1966 (18.3Mb Pdf)
S _e e R IEcS CENTERAND SPACE AD, MINISFLORIDATRATION I RELEASE NOi KSC-II-66 FOR RELEASE: Immediate Jan.21, 1966 KENNEDYSPACE CENTER, FLA.- Contracts totaling over $2.5 million dollars have beenawardedby NASA's John F. KennedySpaceCenterfor support of the Center's spaceprograms. A variety of activities were coveredby the contracts which affected firms located in several states. Underprovisions of the Government'spolicy to encouragesmall business participation, a contract was awardedto Miller Trailers, Inc., 33.3 6th Ave. W., Bradenton, Florida. The Miller Trailer agreementprovides $14,886 to supply three semi- trailer vans to houselighthing warning instrumentationto be used in the Launch Control Centerat Complex39, launch site for the forthcomingApollo/Saturn V lunar landing program. A secondFlorida firm to receive a contract awardwas the Climate Conditioning Corp., GreenCove Springs. -toore- PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE, COCOA BEACH - 783-7781, KSC - 867-2467 -2- Climate Conditioning received $15,321 to furnish all personnel, facilities, tools, equipmentand materiel, as well as performall work necessaryto fabricate, install and check out the air conditioning systemat the automatic groundcontrol station building at Complex.34 which is programmedfor the Apollo/Saturn IB program. The largest single contract awardwas given to Heyl and Patterson, Inc., 55 Fort Pitt Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Heyl and Patterson received $1,465,075 to fabricate, install and erect two refractory-lined flame deflector assemblies, one steel flame deflector and two hydraulic test stands for Complex39. A secondPennsylvania firm to receive a contract from the space center was Amp, Inc., Harrisburg. The Firmreceived $13,.373.74 to supply programming componentsfor the telemetry groundstation located in the Information Systemsfacility.
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