Coffee Talk Peace Downtown Credo Offers Space for Stewardship

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Coffee Talk Peace Downtown Credo Offers Space for Stewardship The ‘Duchess’ is in Bowled over East Campus theater From blackout to Beyonce, season set to open with sinister style Baltimore finished as winners 7 11 Volume 18, Issue 4 Feb. 6, 2013 Coffee talk Peace Downtown Credo offers space for stewardship & By Jazka Prickett [email protected] ORLANDO – A workshop meeting was held for Florida residents to attend justice on Saturday, Jan. 26 downtown. Cole Nesmith led a discussion on how to get more involved with the city of Orlando. Downtown Credo is a coffee shop for all Courtesy of Valencia College that has many different workshop meet- ings for people to attend. Activists on tour, Valencia’s campuses experience an outpouring of awareness According to volunteer worker Shan- non Saunton, Credo’s mission is “getting By Jazka Prickett students who attended the meeting in ple in Nigeria don’t have many op- people to live with lives of meaning, im- [email protected] Building 3 Room 151A at 2:30 p.m. This tions because his country is facing a pact and community, and so choosing meeting was open to all students and lot of corruption. where you are spending your money, WEST CAMPUS — Emmanuel Ande could be found by searching the events “You have no reason whatsoever where you’re spending your time, what Ivorgba came to United States for the calendar for Valencia. not to do well. You have the best pro- you’re doing with your life. Challenging first time to speak about his home coun- Many of the students in attendance fessors, you have the best facilities people in that and encouraging them to try of Nigeria to students at Valencia on didn’t know much about the country.. and everything is there just for you to do something.” Thursday, Jan. 31. For example, Nigeria’s video-film indus- make yourself available,” said Ivorgba Cole Nesmith, creative director of He is the founder of Creative Minds try is known as “Nollywood,” which is on the wealth of resources available to Creative City Project and Pastor of City Academy and the director of “Project now the second-largest producer of mov- American students. Beautiful church, organized this meeting Happiness – Africa.” He was the special ies in the world. Students were able to “In our own case, it’s not that by posting flyers on Facebook. The meet- guest this month at Valencia College’s listen to Ivorgba and ask questions at the way, it’s not that way at all. We are ing was held in a small room with a pow- Courtesy of Valencia College “Conversations on Peace” conference. end of his speech. limited.” Dr. Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba, Nigerian educator erpoint presentation. Ivorgba spoke about Nigeria to the Ivorgba explained that many peo- - Please turn to Page 3 and peace builder, toured Valencia this week. -Please turn to Page 2 NEWS Feb. 6, 2013 2 Creative Credo, creative city -Continued from Page 1 mentioned were The Food Truck Bazaar and the indie flick house the EnZian. He sat on a stool and drank his “So it’s interesting when we start Downtown Credo created beverage as doing things where we are and taking he discussed the importance of com- responsibility where we are. First of all munity. we usually enjoy what we are doing be- He explained how he has recognized cause we are doing it with people we people who are trying to create culture care about and we’re making an impact in Orlando including the makers of where we live and then those things snap!, Celebrate the Photograph, SAK, come to a place where they’re compel- The Creative City Project, See Art Orlan- ling enough for other people to seek do and the Orlando International Fringe them out,” said Nesmith on the benefits Theatre Festival just to name a few. Also of stewardship. “There is that added benefit, that added fruit of the whole, of the whole Above and below, Jazka Prickett / Valencia Voice reality.” Elizabeth Kruckemyer (above left) and Shannon Staunton (above right) of Creative City Project. Both find Credo to be a hub for artistic Elizabeth Kruckemyer attended the collaboration. Joseph Hayes (below) is more on the creative side, as he shows off his “13/13” graphic. He intends to put on 13 shows in 2013. meeting and she spoke about a project she is doing called the “Panorama Photo the meeting and he explained why he Project,” where she is going to place 10 has work that he wants to show in front disposable cameras in various locations of an audience. around town with an instruction sheet “I find a space. I find actors, I find explaining what she wants people to do musicians and I put on a show and peo- with them. At the end of the week, she ple come,” said Hayes. In 2013, he has is going to post them on Facebook while 13 events in the works. selecting a few for an art show. Emilie Joudi Vick, an opera sing- “It’s a way for people in the com- er, attended this meeting as well. She munity to show and share their experi- thought it was “an effective and en- ences. And kind of a unique way to get gaging presentation” and she said now people involved that might not consider she is “probably going to attend more themselves artistic,” said Kruckemyer. events.” She stated she learned “how to “When someone stumbles upon this build a creative community and how to camera, hopefully they will take that find creative events in Orlando.” and want to get involved.” For more information, visit http:// Jazka Prickett / Valencia Voice Joseph Hayes, a playwright and a Downtown Credo cafe from the outside. It’s fulltime freelance writer, also attended Project. located at 706 W. Smith St. in College Park. NEWS Feb. 6, 2013 3 Peace activist Ivorgba talks to students - Continued from Page 1 Keola Prickett, who attended the Courtesy of Project Happiness meeting, was asked what she thought The Dalai Lama (center), arguably the happiest man on Earth, makes an appearance in the film. Ivorgba really liked about America. She said, “I honestly think he liked how ev- eryone gave him full attention and the diversity of all the students and the C’mon get happy great treatment.” Courtesy of Valencia College Prickett was given a book “The Peace American peace activist John Prendergast has travelled the world spreading the message of hope and joy. He mirrored Ivorgba’s tour of Valencia at the University of Central Florida this week. Book” by Louise Diamond at the meet- ‘Project Happiness’ film hits campus ing and she says it’s very inspiring just like Ivorgba’s speech. By Luis Herrera visit to Valencia’s campuses during the school of Tibetan Buddhism, made an ap- Campus. They both answered questions Kevin Maldonado who listened to [email protected] peace week events. pearance in the film as well, describing his in depth and with emotion. the recording of the meeting said “I “Project Happiness” is about different way of living life with happiness as “there “For life there is always a higher pur- agree with Ivorgba about the govern- OSCEOLA CAMPUS — Professor Paul groups of teenagers who at the beginning is always time for change.” pose,” said Ivorgba, speaking about his ment’s relation with education and cre- Chapman from the Humanities depart- go through depression and search for inner Randy Taran, one of the leaders of influence and reasoning towards the cre- ating jobs for its citizens. In order for ment of Valencia College’s Osceola Campus peace. In their journeys, groups of American “Project Happiness,” directed and nar- ation of “Project Happiness.” change to happen it has to start with hosted the peace and justice film event on students go to different parts of the world to rated the film. “There is no definition to happiness,” education. With a rise in unemployment Thursday, Jan. 31. find the real meaning of happiness. The movie took the broad subject of Taran said describing her definition of joy. there is a correlation to a rise in crime.” The students and faculty attending the In that journey, they encounter celebri- happiness and explained the concept in Many students at Osceola Campus As Ivorgba flies back to back to his movie screening of “Project Happiness” ties such as George Lucas and Richard Gere. many ways. During the journey the stu- had optimistic comments about the “Proj- own school in Nigeria, Valencia stu- all received free conversation on peace t- “You are your work,” said Lucas, when dents encounter different students from ect Happiness” movie. dents get back to their education. shirts with a John Lennon quote featured he describes his career in making the “Star other cultures who are looking for hap- “It was an eye-opening movie, to Every student is on a different path on the back. Wars” films. Lucas went on to describe his piness and relate with them. see all the other people in the world are to achieve their career, but events like Chapman detailed the roots of “Proj- definition of what it means to be happy as After the movie students and faculty looking for the same thing,” said student Ivorgba’s speech hope to bolster stu- ect Happiness” and the reasons behind “happiness is a combination of joy.” had the opportunity to interact in a ques- Ashley Lacroy. dents’ dedication and appreciation of it with the audience. He also went into “Happiness is moving on from suf- tion and answer segment either in per- “It was great, they should advertise the United States of America.
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