ti I DI

Kellermenn/fes 61288 OF~ICE OF 1J.S. GP.:I:::;F OF COUl'f~EL :g'OR Th'"E PROS:FCUTION OF AXIS CRIh:INALITY

A.?C. 403

14: j\l(wcrcber 1945

To: Genersl Donovpn l' rO"~ : :L'r, Ks 1le:'M:.nM

~'J"bjE'c'\,: Ca1enr.'.ar 0V :Eve:t~

bt.techetl il?- the Celenel£):, of Events c0nteininb the most import::nt dA.tes i!l tnc Gf'.:'"::'~n hiE.'tory :md. t:t.e hiet01'~r of the Na.zi re.rty fr;):'! 1918 through 194£1. The li!>t is nc>t c'''''~l:r:lete. "bU.t I "be­ li8ve that Wi". C81J~:ht the ;n0;;t siGnificant ev·'·::"ts.

I 8~ 81so ~etur~i~s with thA.~s t~8 t~() docum~~ts which yen.'. kirld.~)T pi~rmi. tted mp to reat. I f:l1.... Y'.(J. them ['"If' et int€resting. To a l~r;A ext0nt tte inform~tion contoined thereic tAllies ~ith l'::--"·::·~''..s ;.!:~ ".::..' ';':::C8 l·t.:'.t)~rts in our possession.

I 118.ve :nade 101, study of the ClnC',11TJE'nts av:,i1~ole in our j)-'Cllments 1i'b:!.'~ry hl which:eference ie metlf' tJ ~h'~lter i·:~!.. li;nont. The three "jost in:p0l'tant \.hcument;: signed t~· him c<"rry tt.f:; .fol1ow­ in!'; llUY.lbe:rs:

531 :'-'S 7:55 - PS 127:' - ?S

'::'be first

I believe t~et lowe you ,~ a?oloGY for the hesty draft ,')f CluestiC'ns which I left At your office j,lo:lds,y ni&:ht. Some of them r.e8d s11pplemente 8.nd others i:::pravement. l'4a.y I SAy th8.t I em ~oet interested to cO:lti~ue this pertieu1ar phas~ of the WJrk i~ case you should find my assistance of v?l~e to you. I believe that the project hAS tremendclls im~;>licati")ns B.nd COll1ci. :wt or,lv r1.lrther b1.1 t crcelerpt e:' the trial pro cec1ur~s to a men f',:J.r able -:egree. 8ALE~DAR'OF GERMAN HISTORY

1918 - 1944



8 January Proclamation of President Wilson's 14 points.

15-18 July Breakdown of German offensive.

3 October German peace and armistice offer to President Wilson.

3 November Revolution starts in Kiel

8 November Armistice signed at Compiegne

9 november Flight of the Emperor; beginning of the revolution in .

10 November Formation of the Council of Delegates of the People

*5 January Foundation of the "G€>rman Workers Partyll under Harrer. Unanimous acceptance of the nrogra~ submitted by Hitler. Spartakus. revolt in Berlin.

*15 January Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg murdered.

16-17 January Spartamsc uprisings in middle Germany.

19 January Election to the Constitutiona.l Hational Assembly.

6 'February National Assembly convened in Weimar.

11 February, Ebert elected Reich President.

13 February First Cabinet of the Republic formed.

*21 February Bavarian rinister Kurt Eisner murdered.

25 February Law about the creation of a permanent Reichwehr adopted by the National Assembly.

3-8 March General strike in Berlin

End of March Revolt in the Ruhr District

7 April Soviet Republic proclaimed in Bev/Hie. ,;. 2 -

2 Ma.y Soviet Republic in Bavaria terminated through intervention of Reich troops.

11 August Weimar Constitution signed.

*16 Sept Hi tIer becomes member #7 of German Workers Pe,rty.

*8 Oct Social-Democratic Reichstag Deleg?te Haase murdered.

*1 Jan First executive of:ice of the German Workers Party established in Munich.

10 Jan Versailles Treaty signed.

... 26 Jan Attack u90n Reich Minister of Finence Erzberger.

* 24 Feb First mass meeting of the !'German 'Horkers Pe.rty" in Munich. Fitler introduces th§ 25 theses of the prqgram drafted by Drexler and Feder.

*13 March Kapp putsch and general strike.

6 April Occupation of western Germ~n cities by French troops.

...30 May dissolved.

6 June Election to the Reichstag.

5-16 July Conference in Spa.

11 July Plebiscite in West end East Pr~ssia.

24 July Plebiscite in Eupen-Malmedy

~-8 August lvleeting of the ltGerrnan Workers. P8,rty lt in Salzburg. German NSDAP joins the Inter-State National Socialist Chancellory ftf Ger~anspeaking territorities.

I 17 AU.g'Ust Polish uprising in U~per 5ilesia.

*29 Sept- Hi tIer speaks at meetings in Austria.. 11 Oct

* 17 Dec Hitler acquires Voelkischer Beobachter for the NSDAP

31 Dec Ger~nan Armed Forces reduced to 100.000 men ..

10 ..[an Supreme Court of the Reich sentences the German war criminals. Sentences based on looting in the field.

... 21 Jan Meeting of Party members of the NSDAP in Munich. Election - 3 -

of Board: First Cl1a.irman - Drexler; Vice-Chairman - KBrner. Total mem'oership'of NSDAP - 3,000.

3 Feb Mass Meeting of the NSDA? in Munich.

8 March Occupation of DUsseldorf. Duis'ourg, and ~ihrort 'oy French troops.

20 !J.e,rch Ple'oisc:te in ~per Silesia ends in favor of Germany. Com­ munnistic uprisings in Berlin, Middle Gerloany, Hamburg and Runr Districts.

25 April German repara.tions debt established at 132 billion dollars.

3 ~.1ay Polish uprising in Upper Si1esia.

5 May Demand. for rcpa.rl?tions handed by Lloyd George to German repre­ sentl'l-tive.

10 ~-1ay Demand a.ccepted by German Government.

23 May Fight of the German milita.ry Formations ega-inst Polish insurgentS in Ur,lper SHesia..

"'29 July Hi ner obtdns s'oecial ~owers within the Party. Reorganization of the Party according to the FuhreOrinZiu.

*1 August }~ Amann named business manager of the Party.

*11 August Dietrich Eckart tak~s over as editor of the V8lkieche Beobachter.

*26 August Erzberger murdered.

*29 Al1gtJ"t Law for the Protection of the Republic.

20 Octo'oer Division of Upper Si1esia.

.3!1 :rov Esta'olishment of a central catalogue of Party mem'oers in Munich.

*4 Nov S.A. participates in fig.ht in Hofbra'tl.hBiU~s.

11 Nov ?eace 'I'reaty with the U.S. 'oecomes effeC'tiv€.

6-13 Ja~ Reparations conf~rence at Cannes.

*29-30 JaD. Party rally in Munich. Party cnntains 6,000 enrolled members.

1 Feb Railroad strike.

*8 March Founcation of NAtional Socialist Youth Grou~. --4--

10 April Genoa conference and the Treaty of R82allo.

26 May Law for the organize.tion of the Reichsbank.

*13 June Ka:pi tanleutnent von Killinger freAd after the Erl:'oerg Trial.

*24 June Rathenau murdered.

* 24 June- Hitler imprisoned. 27 July

*29 June Su~plementary decree for the :protection of the Republic, establish­ ing death penalty for treason.

*17 July Rathenau murderers) Fischer and Ker~ co~nit sucide.

28 July, R.bert invokes Article 48 in Bevaria.

*16 Aug Netionalist Party joins National SociEllists in attacks age-inst the Republic Defense Law.

* 14 Oct Ra,thenau murd.erer accomplices sentenced.

*9 Nov Union of NSDAP with other N::>.tionalist groups for the crea.tion of a N8tionali~t Uni~ont.

* 18 Nov Prohibition of NSDAP in Prussia,

27 Nov French occnpation of the Rubr.

19 Jan Reich Government decrees passive resistance.

* 27-29 Jan First Reich p~ Congr~~s of the NSD}~ in Munich. * Beginning of Creation of a CooperGtive Front of Patriotic Combat Units upon February recommendation of R~hm. Chief: Kriebel.

'" 8 February VHlkischerBeobachter becomes de.ily paper.

'" 10 March Rosenberg becomes chief editor of the V8lkischer Beobachter.

* 14 March Supreme Constitutional Court rejects appeal of NSD.~ against prohibition of the ~arty in Northern And Middle Germany. Rea.son giv8L: Party hostile to the stata; Hitler as a personality defies the German Government. Government dissolution of the ~Arty would be justified. .split of' Nl'ltionl'll SOcialists into two parties: German M.cial Freedom Party in the north of Germ~lY under Graefe; NSDAP ir. Southern Ger~any under Hitler.

AI 22 March Dissolution of the Gerillan R9cial Freedom Party by the Prussian Minister of Interior 6n gr.ou~d:&'.1~xt it'Bbeing a camouflaged continuation of the prohibited National Socialist Party and. that the party had mAde prepa­ rations for a ne,tion wide .putsch to start in March in cooperation with the .

31 March Clash between French troops and workers in the Krupp I','ol'ks in Essen. -5-

.12 April Editors of the V8lkische Beobachter c?.nd. of the Miesb8>cher Anzeigerr refuse to account before the Supreme Constitu­ tioIl8l Court in Leipzig for he,ving offended the Ministers of the Reich. Warrant is issued against Dietrich Eckart, who flees.

.8 May Krupp sentenced by French Military Court to 15 years imprisonment and 100,000 ma.rks on account of riots in Essen.

.26 May Leo Schlageter executed by French Milite.ry Court on grounds of sabotage and espionage. Law for the organization of the Reichsbank.

.10 June Memorial Service for the National Socialists in Munich for the Germans end National Socialists killed and executed in the P.uhr, and for Schlageter.

• 1-2 Sept "German Day" in Nftrnberg wi th_100, 000 pe,rticipa.ting• Attacks by Hitler and other National Socialists upon the Reich Government. Foundation of the "Gernen Combat League" consi~ting of NSDAP e,nd SA under Hi tler and Goering, respectively, "Reich Flag" under Ca.pt. Heiss, "Lee-gue Oberland" under Weber.

.25 Sept Hi ner becomes lead.er of the "Germe.n CombAt League" Militpr;:.r leader is Kriebel.

... 26 Sept State of Emergency declared in Bavari~~ Kahr becomes General Ste.te Commissioner of Ba,varie.,

... 27 Se:?t Reich president declares state of emergency for the entire Reich. Executive power is tr~nsferred to Reich Defense Minister Gessler.

29 Sept Ke.hr suspends the "Le."r for the Defense of the Republic" in Ba.varie and prohibits the Socialist Security Formations.

30 Sept Demonstrations and ri0ts between Separatists and police in Rhineland.

01<1 Oct German ·Da.y in Bayreuth. pp',re,de of 4,000 SA men, Meeting of Hitler and Siegfried Wagner and Winifred Wagner and Hoaston Stuart Chamberlein. Putsch of the Black Reichnwehr under Major Euchrucker in Ki.l.strin.

01<7 Oct Defection of the "Reich Flag" under Heiss from Hitler.

*11-12 Oct Rehm forms the "Reich War Flag" loyal to Hitler. - 6 -

*19-20 Oct Raich Defense Mi~ister prohibits the V81kische Beobechter in HunicL Conflict betwp.en Be.vAriH. end. tb.e Reich E:nS1,lPF·.

21 Oct Fut~ch of the Separatists in the ID1ineland.

22-24 Oct C:llJlTJunist riots in Haclburg.

27-'28-29 Reich Government ousts the Socialist-Communist Cabinet of Saxony Oct a.nei. a'~)})oints Reich COIIlT'!issars.

2 Nov Social Democrats quit Reich Government.

5 Nov Sepa.ratists II invac'.e II tl:.e Palatinate.

*8-9 Nov Ritler puts.Qh in l'funich. H~tler proclaims the establishment of provisione,l IIGi3r,nan rJE\ticnal Government". Appoints Ludendorff, Lossow, Seisser, Feder, Kenr, PHhner, Frick as members of new cabinet a.nd higr. goverr:ment officials. Defection of Kahr who demands dissolution of ~SDAP (at this time containing 55,787 members if the SA, the "Reich ll War lnag , and the League Oberland are inclu.ded in the to tal) . Demonstration of 9 November is sQua.shed by the police. Hitler flees. Generel von Seeckt given complete Reich executive power. All cO~TCunicp.ti(;n between Reich and Eave-ria cut off.

Amann, Ros~nberg and Dre"'-ler form the secret Party Directory of the pronibite~ NSDAP.

*n Nov Hitler arrested.. In the next few days, the following were also arrested: P8hner, Weber, R8hm, Frick, Brtlckner, Robert Wagner, Gregor Stras£er, Streicher, Amann, Drexler, HUhnlein, Reines, Eckart. Goering, Rossbach, Feder, Es£,er a:-.d ]erchtolc. flee to Austrie. and Czechoslovakia.

*231Nov General von Seeckt prohibits all orga.nize,tions and establish­ ments of the Cowaunist, ~ational Socialist, end German B8cial Freedorr: Parties.


*10 Feb Election of the Thtiringen Diet. 7 representa.tives of the Eacial List elected, inclUding 3 NF.tional Socialists. Election in 1~b8Ck, German Bacia.l Freedom Party obte.i!:s 6 represent£tives.

12-17 Feb Riots in the Pa1e.tinete to ena. rule of the Separatist.,.

I'. 22 Feb Foundation of the "Reich Banner 3lack, Red, Gold" as the leEtgue - 7 -

of wa.r veteran~ loyal to the Republic and the ;'[eimar Cons titution.

*26 Feb Hitler IS tria.l in MuniCh before the Peoples Court. Hiner, Weber, Kriebel and P~hner sentenced to 5 years fortress Bnd 200 marks bece,use of high tree.son. Brtickner, R~hm, PShner, Wagner and. Frick as accomplices receive 1 year 3 months fortress and a fine of 100 marks. Ludendorff ac~uitted. , Special trials against Hess, Streicher, Amann, , Heines and 40 members of the "Assault 'troop Hitler",. including Meurice, Sc~aub, and Fiehler; all sentenced t~ fortress on account .of high tres.son. Prohlbited NSDAP spUte into the "Grerj;er' German Peo-ples Communili" under Streigher, Esser, Bouhler, Sch_arz,. pnd in the German Racial Bloc in Bavftrie.. (Ie.ter ren~d NJ'l.tional Socialist Freedom Movement) cmder Graefe, Ludencorff, Gregor Strasser. Hitler relin~uishes leadership for the time of his imprisonment.

13 I·farch Reichstag dissolved.

*6 April Peoples Bloc in Bavaria led by Gregor StrAsser wins 23 votes in Bavaria Diet.

Reichebg election. 9 Natione.l Socialists elected under camouflaged name of "Rptiona.l Socia.list Freedom Movement".

30 June ReeGteblishment of Allied Milita.ry Control in Germany.

16 July London conference concerning Dawes Plan.

*17 Aug ~atione..l S cialist Freed.om Movement ra.lly in i'ieime.r. Ludendorff presiding. Sharp disRention between National Socialist group end German Racial group (Deutschv81kischen) within the movement.

29 Aug Dawes plan 8.cceptec by Reichetag.

""6 Oct National Socil'!.list Freedom Movement (National Socie.list Freihe.itsbewe~ng a Nazi front orgenizatio~) wins 4 votes in Homburg Diet. 0

*16 Cct Schecr.t made president of the new Reichbank.

20 Oct Reic~stag dis~olv£d. .-'1 *;;f\ Oct 1emberf' of the "Orga-'1ization Consul" sentenced by Supreme Court in Leipzif for high treason.

1 lIov ~nd of Strte of Emergency.

*? Dec Reichstag e:ection. National Socia.list Freedom Movement receives ?OO.Ou~ votes ro1~ l~ seats.

*19 De.c Hitler let out of prison. - 8 -

Gregor *12 Feb LUd.endorff and)'Strasser leave the Heticmal Socialist ]'reed.oJn r,iove­ ment (Nationnl Socialist Freiheit'bewegung); Gre,efe fO'.1uds the "German ,RFlcial Freedom Party (Deut.schvlnkische Freiheitspartei).

*26 Feb Volzisch~Beooachter reappears with Rosenberg as ed.itor ~ld Hitler as publisher.

,I *27 Feb HitIer reeste.·bUshes NSDAP in Munich, under his leadership, with Frick, Feder, Esser, Streicher, Buttman, and Dinter. Officers of the PDxty: Schvlarz, Tree.surer; Bouhlpr, Executive !.18nf.lger; Arne.nn, directn of Centre.l Publishing Firm of }larty; ne\,; Gaus are fOTl1ed under Ka.ufmann, Ley, von Pfeffer, Schultz, 'I'elschow, Lohse, Ru-st, Hildebrandt, Vahlen. Schlange. Loeper, ;·futscIunar..n. Dinter. 3r"!ickner. R. Wagner, Mender, G. Stras~er, Streicher. Geebbels. Executive of Gau RhinlRnd-Nord. "German R8.cial Blod' and "Greater GerJ1Rn Peoples Communi tyl' dissolved.

9 Uarch Hitler forbidden to speak in Bsvarie.

26 April Hindenburg elected president.

*24 June Opening of first NSDA? offices in Munich since the foundatian of the PEl.rty.

"'18 July Mein Kampf (1. Volume) appears.

*30 Sept Trada treaty with Russia. * Oct Gregor Strasser becomes Reich Propaganda Leader of ~SDA? 5-16 Oct Conference at Locarno.

23 Nov Lacarne Pact accepted by lieichstag.

30 Jan French begin withdrawal from Rhineland.

8 Feb Germany request admission to the Lea~ue of Nations.

14 Feb National Socialist Rally in liwnburg. Feder's program accepted.

*1 lo'l8.rch Foundation of NSDAP "Combat Publishbg Firml1 (KampfverlP..g) in Berlin under Gregor Stra.sser and Otto Strasser.

*19 March Hitler publicly repudiates the "German Hacial Group II (Deutschv~Ucischen) under Graefe.

24 April Treaty of Berlin wi th the Soviet Union. assm"ing Russia that Germany's entrar.ce into the League of l'l"a,tions will not affect German-Russian friendship. - 9 -

*11 Ivia.y Netbnel Socialist Gerll!c').n 1,vorkers League, loyal to Hitler. founded in Austria.

*22 l'-1ay ;riner unaniTtollslv elected as Chairman of the rarty. Progra.m of the Party declared "unaltere.ble" .

*3-1 July 2nd. Reich Eo.rty Congress at ~tieimer. Ei tler attacks peAce treaty and internatioM.l participt".tion of Germ~n Gevcrnment. "Hitler Youth'! f.ound.ed under Gruber.

::) Sept Germany accwoted into the League of l'fations.

*l Nov Goe-ooels appointed as Gauleiter of Berlin.

:n Jen i'ii thdrawe1 of Allied: Milita.ry Control Com"llission from Germany.

*11 Feb SA under Daluege fights wi th communiste in Berlin.

*26 t-.1erch Conclue,ion to the "1eme Ce.se". Schulz, Fuhrmann, Klapproth, Umh~fer, sentenced to &eath.

Hitler speaks to 5,000 membere of NSDAP in Berlin.

*5 May IrSDA? prahibited in Berlin, Cologne and ~j€U'lied.

17 MeW '1.'wo year extension of the Law for the Defense of the Republic.

*4 July "Der Angriff" eetflblished in Berlin bJ" Goebbels.

·'19-21 Aus 3rd Reich Party Congress at Nlirnberg. "]lTational SocielilOt Fighting Front for Ger-man Culture" founded by :~O!'lenberg.

"'2 Jen Reorganize.tion of Party Propaganda Office: Gregor Strasser, chairman; Hi"lloler, vice-chairman.

15 ~arc!: Firr:t pocket battleship a.pproved. by the Reichstag a.fter violent debate.

Prohibition of NSDAP in Berlin, Cologr.e, and N€U~ied lifted.

SA lead.er Heines sentenced to 15 years i:nprisonment in the Stettin Feme Case.

;20 May National Socialists obtain 12 seats in the Reichstag. -10- in Berli.n. *l.July ifuchow appointecl Gall organization leaderl Esta"blishe12 basic regional organi7.ation of NS party, V~n Schi~ach becomes ~S~Ae Youth Leacler.

27 Aug Kellogg Pact is signed.

*1 Oct Reorganization of the NSDAP into 25 gaus, 2 in~epen~ant re~ions and, the affiliC'ted. group i:1. Austria..

*11 Oct NSDA? Lo.wyers League founded by Hans irank.

*19 Nov Vote of "no confidence II ill the Reichstag Age,inst Stresemnann initiated by the National Socialist~. Defeated.

Martin Bormann establishes the S.A. Insurance Fund, changed 1 Sept 19:30 to the "HiHkasse of the HS:',AP".

*7 March Two SA men killed in Schleswig riot.

1 Ma,y Co~~~nist riots in Berlin.

6 May Communist "::ied, Front COl:lbat Lesg11e" prohibited in .Pr1..1.R~ia l'1.nd numeroue other States.

'22 May Cabinet crisis concerning reparations pSyr:Jent. /

7 June Young plan accepted.

*23 June NatiClnal S0cialist majority obtained in lL1J.nici-p£.1. elections in Coburg.

*1 Aug 4th Reich Party Congress in N-I1rnberg. Found.ation of the NSDA? Physicia.ns Associetion.

6 Aug Hague re?arations conference.

26 Sept Sklarek scandal.

3 Oct StresBmann dies.

29 Nov Split of the German National Peoples Party.

*14 Jan Horst Wessel mortally wounded in SA street fight.

20 Jan Hague agreement on reparations signed.

*23 Jan Frick elected as ~!inister of Interior and. Ed-noetioI:'. in Thtiringen. First Nationnl Socia.list to particiDate le~l3.11y in a. Strte Cabinet. - 11 -

'" 6 March Reich Defense Minister Groener prohibits the organization of National Socialist Party cells within the Reichswehr. Three officers arrested for party activities.

11 ~lerch The Young Plan accepted by the Reichet&g.

*19 ie,rch Conflict betwTe~ ~eich Minister of Interior Severing and Reich Ministgr/rgieTliEfingen Frick; Severing cuts off police funds for Thftringen.

*30 March Brftning na.;ned Reich Cha.ncellor. National Socialists initiate vote of II no c:mfidencell in Br/ining and a.re defee.ted.

*1 April 1I1'ationals:)zialistische r~onatsheftell founded under Rosenberg. ,

*1 June Da,rre organizes the Associa.tion for Peasa,ntry wi thin the NEltional Socialist Party. Incorpo~ated into the Reich Directorate of the Party on 1 August.

*2 June SA forbidcen to wear uniforms in Berlin.

5 June Un£~ployment relief program begun by the Reich Government.

Hitler breaks with Otto Strasser. Gregor Stras~er remains with Hitler. Goebbels appointed to the job of freeing the Party of IIBolshevism ll . officials *3 July Prussian Gover~ment prohibits civil serVice/from belonging to the Communist or ltezi. Party.

·4 July Otto Strasser esteblishes the "Black Front lt of revolutionary NationDl S0cialists in conjunction with Stennes.

*11 July Supreme Court in Leipzig decla.res the Thuringian School Prayer, promulgated by Frick, unconstitutional.

18 July Reichstag d.isBolved by Hindenburg.

*14 Sept Richst$g election - National Socialists elect 107 delegates to the Reichsta,g. thus becoJ'lling second strongest parliamentar:{ group. Fran7.en elected National Socialist Minister of Interior in Brunswick.

* 25 Sept Hitler testifies to the legality of the rSDAP at the Reich army officer trial but states that when the National Socialists come to power tithe heads will roll!t

13 Oct Reichstag opens. Beginning of c ncerted Nazi campaign against Br~ing Government. No-confidence vote defeated.

15 Oct to Strike of 126,000 Berlin metal workers. 28 Oct

* 26 Oct Hitler attecks Franco-German Military Alliance in answering Herve. - 12 -

193:£ .. *1 Jan Foundation of the Political-Economic Branch of the NSDAP under Wagener.

*15 Jan Oreation of Nazi "cell organization" for infiltration into industrial plants.

*22 Jan Arwed conflict between Socialists and Nazis in Friedrichs­ min.•

* 9 Feb Exodus of Nationalist delegates from the Raichst,g,g in pro­ ~eaf against the Youn~ Plan. Reichstag immunity of several National Socialist delegates rescinded. "Counter Parliament" convoked. by Na.tionalists in Weimar.

*28 Mar Brfuling d.ecrees "Emergency MeB,sUre for the Prevention of Political Exeesses" prohibiti~ NSDAP uniforme B,nd politica.l gatherings, and imposing censorship on all NSDAP pUblications.

* 1 Apr Frick and Marschler res.a.gn f:u.om·,s.tiJ.te government of Thiiringen. Revolt of Stennes and Strasser (Otto) against Hitlp.r -­ supressed on 12 April.

* 1 May GOAring sent by Hi tler to confer "Ii th Mussolini and. the Pope.

* 8 May Hitler d.efend.s the legality of the NSnaP and SA before the Berlin court.

*17 May Nazis obtain 37% of vota in 01d.enburg Diet elections. Become for the first time the strongest political group jin a S~ate lli.tl. 6 July Hoover Moratorium.

* 9 July First conference between Hitler and Hugenberg concerning the organization of nationalist upposition.

13 J~ly Banking crisis in Germany.

17 July Briining restricts freedom of the German preas by decree.

*12 Sept First large-scale anti-Semitic outbreak initiated by the SA against the Jews in Berlin.

*15 Sept National Socialist, Klagges, elected Minister of Interior a.nd Education in Brunswic~.

21 Sept England aband.ons the gold standard.

* 1 Oct First interview of Hitler and Schleicher concerning R~ichs­ w.ehr Officers Trial. Hitler clenies subversive Nazi activity in the Reichswehr. Foundation of National Socialist Womens League under Elizabeth Zander. - 13 -

6 Oct 3rd "Emergency Decree" of the Brlining government extending the limitations on freedom of prese and assembly for the SA and NSDA.P.

"'10 Oct Hitler and Goering have first interview with President Hindenburg.

"'11 Oct Creation of the H.

"'16 Oct Na.tiona.list Op-,josi tion again leaves Reichstag.

"'17/18 Oct. 104, 000 SA and SS men Parade before Hi t1er in Bruns",ick as a. substitute for the Nlirnberg Party Oongress.

"'30 Oct Baldur von Schirach becomes Reich Youth Leader.

*15 nov Elections to the Dicet of Heese. NSDAP eloerges as strongest pa.rty.

"'25 Nov Boxheimer Docuroents made publici a detailed plan of Werner Best a.nd four other National Socialists for the seizure of the government of Hesse by the SA and NSDA.P.

*26 Nov Goering. on orders from Hitler. reaffirms legality of NSnlP in B.n interview wi th Reich Defense Mini ster Groener.

8 Dec 4th "Emergency Decree" of the Briining government forbidding uniforms and pa.rty insignia for the entire Reich. UnemploY'J1ent pass es the 5,000, 000 mark .

23 Dec . Formation of the "Iron Front II by the Social-Democrati'c a.nd Oommunist actibfi~brga.nizations for the open fight against Nationa.l Socialism.


*27 Jan Hitler speaks befora industrialists at the Industria Klub in DI.1ssAldorf.

"'29 Jan Reich Defense Minister Groener permit~ National Socialists to join the Reichswehr. - 14 -

*25 Feb Hitler becomes German citizen. A~nounces his candidacy for Presi.dent.

*13 March Presidential election: Hin.d.enburg;: 18.6 million: Hitler, 11.3 million; Th~lmann. 4.9 million.

,*10 April 2nd Presidential election: Hindenburg elected with 19.35 millioni Hitler. 13.4 million.

*13 April Brftning prohibits SA Bnd SS.

*24 April In all state elections,8xcept Bavarie,NSDAP emerges the strongest party.

*30 May Reaign~.ti(ln of Groer.er an(l Br1ininf:: 'frem the government. Hitler end Gnering confer Vii th Hinc.enburg. PeDen anp')inted Chancellor l1 to form a IIPresidential Cabinet •

*13 June Hitler demands that Pepen lift prohibition of SA.

*14 June Prohibition of SA meetings and insignin lifted by Papen.

*15 July Organiz.s.tion of the HSDAP remod.elled.

*17 JUly IIBloody Sundeyl1. Communids and 1~8Zis fight 'pi tched bBttle in Altona.

18 July All "open air i' meetings prohibited in the Reich.

*31 July Reichstag elections. National Socic-.lists obtain 230 out of 608 s.::>ats.

*13 Aug Conversetion 'OetWQEn Hiner and Hindenburg. Hindenburg offers Hitler Vice-Chancellorship. Hitler refuses.

*22.Allg Po1;.:amna trial. 5 SA men condemmed ta death for terroristic activity in Upper Silesia. Hitler defends them in telegram of 2 September.

*30 Aug ~bring becomes President of the Reichstag.

12 Sept Dissolution of the rteichstag.

*6 Nov Reichstag elections. Nazis lose 2.00Q,QOQ YQte~~ hold only 196 out of 584 seatB.

17 Nov Papen Cabinet resigns.

-24 Nov Renewed discussions between Hitler and Hindenburg without result.

:3 Dec Von Schleicher appointed as Reich Cr_8.nce11or.

*8 Dec Greger Strasser revolts against Hitler. St~asser leaves the Pc.rty: Reorganization of the Party Y:..nd.er Hitler FInd Ley. 6,000,000 unemployed. - 15 -

*4 Jen Hitler conference with Papen in the house of Eanker Curt von Schrlicler. Hess and Rimmler also attenlUrl.g.

25 Jan Resjgn6tion of Schleicher's cabinet.

~0 Jan Hi tier a'J';)ointed Chancellor: ]'rick I Mini ster of Interior; Goerin~. t4bister without Portfolio and Pl"lSE-ian. Ivlinister of Werior; Seld\e. ~fidster .of Lebor; von PL·rpen! Vice-Chancellor; von Neurath. Foreign Hinisterj Schwerin von Krosigk, Fina.nc~ Minister j Blomberg! DefenF..e Mini ster i Gilrtner. Hi:r..ister of Justice.

31 JEl11 Dissolution of Reichetag.

6 Feb Papen made Minister Presid.ent of Prussia.

27 Feb Reichetag fire.

28 Feb Decree of the President_for the protection 9f the _Q§rm~ people and the St8t,g.

5 ivlv.rch Reichstag election. Nazis get 288 delegates out of 647. Communists forbidden to pe.rticiJJate in Rp.ichsta.g.meetings.

Reich iv1ir.is tel' of Interior Frick tl'lkes over police administra- tion iL }:a.."Jburg. iW.rttenberg·. Spxony ~nd Baden.

9 t4arch Police administration in Bave.rie t'lrr'.ed ove.r to Epp. Rimmler made Police President of I-1unich.

13 l'-1arcb Goebbele named Minister ror Propaganda and Public Enlightenment.

Schacht_~Dmed President of Reichsbank.

Reichsta,g P8.ElSeS Enabling Act, giving Reic11 Cabinet full powers. Suspends most of Weimar Constit~tion.

31 Mc.l'ch Prpliminvry l~w for the integrRtion of thp. Stetes with the Reich Government.

1 April Boycot.! A£piilSt_J2-l'! Jews d.irected bX Strdcher.

3 Afjril Deelth genelty for :901itical crimes established.. Reich 4 .April Decision of_1~e Ce.o~~et for the p.~teblishment ~fLDcfenae Council. II ;"pl'il Goerin& made r.lir..ister Presit:.cnt of Prussia ending the Dna1i;;-­ bet~een Fr~ssie ~nd the Reich.

?7 AI-ril Official cr'ption of the Secr:=:t St.ste Police (Gestapo) in Prussia.

Occunetion of Trade Union Headquarters by__ SAj dissolution of Free TredeQ>i1. o;~:----

CrmfiscRti'Jn of S0ciDl-DemGcl'e.tic Pa.rty -pro}:!erty. - 16 -

15 May Enactment of the Pr'J.ssiE,n "Erbh0fgesetze II •

19 May Lew conc8rni~€ the Re-organization of LeboI' Unions, s0tting up the rational Socialist Labor Front.

26 May Law for the ConfiscFtion of Com~uni8t Party property.

8 July Sibning of O~ncordat w~th the Holy 5ee.

14 July Law for the Oonstitution of German ~\engelical Church. 1F-w against tee re-establishement of political parties -- Law for the rebuild.i~g of German pesentrJr -- Law for the l'mitation of revocaticn of German citizenship.

15 July Re.tific(O,tion of 4-90vrer pact betl,oJeen England, Fra.r..ce, Ita.ly and Germany .

31 .Aug .5Lh Reich Party Congreea100,OOO SA and S5 men, 60.000 Hitler to 3 Sept Youth, 150,000 Party Officials.

22 Sept Establishmer..t of the Reich Culture Ohe.mb8r.

26 Sept Decree for the Confiscation of Property Belonging to the Enemies of the Peo~le and the State.

29 Sept The Reicherbhcf5esetz. 4 Oct Law for the Oontrol of Editors.

14 Oct Germanv sececes fro'm the LeL?£ue of Netio-:!.G ::>nc. thg Dieprm~T.1€nt Conference. Reichstag dissolved. of 12 Nov Reichste.g elections. 96.3% approvef. Hi Uer Regime and wi th­ drp.w~l from Lea~te of N~tions,

1 Dec La\'f for_ the Safeg,u.ardi.QL..9L~he Uni t:L~J FarE and State. Nazi Party becomes a corporation with autonomous jurisdiction within its organizetion.

20 Jan LE'.w for the Control of Labor, establishing Netione.l Socialist Labor Law.

26 Jan Gerffien-Polish Non-Agression Pact for 10 ;Teer§...

30 Jan Le.w for the Ltebuildin2 of the Reich - completing the integration of State and Reich Government.

27 Feb La.w for the Welfare of ?arty ~cmbcrs who took part in the N~tional evolution. S~eci~~ rights and ~rivilegtb fer ~azi Part:'.' members. - 17 -

15 April Kstablis~~Fr.t of the German Labor Service cUlder Konstantin Hierl.

24 .April German-British Disarmame~t Conference .

12 June' Decree for the Establia~~ent of Peoples Court.

14 June Meeting of Hitler and Mussolini in Venice.

30 June to The R~~ Revolt. Purge of di~senting elements within the SA and 2 July razi Party.

20 July SS mad.e an indepenctant organize.tion.

25 Julv ' Unsuccessful ?utsch (Nazi) in Vienna. Dollfus murdered.

30 'July Schacht made Acting Minister of Econ0mics.

;. Aug Death of H~ndenbur~. Hitler becomes Reich ChPnce1lor ro1d ~~±$~~.

20 Auf;, Laii requiring civil servants and members of the Arrr:ed Forces to swear oath of obediance to Hitler. 4 SRpt 6th R lch Party Congr~ss. Fir~t participption of Labor Service and' 16 Oct Reich Ainisters sweex oath of a1lesiance. / Armed Forces. Law re:' o9.th for Reich Ministers ~nd members ofthe State Governments to Hitler.

22 Cct Union of Reich a.nd Prus~ian Mi~isiJtioo of Justice.

1 l~OV Union of Reich ~md Prussian Ministrtffi of the Interior.

18 :'ov Hetional Socialist Party in Danzig gains control of DI':\..nz ig Government.

13 Dec. Law for volllntBry labor service. SeCTet ~e~~1tion~_for the p.xtension of the functions of the ~ Defens§_Council.

20 Dec Lew for protection of Party and Stete against treason and pro­ tection of the Party Ul1iform.

13 Jen Plebiscite in Sear ends in fAvor of German~

30 Je.n Law for StRte Governors. 1!lW for ~~lnicipal Oc-ganiza,tion.

16 ~i~rch Introduction of comQ~lsory military training.

30 i'!JP.rch Germe~-French ecanomic agree~ent.

9 April Ger~en-Russian economic agreement - 18 -

21 Ray Secret Reich Defense L~wi Cebinet re:clution_in_!§gard- ~ establish~ent of Reich Defen8e Ccuncil. ~ht-~~in~d. Ple!1~t~nti;ry f.Q! lhr S90~QllIY:-

18 JUne G-erman-Engli sh Have.l Treaty.

26 June Lew for Air Raid Protection. 10 Sept 7th Reich Party Congress in N'tirnber.f.'. 15 Sept lli.1,.rnberg l'pce 1.81,0'8. Reich Citizenship ~~~.

24 Sept Law for the Safeguarding of the German ~v~1selical Church.

10 Feb Prussian La~ Ooncerning the Secret State PQlice (Gestano).

~2 Feb Prohibition of Jews in medical practice.

7 March Re-occupation of_the Rbineland by Germen tro008. Dissolution of the Reichstag. New election 29 March.

17 June Rimmler m0_G.6 Chief of Ger,l!lFn Police.

26 June La~ for the Re-establishment of Military Tribunals.

2 July Law for the Alteration of the Pa~~l code; severe punishment for actions E:ge.inst the Armed. Forces.

17 July Beginning of SpAnish Civil War.

24 August Law for the control of tourist traffic in .'1.uEtria. Decree for the ests~liahment of two-yeers compulsory military fi~rvice. . 8 Sept ~th ~eich Party Congress in Ntirnbere. 26 Sept Decree for the ey-tension of com~ulsory service in the Reich Labor. Service and the extension of Reich Labor Service to women.

18 Oct Goerjng entrusted with the leecership of the 4~y~ar plan.

24 Oct Ger~any recognizes the Italian conQueet of Abyssinia.

14 Nov Germany renounces international control of illline, Elbe, Oder and Danube Rivers.

25 Nov Gerrr.en-Ja-pe.nese Anti-Cominterh Pact. . 1 Dec Law for the Extension of Hitler Yout~. Law a.gainst Economic Sabota.ge.

15 Jan Order crea.ting the Molf Hitler Schools for the 8-oeci8.1 training of Pa.rt:r lea.ders. - 19 -

15 :feb Decree concerning tt.e Constitution of the GerlTlP.n Evangelicel Church.

Arrival of the German .Ambae:ador Gen. Fe..upel at Frenco IB Headqua~t6rE at SRlamanca.

Decree of the Reich Ministr,T of Educat5.on centralizing higher education.

?rotest of the ~eich Government again~t the PRpal tncyc1ial "Mit brennender Sorge".

17 April Decree of the Ft.\.hrer esta.alishing the N8tional 5ociE'llist Flying Cor·os.

27 !J1::-ry Law c.isfolvin[: al:!' non-Pe~r civil serv;;nt organization~.

2 .7uly Decree of the Reich Ministry of EdUCAtion limiting the right of Jews to attend GerIllEln schoolE'!. 6 Sept 3th Reich Party Congr~R~ in N~rnb€rg. 25 Sept thru [i;uesolini visits GerF..any, views !?rrny meneuvers in Pomerania and 29 Sept .1ecklenburg.

5 1';0 v German-Folish /-;gree:nent concerni. g minorities.

6 'ov Italian €ntrence inta the German-J;;~pnese Anti-Comintern Pact.

17 Nov thru Lord Hp.lifex visits Hitler in Berlin ann ·mnich. 2J _TO"-

1: Fen .w~\'.r for the comp'11sory registration of German citizens in foreign cou,,'1 tries.

4- Feb Hitler takes over High Com~fnd of the ~ehrm~ch~. ~eitel named Chief of the High C~~~~d of the fiehrmecht. Br~.uchitsch, Commander in Chief of the .Af~. 'Decree of .1lJ.-.£...luhrer for'lile establishment of the Secret Cabinet. Council, ~'i th ven Neurath 88 PresiQ§~!' Von Rtbo6ntrop n8med Reich Foreign Minist§£.

4 Beb Merger of Reich pnd Pnlssian Ministrie~ of Econ0mics.

12 Feb Schuschnigg viEits 5jtler.

17 Feb Seves-InGuart visits Hitler and Frick in Berlin.

18 Feb I:e.tional Sociclist Pf'rty in Auetrie lege.lized.

25 ;"eb Decree of Hitler giving Commnnn~rs-in Chief of the Army and the Nr--v~, th:::. ntnl: of Reich Mbis:or and the right to sit in cn.l'inet I:leetings. - 20 -

11 lfJarch Ger1nan troops enter Austria upon roque st ..of Seyss- Ir.V'J.art.

12 March thru Hi tler makes entl':>r into Austria. 16 March Kaltenbrunner ~)~ointed Under S~cretary for Security i~ Austria. Law for the Re-inter~rAti0n of Austria int~ me German Reich. Beginning of the pronnllgatio~ of important Ne.tionel SOciAlist la.we in Austria..

15 March Scys~-Inouart aopointed Reich Gov~~nor of Au~tri~.

10 April Plebiscite and vote for the Gr~ater GermFn ReichstF6'

23 April Ga~leiter ~trckel named Reich Commissioner for the Integration of Austria into the Reich.

7 June Henlei~ presents his demands to the CzechoslovakiAn Government.

3 Aug Chamberlain end Runciman go to Prague to mediate the Sudeten Ger:nan dispute.

4 Sept 2nd Rp.ich Defense Law. 5 Sept 10th Reich Party Congress for Greater Ger~ny. 30 Sept Munich Conference between Italy, England, France und GelTl!"!'.V for settl~ment of Czechoslovakien crisis.

1 Oct Occupation of the Sudentenland by Gc rlUo_l1 troops. Beginning of the prowllgFtion of import~ National Socialist laws in the Sudtenland.

2 Nov Confpre~c€ between vo~ Ribbentro? p~d Ciano in Vienna concer~­ ing the solutinn of the Hungp..rian-SJ.ovakian boundarY9roblems.

8-9 Nov Jewish Pogrom.

12 l~ov Decree of GHring imposing penalty pa~,rment on Jews for the "lUrc.er of a c~nsular official in Paris. Decree of GHring excluding Jews frc!;) the economic life of the country and from cultural activity.

14 Dec G~ring charges Reich t1illi~ ter of Economics Fu..l1k '.-!i th the regnlHtion and execution of production increases.

13 Jan Hungary signs the Anti-Comintern Pact.

19 Jan Re~~l&tion~of Hitler classifyin~ the SA as having pre-military and basic military training. Similar regulAtion for the N~KK, 27 January

15 March Ger:nan troops occu-py Bohemia And !'~oravie. Beginning of the promulgation of the basic RE.tional Socialist laws in the Protect0rate of Bohemia and Moravia. - 21 -

18 MRrch Von ~eur8th n~med AS Reich Protector of Rohemi~ end Moravia; ?::'rl H. Frellk as iJnder Secre tp.r~r.

·81 i-1arch Aemel re-ir:tE:e;rHted into the Gern:an :?'ei.ch by t:-e<>ty with Lithuania.

22 'f.ey Tr~~ty of lr:encship end 301idaritv between Italy and Germanv. Farewell parede of Germen troops in Snain for General Frpnco.

5 July Lp { for the Unifir,ption 0f the Orsaniz~,tion of .Administre.tion. co~nJ)leting the centralization of Reich anel Stflte Governments.

11 AUf; )~reement between the High Commend of the Ar~ed Forcee and the Hi tIer Youte for militar. tre.ining of yOllth.

23 Au~ German-RuE~ian non-egression treaty.

25 Aug British-rolish treety of r:lUtual flid.

:<'0 Auz: ~stabliehment of l'fini~terial Council for Defense of Reich.

1 Sept Germ8n troops invade Poland. Danzig seized by local 58 ind police; incorporated by decree of the ?1i"hrer inte the Reich.

3 Sept British ultimAtum to Ger~~my left unanswered. Decl~ration of war by England and Fr?nce.

?.3 Sept . Decree by the r·:inisterial Defense Council for the Fstablishment and apnointment of Reich Defense Commissioners.

37 Sept Cf1pituletion of "erS2\'i. ~t:ta.blishment of the Russian-German line of deme.rcation.

7 Oct Rimmler !l8meg. Beich COjJ'l_"l)issioner f')r the Stren;thening of GerlMm Folkdom,.

26 Cct Procla~~tion appointine Dr. F~ns Frenk as Governor-Generel of Piland.

;<,0 Oct Decree for the e-tension of the 4-~'epr pl.Gn to the annexed eastern +.e:rri torie!3. G~rinb establishes Main Supervisory Office Epst.

9 :0'1 At tempt ag::dns t Hi tler t s 1. He in tLc :B1.r~erbrM.ukeller.

16 rOY German-Ruseian agreement for the exchange of populations.

33 '~ov Re~llations of the G~vernor General of Poland requiring Jewish people end businesses to publicnlly designate themselves as Je':Jish.

DeclarAti0n of the British blockade of Germpn trade. - 22 -

29 Nov Declaration of the British blockade of German trade.

10 Jan Germ~n-Italian agreement for trr-nsfer of populations brings 185,000 Germans from the South Tyrol,

20 March Dr. Todt aPIJointeJ. Minister of Arm8ments end MUlli tions.

9 .\pril thru OccU"oetion of Denmf1rl:. 11 April OccuDatitm of Norway.

10 r-1ay Beginnin,? of G8rma.11. offensive in the i':es1·

14 !-1ay Surrender of Holland.

28 l-lay Capitulation of Belgium.

4 June Dunkirk.

10 June Ite.1y cieclare. s w[\r on Fr/mce and England. End of Norwegi~1 can~aign.

22 June Armistice signed at Cor::;piegne bet',/ten France and Germany.

7 Sept :Beginning of gir jJj;.1fl.Q6.LSh[Pir..st GrITt Bri t8ic.L-~ir~~g.ted_~ Goarin£:.

12 Sept PromulgEtion of e social welfpre progr2Jf' .1.- or 3,1J. of Geru!any until the end of the war.

27 Sept Signing of the 1hree Pow.§L££lf'.:L in :3eEJiD.J_.Qermrny-,-JJ;flJu Japan.

24 Oct Petain received by Hitler.

15 }Tov Decree concerr.ing the ~lanniLb of post-war housing projects.

23 Nov R~~ania joins the Axis,

24 Feb

1 March Bulgaria joins the Axis. Gerrr:an tror:.ps er..ter Bulgp.ria.

26 Ma,rch Ja1Janese Foreign l'1ir~i ster Matsuoka. vi zits Berlirl. Q-pening of the Ini:'titute for Jewish L"teee2Tch Problems in Frankfurt.

6 April Germnn troops enter Yugoslavia. and Greece. - 23 -

18 April Capitulation of the Yugoslavian Army. 10 r.1ay HesR flight to England. 12 Me;i Party Chancellor.' placed directly under Hi tler a.fter flight of Hess.

22 June Attack on Soviet Russia.

9 Sept Len:Lgrad be~ieged.

27 Sent Capture of Kiev.

17 l'iov Rosenberg; ap'pointecl Reich Minister for the Occu'Piecl El'lstern Territories, Lohse as Reich Cow§.i?sioner for OstJand, Koch as Reich C0m~is~ioner for the Ukreine.

25 Nov Extension of ~bg Anti-Comintf-r~ Paci. including Germany. Italy, Ja.pan, :Oulgeria, Denmark, Finland, Croatia. Rumania, Slovakia, and the Chinese Lanking goverr~ent.

8 Dec

19 Dec Hitler as~umes command of the_ArmY'

18 J&r. Conference of German, Japanese ro1Q Itali~n militery le~ders. e Feb Speer succeeds Tout B8 Minister of Armements and Munitions a~a as head of the Or~?nizetion Todt.

28 Mp1'ch Sauckel ~eQ ~lenipotentiary for labor control un~er the 4-year plan.

6 April All Gauleiters mpde plenipotentiaries for labor control in their areas.

Seige of Leningr~d lifted.

26 ApriJ. Hitler given a.ll=-l-l1..G].usivsLl'.9y!grs for the d1LI"§.j;,i..Q1Lof the we.I­ ~the Reichs~g~

KhDrkov cE>ptured.

E June Heydrich. deputy Reich Frotect:'>r for Bohel'J1ia. and Moravia., assassina­ ted.

19 June Reichsleitl'J' H~lhnleir.., hea.d of the .-SKK, dies. Succeeded by Kraue.

1 July Sevpstopol captured.

Landing of Allied forces at ~i€upe.

2l AUg German troops penetrete to the peek of the Cauceeus. - 24 -

1 15 Sept Este,blishment of Eurcpean Youth Associe.tion in Vienne.

11 Hov German troops cO:TJiJlete the occupa.ti"n of ·Fra.nce. Frcmch fleet-at Toulon scuffled.

27 Jan Decree for the registrv.tion of all Germ,en men and. Viomer. for defense s8!'vice.

30 Jan RaeiiSl,LIlmD&9. Admire) Ins'08ctor. D~ni'tz assume s High .Qommand of the lITavy. Kaltenbrunll§.L§..EI?.21nted Chief of the S('!cnri ty !,oli.96 and the Security Servig§.

3 Feb

28 March German y()uth rrlade liable for dl3±'"r.E:e sorvice.

13 May German aVo1,C1..18tinn of North Africa.

'23 May DiSEolution of the Comintern.

5 'July Beginning of the Russi~ offensive.

\ 19 July Allied invasion of Sicily.

26 July Mussolini overthrown.

17 Aug German troops retrept from Sicily to the Itali;:,r- meinl'8nd.

18 Aug Schepmann 'oecome s Chief of Staff of SA.

25 JJJ.g Rimmler. ,§,T.,[)ointeCi. Minister~.QL1nterior; Frick DAcomes Protector of Boherni~ and Moravia. Reich Labor Service separated from the Ministry of Interior, Hierl appointed Reich Minister.'

3 Sept Uncondi tional surrender of the BEldoglio grlVermr.ent.

13 Sept Mussolini freed. by t2..sk force of SD, It/a,f,feL S8 eLei. p.src..chute troo~s under SS-Hau9tsturmf~rer Skorzeny.

27 Sept Islan~s of Split and Corfu captured by German troops.

I. 1 Oct Italy o.e918,re6 W8,r on Germa.n~{.

1 Nov Moscow conference. ..9 Nov Conference of Reichl~itars, Gauleiters and Chiefs of affili~ted 8Jld supervised organizations.

28 Nov thru Teheran Conference. 6 Dec • - 25 -


26 c1a.rch further extension of liaoili t~r of Germ?n Youth for compulsory laoor end Armed Forces service.

_9 April Odessa evacuated.

6 June Allied lar-dinge in formendy.

'" Asteri sk ir.6.iC8.te s import~,nt Party events before 30 Jt>.nurry 1933{ and events in which defendents.. ~~rty Ine:Ilbers and sympathizers, or ri~ht wing elements dirActly or indirectly partic~"pa,ted.