EXCURSIONS FROM PRAGUE to Central Bohemia U SAPÍKŮ RESTAURANT AND GUEST HOUSE Klokočná č.p. 8 • GPS: 49°57'26.01"N, 14°43'4.72"E • tel.: +420 323 641 186 • e-mail:
[email protected] • www.klokocna.cz Weddings and wedding ceremonies, birthday and anniversary parties, children’s parties, company events Hoffmanův dvůr Vinořské náměstí 34, 190 17 Vinoř Tel.: +420 739 737 503
[email protected] www.hoffmanuv-dvur.cz 2 From Prague to Central Bohemia Prague – a city whose fame reaches the stars. Prague – mother of cities. Prague – the capital city whose historic centre is a UNESCO heritage site. In the city centre, Prague Castle is the biggest castle complex in the world, and Prague is widely considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This is what attracts millions of tourists to Prague every year. When you get tired of the crowds in the streets and the traffi c jams, head out of the city to explore Central Bohemia. You won’t be disappointed. Excursions from Prague to Central Bohemia – 2nd edition (1st edition in 2016) Published by the Central Bohemia Region and publishers Hana Langerová Editor-in-chief: Mgr. Hana Langerová DTP: Igor Ondřej, Translation: Peter Williams Production: MgA. Jan Hladký (+420 603 443 567) Texts and photographs: archive of the Central Bohemia Region, publisher archive 3 chateau sacred site museum castle outdoor museum underground technical monument viewing tower natural monument watercourse spa boating walking fi shing mountain climbing golf cycling 4 Central Bohemia – west 14 16 12 15 11 10 8 7 6 9 Karlštejn Castle 6 Koněprusy Caves 7 Křivoklát Castle 9 Hořovice Chateau 9 Lidice Monument 10 Czech Railways Railway Museum in Lužná 11 Mayrau outdoor mining museum 12 Krušovice royal brewery 13 Třebíz outdoor museum 14 Kolešovice hop drying plant and hop garden 15 5 from 45 Karlštejn Castle Prague minut erhaps the most visited monument in the vicinity of Prague is Karlštejn, a massive Gothic castle rising up over the village of the same name.