOMINATED held at tbe Oermutown fair ground day. dufteg ths B«^nd summer following chlldna: Fred McClain, itan Hospital at Lexlngtqp on train age 17. .of Illinois; Alvin McClain, CongratulaUons to* CoL Hlrt on Saturday. July 23. In the amile vldnlty Saturday at term. • No. J8 the aame day. where It la age18 y«an: Milan GeorgeMcClain,’ Dttley. editor PlemlngsburgTimee- In a flgbtOB tbe lUeeti of Paris 18 o'clock. Mr. Wallace Kisser's Tuesday morningMiss Ruby Van" •aid be le in a eerioua conditiob, hav ­ 9 yean old. and Albert McClain, age Demoerat. who has been Saturday night;Alrin Turner slash­ smi^l son. John, shot his saatior saat gave a very IntereeUng talk on ing suffered a brokln leg. crushed 5 years. She Is also survlvsd by her the Democratic nominee for Repre­ ed bta brother, JamesTurner several bM^r Charlie through Ifte head •The Relation bf Geometry to Na­ collar bone and other Iniuriee. father. Prank Dyer. She also leaves sentative In Fleming. No opposition Gmeo on tbe arm with a kntfe. in- With a shot gun. One of the larger ture.” ■The Patton family bad left their one balf-elster. Mrs. Clifford Wills, appeared, 'nils whole-hearted i fUctlng painful Injurlee. hoyu had been out' hpnUng and Tbureday Prof. Peratt brought home here early In the moraing to of Salt Uek. cognition of Col. Duley's devotion Tbe state tax comintaelon last brought the gun In and set It down out an InterpsUngstory in Kentucky pick blackberries. They had got­ Miss.Grace McClain. 15 yean old. for hmesty week Used the I the porch. The boy picked it history. It was about an old un- ten their bockeU fllled and were re­ a daughter, who was kilted, was a In polltlee. economy id goverment. Southern Bell Telephone ud 1$ and shot through the window. driUsed dtUen of many years age. turning home when at the crossing promlsinA young lady. She had obedience to law, and the right sort Telegnph Compeny. of AUuta. Oa.. Tb.e little boy lived four hours, who was reared la Lewis county. In the train struck the Pord touring been making her borne’ with o fllring on the part of every clUsen. at 813,766.000 on property in Kcn- after being shot. He wag laid to this Ulk he brought out the fact ear they were In with such force ss^ grandpaniyunear Salt Uek. In Bath comes somewhat Ute in the life of tueky. real at the Purvis grave yard. TBoee that boneety is ariraye the best pol­ to knock them several feet, laillng eounty. Sba had oaty been hen u xeoellwt mu. but not toe Ute Tbe womens who attended the funeral from icy. that in the end the man whe ta them iDsUntly as above sUted. The few days with her mother. She had tor biffl to pursue with rigor ud Richmond have reqneatad tbe city here were Harlan Cooper and boneat will be rewarded. UtUe Caudill hoy hod gottegjnthe many frienda in and around Salt determination for many yeara. we eoundl to nquln dairymen anp- family .Charlie Wells and wife and ear to ride to the home of his aunt, Rev. Cloyd. Christian pastor, was Uek. several of whom attended the hope, tbe prtadplee that have made plytag fflUk to Richmond to have Mrs. Herbert Cooper. We extend a visitor In chapel Thursday and dis­ Mrs. Prudle NMkell. only n short funeral. his modest Ufe stand out eoaaplc- (heir dairies luapectad regnlar our sympathy to the bereaved fam­ tributedbuted sp^so^ dueetlonnalreeq among distance from hU home. The funenl servleee were nonaly.-—Cynthtau Democnit. intervals. ily. B stude^ It was Indeed n ud thingto seo dacted at the Church of Cod. Wed- Hr. Daley Is tbe father of C. P. Thomas Stantau Byers. 60. form­ almori the enUre family Uken st NOncB ■rt) CONTRACTORS Prof. Dampler. prlaelpal of the needay. afternoon, by Rev. C. Duley, of this dty. aad' has muy er member of the State Board ed Sealed bids will be received from LewUburg Mbool la Mason eounty, once. Thozass. Woorly Ball, and Rev. friends here who extend to him SqualitaUon .and the first eom^ this date until the 1st day of August was In chapel Tbuiadar and gnve a Hr. and Mrs. Patton bad each r. Lybns. afUr which the bodies ot sloner of motor veblelea in Ken­ 1187, nnlll the hour of 1:00 o'clock short addrees. been married before and bad chil­ the four anfortuute vletlma ven tucky. died at hla home ta Shelby . omr COUNCIL doinqb p. m.. St the oAee of the President dren by their t< iald to rest .In the Lee eeme^ery alt oounty Thutaday. NOlUtAL NOTES. . ^ ThiT'daip^ the plau ud sped of the Morehead 8ute Normal and They hsd been married shout two ta one bU gruve, the little Caudill The students who made straight of tbe city's streets, mide Homer Hunt. 28 years old. died Teacher’s College,st Moreheadf Ky. years s^d Alls Young Patton was hoy baringbeen burled In the eeme' A'a during the . drat term of the snm- by Englneem J. B. Conley, of Lex­ in a Wineheeter hoapilal Thursday for tbs oenstmedon of concrete re­ their ^y. tery nenrjils home. mer school are: Mrs Minnie Oae- ington ud H. L. Leete .of Irvine. froqi Injuries suffered Sunday whra taining walls and walks adR^Isc —Mrr Patton was the daughter of Uneau. David Morris and Rey BoK This accident was Indeed ■ verj Ky.. were a«2eptad by the city coun- a motorcycle he and another man excavation, grading and levetf^. Prank Dyer, formerly of Brady, but sad affair. We do not know any­ brook. -— ------dl Tuesday evening and an ordl- were riding eolUded with an aoto- The bidders will be required tc Those who knew Mrs. Maude who moved to Louisville a few thing about the crossing. Some say nuce passed to have tbe paving mobile in Powell eounty. accompany their bids with a eertifi' Biggs, a former Kudent. VIII be very nlratht ago. She was a kind., good It le a very dangerous one and somi done ^or which bide will re received John Tucker, 73 years old. who ed check for the sum of 8800. that •orry to hear of her death. She '^woman, good neighbor and always say It U not. AU we know is It was August 9. Mr- Conley will be hero has been' blind for four yeare. end­ If they are the successful blddsr they paseed away M her home near Oray- ready to lead a helping hand to the worst hccident that baa ever oc­ all during the time the paring Is ed hla life at the home of his son will enter into contract and execute those who' needed her. Mrs. Paltoo curred In Rowan eounty. under construction. There Is In Woodford county by hanging him­ the required bond. was S6.yMrs old. We deeply sympatbise srlth th< ■ Mlae CUra Robinson, a student, mile and three-quarters of pav ­ self with a rope attached to -tho Plans \ndepeclfleaUons are non Mr. Psttoh was a well-known oil family and enpectally does our aym was called to her home In Orayeon ing In this program. Well, we need headboard of his bed. on file at the office of the Preeldeni driller sad buMneee man who bad patby go out to Mn. CandlU. who Tuesday on aocount ot the Ulnei the paring done .for since ] M. J. McCarthy. 70 years old. and may be eeen at any time. lived In this community for a num­ lost a fathnr. son and baby sister. her mother. street. Wilson etreeu FSIrbuks ud editor and pnblUfaer of the Mays- This iB the IStb ter of July. 1087 Last report*, as we go to pn ber of yean. He was about 65 yean Carer avenuee have bee paved, we Daily BuiieUn. died at tbs- , P. C. BUTTON - Dean Cbambere made a business years old. He was a man who every ­ from the hospital ta that Albert Is •ften wonder how we all gotthrough in Maysrille last President Morehead State trip to OwlngsvUle Saturdsy. body liked. He always had a cheer­ doing nicely and nnleae compHonU the mud uyway. Wednesday night folloVing an ill- . „. Normal and Teaeber’e NEGRO KlUM RACRHORSB ful word to greet you with, and It In be has a ebaisce to recover. « of three days with Ipneumonla. College LTTTLBTON.KUTZER UWNisK AT &ACBLAND At a mMttag of, mpreseniatlvs k PICNIC DINNER. Theodore SImpnon. an enraged (M>POaE OC»IMUTATIO!if. HEART SEWB> UP Tbe foRowtng announeement fiVW tobaeeo growers, hustnte men ud Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Dillon. Mr, and negro at Raceland. atrbek C. In a statement given out by par­ What other surgeons who wlt- the Aabland Daily Independent, will bankers held in Paru last week, Mra. Cbaa. H. Tnckett. and Mra Chappdlle. a prominent racehorse enu of Will Nelson Pam. young neosed U declared was one of the bear unusual Interest and surprise prellmlnarr etup were taken to Clara owner and trainer of Emoryvtlle. I>ualneae man from Plemlngsburg. most remarkable operatlonB to a srtde ruge of tbe bride’s friends create a non-poM loose leaf waiw- plenle dlnmer at Rodham Sunday In Calif.. In the head with an ax which who was shot and killed in a elub performed took place Saturday tn tbit rieintly: houee In Paris In'time for the com-, honor, of their uncle. W. E. HeBJn, mused his death three hours lat^ hones during the Christmas afternoon at S.t. Jeaopli’s hospital Mrs. James Alien LytUeton tag sMiten. uaouneee the marriage of her and family, of. Wlnebeeter. Every ­ The negro and a negro woman wets 1985. they decUred they are dp- in Lexington when Dr. Waller O. Michael Henry Courtney. 68. rioe- thing which goes to make an i Bgbtlngand Cbappelle was an on­ posed to a commuUtlon tn life Im- Bullock took 14 sUtehee in the heart daughter prestdent of a Wlnebeeter baita ud •Geneva _ •Icf ,|tke that an tejoyable affair looker. prlaonment of the death sentence ot a yonng negro mu who had^ been father of W. H. Courtney. presMeat -vAa there In abuadneee. Imposed on Raymond C. Daria, who CbBA Landolt, ChtppeRe's joekey, shot squarely through that orgu of the Phoeajx Buk ud Trust CO.. has been granted a respite >onUl Mr. Jamea.BMnett Kntner HEW CHURCH BUILDING _____ pursued the negro Into a mvlne and with a Sg-eallbre^tstol. The bal­ ta Lexington, died at his home ta September to be electrocuted lor the let had penetrated the heart, going on Monday. July eighteenth Winchester Thursday. ' - TO BE BUn/T captured him. Chappelle had come I ud twoniy-uven The Prlmitlvp BaptteU.^ho have to Kentucky to enter his boi In the front wall of the left ventlcle. Meivta C. Probne. 17 year old passing tbroagb the cavity and out Greehrille. Kentucky i ta thMchool build­ the Raceland raeee and was known reOHEBmoW OFFIOKE KILLED The marriage ot the young oeuple Grayson eonnty lad. Is tbe cbamplw ing at Cleain^ for a number ot aU over the United Stites as through the rear wall: The elotttag Junior etab ebeep tataor of the etata. Ftflun to search Claraaee Madr ocStood had prevented the lou ot took place very quietly at high noon yean, are now U> have a church turfman. .Slrntpeoa was Monday at tbe Methodist Bptaeopal haring bau awarded the elubta dox. 36. of London. Ky.. whom be' hiood sultalmt to ehnu death. Al­ hahae of their tmt. In a few d^ lodged in Jail foiling his captors. ebureh___L at MOreenvUA,______L,j.a ud -L.the pastor. first prise at Lexington last week. -the erection of a baildlng srlU be arrected for a liquor charge. though the^egro, who was shot by From s floek of 34 sheep he rstun- a negrowoau. may die. the opera­ R«v. B. M. Currie. oOdated. oalng ..Atena mmt the CandiU eemetery. Qoat George Nuts. '4*. the impressive ringeeremony. There ed a net profit of $8'lS. W. ' L. KiUpntflek. the darederi] of the prohibition raM- tion was an uUre soeeeu. ■ ottbel? J. Howard Payne, i buker ot Mt StefUog, and widely Ing aqaad of oaators Kutueky, hla Saturday withdrew tfrom the mee known In Moreband, fell on ttw tamiliee pretent, among whom waa ;■, — Uto at 9 o’cleolu ...Z- MRE PERATT R^6oVKR1NO hrMe’s mother. Hre tor the DemoeraOc aomluttan for ‘ - V to UI^M tliAt I sUppery pavement. Thursdny night at Walnut Grove Oavp. at the meotb The muy tiiamds ot Mrs. 0. Q-i Lyttletu of AshUnd. state enpwtataBdoat of puhlle ta- the ConaoUdated and broke his hip. of Parker's eruk. 10 aaltae from Peentt. who undorwont u opemtlen Tbe bride ta a very lovable yodng stmctlOB and W. a~ BeD la assursd Co. inlij eqmpped aad London. Nantta boms la ta London. 5ES- MM BIMPSOH HONORaO at, the Good Samhratu Hospital. s^u. very attractive ud ta pop­ the nomination without . leadr ^ Mlm CapttoU Blmpeon. wh rMsnt- Maddox . ta in the London Infl. Loxtagton,several days ago.will be ularly kaowa tbreaghoat Cutral A baby glri, three days old, was ” , Dentist ly attended the Nnttnnnl BdnenGtAnl oharcod with the mnrdor off the gladto know ahe ta ImproriagnleOIr Keutucky. She ta a danghtarof the abudonte Friday night by hsr M agut.' Be was oanght by oAears Dr. Oenaga P/ Salyer., at tet and win be home the Utter part of lata J. A. tyttataa ud Mn. Wttta- ysar old motbw. *bo slipped out of ------the dbod Samaritan hoepltal ud BjUIUHlKI SVMB I u a doMkate .of the Morehead Ner- aoxt week. toB, of Twenty-fourth etreet Aab- mal. was made a member ot the about 101 yards from the where dlsnppaared. The baby bad beu AND d WeUUMO luA She ta a graduta of Morehead Necrology eommlttfe. the dry agut waa shot down. Mad MUCH B UEBEEll TO THE EYES State Normal Behool ud has maay bom in a rooming house ud tho O. W. MoIUm. one of Re«ab etna- dot waa treated for wounds in each m BAY OF BCNUQBT friends here who )ota us ta wtahlag mother and obUd were rsnwved to ty'a good ettlsaaB mad bnalaMa w«a MDVBB TO HAUnaiAR lag. the wounds being the monlt of ' While the huBU eye ta a wonder­ tbe hesplUL over Cren Walts Wadaeaday her much happtueae throughout her Mr. and Mn. Irvin Gregory an dtaebarge from-a abotgun which ful instrumrat, It records but married life. For the past few yean of Outre Collage ;^aWagsoppUee far a new dwedlW moving from the property of Mrs. Nuts ww enrmne. third of the tuUgbt. the rest betag ahe has hem ud tbe Uutvenltr of Kutueky. t aad atore halldlag. wl^ Is Omu - Jeckeon near the Boalevard, on wave-Ungths either too high or HBtE FMM ARaOEA mosle ta RmUamsou. W. Ta.. CuMl U roiBta trum tteir hemu ta Gov [ aoaatmaticui at. or to HnMeiaan. Mr. Greegry Is one too low to regtotwi says Popular Mr. MoHon wUl ant Ar the Newt Funln. ef ^ocb Iz. 'Aria. City ud Paducah. 1Ky. tagtM to nttud A dum at CUftoA. o< the polite elerfen at thoBnldmBhB Certata Mr. Kuuau ta a promtatagyouag Injured Frbtay nlgktwten Uw jfi—f Bova his thml^ thare Vat •tore. and Sunday TtalL met* are beUeved to aee ttaOM rayo laghla oonmna. Mra BhtWt GaadiU huataeae mu of Outral aty. Ky.. ubila ta which they arm rld- wei rant Cm haiUttaca that eeeape the huaau eye and OOK TO Mra ArnoU Moore and « Ptantai. aad ta a au of Che lata Oeorga tag iklddsd and eruhsi lata a M ta mutfut by tbair Kutuer aad Mru. Lydia Kutmur of u the RmmU Cava piks ta Bartl. Lather' BeOntny and wife are re­ Mr. fhnalB was a femur stttau of Ultm-riolK rays, for ta- MhN Borlha VeBiayer. taadhar tagta tumokneplht ta the 8t LOOU. H* SOB eounty. KateBeky. befag a Mure, renet op X n( tba Glanwaad aebool. jrfD give a the bMk ef the poet oBee. For the oseealin. Mre. Kutauer . whu ths gnsoltM tank dsnlm- of teatem Ksntaeky. Eb waa attboughipreym eani ' ^ Vie sappar Satartey. Jaly 88. at rund ta BBett .aeuaty ud «MiiaitilsrrmtiT attired la a beeoat- eught Hre after tbe aruh. CLOSE ffllViUT! A mi^- aad whUo tba. X-cm the ttkmtihaate I ef faU ahadea. At a I tteir -abodoir eu be ehiirwU « Is hn, the werri •bap lb. Fsaata tea hm ta tba After a MwH muddlag trip, •Msl eouit IBM wwk. the tmmedi - Is eo Mted mm,. ^ bta fBated the toddw of teida aM mO be located at ata ale of 8tS.«H ta tend ha^ that ha voa't i mtmm tsi W hu now mortmd tba OBttBl Cl». teStg at tetat ta EM dCEoui and the wle ot fTSHM ^i ftliiilally PM iwEy b m ilf Umiia > sma ordsauA hadpre nif ItM. I ■ THE UODNTAIN MANX TO ATTB.VD roci/TBr oouRu MORE FOR ROADS Many men And voinu. Wtrln* os rnrni and Id town. haT» wrlttM tbe CoU*ce of Aciieulture that th«y URGEyy CROWE pUd to attend tbe tbird annual abort eourae In poultry, to be (Iren PmuMi iitmiw i mtm July l«.«. Tbe oourae »1U be open emllM In MiuiM; to all penona 15 yeara old or older, RACELANS and will deal' vim tbe praeUoal A^nttiHICiwtr problem of poultry raialns. .Ciwli lunctil. Each momtnr from g to 9 o’clock TAX flAX tXmilED. will be derotod to aetnal poultry Judging. wUb pmeUeal work wftb Betalo tbe gasoline tax at five ^ts a gallon and gaaranUe a M- cbiekena again In, tbe aflernoona. riclent road fund for tbe Itate bleb- Culling,diagnoeingand treatingdls- way eominlaajan to complete li, RACES i

eaaea, the handling of batching and five-year program already entered First itare 2«) P. M.-Eastem Standard Time Into and to fulfill all the aireemeM brooding equipment, etc., will be made wl^th fiscal coivts of the coun­ taken up In a practical way. ties. Robert T, Crowe, candidate for 7 -Races Daily-7 Records from many farm floeka -he Democratic nominalioo ft>r ^vernor. m an Interview this Spe^i c. & o. Train from Huntington to Track in Kentucky abow tbat poultry ^n on rJlid ***■ P°»l- Bub Service from Nearby Towns to Track raising has become one of the moet profluble enterprlaea on these Mr. Crowe explained that the ^e ipsoUno ux was Increased farms. ' During tbe past fl»e years from three cents a gallon to five farm flocks in various parts of the oenfa a gallon by tbe 1929'Ier.ala. Sute have returned more than $2. tore for two years only. This sddJ- expires in 1929 idlest S- above feed cost and miscellaneous leflaUture which expenses, per bird. Kentucky Is mwta in tbat year. Mr. Crowe It convlncod that th* Ashland Handicap favored by climate and nearnesa to Ironton Stakes •late w„, receive UrgS? .Ivenws $2000 Added YOUR MONEY IS SAFE markeu, and men who should know by the permanent retention of tbe $2000 Added predict that It Srlll become one of flvt-eent gsbollne tax than from w JULY 9 JULY 23 Not 4or«e keep your moncv Jwliind thick tbe greatest poultry aUtes. oth.'r source, si shown K- -ADMiaSION- walls and stronglocks but we also insure it against orea rumlabed by tbe atate highway The College of Agriculture and department which reveal that the - 92.00 Women loss. Experiment SUtlon, through lu JV1° ’’ ‘“e calendar year ; Ts;x ': 19-6 fumitbed revenuea amounilnr poultry planu at Lexington.Prince­ Well-known men of experience, integrity and total . ton and Quicksand, and through tlou of gasoline is rapidly iMtea^ ability conduct our bank’s business along conserva ­ county agents and field agents, are lug this fund will grow iJS tive lines. luring the next adralnistratloQ. doing everything poeaible to pro­ In order to make certaiii the pe We inWte the accounts of corporations, part- mote interest of more and better maneni retention of the ga.oHne P.o,a„x. — poultry. The above will be offered lax at five cents Mr. Crowe proposes nerahips and business men, and the accounts of in­ In the Interest of men and women a reducUon of one-thlrd In motor dividuals. taxes The annual income who wish to become more proficient f^ motor license laxea ts smaller wj WILL WELOOBEE YOU In the handling of their flocks. than the annual Income from the gaiollne ^ax and tbe reduction of one-thlrd the amount Of motor He- i-nB- taxes la decidedly less than the PEOPLES BANK OF MOREHEAD AVIATOR DEAD loss or two-fifths the amount from MaJ. Thomas South Bowen, Ken- gasoline Uxet would he. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE mSUEANCK Morehead, Ky.' luckUn. dlsUngulahed aviator and The motor license taxes In Ken­ tucky In comparison with adjol^ng World War figure, died In Washing­ •lales are now unetjnal to the point COMPANY ton. Sunday, following a stroke, that many Kentocklins now b«y which ensued from a long Illness leenses acroaa the •tala border. If The Leadiiig Animal Dividend Cempaiiy stUlbuteA to Iniuries he received In U pointed out by aupportera of Mr DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK TWO KILLED IN POWELL the line of, duty. He was ' Crowe who contend that this rednr i. W. ELHIH. Qsneml Afsnt T. F, ANDERSON. LcoM AmM tloa be proposes In motor license MaytylHe, Ky. That every city has leaders who sm AVTOMOBn^ ACCIDENT old. !• luea will occasion only small loss magneUc. intelligent and eouragooos J W, Sparks. 25. of Clay county, Major Bowen, the son of the late of revenue which wlU bo offset hr onongh to lead. John H. Bowen, was bom near reduction In the expense of enforc- and Amos Hensley. 3«. of Owsley log Che motor license laws. Increase That when they command tbe al- ^nty, were klHed yeeterdarwhen Frankfort and spent hie early life in the number of Ueenaos bonght ^o d have thought that Calvin •egtance of enotigh cHliens toward tbelr automobile was crowded off a there. He was a cousin of South In Kemncky and Increase la the use •itospEormo from tww ant a program of development for their Powell county road by another ear Trimble, former RepresenUUve and of gasoline'from which funds wlU had a flair for color and here continue to supply the road fund at Organisation of an aerial expedi­ etty. It Is gAe to be done. plunged 300 feet down the aide of former Clerk of tbe Bouse, from goes and plumps tbe White House tion to hunt tor copper and other Sa”'*' * gallon on gaso- Tbat a g^t many men are doing a hill. Pour companlona were In­ whom he received bU appointment down in the Black BUIt. mineral deposits In northern Rhod­ a great amount of uneelilab and un­ jured. none eeriously. to the Academy, and of Jerry Sooth. Mr. Crowe declared tbat miarek esia. close to the Congoborder in u«a ceueea at- appreciated work for their elty. The injured are Roscoe Campbell, Washington Uwyer, and Dr. John Africa, is under way. says Popular That If It were not for tbspe men, O. South. United Sutes Minister to mo« every ealamity except a special 19, and Oscar Woods. 22, both of haa pledged 'f^fll^...Ilment of every .Mechanics Msgsxlns. By means of many cUles would be moving back­ Panama. One of bis grandfathers ------by the sUte high­ of oooEress. — LonJsrille the mspe and surveys that can be ward. Everyone abouM cooperate Cincinnati: Add Allen, of Oneida, was Col. Jerry W. South, noted In way commlaalon with flacal count Hmee. and Albert Green, of Harlan county. made from the mlrplsnee. the prao- Kentucky polIUes. of the counties tbat have voted bond to keep their city moving forward. lasuea or special oountlea and that peetors esa he guided tbroogh the The men were en route to Clndn- Mtjor Bowen was well known In That a whole lot of cmes are vait- natl In aedreh of work. ho has pledged to appoint a high­ dense jungles to place that promise fbU dty. being a cousin of Mrs. 8. way commission In sympathy with riches tn ure. One of the hasarde tughsg forioT prosperity to bit them.the It Camjjbell and Woods were Uken IN* nramm nidertaken. Such fflta- .Name Advises P. Hamilton and was also closely re­ the work Is the abeenoe of nsually miMes them when they trj}^ County bo^ltal In Wln- lated to the Trimble family. «r. Crowe ehame- favorable landing flelda.--NFor this •h> MIX.... Chestercheater. They are aiirrsHn*Buffering from ------par with the atUcka WKAK. RUN-DOWN the walling game. upon hU clUxeniblp despite Infor- rfeason. emergency plo4 v^ have eu^ and scalp wounds. The dead CLI-B BOY PTN^ " The way to get proepertty la to mallon(uniivu fnmuhodiumunpa to ibol_- Courier- to be cut out of tbe forest atWriy Uken to a funeral eaUbUsb- SHEEP PROPITABLE Joumriss to hli nataralltatloa. and close Intervals tbreughoutths/terrt. set out and make a lot of prosperity meot In Wlochealer. Allen and A flock of 24 sheep returned a the efforia to deny the pnrpoet WOMEN lory that Is to be surveyed aad for a city. It can't Be done by “sit­ Green were only allghUyhurt n profit of 9219 for Melvin C. the soil brongbt by Beckham aerodromes will have to be erected ting ateady." Probus. 17.year.oW Grayson county To TSke Cardnl ..The car which crowded them from ed tbe credit of tbe comcommonwealth for eervlelBg the ships and keeplug (Copywrite 1997) Junior club boy .whose record book and etopped madhnUdlnE. the road failed to stop. It was re­ supplies, -A special airplane has of his sheep raising operaUons was —PoL Adv ported. Assistance was sent from been deeigned for tbe project It BKUEVR IN YOimsELF awarded first prise In Kentucky thU Stanton, four milee from the scene U te be fitted vrith two motors and Oh, don't be afraid of yourself, When you lesm to protect your- of the accident. so constructed that It vriU bo able HroDus kept s fine record seU, revenge will vanish. Lsam to young feller, for If you are, every ­ te fly or even climb with of Bttbscribe for the Seorriiar. book .where be listed all receipts body else wn> be afraid uf you. protect yoursoU. then yon irUl not the engines running. and expenses, and made note of Grant's soldiers loyally followed him “Three boys drowned under Sing have the spirit of revsngs to gratify. feeds used, work done and other Tbe people are aUli wondering because be wasn't afraid of bla own Singprison walls, weepingand curs­ What u %e matter vrltb the mU- loa^orahlp. Trust yourself. Don't ingconvicts wantingto goto rescue operations in connection with rais­ inghla flock. mOHWAT LOO MIDLAND ■mart. roadsT NashaUle ‘nffles. Ifs^ no think tbst beesuse everybody else but held at bay by guards with level ­ Log Tovm. ■oeret at all. The trouble is that failed in a project that you will ed rifles.''—News note. So this Is Re purchsaed 23 ewes and ■ ram the upper berths sre too tar tmm 4 T%e late George Washington was cimisatloa? ..1 August 12 for 1261. Prom this 0.0—W. Vm Liao. tho floor. called a fool by Commodore Vander­ flock he sold lambs for $179. wool 1.0—GaUettsburg. Screen actress sues a man for ofr 941. and kept for another year 6.5—Ashland. bilt. But this air brake won and The worst oflt is thanie • flsh HOO.OOO heart balm. Man baa got eightewe lambs and a choice ram. 99.9—Kilgore. be died one of tbe wonderful men seem to gofor a vaeatloa about a# »pay.—Headline In Mempble Com- Be assisted In growingmost of the 33.1—Graysoa. of hia time. Kick out dlMOuxmco- aamo time w« do.—Dallas News, merclal Appeal. Seema as thoughU feeds used, lueluding soybean hay 49.9—OUre HIU. menL Don't allow frlenda to tufla- would bavs been cheaper to have and com. 69.9— Morehead. ence or clrcnmataoces to color your sahaertto tar ^"wnortbm'. married ber. 77.9 — Farmers. courageand your alma. Walk right BIGBt-HOUR DAT ntv.t. 89.4—SalhUek. out of ease and away from the ap- KIIXED in ILLDIOtt HODBB Snbseribo for TBs Soos^ir. 99.1—OwlngsvlllA ^UM of the crowd, if neoeMarr. One of tbe last and major acta 107.4 — ML Sterling. YOUR NAME Be llnaly Independent. Stand alone of the DUnoto Leglslattire which c- * o. B. R. Bcamvui 199.6—Wlnebseter. B«’t let yesterday's blundors adjourned last week wgs to reject (Bireetlve April I. 1997) 149.9—Laxlngtoa. Is it on our subscr^ tUhires darken, today's sunlit op- a hDl whteb would have gtvctt tbe 160.9—Ft Spring. , •brtunlUes. Start your Ute aaev —WEST BOUND— Steto n •.hour day tn- wonen No. IB ______„5-l*I 169.4—TenaUlw. . ! tionlkt? via the atartlngof every hour. Be rorkera The tect that large num- No. 99 S n m 146.9— Jett. * an Initiator. hen of woman workers, -who eaUed We will ffuarahteo No. 97 ------^ lbs msamtre the "Woman's Anii- 171.4 — Frankfort 177.0 — Brtdiaport Treat some girls with -JiAST BOOND— Ovwtlms Pay BUI." dM not want It. you luU value UtSMSB and they wUI set as though No. 94 - —lU.7r^raefaa9barg. Hr . B. and went to Sprlngfleld to tell the ttor bad an omoo ou ywu. No. 91 . loglsUtora ao. did aoC prevent the 194.0— Peytoaa. - FOB YOPB MONEY No. 99 . npimera from gettliicthe bin thru 197.9— Olay TlHaga. The workingbees kill tbe drones -S:Up.aa. the Senate. Tbe Souse mtuh the 199.7— Shelbyviae. (tf) 901.9— aad tbsreby toaoh bomaaity that measure on the last day of (he s«i- MImm Is a capital offsBsa. Sabeenhe lur SitBraiM. 919.7- >19.7—MUdlotowa. STAIK RHTBNUE POR vene tKAA 919.9— St Ittthawa. RaventM of Keatoeky tor tbe tls- 996.9— LoalovfDa. eal year ending Juno 90 was a Uttle 947.9— Wwt Polat COZY. THEATRE over two milUen foUars more than m.0-n» Top. for the fiscal year 1999. aeeordtnc m.7 —Hi'siJibarg. to figures made puhlle by State 909.7— BarOtasbarg. Aoditor W. S Shanks. Ths t% ad- in.6------dlUonal tax on gaaettae vras respons­ Tne.d»y-"maiOKT LAItX’' ible for the major part of the. In- SII.9- crease . The eolleetlons throngh McKim Music Co. 411., ____ rrM»y-"an)BBJTXE” eherlfts totaled 99,140.991.91 and «49.»—HartiR. wnaExsTXB, xxxtuoby motor Uoeasas, 94.998,909.91. 470.7------B candidates for State and Isf- 4M9—Padaoah. Islatfve oaesB' are adroeatlnc re­ 8»tmta7-"lIAir POWXB” Adler Pbese, n*yera Phonegrapha, Oigam duction Of eotnplote ellmluation at andRadiaa. the tax oa torn taads, which this «OTMsnHtai. qaans 91.909.000 d$ ^ rorwne taned im H. i>. moEXu, la (hroagh tbs shertffa Nmnsmas tYL EAR. N9M AMD THROAT COZY theatre ;, aATUHBAT. JULY U. 1*IT. TH* MOUltTAUr 8COK- »% I.B88 TOBACCO 'GOOD YIELDS HELP THIS YBAR THAR LAST FARMERS PROFmlj Kentucky'* 19J7 totaJ terMse of Farmers wno obuln Urge crop miiiEFOir lobweo of all typo* i* yields wake tbe luost money, other | >5% Im (ban in 1926, or 319.S0O faetro* being equal, according (o > acre* compared to R26,«00 acre* Btudlee ef actual farm condlUons. U*l year, aad tbe Kentucky wl^eat made by the Kentucky College of I crop about 3.682.000 buabel* com­ Agriculture, and reported In a dr mwealth^s Attorney. ROADS pared to 4.7TS.000 bu*heU produced euUr called “Control of Farm Ex- N Ctmn Pbn Prondn for la»t year; tbeae are the feature* of penset,'' ■! the July crop report for Kentucky, In studying wheat growing tbe In IS^mr Fimd» Rui«l bj baaed on oonditions a* of July 1. vestigators found that farmers who I got an average yield of only eight Fnrort MoAod, A, Gmo- and isaued tbl* week by the Ken­ tucky office of the U .S. Dlviaion of bushels per acre paid out 81.03 for|| fine Tax. Crop and Livestock animkte*. The every bushel. Where tbe yield r.. decrease of 1.091,000 bushel* (or up to 23 bnsbeU per acre tbe cost 11 about 28%) under tbe final 1826 was only 92 cenU per bushel. Flgurei obtuned from the production of wheat in Kentucky The same principle applied to to- II An Important Office 1^ Vehicle departmmrt. of 1* due to poorer condition* at haireat bacco growing. Some farmers wero 11 rtete. jhow thet . this year and In spite of greater found to be growing tobacco at i Bcenee on a Ford car coata; acreage harreetedi (which U about cost of 12 cents per pound. du< largely to the fact that they were 11 $i3.57: ■■ Other fkroi-j ..In Ohio. $4. sere*, ur 10% i«** thao la 1926 era spent nearly twice that amount Tbe coDdltloa July 1. wa« 66% com­ to grow a pound of tobaeco. 'Ain Indiana, $5. pared to 84% July 1, 1926. aud a The cost of cultivating an acre of 10-year arerage condiilon of 87% thin land U nearly as great as that OD July 1. Thi* montb’s Mtlmate of cultivating an acre of good land, of the acreage aud eoDdltlou the report sutee, but the cost per bushel or per pound Is considerably Kentucky, $17.50. . corn Id Kentucky iodlcate* a crop of about 68.698.000 busbel* .compared less on productive land. The moral to 101.277.000 bnahels produced Is to pnltivate fertile land, and there­ A Packard licensecosts; last year aud an average anoual pro- by Increase the yield, and enhance In Kentucky. $22.21. dneUon of 89.042.000 bu*bel* 1922- tbe profit. In Indiana. $10. . 1926 inclnaive . However, as UNOLKL.M ON CURVED MOLD- j Kentucky automobile li­ ■aasOG progresses tbl* first prellmln- INO FROTRCTS B^^^DOAKD ary forMaat mar be changed materi­ cense fees are higher then ally by ebangM In condition of tbe To guard tbe baseboard against [I growing erop. mop marks and other scrstches and [ thoee^mryrufiommg states, to eliminate the usual crack where ate higher than those of any Kentucky'* tobacco acreage, by dust and dirt collect, an improve ­ state in the union. type* 4n 1927 and 1926 respecUvo- ment In laying llnolenm baa been I ly. la estimated approximately as Introduced, says Popular Mechanics || follows: Henderson' Stemming, Uagastne. Next to tbe ba (fired) 9,700 .'and 11.006; Green 8 E^lsERT T. CROWE, of La length ol Inverted quarter-round II River, 36.000 and 47.000; Hopklns- lolding Is placed, and tbe linoleum || . GnuKe, (tandidate for the Dem­ vUle-CUrk*vllle, 38,000 and 60.000: Is carried up about aix Incbea ocratic nomination for sovem- Paducah. 30.700 and 36,000; One very narrow molding Is pUeed stll Sneker 10,300 and 28,000; Burley. tbe top to bide tbe edge. This plan {[ JiTa^rproposes a reduction of 198.900 and 266,000. Based on tbe resulu In a curvedv ebanoel motor license taxes. ncord* of prevlou* yields of tobacco around tbe room so tut sweeplo, In Kentucky this year's area of' more easily done, the ^se Is shield-f| He advocates retaininK the 319.600 acre*, with average eondl- ed and s more attracui'e app« five-cent gasoline tax, which Uons nnUl .xured. would produce about 316.087.000 pounds compared was pa^ in 1926 as an em- to 374410.0H poiiBgs produced taat OATTLB FEEDERS MAKE MOVET ciUeaey measore and wlB aotch Yoar ant a S-year avoraee annual Central Kentncky mtO* feeders I niatically return to Aree cents ^nettan of 42l.fc«.a00 pounds. are reporting good prafits tbb year I 1823-1926 inclnaive . These tobacco for, tbe flrst time In eeveral yeare. I a{rallon in 1928 unltfre-enaet> aad eom esUmate* are tbe first of Ftotabed eatde prtoes are now the I cd by the legislature. tMs oeasoa and osUauUa of prodoe- highcet for this eeason of the rear f tton will be sabjeet to revision either The fasoline tax pays mwe tlnee 1820. Prtcee range from II if (toward or downward aa tbe to 87 per cent over last year %ad into the road Tund than tbe progrease*. depending on favorable over (he five-year average. Many of I _y motor license tax. Increased or nnfarorable weather and other the bluegraas feeders are selling I eendlUou. The office of (lomnumwealth’s Attonicy is oin- of the most im­ use wit to jiivpare raws, dissect f’u^this source. 6,846.000..hlimia las seasoo. Rye dant thU spring, although probably evidence and to lay such evidence before juries s«« tliai tln-y can U eeUmated at 172.000 not BO fattening as in some years, arrive at the truth, and thus render a verdiet according to the law The ooat of eoUec.ion of the bnsbels. eomured to 279.066 bna. dtw to extensive rain. and the facts. gasoline tax is small - the cost year; hurleyUrley 149,000 busheU eompared to 281.000 bneheU last Though scarce ae diamonds, true I of collection of license tfixes year; Irish poutoea 4.268.000 bnsb- friendship shines like a diamond [ I^e Cominonwealtirs Attomey must safeguardthe lives and higherthan those of adjoining eU eomp'ared to 4,512.000 bnabels aad biases on unconsumed through the liberty of the people, and therefore must be strongenoughnot states is largeand enforcement year; and sweet poUtoes l.- tbe yeara 446.000 bu*h«1s eompared to 2,040.- to be swayed by public opinion. of the law is difficult 000 buabeU Ust year. Tame hay. Return "be prosperity depends Including all varisUes. U estlmatod Well. Ifonejl THOSE WHO-PAY the mth at 1.808.000 ton* eompared to 1.- could only make tbe merebanu one 1 The Commonwealth’s Attomey must handle all murder trials tor license fees in Kentucky 526.000 tons last year. Fmlt Is look at It that way. all would f as well as misdemeanors. He must take the initiative. In most - now are forced to pay for them- ceedlngly variable, though senerallr be well. of the important cases he must work singlehanded againstthe a abort crop. Apple* are 17% ef a ,^selveswell as for those who full crop; peaches 16%; and pears Siheeribe tor the BoorCber. the best criminal lawyers in the world. As a lifeceasan' qualifidfc 18%. tion, HE MUST KNOW THE LAW. ■ \ shirk and “bottleg” taxes from OGDRxx tXJURT DAYS . o|her states. BOW TO OO BROEB Andprson—Lawrenceburg. Srd Mon. |i Adab—.Columbia, 1st Monday. WHILE FARMIHa EVERY MOTORIST who Bath—Owtogarllle. 2nd Monday. The Commonwealth’s Attomey must prosecute violators of Throughmany years of obeerm- Boyle—DanriUe. 3rd Monday. the liejuor statutes, and every man. woman and child knows that uses Kentuf^ roads helps the Uon tbe Tec sU- Bell—PtoevlUe. 8nd Monday. no official who is “wet”can or will enforce a “dry”law. raad fund through the gasoline Uon has Abud that the Tec Boone—Burlington, let Monday. tax. The gasoline tax tanners, who have been most Boyd--CaO#ttobitrg. 4th Monday. the burden justly on at .t. oessful la going broke are tbe ooes Bracken-Brooksmie, lad Monday. who bave pracUced the foUowlag WHO USE THif ROADS, Breathitt—iaekson, 4th Monday. •uggeetlou: 1st Monday. HON. W.C. HAMILTON 1 whether Eentuddanis or tour­ 1.—Orow only one crop. 2nd Monday. ists, whether living near the I-—Keep no tlveetoek. CUy—Manchester. 4th Monday. 8. —Regard ehlekens aad gardua Clark—Wlncboeter, 4th Monday. of Mt, Sterling, is a candidate for the office of Commonwealth's! state border or oo the interiox; Elliott—MarUnsbrg. 1st Monday. as anlsaaees. Attomey. He is a man of strong intellect, high character, a deep vriiether witling to share the BstlU—Irriae. lad Monday. student of law and capable in every wav of preparing his cases' burden or willingto shirk and 4—Take everythlag tmi the soU Fayette—Lexington. Sad Monday. aad return nothing. Fleming—Plemtogsbnrg. 4tb Moi and dissectingkevidence. He is a convincing speaker, and has the bootleg. 5.—Don's atop guUlsa or gr«w FrankUn—Frankfort. 1st Monday. courage to do his duty unflinchingly. He is “dry” in theoiy aa Mr. Crowe Prapow. More Ft vor eropo-rlet the ei^ wash away Garrard—Imacasur. 4th Monday. well as in practice. He never indulged in the drink habit. As a tha yon Wm have “Bottom'' land. Oraat—WlUtoaastown. Ind Moadw. result his whole heart and soul is in the effort to support and en­ Beads. .LrosForColleetiw 6.~-Don’t plan you farm oaera- ~ let Monday. Harlan—Harlan. 1st Mondw. force this law as well as all-other laws. Because of his feariessl And EnfSTcaneot Unas. Its hard work ihWtlng— trust to luck. ~ ■ Monday. and impartial prosecution, Mr. Hamilton has incurred the dis- 1st Monday. Let an hdp in sustaining the 7. —Regard your woodland |deasure of some law-breakers, who are moving heaven and earth Jackson—McKae. Srd Moaday. road fund so that the road- yon would a boal mlae. out ovary Johnson-PatotsvfUe. let Moaday. troo. sell the Umber aad wear the bonding program ean be eao>- Jeessmlnn-WtohotoevUlo. iro Mon. cleared Und out ealUvaUag K to pleted and the agnenente of 4th Monday. eera. ■oti—Hindman, trd MeiWay. We feel that the voters of the district—those irim beKeve in the highway eonunkakn wHh 8- —Bold fast to the Use that tha ' ' ' Ind Kendny. law and in its enforcement—will rally to the support of Mr. Ham- an the fiscal courts of an*m«^ methodq o« (arming ompldyaA ihy iHon because he is, in every way, worthy of the suffrage of th« Unt hum mW b mi your grandfather are gMd eaengh people. With confidence that justice and right will prevail in tbe ■pceU tmm em kkqit ito Monday. end, we ask you, nwir and wotnen voters, to go to the poUa ct Trust road ts EMI join TOUT neighbors in any form of W C ^aSStto your ballot f6r

wKFffinitffiND 10.—Mortgage your farm for ovory dollar It wUl stand to buy thtogs mis you would bava cash to bay If yon Vote dsr fobowod a good systam o( fhra Crowe Joo Sion, the etovea eouattos, ttmt Itoe cMw bat drtttka It bsouM hal too law Members of Hamilton Qub ' - S' THS MOtfNTAm SCORCHBR lAT JULY 28, 1827, lid be 1NDIVIDUA1< MATTER POPMRY FARMER TO BB think it fair to : the' taxaUOB proMem. TEACHER AT SHORT OOCRSS the motortsU. nor U It good buat- Edward T. Barber, Editor and Man­ F .J. Lowe, of Kenton county, Candidate fordarkofthvConrt of Appnnl* ^ . niM.I«HEO EVERY SATURDAY AT neea to continue tbe ager of the Western Colorado Beet HOREHEAO, KY. fees al Ogures so much higher than of the beet poultrymen la nertben Orower. Oraad ^ncUoa, Colorado, Kentucky, baa been secured as one candidate, lor the t that of adjoining aUtsa. Robert T •aye: Crowe, candidate for Oovemor of the lartraetora at the third annual "Ours la a representgUve form of be will. If elected, recommend yie short course In poultry, to be held Mr. Dicken i* a mau of •plcadid charaetw. bete CASSITY . AnocikU Editor lowering of the license on gOTemmeot and wo do not pay • at the Agricultural Experlmeot Sta­ ------eg the Manuc Ords^ 1 and other motor vebiclea. single cent of taxes we have not tion. Jdly'.Ji-22. Mar to the variaoi ebotebee, and ahnya totarod M Mrood

00* for 1826. compared with $10.- ANNOUNCEMENTS months of November, December. o win ^vc strengthto the ticket No----- Tbat~idTertla*d brands » guar- 983.000. 000 in 1924 and 18.919.- We are autborUed to aoi anteed. January and February. 000.000. In 1913. iBdge Allle W. YouDS. More- That there are many grades la The winter of 1926-26 bis average Political Advertisement kawl. as st candidate tor lb« Demo- every store . icraase In 1925 over previous for l.OOO hens was 41 eggs for tbe ratic nominatloD tor Sut« Seoaior was Wholly due to rising ex­ Thst there la a differeoee In food. four months .and 180 eggs per hen TO TEST NEW PLAN ta the iwanty-flnii district, sublect When you buy adrertsed foods you penditures of state and local govi for the laying season. ‘Tbs year b^ to tbe primary electloQ, August 6. get the best mens, which In 192» Uereased fore that his winter average for IN‘SWINE RAISrao profiuble on Kentucky farm* la tbe 1127. Thst tbe grocer who advertises 1500.000. 000. and. were largest In 600 bens was 38 eggs, and 171 eggs Plaos are announced'by the last few years, and the Increased In­ carries In stock "worth while eats history. per hen for the year. tension dlviston of the College of terest among farmers in Ifvestock generally, have caused tbe College We are authorised to aanouace worth while prlcea." The taxation problem must be Mr, I«we has been keeping dem- Agriculture for a series of farmers' That some people shop o give more attention to the devW Jndse H H. Prewitt as a candidate looked at as a strictly individual 1 Onstrstioo flock record* for tbe Col­ meeUngs durlpg *he last week In That some people shop because opment of tbe hog raising IndusO^ for tbe Democratic Domination tor Tour vote la worth Just as lege of Agriculture for the last four August and the Drat week in Sept- they enjoy It. Circuit Judge of tbe District com- much as any other person's In veto ­ year*. emfter to promote the use of the Mc­ Babsadbe lor Tbs f That some people shop because poaed of Rowan. Mootg^ery. Meni­ ing proposed measures which would Lean county system of awlke sanlta- they have la r during . Tbe cook doesn't getmany klssM. fee and Bstb counties and subject increase taxes, and In removing the poultry course will be Prof. C. tloD amonghogralse'r* In Kentucky. to the action of tbe Democratic That everybody can enjoy ahop- In ihe home* where Prlend Wife in from public office, wbo are W. Garrick, hear of the poultry de­ This system, originated by work­ ping by reading the ads and buying can't afford to hire a cook. party V ‘U primary, August 6. 1S27, expenditure of public funds. ers nl the United tSates Department where the best buys are. partment of Purdue University In Indiana . Mr. Garrick is a native of of Agriculture .and tested first In People are ..bound to find fault We are autlioried' to announce O. That your grocerla a public ser­ wcman can have four pairs of North Carolina, and a ponitryman McLean county. In Illlnola, consists with you whe$they gofar enougb B. Caudill, of Morebead. as s can- vant .supplying various grades and eciasors on ber lap when sbe is sew- of long experieDM . He has dons In exercising carafni saalUUon la to And spou on the sun. dMate tor Circuit Judgeof tbe 21st varieties of food . But that won't keep her from lueh experimental work with feed­ the handlingof young pigs. Where JndtcialDistrict, subject to the Dem­ Plenty of goodthingsto eat make biting tbe thread. ingchickens, and Is considered a na- properly carried out. it tends to re-, CANDIDATES WITHDRAW ocratic primary Au^ual 6. health and happiness. Donal authority on poultry nutri- duce louea from disease, worms and | Henry A. Pullinm, of PaduealL (Copywrite 1S271 A glA always has sense enough Uon. Infections ' to pracUeally nothing. has withdrawn from the race for We are authorised 1 keep her month shut about her Tbe poultry course, which Is fre* Since it cosU little other than work. DemocraUc nomlnaUon foe W. C. Hamilton as a candidate for No use finding fault with the reUUona. That's why hubby comes all men and women. wlU open It Is highly proflUble. Oevenor,. and— John the Democratic nomination for Com' world you live in. There are" apou t tome night after they have Monday, July 18. and conUnue thru Howard Payne ,of MayavUIe. has KODwealths Attorney of tbe Twenty- on the sun. but for all of that we >een marrtgd about six month* and It 1* planned to bring Dr. B. B. week.'l' Itf will deal with the Rafftnsperger.of the\Department of withdrawn as a candidate in the Tlrst *}udlclnl dUtrtct. composed of Uke the auB for Just what is tnda the house lllled with Scky- pracUcal problem* faced by every Agriculture, who did moat of the DemocraUc primary for Snperintes- Bowan. Bath. Menifee and Mont- worth. ooklngrubes, and learns that hU one Id tbe poultry business, whether work In devlatng tbe. McLean county dent of PuhUe InstrucUon. J fomery eountl^ subject to the pri­ wife's cousin Mary haa brought the awning a small farm flock or a largt eyatem of sanitaUoa. to Kentncky mary elecUon, Augnat 6. 1>27. Subscrlhe for The Seorehs family to visit a week or two. PatroMlM aarokaats w«o ggrurtlaa oommeridal noek. - •, for the meetings. In Tbe Seonher. We are autborlsed to anaounce B. M. BsUll, of Bath county. 1 caadtdate for RepreaenUtlTs from the Batb-Ro-an District, subject to the Democn.iic primary, Augtut t.

Ws are autborlsed to annonnee HENRY R. Charles E. Jennings as a candidate far Circuit Court Clerk of Rowan County, subject to the scUon of the SopobUcan party at the August prl-

' We are authorised to snoounce C E Boggfe. of Badstob, as a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic party at the primary electloi^August 6tb. PREWITT(Or MT. STXKIJlfO) — I ■j? We are authorlsS^io announce STATE PRl^Y D. W Doggett, 0( wPRigsvIlle as s STATE PRIMARY mdidste for Commonwealth's At­ August 6, 1927 torney of (be 21»i Jiidlclsl District Angiut 6, 1927 ■abject to the action of tbe Demo- erailc party at the prlma-y, August dth. Qaim* On The Voter* How To Vote Of more than 1,000 Jurors Law enforcement adminis- authorised t» ennoore are opinions on ruling given tered jnatljr is a bnsineas of Bon Robt T Crowe, a real Demo­ the oonrte. crat. or Oldham county. Ky . as and courtesies extended. Ju­ candidsie for Governor, subject rors can and will give evi ­ faithful in service and the anion of the Democratic Primary dence. August 6ih. promptness in ,the render­ Orandjurors can give out ing of opinions ketee a clean information about chaiges docket and aavoa/money ti^ We are authorised 10 announce delivered to them in the Everett Gastineau as a candidate tor Circuit Court Clerk, of Rowan performance of duties. Con­ eoonty. subject to the setlon of the sult any one of the lai^ Tho approving o) opinions DemocraUc party at the primary nomber and come to a con­ by the Court of Appeals August 6tb. clusion as to how you will aervee aa an index to the' cast your vo^,^ voter. Consult this recoid, We are authorised to announce consider all these sugges­ Charlee L. Daly, of Maysrllle, as a My court record should tions and vote accordingly. aaadldate for the Democratic noml- mkke a convincing appe^. uUon for Bute Senator In the 3 let. As'haa been my eonrse as a ■enatorlal District, subject to the Those who know me realise Rrtmary election. August 6th, 1927. that I adhere to a strict in­ servant of the people, vote. terpretation of the law, and I am anxious to he judged A* we have said before We are SM In politics and all tbe political the Court of Appeals con­ according to tho construc­ advertisements appearing In our pa- firms this statement tion of the statutes and the por are paid for at the regular rates. Have you made up your voter is in position to ap- ThU Is the way we are making our provs of disapprove. ^ Itvlag ourselves, and children, who mind about ^casting your were left fatherless a few weeks vote? if faithfnl alike to aU men ago. Our space in the paper Is our in mlingi; if court calendar wrehandUe and is for sale. It Is Pick your man and investi ­ haa been made clear from e that It Is sold and gate his career. Is he hon-" labor well and courtaoualy we certainly have been trying to aeU est is he capable, is he all w* can. So friends If there 1* faithful in.the dischai^ of performed, and the rulings something in a "pollUcal add" that have stood Xho teat of the Aoasn't fit in with your Ideas remem- duty? Considw these things an dbe prepared to cast governing conita, then and kar it ts not our fault and may not only than haa a candidate to according to our viows. hut they your vote. R«e* bought tbe space, they have for re-election claims on the y;’; 4Re right to um It. Tea we will vote pcopla. ' that is a rand not * fahUe oaa Tho Soonher U for YowVotesiMlnaaaKe ChApubUc. Your Vote and Inflneace WaiBeVt^lhdi XMtaeky has Uie JUghsat aoio- WSBeVerylhdi MMle UO08M reaa of say of tho ad- Appreciated Mtalng sUtaa. If yon own a FM Appreciated «*apt. 1826 modeL yon______1^ S1S.67 UONW fee. If you lived ta OMe yon would pay 14.00 :ln Indl- Democratic Candidate For 4 aaa, 86.00; In nuaola. 86.M -3 V flgurea It to to bo sooa that Uw m aatoasohiie Iteanac fees In Ksatucky are much higher than thoae in ad- mL Jetaing Btata* . It doesn't seem fair *sr people to have to bear sueh burdeBS Of mum. ttet to ao ■rnsThat oar we bar* ttstad. hat CIRCUIT "'-Aa Badge ear. the Faetasd and aB JUDGE aoB, Ike B«i 21atJlIDid[AL ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ' • ■

THE MOUNTAIN SCORCHER Prof, a H. MoOuJre Is attondiag Sodal and Fenoul State Uslverslty the last tern of the Obardiea uid-SooletiM OWINOSVILU NEWS summer course. Rt. Rev. Lewis W. Burton Epis­ Wlllism Harry Hudgins has , Drew Btmb baa bMO up copal Bishop of Lexington, will SAadf tUa weak oa bualnaaa. turned from a visit wiU bis brother. bold servlees at the Christian church Carl Mase and Mias NeiUe Sorrell We carry aD kmiU of JEWELRY. Charlie, at Becklsy. W. Va. ’ Mn. C. U. WaJU u4 dtn«btar were married at tbe court house here kUaa AUena. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Clayton and o'clock. Tbe bishop is Saturday afterneon. TbatwUr^ elilldren were vlstUng gin Owin»- speaker aad baa maay Mrs. Kate Manley, widow of We also handle VICTROLAS and RECORDS. ville Sunday. friends in city. A cordial ln4ua- Mra. L. B. BUlr aad Mlaa Lucy late Q. W, Manley, died at her home Edward Bishop has relumed from Uon U extended all to be present WUaoB war* alaltora it Laxiocton near Hi. PJeaeaut Saturday. July 16. SUte University for a short vacaUon (bis service. - Friday. • The body of Mrs. Ida Elliott, who before next term of school. Mra. W. t. Daria, of Laxiartua fashion notes died Wedneaday. July Mrs. Estelle lufanto spent a tea home of her daughter. Mra. H- D. vU] apaad the waek-and bare with Delicate pastel shades, popularly J. A. Bays, Jeweler days the first of tbe week in Ash- Peoria, in., waa brought here bar alaiar. Mra. 8. B. HeOuira. described sa tbe "paradoxically so- land. Tebow, in Peoria. 111., waa brought Neaara Ohaimar aad Earl Caakey (UUeated baby colors," are the moal Mrs. Blanche Cooley, of Spring- here Saturday aad buried la the Ow- are rtofUni ralatlrea in Lenox favored tones for suthmir' wear. Cozy Building Held. nilnols. returned home Tues- Ingaville cemetery. Mra. Elllmt was weak. While the shades are not limited tc dresses for any age. they are part­ a daughter of C S. Ratliff, and was Mm- 8. M. BrmdSey waa in Louia- born in Nicholas county. rllie Thuraday buying mimnery tor icularly delightful In youthful Mrs. C. B. Burdick is sttendinga HUs Ethel Ulery. who Is sp< " tbe Liagerla Sboppe. frocks. family reunion of the Porter One example shown In the Wo­ the summer in Winchester, spent the Croas. and Mra. Cross Mm. 8. M. R. Hurt waa a boal- , RAMKV NEWT4 lly at PorUmouth this week. man's Home CompanloD gives the week-end with her pareoU. Mr Walter Hedrick and s( I. Har- aaaa Ttafior in Mt. Slerllng Wadnei- Mr Allen Hyatt has been very III Hiss Irene Day and Robert Day effect of water lilies In a sea Hisses Ellen and Jane BolU. of old and Roger, of Louisville the past week. Iting Mrs Ella Myers are in Lexington vlaiUng her father. tulle. The bodice is made over Hunfingtoo. W Va.. are gueaU of Mr and Mrs. Dennis Penington \ Mr. and Mri. Eraratt Youngare in Dr. J, C. Day. slip and U curved at the top (heir grandparenu. Mr and Mrs. Mr C G. McAlUler came last and baby are vUltlng relaUves of '^hlo tbls «aa^ Hr. Yaungmay de- Mra. John WillU. of Chicago, like a Valeutlne heart, double tulle Setb Botu. •eek to spend (he summer here. this plare. cMa U> loeata there. contlDulDg over the shoulders, giv­ Mins MJcKa Marlin has returned in Monday for a two week's visit Lieut. Stanley Ueloy and Hr. Ale.x Rev Wesley Cox and GUoil Maater BUJah Monroe Hoggeis in ingthe appearance of a sheer yoke from Lexiogton where she has lln with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Meioy. of Lanham, Maryland, are Maberry altered church here Satur- LexingtonvtalUng hla grandparenU. The skirt la formed of wedge-shaped isbed a five weeks' course Scaggs .near town spending two weeks with Ueui. Vir­ • day. and Sunday. Mr. aad Jamaa Cobpar. pieces of tulle with gathered rumee Kentucky University Mias MatUe McGuire, of Lexing­ gil Thompson. Hr. and Mri. Nicbolaa Harbor, of on the bottom of each, edged with Mr and Mrs. W P Conner are Mrs Sampson Klaalek and three ton .was here (he first of the week Miss Gene Brother, of Ashland rhlldren. from Ohio, are riaitlngher Richmond, are here rlsiUng Mrs. silver. .When In moUon the skirt spending several Oays with Ur and vtsJting Mra. H. C. Willett came Saturday for a visit to her j parents. Mr. and Mi^ Samuel Sor- Barbor'n parenU. Dr. and Mrs.-But­ shimmers like rippling water in Mrs. E. H Brother. In Ashland. Mrs. Minnie Durham and little aunt. Mrs, A. H Dawson, and Mr „ I reus. ton. moonlight and the efSeet is heigh­ son. of Benton. Kansas, returned Dawson Mrs. Frank Helnzmao. of Nobles L Oscar McKentle, or Cogswell,was tened by two water Ulles nestUng in vine. Ind is the guest of Ml.. M.v ' evening gueeu of Mr. home Tuesday after an extended the folde. The llUes catch tbe two Mra. H. J Dally and son. Jack. la Morabsad Thursday an roiita Sbrout Bldridge were: Mr. visit with her mother, Mrs. Catron, ends of a softly draped satin sash, gueeU of Mra. Bruce Hosteller and Mrs. Levi Bldridge. Mr. and Mra. home tram Shelby. Ohio, where ha who has been aerloualy III. Carlisle. Mrs. Roger Bolts, of Ashland, partly showing tee reverse side of Sam Caudill and son: Tea CandUl bad been the past two weeks rtsit- spent several days last week with Mra. George Gravltt, of Wlncheeter contrasting color. Misses Nancy Belle Moss and Mary and Mr aad Mrs Dennis Penning­ teg his son. Kelroy McKeasle. Judge and Mrs J. L, Ewing. was here Tuesday to view the bodies Blocked linens, also In deUcate Van Deren, of Cyntblana. arrived ton and baby, of PorUmouth. Ohio. Miss Mary Riley U hare from Mr. Ward McAlister has returned of Hr. and Mra. Alex'Patton. Mte. (ones, give the desirod crispness for Monday to visit Mra E H. Goodpas- Rev Andy Penington. of Ashlaud, tegtoo. vlaiUng Mrs. John W. to CovinglOD after a short visit Gravltt waa formerly Mrs. Turner summer wear, simple. eonvenUonal will aitend church here Id August; brook lad her other aumarons Mrs. Lou Fratman. and lived bere many years ago. charm being added by piping with Among those from a dUtance who Mpnd* Mr. and Mrs. Prank Button afed aad cuffs and white ball buttons, attended the funeral of Mrs. Ida El­ Mra.^ Manila Call, of Lexington, Vmu Wm . fellas Helen Jacobs. o( Wait Ubw- cblldreo have returned bnme white bias bindings, white collars liott were: Mra. Mamie Wylie and and little nelce, of Grange City, have ty. was hare last week vlslUng Louiaville after vlalting Hr. But­ Boleros and boleru effects Mra. Ethel Patt^. of Morebead; Mrs been recent guesu of Mrs. Newton Misses Elena Sidney and Gladys ton's parents. Dr. F, C. Button and widely favorod in' Summer fashions Alvin Burnt aBd Mra. Hargarnl Johnson. Brelya Brans. Mrs.^Button. and can be carried out in summery Buraa. of AthUnd; Mra. Sam Rat­ Mrs. Frank FriU and grandsons. liff. of Canute: Mr. Hilton Ratliff, Thorpe Boyd, of 8L Loula. Ho., ar* ? Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ammermi Mrs. D. M. Holbrook retumsd colon in a^Vmrlety of llghi-weighc, of Lexington Mr. W. J. Sharp, of vUlUng Hr. and Mra. Arthur Power. aad daughter. Clara Belle, bare ft week from Alendrea. Ind., washable materials - such as geor­ Stiarpsburg; Mesars. J. W, Lane. Ed MIm Winston Byron entertained at boa nbere tbls week from Cyatbiana. where she had been the past few gette. ehlSon, crepe de mine or light Wmiarna. Dawson Brother. 1 bridge Saturday, July 9th. the foL TlslUDg Mrs. Ammerman's sister. weeks visiting s (the home of her cottons. One charming' suggesUon bridgPr-Bruce and Francis Ratliff, of lowing: Misses Mary J. Sharp aad Mrs. W. T. Baumnsrk. daughter, Mrs. J. J. Shawhsi of tele type la of beige dhlffon with Mt. SUrling. May Elisabeth BotU. of Mrs. Belle Clayton left Friday of ecru Margot taee for afternoon wear Miss l^Royston Cbambem has Katherine Friend, of Lexington;Su- last week for Indianapolis. Ind. blAck Chantilly lace with bUek Mr. and Mrs. Nat Curry have re­ boea la Lexington the past week Rlchafts. Mary Bruce Dally, Isa­ where she will visit her sister for chiffon for evening. The wide lace turned to Bardatown after a vUlt to rtsttlBg her uncle. Vernon Oiiggi. belle Corbett. Winfred Beck and several weeks. She will also vialt appears around the bottom of tbe Mr. and Mra. John Reid and Hr. and and family. ^ iklrt and Is puffed at the bottoms Mrs, Lee Honaker. of Owlngavllle. other relatives while In Indiana. Mrs. Earle Thompson. Hr. aad Mrs. Hube^Branden- of tbe long sleeves. Mr. Larue Byron, of Indianapolis. Mrs. Robison, of Lexington; Mrs. Mn. Murvel Croasley, Pennybaker and Mrs. Foley, of MU burg, of Cincinnati, and daughter. u a recent guest of his parenU. Mrs. Jewel Batson and A. W. Lee. Sterling, were week-end 8ueaU of Helen, and Mrs. Dora Origgs MT tlTKRIANG Lr\'KKTOCK Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Byron, and ac­ .. motored to Ashland Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Claude Foley. JOHN A. GOODMAN sponding tbe week-end at the home A targe crowd attended the sale of companied them to Pulaaki. Va. JudgeA. N. Ciaco and Mrs. Cisco I.S.'iO head of livestock at the Farm­ •t BUCTOM, UKTVCXT of Prof. J. L. Chaobers and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Cole Barnes were Che The statement of the Paris banks and Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Henry ers’ Cooperative Stockyards yester­ Chambers. guesU last week of Mr. and Mrs. published last week showed more FOR STITEAUDITOR lored down from Ashland Sunday day. A Was Mrs. U. C. Willstt. Mr. and Mrs. Conner Ewing. than 63.000.000 on deposit. lod were guesU at thd home of Mr. RecetpU and quotations follow: frtseit citft of til Cwft if W. H. 6avens motored to Olive Hill Mrs. J, C. Riley Is spending sev ­ and Mrs. H. B. Tollinr. Lambs—RecelpU. 710; tops. 114; The only a> !al U the world that wwB qwsftllsi w Ml Tuesday and were the gueetsof Mrs. eral weeks with her mother. Mrs. Taylor Trumbo. i^fe and little seconds, 116.85; commons. 11010 an a hindalght to a mule, aod he Dee lipis and Miss Blanche Mar- Lou Fratman. BOD. of Ft. Ttiumas^ Ky.. have been 813.00. kicks about iU here flTe -post two weeks visiting h!s Cattle—Receipts. 100; heifers. Mrs. Murtle Hicks. Urbanna. 111.. the gueslof her brother, Mr. R. S SabwTibe for tbe Scorcher. Roseoe Hutchison and family mo­ parents, Tommv Triimbo and wife. $6.30 to 16.60: Steen. 66.10 to 69.- tored to Grayson Sunday and spent Mrs. E. Ho^. Hiss Iriene Hogge. fst cows. 63.80 to 66: bulls the day. Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Rogge and •5.70 to 66.20; milk cows. 681 lobert Hoggeattended tbe races at bead. Mra. Irvin Scott. Hlaa Tiabs Am- Raeeland Satnrday. es—RecelpU. 200; tops. burgy and Mr. and Mra. Arthur R.. P. Nlckell, 612.76: others. 67-76 to 610.76: sev ­ Warren motored over from Ashland capItol at Frankfort, was here Sstur- eral goodealvra. 613-26. Sunday and were tbe gueeuof.J.A. day en route-to West Liberty, while Hogs—RecelpU, 325; heavies, Amburgy and family. here be was the guest of H. B. 68.30 to 610: mediums and lighu. Miss Irma Oavia was here this TolUver and family. 610.36; shotes. 610 to 611.50; sows. week visiting Misses Lids and Mabel Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley Barnard and sad pigs. |t6 to 160. Political Speaking Amburgy. chlldrsn and Hr. and Hrsi Barnard, of ML CINCINNATI LIVEBTtKTK 1(lMh Casilty aad wife, of Shelby. Supday. ths guesU at the home of Hogs—RecelpU 2.700: held over Ohio, are here thisthi week visiUng his Prof. D. M. Holbrook. 810; barely steady; between grade mother. Mrs. William Moore, and MOREHEAD, KENTljcKY Mr. and Mra. Cecil FnJsy and 130 to 230 lbs. $10.906111; 220 .other relaU' brothers. Lawrsnee and Kenulth 260 lbs.. 6I0.2661066; 280 to 320 Mr. and Mn. Frank Robinson had Fraley were called to Hitchens. Ky.. lbs.. 69610; peeking sows steady as thsir gassu Wodnssday. Hr.' and Friday to see their father. Richard 67.60 down; pigs steady to strong; Hrt. Ed RatUff .and famllyC of Pitts- Fraley, who was quits III for awhile, heavy weight of quality upwards t burs. Pmn.; Mr and Mn. Basil but list recite ssys he is improvlag. 610.86; Ugfater welghu 110 Ibi FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927 Ahnma. Mr. and Mra. John Gilbert, Miss Marie Holbrook left Sunday down under 60-60; stags 6666.75. of Ashland: Hr. and Mrs. RatlUT of for Alendrea. Ind.. where she will Cstlle—RecelpU 450; calvo 400 Hltchtos. Ky. visit her sUter for several days. aUughler cattle weak to lower; de­ mand MmltedVor under gradee. veaU steady; top 618] few saica medium good Steen and helfen 68610; odd loU good to choice kind upward to 611. and above; butcher cows, weak to 26 cenU lower; moetly 65.-' Gov. W. J. Fields 7567; all cutYera 64.2666.25; SPECIALS buIU barely ateady, medium kind 67.25 down; vealera 610613. 8beep-*.RecelpU 1.400; market REYNOLDS SPECIAL COFFEE steady; lamb quality poor, market loppty United; heat Umbs |14; Value 3Sc,tpedal . . ... oominoa and medium 611 down; buck iambs 611916: top ewes 64. ) Governor HeUs -wife qieak here at the Coart House 25c Pound oathe pP«r 100 pounds . . J rndh/thoiHt $7.25 •j: The Cash Grocery MORAh-ADTlStea Remember—Friday, July 29

jf . V. IKK HOOHTAIM SOOEOm 11>AT JOLT AMONG THB COVNTT AGBIVTS CAjloway ooQBlr fannera recesUy LETIIUS HAVE YOUR OILERS ooop«rated In the purcbue o( a car< loa4 of /ereey eowa and a bull in FOR Eighteen Bath lounty fanners at­ tended a meeting where two modem lime spreaders were demonstrated. Democracy or the Detonr? Lower freight rates are eneour- eglag the purchase of ground lime­ stone in L.ogan county. Through' Highway to Detour to Defeat PRINTING Most Mercer county farmers ha»e Victory with Crowe dipped their sheep In order to pro­ mt or control scab. « CHtidsm of Democntfe Endorse Pirty Record Darjess county farmers financed Administration the construcUon and filling of a lime Complete Rood Progrsm No JobToo Largeor Too Small shed bolding three carloada ' Suft\for Repadiation Thirty tons of sacked pulTerlsed Respect Rood Promises «A SKa Vt.-.v el ofJustDebts lime have been sold by One dealer to the Fiscal Courts For Us To Handle, In Morgan county. Maintain State’s Credit Three hundred tons of agricultur- O^iositkHD of '■ used by Laurel Lower Taies on Farms Labor county farmers In May. PROMPT SERVICE There Is a olg demand for breed­ Keep State Boards Ont Vote Against ing sheep In Rockcastle and Madl- Factional Politics ' Women Suffhige in counties. Retain Gasoline Taxes Twelve hundred aod fifty tons of by __Reducing Licenses Cnxdted I^iiuu7 limestone huvp been crushed In Elections of which Henrj- county since the first of tbe Uphold Achievements of The Mountain Scorcher year. Democratic Legislatnre Beckham Was Beneficiary Nioety-flve percent wi the lambs BUSINESS OFFICE AT RESIDENCE In Gallatin county were docked and Banish Factionalism and Machine Built Up y trimmed tbls year. Strife Among Sections By Board of Control Plans have been made to hold a Unite Democratic Party cpliniy fair at Hawesvilie. Hancock Attacks on Road county, in October. For NoTember Election 8COCESMKULE8RBVBR8ED Commis^n corkers would put forth superhu- Taylor county farmers shipped Continue the Campaign BY RAfLROAD PRGKIDENT nan efforts to provide a ''threshin' 1J6 bags of seed corn to farmers in for Sanctitj of Ballot Lstwreuce A. Downs, president of dinner" that would be the Ulk of the flooded area of western Ken­ Attacks on the llllDots Central Railroad, has at the community. tucky. Give Labor Just Rights GoYemor Inst brought a ray of Joy Into the The machine which will eliminate U*ee of strugglingyoung men by USB 0\'ERSIZB TIRBS Recognition of Women all of this .although known on the BatingRecord knocking the props from uoiier sll west coast as early as 1867. is now FOR MORE MIUAGB in Equal Citizenship the old humdrum rules for success. being adopted farther east and is "The use of oversise tires will en- of Conrier-Joumal In SD Interview with the Amerlcsn rapidly solving the problem of seek­ Sble many motorisU to get much Fairness to All With Hngsslue be declares tbsl ''grind­ ing harvest workers and msVoB the greater satisfaction and longer mil­ No Fear or Farorites PERCY ing'' at college, high specialltatlon cutUng of grain and threshing It a eage than with regular tiree." ac­ In a single line, sticking to a job single operation. 0ns man with a cording ta C^. Richardson of Stro­ Progressive Policies tttrongb thick and thin and an In- modern machine can now take care ther Motdrt Company. Firestone dealers in ML SterUng. Keep State on Cash sntlsble thirst for work aren't the of 180 acres of grain In a season Basia by BudgetPlan secrets of success, after all. at a aaving In cost of tweoty per cent "Motor cars are equipped will* ••I know this Is rUky advice. ” be over the old-fashioned method and Uret that are ample for any ordl- Contipne the Rednctlon oplnlns. "but the theory works out s loss of less grain than In doubla ftary use. provided they are tanated to tbe correct prtasure. However, of Floating SUte Debt "t do not believe in over-specUl handling with the old blpder and most motorteu ahu^ their tiree by Imllon. There is such a thing as threshing machine. Audita Every Two Yetrs bverloadlng fbm u.™u*n i becomingso much better ini tliroivb UU- ore to keep them pumped up." pnrtlcnUr Job than et any other A man has to be pretty doggone Rigid Law EnforeemeKt _ “Overslsing allows a much great- that yon aren’t worth your keep sick before be wiU take caator - marginof safety, and la (he long elsewhere. And yet he 'wUI want to kill .»n Justifies the extra expenie. ••Ukewlse.se. I objwt to children bebauae they do not uke to spending There are many ndvanugea to using Ume on^ Job the stnff cheerfuUy when be prea- Job contlnu- overslie Urea, including more com­ oosly. Tlferefere Is tMe enoi ciihes it for them. lougb in' a fortable (fdlng. better braking with finUb the biggest lees tendency to skid, and less tlre^ klsd of a day's work, provided it Is It is mentioned as a curious fact trouble. The larger tire la not no well organised; unless, of course, lat elepbaota and girls atuin their easily eu( or bruised and the tread there Is some mergeocy to be met. full growth at eighteen. An ele­ wears much longer. More than that much work U likely phant. however, is couteot to travel "Last but not least, the oversise to doll a man’s view. I never carry with only one tru^k. tire will avreage far greater mlle- a folder of work home to finish at ase. which in terma of cost per sight. mile, means economy. In tires as Jt^s to slicking by a Job. a young Grea/ For in everything else. It pays to bur ^n should avoid pocltetirand blind dependable, quality merchandise alleys that lead nowhere should Attorney General and Flreatones have a long etUb- VOLUNTARY CROWE PRESS COMMITTEE Vlit the Job1/ necessary, rather ihso llsbed reputaUon for beli)g ther Charles p, Creal of Hodgenville. Is leader In that field." ' Stagnate.** seeking the Democratic Domination CECIL_T. WnxUMS. tor Attorney General at tbe primary •10.000.000 BUG AIR FORCE -THRESmN' d Tx XER MENArKD riecuon to be held on Augiit 6th TO MAKE WAR FOR FABMEB8 BY PARM .M.ACMIKE PROORI3S8 He has been an asalaiani in the office An aerial force anmbeHnguntold America's greatest harvest (east, for more than three years and baa j^nlrvKl a thorough knowledge of millions of hugs(hat look tike small the old-fsabloned "threshin'dinner." Department of the BghUngmonoplanes will be loosed Will be the next cherished (arm trs- State OovenunenL upon America within the next few dltlOD to pass into oblivion, but its Tta Attorney General la the legal years and will fight under the ban­ fsaslng will be another great load i>!r^enu ner of the American farmer to make Bfted from the shoulders of women, in Uwmu la tbe*8uS ’tmd*lw ‘* ‘* the world safe for field com. predicts Perm and Rreside In an - ■ “ Mr.Ab, Creal baanaa (asentaken an Hecmlts for this vakt army of In­ srtlcle describingthe great advance sect air fighters, all of which are la favor of the combination harvest- tag and threshing machine. Europeans, are now being received by Dr. L. 0. Howard, chief of the Formerly the entire summer was inprme Cow of the United SUtes Bureau of Entomologyand are being ft round of cookingfor the farm wo- lai' caaea, and trained and mulUplled at the gov- ^------»llhvuuKiQgoookinglorfor methe the .Treasury abont a half erement laboratory— MiIn AeuieaMoi.Arilngton. ■■y-makera. then the harveet hands Mass, under a government appreprta- ftftd lastly the Ihiwshem. Thene tlon of 110.000,000. ■ftftftUy nnmbeiwd all the able-bodied pr^ him.nim. Heue hasnas given many Tbe plan b. laya Dr. Howard la •tUL As a tact too many of as »«of a community, who were al­ legM oplnlona where the 8tate*s Intereau were Involved and Farm and Fireside, to mploy a IKe TOet ______ways lured to their heavy labon by am mom or lem Ignoraat narrow­ OB ^ stnal: -l am Jnstas canM ^ntaoa have provsd'to be principle of "bugeat bug"la flghl- Are you dvUlsedr Be careful tke knowledgethat no matter what •oMDd When qnecUona In ' ■ minded and Intolerant Young peo­ of them as 1 can be." "Oh, so am I ------ivolved Ing the com borer by ' ------... . uwcaosabecansd uemthem uU ai tatfgue It cost, tbe hostess of tbe the eonrta. gaugeby which you can fudgeyour­ ple. ecpeolaUy thone with g^ Of mine: I wash thorn mymlf." -X —Pol. Adv. European type of parasite which preys upon the enemy of America's self—and you may be surprised at fflindA am intolerant ef other opta- try BO hard ta bo eartanl when I put graateM crop. the flndtaga Answer necnmtely— lOBA Old people V»o have good mine on. and take them off. bnt I The Bnroi^ com borer, which "How tolerant am you?"—and you mlata^ually hare been mellowed dedare I am afraid they cannot go will know to what degree you am through another washing." "I have wfts ncddentaUy Imported into and made tolerant with the pasdng America In 1»0» to 1014 In broom- dvtUsed. ^ patched and darned tateo natll straw .came In praeUeally ftee of podtivMy will not hold stttAeo.'^ It has been aptly put by one writ­ Be a good Usteaer. OnIttvaU the patmsltes and became far mom dan­ er that : "The measure of your tol- open mind. Be ehrfllsed. hardiy dam breathe ta mine, hta I gerous hem Uiaa abroad, whom It orence Is your distance from the am determined to mage them teat racaged In constant batUe with hee- Jungle.’’ SehooUug and HOW

TlUe-Whlu Plaina highway July 16. CULL YOUR POULTRY BUnbethtown—19-mlle gap la FLOCKS HOW Jackaon Highway In Hart county By; J. R. Smyth. Kentucky CoUege will be completed. Of Agriculture. Lebanon—Survey ordered of liOb- aaon-Oallington road.' In moat every flock there I^bourvUlo —Kaox County Fair: few hens that atop Uylng as early aa July and remain idle during the reet will be held ben Aag. 61 to Sept. 2. Oemantown—Kentucky Power of the summer and fall. These bens I C E abould be culled out and sold Co. eeUbUahee new aubaUUOB here. b Safe and Sore. market In order to aave feed add le- . MonUeello—B. O. Sbeenr build­ creaae the profit from the Hock. ing being rapidly reconatrueted DRINK MOREHEAD POP Trap-neat records kept oo large —Bank of Cumberland of hens by Experiment SU- Razor It’s Good For Yon. adda 66.000 worth of flxturea to lU Uona and poultry farms In every property hen. st^e have enabled ponltrymen to Olaagow-Plana being drawn tor study thr dlfforeccea between the Morehead Ice and Bottling Co. new building. Conatructlon of per­ food layers and those that do not lay manent Btreeta atarted. well. The differences can be aum- Barlington—Plana pnpared for mad up aa follows building new high aebool. Good laying hens—Bright red No people carry aa much Insur­ eomb: Pelvic bones wide apart; KENTUCKY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW land State Park. ance aa Americana, and np people Abdomen soft and pliable: Yellow JefferaontowD—New l^oularlUe carry aa many dlffenat ktnda of usually faded from beak and legs: The stroppeii, smooth' Lutheran Home eoatina 640.000 Inauranee. Worn and broken featbera. completed and dedicated. An average of about 70 per cent Poor laying hen—Shrlvelea comb edfod bUde doc* it. VALET Danville —Bill Top Farm. T mllea of people in large eltlea uae street Pelvic bones thick and close to­ Airro^OP RAZOR la the <»ly out on HuatonvUle pike, purebaaee cars as their dally means of con­ gether; Abdomen hard and contract­ nxor chat sharpeiu iu owik 45 head Hereford steen. veyance. ed: Tellow beak and legs: New bUdet—while the blade remauao feathers comingIn (molting). Hatard—Bond iaaue to be voted la the racor. No ScienUsU claim to have discover ­ Bwlnt—Kentucky Power Coi on for building permanent bridge It must be remembered In culling ed something that can be seen pnay to conrtruet power tlfie to aeroaa river. the flock that the hen that 'has r in one. through more clearly than glass been busy producingeggswill have Ewlns. EllMTlUe nnd Nepton. Kentucky produced 2.760.000 ------r------—tving unit. We know what It la. It la the film- orn oir her featbars, faded JB—Kentucky Buken' buahela white poUtoea in 1915. Built for tough beards and ay excuae you try to springon your loat of the yellow color and gener­ on^lndotew newly formed tender skins. Saves Your Face! Lexington—Oreateat Blue Graaa wife when you home at 2 a. m. ally win not look aa goodaa the hen Kentucky Cbamber of Commeree. Fair will be held here Auguat ll-IT. that has layed fewer eggs.Another coopenttfo MUln^ of . LoulavUIe —2 new commereUI air Over confidence and the lack of important point to keep In mind U nnd extenelon of nUU'n primary planning aervtce between experience la the baaU of every the fact that the hen that alopa lay­ road ayttem. Baatem and Southern citlee via grouch, Che very baala of charity la ing early and starts Harden—Bank of Harden aeU LoulavUIe and Cleveland. 0. lelf-protecUon. crop of t«nthera la not going to be aalde fund with which to keep com­ Paducah—Survey being made for profUable to keep. She win take munity lime abed filled. propoaed Padneah-Brookport bridge long vacation and records show that Central City—Board of Trade of ;roaa Ohio river. ) Goodman Leading the hen that quIU laying early will thla place recently purehaaed 60 Sturgia—Front of local 6 and 10- ' In Race For Auditor not start back to laying any sooner purebred pin for Muhlenbery coun­ >nt atore being Improved. than the hen that conAoues to lay ty loolor anicultural club boya and Sullivan— Highway from thta Recent reports from every aeeilon late Into the (all. The big difference ■ flrWX place ,,^ward,»wari Marion reaurfaclng. of the Stale Indicate that John A. between the two la the length of va ­ UularUle—Hofpeaany apd Abbott Benfbn—OH.OOO, bond Iaaue voted Goodm^p, Of Elktoo, By., preaeoi cation they like. If you don't want to build bHek warehouae at 101 B. toward erection. ofof^new B aebool bntld- Clerk of Court of Appeals, la lead to feed a ben during a long vaca ­ Oanlbert, eoaUnf 116,000. ing. lag In the race for the DemocraUe tion cull out the early molters. nomination for Auditor «f Public , By S. W. Stiana. Prealdent Ameri­ LentorlUe—Jewel Tea Company, this yaar. provement during tho past 10 days pared with tbe similar week teat can Society for Thrift. of ObieaKo. to build who^leMla-who^leM More than 616.000.000 Involved aa compared wttb tbe almlUr period year, and an Increase of 28.422 ears r on nartbA eon In highway eontraeU In aUte at It la no doubt true that a great immediately preceding. In a num­ over tbe corresponoing week of State orace. and OanlblR areni preaent. amount of Ume. energy and money ber of the principal Unes InveaUgat- 1936. AdairvUle —^Enterpriae" adda Mr. Goodman’s conduct of the of­ are expended unwisely or Ill-advU- ed improvement was also shown fice of Clerk of our hlgtaem Court • ii 1 of new achool bnlldlns new electric Uerotyplng machine to baa been bigfaiy commended by the edlr in efforts to bring about Im­ over the corresponding period last Stnnge bow Isrge the danger *B mckory Orore dtatrtct No. tO. its medet^iMntoiig plant. Court and by the Attomeya of the proved conditions In thla country. year.". ■Ign looks after a mao has fallen la. Frankfort—Anchor' ftaalty Com­ AdaTN!l1e—riiV National Bank State. HU many frlaada claim that There are actlvltlea which are ­ pany. LonlaTllle. capltatlaed at 650.- and^WlUlam'B Motor Company re­ oughly laudable In their objective which he seeks the 000 tne^ratad. paint front of their b^dlaigB. oomlnatloa. it being along tbe same but too vtsionary ever to reenlt In Central City—Charter (ranted of bridge Mae of work of which he baa made aueeeee. On the other hand, there Cent!otrmj^lty Water Serrlce Company aerom Clear ereek af^ eeatam dty an eapedal etody. He baa. at dip are many great probtems pressing •arent times, vlattad every county capita]^plta]^ 6600.000. «4t1 k* — ■ * ~ mdUlons de- in tbe SUt« and has a boot ct FOR RENT! Ptnenila—New batbbouM

swift and determined action by alm- llsr losses of life In any other way. Let Electricity Fi^t the Sun and Keep If-it were possible to aasomble FOR SALE ! one coldtaal pUe all tb'e tulldlnga oroeted last year la the great cltlaa lOBLAHD TBAlL-ar THE HEART OF you Cool This Summer of PhlladeiphU. Detroit. Clevpland. Washington. San Francisco and Bos­ morehead , ky .—main street . Keep cool this summer—with electrioity. Fight the red hot rays of summer ton and than touch a maUb to them BUS—make your home liyahle con^ortable—make the kitckaii afaroaao so that they would blase -to heaven swept bower instead of a broiling furnace. Let electricity woA FOB YOU. ‘In a greater boa-fire than the world Two Story, Brick Front , Gire your &mily all the luxuries that power can contribute—at Very little has ever known, we would have a spMttealar reprodncUon of onr na- cost The following devices are at your service if you take FULL advan- ttOB's lOMM tor the year 1166. * G»crete and Stmie Back. ta^ of fte seivaBt rea^ to work tie you in your h<«ne: V all the bnlUlags ereoMI In tM United StalM last year could bo (M FEET FROHT BT ITS FEET BAOE) Hsetrie Stoves placed on one long thoroughfare and then a gigantic hand wet* to apply Beotrio Fuis the torch to evory tenth hnlldlng FIRST FLOOR — OARAOE. Electric Befrigenton taring OB that highway, we would Electric Irons have reproductiontproduetiono of our auaual Clm SECOND FLOOR — 8 BOOMS ROW Electric WuhinfflCseUnM OOOUPIED. lie ns remember that pooafhly 76 per cent af thla fiagtraottat of Ufa aad property la due to e GfUBge now rented to Ford st ^125.00 per ( OwMoarffls It la a form of nattoBal thrtniaaa- BmMc Tsoihbi Olesaws Boaa. n la a tax wMeh wa aa a «a- tloffi ^ooao to i through ahear took of ears. Ono «C Booma up stairs can be rented eaaOy for $76.00 per Xto Um «t Uil^ and ho our graatast thrift lesaou wlU 1 menth. bean teamed when we decUa aa a aatioa of poopte to put a atop to our If intoesM in a goodpajingpiopoaiUoii, - ICake ytnir pliiu now ta have yonr home or yonr office adeqnatelr tHrai prwaatabla Ore Imaaa. can or mile - atonae. Suhaoriba for ine aoorohar. Thi^ doaer you rub agin 'em the amaUw they appear! The amaU nMTOOKjMiinRca town big amn la gnat marakr ba- DR. a a NICKEL#. eauM hii awndaiMg are to trtoUL «p"

•d their alsler. Mra Aaron Jannings. DALV IK THB BBGUIlfUra issue Is from his fselle pen. Be de­ June* Pryman. of tttls’plMe, at- Sunday nlaht. Charley L. Daly, who is oSertni livered SD oraUoD on Washington’s teaAod th« camp omUob at Olive Hillard Hall. Hervel Baldridsn. for the Stiite Senate'in thU district, birthday, and displayed the attrlb- Hill Saturday and Sunday. Hiller BcDlley sad Miss Oolda’Bald- We are eorry to report Uie tafant is a graduate of the old Preeby uiea of e eulturml apeeker. Per- ridke attended *tbe Communion school of Central Uolvenity at Rich­ eonally a genteelgentleman,modes of Mrt. Aliena Cooper la no better. oieetlnc at Ciix Sunday. mond back In the middle ntnetlea. iner. with Ue habit of speak Mrs. Blanebe Conley of lUlnola. Mr. and Mra Harrinon Ramey wbo haa been with he nnother; Mrs. While In this nehool be wan aeleetod lag only when be bae eometblng to ;; V . were vtsltors on Mill Branch Sun­ by the faculty and nerved as editor eay and a haWt of saying it so well Saaford McFarland for the past te* day ereolag. and manager of '‘The AUanUn," the tbet his hearers bear hie worde of weeks returned home today. Rev. Henry OInter attended Church was held al Mt PUasb. Cnlveralty paper. This school was wisdom sway with (heeft The hue church at Ciix. Sunday. moved from Richmond to Danville of purity la bis fsee; tbe ChrtsUsn Saturday and Sunday by Rev. Basil Mre. Nettle Hudson, who has been PRINTING Rain. many years ago beeauso Danvl grace of modeety In bU preeenoe: viattlnc ber parenu. Mr. and Mrs. solid dry town and Rlchmol the etrengthof eonvlcclon In his sc- Those who attended church at Georse Qulsenberry, at ClearOeld. Unued a solid wet town. We have Uon ;llberal in his views, well bst- j/io/ Crane creek Sunday were: Emma has returned to her home at Omar and Nanry McFarland, fulla. Oleu. before us s copy of the June Issue anoed. warm hearted, a credit to bis W Vs.. Uklng her little slater. Elsie, college.. and Bertha Fryman. The Atlsntls" in 1894. while Mr. with her Daly WBs editor. This issue L _ C. B. W. There was a sale at Mrs. Erai Mr Elmer Dllioii, of Morehead. erediuble copy and showed Mr. The above article written a quar­ McFarland * Saturday Everybody was a visitor on Dry Creek Sunday was sorry to see her hsve to break Daly In the beginning to tbe very ter of a century ago gives the voter up her home She will »uy with PAR.\G4>K NEWS capable as an editor. of this district s glance at the foun­ her son. Mr Jim McFarland Dlina Easterling has been Clarence W Wood, then editor of dation ntone of character uTOn Smile. the Richmond Register, and later whl^ tbe now mature manhood ^as Bmmeii Perry has returned from one of the dryest Mayors of an.v been erected: and after all that CRAMSTON NKWR New Boston to visit his fsiehr here. Kentucky city, and now editor of one the same person stands before the Corn looks nice here *lntw '^he voters with unimpeachable charac­ rain. W S Perry and family. of the best pspers In Florida, wrote Mr and Mrs. Ben Donebew «snd of the then young Mr. Daly under ter. matured judgment, and ripe ex­ Hable Hock *. 1 l-yar-old dauah- children was visltlns relatl»-es in the caption. perience. unswm-Tlog loyalty to the ter of Mr T H Hokbc . l* ill with Clearfield from Saturday till Mon- ConatltuUoD of the United States * typhoid fever dive .Men. and to American Standard and Tra­ School opened at CraoRton, with CHARLF-^ DALY—It I* -Costs Less Severwl from I.tek Fork attended ditions: with vision to see the itreat Mr Inland RoKSe (eachlnc Several enough to set tter roses and shed church St ParsBon Sunday conduct future and vast b<>*slblllties of rupllfi were enrollod graves of those we e- from Friday until Modenty, young fellow. Is so as­ clsimer* contest <12 contesting) In tn and child in the country. published point! out thirty-two ways Sunday set In-some lines, but It la small help 93: was elected a judge In a pre­ When a fnt womnn meets another in i^ieh our children mey help to But. there U a nuu nigger tax-- le man wbo needs a press agent. liminary contest of tbe Phils., a high woman who is fatter than she is. Harlan PetUt and Itiiie brothers. FIRE—going on with a fwble voice prevent fire. It Is eqaally an dMt^. Zora and Arthur, of .Salt Lick, visit- compliment to bis ability and falr- she begins to notice that the sun U Subscribe for ;be Scorcher. here or there trying to limit the able to save Mte and property troas The beauUful essay In this shiningsttd tfeat It Is s pretty day. cost. Where tbe saving to SMb of fire waste as from *ar waste. UDILt Candidate For Democratic Nominatioikitioik] For

CIRCUIT JUDGE 21st Judicial District

Composed of Counties of Bath, Menifee^ Montgomery and Rowan p-'-'. PRIMARY A U G U $ t 6th •y PBEPABED rOE DUTY

Us fit*t term. Tbe third tern has mniin « rsiAnrji je u

Vote For Caudm and Get A “Square Deal”