America's Dark Curtain Hit by Rep. Adam Powell
» VOLUME 25, NUMBER 1 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1956 HOUSE VICTORY IS PREDICTED AIDS TABORIANS — In Lo$ Angeles a check was handed last week »Io Rev. Perry M. Smith, III, (R) by Stephen Rowland, fabulous TV winner, to aid the Taborian Hospital of Mound Bayou, Mississippi, FOR IKE’S CIVIL RIGHTS BILL "I'm glad to helpl" said Rowland. "Thanks, Steve," replied the young minister, "and we hope many others will do likewise, eoch Southerners May Use according to his resources." Insurance man Rowland and his Ministers Hit charming and beautiful wife have won against all challengers for more than three months on the CBS Tuesday night TV show Filibuster In Senate Do You Trust Your Wife?" with Edgor Bergen and Charlie Mc Police Action Carthy. Their winnings are now around seventy thousand dollars. WASHINGTON, D. C. - (SNS) - Following o conference with The hospital, hard-pressed, is conducting a fund drive. Rev. President Eisenhower and Republican Congressional leaders, Re Euloh M. Smith, Pre» Chairman of the National Association of publican Leader Martin (Mass) told reporters Tuesday that he In Attack Case Colored Women's Clubs, who sends us thé picture, says, "let each expected the controversial Civil Rights Bill to pass the House by one of us mail our contribution io the hospital right away." a margin of about "2 to I." He expects the vote to come Friday, NASHVILLE, Tenn.-(ANP)-Tb» he said. Baptist Ministers Conference her» has written a letter to the N««hvtUe Senator Knowland. (Calif), Lead Eisenhower would particularly like Banner protesting police handling of er in the Senate, said that the bill to see passed before Congress ad case ol Luther Kilpatrick, 18-year- .could also pass the Senate if a journs.
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