2Nd EAS Conference on Maritime Security and Cooperation, Goa, 4—5 November 2016
1 Vol.2, No.2, July-December, 2016 Major Events 2nd EAS Conference on Maritime Security and Cooperation, Goa, 4—5 November 2016 Group Photo: Amb. Shyam Saran, Chairman, RIS; Amb. Preeti Saran, Secretary (East), MEA; Ms. Pooja Kapur, Jt. Secretary (ASEAN-ML), MEA; Rear Admiral Monty Khanna, Rear Admiral Suresh Mehta with the delegates of the 2nd EAS Conference on Maritime Security and Cooperation, Goa, 4-5 November 2016. The Ministry of External Affairs gave Special Address. Ms. Blue Economy and Maritime (MEA), in partnership with the Pooja Kapur, Jt. Secretary Conservation, and (v) Way ASEAN-India Centre (AIC) at (ASEAN-ML), Ministry of Ex- Forward. First session on RIS, the National Maritime ternal Affairs, New Delhi de- “Maritime Security Issues in Foundation (NMF) and Naval livered the Inaugural Address. the Asia-Pacific” was chaired War College (NWC) organized Dr. Prabir De, Coordinator, by Adm. Arun Prakash the 2nd EAS Conference on AIC gave the Welcome Re- (Retd.), Former Chairman, “Maritime Security and Coop- marks. Rear Admiral Monty Chiefs of Staff Committee and eration” on 4-5 November, 2016 Khanna, NM, Commandant Chief of the Naval Staff, In- in Goa. All the EAS countries NWC, Goa delivered the Spe- dian Navy. Speakers of the session were Commander nominated their officials to the cial Remarks. Prakash Gopal, Research Fel- Conference, and overall 100 The Conference was divided low, NMF, New Delhi and participants including senior into five sessions, aimed at fa- country representatives of Ja- officials attended this two-day cilitating an in-depth discus- pan, Indonesia, Singapore and event.
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