Congressional Record—Senate S9213

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Congressional Record—Senate S9213 September 14, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9213 (The bill will be printed in a future judgmental. She just cares about peo- ity to be a friend and confidant to all, edition of the RECORD.) ple—constituents, colleagues, strang- whether you have known her for 8 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ers. She reads people, and she worries years or 8 days.’’ the previous order, the Senate insists about them. In conclusion, I’d like to say a word on its amendment and requests a con- It is also not surprising that Katie to Katie’s parents, Tim and Mimi Ilg. ference with the House of Representa- moved up in my office quickly. By De- Thank you. Katie is solid in her values tives on the disagreeing votes of the cember 2000, she took a position as my and beliefs. She is grounded. She is eth- two Houses. personal assistant. Though, after a ical. She has a great sense of right and The Presiding Officer appointed Mr. year and a half, she left our office wrong. And, she loves her family more COCHRAN, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. SPECTER, briefly to work for JP Morgan, she than anything else in the world. She is Mr. DOMENICI, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. came back in February 2003—this time a good daughter to you; granddaughter SHELBY, Mr. GREGG, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. as my executive assistant, a manage- to Lois; sister to Julie; companion to CRAIG, Mr. BYRD, Mr. INOUYE, Mr. HOL- ment position that put her in charge of that boy in Detroit, we know as Mert; LINGS, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. HARKIN, Ms. MI- my personal assistant and scheduler. and friend to countless others. KULSKI, Mr. KOHL, and Mrs. MURRAY Katie has thrived in this job. She is Every once in a while, we are fortu- conferees on the part of the Senate. an excellent manager and role model. nate enough to have a Katie Ilg come Mr. SANTORUM. I suggest the ab- She works so hard and is so dedicated. into our lives. Without question, Katie sence of a quorum. She is always looking out for me—al- has been one of the best things to hap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ways taking care of me, always putting pen to my office since I have been here clerk will call the roll. up with me—which, some would say is in the Senate. While my wife, Fran, The legislative clerk proceeded to certainly not an easy thing to do. I’ve and I are sad to see her go, we know it call the roll. called her at all hours, and she’s al- is time for her to move on, as she has Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask ways there to help—always there with many more lives to touch and people to unanimous consent that the order for the same enthusiasm and good nature. help. the quorum call be dispensed with. Katie never complains, or makes ex- We know she will just be a phone call The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cuses, or passes the buck to someone or an e-mail away. And, I’m sure we’ll objection, it is so ordered. else. No job is ever too small—or too see her at a few OSU football games f big. this fall. Nevertheless, we’re going to Indeed, Katie Ilg is a very special miss you, Katie Ilg. God bless you, and MORNING BUSINESS young woman. No one knows that bet- thank you for everything. You are cer- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask ter than the people Katie has worked tainly one of a kind. unanimous consent that there now be a with in my office. I’d like to share f period of morning business for debate some of the words that my staff has only with Senators speaking up to 10 used to describe Katie. I think they LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT minutes each. paint a very accurate picture of ex- OF 2003 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without actly who she is. Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise objection, it is so ordered. Katie is ‘‘thoughtful and thorough.’’ today to speak about the need for hate f She is ‘‘sweet, bubbly, ebullient, com- crimes legislation. On May 1, 2003, Sen- ator KENNEDY and I introduced the TRIBUTE TO KATIE ILG passionate, generous, warm, steady—a calming influence.’’ Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I come ‘‘She is willing to do anything for Act, a bill that would add new cat- to the Senate today with mixed emo- others. She is always there for you egories to current hate crimes law, tions. A very important, very trusted when you need her—whether in a work sending a signal that violence of any member of my staff—Katie Ilg—is leav- environment or on a personal level. kind is unacceptable in our society. ing our office to embark on a host of She is the person everyone goes to for On May 30, 2000 in Salt Lake City, new adventures in Chicago. While I am support, a good job done, a laugh, a UT, a man armed with a pellet gun happy for her and proud of her as she joke. She keeps the office alive!’’ stormed into a gym, fired several begins this new chapter in her life, I ‘‘Katie is cute, perky, friendly, posi- shots, and made threatening comments am also sad to see her go. Katie has be- tive, upbeat.’’ to the gay people in the gym. The come a central figure in our office. As And, no matter who you ask, there club’s manager said the gym is a my executive assistant, she has been are four words that everyone uses to health and social club for gay and my right hand for the last year and a describe her: straight men. half. She has been my friend. Katie is caring, selfless, genuine—and I believe that the Government’s first I take a few minutes today to talk short! She makes me look tall! Though duty is to defend its citizens, to defend about Katie and the impact she has had Katie is a tiny little thing in body, she them against the harms that come out on my office and me and to thank her is a giant in spirit. She is a powerful, of hate. The Local Law Enforcement for all she has done for us. positive force, who is smart, quick, and Enhancement Act is a symbol that can Katie first came to us in April 2000, intuitive. She makes good decisions— become substance. I believe that by after graduating from John Carroll good choices. She follows her heart and passing this legislation and changing University near Cleveland. Her first job trusts her instincts. Above all else, current law, we can change hearts and in my office was as a staff assistant, Katie makes a difference each day—not minds as well. where she answered phones, dealt with in big splashy ways, necessarily, but in f flag requests, and gave tours of the just a touch on the shoulder or through Capitol. The thing that most impressed a kind word. TRIBUTE TO NANCY KASSEBAUM me about Katie was that she would al- Katie is a good person. And, there is BAKER AND AMBASSADOR HOW- ways go the extra mile for Ohio con- goodness in everything that she does. ARD BAKER stituents—or anyone who wandered As her dear friend Matt said, Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I wel- into my office, for that matter. She ‘‘Whether comforting a family member come this opportunity to pay tribute would listen to them with great com- in a time of loss or discomfort, coun- to our former Senate colleagues, Nancy passion and concern. She was patient seling a friend through a difficult life Kassebaum Baker and Ambassador and understanding and a great ambas- challenge or affliction, celebrating a Howard Baker, for their leadership in sador for my office. success with a co-worker or classmate, organizing a regional conference in Of course, this is not surprising to or orienting an old friend to a new city, Tokyo on ‘‘strategies for combating anyone who knows Katie. The fact is Katie is always there with genuine and human trafficking in Asia.’’ Together, that people are drawn to her. She en- heartfelt words, actions, and deeds no they led the U.S. Embassy’s effort to dears herself to people. She is kind to matter the occasion and regardless of bring together government officials, people. She goes out of her way for oth- the other personal commitments she nongovernmental organizations and ers. She isn’t showy or elaborate or has at the time. She has the abil- multilateral organizations in a 2-day S9214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 14, 2004 conference in June on the most effec- Administration from 1946 to 1954. After trait, painted by Tennessee artist Mi- tive ways to deal with the global he was promoted to Deputy Director in chael Shane Neal, of Senator Vanden- scourge of human trafficking. The con- 1955, he became Director in 1958 and berg in the Reception Room just out- ference was cosponsored by the Vital served in that position until he retired side of this Chamber. The Senate, in Voices Global Partnership and the in 1966. 2000, selected Senator Vandenberg for International Labor Organization. Dr. Elsbree was born in Preston Hol- this rare honor, along with Senator The conference took place several low, N.Y., on Feb. 24, 1904. He grad- Robert F. Wagner of New York.
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