• V r. n M ' -V'-! ?>■ ■ ;Vvt r , - . ' ‘A;;T^’ ■t. u- ..»iJ - ’B\Ut^. ' ,'■ /,y ; . »\V * t^ r •' •''»


'ei' CitfaalitiM . . ur <' t‘ '*■-' > ! ..- -• ■■• . ^ I V . • V

(OtatMUM AdvertUittg on '8), MANCAfi!j9;t»]li’C (^ 27^11^3^ y o L . m . , n 6 . 1T8.

« ✓ * < . Chicai^’s U n i^ Tjef^hait 1^ • . ' i ' I i ' •' Jn. *» ■ * .. r .*•>>

. * A ^ i* i ‘

Gov. Cross Complies hs DEFER ACTION White Honse hnphuasi Memberslpp — Bacfcfey ON PURCHASE Fact That Prealait ftn and Bergin Others Chosen Not Agreed to Postpone- O F Jim iT IE S . By AssfClated Pxsis kfort: to help, stabilise other coun­ on Rom Commission. ^ 1, Prestd^t Roosevelt, it is Un­ t ie s current^es. Experts see France heading toward pact with U. m a t of June IS Payments derstood', wiU ask Ccngrass . fhf S. and Britain for this purpose. Hartford, AprU 27.—(^)-rT h o BoA Cheney Directors u d power to postpone wax ' debt - pay­ '6. France expincted to pay over­ -State Department Looks ments untM after economic confer­ due debt to U. B. provided morator­ state; liquor control conuxdfeoipD ium on June l6 payment is granted. Committee of Seledmei! ence; admimstratlon also piuis to “created by the General Aasenibly seek, wide authority to adjust tariffs. 6. Premier MacDonald sails for for a Worid Trace on was completed in memlMrship to* 2. Tariffs take primary Plftc*' home, expresi^'satisfaction with day when Goverhor Cross, announc* Agree Hus is Not Tmie to President's conferences with WaMUngton conversations and ed that former Lieut. Governor Edouard Harriot, French emissary, iMving-beblnd a plea for Anglb- T a r iffs . Samuel R. Spencer of Suffield had and Prime Minister Bennett of Can­ Americah co-operation. accepted an; appointment to it. Ask Voters to O.K.PIaD. ada. 7. Democxats seek to bring ad­ n ie appointments of Frank B. 8. French emissaries express, be- ministration Inhatlon bill, now con­ Washington, AprU 27.— (A P )‘—» taining provision tor free coinage ot Berlin of New Haven, present Uef American wUlingness to agree President Roosevelt is wUling to An informal conference in reyard to consultative pact makes it easier silver, to final vote in Senate by for France to enter arms reduction nightfaU; Umlt placed on debate. consider vrar debt revision after to the transfer of Cheney Brothers 8. The dollar improves sharply on the world economic conference, but water and sewer properties to the “ T S S U cf London egcbaage after steady open­ it was emphasized authoritatively To /.n of Manchester was boh! by the Paris says Fnmce muft iqparenosf- ing. today at the Whits House that be • < IF* • .. . sub*eommittee of tbs Selectmen I Raliytaig in the bitterness of neaHy a srear's work without pay, 0,000 Chicago schMl teachers are Shown here, has entered into no agreement for f bcvinf the matter in charge with '' gathering in Grant Park for their descent on the banks. Groups marched to several Loop banks, booing postponement of the June 16 pay­ representatives of Chenej' Brothers Charles G. Dawes and other leaders for their reluctance'to lend the city more money, and forced several banks ments or laid down any plan for yesterday. After a full discussion to suspend business. " '^'^4 t from all angles it was agreed that | dsbt ssttisment. it if best to postpone a presentation DISCUSSIONS HOLD UP Simultansously, at tba State De­ of the q u e s ^ to a fuU Board of partment, Saerrtary HuU indicated Selectmen or by the Selectmen to to reporters that a world trues on tbo voters of the town imtil ooadi* INFLATION BILL VOTE tariffs pMding eonvaUng of Jia tioDf of public finance have been so JAFSQUnUNG London eonfaranea in Juna is un- ftabilUBed as to make the financing dar donaidaratlon and that tha of the purchase of these prc(perties United States la favorably inelinad possible in terms that would bf DebalM Over Soldim’ Bon* toward it. equitable to all. SHOWS TRADE UPTURN HOME LOAN BILL Aa for futura war dabt ravlaloii, Started Lost Tear binta wars droppad at tha ^ i t e The propofitioB for tbs sale o f , • « t • ai Dday Action^ Expect Houaa that this aubjaet might ba REDSTHREATEt ISNEARINGVOTE m o m ' into eonitidarably at tba eon* S S »«t ^ “lSS.tr-^lConineree«Dd yutry m oluaion of tba woild aeonomio par* HACSONALD SAKS; “ ~ — to limit Discoiiion Later lay, which eonvanaa Juna 12. land, George B. Keith aad Sherwood Bxpaota Faymanta Bowers aad Williams of lu t year's Pm Moirih Hire Eiperh Maaawblla, it was said, tba Fraa* Board who bad iaterviewed Obsaey's | AaSCOOPtaAlION)^ *>• ?“ " in dm Day. MNiDra to Help SmaO Home idant still axpartf tba Juaa 16 pay* rsprsseatativss, bayiag bsi S m Cuiese Eaiteni manta to ba mads. tbs South Ifaaebestsr Wat tncpdfllM Of couraa, after furtbar cewar* Seeoel B, Speew r l' ^ Owneri to Borrow Money naay aad tbs South Maaebsstsr | WaabbigtoB, April 2 7 ^ (A F ) — aations with tba dafator . aationft Bamtaqr aad Sswef District'proper- I jfoDway and Makei Ready now in prograaa, aoam adju stin g Donocffttle IftdorlB' 0M • m t o ties were for sals, |rM iir Pleads for AMri> Oat bonus move was dslirvsd la tbs BiwUpy pf from GorormnonL may ba workad out for tbo Ju m 19 of l l i i w A ooBUBlttss Of that BoasA eoa> i House aad aaotbar sprang up tbara duas but that ataga baa n o t baas Viiio^'who WM S slsttaf MOuUnaaa Wells A Itiiek- for Dafeaaa at Border. today aa tba gaaata talked Ita way ftu d f eoBtrol cmaiMkm, B « w From, fCBMti ‘ enil aad > M bh t» PhD raaobadt bu ^ Gsergs B. Xeitb aad Sherwood •teoka wifi ♦— p-fc^sT— toward a vote oa tba gold ooatoat Saeratary Hull said ia aaaww to ItoM, woro M awiBOtd iM t 0. iiswers, was appeiatsd to go over WaibinftOBi' April 27,—(AF)— Oevtflior OroM' t ^ y obsrMtor* Facifio MotloB of tba laflatioB bill aa' a buaatioaa tbat ba did not tb l4 gM prepositioB with tbo Obeaey Tpgidier for Ptoipirily. TtofitflB, Obbm, April 27,— (A F praUmiaaryto aotioa ea tbs vator- Tba Houaa todiqr bagan oonaidara- Norman H. Davis, Rrmldant Rooa* iMd tlw oenmifiloB u * ofDirseters. A proposi lumbormaa^ij tlon of tbo adminiatratioB’a 12,000. tlMB out" ud iti oenpe«ltlca.,J« BM robuil^i withdrawal of Japan* vaira a p ^a) ambassador abraadt gtysB the towB to sail » 1 tbo eoartal area 000,000. b q fiM ..IM ^ O m Uo osyorlMt/' appfsisfrsr to .waa^- _ ’(iim S iiS S r SblS tba tormal '*Ut iif,iaf tf wo ttaUt lsa#rfi today to half bburi. tavftotleir to tbo Loadoa aMottag loMt oat iw ^ iBjiii- brswiag bsiprMB Japan aad a g , ______a ri djapatobad to all aatioBs. M litiM l. Xt i f ft BOMf f f p w _ ■fforta are to ba amda for a fiat) befiMWard' today, IsaviBg , bsblad ala ia Maacourla. ontba idaMat ^ labfii voto today but it appaarad doubtful. A t tba asms tima ha said tbifi 0 «y tbf bfft moD rMftr«fM of (AB A P dispatab from . Moscow poUhfftl ftffiUfttlOD . wIlT llViB WhSB duotiOBj Miami la roal estafo hfoa a Mlsam plea to tbs Apsrlcaa .««.ion ,w.^lnd.K^lltog(R.J Tba bUl is virtually tba iftma m mattar u wall u otbar tariff toM of a govlat report that tbs of tba Donua out o T tba |I|0OO,- raquaatad by Praaldaat RooaavalL poaMa will ba gona into tborougp yi Sftoift la ttf erfftniffttioB.^ dealsi fottffalo ia flour mlllMgi •Bd Brltlib pseplss to pull togttbsr Ji^aasss army la Baaeburia bad (DOBtfoiBed OB Fagi Two) Isattle la lUpplag aad so down te' tbo'^itruggls badk to ptospsrlty. 000,000 of traniury aotoa tba i^ a - Xt rapaala tba provlsioa uadar tba and Botad it'wM not ImpoMbla ^ No ftaaeuaofaMBt w m lp rtiM e » approved a plan to sslas tbs Oblasss tlon biUbfU would iu tb ^ M tba Fraal- tbat a daflalta dadsioa on tba prae* iaf ftt tbf tiBM M to ft nffOBf of ^ liae. ' Addrsisifig a gatbsrlag o f , tbs Baiitora railway from lovist Rus­ b ^ loan aot paaaad last year prp- Herewith the Assodatsd daat to laaua. vidias for diraet loaaa to boam own-' tioabillty of a true# would ba tbf oeaiatiftfloB but it w a FUritfuTcf lbs united H mss, Mac­ sia. Tbs report, received last Bight Almost iataiadiataty * Rapraaaata- raaebad by Saturday. fteed tbii would oeaM id tlm t do* Frees prsMBts §m $ ooaitrva- Donald siprtoasd tbs bMs last in Moscow from Khabarovsk, ll- era by boBM loaa baaka. tlvs high li^ t s of ths sltuatiOBi tiva Ltmddaa (F.X*; Mbm,), an- Iqataad, for diraet rallaf to horns lay. Tbf itfttf Board o f, WaaBOf JAP THRONGS HAIL Bigbt that tbs two BtoTln'ipoafo' btrla, quoted "oompstoat sources.") nouaaad'tbat ba w m aot coBcaraad BBNNBTT OONFBRS. aad Ooatrol yoftortey M lag aatloBi will "sit oa tbs earns Tbs. Oblaisa assert that tbs firm owaars it dlraota tba Hama Loaa By OLADDB A JAOOBB about wbatbar tba TSenate in sssMoh until tbs the French statesmen paid a v is it' appointed. In . political cirolee at came home triumphantly today rounCAl HEADS pressed ixtlsfartlon. with the re­ farm bUl, to which the mflatlhii CABINETMEMBBIS while Japan gave a huge demonstra­ sults (^ tb e visit.- to the tomb of Woodrow Wilson iQ the CaMtol today the expreaslon measure has bean attached, ia p ^ the National Cathedral. was gmsral that Major Buckle^ tion ot national aoudarlty and Hopes' for.Fntore s Farendde Report out of the wv.y. popular i^tproval o f the conquest of Peering . mto- >the‘ future, the Poasibillties ot a tariff truce be­ acosptanos of the appointment ' to WORK FOR RELIEF tween now and the June' convening the liquor oommlsBon might speed Manchuria. prenfier expressed a fwvent hope He said the Japanese people do Anti - RevbhtiiHBr; that; toe statesmoi >of today might of the eccmomlc conference engagsa up the eettlement of the appoint­ Ibr'RooterA Meanre. attention at the Btate Department, ment of a new (Bstrict attorney, a not realize the serioaaness of so .'labor that.; their , ^grandchildren Japan’s situation in the family of imght otoertenoe ."gtoden years.” ACnJALAKNSCUT A t a press conferoice. Secretary nations. WiiK ig Ekctim — N o f Hull evidenced a belief that it was (Oonttnned On Ph ^ Thre«) He pitod, hi|m '.'tirttmte to. the Ameri­ Program J o Pot A striking Shinto ceremony at can Pfesfdefit:,'; ;■ ...... Washihgtoh; AprU .27— (AP)- — possible to arrange such a truce be­ Ttae'aikhltostration bill to regtoa^ Yasukunl shrine for the souls j f T-arttoed,:,rty tiie White ISAIIEItIM'SAII fore this week is out. Cabinet taBe Formed; toe-sale of securities emerged from On the Saturday the organixtng those who fell in battle for the Em­ the Senate batoUng cbmmfttee to­ M «i to Work m AD Parts pire in the last year was coupiec. (toMitiniied Cito Page lUgbt) committee for the world meeting $50,000 IN JE W E L S with Matsuoka’S homecoming, and day with a tototoble report .after gathers to London formally to select the whole nation observed a holiday. Ainsterdam, Holland,, April '27.— wCks bf sUidy mid revision. a date; wtOr June 12 expected to be The envoy to Geneva, returning (AP)i-'-Dr. iL Couto, leader of^the The .^conimittee. voted, t o ,, report the time it fixes to” the stemdpg Osy plan iat*™*!^ work to elsewhere that^ ' the aatteverrifU the Imperial Palace, paying his 1929. money wai'to. be .used, details fit the *^.p<^***^ o f the :.imirld dliiama/t .biiajto' tlw progrtmt, which is to be queatlsb baa Esdt yet-bean taken i t o New. Ywk, A{>rll 27.-—(AP)rr>!Two liite rM financial~condltlon .of ths borrower mept conference today* fln^Cfd,.under. p re^t plans ^ a ■------^ H (^ o t. ' manufacturing JevnMeni and a -ylait- respecto to the Mikado obeis- Unofficial' figures gave, the 'Par­ ahees before the big double jgates. ties'o f .the T&ht. 58 "toate, parties aqd information .aboqt- ths .sshms The >modcan' /hand iaoMr ia quickly M powttblAy ^ in em|toaabEtog first ing salesman were'robbed'today In methods. ; .-i; • large urged tiiat ' - ' itary Perkiha alrea^ has an understanding on gnBamente Um- a Ifth floor office on Ganal-street, In a speech Matsuoka urg.ed the of th e'I^i^. 89, -and minor partiea. continue Its aessiona . witUoiffT/. people to forget their facticnal dif­ 8. The Second.phipmber to e^ted- 'Pa^,V.AprU . 27.— (AP).—JhrenU#^ Cbqinnan Fletcher will seek I proposals.. itaticn .arid eoiqaomlc stablHaaticw. lower Manhattan,, of ap^xlm ately action bn the floor as spon aa pos- jourament^apd. o o n c ^ a te Itp, oestral purpose .is extensive UntO/he itoda what to to proapeqt to ferences and face the Exnpire’s ever^fouryears. The memhox of B d o u ^ .Daladler was. said .by . hie (nission cm aetukl miiaOkes ,or $50,p00 wor^th of - gold and .preclonu crises as the Americans were doihg the fir s t Chamber, luilf the sjae c f •slbie.' The-.bUl stUl is belng.revtxed to put men rapidly to tU8 dtNMticn; he to fotog to mak« stone's by three armed'-='meh who frjeiuM totoiy to.he aotiytoy prepar*. by tbfrlhteivtate bommeree coimnlt- armdment. ' ■ ‘ . .. under the leadership , of PresldaUt the seomd,/edira^ tone yeato.; ap.prcHptoe» nor any plans co dsbta used b a n d e rs ,-'; coj^i^ ..'^ e ,' .and ^^'.]toy'.th• dMatoted debt to- tee In the House. ' ^ "That is .what tha world M Btode Oommittee Roosevelt . F^BSoibi.lEiKKred . / pecting and editing tor," hd told, tapo to maim, their .vrethna ihMi^tos. Enqperor. Htroblto aad the Bhn* A n ’ mterestoiS phase of the-alecr JUneht 'due ^ to s - > . MotlQii_ls Lost e," the House roadb com*; 'Aa to'Vi^ar Debts. The men robbed wpre Hymian H. Sena.tor:Tjbwnaend (R .-peL) mOv- Mr.;Davia ■ tow . toa commraot: lectdfd to defer 1^ cottduston of toa epavwi|a* press paid their hoamg* *9 person tioh was tos country’s flat refUMl He 'iB*‘khowh to' c b iM ^ assur- th a t^ government nva stodytog Sohn and Leon'-'rmrkla, jewelry this morning'at Yaoikuni ahrlne to to have anytUng to', do wHh -.2 ^ ,Jcde of a^oratoHum on tlfe'Jhne id'to'poetpdne'a report oh ;toe bill, cQ]nmii tbto^brttt take remains to ba d a tM ^ the door as -the basdRs ■ were* about h f patfrnt. ' ^ ■ AJmon. author M . tito .He inay aMc timt CStogyeaa-dwS*' leaden of Army aipd Navy ct- ftolowing-restats: stdy;.jaften : Ibrmit ' PTikdor • Hhi 'daitexation ■ resammed to 8100^000.000 tof* eaor to depart was b<^d.'adthttl^1P<’. tended thesoldoa oerexponies. Parties Right!; ■ CathoDoai lotfavretora jWm Wi language. g ^ a o t l^ t y to hlto to t lt o 'A e hpldup men e s e iq ^ diqfite Many' langua^ changes ware delegatea atW vemiltod to "mad 1985* fle ^ yearik ,to ifootoitoto. but thto to toto u to l^ A group of aewmal hunored rela­ 29. Adti-Itertfli|tioihai4eB,-14; Chnsr Itiia:Fmoto -hleb. however,' that aqualchlng of an , to«^.in t " d In the Matea on g ' the 'speedy arrtvh) of p pee]ln ' tives of the dead, mostly poor folk ttoul|Uste.iio|ile>i^5..: . hejwib ask' the/iatomhto ofi mada to Claris the intent ^ Some ktod ja d jitilto it t o ^ his. equipped csxs after' snothsr broftdax'th»lnforxnation reqfqlxmd to torof Ito5adjouni tha, dbaterw o:. -aaW: fim o iO navmanto-^im from the couhtzy, stood out in Partiea.of .'the. L ^ !;' Sptoal :li)ea* ties'^.to approve ill it& the nations' are- Tiadt; to*de6uH highway jeweler telephoned ox alexm. '. . somber contrast /to the glittering Derate, ji2, l4 b e in ^ i t . 14bMal t wblnb^'was due 'be fumiimed to the coxantiagim; uy pfrtato hera bpt prOapAdtive' borrowers. thamaelvea on MtaMmanons hng\ jrith the^ ’The saiesman’i brief qato oon- pageantry and the briUjiant uni- eonvenee ------Dexxioexato,. 6, CotonntoiltA ; ; TfeThitt pfbrtdea tiiat uatii m- .. To TqiidGi wbaiitisB' ! tailed 811,000 worth iof' aapiddrea, forntis. They were asstgaed a posi-: Dr,' Colijn.- a'tolto^:!Preitoer.:.has f • A'i m tiltoton Ne|E«^ ouritlea have' hem regUrtff55d,*Y^® , ..GofnmitteM' •mdD'^'''|IniP' rublas, and other uncut stoneip, pad tipo in the midffle great comiyard beeh^ crewed' . tosi toteottod'Of tookle the* queatlea -of' reduettan; bto not Appfttoai^ of-the-G-amber never tb# tixtoe eomiMaeion it shiH^re.uB- wuiba iw' ‘ PaMtngcj ^ tW was taken, together wlto'jthe tMfhre the shrine. . h m w ^ xaarket them m bM at yet . stock of;;S6hn apd t o r n ' ths • qgjotoasional j. . . . xtotoqlMDr tor payments on. the. ooat of aotlon hsp heoi br^ coinmeroa. ■ '^It - would' aty^y.-tm. on r ^^*Thaifim sad 'gobdbjmt'! 'o)M TBBASt^Y BAIAKCB. .Gatootio,«to- Brototoab W high ‘aa.'xrt21“.iMf ':dovestiQ. ce]Md-!<^t .M^U:'--lari|Ead^^ and it'” ' ' [tot t’a - raetptivon ' glmhtmrJdjmaonr.tRrC^tir^ m ; I amh Ms eomMMpns. goodctRi^, the f i r '-aa- aa^iRKtfdmimt *hin ‘UD1> to il - " ;Qen't;itor*y. Ybu^ mSshij? e IVe 'pmet .fw-tbe Mtnwrd to itExrea.815.72a,- penltt^WSM^.by. the. 7 ^ . to Mt up a fc and aduteirtor ‘Sib.- A . i,fi85J)9. Cui^. euxnataaces-to he sstoniei' aafi an to pias on tfi' diitoi. . April; - ctllidI ■sails ■ ix)Boiegfwwsws.. . . , • . M l m

IIANCHISTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHESFEB, CONN., THURSDAY, APRiU rr, iww. TWO \ H m oonq^laint made to tika JMeet- “TAMING OF HORRORS” men about the coadlUoa ' that mun Tui^croNswni HIDtESIREDHlA BAitiiitlDHION ABOUT TOWN belnN casued by water fatting on ? v vv. thfifle paealag beneathmar­ DELIGHTS H G CROWD quee cl * the Rialto theater har re- jtD B P U C A T E BRIDGE Nello lUddlll eC Solioel ttreat baa sifitad in chauces behur made to ' RdSmAlMY reedved word of .the death of his ON UNPAID ThES overcome the trouble. It waa fooqd D E A T ^ •C ‘ - ‘ , ______Miss Grace Proctor Scores Hit father in Italy on Ap)m 10. that the water backed up Into a Arthur Knofla uud G. C. Var­ ' *' ****** pocket formed in building the mar> ney Sec<«d Hmuhts —- in Leading Role in Citadel A definite date for the State Afthnr Bidwell quee. It formed a email etorage rea- He tm Third nace. ArCbor !!• Bidwell died early this Play Last Night. Trade Schoed graduation exercises, ervoir that continued to let the State Honse Pu k i Ennt No R u n b llTlose Born Daring 1932 to to be held in June, has act been set monfing of heart disease, at the water out after etorma and lo^t the Mr. and M n. M. J. Turldngton Over 30C people were present to t yel^ pendUng the availability sidewalk wet most of the tlm& iwYYto ef'lfls BOB, RaypioBd W . Did- the probable speaker. A tentative Yven high for the dupUcste contract Tax Rieiief M eunre to wdl .of .87 South Main street Mt. c Gather at Institiition on eyening in the Salvatlcm Army Ctta^ bridge aeries, vdilch Closed last date of June 31 baa been set but m - The number of Manchester peimle Bidwell Yadip'wms 77 yepra d to attend ! Chester Memoriial hospital is mak* (ff “Horrors.” Miss . Proctor acted North and South, Mr. and Mrs. liena extended to 16 yean m a biU ' lag plans for a grand reunion of in a most natural manner and por­ o’clock. has a room or two to give over for six srsndpbUdren. port meeting at Watidns 'atidisoehnn TurUngton w en high with plus paaaed in the Houae toYtoy* Mr. BidweU’s funeral will be bdd : all babies bom in the hospital dui^ trayed the type of “Horrors” splen­ the boys to Bleep in Mrs. W . D. 6540; Mr. and Mrs. Fillsbuiy, setod tot nls^t made it Impoeibl#^ *> Ing the year 1932 and up to the didly. Other parts were played by James Munsie, Sr., of 123 Center Crockett will take the names at the The tax relief meaaun YNras the Satutoy aftsmoco at 3 p. m. from with to a 8610. East and West— first passed during the present ses­ the W . P. Qnlsh funeral home at 226 announcer the pregreas cf fha.ONn- present time. This reunion will a number of the Guards, including street, who has been confined to Y. M. C A. and Registrar Wright Mrs. W. D. Dexter and M n , F. O. Aign to raise 35,000 with whidi to take place on National Hospital Esther Gordon as "lippy,” and his home by illness the i>aat two wiH make the assignments. sion and is dealgned to fbreataUYore- ifdn street Rev. R A. Odpltts continue the aettYdtieB of* the Dexter with minus 1620 and Mr. pt tbe Sooth Methodlat church will Day, May 12, when it is hoped that Jessie Hutchinson as “Patricia weeks, was able to be out today for and Mrs. F. T. Blish, Sr., minus cloaures by tax coUectoik XSuunber through tbe rsmaindet of a lau'ge representation of Manches­ Kent,” Horrors roommate. the lin t tima 1670. The bill, tovorably reported by the officiate and btoial Yvfll be in the the year. East oeinetery. Friends are request^ ter p^ple will visit their hospital The play opened in “Horrors’ Judiciary committee, reatorea the 15 The final meeting of the wiMicsra and take advantage of the Ultimate room at school where things were Loyal Circle of King's Daughten l o j o H i m R y year lien which ema in force mrevl- ed Idndiy to omit flowers; YvlU be held tomorow Wat­ workings of thii* institution. quite topsy-turvy. To make mat has set the date of Thursday, May OYU to 1927, when the limit traa cut kins auditorium at 7:18 ddoOk Lart year the superintendent ar>< ters worse, she was informed by 25, for its annual spring rummage GRANGE ENTERTAINS to five yean and later abolished. and it is hoped that all rqwita wfll ran g^ a series of toura for certain ‘Lippy^’ that she was to have a sale, and urges its friends to save Memben of the oommittM said that FUNERALS be made at that time as t o '’-dfe town organizations, and so much roommate, vdiom she^hqped would articles for it. ARMY FROM BERE the live year liena Yaren fallihg will then come officially to a.doto.. interest was shown by these people influence her. This news "Horrors” NEIGHBORING GROUPS due and forecloSurea wen.reaultlng. At first it was planned to attend A large crowd attmided \the Mrs. Letttia' Johnston that M i s . Aldrich has plaimed to gave to her chums of “Paradise The 15 y ^ limit YviU affect these the drive imtil Monday bOft toeadae weekly card party at St. James’s l%e funeral ot Mrs; Utitia Jobn- hold oi>m house during the hours Ally” and all agreed that “Pgtricia’ Take in 33 New Members at liens, addmg years. Tax eollec- stoo was held this afternooo at 8:00 of conflicting eventa it was daehlad of 9 a. m. until 2 p. m. on National would have no influence over them, ban last night The memben of to n have until October 1 to file the to close the campaign tomorrow Gibbons Assembly, C. L. of C. were Hrst Contjngent Leaves for o’clock at tha bome of her son, Issac Hospital Day. 'Anyone Interested but that they would make her want • . Meeting in Odd Feflows HaU liens. JohnstODtaf 243 Oak street Rev. night. I may make an appointment for a to leave “Paradise Allsr” very soon. in charge and each one worked Last Evening. The Interest charge on unpaid Only a small percentage of t o or­ with a win. Prizes in whist were James Stuart N d ll of S t Afarsr's tour of the hospital during those However the kind way in vdiioh Pa­ Fisher’s Isfamd Cnnp Tins taxes waa cut to seven per cent, EMscopal- church officiated, ^ e ganization of more than Bfty hours. The reception of mothers tricia did things, mid her coura­ won as follows: First M n. Nelson which memben of the committee workers was present last n l| ^ The L ’Heureux and James McCooe; sec­ Manchester Grange at its regulaur hearers were Robert Pearson, and babies will be held at 2 o’clock, geous spirit a ^ d the tr3ring crowd said they felt to be a fair rate tmder Samuel Strain, DaiFld Stratton, Jobn reports of these few Yvere moat en­ of “Paradise Ally” did, work an in­ ond, M n. James Breen and Michael Momhig. meeting to t night in Odd Fellows existing conditiozm. couraging and if they can he tplm Friday, May 12. hall was host to delegations from Robinson, Felix and Paul Jesanls. fluence for good on the “crowd” Dillim; third, mihh Mary Shea and I In the motion of Mmority J>ader as an InAcation of the final re iito East Windsor, Wapping* Coventry, Burial waa in the East cemetery. and things in Paradise Ally b^rsn J. P. Fogarty. Bridge: Mn. Fran­ John Markham the bill Yaraa amend­ the drive shotdd prove an. ovar- to change. ces Strange and Cain Mahoney; Ten Manchester boys started this Vernon, Tolland, East and West wfaelming sttccen. Hitftford. A class of 35 Yvas to have ed to make it take'Sffeet immediate­ M n. John AlblstMi Personal Notices A few months later the girls who -second, Madeline Logan and W il- morning for Fort Wright on Fish­ ly. brod Messier; third, M n. Ethel received the third, and fourth de­ The funeral of Mrs. John Albiston played basketball on Saturdays and er’s Island for their t o day’s con­ A bill which would aboUsh the of S42 Center street Tras held this NOTICE Krob and H. G. Hemenway. Set­ ditioning period after being examin­ crees. Of this number one waa 11 the girls who were swimming en­ and the other unavoidably absent, labor department a^d errate a board altetnboD at € o’clock at Watkins thusiasts found it difficult ot rather back: EHrst M n. J. MeVey and J. ed in Hartford early this morning. A requiem mass w ill be celebrated of industry of seven memben in its mothers. Rev. J. Stuart Neill of impossible to get “Horrors” ta Join Walsh; second, Florence Becdo Those who will spend the next ten so that 33 candidates were admit­ DEFER Al for the repose of the sou. of the late ted. District Deputy EUsworth place Yvas rejected, as Yaras a bill SL Mary's EplBcophl church officiat* Alexander Kompanik at St. James’s them, and were amazed to find her and Fred Lewis; third, Margaret days at Fisher’s Island in Long Stoughton of Esunt Windsor, who which Yarould have made possible the ed. The beafen were Raysumd E. church, tomorrow, Friday April 28 at studyi^ and doing things which Spellman and Edward Custer. island Sound are, Raymond Bidwell, securing of Federal loans for hoiui- 7:80 A, M. she never did before. The “Crowd' Sandwiches, cake and coffee were was present, complimented the of­ j^umdford, w iiukm Hunhlford, Clif­ Clifford Bieu, Howard Brown, ficers for their excellent work and ing by private or public corpora­ ford E. Shaw, Wmiarn Hand, Harold ON PI of Paradise Ally were influenced-by served at the close of the games. George H. Cone. Clarence Gochee, tions. Patricia Kent’s presence, and wound the ladies’ degree team. Hand and Robert Hand, Jr., all John J. Hewitt, Fnmk Macrl, . The harvest supper was served In The bill regulating the sale of pat­ nejdiews of Mrs. Albiston. BYirial up by forming a Patrol and L4fe The Home Club of the American Florien.Mozzer, Stanley Olbrias and ent medicines, which declared Insurance Union win meet tomor­ the banquet hall by the Home Yarns was in East cemetery. Saving Guaids, and Patricia Kent’s Philip Scbieldge. yesterday to be in conflict Yarith the mother came all the way the row evening at 7:80 with M n. Economics committee, Mi>. WiUiiun school to give them their badges. Anna Wade of 65 School street After the condition period at Montie, chairnum and was enjoyed state liquor control MU, was-pasMd Mta. Blary E. Evans (Conttoned Froiir,Pafo Ousl Fisher’s Island the Manchester boys by 176 persons. today without argiunent. The funeral of Mrs. M a ^ EYmns The play designed to bring out The rules were suspended to pass the work of Life Saving Guards was Carl A. Jamroga of 947 North will be sent with the rest of the first of 40: Summer street yvba. held yes­ men was elected last October Asron Mftin street has drawn 21 large levy of Connecticut forMters to the a biU allowing the west shore fire terday aftonoon. Rev. Watson Copk, a quaUfied expert od nnanriai very interesting and delighted the district of West HaYren to issue large audience, who seemed to en­ posten in color for inside display deirignated camp for the six months Woodruff of the Center Congrega­ n atters, wiu added to the; commit­ card' 18 by 24 for the Kiwanls show forestry work, • INO DEBT SETTLEMENT funding bonds fb tha extent of 310,- tional church officiated. The bearers tee ou'the CSienqy utUitiae.' The joy the four acts Immensely. All of 000. ^presentative Dwight Smith the parts/ were weU taken and the to be given next week. There are were all relatiYtes ot the deceased. oritinal price eet l^..Ghen^ Broth­ six different designs. The posten of Orange, said that the bonds were Burial was in toe East cemetery. ers and idven the committee qdeet- results showed intense training and REACHED AT PARLETS necessary because of the dosing of rehearsing. The coaches. Miss are being distributed this after­ ed by the full Board'of Seleetmien, Luella Larder tjid Miss Ellen Lyons noon. the West Haven Bank, m wbidi the district had 34,000. Omoetto Motto Yarns ;-l,L:.S,0(X>. When the report^ of received hearty applause for their JAPS QurmNG (Continued F!rom Page One) The funeral of Concetto MottA Bennett and Terry vna reported to A favorable report Yaras received fine work. Hose and Ladder Company .No. 1 was.held this morning, with prayers th Board, theprice^quotod was $1,- MMA'i «p r«* An instrumental quartet, consist­ of the South Mmiebester F in de­ Senate last spring a proposal for a on a bill aUoYaring New Haven county to subscribe to the stock of at his home, . 14 OlenYvood street, at 2* .000 as representing t o true bidini' ing of Hudson Lytms, Alex fficol, partment answered a stiU alarm for CHINESECOAST; two year holtoy on all incretuses. 7:45 and mass at 8:15 at St. value of the properties. At a meet­ iko aieibwimd ef Jr., Maynard Clough and David a chimney fin tetoy at 19 Fairfield Many in this coimtry have \irged the dosed Medfahics Bank. The provisions of the biU are idmilar to James’a MautMl There was a large ing of the committee Cheney Broth­ Addy; RusseD Clough as trombone street k. a house owned by Cheney truces as part of a move for down­ delegation of the Sons of Italy, of ers paixsd 350,000 from the-engi- soloist and Harold Turking^n as Brothen and ' occupied by John ward redajustment, and he express­ those contained in a bUl already 'aaleysiMt. India passed giYTlng the city of New Haven which he Yvas a member, and the neer*B reported Ymlue, raprasentto piano soloist, furnished musio be­ iTaaiiiid- Then was no damage. REDSTHRMTEN ed the view that there would not be bearers Yvere all from that organ­ thi lo w ^ figure to be given the •fown Kin wotM’s tween the acts. WUliam Hall and any wide difference of opinion at the same right. lhMallaa.Tlnfa ora; ization as foUoYfra: Giuseppe and town for tile combined properties.' Harold Turkington Joined with Hud­ state roads in Manchester are (Continued Prom Page One) WitehihgtQn on sneh a plan. The emergency banking biU to nnora Hi^a •no* proYTlde issue of two classes: of ^pre­ Angelo Felice, Adolfo Glorgetti, The Chamber of Commerce be­ son Lyons and Alex Nicol, Jr., to. being given a treatment eff oil to- ^ o e n z o SalYratore, Antonio Inno- ~ laadM I/l play a number of iMrnet quai^ts. army north. Tue railroad, built by ferred stock, which was tabled m came interested to the matter and a f India Too, day. the House yesterday after being censa and GiYUwppe Antonlno, committee from that body Yvas Candy was sold between the second Russia, is jointly operated by Burial was in St. James’s cemetery. •II dlnplayinf and third acts, and together with Russia smd Menchukuo. ACTUAL ARMS CUT passed m the Senate imder suspen­ selected to stiidy the situation, later «i«daawfkiliawnrte*e>Yaartreeor hot Mrs. T. E. Mader has opened a to grie a repoii of meir findings oiiaafinaiabiaaaaTagaltliai aaalwa, the sale of tickets, a very large bakery shop at 19 Maple street BeiUKin for sion ot the ndes was passed today Other Chinese e'faet Yaritbout debate. to 'the Selectmen, which approYr^ look for Ilia frodonafk aa tha pockaga. sum Was realized for the work of where she yvUI sell'some of the goods le Guards of the local corps. that Japanese and offidaii IS AMERICA’S AIM ^Tbe.ci giYreo tha MUSICAL ON SUNDAY V* a purchase of . . t o utiUtice-;atia She' ha# beSUmeyWell khown for ilghr'to to' Donda for price under a million doUank f ’ throughout town. She has some are going to Wi in tbA next few welsks work in east ditch sewer m a bill Held In Abeyance - r e a ^ baked goods and others she ipate in (Continued From Page One) President Rooeevi Ions of faYmrably repbrteiL The w o rk w a s At SOUTH IL l c M c H The proposal has-been held to will bake to order. Mrs. Mader first Yvorld problems r in the detoihed at a recent 'cpOunlttee abeyance during the past few attracted attention in town to her was being wasted in fruitless dls- sudden titxm withdra from uu cusdoos, and he espedally attack­ h earin g as ritaUy necessary to cor­ Director G. H. Bytes Arranges months due to imeertato conditians. cooldng when she was employed at dlsput&ttle Chinese territory. rect “intolerable conditions.” It is expected that the next move one of the local eating places. ed natiims which a r' waiting for Unusual Program for Regu­ what the other fellow yvUI do be­ A favorable report Yaras also sub­ Yvm be up to Cheney Brothers. The mitted on a bUl granting taX^ lar Mimthly Service. company may later place the matter There was a' large attendance at fore introducing amendments to exemption to veterans assodated before t o full Board for a final the dmice in Tinker hall to t night the disarmament plan presented by HOME LOAN BILL with the armies of nations affiliated The regular monthly musical ser­ definite stand or may ask tbe toYSn conducted tqr the Junior Daughters the British. with the United States during the vice at the. South Methodist church for a vote on the purchase at a of Italy. AUss Frances Polito smd World War. yntUI be priwented on next Sunday special toYvn meeting. Ifincent Bmievenuto won the prize IS NEARING VOTE A measure aUoYaring fishing in in evening, April 80 at 7:30 o’clock. waltz coxxipetito^ There was an . HOSPITAL-NOTES land tidal Yaraters without an O. H im tin^n Byles, organist end entertainment program. The pro­ (Continued Prom Page One) angler’s llcefise was faYronMy re­ director, has arranged a very inter­ ceeds will be Implied to the newly TONREI ported, as was a bill allowing' fish­ esting and pleasing program, one “O ntral' organized junior society. Clement Lupaccblno, of 78 Birch ing for eels and bullheads to tbs balance, to be amortized and paid that will appeid to an classes both AlrpartT off within 15 years. Loans are to street, was atoltted yesterday aft­ Connecticut, Thames and Housa- from a musicai standpoint as weU STATC Thomas Ferguson and Ronald H. be made on homes valued up to ernoon Yvlth a ^fiactured leg. tonic rivers without a license. aa from the Yvorsbip point of Yriew. FRBDAY and SATURDAY Ferguson of The Herald bavu re­ M n. Stella Zaleski and Infant 315,000 but not more' than 310,0(M) A favorable report was also re­ As organ numbers Mr. Byles has 2 Troinendoua PicturesI turned from New York (ttty where may be advanced on any home. daughter of Buckland and Mn. ceived on a bill permitting hospital chosen as his individual offerings, they attended the Associated Press Tbh bill also provides for the William GigUo of 90 Oak street Uens on insurance ppUdes. three outstanding compositions for were discharged yesterday. convention held the first three dajrs Home Loan Bank to charter Federal organ, as foUows: Adagio to B. by Robert McKenna of 58 Stephen JO E B. of the week. savings and loan assodstions in Fnmk Bridge, Ave Maria, by J. communities now insi^dently street and Ruth Siwen of 17 Nor­ man street were admitted yester­ Arcadelt, and the AUegro from served by any institution or other WOMEN’S “T GROUP Symiriiony VL, by Ch. M. Wldor. BROWN lender on homes. day as tonsfi and adenoid patients from the hospital dlnlc. Tbe choral offerings are “The (Bis Paa Paalea HIBtaaoj in ' FiffI Nationai Markets ara all sleckad witli tha First of ika WE Radiant Mom” by Woodward, and A child welfare clinic yvUI be IN ANNUAL MEETING Saasen’s — Frtsh Fisk. Visit your naarast First Natienal held at the Health Center tomor­ the Litany to B flat by W. A Mos- HOUSE’S FEATURES SHOE row from 2 until 4 p. m. ort. Tbe Litany Js E L M X n Marfcal and maka an aarly salactien. Tha .faulty w E APPOINT Mrs. James Shearer Elected knewn worlm of this outstanding waleemt a dalideus Fresh Fish Conner as a c ^ f a . NAMES DEPUTY CORONER President— Have 90 Mem­ and world ronoYvned masters in musiral composition, and is being the DISPLAY IN WINDOWS bers—Ask More Attention. Rockvitte, April (A P )—Joel offered to this vicinity for the first YW t time as far as can be learned. Where Reed of Stafford Springs has been The annual meeting of the C. E. House and Son, Bie., have it appointed deputy coroner for Tol­ it has been presented It has always A eommittee of one, and give Women's Division of t o Maadiester been acclaimed as a gem of compo­ special window dlspl&y featuring si land county by Coroner John ft. Y. M. C. A. was held last night at LOBSTERS nation-Yvide contest on Natural Yeomans. The appointee is the son sition that was too precious to be Co-Feature: yon full powors to buy your the Y. M. C. A. building. A report family EfroeerieB wherever yon Bridge shoes. This contest will of tbe late Judge Joel Reed of tbe of the actiYritto carried on ditting negdCcted, and it la xiot at an strange “STRICTLY FRESH close May 7 at which time 1005 Superior Court. The coroner is a the pest year xiid plana for the that It is'becomtog more YNddely pre­ think it eah he done to your prizes be awarded. The first son of the late Judge Edward M. coming year were discuesed. A sented as it eharins and execUenee PE3tSONAL*'i EACH i prize Yvlnner will receive four pain Yeomans of the same bench. ^ beeomss more Yvldsly knoYsn. The BOILED beat advantage, quality and memberehlp of 90 was reported. It Yfrith BdOethdllaa, of shoes free each year for a period was Buggwted that more attention theme of the worit is hunt aroimd a CHICKEN prices cmiaidered. of ten yean. Those interesto in Gambling casino at Monte C!arlo be given to 'girls’ work. Mrs Joyful acclamation and this spirit is Porotty JtedOB the contest may get action al in­ is to be d t o d “for spring clean­ James Shearer w u elected presi­ carried right throughout the' entire 25 formation at House’s if they so de- dent; Mrs. Hugh Geer, vice-presi­ YNTork. It is also totttesttog to its Ob Stage., Saturday Brown’s Creamety Q ing.” Tbe customm have already FfrslaflhaSaaseii dra. been cleaned, we presume. dent; Mrs. C. B. Loomis, secretory: brevity but this factor only to- KH)DIE TALENT Batter, lb...... Mrs. W . D. Crockett, treasurer; ersaass tbs interest and stimulates FRESH MACKEREL 9 ^ chairman of finance, Miss Grace with a desire to have heard .more VAUDEVILLB SHOW *Dei Monte Asparagus Q Q ^ Robertson; program. Miss Florence of the theme as presented to this Cheer year neighberii Dressed as dosbad Benson and dutonxn of member- work.', V >aprliel Tips, 1 lb. square ea n ^ O C sh4>, Mrs. C. R. Barr. FRESH HADDOCK The Manchetto Public Market OoQdag SU m iA T ! Granulated Sugar, “HOME TOWN” F O U S RING’S DAUGHTERS TO GO “oA v a L c u u m t Faaay Whita 61b.elothiBack... 24c Fletare ef t o ' < Finest Fresh Seafood EMPLOYED AT WARD’S TO STATE c o n f e r e n c e STEAK COD Seminole Toilet , I nasndcr Varialy 34th Annual Seaaion to Be Held Hssue, 4 rolls___ 25c Fresh Tinker Mtekerel V...... - .. .lOe lb. Tbe ntonkg®*^ tbe local Fresh Cod Steaks...... 2 lbs. 25c gornwy Ward and Co. store ' an* In Yftsi Hartford Tomorrow FILLET of SOLE Paleo Geanser, Boshm Bluefish to F r y ...... l()c lb. notmoed today that several peopla Afternoon and Bv«ninff. have been added to tbe sales tone. Benaiass — Na waste S,cans ..... 10c They YvUl assist in serYrtog t o A humber of t o members of the Small (tyaters for Stowing ...... 25c pint tbousamle of thrifty-minded abop- O ngs Dauid^tors dtolss will attend HADDOCK FILLEH t n Oloudy Almnonia, O A#* Large Frying Oysters...... 35c pint pers Yvho Kre taktog advantage of t o Hth annual ctmfsranee ot Xtogs 8 quarts fmr...... Chowder Oama...... 15c qt^ 2 qts. 25c the low Ward Week pricesr “By t o i Daughters and BaeSf to be held to­ ...... - ...... ' I ' -i.i 4.11^ 1 I ineresM to our eato penunnel,” Mr. morrow af temodn and evening at Strawberry Pies, made frmn Fresh Bernes, ' Slattery etatsd, “we are tostded to the West HartfonS Ooogragatiaaal I R f S H F R I I T S ./VEtriABirS Krasdale Catsup, assure every Ward Week viaitor to Church, Mrs. J. A Hood, Iradsir of 14 oz. bottle .. 10c Special a t ...... 19c each tbe store, prompt and effirient ser­ Loyal carols, and Mrs. B. vice, so matter how lazga toe prasMent of Ever Ready O rto wiQ Fresh HodOon River Shad. crowd." attend ex-ofDdo. Mrs, Milo Walls, Swansdown Cake The addition of these p e o ^ la FRESH PEA S Small Bndc Shad. Large Roe Shad. Mn. Ernast Lan. Mrs. M F^WM- Flour,pkg. ... 19c another maalfeetatipa of ward’s ton and Miss Bernlba X#dah are Fresh Hahbnt Steak. * Fillet ef Sole. policy of^emifioylnff' ' aaas manyaqaag to al other delegates fram Ever Randy NEW AMHVALS ■ ■ Fillet of Haddock. people as po^ue to Wartfs stores. FANCy SAUFORNIA Ward's reotMDlae-tke reomntoe-tke truth that 's •Cbcle. Mrs: H, Louto W e tru ^ M la s Krasdale Mayonufdse, Q O ^ SnuUl Sneflsh to Bake. Edith MeComh will rapraHent the eAM)EN PEAS' 2 " 15< quart ja r ...... O O C shoMKir’a frilowtownamaa is more likely to know t o community’s drcIsB affOtated with t o Osatar AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT, tastes and desires toaii anyone else. OODgrtgational church. STRAWBERRIES Leoiiiaiia t X E E * MazolaOj^ O A ^ Ward Weak meana that'aavtoga Good Samaritan/Chapter trill ba pint can dasA# CodflahCakes «25cdoz. range fhom 10 to QU per cent over bewtess. Mrs. Cleorgn ftio r W Jewett Home Made Potato Salad • •••••• • A* • e • • • • • 15c lb. their nsoai low pfloA Many items Qty, tha Btata pnaUdlL wUlAM ^ SPINACH lesih on “t o w ”- Rev. Jhniiirr. B l w m 1 2 < Home Baked Beans ...... • • * *. • •. vibcL i|L tOre brand new marton4toPBvsr Fas^ shown betofii —oriatod jm d pgator cf t o chm tebAvlUtoil|M ^ DANDELIONS SAfFBOe A M WHRWtBdR SM ed and Baked Macfcer^ small size . • •... .2 Ihr 15e factured esipeototor for WBfd. t o -Ctafid win aarta. m n e i x M BCASUUBVB f Slu^ Cake Blaciiita iWcnweejB.•• elAC dOSi Judging from t o raspowsi to e’to d t at 60 eanta per pm e. tn t o .r , ' ______\___ . er ward Weeks Mr. tottery fsain avsBtog at 7:80 cash efirbla v ^ ra-- 7 / / S / \AJ/()\Af S ’SOiUS that the ilMppsra of Maacheater ipbnd to t o roll-call, gi«$ilB fhh GAOWV DIAL5111 hxve taksD A uan ' mxmbar prsaeat aad t o awito a t 1 8 8 S p rw i* annual, BpilBg I ' fix-S >/,• •M.'>.>.v: ‘V f; > ;r:y‘^.1 ■ »/’^’ * f'-i‘v ■-■. .: ■ - - ' '"'■• A'' V-.:., k’- i ■ < - •A,: vU-t i H < Z ' '• -, f" : •,^;'J'■J-: ‘c r ''■r. -■* . »• ■' ;•*' •; • •'.’ f. _ ' -•; /■ ’ . .. —. -.f r;.'.- •:., „■ ''•,‘,.'^r' r

EVENING HERALD, N^OHESTQR, OblWH THURSDAY,"APifc ‘ ' ^ • J..- iUNCHESTER ..... —.-•I-*—«* ------^ . - - ■*;t ^ ' /'*V ^ project' the eorrsi]pondtag;9lotaras Btouthw, Norinaii 'Rosdl, Harold Bast OsBtral Pomioaai GNuitf TOGHtVO'lfC^ w the*6oresm*‘'Nhtnre^6M-Spdrsr Cude and Richard Carpentw receiv­ have, an a&day aeasloii Wednsadsyi' tovets an.u>S46'not-to Bilpf>tMto ed medals for wlahh^l siiQOBd place ABOilTTOWN Magr 8, at Gilead Han, with',Bibfpo taWirs. No adiWwfiqo-wfll W IBFSfUCANB G ru fs as hostaas. Dipdng^flia fortn ed for.eifosr enticrtainniiii^.bat'a in the 4400 yd. rA^r------in' the State noon "the fifth degree 'w w ba oqn- HEREI^^^O^^ .gtoW »f ’r>giiifthriiir as’ aa'ild: fei Indoor meet at Weafmn. The. Itahan Damooriatle dub win fsrred. . free irin oS ertii^;be rebeM hold a meethur tomorrow evening at cover foe -eqMBse'Of bffiBflnff ’. Mr teaehiar.aafi ***| lOR WM E CARDENS aliK>.given hiSiasraM for plaolnf 4th Sniiuier R ;Vinipa‘ in foe'hij^.Juxn|> at the Indoor State M office of Dr.' ML Q.* Dolan in the Winfield Chaee has Hvai' in ,Vinton here, again. .a ewtae'^'ebgir^' The' assemblies today were put meet m WedeyaiL ,, , , ohnaon buttding on Mata street foe Pagan! buUdtag Ok Nbrth Mhin "Sstinid^- and (^ter . I- characters had been well coached and breeldng foe old one of young’s iggilyj Mrs. Egfily was formerly ter yesterday from John'M en,'of " Qaues— Most Needy ffiorenoe a State Theater R. Vinton of RoiNUe, N.' J.i for W o' by Alice Aitken and Lillian Carney, of Hillhouse of 8:01:6; his second Vernon, recently married, was dated lecturea here, 8aturi9ay:.ev6nlng;;at for winiUhg third place in foe cross usher. at.Waahtarton, D. a He is leaving and its smooth running gave evi­ 8 o’clock at the Y. M. .ar A.,. and €et First Choice. coimtry run on Thanksgiving day; there Friday for a point furtaer Sunday eventag,at 7,o’clock at foe dence of much preparation. It was his third for winning second place W. F. Hunter of Pennsylvania north. He and his bride.enect to well cast and thoroughly enjoyed in Center Congregational church. ' in foe in foe meet at foe Hart­ will speak at foe' Gospel HaU on spend one month touring before re> Mr. Vinton’s lecture -Saturday both the B’reshmen and Main assem­ Center street tonight and tomor­ turning home. •Ttn upUeantm for home gardeBS, ford Armory. Robert Smith, Tom evening wlU.be.. on “Pagoda La&U*” blies. The scene the play, entitl^ Jefimston, Gordon Fraser, and Arl­ row night. The services will start totBllog over 400 this spring, have He was bom in Burma,ihls parents "Bved Joins the Firm,” was Wd fo ton Judd were awardkl medals for at 7:45 o’clock each evening. •Nutmeg Forest, No. 116. Tail being pioneer 'missionaries ' from' divided in three groups by the th- safes office of a wholesale build­ Cedars of Lebanon, will hold its lieglon and M. E. E. A. committees wlnnMg first'place in foe 700 yd. Baitern Connecticut By long ing supines company, «“d foe relay at fot Central, Conn, meet at The Beethoven' Glee Club will regular meeting at foe Masonic residence and extensive travel in this year. Site first group will be chauracters were as follows: Helen Temple tomorrow night at 7:30 those deemed most needy to share Wesleyan. Robert Smith was award­ leave for Worcester, Mass., this both foe Near and Far East he is Blaney, a stenographer, Grace Legg; ed a second and Arlton JUdd a third evening at 5:80 o’clock from the o’clock. weU qiialified to describe foe peo­ in the awarding of the 225 garden Fred Johnson, foe star salesman, plots obtained^ the eommiuee for for placing In foe 60 yd. dash in foe Emanuel Lutheran church. The ple and thUr’ customs.' An expert Harold Schuetsr Herbert T a ^ , Indoor meet , at foe Hartford club win appear on foe I2fo an­ The Manchester Young People’s photographer since early yodth, ue pif^pMwg this year. The plots lo­ Federation has postponed its meet­ cate on Hartford Road, North another salesman, Norman lAshfo- Arm ory. nual concert program of foe Men­ knows how. to take .pictures and street, Manchester Green and skl; Robert Swift, foe proprietor, Diplomas were distributed to foe delssohn Stagers, to be held at Me­ ing scheduled for tomorrow evening, what pictures to fake. Mrs. NeUle on Charter Oak street will be Welles Tolson. , members of foe Triangular Debating chanics HaU. G. Albert Pearson, am ', will hold it instead Wednesday B . V intra h u accom panied her hxui- ploughed this week and seeds and Alice Aitken acted as gene^ team as follows: Betty Quimby, bass soloist will also stag on foe' evening. May 10 at 7:45. h*firt on m any o f foeee trips and her fcrtiliMr will be distributed to the chairman for foe play and working James Tommi, Betty Moorhouse, program . skillful brush has colored tbe p^to- gi^eners fcdlowlng the awarding with her on foe property committee Stuart Joslin, Lillian Carney and M iss H azel Ckirbin,. director o f foe graphs accurately and art^cally. of the contract for both. Last year, werA Winston S ^ fo, Mildred Pren- James Britton. The Olympics, junior soccer New York Maternity Csater will re­ On Sunday evening at 7 o’clock TiwfitwiiUmr w ith th e m ethods o f con> ti''*. Helen Gustafson, Steffle Obrem- Special gold medals were given to team, will practice at foe (Charter view foe findings of foe. White House. Mr. Viliion will repeat his-lecture ducting a commxmity project of this ski, Dofothy Harvoth and Evelyn three members of foe swimming Oak field tomorrow afternoon at Co'uference on “Obstetric Educa­ on ‘*We Beauty of • foe Common­ sort, larger amounts of fertiliser Fiifo, who assisted with foe typing. team. Stuart Joslin was awarded a 3:80 o’clock. tion”, prenatal and maternity care place,” by special request of foe were given each gardener than was •Minn Corinne Davis of foe faculty medal for foe 2X>, breaking bis rec­ at 2 o’clock, Wednesday afternoon dlub and foe Manchester Gar­ n ecessary. sponsored foe program for the com­ ord of last year (2:51) and setting The Holden-Nelson .agency has at foe State Departooent of. Health den club. Pictures' of landscapes An Increase in the amount of lan< mercial department. a new one of 2:45. Dana Cowles was leased to W. T. Smythe foe late in foe state administration build­ and flowers have been taken all over .ENJOY THE COSTLIER available for gardens this year was Following the play Princip^ given a medal for foe 100' yd. free Arthur T. Straw home at Wood- ing. Medical doctors, professional foe world and their natural , colors reported, loaned by Prank Cheney, Quimby gave out numerous awards (fm e, 1:2.5) and foe 40 yd. dash, bridge and Oakland streets. nurses and all interested will be wel­ reproduced by Mrs. Vinton. Flowers TOBACCOS IN CAMELS Jr., on Charter Oak street and by which have been eameo by students (time, 20 seconds). Caiftord Treat come to attend this lecture, which inspired some of MacDoweU’s moot Robert Dewey on Middle Turnpike, in swimming track, basketball and was awarded a medal for foe 100 Herman Retahold topped foe list is a part of the state’s campaign descriptive music, and in this lec­ interest in the plan suggested by debating. Ba^etball letters wert in foe pinochle play at foe Artny previous to Mother’s Day, May 14. ture foe synchronization of music Frank V. Wmiarns, for co-operative yd. breast (time: 1:24.4). awarded to foe following: : Ernest Certificates were given to foe and Navy club last night, with a anrt flowers adds to foe effective­ potato raising has not been very “Butch” NeU, ’S3; "Put” Saimonds, score of 952. F. Anderson was Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladies ness of foe program. 'The young enthuslastie, and it is expected that senior boys on foe swimming team second with 907 and R. C. McCann •34; Tom Johnston, ’34; "Chet” Sen- g iv ^ t|iem foe privilege to wear of (tolumbus, will meet tomorrow people’s choir of the Center Con­ the plan win not be followed this third with 898 points. The rinal evening at 8 o’clock at foe K. of C. drowski, ’34; "Chucky” Smith, ’34; their letters. gregational church ^yill sing, and year. Tom McPartland, ’33: “Gelop” En­ score in this section of foe touraa- clubrooms. foe organist, Mrs. Jennie Abom will rico, ’33; “Teddy” Tedford, ’33; mdit gives Louis Chagnot first play MacDowell’s "To A WUd place with 5,410 points, second, R. Francis Mahoney, ’33; “Pep” Rubi- Rose”,“ To a Water lily ” "In Deep SPENCER IS nCKED D. McCann with 5,377 and Ed. Woods,” "To An Old Pine Tree” and! now, manager, ’S3; "Joe” Sartor PROMINENT PERSONS Qulsh third with 5,142. ’33, Orlando Garrone, ’34. CEDARS TO ATTEND other compositions, while- Mr. Vin­ ton’s dissolving. sfereopticon will roRUQUOR BOARD The room winning the Girl’s IN KIWANIAN SHOW Members of the Hustlers' group Homeroom Basketball tournament of foe Wesleyan Circle are reminded NATIONAL SESSION was awarded the banner for their ’■.< (Oonttnoed Froni’^tfage One) of foe meeting tomorrow evening a,t excellent record. The finals were held Oareigce P. Quimby to Fill Rolo 7 o’clock at foe home of Mrs. between Room 14, Franklin, and Joseph Dean, 41 Delmont street. Annual Convention to Be Held HEALTH MEAHS CHARM subject which is said to have been Room IS, Main, the .-rst game end- of iSdoist in Monday Night’s vexatious because of factional dif­ Mrs. Thomas J. Rogers will a^ st in Washington Next Month 1^ in a tie 1444 making it neces­ M instrels. foe hostess. Work will oe on salt­ AHD HAPPIHESS ferences. I ------—Bus Load Going. Was UeaL Governor sary for one more deciding game, ing peanuts. Snedding eyes which ended 25-9 in favor of Room “Minstrel Chuckles,” the show to ..Spencer was lieutenant governor >e presented by foe local Kiwanls The annual convention of foe Tall aiMi tmiliiix ups Governor Cross’ first term, 14 of foe F^anldin BuUding. Eliza­ Simday School teachers of Eman­ Cedars of Lebanon'will be held at speak of ncslm beth Lupien, Captain of foe winning club at foe High School haU next uel Lutheran church will hold their andvitsUtr.Oesr first entered the General As- Monday and Tuesday evenings, for Washington, D. C., from Wednesday, eembly in 1915 and during two team, accepted-foe banner from Mr. regular monthly business meeting May 17, to Simday, May 21, and skin etttsetz.'The Quimby, having had a most success­ foe b e ^ t of foe IDddies Camp al tomorrow evening at 7:80 sharp at healthy active girl bums in the House was on the ll- Hebron, will open with a series of members of Nutmeg Forest, No. 116, jian^ committee. In 1922 as a Sen­ ful season with foe foUowing team: the church. All teachers are urged a^e planning to make foe trip in a is both happy and Anna Leroh, forward; Bnes Johnson, specialty acts, .featuring a number to be present. popular. so r he was on the motor vehicles of prontoent lo ^ persons. special bus, providing enough reser­ committee, and from 1928 to 1930 side center; Florenfce Seeman, for- vations are made to make It worth- Perhaps yon urard; Elizabeth Lupien, guard: vnuiam Halsted and Thomas * The Friendly Bridge club wlU are not tesUy ill sefved as state treasurer. Bentley will be .seen in a short com­ w hile. The completion of the commis­ Rosanna Linde, guard. have an all-dsy session tomorrow y e t whan the edy sketch, after which Clarence P. and luncheon-bridge at the home of ^"li is, planned to leave‘here Wed- day’s wodc is done yon ere too dted sion today turned attention to the Letters for swimming were award­ W sday,night and return Sunday ed. to foe following; Clifford Treat, Quimby, higbiBchobl prindp^, wiU Mrs. Ernest Newcomb of Somers. to eocer into the good dmee that probabllitieB of an early proclama- his debut as a vocal soloist in morning. The trip would include a odier women enfoy.FOr extra energy, tkm by the governor legalizing S tv a rt Joslin, EHmore H ultine, W il­ what is being called a vest pocket The April group of foe North sight-seeing tour of Washington and try L y^ E. nnUuun’s Vegetsue traffic in beer in tke state. It was son McCormick, Alton Cowles, can b« made for less Jian foe price Robert Carney, George Leary, revue. Ben Cohen, State ThSater Methodist Ladies Aid society wiU Compoond. ■ n .a .i wtM.on. pointed out that first of all ma­ manager, will also render a solo in of a .one-way fare. The cost will be health. Give yon chinery must be set up for grant­ Robert McConnell, Bwald Stechholz, conduct a food sale tomorrow after­ the role of a. ballad stager. noon, beginning at 2 o’clock at tlm slightly higher to outsiders who fhafin, At The Herald CotdetoS School, Mrs. Edna Riggs CraMreo ing pomlts, and before these are Dana Cowles, Captain, and Francis Miss Ariyensv Moriarty, widd;[ wish to go. Anyone tateresto^l is Ramsmber that 98 ooi of 100 fssu^ there must be staff person- Delefera, Manager. Holmes store on North Main street, U8^ and recommend^ CRISCO, the modern, q in««-_ known local stagsB, who baa been iu Mrs. Nellie Marks and Mrs. Grace asked to'get In touch with Ray War­ women report hotm u let it hdp xisl who can determine required Special awanls were distributed with a cold, ^ also appear on ^ ren, Tel. 7728; Harold ^aher, Tel. you too. ' ' digesting sh'ortraihg. \ facts bearing upon the appllea- to members of the indoor track team Moore wlU be in charge. A wide program, a fact that has grMtly variety of food wiU be on sale. ^14; or Ward Dougan, Tel. 7128. tidns, such as premises to be used who placed in events either at the wcouraged the m w a ^ for taverns,' and conditions under Indoor meet at Wesleyan.or at lltaaMoclaitF'^wiD ooButaute ^ • i '______— which beer wiU be sold and drunk Hartford. Arthur Patton, tie for sec- much to, the success of the produc­ in other places. 1 Ob'" i^aee In the high jump at the tion. She will aiing a Chinese jwng In the General Assembly many lord Armory meet, and won and will be supported by » gfoup -of amendments to the control law are first place in the high jump in the eight high BCbool girls in Chinese to-be offered and it was forecast by I State Indoor meet at Wesleyan, costumes. YOUR CAR A SOCONY Legislatorl these probably will heipit 6 ft. 8 1-4 in. which is a new This act will be followed by the have to be■ disposed '*------d o f berofore foe school record; former record being introduotion of the end men o t tbs nommlMlon can fulfy function and 5 ft. 7 in., held by Dexter '28 and minitral and numbers by a sextet permits be issuedId. governor’s JeweU, ’81. from the chorus. Tha chorua has pieelMaalatiott glviim 8d fuU Robert Smith, Harold OivieUo, been augmented by th ^ a ^ fo m ^ legal status may oe delated for Gordon Fraser and Arlton Judd re­ Robert______Gordon,H ~ i^ Roth, Robert apme time, in the opinion ’’o t many ceived a medal for placing second in Veltcb, Mark Holmes, George Davis, who were interested in some one or foe Class A 700 yd. relay at the Victor Johnson, Victor Swanson, more of the proposed amendments. State Indoor meet at Wesleyan. An­ WUbrold Msssisr, Hsrhsrt Jplm ^, thony Diana and Norman Rowsell William' Shaw and William,F. John* m m M HOLDS flSST SISSION. I received awards for the 600 yd run ion« ' Hartford, April 37.-^(AP)— The at Wesleyani Diana placed second Bight trunkfuls of sesnsry and | . .... etate liquor commission met this and RowseU, winning first place, set costumss arfivsd at tbs high sclxtol afternoon for its first session short­ today. Dirsotor Jsrry Novak will ly after its personnel had been com­ a new record o t 1:25:1 the former peted by Oovemor Cross with the of 1:27:1 being held by McCoy of bs aMistod by a groiip of voluntesrs Hiilbouse. from tbs Book and Buskin Qub m appointment of Samuel 8. Spencer. putting up ths sesnsry. Largs mc- 7 . Spencer joined Senator Frank S. Robert Lahe received his medal ■ Bergln and Major John BuoMey on for winning first place in the high turss advsrtlstaf tbs show, with the body which will have control of jump at the.iU J^rd Armory meet Isttsring by Carl Jamroga, were die-1 aU liquor traffic in the state. The I while Earl Sbedd was awarded his tributsd around town today. latter two were named by the gov­ medal for placing first in the 600 Rehearsals for tbs show are being ernor yesterday. I yd. run at the same meet. Ray held dally. : Senator Beigin, named as chalr- said the commiaeion planned to n IS its peraonnel and eoulpmeot A ■ '% needs preparatory______to submfttmg« g ... iu I t rsqOsstreqfieat fo r r ___ to the Board of A Finance and Con 'Ol. X ipssdy setting up of the regula­ tory flaaohlnory to the end that 8.2 J' J wino and boor may bo sold in Con-1 H itV I iba fefUfMzier mb> noonottt as soon as posslbls was Mdoa of the year—tbe flew 10* Oifleral lleetrlel It is yean omlssd Bsrgta. Tbs present ■j’4 Kn on thoso bovoragos vrill oondnuo ebeed ta beavty, ityltag ted > . until it is lifted ^ gubernatorial coAveeleiice featarea 1 proolamation. V/7V/4 Newiitateelcabtaetiatagleafli. . In making his appointments Gov- ‘WJ w iu m u r . . t smor Cross did not spodfjrtbo torms tag oddte porcelalfl taiIda aod SlSOTseei^dk. of tbo thro# mombors. Under ths out—beaamally modem ta de> meed^Aspsd beiifs 1^ . New./letaMiMMf/freaztag control act, one wlU serve for two W i A' ■bkh .*^^ ------: years, another four years and tbs cbiuflber M flot chip or nut— MsbHsS SfdaN S|fo third for six years. Tbs governor ftaezei flwre ice futer. ’Ibate’e iHsflloe. Nets’A s ^ in ths future will nsms one oommis-1 r flew ffloopedal doer epefler, alonsr biennially to serve six years. •ew astoflude taterior Itaba - Affsaab whlsb jbe No Olanfyiag Aotfon tag, flew fldlfliMble eUdlflg I m s ^ b o f f o ls I A . » No attempt was mads ta ths I •hmvei—TEN Star Ifluom ta LAilslature to clarify with an alU lee Asm befcte yoe decide ! t t . • t ainandmsttt the disputed proviskw ofl flqy cefrigeteter. in the eontrol act dealing with the . i i' t' \ tiins when the law. becomes effec- Thfl MoflHoc Top Is the O N I tire. Governor Cross has ‘ asserted ooM HidlflS CMiBfs in ff i fiMff. r youVa insU ng yoBT present car do, 8ooony Motor and Bdqrl OreaBne. fU act is now operative, although adpm No oAas SMchaidimus sake and fw eo»G«^, tti^ yaiir ses;^*fl nx>- perlube to protect ^ upper part of d m a n i^ ^ tbs contention has been raised ta| qpeiawd Iti record for d^efld* And he et^ B eta oooii^tahita dfwaxeippoliihest^ §otno quarters that the act will not ^ sble, troflble'free service. It ON THE INSIDE • toring right! oWe-your-car-a Socoiiy Spring r and dodic, to your dir Hiat new-hke look. become effective until July 1. s U o t flfliMif M skts, it Senator Bergln said last night be Sacony man affarlhasa ate pfadweta CleaniDg. GUARANTEED 4 TEARS In a few naiimtes* time, a Socony man drakta off Stop in and'get that Sboooy Spring Cleaning planned to offer a clarifying tgsin tt miihami€ 0t fs ttm rt. ta maka yaur car rm baHari amendment. 'The House expecting the winter off and reffils with the one frade of today!. . : the amendment reoesied for five • nfinutM, but adjourned when none ,V/.7.V 4. ■laSiE-’tre r’t r MoHtall fior,oprrect eusmaef tahricatioii. H e klbri- STANDAIID on; COMFillW O f,.-.. - Buy your G-B ralrigerstoc at was offered ta the Senate. For power and miieete For gear proteetioB ' flrtmt. Bvery ladlcetioo cates the rhiiih rf^hf, dovering eve^ pdiat'with A' s'ecoiiYW Acdiai cdSi^ANt Another petition from druggists v.v.v. asking for a liberalization of foe potaM to tacnean vAea pres- 3 . WEE WEEUE. 5 . SSCSMT M rOUBI MobOgreaee. H e idumgre tlM ofl in tiM provUdonfl of foe control act deal- AV/.V eflt etocka an exhausted. A Poreeeaooilcalpfeceetlon For emooth operation ekm ^ deferential to lit^ He^ Ifoke Neat.” every fi s ST mU.w s^ WiBC 'aid I ; with foelr profeesion was ro­ dowfl p e y a ^ ae tow es 67 pro* makee die cooling eystem^eweet and dean'with a ved by foe Eienate. tacts yejfl.sgetatt bl^ier prices Kenneth-Wynne, executive secre­ sad starts me llfoAae M v i^ of ilubricatioo Altw anti-firsesc drain Socooy Radiatw Cteaner. H e;ie™ yott^ ^ tary to the governor, laid "foou- • G 4 ta yonr boom tomesrew. aanda” of requeata tor joba ta the control system have ataeady been received. The flood of appllcatioiia TharaTs fl G -l tefirigetasor for ON THE OUTSIDE came ta the face of eettaiatee that every purse, Sacany man seM Ihaba'^.peeehNle oi9yuifijr fivej agents and a small cleri- CvaCv/X wlta prices cd' fc force will be required to .afonta- as lo w as " la maka'yaw car laafc WNart in e r foe law. P i 699.50 to t • , ■ - / ■ r deputy sheriff DDES ti*22!» 222!22222%2»»ff»i9tm»im2**%**if^»rfwvv*’rfw**•*».v. rv ib o 'M w R a o tsessTNuncun top models. To ftmbsa ep foe body Greenwleh, April 27.^(AP)— Leonard Mtago, 46, for four 4. liHiTSroiM X » , 9 E m i m a depi^ foeriff cf Falzfidd and a town eooatahle - tbe ] i ^ ybata, died at , CtasenwtOh ERNEST i : BPSCiN 9 . n i m m m R w i m ^:S«iwrjMM. dtat today from peritonltlB fOl.' “ 'i!. G.'E).’ . iFoipply'wasaiidpoHsh an appendix (^erathm. | f k r V V.- ■ A. was in the ' reatanrant $81 Main Str^t;',. . D U I S M . — . -J for many tyetM' ind ' z ,ta ...aeveralv __ ^ ' >S ^ , . •• / , ... . . I / / ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ / I ' • ' ‘i. :. • ' ' / — MANGHBSnCR B V an ire HERALD, MANCHESTBB,

sot tilMB aarjr do«p root Is tko Vfi the gallows was sought, and Dr. illtiti|»B t>r of tka ordiBsrj bms. Tktgri liswi RdckwrtI ta ceUaborattfiB with two Health and Diet wijr of raooinWing Ohoeta gnftoQ other physielaas and Thomas A. WATKINS BROTHtRSvffh B m rtn g ' I Oslo tha BMis atasL Tha aovla Bdiima—^ras given' the thankless A d v ic e FUSUSHSO BT n a obasea tot as art ttet Job of finding ona By Dr. Fraak McCoy »W tA lA PMMroirQ COICPANT, ZNO. ■prisga up from tSa graaa voota; as Tht elsctrlc Chatr was the result A. Funeral Direct£»r&- II BIim U ItrMt By PAUL RABBISON llMOta*it«r, Cquk ' art that could axpraaa-asd traaaflg* It clalmsd tha first vletlm in 1880. Down below, to^TTibgrriathtas BSTABUSaBD 68 rSABS / TB01CA8 rBROUSON Since then it has Just about bsoome AN OUNCE OFFOIBON A YEAR York, April 3 (.—out, gaiety mass of tha Gardia’s r A the standard, Instrument of execu* and gutter—bands, bangles and tbiags ware quieter, but CHAPEL AT 11 O A it and anteraally vital Ufa of a great Onoe la a wblla' ws find a sub- bugles—trim tights and gaudy uai- . . . Ceged beasts, slesk aad susiy STs Founded Oetobe:? 1, H*l tlon la the United States. ■tanoe which ia poison to the body Published Bvery Bvenlnv Bseept nation. forma—tinsel and trappugs . . . from winter quarters, paeed thsir Robtrt K. AodsnoD Sundnjs snd Hollduysi Batered at the And Dr. Rockwell, who disapprov­ if taken to exceee, yet a certain thoaa are what dreuasa Ars mads saialler osgss. . . . Hotsss e’uosnU Uirsetor PesrOffloe at Uanohester. Coun., as m u n ic ip a l b o n d s . ) ed o f the law. wUoh his invention amount of it ia neoeasary to baalth. of. Tbs Orsatast Show oa Barth Jlttoty WiU cxoitoaMfit . . . Bl»> leoend Class Mall Matter. >roved it the other night at Madi­ phaats swayed sad shuflDsd, aad 8UBSCRIPTXOM KATB8 Tha eaparlanoa of ICasehaatar, served, must havs been glad that One of tbsto “kindly poiaoaa” la A# T #W s bjr BUUl • a'e'.va a ••••«•• s9§eM iodine. While iodine is needed for son Square Garden with ita last thsir keepers were vigUaat, with ? Sffpstll# bjr WAII • • t « • a e a • • • s V e€v Naw London. Baltlmora. Ptttaburgb ths pubUe was not generally aware normal weU-belng, yet the amount rehssrsal befo^ tbs sosscR’s open­ XMwly-ebsrpeaed huU-hoohs ready. 8lnfle copies ...... I .08 and any number of other muniol- of what he bad dona which the body uaee la onty one ing. Busiest of aU ths behlad-ths- PellTtsed. cae year a*a a aXCa:a a a • « opSeOO paUtlea In the matter of blda for ounce a year. Not much lodlaa ia For It wasn’t a dress rehearsal, soanss psopla^ was Mrs. PhjdUa MXICBBR of THB AS800ZATBD needed in a day—about one thou­ and what’a a dreua without a Nalsoa, who now, after a PBB8S their bondi la baoomlng algnlfloant. AID TO BOMB OWNERS. sandth of a gmn. ringmastor resplendent in evening of Broadway mualoal e o m ^ aad NBW The Assooiatsd Press Is ezoiusiueiy Tf mlFht not be improper to Bay that The propoa^ new^federal law to One of ths first legends snout dothes, and downs in giddy gro- woildng under the Mg V9, ia entlUed to the uss ier republlcatlon ro^ctoua. • provide mortgage relief for the own­ lodlas oemsF from China and la tesqueries? Can you imagine Bko wardroba mistrees df Giri et all Bears dispatches credited te It about four thousand years old. a t She boesM neariy 80 dreesmakars er net otherwise"lerwlse > credited'______la this n a procedure aeema to .follow a ers of small urban homes m ^ event- and Xko, "ths fungus-haired men SILENT and also the local news pub' tells the Bto^ of a young wife who from Mars," in neatly preaaed bud- aad taUors, oreatto tad keepe in itsSed herein. regular program. A mnslelpaUty uaUy have a very benefloial effect on had a- goitre. Aa we bear the ness suits and with coUsgiatoty- order the 1,700-odd oestuaMi worn Scout All rlghta of republlcatlon et of unqueatlenable aOlvanoy praffara depositors in ftosen banks « id on atory we can almost watch thd oockad fd t bati on tosir fussy by tho perfOrmere, and even mdkea GLOW speelal dispatches herein are also re* tears come when each day she feels Newt senred.______an iBBua of bonda wall within Its the tax incomes of cltieB sad statsa. pates? Or Koban, "the man who tbe panties and hats sad sueh for the u^y lump to see how much waUu on his head," complaining the animals. Several people assist Full serrlee ellent et N B A 8er* legal ttmlts. Tha security tor those It looks very much as if many la m r it i* growing. Her buSband because his fancy new Shoes were her with atepladders sad eteel elca Ine.______tK«nde is every dollar's worth ol ftosen banks, with vast sums in­ w rix^ bis hands In despair and too tight? . topes whan she takes ths msaaure goes to the temple fOr help where And maybe you’ve thouidt that of SB slsphaat Publisher'a Bepresentatlve: The property la the place—la tha worst vested in small real estate mort­ be is told to rise at break of day BsaiEt Xteket Plaa iu llu Mathews Speolal Aaenoy—New ^ gumy tlmas axoasding the gages, would be able to thaw out aerlallsta wear scanty costumes for and hunt for a sponge along the greater freedom of aotioni They "Mister John* m —inv Owing to the befiking situation, ^ ------• City’s or town B indabtadnass. The a good part of their frosen assets sea shore. With thankfulneee hie don’t On this night the .Flying The dreua folk will t*U you, that ths Gm Scout Cbuttdl baa found it MBMBBR AUDIT BURBAU OF rate of Interest is, for this class of by sxchanglxg tbstr mortgages for trembling fingers pick up the pre­ Codonas, the Rooneys and the thara’a Just ono thiaqr wrong with nieasBsry to raise funds to oarry CIRCULATIONR ______cious sponge and he buma it Wnila oa the movement for the remain­ securities, high. Various raprasen* ths four per cent bonds of the Home Powells went through their dlisy- ths show this year. "lOeter John’ he elts beelde the email flame, ing acts dressed in ordinaxy troua- —fneaning Old Joba Ringling—is der of the year. They fed that the The Herald Prlntlna Company, Ino.. tatives of Investment institutions Owners’ Loan Corporation. This, reiady to treasure the ashes. Tliese town reaUaee what a worthy work assumes no financial responsibility ers and sweaters; and, in tbe case ■tin .Ul in Florida, and for tbe first naturaUy, would be a break for theU: sihes he beUsvea to hold a maglo they are doing and wlU support tor typoaraphleal errors appearlnS In visit the town and verify its flnan' which make his wife well of the w ^ e n gymnaats, in bath­ time In anybody’s racoUection advertisements In the Manchester ing suits and pajamas. didn’t get here tor rehearsals and them in thdr endeavors as they Evenlnr Herald. ______dal statement. On tha day whan depositors. again If they are mixed with wine. have in {be past up the bids are to be opened there are At the same time the aoheme is She drinks a little of the wine day All veiy dlsUludoning, it was. opening night. THURSDAY, APRIL 27. But colorful because of Its very There' never was anyone like At a speelal oouaell meeting held no bids. Then the munidpal designed so as to enable home own­ by day and the lump grows emallfr yesterday it was voted to sdl ths and amaller. ’thus grew up tha first incongruity. . . . Tbe Great Con Mister John to whip a ahow into NationaUy known.. . .naUoa- authorities receive an offer from ers to pay up their delinquent taxes; CoUeano, dancing dandy of the ahape, and the veterana don’t feel coupon books being issued by War­ ally famous! Now ntw, iai- INFLATION NEARLY H E ^ . story about the maglo miracle ner BrotheM circuit. Theee books some one bank or bond house to and such payments would lift a large wfal& Ilea in the sponge from the tight wire, twirled a tattered rain quite right about starting the sea­ provsd modals ....m o r e to r There is every prospect that the coat Instead of a sUk-and-brocade son without him. He bad s quick 20 coupons, valued a t . 5 yoiir money. Stni the Wg* take the issue—at a,discount. In part of the financial burden which salty sea. cents each to be used at any War­ inflati<» l^rUiation now pending in Of course, we know that bar cape. On the wire he stood rs- sye, and always noticed when any­ gest value to sstlaMetoqr Cengress will be enacted into law distractlott the offer is accented and today Ues upon innumerable states vesled In old khaki pants, with a thing was a n w , such As a split- ner BrotheM theater la Conaeoti- range oil heating. Econom­ I goitre was cured because of the out or Massachusetts, by adults or subetantiaUy In the form in which it the deal goes through. A week and dties. iodine In tbe ashes. For a long long tear in one leg of them. But second of faulty timing on the ical to operate, too. part of an aerialist. He always children tot any ahow at the usual was expected to be passed by the afterward these same bonds are ^ If this 'measure would achieve time most of man’s supply of fodlne CoUeano pranced and postured— I was obtained from ashes of sea­ and aoeompUsbed his famous for­ mentiraed ndstakas, too, but never price during the period from May gSTistt today. The House appears I vertised In the flnandal columns ot those two results, it would bo very weeds or kelp. ’The name iodine ward somersault . . . Only Clyde offered praise. SUenoe from Mister 7 to June 8. These books will be on Easy Terms welcome indeed. Beatty, the big Uon-and-tlger man John was an accolade. sale by ths oounoil tomorrow and to be waiting for the opportunity to the big dty papers at - a price to means “violet-Uke” and oomes from anyone desiring them may call any adopt, not to importantly change, net the investor about one and a the violet vapor which rises when freah from HoUywood, appeared However, everyone la doing his best for tho ahow'r new general of the oounoil r.embeM or anyone :\ b e e r a n d y o u r f io u b b . the sea-weed Is burned. in formal eostume.^ And t ^ t be the Senate measure. There appears half or two per cent less Interest Those living oloee to the sea explained, was solely because the manager, Mr. Sam Gumpertz. They coaneeted with soouting. to be scarcely a chance of a break* Ithan the munidpaUty is paying. In One of the minor issues of the day shore generally get enough iodine, beasts were used to seeing him know that Ringling and Gumperts Radio Pn^iani w A T O i B r s down la the plans of the msjority. I other words the first purchaser seems to be the question whether nr since thin substance is blown in by that way. . . . The Uvlng-atatue were intimate friends tor maay Maude ’Tousey Faagel, noted U- That the methods by which lnfla*|deana u p ^ its profit a quarter ot not the consumption of beer will winds carrying spray ^ m the tableaus brought a hoWl from vis­ years, aad that MIstt. John per­ lUStMtor, will be the next radio ocean and so reaches the soil and iting newspaper men. "Lo,” or sonally selected him as bis suc­ guest speaker of the Girl Scouts tiou is being brought about are revo- a third of the entire amount of the add vmwanted pounds to the figures enriches the v^etables and fruits some otoer poor Indian, was por­ cessor. The new executive, be- Ml— Faagd will apeak over lutionary there is no denying. That issue, of women who want to be slender. grown on it. Regions far away trayed by an overalled roustabout sidea owning save rl theaters, la WEAF and tbe networii of ths Na­ requlremente. Ctora Sfiiith Und the purpose to be attained is risky Perhaps these percentages may Professor Lafayette B. Mendel of from the ocean are often lacking with a cigar clenched In his teeth. the biggest ddeidiow man Coney tional Broadcasting Company on M ^ orle Tnmsn will have ohargo of in food iodine and it Is then advis­ Island ever had. Be operates we do not believe. An enormous be a little overdrawn—but not much, Yale predicts that it will. And the girl who new dons glit­ Saturday, April 28 at 6 p. m. a hike to be held on Saturday. I able to make a special effort to geb tering w ln^ and filmy robs to Dreamland Pad( at Ooaay, and one one who Is keenly Interested in Soriba, Helen Afiaaty. amount of power appears to be I One does not have to be of a tno* A quart of besr, he points out, it, both for human and animals. S3malwllse "The Spirit of PUghf’ of bla recant stunts was the im­ young people. Mist Fsngd will placed in the hands of one man. Tetlbldly suspicious temperament 'a contains 6i6 oalorlss—only 105 leas When iodine enters the body It turned out to be a polo-coated porting from Africa of a whole have a massage of Interoet to an The m eetlnflP^roop 7 waa held Is collected and used by the thyroid the individualism at that power is w o ^ r if there is, in the municipal than a quart ot milk. Consequwit- flapper perched on the ihouldera Somali village with. 78- natives. girla Tho apealmr win be Intro-' at the Buoklaadt aehool, Monday. gland, which ia near tha front of of an acrobat in a greasy bath­ P. T.\ Bamum would have loved ducad by Josephine Bchain, natton- After patrol eoraersb some of toe more apparent than real. Prosi*|bond market, a racket. Whethei ly, it you add a quart of beer to tha throat. The presence of iodine robe. him. al director of tho Giri Soouts. girls worked on signalling, otoers regular enables tbe thsrroid to form thy­ dent Roosevelt esn do nothing under I there is net.colluston among these yoixr dally diet, and don’t TTo m S oa Obasrvatkm and tho houadteep- roxin, which Is thrown directly to eria badge. We made plans to go « i that legislation beyond what Con-1 banks and bond houses that with cut down on anything else, you are the blood. If iodine is la t ^ g , the The meetlBg of TToop 3 was heU pretty certain to take on weight, of tbs home a fg laying oonteat, Monday at tbo Nathan Hale sehooL a hike. May 8. Alter playing grass cq)eets him to do-^nor be* such unanimity are ‘Taying off” dty thyroid gland may enlarge, pro­ class B. in Tolland County, for tbs Toached our goodifight yond what the great majority of the and town bonda. Whether there is Just as you would if you drank an ducing tbe swelling of tbe neck In the abeaaee of our captain. Lieu­ NEWPORT PROTESTS month of March. tenant Greer took chazgo. After clrele waa formed aad we sang people want him to do. H he | not dther an expressed or tadt un­ extra quart of milk every day. calieiTgoitre. When the gland does not do Its work properly, too much A three act play, **rha littla Qod- the horaeSboe fonnatlott was form­ "The GoldMi Sun” followed should do much less than the utmost derstandlng to the *tyou take this Of course, you can get aroimd Hopper” will ba prassnted at tha ed we played games out-of-dooM. tu>s. I thyroxin is secreted. Instead of the Scribe. Doris Cde. permitted he would simply be failing and ITl take that" effect—like boot- that by leaving off the menu a suf­ right c^ u n t, leading to r e ^ e ^ STATION’S REMOVAL town ball, Hebron gretn, Friday We danoed the W ginla reeL A few evening, by playcre fram tbe Metho­ Troop 8 ficient quality of some other food ness, ru ld beating of the heart, songs were sung and the meetliig to use the power ddegated by Con* leggers and their territories, ■nd tUnneas. If tbe thyroid pro- dist church, Norwich Town, for too closed with the goodnliht drda. Tho regular oeetlag of Troop 8 grass. He is not much of a free There’s an odor In the air—of to balance the diet. And tf you are ducM too little thyroid secretion beoaflt at the local American La- Seribs. Virginia Ryan. waa held Friday, April 3L After duea were taken to patrol oeriers, agent; merely the executive of the I something that is not keeping well, a feminine beer, drinker, and you we flfid the patient slow and fa t Boaness Men Atk That glOB. Tro<^ S The enlugement of the thirroid p ie HehrM Qtrdlnals were win* The girls of Troop 8 bold a bSM Llautmiaat Bmltb wtmmd with the will of Congress and the nation. , I ^ s want to k e ^ your figure, it looks as .aaqapd-iplaaB girla. on etgnaniag efid if that is about what you’ll have is most likely to attyck women And Dels'ill a MMeMugime pUmd on and bound obaae Saturday JBor*-: The great purpose of this l^[iSla* u q u o B LAW. my feminine readers who wish to Trainhig Base Be Kept — Rsoreatlon Park, WiUlmantlo, Sun< lag. The haras left the Center at M ^ Johfi Picklea eomo and work* tion is to break the strangle hold of j |,gg occurred to this news to do. keep the lovely Uns.of tbe .throat day aftenoofi, with tbe WiUimaatio ed with eome of the girie for Home 8 »0 and the bounds aa hour after. Nurse badge. Tbe meetlag doeed an erroneous mopstaty system on pj^^r that, in these days of stupen* unmarrsd should be surs to faclude Easterns. Edward Hastings mtehsd Although tha bounds caught tho a supply of iodine yielding foods in Their Axgaments. for the Cardinals aad HarMd Cum­ with the goodnight d r ^ om taps. the industry, agriculture and trade events transpiring or pending, bams at Manohsstor Orssn, they SoriEe, A riaa NeUnn. the diet so that goitre wul be pre mings was Catcher. weM ssnt back sad when the bares of America. There is every reason I been a matter of the very vented. Mr. aad Mrs. Harlan O. HlUs of Troop f SWOPE CRmClZES Washington, April 27.—(AP)— rsdcbsd Camp Norton, th«y bad to Troop 8 bald its weekly meeting^ to believe this is about to be aceom- utmost Importance whether the legal Tbe best way to secure tbe Iodine Blast Hampton wore guests of their wait sciDS wne befoM tbe bounds Is to use the foods which have Rhode Island representatives in sister, Mr. Helen White recently. Monday, April 34. At thia BMOting pushed. gale of beer in this state began last tbe House and a delegation of came in sight. At boon tbo girls Mrs. Dewey waa preaiat to te- traces of It In Its natural form, such Mr. HlUi'’.1)resent term as post­ bad a hot dog and marshmallow After that, with our national body p, p , fi^p gf^pr next; SHORT WEEK BILL 08 the following: salt water fish, Newport biisiness men today pro­ master eaQHrcs March 10, 1884. Ba etruot ua la toe eeremcay to ba green vegetables, eggs and grains. tested to Assistant Secretary roast Many gamss wsm ___ need tdr tbe Brownie fiy w Tues­ liberated from its bonds, the country ^ ^ ^ y,p has been complimented sr and tbs girls left for home at 8:80, The fish whose flew contain the Roosevelt of the Navy Department times upon the changes hs has mads day aftarnoon. Tba rMt ot toa time wiU have to learn how to use *ts contrql measure adopted by most Iodine are cod, haddock, sal­ against closing or seriousing curtail­ having spent an sajoyable day out- waa nen t in finishing vUtm tor enr bands and feet again. in tbe office which make for effl- this Geasral Asasmbly was msrsly Head of Gneral Electric Co. mon, herring, aad shellfish, such si ment of tbe Newport training sta­ deny la handling the mail, aad for of-dooM. 'The w s ^ y supper and‘ learning'‘ v n ^ tho tito Brownl4ook at proposed would bs Undisd in this eyes dm throat, and does it result Cihariee B«mb olioutbwmiagton. a dog roast for supper. The meet­ ■aa Fraadsoo; April way:.No mors than 883 hours per in death? If so, in what wayT Is ing dosed with the goodplght dr- Andsrsoa polBts to ths contrast be- tbe darned thing I It ourabls? If so, what is ths Mrs. Atom Ttbstoa, West Newton, Tha trial at Tom Moeaty waa om - tween the movie-maker, whose pro- We are folaff to need, la Oonnee- man In any 36 weak period; no Mass., Reubmi Beslsy, Albert •*

t • I • I I III ^ I •^“M » IS" • • • I f I • •

FLYING IKNUSONS ANNOUNCES N$m O M o u t li to b« trU d in d tbt m - pubU o w blot oad lm d go tblo oftor- m RADIO POUCT .m tin lng tw o o u m w ill bo M tttod V on at tbo W m o of ICn> A lbort Son of WosUhy Now York GUfla • H fsv y WIm b LeaitS Ns by oyiooM ont In M oord w ito'tbo Ifow m arbor of O gdm ’o O om or. ^ J. Sultsbls iBRWsy iB iBglsnd I In tbo ont ouo Fsmlly ABUMif Boron Ptos- I hoi getag to no IKADIO FROUC” PROVES F r a n k 0 . M aok, looal roal o itato •ngtrs of PlsM In Italy. f owbumm agala for a Tsksofft m orobant, bao oold tbo ^ tn n oot- ti "Give too el^lNU Bnt Briif 30 Word New _____ of lUilO O nri btlng taffo a t In lip olo E oako London, Aprtt ITf- ( A F ) - ^ Wg TO BE GREAT SUCCESS m ooting of a group of w iM ly a a 'i and A ttorney M artin the Home Club rooms on Elm street landing. PROTBST TRIAL DELAY, v a broadcaotlM otatlon located at too roohl, "Bud" Cratty, "Rob" Reedy, under the auspices of toe Loyal ST— place of puUlMtlon la a brief buUe- Miss Ora Moran, ^ b e r t Wendblier, G orm ley of W ateibury for toe de­ B ruiM li. B elgium , A pril f e n d a n t s . Order of Moose. iT« reoolution, be rescinded. act were the following: Paul Hos- I supper last evening in toe church been shattered by stones In the Oil with toe understanding that if it That concerning the recommenda­ mer, WUllam Smith, Herbert Hun- sumal rooms for...... the benefit■ of - toe home of a woman who had con­ does not put aa end to toe pain aad tion of the membership that added tinued to worii In a factory where a London, April 2T— (AF)—An In­ assessments be Imposed upon mem­ nlford, Elmer Hartensteln, Arlene I society. quest tomorrow Into toe death of soreness your money‘WUl be prompt­ for oil ranges Brown, William Hahn and CharUe The First African Baptist church strike has been under way for sev Sir Henry iUfred MCCardle, Eng­ ly returned. bers broadcasting, this question to- Pressler. Several novelty numbers ersd wockS' Don’t worry about how long volvlag many complications, is de- I opened a three day '^revival ser­ The defendants were released un­ land’s notsd bachelor judge, was feredfor further study. were presented in the second act In­ vice" at the church last evening morally expeetsd today to roach you’ve bad It or bow many other cluding toe Hawaiian selections by which will continue until Sunday. der their own recognizance after _ie eonCluaion that he took bis own prepara^ns you have tried. TUs In pursuance of Its policy to pro­ their cases bad been continued 'a p o s ^ u l penetrating oil la one prep-1 PMMPT tect toe news reports of The LeRoy Morgan and PeCir Duo. The The preacher is Rev. Huston Crutch week. Judge Frederick A. Fisher life becauM of 11) health. CLEAN Associated Press toe suit now pend­ comedy dance by Miss Grace Van- I field,'pastor of the Hopewell Baptist warned toe strikers not to continue Sir Henry, touad shot to dsatb in aration that will b«p to make your ing In the Federal court to prevent derman and Miss Helen Brtel also I church of Hartford. A special musi toe deitruotien of property. Us boms, was suffering from offoeto paiUhil acUng feet eo healthy and DEUVERY the unauthorised use by radio of proved a feature. cal program ia bein g presen ted each of influonsa, although ho wao con­ free from com and bunion soreness ] BURNINC such news reports will be vigorously The following are toe members of e v e n i n g . valescent. Police said a Mrvant that you'll be able to go aaywl proMcuted. ______the chorus: Betty Smith, Gertrude M rs. W alter H . Skianer of 44 U SE BB IF A S JA IL found a rifle near the body of too aad do anything ia absoluto Murphy, Sarah Morin, Olive Sulli­ E U lugton avenue oatartained tbo 68-yoar eld juriot. a otrlng running comfort. van, Ruth Doyle, Laura Minor, Helen I m om hen of Sabra T rum bull C hap­ Barcelona, Spain, April FT.—(AF! ftom toe trigger to his hand. So marveloualy powerful ie Regan, Helen McCarthy, Mary ter, D au^tors of tbo A m orlcaa —About 860 prisoners are new held Tbs baehslor judge was widely Moone’s Emerald (3il that thousands ECONOMICAL OPEN FORUM Bresnaban, Btepbanla Taniobesky, I R evolution, yootord ay aftern oon a t aboard' the steamship Manuel Amui known hoeauM of his ouUpoksn have found it givM wonderful rs-| Catherine McCarthy, Celia Trapp, b w hom o. T lie dologatoo to tho ro- which bos been converted into an views on Uto and bs mads dsdslons suits in tbs trsatmant of dangerous' Helen Bkollanlk, Grace Cratty, Mar­ emergency jail to bouse persons ar- in many sensational marital rtla- iwollsn or varlcoM vslas— Tho J. editor of too Herald: , ^ ~ tinoatal C oagross of tbo Wwif W. Kito Oo. li setting lots of it My reaction to too jorie BeyOr, Mary Lally, RONmary lid ia W asalagtoa, M feited in tbo general strike boro. too OM Follows that tbo polioo Hannan, Irene Wttson, William Mo- oominlsslnnoro take s tm to pro- Laugblln, Raymond Oratto, KOrwla vent too eroiotowa bus from stop­ PumoU, John Ahem, John STANDARD OIL COMPANY O t NEW YORK, JNC. ping m front of tboir building was vniliam Abom, Carlton Walthori,. • one of indignatlw. Thiw're m rtte John Malktowikl, Oaaimov Room- Pkons MsnelMstfr 8975 a nsoustala out of a molo-bill. Wbat kowiki and John Gosoav. Fettowing barm.dees it do tbo Odd Follows tbo nroioatatlon of too minitrot, bS S iftoo bw on its northbound donerng wao enjoyed for tho ro- atopi at tbo wrb at ^ t p|^ maindor of tho evening. Both mod­ e f i M otrootr Does tboir pro> em and old faibienod danoM wore S rtyllM oktoito to tbo ourb? Do enjoyed with "Jim" Rhodoi tho they oontrel wbat goes os lo tbo "radio announco|r" prompting for tho eld faibienod dueing. Tbo *^Tboro lo not a more dasgorauo muilo for tbo ovonlng w u funttabod ero ^f in too stato ior by Stolnl erohoitn . with Arthur TWO triass during tlnsN .wbos toufio lo at tbo peak, than tblo one frw ^ Stein dlrooting. Odd Fellows property to too "park- Belton M t UnSSlobod lot" wboro tito Mo also stops for A locend day will bo aoodod In tho tbo oonvonloMo of pu tfn jtw t for I trial of tbo thru civil lulto agalut tbo Orion. Xt fo a dooldod oosvon- Giovanni Foruchlo aad Oaudo Bel­ loMo' for pobpto s t li of South Belton wbiob epoMd bo- tbo itoroi near tho Oontor to , fore Judge John Rufuo Motb of, able to board too bus. at too Odd Now Haven to tho Tellasd Oeuaty Foltowi buildlBg. u well u tor pa^ lOBgori traniferring from tbo Hart­ ford trelloyi. Why mi^, dugoreiM'and mere dlffieult tor • • trStolori Just booauoo tbo OW Fol- lewi, for BO g ^ rouott that I can BEAUTIFUL! FOR TAXES Fdl^f, Robokabi, waagtrs and Small Henthly Paymonts all other ledge momboro who mart at Odd Follwi hall, if. thw board tho bui at Charter 0«J« ■treat ^or NlRIONATflNANClCo! tho Oontor parklot will bo obliged ------Room V-iSfete _ l'lieylsr_SMf> to dodge swiftly »«vtog oari^to rm Male St. NsMlissiei eroM tno ito u t book to OM Fol- Pfeese 0400 Optn ThersOar MvsbIbis lows hall. Veil! »P,U, Deubtlou tbo Odd FoUewi ^ jo o t The eelf eksfse Is ihroa aei to tbo through bus for Now York. (tne-helf eem ef esr SMBih an Frevldoaeo and Beiton, taUng u d unpeM nmnunl or lesB, WnH MORE dlMharftog puoongori at their property whieh happona to bo at the buoiaoii oontor of tho ^tewn. ThoN buiMi mlMt bo iwltobod K i / .3 ovor toward the fedora) bulldtog, Try U and you*U §ay tbo BOW peitoffioo, and while the ;■ pelleo wo on tho oontreviriy they N E W YORK *'iVo fom olo J u k m o v o r IS uv iwwswi unasm can make a oemplotoJob of it, ,* in ONE \ ^ 0 PROTESTS. m a tt ippetliia|. And ttYmAlli EXCURSION tOBted a$ good at thit!** for m am ' **y*0*^ gg BBIKS DIVORCE, SUNDAY, APRIL 30 yonrrkkekoo. • The pioneoring eugaio over. A tow deobeo o< Maggf0 8ea» Bridgeport, April 87—(AF)— i n X b t m m During'toolr•urlag toi ton wooks honoymoon ^2.00 The tima when yon eonld OOINO •enre anythint that wao bright in Bermuda hor husband booamo in- v. WlaSur Letlu • £il4 texleatod 80 tlmii and ibo hadjp V. HartlarS TiM red and tooted like tomato lo h g r m jt a p$y for tho liquor, Mrs. Alins Stum- OiMlUtht St...... lOilf gone forever. ^ . ^ o r n u o t ------,__ __ DutNaw Ywk* ,,...... ,...10101 sr Von Rhau, of Stamford, tsstlflsd aatuakiNo Now that this oocktoil has be- TVy it in y o n r o ir» eo o k lag bofora Judgs Arthur F. Ells In Bu- ano see how k auMpUm tho ptrior Court today to a suit for dl- loWe ISSUll Bt« ...... »»$!•»•• VIB oome a dinner table iaithiitioB and more than a billion gallons dthdona naam d flavor ofl Rm voros from Hoary Von Rhau, actor 'Grand ^.viitra. . .. aad writer, whom abs ebargss with _. tjekau ...k«ts Inin ■■¥■«•.•Ivmm, .moiivr ameker Hw- are being drunk eadi year, the fo o d ito ell intolsrabls orusUy. Thsy ware mar- Itai. Oaad oaly an apa^al aaaab Irm. smarthoUeesnolonierollBnher It k not epley. Not a tobla rlsd to 1827. THE NEW HAVEN a. R. gneeta flat,, in^pdd eonooo- oondjment Of amed. Nor dtps gUllOASO MIOOS m ull, MS P.«. tioBs that ware quit# aeoeptabla itouhotitntaitgownti ^ in the dim. distant MOt o f eight- taoto o l dm d k h k ’ twoMty m onths ago. N Nothing t^ t kayo oyst A STANDABD SIX WITH lOe-INCH WBEELBA8E •enree them one made line thist h a o w n k w t TOWN ADVERTISEMENT nthai Xverything you con aak for in famono cliofli.nf H n BRB*8 important newel Sedan sOIle for $510, F . 0 3 . . . • iOMBI 2 oye KMBSM Juice America Today P ly x ^ th presents America's lowest-priced 6-cyl- lymouth a ear it in the PlymouthDelABC. 1 (ettpooaiek D O G O W N E R S H announoOO TfWo new hare. TUe There's speed, oomfcrt, satoty. N B W s ix 1 tsbleipooa vioegsr the Stanfhrd Sixl A blgt inder 4-door Sedan. A a t the And beet of a ll. . . economy I Section 8888, Chapter 189, General Statutes ot the State ot beautiftil new autombUlei A .priceofafour...andaFloatini part of 0 ^ k about the A Smtth lo r Connecticut, Revision of 1980, REQUIRE THAT ALL D(XiS brilUent pierformeri Befel Com- Power six at that, withHydrauUe new, loM w b r n l^ Z)e Luxe. Ix3wer gee bilk, because dead ing tot etch poctloo served. MUST BE LICENSED ON OR BEFORE MAY 1st, 1933. fortOblel Bconotoicel to drivel Brakes, and aU the baric features Xt has d TO^bomiiMor rix... w driit bM been enginaered out. N ^ect or refusal to Uoenae your dog oo or before that date will Lower upkeep, tool cost you an additional dollar as well as making you liable to FloetiBfPowerenitoemeunt- that made Plymouth tomous. wito FloiiSnSV.FIi^ engine arrestst iasstOfeoittse.HydnraUeBrakee Oo see these neW care. Ride in mflUStlQMi __ Qo see these TWO NEW :yK ReglatratioB fees are as follows: Male or Spayed Female, and S a i^ -S ts fl Bodies. A big, the new Plymouth Standard Six. iBmMS--.Free FLYMOUTHS. ''Look at all ISiK); Female 110.80; Kennel, (not more than ten tagi) gSfJN). powerftil, 70-b.p., 6-cyUiider And don't buy any kw-prioed Whedlns-*km|6lSlld‘Hframeo. three"... and oee how P ly rath •I ft. Under the law you must give toe dog’s name Instead of sin. a n i^ Large, roomy bo^. car untfl you see whiff Ik dStn. Tl.l.a.i.^lii.in-yl-1. tt. In Veterinary Certificate Required for And the pries k the biggest FLYMOUni STANOABD SIX nYMSUTH DllUXI SIX Spayed Fem^e Not Previously licepsed. aowo of att. Today Flyamutb FOtoMPlOan loNTFiMar on- OSlee hours during toe mento of Apiii wiu be u toltows: ddSw.. . aad ^ditdkitok ‘495 D iilr exegfit BBtwdeyn ^ *. - nOoi an vahia flmbM athat ai^ ih o d to n Ttmraday. Aptfl SO, ooi 87 when the booit ...tb o b is - ANO HP be frra 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Satnrdairs 8 a. m. to IS m., oxoept body ^ eta cikr at tha pdoi. AND OP IRIS e e IPw vSntttrdayi April Is and SS, when the houre be from 8 a. m. WMMMTO ^HXKV P.O.ArAeiOir ddhttedprieei. goettow^ Ro.ibPAaoiv to 4 p. jp. J‘ SAMUlfl- J. ’fUBKHNOTON, Towh a e rk . . FlYMO'lW AMA MHO lY DOOOi; ANAjeiillYUUA Oli * ■; r/if t uYt’ ‘ J ’ ‘ ■■ • m m m m d m IM Xr-iX > i-Vi). ii ■'A^t

... *• . - V. : I V . ;•/ * ■ ' -J' ■ • ■ iiANGHssnsR BTO nii»!^6aai^ ^ ■■ • .' !«;)-.•'•' . .._i •.. i . - - ■.' j,. ,•. .- ■■■ . ■-w,-; . A .’ > ■■• ,--'V> 1 «.'-■• - it *


BBCON BEBB TODAY ^ 7 ■. ^ Her. young sister’s rather wild, I ULsNftssw te h IfO N N IE 0 *DABBm who m hear. It’s just not the sort of le ^ e o # K le tee) H BelvedeM drag stoni thing that would sound' awfully ./The fla^-aleavea glm a eape^Um »'Sshl!Wi to ( to oiqq^ort her oino] good later on if a man were to By O t iv » * look to this pifetty gtyl^ah raodeL: ;■ NITWORK younger rioter and mother* l» tai go in for public life." And note how szoartiy the bodice NOSE BtJraDMAY'lNDtOAnB nAUC—Sssit wtw vtle lore with DAN OABDIGAN* whooe "Whoever said I was,going in buttons down the habk. >' : PBBSENCB 'OF b o m b P M lE A te parento are wealthy. CHABLBS for it?” asked Dan, mUdly 'hu­ THE STUDX OF PARENTHOOD, It is a sOk airi ra j^ priiit'in the wow wdsf S^STACE, handoome neweeeaer morous. But Sandra could see ' IS F A B M o r e t h a n a f a d popular blue' ihd white oolourihg. TU s la'the last et.»sSries of four hi town* brfrieada her ^aad bur the idea had appealed to him. ’The bow ;at ths.WriatUhe be/of. wrlftOea hyU fr.' brother* NLL* who worioi in a She pressed the potot. Recently I read a diatribe against white>; Uus;or'bright^^p!aiii efops- gange. Monnie euopeeta . SAN- “All these things seem so un­ American children by a well known It’s a model that'you can.Use^for r By D&sMOBBIS naBBHIN w S kpro DBA LAWRENCE, who prHeods sheer cottons for summer wesur*. aa atoi Orek?-Clzie important now,” she said, gently writer. Bdlt»n, Jow nald Ilia ' Aipwrioan r i r i - ■ to be her ftleiid* of imdaiinlnlng judicious. “A man doesn’t know oigsindle, voile prlnta, dotted'dtxDlty rimitfAito-M e klTl krir SriU I do not know how many chil­ : -Mcrical Assoeiattsi, and of i her with Dan. BUI plaw to at 22 what be wants to be in 10 atiiped batiste, etc. , Hygri^Tttw PhAdih many ANGIE caLUiN* ^^^ worhs years. He baa to plan — look dren she. knows, but 1 take it she And dBd you ever see. apything Siifr> tr ano Taam U *a aedCMeiso■ epMC in a candy obop* aa ooon aa rbe ahead — or someone else, has to is judging fifty million by-the doz­ simpler to. make.?. . . J ‘ IhjjOT 'am -ma^^caiM o f bleed- goto a divorce. Daa triq^onee, Style No. 21572 ia . designed , ; for fog'Rom .the nose;, because' ,:tbe SKX^10:0— Fore sn LeeTon—« to m do it for him. Many splendid en or two belonging to her friends. AtoS^ titO—lOite^aeewell aiAtfOoto^edeet nr*»^g Monnie to see him, hot men,” she reminded him sweetly, sizes, 8,10,12 and 14 years;"" t^^od supply to the tissues Is gear 4:16— . i:tor-Three St4S—10:46 — C h trle e C e rille — o s ft: She arraigns the modem mothef erally rich and the tissues them­ 4 0 0 — I M y rt i M Merge—repost (or vtot she refnoea. Monnie worries “have found thqir lives all warp^ Size 8 requires 2 8-8 yards of 89- 10:00^11 iWe>Sarlow tonapheay—e to e aboot 16*year-rid KAY* discum- and twisted because they'd chosen for the new liberty movement inch material with 7-8 yaid of 3-inch selves quite deUcate.' Ih man> dis- lOtyO^llti^Ted !.««% Orolw—e to e which allows children an imheard eaaes, such as pur­ -6______ti» —‘61 lltOO-IStOO-Ohaa. nerfiet e to e tentsd at home, diaries Bnstaoe the wrong sort of wives.” ribbon. 1l:ip-18tiaUHal Koeip'e OreJv-Orakr Baot: wls wba-wbn wbel according to this article, merely culty, bleeding from the nose iaa wham kdka wear wi Sandra pursed her Ups, watch­ fully, “done everything possible incidental, are either turned over Pattern Service common symptom.. 7:0^ iw^Biriy Viilaa^r^ to e ing her slim cool reflection in to hrip Monnie? Not that 1 think 6S»- t^pTSa SbewCrt Hr^3 to « MldwiMt: wdiy krw to nurses or n^lected, and ^ven fo the preaenoe. of severe infec­ tn ^ lO iin —narom Jabit vaato^ to 0 kwk kwor ioU w~ the glass and i^proviiig it. Her ft’s done much good, really. Fm For a Herald Pattern send 10c NORTHWEST A . ______their heads. tion and : . f o the. ccudltion called w ^ katp wabo wdaar ktrt frock was of white lace, deUber- afraid, deep down, she doesn’t Aside from the fact that we do In stam^ or coin directly to scurvy, which is due to a.dsficieacy SOUTH — wrva wpt( wwno wte ately Ingenuous. Sandra was not honestly like me.” have this class of mothers: by far Fashion * Bureau, Manchester of vitamin C, Meedfog of the nose uka Bl- wSa-wran wlod warn wmo w«> Evening Herrid, - Fifth Avenue wjdz wsmb kvoo wlw wfba wbep the ingenue-^ar from it—but oc­ She sighed and brushed at her too many of them and daily grow­ 2572 also .occurs with a foir amount of Or. woaf ktba ktha . . casionally she chose the rola and 23rd Street, New York City. eyes lightly with a whisp of chif­ ing in numbers,- I take exception foequriicy. In.practicaUy aU of the CB8-WABC NETWORK MOUNTAIN—koe kdyl k ^ k s b L j. Her soft, dark hair, worn just fon and lace. to the label she prints. , If she Be cure to fill in number of pat­ conditions wmoty pnxfooe severe PACIFIC CQAtT—ksoUkSWlpnO tern you desire. > nAilO—Baot: wabo wieo wate woko khq kpo k ^ ktar long enough to make a series gC “No, Danny, dear,”- she con­ knew a*> many bard working, earn­ anemUlf nose MomI 'is not unusual. wea6 wiab wpao ^ ^ w wkre wMt Cont. Bait elcefc wGo wean wip wiaa ween wfbl becoming ringlets above her tinued, still in that dulcet, sisterly est, sensihle mothers as I do, she PaStsro. No...... 'In cases o^ hardeqlng of the ar­ 4d)0- 6dN>—tonata Raeltal ■■beatof graceful nape, \/aa charmingly ar­ tmie. “I can see both sides of would be . less hasty in her judg­ teries- with exceedfogly high blood OHM iriav; Midwest: wbbm wgn wfbm 4)10- 6:1»-Olek Dartne -aaStaMF tanbo woeo kmoz wowo 4 0 0 - BOO-Tha Slnnlns Lad» "aM* ranged. The faintest trace of the question. I see yours and m ent / Price 15 Cento. pressure, there nuty he rapture of KAST AND CAN ^IAN - m ^ 4dlO— SN6—Orphan Annie -aait w T Monnle’s and 1 see your parents’, wibw whoo wibe wfoa wore effb oteo mauve outlined her large eyes I fear the cult of too much free- a small Mood vessel in the nose DIXIE — wgst wa(a wbro weam wdod SdIO- tdIO—Qoorflo RootorM Raalpaa «iiH her Up rouge was the color who are proud of you and want uom as much aa anyone. It ia Name .... with severe nose Meed for some waox klm wrao wise wdsa wtoe k m 6:16— 6:10-Bart Lown’a Qraheetra of a Jime rose. the best. How can they be sure time. The Meedfog'ftom the nose wrr ktoh ktaa waoo koma wfbo weds ruinous. On the other hand I wbt wdao irolf wbas wtar A horn sounded below stairs it’s net just a boy and girl infat­ fear even more the old -bossism Addreae' I 0 0 • o a o and the loss of l^ood serve to lower SHS— 6H6.— Lowell TkasMM — aests and she snatched tq> a brief wrap uation? How‘ can anyone of us the blood pressure. .vrbem wabt w ^ ^ b d Orpnan Annie—nUdwaet ropoet _ that in the end unflta a child for bw kfh 6d)0— 7d»-^m oo 'n' Addy oeattoUr o f green sUk and hurried out o f know it isn’t?" self control and self direction. Slae Bi ordlimry cases o f nose Meed, wtaq wkbh k(ab w lia kaej 6:15— 7ito—Ooneart FaotAeM»-4o- e ' the room. On the stairs she Dsn growled something unin­ •Tint wx»e wkbn wel •H6— tiri^Ann Butler. Comedleepe But I stand by the mothers. If if the person is at once placed in MOUNTAIN—krorl^ koklkal TOO- 6:00—etorlaa c» the le e ’ oaat . pased a maid in trimmest black. telligible and swerved his car a horizontal position so that t-^ FACIFIO COAST — kbj 1^In kgb kfro 7:10- ttiO-Rfn Tin Tin, Dm Dcesii into the driveway curving before anyone cares to look, or to read col ktpy k rl : ^ SH^-Heward ~ *TU be late tonight, Hetty. Mood pressure is lowered and if C^nta isst# 7 4 TeU Father,” Sandra directed. the little old stone and timber the papers, or to step into the au­ 6:00- 6:ao-Daa«i Vj ditorium of the local school- he is kept cool, he tends to recover, odW—U. a. Army Band—o to e 1:60— 6(^W ayna The servant's smaU dark eyes house where Charles Ehistace and a planting trowel are the only Var. house once in a while, she cannot .since in most instances the Meed- 6:4^ 4H6—Loelen Trade Free.—to o t:00-16ifi-OMan flickered a«. her mistress for a UveA tools required. It pays to get good ing_wUl atop promptly. 4d)»- 6M—Qm Hall Oroh.—also oat t:1O-10:l4-rVio A Aet fail to discover the g ^ t mofoer toolB 'and keep them bright and MRS. ROSS NAMED 4tiO— 6:60—tklppy.Sketoh—oast only 6:6O-10tiO-Radla . „ .hew moment with a hint of antagon­ "Don’t be cross, Danny-boy,” There are many superstitions 4:46— 8^t8—Botty Bartboll—alae oat; 10d»—11dX>—Soutbam ^ oastt ism, instantly quenched. Her movement in the United States, clean, but the knowledge of how to Cowbciy Tom—oast only Am00 ’n* Andy—Mpaal 'woat pleaded Sandra prettily as they yes, and father movement too. It about stopping nose Meed, such as : —11:16—ThrooiQueono, S Jaeks reply was perfectly respectful. use the tools correctly, is often drityping a key down the back, Bdio— td»-H . V. Kaltonbom—else e 10 16 came to a halt under the porte is a fact that daily thousands of. more important th^ the tools 6:16— 6:16—Nalaon's Otohaatra-mlao lOtiO—11:60—MlniMBpolla Bym.—e to P “ Very weU, Mies Sandra.’ cochere. “You know 1 want the DIREaOROFMINT pressing on the hard palate, and e; Tba Devil Bird—aiawoat only 11KI0—ltdW—Sam Robbins’ Orebaetpa groups gather to be instructed in themselves. 6:60— StiO—Qortrudo NIooon, ions*— 11:16—11:18—HewaM ThuratoiM rpl There was the rustle of soft best for you, too, don’t you?” similar performances. However, lltiO—lltiO-Danoins in T^n Oltiaa draperies, the hint of an elusive this great science of child rear­ Plants That Require Space oaat: aktoby, akotoh—mMwoat only She was very close to him. ing. thers in no efficacy to such meas­ scent on the stairs. A door Dan, hurt, puzsled and somehow Garden .crops that require con­ ures. slammed and gears clashed nois­ It is no common fad, no fanati­ 10:46—News. definitely annoyed, stared down cal gesture, or a desire to be con­ siderably space like tomatoes, peas, Foimer Gorersor of Wyo­ In more serious cases, however, ily. A motor pmred away into at the pretty face lifted tr hla. and pole beans may often be grown phyricians use measures which 11:00—Time, weather, temperature the summer evening. sidered modem. It is a sobor de­ 11:08—Sports Review. Before he knew what was hap­ termination to get at real facts trained to stakes, strings, or to have a greater degree of certainty, TJiim and rose and blue stained pening his Ups were pressed ar­ trriUses so as to save space. Pole ming to Get Federal Po!i^ such as packfog the nose with 11:16—^Meadee OroUastra. the western sky. The air was de- and to adapt sensible theory as 11:80—Minneapolis Symphony Or- dently to Sandra’s provocative nearly as possible to daily prac­ lima beans, for example, can some­ sterOlaed gause, direct inspection UgbtaCul — warm, yet fresh—and ones. There was a sigh and then times be planted alongside a divi­ with pfoehfog of the Meedlity ves- d m tr a . as the car aUpp^ westward the tice in their homes. Other Nominations.' 18:80 a . m.—TfoM. Sandra slipped out of this grasp Mothers do know more about sion fence and trained on the fence. sri, cauterization, with some sub­ odors of summer night in the and through the door. Tomatoes ebn be planted 24 stance Uke sliver nitrate or chro­ Thnnday* 87 country drifted to the nostrils of children .than they did 20 years “Danny, 1 can’t imagine what’s ago. Make no mistake, please, inches apart , eadi direction and. mic add, and the uae of various BfUOH 0 A 8 0 U N B LOST the two occupants of the car. getting into us,” she breathed, pruned to a' atngle stem and tied Washington, April 27.—(AP)— solutions vdileh temporarily con­ 4:00 p. m.— U. 8 . Arm y Band. “Nice,” pmred Sandra, aUpping about this new movement > Why President Itoossvrit intends to name scandalised. is it. that we can study almost any­ to atakes. instead o t setting thniq strict the blood vessels. 4 :80— Young F r ik i’ Prttypram. , PhlladtJphie. AnrU 37.—(AP)— her Icmg, white hand, with its red *Tm sorry — didn’t mean —" 8 by 4 feet and mting the vines He NelUe Ta3floe Ross, former governor It should be borne in mind that 5 :80— Sklppy: thing rise on earth and be-prais- ot WjrbmUig, as director o f the mint. The MultisM Esdtenge reported jewels of pointed nails, around muttered the man, following her. on the grpund. ■ the bleeding from the noee is not 5 :45—Mahdi’i Magic Cfarele. ' that 40,000 gaUona of gaepUne were her escort’a arm. ed for it but the moment we It also devrioped today that In Sandra’s iong-lasbed eyes was open a child book, or bear a child Poultty netting about 80 inches in itself a disease, but rather 6 :00— Current Events; H. V. Kaltcn- lost to a collision'todiy between the Dan Cardigan grinned down at a suppressed glimmer of triumph. wide and faptoiM to stakes makes Charles E. Addams of ArlBona, who symptom of disease; that it'may be bom. steamer Fairfield City and the bBxge l^ure there is that silly . propa­ has been slated for president ot the her. the best kind of a support for pesa, the warning, sign for the onset of a 6 :15— Oszie Nelson’s Orchestra. Leonard B. to tbo Delaware river ganda and prejudice to laugh us dvU service commisrion, probably “Lady, you said it!” That was Monnie felt her heart stand and when the pSM stop- bearing the serious disorder, such as a change 6 :80— Gertrude Ntsisen. below New Castle, DeL Dan. The argot of the man in the down? wiU be shifted to some other post stilL She bad been in the em­ There will be, are, many mis­ netting can be tagen'down, rolled the. U <^ or even a tumor of 6 :45— Chandu the Magidan.. The barge was brfogliig about street served him fdr speech, m brasure overhanging the drive, up and stofod so tbst .it will test in the administration. attyengl glands. On the other 7 :00—Myrt and Marge. / ^ grihms of gasrilte from takes. Frequently, as in this lib­ 'This wns made (mown with the a.' 160,000 qilte of all his background and watching the sunset She bad manv veais. ' h a^ it niay merely be due to in­ 7:l6->Otto Neubaoer* pianist ' Baltimore, to tho M i^ jPetfoleum training Dan talked, Sandra re- erty idea, it is overdone because explanation that Lewis Doughty Uf been utterly tmprepared for the not deariy dudentood by some CucumbsfS apd melons may os creased niental o f physical excte* 7:80r-KsUer, Sargent and Roes, Co..of Philadelphlsu The steamer flectsa lightly* rather like a roust­ shock of seeing Sandra arrive trained to wire, netting faatene-1 to Arlsoba already-had been made di­ ment, or any .other condltioo that comedv tferiT mothers. Discipline plays an es­ rector ot the budget and some other was bound from Boston'. about. She didn’t mind. She with Dan. For an instant not the sunny sMs aT'Qaf , garage. One suddenly raises the Mood pressure. 7 :46— “Neuresthenia;” Dr. Cope­ The barge was beaehsd.to saye it liked everything about hlv — his sential part but it is a new /disci- state was entitle to the civU ssr- meaning to, she had stared at ne pUae that IS far poore effectual and gardener -a gfoW nmny st In moet esMe tiw amount of land from sinking. bigness, bis frown, his masenUn- pair below. Then she bad sec in bfo gaigen SM W pU«' vioe j ^ blood lost 'ls inia&, but if tbe'per^ t :60—Bette Fergnsqo, Mags; Al­ ity. Liked? WeU, that was a not so ruinous. Addams Is a former Dsnioeratie Dan’s face hover for aa instant At any rate 1 see too many fine stones In pUss about three feet in son bee repeated bamerrhaEae, the bert White* plantit On BSptsmbsr 1, 1888, an sarth* mild word. close to the girl’s—had aeen the aright, lilanted ritettimers around chatyman in Arisdna. It was not amount lost may be sufficient to 8 :00—B vu Evans; Do, Re, Ml, Trio mothers to allow nqr factual indicatsd who oow is in line for the quake to Japan deefaoyed 800,000 “Who’s going to be there? At sudden, brief but passionate kisa th e base of each stons pUe and esnse aaefola and to demand 8 :80—Talk by James Roosevelt houses and pertlaUy wreoksd iM .- Charles’ place, I mean,” riie in­ knowledge to be swayed by a dvU service position nor what post that followed. Sne felt rick and snap words. trained the cucumber vines over special treatment for restoring the 8 :46—Hot from HOltywood. 000 others. The same disaster claim­ quired idly. faint Her blood hummed in her the pUes o f stsosi Where bean Addams was likely to get blood. > 9 :00—B aiy Aeee. Dan shrugged. “Dunno. Prob­ I, believe that American chil­ Active in PoUtios ed 99381. Uves, wounded 1(16,788, ears. Where should she go— poles cannot t^rtginsd a treUis 9 :15—Frtty and Bragglotti, piano and 48,478 persons ware reported ably the Waterman crowd.” dren today lean too far away ffom Mrs. Ross Icnff has been active in what should she do to escape? respooeibUity. l believe many made of strlpstof wood and strings duo. “ Ob, 1 don’t think so. 1 hope She turned, U]|e a bunt^ thing. for the beans win a e ir e Stato and N atio^ Dsmoeratle poH- 9 :80—Colonel Stoopaagle and Budd; not,” protested Sandra. ‘Tbey'rs are doomed to be poor e|tlB«i7. I tlcs, having served as vice cbslrinaa There waa a sharp rat-a-tat at believe many tbih^ But unoon- the purpose.' ' ’ Gbonis, Kastehuiett’ Orsbastra. awfuUy dulL Oh, Danny, if they Cibaries’ knocker now. The aerv- for the pa^s-National eemmittse MARt^OUGH 10:00—The Foreign Legion. are you’U have to take me vway structive criticism, snSp judjg- prior to and through the Roosevelt aat waa hurrying in lesponse. ment, and a decidedly biased in­ Work has begun 00 the stretch of 10:80—The BoeweU Sisters. eariy. I shall p er^ of boredom.’^ None of the people in the Uttle campaign last year. 10:46—Charles Cariile, tenor. Cost 85 Cenb to Pit “Wait and see,” advised Dan. dictment are luifalr. It is discour­ R. J. Grant dlreotor of the ndas road known as Carter's Oity on the fireside group — neither Kay, aging to the earnest mother who 11:00—Columbia Symphoity Orches­ Sandra slumped luxuriously in sparkling pretty in her old pink sines 1928, has resigned sffestivs at is tiylng her best to leani. tra. R k m a iic Crippb the roadster’s low seat. After a organdie, nor Charles Eustace, ones to beooms advisor for the 11:80—red Lewis’ Otehestra. moment she demanded, “Give me the host nor his New York friend, Chinese National government cen­ a dgaret, Danny, like an. angel.” tral iBiat af .Bhangbri, eesn bSs a lra ^ placed the forms Webster Hallam — had witnessed for'odnhrate on the aUea ot the Bod; to Work A gui tlis tableau. Monnie alone kn^ Qrant who’ was food adnUnistra- Without removing his eyes tor for Colorado during the World hlgh#ay'and has laid a pipe " Une what bad passed between Sandra along the entire stretch to be built from the roao, Dan produced Unde Sam'sTips War, was qipointsd superintendoit apd Dan just before the openi g and it Is eqMcted that laying the Now iityo^My Hippy a packet, lighted a cigaret, rnd of the door. of the Denver mint in 1981 aqd two W6Z-W8ZA o ru years later placed in charge of the concrete w illb e g fo irery soon. put it between the pouting Ups of She braced herself to meet Ghrisoffona A. Ryan la Improv- While an Us famity looked oti-ln the glrL Sandra narrowed her government’s riitits mint system. SpringSelF — them. “Hello, Dar!” fo g at the Mjddleaex Hoqiltsl from Mvi BQ Us frisafs eyes, squinting through the She hardly knew her own voice. The worst thhig abOttt blemishes For thirty years before entering injttrifl were amased, Grant’s rssignatimi was accepted, and Mfo. Alice Brown have moved P. M. with that famous rhsopatte pre­ it couldn’t be—that Dan thought didn’t look ashamed, embarrassed A mole might |wve had a end be expeets to sfU eayly next into tiM^ ootti|ge here after spend- 4:00-^lltursday BpedaL scription known to pharmacists m her unattractive. She abandoned —only surprised. certain attspemmi w m ' you were month for h|s new p ^ , l^ tU e srinter to- Hartford.' 4 :80—Ifassadnisetts Dental AUriiru. tbiir: notion as preposterous. No, “W lo, Monnie. This is nice. GOOD TOOLS. KEPT CUBAN, 20, geth‘ ip' M a. tim ^ce . whan TIm Hartfofd>Bast'Asaodation of TUs nbwerftfl yet safe xm p a iy is it must be some quaint notion of The shadow of annoyance WILL AID A GREAT DEAL you are 40. il, few opirs on your Congregatkwal chnrdies and minis­ 4:45—Agricultural Markets. wonderral—4te action la almost nisg* chivalry be bad. Or— She caught crossed Sandra’s mobile oounteu- 124 SUCCESS OF GARDEN upper Up mpy pam uanoticed when ters hrid aa all day meeting at 5 :00—Sunshine Discoverer^ CSubw leal where uric add and other, efo- her breath involuntarily at the ance and was instantly erased. you are 28 bi» bmetirpo. definitely WAmNG thie church to this place Wednesday, 5:15—Dick Daring.- culatfog polsona cause agony and idea of lojralty to — to someone “Monnie, dkrling. What fun!” pain—the exeeas urio arid poison By W. B. BEATTIE unattractive! wUm fou are 88. There was a qiedal meeting of May 8. The program tor the day 5:80—Sfogfog Latty. else. Sandra was more effusive than Bureau of Plant Industry* U. S. The answer to R^ia to do aome- follows: Mmiuag — "The News of 0:45—Little Oipuan Annie. starts to leave your boty hi 8A “Absurd,” She muttered to her­ Wimping Grange at the school hen hours. usuaL Deparfmeot .; 6:88—Witether, temperature. They drove on in silence for “That la, everybody but Miss Kay. small gardens and back-jr^ gar­ One Mg mfpfohP women make “Bscqtes-^of Life,” David McKelth, 6:48—Famous Sayfoigs. It woriBi Just aa swiftiy' minute. Then Sandra those of the Hartford poUoe depart­ ritis, Sdatica, Lumbago asid She’s a baby and can only have dens are usually worked with band is to think Uttle 'Mamtsbes aren’t m ent D.D. 6:40—LoweD Thomas. said suddenly, confldentiaUy, “Re­ orange juice.” tools. important A'foint tnea of fuzz m im Mario Joyner has rented her 7:00—Amos ’n’ ^ d y .' ralgla dpe to wimllar ceuae. member what we talked about The burial services for Mrs. Della Kay pouted without really Sometimes the owner of a mall on-thele upper Up can kosp the love- (Tiffany) Omie, was held at the house which she bad buUt last year 7:16—(Serman Band. yesterday, Dan?" TnAMifng it. Monnie,- usually so Uest cuifld'a mouth fmm. being Ir- on the Hehnm road to Mr. and 7:81—Song Weavers. A slow red burned under the garden will have the ground Wapiriag cem et^ last Saturday af­ concerned over all that happened plowed and harrowed and then do reslstlMe. ternoon with Rer. David Carter Mrs. Charles Ganter of Hartford, 7:80—“Over the Haethes'” man’s deep tan and his voice to her young sister, scarcely Partieularty^ if you ace an. older who win move in on Mhty ^ . MacFarlane and Oiehestra. sounded enibarraased. “Guess 1 the remainder of the work with offidating. beaM. fibs was In a mase— she woman, irtnOijer. m . a ..fPinUy: that Rtdumi Jones, who is a studmit said too mndh. Didn’t mesn to hand toris. Voty small gartims are scarcely knew what ;to do. or to usually naded'hy.hand ai^' ^fork­ keeps you '^qatUhg; jio if t gM tMa at ViUlbraham, Mass., was the gnsst rave on so but Mother burned me say.- Sandra and Daa! Then.it aiCitiKie' t b w ;^ .,, yjyuirarif. Any­ of Mias EUfohsith'' Jpnss '■ teeentiy. the wedL 8:80—Rfo Tfo'Hn Thriller. up at lunch. .1 had to talk to ed'entirety; by'hu up of 60 voices wfll give a i:80—Ljsdy Esther Serenade — soil extemls. In fact, it often pays take care of it .: , street waa pleasantty surprised at cMfoert to Columbia Sunday eve^ *Tt’s dilElcult. It’s terribl” so. her heart Rage made her calm. The timb was'•meor -beauty waa her hofiie last Shturqay evening • by Wayne King end his OrChtetra. But—has it ever occurred to you to break up the subabil, but practi- nfog, under the direction of Rev. B. Almost wttbout resUsing it she caOy none o f the subsoil ahcnild be bom not made^ TMhty it Is a wom­ the girls of the W agi^ Club, the 10:00—NBC Playerik that perhaps your mother’s drained the small - glass her host occasion befog her-birthday. T.'^Tbisnes. Mrs. H. T. Blakeslee is 10:80—Fsahlonettee. , turned up or mixed with the sur­ an’s own- fault H rim can’t get her­ the pianist. right?'; ' had put into hn hand. ‘Tt’s self up aitraatlcri^. ■-So many Dan slowed the ear a little, face sriL ' Frederick Brewer of East Hamp­ very mild,” she heard him say, As a general rule, the deeper the other quimtim contyleto with na­ HOLD TWO SUSPECTS turning to stare at her. “About th r^ h a dirnness and a roaring ton is substituting for the regular soil is worii^ ije better tiie crops tive beauty' that'^ttr ia often com­ R. F . carrier, D. J. CehlU, who-is on Monnie, you mean? But I as of waters. She heard her own pletely lost right- ec. ' ^ Therefore, New Orleans, April 27.— (A P )— thought—but jrou said—” He will withstand-botii drouj^t and a two weda* vacation. laugh and In a mirror excessive malstnre. Deep prepara­ it is sheer feUy^ nat tp itake your Pottee said todny that two men ar­ The Dorcas Society aseeta with seemed bewildered. beyond saw, aa In a dream,* the blendsbes in' bPtfd. Spring is a rested here Wtym deteetiVes raidsd ‘ 1 -know, Dan. Tm terribly tion improves drainage during .wet Mrs. E. T. TMenes Thursday after­ reflectian of a bronzo4ialred girl seasons and aids in the retention grand time to make pvpr your face! a rooming house-and seined a anuUI noon. cond o f Monnie. You know that. wiGi curving red lips and eyes arsenal and a quantity of Jewelry She’s had a difficult time. She of moisture during dry periods. which had been stolen from a pawn Mrs. Emprfoi^iam o f Syracuse, N. that blazed with some deep Inner De^ Moisturs—D ^ Bools DANCRBS EpHARATB Y., is a guM of Mr. and IDs. H. J. works hard. She’s a s^endld emotion. shop, were befog hrid on hyUef that We an know it. But here’s Roots of plants are found where they we^e watated to Boston on mur­ Blakedce.. . “Here’s to yon!” Cbsries Eus­ the supply of moisture and plant New York, * Agi® > 27.—(9P)— Iflss Fanny A . BUsh ~is'spending the point —are y o a two suited? tace sa|d* sainttag her. He drank. The New -TOric j^imeilcan aaya der disrges. food are found. If the supply c t Hie ffogwprfot bureau anhouneed this week to MendieBter with her Ct is worth aU the—the fuss and He offered her his arm. "Will Ruth St Dents and; Tpd Shawn, brother, F. T . BUsh, end f o i ^ . igbting it’s sure to cause in your moisture Is wdl Astijhuted or deep that t h ^ reCQBds. Indicated the two, you lety-me ■ take you In to din­ you win find the roots wdl dis­ dancers, haVe parted .matrimonial family? Remember, Dan, your n er?” Frank .Ifaricus, aUas Frank Kar- tributed or going deep Into the- soil company.. ' • lODsis, add Jaxnen Claiui, alias Tom GOOD NEWS FOR VETS father’s awfuDy pioiri of you. (To Be OonttaoBd) Miss S t Denis Is -Uving in the tie’s expecting great things, but if tlM la i^ of son is riiallaw; J. Burke, were fugitives from Bos­ your plants win be shaUow roofted' &onx and 'MT huriPud ia teaCblBg R^whfogton,- .^ri' 87.—(AP)— fou’U have a poritlaa to main- NEW H A TE N . REPORT. , ton in conneiBlIqn with tUe sUjdng and suffer tor mdisture in dry young men IhbeqRptative dancing of caiaries SolMij^ to a night elub RepresMitatlve • K9pi4enan (D.p sdn some day. Not Just here but at Ms form Tin Lee, Mail. They ' do G i w ) said today he hid^. been ad- o cSevriand—in New York. You periods. on January 24 UisA Boston, April 17v—(AP)—A de­ Simifls and inexpenaivs 'toris,a’'e not , plan, a . lagPl ,^p— " - • Mackns, 21, «dd he.'was .from visM by iB rii^ er General Frank night be— why, Dan, there’s no ficit of 1 8 8 0 ^ after chargee fdr eyer, and oecaaioparily T. HfoeA aitiiniBtrator at veterans reason at all why you shouldn’t an that are required^for. the culti­ New TdriK and dans,^".claim ed to the month of Mardi was rsported to- vation of a home garddm, In the few dayi " ' be from Detrott. . aflafos, that aa .entargement of lo something reaDy big! Bi pdli- d ty by the Nr Y.* N . H. and H. BaU- smaD garden, rows can be made “NOW;______aettrittee ^.Ufo.NewIhgtcitt, Conn-. fea, or something like that.” Her road. Cknas m erating rsvenueii for somewhat ebiser, than on forma, IsB is aatd. : • CANNOT MEET NOTE - vetenM hoii|tftri.vm result from wes widened. March were 17,- and • the cultivating ein .bis' done a udoaaMttt'jR regfahri ofnw “Wha^s that got to do with 212,882 a year ago wMe w*th a pqfih hoe >e|th a w fisri ta wo tPrity infP New Beva<^n 17—(AF)^ nM^;AMtlm o f - tbtflile?” Dan wanted to know. 8187.4U om ^sted front.\ A pity of Ught p}ow than bafom,’* V N e t « t e r dtmietm tae U futit, 1882 and an old' bityde wnari wtto a mast a note for. Sqndra hes^ated.. ItonW a is|«70i00». tubber tty* on It makap an nteri- IP 8.,^ and it wfil in right,” riie admitted slowly.. Net after olNSt*8i for the first lent plow atock on wUeb aaverri tpg the diase'National Bank to t«k m 'But — ft’s the ftirijy* Dan. tfarss moBtlis of tUs year afaowed.a atydea of homemade eofl-qoridng and iw .lt.'.' 'i'/' ;.... . 1 , • they're — after all, we might as dsOdtoC w m j m against earnings attaahmenta .cmiibe ueed.' V. tha fril fhqe.f«9ts.~.they're nobody: of f83MB8 for ths'lrst qoartsr of ppm ICT brother woilta'In ■■,. - ; - . .„v:r ^ • s :^-.-


■' •9m TWO S U B ARTISTS Tunod [BALL BOY PABQR * I N JUST i S S THE 1)0 For Annual $OQ-Mile C / a s s i c I BEATS BK SHOTS HIT HAIL OF FAME OF TENNIS WORLD ViuMiitHsHniiHtiiiiH lYopth it R t f i r M m Potoi* il L L Q, Bomi Qsri* Fimnlec of Quits and HO- pMMhiBitBtoN. thl n U e i irf die N d; debrand of CleTelaiid Ab Holdt Natmnl Bojt’ Tide Boston. April t7.--(AP)—Eaat- low Sn|le ISt Each; Three •rs amataur boxtoff tatont ms not fared so well to reoent te - and Hm Difeited Lott. tltmiU competition, today gloatod Players Are Snspended. over'the capture of flve of the eight New Orleans.' April 2L'—A .,bsU Nattonal A. A. U. (By AwooIsLted Fn m ) I bo, who would be otemploD! (torn one ot the strongest mtowest- era detoffstlons that h u ever-par- BefwdleM of tbe qutt« logical «x> That’s Btenkls Pariesr. national tldpated to the competition. plsmiRtion offered by WUl Harridge. I boy’s cbEunpioj and conqueror of During most of the three days president, that the weather ie to CHmtie L o ti.'' tournament the marathon battling blame (or all thii rtmarhable early Da the courts ot ths Milwaukee eras donrinated by the strong Qeve- land and Chicago groups, aided by aeaeen pltohihg thii iprlng, the tact r>)untry d u b bs n w discovsrsd as remalEu that the elab departments a b ^ boy by Mercer Beasley, the. small but tepalM bands from Okla- at the two major leagues are doing man who gave BUswortl. VioM and and QUtstmding work against the chilled Cliff Butter - among othsr»-F.thsir The 1969 National ehamplenahip tetters. start op' ths tsonis courts. list; fhe latest additions to the list ot That ball boy, now 17, is regard­ 119 pounds, Tony Valore, Cleve- April heroes are teroy Parmalee of ed as a potential TUdsn ot ths nsu andL the N. T. Giants, who has visited Beasley wants to sso him natiaoal 118 pounds,. Angelo Tardugno, the major league several times only ingles obamplon; he wants to Washlnaton. to be tanned out each aeason, and «teh him play tor the United 126 poundia Louis BEurisano. Bos­ I States in the Davis Cup matches; ton. Oral HBdebrand. something ot a The speedy front-drive oar ot Billy An^old. which tw|oe > veteran lUthough he is only in his be wants to see hun conquer the 185 pounds, Frank Eagan. Buffalo. meohanlotQ the hospital. Is toned op lor aiiother turn In the Memorial Day olasslo at IndlanapoUs. 147 pounds, WffUam Criehron. second season with the Cleveland Above are AnraM and his vecihaalo, “Spider* Matlook. hi the oookplt. and a view of the car.after one of field at Wimbledon and Roland Glpr- SI roa sodium. Chicago. Zndiaxis. They hurled a pair ot one Its smashes. i - hit games yesterday, each bsu^ly 16(1 pounds^ Tom Chester, New yw^—Hig the no-hit hall ot tame. The mlddls wMt and the east will By MAX BIDDLE Chariot, after having been Inter* '^ork. sec tlUs nawest pbenomeuMi ot the fertd with. Hto next start fotmd 176 pounds; Mas Marek, Chicago. Cold Is FaotorT he replied to the ujual questions, Tnd1anap»li*. Ind., April 37.— ^trom among the garage help to (Copyrlaht 1SS3 by NBA) Parmalee won his spurs in his hut don’t sell us short yet We’ve 1980 to pilot It and he pushed it to courta to action this summer. him fourth attar bring left at the Heavywriikt, Zuy Riteter, Phila- (A P )-.«attered a bit from two The Glen Riddle Farm Stables, d^^hia. • first start of the cam^gn as he lost six games. Last year we won aensationai leaps over the concr.te the f ^ t qulcMy Emd won 980,^, He is certain to oompete to three post. turned back the shigging Phillies S the pennant by losing 64 of 'em. 1 In prise money and most of toe tournaments. One ot these is the white Samuel D. Riddle named The first victory for the son. of wall, but still one ot the (aateik national junior champions, to be to 1. haven’t started woniying yet The front-drive cars to the world, Billy 110,000 lap prizes. for his ancestral home to Scot­ Man o’ War came a* Plmlloo when Hildebrand came just about as x>ys vdll hit their stride before long. Amold’a old Eqieedster la being pre­ In 1931 the car showed even held at Culver Military Academy to land, has entered two sons of he easily defeated'a field o f maid­ PRIMOTOGiyEMAX close to a no hit teat but lost it when Remember the weathtr has been pared again to r the Memorial DEiy greater speed and Stamina under Indiana. He will be the defending Man o’ W eut to the Kentucky Derby ens over a sloppy track. B - curled A rt Schareic cracked out a snappy cold and some ot the Cubs aren’t olassio here May 80. Arnold’s heavy foot but something titleholder to this event. Another M » 66. 117 pounds and drew away to single. The Indians however, had polar bears.” It la the same trim, white flash went wrong while he was leaving will be the weitem obamplunshlpe B event weui not contested three-length toad at the finish. He TlILESHOTn’34 little trouble blanking the St. Lovds that Arnold, totreifid Chloago the field tar behind. Arnold was at the River Fureet Country Qub, for by Man o’ War, who was re­ was next second a nose, to Bspto- Browns 2 to 0. gamester, drove to- victory on the taken to the hospital, believed re­ Chtcsgo, and the third will be the served for the Preakness Stakes ette with garden Message and Caesar’s (3bost out of the money. Li support ot the Harridge theory Indianapolis brick course to 1980 moved definitely from the speed­ national clay court championship to a few days later, but MEm o’ W eut’s Rome, April 97.— (X P )—Primes that cold, damp weather is responsi­ and tpe SEune to white he led the ways, and Mechanic "Spider* Mat- Chicago. son, Cl3^e Van Dusen, won the W u g W was a rather eaqp .Canma, now oa hto way to the ble tor such flinging, teats, both field tor so long to 1981 and again lock suffered a broken cteEU>bone Frankie also will defend b ^ title big event to 1929. wtoner of tte Walden. He had on^ Ttotted States for hto teampUmahip these games, along with a tour hit P o w lin < ^ in 1932 before crashing. Emd bruises. in the western meet It wees to that bout with jEMk Sharitoy to June,. Ara allowed the local boys sevte scat­ Pohorjlo,* 3b — 4 0 ...... 6 S .540 Etod if he teould msute a pEurtlculEU*- Japanese penetrating south of^the A. Moyin, c ...... 8 1 .500 team shakeups and a deal or two Sam Stein, Newark, threw Steve tered hits and turned to elsven ...... 6 6 ly good showing there he mayget a Great WaO. Moat too late to the PROMPT SERVICGI for new playing talent, instead they Zenoski, New Britfdn. Barberie, ss ...... 6 1 I Boston .... ------4 6 .400 year to explain they are just going strike outs smd was astoted by place In the stogies Uneup on the found the Cub president still smiling Worcester — Jim Browning, Mis­ FerTEura, r f ...... 5 2 Philadelphia 8 .338 Davto Cup team. south for the oUmate. and confident. souri, defeated Leon Ptoetzki, Pol­ fast Emd snappy fielding. Ji Moyin, cf .... .4 1 $1 Lottu ...... 8 9 .250 Prentice also praised Lester ’’Sure we’re off to a poor start,” and, two straight falls. The game went scoreless (or the Magleora, Ip ....4 1 Nafional StoefSn, the tan youngster from Los first totir tontogs and SMmed to Draghl. P ...... * d W. L. Pet. Angeles, )Uqfinff be would ' urge develop’toto a ^tteert’ tettle until Peace, If ../.....I 0 iPltfsburik . 7 2 .778 Stoefen be sent to Wimbledon foy the visitors opened up to the fifth Micte, 2b ...... 4 0 I New York . aeelsee 8 2 .750 experience, apd that he Expected and put across two runs. Loose I Brooklyn • « e a e e e . 6 .600 great things from the coast, star to flekUng and timely bitting account­ 38 7 10 27 3 jCtodtonati 4 .500 another year. T he Better O rade O f ed tor the balance ot Windsor’s Score te innings: Philadelphia 6 .455 runs. Windsor Looks . .. 000 022 S t Louis ...... 4 6 .400 TIRE PRICES Trade Bteool...... 000 000 1 0 2 ^ IBoatoa ...... •••eoee 8 6 .388 The Mechanics scored for the Two base bits, Mleha, A. Moyin, hloago ...... 8 6 .388- League^ Leaders first time to the seventh and again Ferrara; three base Hts. Barharie; to the ninth on a last minute rally T O D A rS g a m e s hits, off Farwell 5, Kovls 5. Draghl N eeBo m I League that netted two runs. Farwell and American Used Cars 7t . stolen bases, Karahia 2, Dobosi Batting — Frederick. Dodgers, SLASHED! Kovls shared the pitching assign­ New York at Philadelphia. 1, Peace 2, A. Moyin 1; double Washington at Bostgp ASS; Bartril, PhUlies. .421. ment tor the locals, each allowing plays, KarShis to Pfau to . Rogus- Runs—Undstrom, Pirates, 8. 1931 Bnick Sport Roadster, guaranteed. flve hits. Draghl went the distance S t Loms at Cleveland. left on bases, Manchester L Detroit at Chleaffo. Runs batted to— Bottomley, for the visitors. Windsor Locks 6; base on bidli, off Look At Thofo Yalttog! Tomorrow afternoon the Traders National Reds, 11. 1930 Pontiac Coaeh Parwell 8, Kovls 1, Draghl 8; bit Phaadelphto at N «w York. -Htto-^artril, 16. ' travel to Springfield to tackle er, Karshis. Pohorylo l i Doublsu-BarteU, 5. 29x4«40 31x5.26 ...... $4.50 Springfield Trade there, this being Ctootonatl te S t Louis. ok put, by Farwell 6 to 6 in­ Gblooffo at Pittsburgh. Triples fiBil-Wansr, Pirates,-3. 1929 Pontiac Roadster i f 29x5.50 ...... $4.75 the last game before meeting Man­ 30x4.50 Sa* • 9mm • a • • $2.85 nings, Kovls 4 to 8, Drsigbi U ; Boston at Brooklyn. •Homers - Bottenfley, 8; Berger, 28x4.75 Oft# a.a • a;.* a.a • a $3.25 chester High at the West Side bn time, 2 hours;. umplrc, Gustafson. Braves, 2. . 32x6.00 ...... $6.40 May 8. I 1928 Essex Coach - 29x4.75 ...... $ 3 .4 0 nSPO AWAITS TUAU Stolen bssee- Flowers, Dodgeni, 33x6.00 ...... $ 5 .6 0 Biiteoa Aires, April 27.— (A P )— 8. 29x5.00 oiLO a a a r a $3.50 3 1 x 4 ...... ,..$8.75 Louis Angel Ftriio. form u oontend- Pittetoff—Hubbril, Giants- and 1926 Bnick Coadi in Perfect Conditiea; 30x5.00 aao.OLa a a a a a $3.75 Last Night *s Fights er fo rK hm^ywrigbt ^ h ^ Baltoten, Cuds, 8-0. 28x5.25 a«o a a a ••• ••• a a $4.10 32x4 . it...... ($8.90 Yesterday’s Stars ohampiooshlp, was free on to- A merieaa L sa n e 1928 Falcon Sniaht , 30x5.25 ...... $4.40 3 2 x 4 ^ ...... $5.50 I pendtog tiiri on ehuges of oon Batting—Podapp, Rsd Sox, .419; (By Assodated Pieea)I) sjriNng to gequire e farm property Schulte, Bcnatore, and Foxx Ath< r •• Leo Doroteer, Reds—started mortgage sales. letios, A96. 1 ^ Durant Cioiiva4id6 Ban ftenctoco— Clever Bison, f^ d o Ie n S y mortgage '-I ninth toning rally that brought yawn* and A1 Qtrino, San Francis- RmuH-Oehriff, Tanks, 12. SUPPLY LIMITBD wtoning run against Cards by , drew, 10. vm iB TBB FAVOBim _ Runs batted qh-^TMoi, Athletioa, ‘ IMlNnAi Coii^ i making t o thinT straight hit 00 Wflmliiffton. CaliL—Freddie Mil Qjal, Oal., A ^ ST.—(^ )- * t o - 16. Oral ^debrand, Indians—' Shut Vlnea, St^ National tauda Hite—West,. Browha, 18. Isr,. canctoteti, khoeked out Johnny Doubles—Haas and Orube, White See Theae B s lm Gring US TODAY out Browns with - Ona.ntmdmd thlrty*flv8 of Triples—Oomba, Tnnkees< and Billy RevoU. TIgerii—Happed out Fab llesA-^oee Santa. ftffnla’f raqUag Blayeta an woLignA MSmiah, Benalow;;8;- . * - Portuini. outjprinted- Gene fitapton, in the 9jiw,teinMmsot, i Bomerw-Oriirigi 4? Pw t» *•.» 1^^ thsae stogus in 11 tentogA with' iM ter^ ltM ^ 1989 stofflea win^ Btotan baaen Comte; Yanlct; P. J. Whita Bex. ' • ' Cletetond, 10. y e . i m Kknsu City— Johnny Ottehs, ApfUtog and Kreat, 'White Box*, 174 West CiBter StiM t iPhoiH) $857 LSnty Ponoatee, QiUiUtSi^4'ltdMSd 'oua^kit game against FkUllaa; thn- Kansas City, outpointed Ooirhoy ■Pitthtog —B r « r - “ toff oir to first atan of aMiaiu. : IkUUe Andiitoon. qiaper, toufnsmmitei iMrtM Cleyelqnd, x r ■ '/ -‘W. 'tC.'; -,i' .‘3^ t f ' > .'i- '!^«i^'J'! p'ce fe.' ■ ■ ■ ■ y , .

I . •. . .* • , V-- ». • ,

M A N(!ij q*?yni;ftyi!V^^ THUhiibAYrXPBIt27; --. ’ • . .-Cy3^'> • • - / *•'1.: ^-9 '“.y ‘■•^ W\' ■•. |-'fpAGlS'BaaB]!

-■S^V Read the Classified Renlal Property Lishnq on this Pag ■f.;.''l

HOUSES EOR EBNT 65 NATION-WIDE SURVEY Operaflona lB tte T ouimwwb dm LOST AND FOUND BUSINESS SERVICES BOARDERS WANTED 6»>A triot have lnere«uMd tn d pw e |^ OFFERED 181 KUOM AND BOARD at glllUU M FOR H|DNT—8.R00M single bouse Docs Say 10 Hearty Laughs the flret time In threa Jiism that L08T-«-WEDNB8DAY is BSoosoBoy week. The Hotel. Sheridan. Tei. with aU improvements, garage U SHOWS TRADE UPTURN the rats la higher thaa-flir tha Store. Ifaple and MaL. atraats, f date on the preceding year, brown and white loop handle iun« WANTED—PLOUGHXNO and her* *678. desired, 181 0»k street, Inquire I79;0ak street . 7. Every Day Will Prolong Life (O o attau ad 'F m Page Ona) year, in the coiieeponHIng week, brdAa. Finder 'phone Roaedale 18*S. rowing to do. L. T. Wood Compmiy. I CLEAN, COMFORTABLE rooms, production was at 22 per oent. Reward. with or withoOt board. Reasonable :q r e m t - ’6in g l b h o u b bbi rates, centrally located. The Chats* Benton street 9 rooms, 2 ear Worry, your family physician wUl^laugha which the picture gave them, 2 S S SLTl?mrtlSJei,*?SS SeatUe-Shl^taTM- ^ * ^ FLORISTS—NURSERIES. 15 worth House. 801 Main street, op* garafe; T'roonu. 2 oar garaga; tell you, u the greatest cause of At “ this rate, according to the afore* appropwhlng, or have definite Improvement In t ^ area, ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 podte Montgomery Warn. Wait Canter etreet 6 rooma. ga­ ibortMiad life the doctors know of. mentlooed doctor’i etatemrat, saoh levels of this offlolals say. DAPHNE 10c BACH, evergreens rage., In baaemeht; Apartment: And by the seme token, he will tell member of the audience thus added ------Much of______the Im*' The West 'Coast Lumbermen's At- WANTED—THB3 PUBLIC TO know 15c each, hardy perennials and rock you uuthat laughter is not only good eight and one-halt days to his life, I period lart Main qtreet 8 room aparUnent g a -! ■ ■ ‘ that board and care can be obtain* garden plants.'50c per dogen. pan* APARTMENTS—FLATS-u rage: Two fasoily bouaee: Mam for the soul,IJrot also a great health ed at reasonable rates at The Man* sles 16c dos., flowering shrubs 6o to^e. And while we are etui in a itattsH | ^ .a«*ti«na ,>«nevtewfleii I yeek exceeded current production TENEMENTS 68 street 7 room flat, gang4i 5 rpom col vain, it wlU be interesting to r a e T * f i^ upturns iXperlenoed I we chaster Convalescent Home located each, potted plants 10c each and tuUf house, garage: Durkin etreet: 6 Since this story deals with the previously In tne d ep rm o n bam | by 9.9 per cent on 99 Porter street. State licence. up. McConvUle’s Qreenhouse and value of comedy and Its oontrlbu* note that mroxlmately twenty room flat garage; Summer etreet mlUloD people will lee this picture taught builneao eaecu^se to Tel. S279. I^ s s r y . 21 Windemere streett FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement 5 room flat; ^sdeworth street 5| tioh to health because of the laiugba oxnlne euoh bifigea as the ourr*nt Buffalo—Chamber of Commerce Manchester, telephone 5947. steam heat modem improvements, we out watching a comedian all told. . j one orltloaUy. ftaports from many uuuces show that flour milling, one garags'if desired. Inquire at 140 room flat; Benton etreet 5 room flat:' Landaeter Road, 5 room flat •uoh as Joe fl. Brown strut hie stuff, Though these flgures are more or parts of the oountry, how m r, m* of Buffalo’s major Induetrleo, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Bissell street garage. Apply Edward J. HoU, 866 we sure going to throw Old Man less a^trary, the fact remains for | dlcate a pronounc^ ^ corded a 186,700 baml gain for MOVING—TRUCKING— , r Into the ash can and concera comedy than for any other form of gether with fattening ordnboou. over a year ago. BMch month 10 USED CARS 925.00 to 9600.00. FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat second Main street Telephone dadS* or ves with laughs, and their ef­ entertainment on silther s t^ e or| STORAGE 201 8026.. t Automobile produotlott tw April, ^ twenty thouaand Armory Oarafe, 80 Welles street. floor, extra rooms on third floor. 11 fect upon ua. screen. TSlephone 6874. according to PM*j«»t barrie or more better taan last s il v e r l a n e huh o n e offer the Church street Telephone 4985. RBIPTS OF EVERY desorlptloh From' the medical etandpolat During t]tha recent trip of Warner tnoy show a gain over Apm last production has jumped there were some very Interesting aooonmodgtton oi tbeu targe Ue* FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement all and price. All parts o f Manchester. Bros. "Jitoid Street" special ^ across |yw . After falling to in^e p ^ month ftom about 19 to Luae DUS Coi lodge, party or team Dial 8601. JobA F. Shannon, 79 flgures ilven out by a doctor not the continent Joe E. Brown, who bou^d Mre Md to *0 p6r cent of Ingot capacity. BUSINESS SERVICES improvements, including window long Sgo proving that laiignter OFFERED IS trtpt at s ^ a l rates Phone 808*. shades, 926. Oarage if desired. Ap­ Russell street. was on the train, bad but to open ^ to Seven breweries and a number of 8 ^ . 8164. works as a life-prolonging tonie. his mouth or make a grimace before ply 95 Foster street. Telephone FOR RBNT—GLBNWOOD etreet, Ten hearty laughs a day—and by It 5":^^ "• FLOORS LAID. SANDED, u d the crowds that waited at each sta­ lo c a l AND LONU UIHTANUE 5280 or 4545. 6 room elaile, modem, with iteam laughs the doctor meant abdominal) tion to brtag down a yell of laugh­ above the 148,800 produced In April 1 vory Busy, scraped. Old floors reflxiisbed like moviag, general truoklng, livery heat Will renovate. Arthur! A. gi&WB and not just mild titters— new. Satisfactory work fuaran' I FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat' first ter, And this wee during the period | 1982. ser^ce. Our affillatloo with United Knofla. Dial 5440. 876 Main street will add one day to a person’s iUe. of closings and bank holidays. Steal Production teed. Tel. Rockville 974*4. floor, all Improvements. Inquire 270 Such'hearty laughter, sayi the doc­ Steel production has risen to the Vans Service means lowei rates on Oak street. The eight of hie funny face would iMacDONALD SAILS; furniture movui* to distant potnte. FOR RENT—8 ROOM HOUSE on tor, Is not only a valuable emotional drive all worry for the moment beet levels In more than a jrsar. Large modem trucks, experienced FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement Haynes strsst; 6 room flat on Park outlet, but the eituatione which give from the minds of the people. Freight car loadings have gained Want Ad information I street The Manchester Trust Com rise to It drive all oars and worry iteadlly In April, contrary to the ASKS COOPERATION 1 men. prompt service, all goods in* with all inwroveBMnts, at 96 Fos­ Easy On Andlenoe sured while in transit are features pany. Trust Department. from the mind, giving It a much . I seasonal trend, which usually oar' ter street. TelephoiM 6062. needed rest from dally, troubling Comsdy, be It known, le e ^ e r on ^ |a March, Manchester offered at no extra expense to y o u .______the audience than any other form of L«teet meroantlle reviews report (Oonthinei From Prge One) Dally trips to New York, oaggage FOR RENT—4 ROOM FLAT, all re* aUBURBAW TOR HENT 66[»«ff^,...^ . ,uy I. «ult. Evening Herald delivered direct to stoamsblp piera flnlahed. Inquire 180 Center street, an entertainment. Heavy drama causes lustalned volunm of retail trade, order when It Is known tnat there a certain amount of tenaloo wbUe The usual pronounced slump haoSmiS to*”be Pot further information oali *uh* second floor. FOR RENT—IN WAPPINO, smaU an engrossing romance baa the same i eastar eeems to have failed' to ma* c l a s s if ie d 8860. *864. Perrett A Oleiiney ine. farm and bouse, running waUr, are really only seven basic situa­ ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT—S ROOM Unement tions for puss comedy. Every "gar* sort of effect With comedy, there iSSSSJ"” *° JJS t.S3Lr‘-'TSf«; with steam heat and all improve* electricity, bam, pasture and fruit and comedy situation luwd on ths Is no tension—only a complete » e * Many___ buslneea axeouUves “ P**** tress. Tsiipheae 6046. taxation which is what we aU seek I the hap*hnne that the belatedbelmted MOaonallofw o n e l, Great---j-- B- rlta^ OeuBt 111 averas* word^i to a use. 28 menu, with or without garage, on stags and screen la a variant or off: REPAIRING Depot Square. Inquire PaganlBros. of one of these seven. But this whan we,go to the theater. upswing in busineie this year «•» *?*®?*‘ a Twephone 8820. does not prevent getting more than With Joa E. Brown In "Elmer the be kept'Under way, and uat tbs 46ot toM m - MATTRESS RENOVATINO. We Oreat," in which be plays the tlUe lummer recessiem will be ■mailer #iJJ, wiU rebuild and recover your old seven latmhs into a feature length LiBO ntoa par Oar (or tranaloBt FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT up­ FRANCE PREPARING comedy um . role of this famous Ring Laroner-1 than usual. 1 b y me as an old and firm ada mattress, faithfully, accurately, George M., Coban stage show, riend." quickly, at a fraction of what you stairs, 86 Walnut street. Call 8514 86 lAOgks Oooked M ..rt after live. At tho preview of Joe E. Brown’s ppear aarP Fatrlota at Ellis, Frank“ ...... McHugh, Chicago— Electricity output ln| 7 o ti S Ota would ^ y for a cheap new one. TO PAY U S. DEPT ^ r a Dodd, Preston B. Foster and' toe CWcago district for toe week ^ !??.*?T«?iSFiiai?^eeff^ ■ OoBioouttvo Uaya Phone 8616 day or evening. Man­ latsst m t National comedy, ended Baturday was , Ubta id to ^ tw o I B ^ ^ I OijoBiaoitiva Da’ya • JJ* }1 •i* FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, "Elmer the Oreat," which comes to Ffwme Dunn. Mervyn LeRoy, who 87 064,000 chester Upholstering Co. modem improvemenU, at 18' dlncted that great hit "1 •A.m a kUt>watt hours; one per oent l«ss All erdara ior trragular laaartioBB ' (Oeattnned Frhra 0ns) the Itate theater on Friday and Bat: than a year ago, but toe bestbeet show- ne aesireadeelred to w see "other enngnwed will ba obargad at tba “ ♦* UPHOL8TERINO —MANY addi­ Maple street. Inquire 151 Maple urday, an analyit clocked the Fugitive from a Chain Gang," di­ ipaolal rajaa for loag ti street or Ulephone 8609. rected this baseball comedy. ing with that • one exception since ®»tlonz, day advartlBlBg glvaa upon - tional years of sorvice may be bad stroniiy Imprisirnd the govern* audience for 86 unrestrained, hearty Sent 1981 predate their di>ty to toe Indddual ^ Ada ordarad tor *hraa or alx tore from a sofa or chair if you have FOR RENT—d ROOM tenement, no m rat Board of Trade tranzaotlons lost and ^ to ®®®*'***‘ mod atoppad bafora tba third or Sfth The ManchesUr UpholaUrlng Co. Ah official q^okesman said. It week were 518,045,000 bueheli of Y»ce toeee proW4ma and p ^ day will‘ba obargad oaly for beat, 118 Eldrldge street. Apply most intense scense in toe picture tual Bumbar of tlrnaa tha ad appear* reupbolsUr it for you a t a small 214 McKee street or call 6470. was a "distinct evolution In Amerl I all grains, toe largest week elnce I duee construction proposals for ad, charging at tha rata j;™*** Jut cost, in a smart new covering. Tel. can poliqf" of tho greatest Impor occur during toe playing of a World toe first week of November, 1981. overcoming them.’’ no allowanoa or rafunda ean ba mada 861fl for samples. tance. This attitude, combined with THEATERS Series in a downpour of rain. One thousand persona filled a on alx tlnia ada atoppad aftar tha FOR RBiNT—4 ROOM tenement In­ friendUhees over the debt matter, The plot concerns, a hick town boy hotel ballroom to hear toe address^ fifth day. who develops into toe champion Detroib-Release of 9181.000,000 Such notables of toe financial world No "till (orblda"! Jlaplay llnaa not quire 150 Maple street. .baa created a new atmosphere, bo AT THE STATE I by two banks in toe process of liqui­ I said. i batsman of toe big league. He is J. P. Morgan, who rarely amie*ra "“Tha Harald will not ba ‘■••Ponalbla COURSES AND CLASSES 27 FOR RENT—PRACnCAiXY new also toe champion eater and long­ dation has been reflected in a noark< at such functions: Andrew Mdloq for Bsora than ona Inoorraot Inaarfiee The premlsr hail wlthMtd his "Elmer toe Greaff* led Increase in biqring, although no of any advartlaamant ordarad for BEAUTY CULTUKE—Bam While flve room flat,- with extra atdo approval In previous attempts to time sleeper. His cocksureness and Thomas W. Lament ware pres­ room. Shades'apd screens, indud' "Elmer toe Great’’ starring Joe makes him toe butt of innumerable definite figures in which to volume ent. Dr. Nicholas Murray . Butler more than ona tlma. .___ learning. Details free. Hartford obtohi TMiyment recalling the fate E. Brown follows "Central A l ^ r t " Tha Inadvartant omlaalon of Ineor Academy of Hairdressing 698 Main ed, 98 Hamlin street Tel. 5894. Paul that bemll former Premier Herriot’s Jokes by other members of his team: avdlable. Auto^blle YactorlM premier. ract publication of advartlalng will ba In toe parade of ' bit shows at toe I generally are reporting increased Before toe Berengaria departed rcetlflad only by aancallatlon of tha sL'eet. Hartford. Hausmann, 74 Spruce. Cabinet when he demanded it Joe, > as Elmer toe Great, becomei charga nada tor tha aarvloa andarod. The moratorium. It was pointed State Theater starting Friday. Involved in a love . tangle which production scbediUea and better re- late at night, toe prime mmlater All advartlaamanta muat conform IVOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement at fulfill ^ I "Strictly Personal" with Eddie QuU- eventuaUy lands him in jaU, and taU demand than was expected. sent a message to PreeUHent Roose­ In ityla, copy end tjrpography with 52 Spruce street, all Improvements, raqiStomSta fo r^ ^ e n t laid down I very nearly loses too World’s Series velt thanking him for his hoq^tal- ragulatlona enforced p r ***4 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 garage. Inquire :.26 Center street. toe Ity. . - . •ra and they raaanw th« right to bv Cabinet' I Jordan .win be toe co-feature on toe chsimploniiblp for bis team. How be —’The Federal Re­ •Alt. revlaa or rejeot aay eopy eon* FOR SALE—COW manurs, |2.60 Telej^ona 8628. vlST-Cabinet: oauedfl>pnettxJh^. 'Frtday and Saturday bargain p r^ extriwieb hlmsdf and finally wins serve Bank for toip. district says Mias MacDonald fresh and smil­ sldered obJaotlonable. ^ ^ ^ one horse load. James. tele* noent of toe movement a month' ago gsam. Oh Saturday ^teraoon toe X)to toe game and toe girl is one business has recovered rapidly to ing as she aacoided the gangplank, OiOglNO HOURS—Ciaaalflad ads to FOR RENT—4 ROOM' tensmefit,' said that her busy round of en- b« published aam# day nnwt be ra* pboa*- 6420. ta have' toe payiaent apprdYod pend- klddlee have a great treat in store of toe most exciting as weU as toe to» Febriiary level. , ------i , . -l,— celved by If o'clock noon; Saturday a with or without g€uage, on Hoi i ing oompicuon of toe negotiations If or them when toe State will pre­ ______most laughable incidents in a come- Moderate s^s are reported in fAmerica had not tired 10:10 a. m. FOR SALE—USED ELECTRIC re­ street Apply 81 Birch street Tel seeking soma concession by toe sent a kiddie vaudeville contest with dy fuU'Of riotous sltuatlonb and fast I carloadings, debits, lumber produc- 1 Tt was almost a perfect rest," TELEPHONE YOUR frigerator, cap. 12 cubic feet, per­ 6806. United States. eight acta of local amateur talent action. I tlon commodity and stock prices, fect condition, suitable for tea These negottationa ware cul- trying for prizes. On Sunday “Caval- with exchanges- active. She said. WANT ADS. room, restaurant etc. Also one used minating in toe oohverea^ns' be- v u e " comes to town and this pic- She, too, accompanied her "an Ada are accepted over the telephone FOR RENT—8 ROOM apartments, PARSONS’, HAB’TFOBD revolr" to America with a plea for at the CHABOD RATE given above ice box, idea] for your cottage. twesn rormer Premier H M ot and ture of toe generation will positively MinneapoUs—’The C8vlc Commerce aa a convenience to advertlaero, but Dial 8804 Standard Plumbing Co. Maple etreet. Telephone 6517. President Roosevelt ‘ and .m>w gov- pbr,>ak all local attendance records international ooroperatloh as tbs George M. Cohan Association announces that during best way to cure toe worid^f Ills. tho GASH RATES will be accepted u emnoent supporters ve wnfideqt the State management has re- t'.e past six weeks a ten to 20 per f u l l p a y m e n t If paid at the bual- IFOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement George* M. Coban, in what more naaa office on or before the aeventb with all improvements at 8 Cottage toat toe expected m oretortip will celved more requesta for tola plc- cent gross sales increase has bMn UNDBBBGHSP FLKIHT daF foUowlng the ‘naertlpn of FOR SALE—: CHESTNUT posts. prove satisfactory to toe Oiamber ture from patrons thai. any picture thzn a hundred critics proclaim to noted in wholesale hardware, gen­ each ad otherwlee the CHARGE Telepbont; 6121. street. Inquire at 10 Cottage street. of Deputies. . : m toe history of toe theater. be his greatest play, "^eons and RATE will be collected. No reappnal- eral merchandise, feurm tools, dry- Oklahoma City, April 27.—(APT bility for errore In telephoned aoe FOR RENT—TO ADULTS five M. Herriot had urged ^payment "SSrner toe Oreat," written by S2K .n, 1«U» app«« —0)1; and Mrs. Cfiisriea A. Lind­ will be aaBpnied and their accuraev room fiat, with d l m ideni Improve continuously , since bis. overthrow as [ting Lardcer and George M. Cohan, cannot be guaranteed. starting Monday, May 1. Matinee bergh landed here today, fl]rlnf HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 mente, oil burner, garage. 87 Del- premier, but toe resolution proposed comedy riot on toe stage and Miami, Fla.—More building per­ from Tulsa on their Transoontinen^ zst monto died in toe Chamber ggj^ to be even more hilarious as on Wednesday. The play comee INDEX OF nont streeL fl-1 from a' successful run at toe mits have been issued at Miami tal Airline inspection tour. CLASSIFICATIONS UVING ROOM SUITE, kitchen nance committee^ | ^ screen play, because many of toe Beach this monto than in any monto - • ---* cabinet, davenport, electrit re­ Lyceum Theater, New York. Births ...••••. .-K. •••••••••••••-•♦ • ^ GOOD LOCATION, co n v ^en t to startling sequences which could be “Pigeons and People" is a j(dly since last September. Half a doxen OLD TELEGBAPHEB DIBS Engagementa » frigerator, bursaus, chairs, other Cheney Mill, 4-6 rooms. Bargain Many a m*" who never got any only hinted at before toe footlights good sixed realty deals have been Marrl:*;eB ^ miscellaneous household effects. 915.00, one new 4 room 920, 8 Wal­ I jost on ■ current conditions in ...... ^ of the breaks is broke just'. i pat actually depicted in the picture. America. A new kind of a person I iroorded. Miami merchants say Trenton, N. J., April '27.-(AI^ Card of Thanke ...... I Must be sold immediately. Room 7 nut, near Pine street. Inquire Tailor ■Attie. 1 Some of the funnlest aa well as is int^uced, a man named Parker, prospects are good for an excellent —Richard B. Sndth, described as In Mainorlani ' and 14, 958 Main itreet Shop. Lost and Found ...... i.. * amd portrayed by Mr. Cohan, who summer. The season Just closed was New Jersey’s "oflletal state teleg­ Annonnoomenta •••eeeeeeeeeedee. FOR RENT—9 ROOM apartment, is nsver understood by toe various | the best since 1926, they say. rapher" and known to fhoasands Peraonale ...... all tmp'Hivementa, h4at furnished, characters in' toe story. throughout toe 8tate,..dled in Mer­ AutoaMhflea WANTED TO BUY 58 In toe cast surroimding Broad-j Cleveland — Increased bu3dng ger hospital today after an lllneBS Autoraobilea for Sale >. » a e e e e e w on Lilley street 8 minutes from AutobioWlea for Bzchango I WILL BUY ALL KINDS of Junk Center. Tel. 4758. way’s First (Stixen will be reen rrders have caused a pickup in steel ^ two weeks. He Vraa 68. Auto Aceeaaorlea—Tires ...... • and live poultry. Call 5879. William BANK COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE Walter Gilbert,'Olive Reeves-Smlto, mill operations. In Cleveland, pro­ He was toe first telegrapher the Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 Edvnsrd Nahnery, Paul McGrath, duction Was e8tima(ed a t 41 per Associated Press A stores, ■ ■ ■ -.. (B) Ctftoiad Chaoks' ' ; , Ilhp tid MidSto. wondrous atimt, top 2t#Bt •• as^P •• ••.• B UhpalffOiaftaDrawn«U^;Oonranoiidlng^B ed. all toe Ttoles gatoaiM^rouhd, tor Rtttt • ••‘•grg*da9«.«4 SI (0 ) fin Just obopt lOBaa for 61 IIP TO DATE ofllee for rent 'lh- (D) Unpaid invoioea for’Ma&handlN'Parobased, cr Barytoas Off-went 'toe aetea. Uka;Vfte8h, a ta n d ^ i ipidttd ' qolre Pagani Brothers. TeL;8620 Randired Prior to>TlflaMqald*(tloB-M A u|p(lbad by,tha •••'#••># e adware tr»6t I « 61 0 Poor Duncy kheta MtrlWWilidr-’^ a s one foot on ^ Apadlal Aot th«2,ha cried Q f o r r e n t —s t o r e , o o rIi^ rash. Be grabbed (■) AflOtiMOthar'UbaatIritod tajBmfe or Dteaads of 'ABjr Othar lographer by the nec^ and trtifl TlMr^risolk BtesH and Foster, 985J)0.>per '* Gharaetv. ^ S b S e S S S u m aditosT month.—Grubs. "Bite '■Sto^fMtaaaaa'waaBgdQffMdlB U A T ^ AT HABTFORQ, OjMNSCnCUT J- MaryB. W^pert Uttte leet 'OefE^ .fer.Sal# 16 s d t w o f / |inU he (M lesjo f Ks m s y »!*>• , ^ JMn tHr QhibMt. • sd s sea 4^4*' I t ■■..f-V . j.S ;'i w. I t. .V; p*. . r-. . ^ ■ ►.• . w • • • •:. .• •

*- /• tjl ^

. i.

0 L » HAN W0RTI.B HAS R S n iS W ^W B ^ Nil^tWNHnY-IN SUSeSS^ and . ■NONSENI^H • . ^______• ,* . ■ ■ I ' r T i M « Hm B « « o DtaO. » Success may come to those who One hour you— ' wait, snaps a local man, but they >lOU,’6QF^M 6AI4Tbl6U . oove,TiM -^eaii bn ’t it j must do-somethiBg beeldee Just v ^ t. X ,4A&*MOOPL6 -^Y bU ATN> feOT * VOU r E R IM T—EiEAj ««y tt iM t truo^ e o ® ^ W as you-tfere, SbarMeT— I Second rtilldhood would not be ao Ves/^AMAHOFMV Haede on year begin— lamentable a state, if it were follow­ DAf< Me-ARB POSITION WOULD WWW OiM, two* three, to u r ^ ed by second adolescence. ACAR{«^yOUSfi&i. L adji % The weather tomorrow will be fair— it ? CAN BET A USED CAR TOON FOR A UFT-RIDB FANCY What ye aow ye ahall alao reap— HANDSPRlNCo.AN A FEW DOLLARS IT IS BGCAUSETHB S t a a ^ ' la the need o f prasrer— British growers of tender flowers THROWN IN,TO MAKE IT A D E A L/ AUTOMOeiUSIS TAKS^ Your statidnatioD announcer is Jack and vegetables spent |1,000,()00 on Daw— erection of hothouses in 1982. ^ ^ TALKING* TO KEARNY -reOAX ME FOR A JU D G E /X A'Wa, A-wa, A-wa— Stir in flour and roll the dough— A N ' HEX l SELL K S SoHM>'0~0*0! Penrtons for widows of the Revo­ lutionary War were paid up to 1982. FOR ^SO -T H /^ Ai^^r A BARGAIN — Ite lovely to live in a small town There are 1700 species of linrds W H Y . I T S A with the blue sky overhead, but it in the world. Only two of these are woidd be lovelier if the blue sky poisonous and are found (mly in s a m p l e was the only overhead. F R E E / Mexico and the United States. Medianieal bridge players will Newark, N. J., airport hi said to never be a success unless they re> be the busiest in the world. Neatly spond to a kick on the shins. 500 passengers arrive and depart daily. Sunday School Teadher (to little girl)—What can you tell me about Baseball '^magnates are hoi King S ^ m o n that whatever people use to put beer Little Girt—He was a very wise in tbiw siunmer it won’t be pitchers. king and very fond of animals. Sunday School Teacher—Fond of Premier Salto has solemnly in­ K animals? What do you mean? formed Emperor Hirohito’s ances­ little Girt—Why, in the Bible it tors that Japan has withdrawn says he had seven hundred wives from the League of Nations. Seems o and three htmdred porcupines. a shame. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. % There are an unusual number of roads open today for thoso who are Season of summer romance com­ headed for the place that is not men* ing on now. Young couples should Honed in polite society, and it is remember that many a beach ro­ ■y w»A •owtoL me. W te noticahble that those who pur­ mance that starts on, the sands chase tickets do not avail them­ winds up on the rocks. selves of stop over privileges. «e*»el6wf*i»W) When we hear some fathers and FLAPPER FANNY SAYS mothers trying to sing their chil­ ____ wsattaivT.cra SCORCHY SMITH A Transfer In a Rough Sea By John C. Terry dren to sleep, we can imderstand why the children ciy. The reason­ ing power of an infant is insufficient to the m toderstand that to pre­ tend sleep would end the music (?)

m a n y a COLIi^B GRADUATE IS FINDING THAT IT TAKES MORE THAN AN EDUCATION TO GET ALONG THESE TRYING DAYS. N o how many clothes srour wife has she will always buy a lot more tbs minute you offer to take her on a trip. Kindly Neighbor (to small lad)— Can your little baby brother talk y et? Little Lad (disgusted)— No, he can’t talk, and there ain’t no reason why he should talk. What does he am t to talk fOr when an he has to WASHINGTON TUBBS II ______By Crane OUT OUR WAY do is yeU awhile to get anything in the house that’s worth having. OF. bO TUKY kMoW 7H<>IT’ RM’-FAC^ O a m c r e a s v p \ y a a w c a c t b a f s a ik . NNHLU . iKd OUR IDEA OF AN UNUSUAL GOKIMA TP Y r?HTLP IS ONE WHO STUDIES asm HIS OR HER SCHOOL LESSONS rr . ANVWAV- FOR MONDAY ON FRIDAY OR It takes an Adam to make an ap- WE’PE. OFF SATURDAY NIGHT pie orchard an- Eden.- TM* N O T D A ve,M E M T . H -949

O agH AHF flMN 90MT KMOW mKT *W6 0W6- 'WM/ii'k A m K a ^ ^ u n k im s , r w - ^ c e p MKN TRMt THEM Tb A WMEVt-FROWT Cfft



SlVHAINVbRKbBOMS UADDOtfSirSWORKA ‘T‘ it :v^s/m. • ■•f'S>vK' ■ L-' 'V*''S-*?! - ' ?¥/.'- '. ^ ■ '• V ^■■^. ,;> ' :b - :, . •'i-: ;-y t >. r^' : ** T.- • - V* • ** , - '. ,v- *• \\- •<*A ••■ ;<-V. TL-v't* 7 ti' • S' , C ’’ '■ ►i U' ■A '• ^ '»:rii< '. :r FAGISSSt • V A' .V. ^aw ti^^ii■ -• '. V \ I I . V -

]Oia FASBUMBD AlfD XODBBN The Hhrtted vOoHnly Ocoventloo. SHOAL ATTRApW of catleena against.Bbtiileatioa win D F o i i D s e n i be held Saturday at ihe Hotel Oarde ' ' " - L i - ■‘‘-•Lj- 'i 1 - 'r DANCE TONGHT B fi OWB Md BB 11 n e ^ FtaMim with luncheon at 1 p. m., reaerva* ONffERERCEBATIlH B o ^ OblBMe and AnmlOBa Ions for which may be made r i / AM BoMm Ontw EW BntMDMrt, N. T. 0> Band. through Mrs. EUa Burr of West Cen­ ONlEiiOltlttlMT MMrie by aaA Band. B eM St Beerealto M dbig. ter street Rev. John H. Phihips •’^rand BbMtcr to Be CL WtjMMwrilrli Tronvier. April 81thSitb 8 Uto U. , of the Center Congregational Church Im prearive Searion to Bo Heidi , . . ^ 25o AdmlMloii 18e cf Ebrtford wfll be the speaker at Saturday N ight 85e. «ti^ — oua fcni Street. Cw^ R t^ be business sessioo at 2 p. m. 8Boji^ Groups Tomoiyow.' | • >rlncipal C P. Quimby o f M a iz e s- Comonttee Totes to Q in ge! Bn"iiMy will be observed as ^Tle- er High school, is the delegate from Coggrabdator;'Mttefes sW bZ tb s'S ast R . R . P ., N o. 18 llglous Education” Sunday and a he Foiuih Sdiatorial District Ciidom-—Wefmuillaj Be One of the xnoat Impressive se w fll^cdri^iM e its 8 M an n lversaty by ABOUT TOWN sermon on that theme win be weached in many of the churches in slona of . the County , Older Boys’ a ’iQ pecW ’m eetin g in O ran ge The GHrls’ Friendly society of St M anhilofPuek Conference, to be held in< Hanebes- fromFrioidsTciilii. H aB .'SM !iB dayev eidn g,'A p ril 29. ttis and IVdland county, and con­ Mary's church wlU give its second T h e^ fo en n bonO r w fll be W llU am ChMter o f School atraat, ferences for teachers and pi------Lwtiiini Irish tea party in the parish ter tomorrow and Satuittey, is* the M < k 3om ei^"Suprem e G rand K night voimr cometiflt, wm be ugeat artist tive teachers held during the louse tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. closing summary and candle lights Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tedford, of 'th e ’.B b j^ - B lack In stitution in at the concert to be ghren by the noon. . Memorial okerdiBes this year, f'n A feature of the entertainment wlU ing ceremony, this year under’ the Fern street reached' tbeto fiftieth ilie U nited S t a ^ Sir K night M c- Pratt and Whitney choral clnh at be the play “Ob Helpless Man” un­ the first time in history, will be held the James Talcott, Jr^ Heights hall in the morning of Memorial Day, dlrectioin of Porter Bower, director wedding anniversary today ai^ re- Ccm agbiO rW lU be accom panied by H. B. House and Elmer A. Weden der the direction of Miss Lillian of . religious education, Connecticut eevw ol Sir-K n igh ts from P hfladel- at Elmwood tomorrow nlA t The : Reardon, Gertrude Liddon is according to a vote taken by the orived congratulatory, messages concert will be given for uie bene­ of are in New York members of the Permanent Me­ Assodktlon. of Congregational from their many fi^ei^ end rela­ pbdsr'N i^w .Jersey and N ew Y ork. City where they are r^flstered at in charge of refreshments, EQss ehurchea From tbe huge confer- T h e jf^ v re of, th e evening w ill be fit of the Elmwood Congregational Elannah Jensen, tickets; Miss Helen morial D a y ^Committee at tives. Tbe celebration, of" the gold­ church guild. Hotel Ldncoln. their meeting held last night oice candle, signifying tbe torch of en wedding will take.pllice Saturday h e c«afezS d g o f th e R ed C ross de- Rem eH ilieri^ Crawford, decorations. in the Municipal building. truth, the delegate light their tyenlng in Odd Felliaws haU, where it nee a-d ass ,of candidates by a individual ' candles,' sirmboUxlng iM M team .o^ thirty Sir K nights The vote was induced after a is expected more than' 100 of the 82 Rev. K. E. Erickson of the frank statmnent made by Captain their desire to carry out into the rdativte from^tbis town, Paterson, from .M oun t.'Sin ai R . B . P . N o. A U S a t ^ S ^ , Dutheran church left yes­ Janies H. McVeigh of Company O, world the things tb^ have learned N. J., and other places will gather to of' A m storbaov N . Y«> under tbe terday to attend the annual con­ 16Btb Infanity, C. N. O., also rep­ at the conference and to bring to help them celebrate. leadorsU pi o f.I^ t Suprem e G rand Grocery fulfillment the idms and hopes oitQego. H m rt. T h ere w iU be ference of ministers and laymen of resenting the Howltser Company. y iritin g slr^ laig h ts from N ew Y ork, the New District being Woman for Marshal kindled by tbe coherence- S peddsG bO h held at Cambridge, Mass. Leonard It is expected that the annual B. T. Thienes, executive secre­ B O ftop, G U bertyllle, C hicopee an d Johnson of Hon street, lay delegate decoration of graves in Manchester tary of the County Y. M. C. A., has WAS IN EARTHQUAKE H a r t f o r d . ' 1005 Prizes cemeteries will take place on tne A roast beef supper wfll be serv­ SaleEach of the local church, left this morn­ hadf personal supervision of the ing and Mrs. K. E. Erickson wiU afternoon and evening of May 29. plafimng of tbe conference pro­ ZONE, TELLS OF rr ed at 6'o'doek and following the leave tomorrow morning. The con­ The privilege of selecting the Me­ gram,, which will start tomorrow lodge meeting there will be a social ference opened last night and wiU morial Day marshal will this year with registration at 8:80 in the hour.. A committee under the ebair- ,8 Screen Stars To continue through Sunday night fall to the Daughters of the Union Second Congregational church of manship of - Joeeph Muldoon has Veterans of the OvU War, the first Manchester. Joseph M adden A rrives H ere cbaige' of :tbe arrangements. FRIDAY ait auxiliary unit to obtain representa­ A fter W inter in W est— M any G. F. S. SECOND ANNUAL tion on the committee. It is poeslble that the local unit may name a o f th e R ain s Still R em ain . 3 O 'clock Identify And A woman to the office of Memorial Recreation Center IRISH TEA PARTY Day marshal, two names being sug­ Joseph has arrived in gested for the post, Mrs. Maude Items of Interest town after spending 'the winter a n d ENTEBTAINBIENT Shearer, past R^ent of tbs Chap­ in Phoenix, Arisona and Los Slogan To Write Friday, April 28, 8 p. m. ter, and Miss Jeoiis Reynolds, a Angeles, California. He was ii St Mary's Parish House tbe earthquake sooe in Los An' World War nurse. The selection Community Dance Admission 25 Cents. will be made at tbe next meeting geles and said today that many oi of the committee, Monday evening, Tbe regular weekly Community the ruins of the buUdliofs remain To Win In The May L Dance will be held this evening at today, as they did a month ago Tbe by-laws of tbe eommittss tbe East Side Recreation building when Los A^eles and Long Beach were stricken with 150 temblors in were amended last night to aUfw from 8:00-12:00 p. m. Because of for tbs substitution of Interested 46 boura A theater in Compton qambers for non-attending, unin­ a mlsundenrtandlng of dates it is still in ruins, is believed to ns NATURAL BRIDGE Don't take a terested members on tbs commlttes. with regret tbat Director Frank several bodies burled beneath t SPRDiGHOUSE Tbe amendment read into the Buseb annoimces at this late hour debris. CHANCE on record# of tbs commlttes is as fol­ the Inability of Ferdinand Lejetme Madden drove over tbe road from Loe Angeles last week and reported lows: and bis 8. S. Levthlan band to be 00 OEAlilNG SHOE CONTEST thin slick tiresi “See. 8, Article 8: (Membership) Xble to play at this week’s danoe, tbat no section of the country ■T * but pontlve arrangemeuts have through which be passed showed In secticid es — B iotii B alls«r Rsmsmbsr thst brakes It is further provided tbat tbs Com­ signs of prosperity. Tbe farming mander of any oxHMrvleo organisa­ been mads for tbem to appear at F l a k e s - ^ stop only your whssls— it next week’s dance. and oattl# r a l^ sections are in Mr tMt M tiM tskssfirorfbafgh^tostop tion or tbs prssidinf officer of any better condition, be said, than any If you win Fint Prize in patrlotie b o », sntlflsd to msmbsr- As soon as this information was D isin foetan ti — Sp n jiR year csr. For your own sad rseeivsd Director Buseb Immsdl- of tbs other areas of tbs west Tbs yonr fsmUy*s ssfsty. buy sbip on the Manchester Permanent former Mi^icbsstsr man said thsi M o t h B o g s this Contest yon will re- Memorial Day Committee, may rs-| atsly engaged a bond that should nsw Goodyssfs now— tbs s^udy those who will be disap­ bis brother Frink was in good AO At Deep Out Prletel move for, sufficient cause, any health, having met him in Salt Lake ceiTe FOUR PAIRS OF new cost ie eo emsUit'enot member of their representation, and pointed because the former band wartbtUBklng about and win not appear this week. For to- City last wera^ PEAL Save On Nattoaally Known place in nomination the name or rri^ m c i m o a NATURAL BRIDGE you may save a lifetime of names of other candidates ir night’s dances and making bis first Frodoetst ' fsln regret membership on tbs Permanent .ie- appearance in*the state after just merlal Day Committee. ■ A majority completing a 20 week engagement B oom s— Babinow,^Biilldlaf SHOES every year for 10 at the Fulton Rtyal Chinese and 848-858 Mala Street t vote of any duly called meeting will American Restaurant, New York H igh Q u ality C ertified Irish be necessary to elect. TeL 7281 Maoebeetor, Conn. Years. “It is further provided tbat any City, where they broadcast dally. C obbler an d G reen M ountain 8yd Conn and his Radio Band will CUT RATE DRUG STO RE member of the Permanent Memsrlal furnish tbe musical entertainment Day Committee who absents lUm- Seed Potatoes Where Spend^nf .Is A Saviaffl self from more than three consecu­ See the Parade o f Screen Stars W earing tive meetings of the committee, ex­ E astern Statee F eeds, Seed s cept for good end sufficient cause, an d V ertilizers. “RiJs t ERWINAIT' Natural Bridge Shoes Featured In Our or unless exeused by the ebairman, Steamehlp tioketo all parte FRESH of tbe world. to tbe Secretary shall be empowered T ob acco an d F ertilizer Display Window. to notlty the Adjutant or Secreta.y Our Informatlea aervteo oovere FOOD SALE of tbe orguizotion bhleb be repre­ H a n H n g . nSH aO braaobes of traveL FBIDAY, APRIL 28, S f. aa. sents for any action deemed neces­ TH E CEN TER TRA V EL The Contest Is Open To Everybody— sary." • Frank y . Williams Holmee^ Store, North Mala St. Bellos ^ T ! ^ . b u r e a u ' ' April Group, L. A- Soctoty. Nothing to buy. All entries must be sent Wilbur Lovelsad^bairmsn of tbs ...... 1 0 c D i a l 7 9 9 7 “ At the Center” . Phone 7007 North Methodist Chundk to Contest Department, Natural Bridge The World’s I P M War relics committee gave a FiUet of H addock, j 0 ^ I meclpopolor ilsU v fittallod report of action tsaen to Shoemakers, Lynchburg, Virginia. . ...V kce remidning Civil War Hr# pricMOS relics Ui town. A cabinet will be low OS constructed and tbe momentos of Fresh Buck Shad, 0 1 /• Contest Goses At Midnight May 7,1933. tbe a v il War will be later perman­ Ih. ms Entries bearing later postmark will not be M *mADI-IN7 SUMI ently disj^yed in tbe Municipal Get ready for iprlngl Yeo M building. Fresh Roe Shad, ' considered. fradein eld HfW new ee Good­ Mrs. CaroUns K. Britton asked to lb...... e^F year AU-Weoflie«— one Ike present a program sponsored by tbe ''' ' f * Persons entering the contest are NOT or diet. World Peace movement in connec­ Fillet of Sole, O 1 \ v ' tion with tbe future observance of required to wear or purchase Natural Memorial Day. After giving an outline of tbe type of program to be Bridge Shoes. ItisBVeetoall. C a O O D /Y E A R ntroduced, tbe committee asked Fim ey Sw ordfish, 3 3 c | MATT MEBZ Mrs. Britton to bring bi a written U 1N . Bfatn S t, Msnelieeter 1st of tbe proposed type of program at<-tlie next meeting. SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, INC. C. E. HOUSE and SON, Inc. 684 Center S t, Muiclieeter Open Gams, 2 9 c Oet froin 7% to ^0% CTATE O l A l C M A T I N E E A sparagus, Fancy, 1 O /* I pound b u n ch ...... 1 C I k i d d I e / VAUDEVILLE ^ FREE D ELIV ERY. On Stage As Added Atteaetion! JOB E. BROWN P lease L et U s H ave T o u r O rd er | o± PINEHURSTf In 'Tamer the OreaV* T o n i g h t ! O-Featore: B o s t o n DIAL FISH Finest Freeh King Eddie Qufllan in DIAL 5191 more m ilea 4 1 5 1 Faith 4 1 5 1 8ALMON ' 'TTRIOTLY PERSONAI/* BLUEFI8H We have been able to renew the faith of Oondng Sunday: “ OAVAIXJADE” Steak o r P ieee most folks In tiie goodness of fish, by deliver­ ^ 9 c i b . Ibrunner'SI ing to them on every occasion, fish that is ab­ solutely fresh and In the pink of condition. Porilively we will edl none other. MARKET I O « ii> - 8CALLOP8 WHIST AND DANCE O aklan d Street p t e FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 8 p. m. R o e S h a d CHOWDER CI.AM8 I B u c k S h a d In the SheO Opened F resh M ackerel Mancbeeter Green Community CSub| B atter F ish 2qts.35c 35c pint W hole H addock Cash Prizes. All Weloome. In n efsp rin g s t e a k C o d Admission 25 Cento. Freeh Eastern m a t t r e s s NOTICE! Absotutoly aO fresh fish at Plne- B t m e l e s s hnrste-(not frosen). FTeeh Mackerel, Fresh V i HAUBUT Satanon, Fresh Hafflnit, Etc. Haddock Fillets $ 1 2 . 5 0 At It's Best! A white A t y p e w r i t e r AO alaes available.^ steak fish most everyone Apparent sfmilorhy of prhter tko, a lT liC AT i n UWEST PIKES M nSTMB| :| : Ukes. Genuine Blaefish ^...... 25c lb. 2 0 c l b . SENSATION A higb qoaOty mattress ’ ■ f y Tartar Saooe. with laetory goaraatoe. tiwpo and soflw opinions to tho eon- Welghfaig 1 to 11 -2 pounds. The New I trory— ftros ore not all alike. Dodd* FU let o f So le C od to B oil KEMP’S, INC. adlyinodSontenin much forthorthoiiA 21X4A0 2U4A0 l ^ * « Skinless Boneless D an iel W ebster Floor 14c lb. Royal othon<--bffor bottervdue^ moia ^ your money* And wo KNOW It. Bo*' 21x4J0 ‘8^J6 lftxA75 8^.95 'ltx4J6 Oriental Show-You Foods FR ESH , CRISF V EG ETA BLES L O W P R I C E S ^ g n e t cause ovary tost Ihot has boonmode SWEET Now OB Display. • by *U. S." or. for thorn by Indopon* For Finest Oiinese Dishes N E W , ' OoBM In and try It. 19x42^8 8^*86 18x5.00 - $ g -»T IHSM , PEAS POTATOES 820 TeOaad TurnpOre dont-invmtfacrtors'. pravas- conclu* L g . 45c can C h op Sn ey , sp e cial.. .3 9 c POTATOES K em p ’d’» In c. sNaly Ihot. If,. S. Tiros glva from' 7% 9clb. 768MmnSt. Phoas5880 to 3 6 * MtEfli' inilobflo « t so fis!l9 R eady to serve. 2 qtA 15c L g . can s B ean Sp rou ts •lo a • oto • • 15c 6 lbs. 25c 3 1 b 8 . 2 5 c cosfl Thus, tho vary Is iit yaa sova in Sm . can s B ean Sp ro u ts ...... 3 fo r 25c buying o U.S.11ra b wall worth 20x540 $|JA0- 18x540 fg44 25c can s C hop Sn ey • ...... 2 2 c C auliflow er whH^LotuM Lg, 25c can s V ^ ta b le C hop Su ey 22c SPINACH ...... lb.. 6c A B B and show you the iaetudi^ ,;.21x^ '• i ■ ^****-00 9 0 M ■ W a t e r e r e a a W fiY Day Mori f « ij. can s C how M ein P a ia lcy G O O D P L A < N o o d l e s ...... * > .2 f K V X N lE N T ..••••*. '.ik* . ’ 'T* V;S From N ona B rotiM n of B ycr laia i^ bbaria tc. PinWte. - ■■■iTutriii ifi-11 l55€^t^Sir^t } -f’- , '■•'S' ------^ — . ABViABAGUS ; j i W C ^ D S l D E tk^j^Mhilty* ■a. K '. ■ ■ ma ■ m n t ’lKtt: 3 3 e l ^ b a ^ ; w --'-V r ■ -r- .'S M m