Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Russian Academy of Sciences Department of Nanotechnology and Information Technologies of RAS Department of chemistry and material science of RAS National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» Scientific Council of RAS on Physics of Condensed Matter Scientific Center of RAS Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS Saint Petersburg Academic University- Nanotechnology Research and Education Center RAS Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University supported by Russian Federation Agency for Education Russian Fund for Basic Research Committee for Science and Higher Education of Saint Petersburg City Government

International Scientific-Technical Conference

Nanotechnologies of Functional Materials (NFM'18)

17-20 July 2018 Saint Petersburg 2018

Conference Chairman Prof. M.V. Kovalchuk

Program Committee Chairman Prof. M.I. Karpov

Program Committee members Prof. S.M. Aldoshin Prof. O.S. Naraykin Prof. M.V. Alfimov Prof. A.I. Rudskoy Prof. I.L. Eremenko Prof. V.V. Rybin Prof. E.N. Kablov Prof. R.A. Andrievski Prof. V.V. Osiko Prof. V.F. Petrunin Prof. A.S. Sigov Prof. A.A. Vikarchuk Prof. K.A. Solntsev Prof. A.M. Glezer Prof. V.V. Ustinov Prof. Yu.P. Golovin Prof. V.Ya. Shevchenko Prof. S.V. Dobatkin Prof. M.I. Alymov Prof. A.E. Ermakov Prof. K.V. Grigorovich Prof. E.A. Levashov Prof. E.A. Gudilin Prof. Yu.R. Kolobov Prof. V.V. Gusarov Dr. Sc. A.S. Oryshchenko Prof. D.A. Indejtsev Prof. V.V. Kvardakov Prof. V.V. Kveder Prof. V.I. Konov Prof. L.I. Leontyev Organizing Committee Chairman Prof. A.I. Rudskoy

Organizing Committee members Prof. V.I. Betekhtin Prof. S.Y. Kondrat’ev Prof. A.K. Belyaev Prof. V.V. Korablev Dr. Sc. S.K. Gordeev Prof. A.A. Popovich Prof. A.M. Zolotov Prof. O.V. Tolochko Prof. S.B. Vakhrushev Prof. V.N. Tsemenko Prof. G.E. Kodzhaspirov Head of the department A.L. Smirnova Dr. S.K. Gordeev Dr. A.A. Naumov Prof. V.N. Kozlov Prof. E.L. Giulikhandanov Prof. P.A. Rodny

Foreign members Prof. B.-A. Behrens (Germany) Dr. Lee Dong Won (S.Korea) Prof. H. Danninger (Austria) Prof. J. Kliber (Czech Republic) Prof. H. Dyja (Poland) Prof. Сh. Apostolopoulos (Greece) Prof. N. Sobchak (Poland) Prof. S.A. Firstov (Ukraine) Prof. P.A. Vityaz’ (Belarus) Prof. E. Kauppinen (Finland) Prof. V.N. Varyukhin (Ukraine) Dr. Van Tsin Shen (China) Objectives and topics of the conference

The main objective of the conference is to present and discuss the latest scientific results of basic research and practical achievements in the development of new nanostructured metallic and ceramic materials with high mechanical and performance properties as well as their production technology.

Thematic Sections

1. Physical and chemical characteristics of nanostructural state. 2. Nanocrystalline and nanostructured metal materials 3. Nanostructured powders, composite, ceramic materials and coatings. 4. Nanobiotechnologies of functional materials. 5. Modeling of material structure properties and technological processes.

School for Young Scientists

Nanotechnology in modern production of functional materials and prospects of their development.

Important dates

15.06.2018 – deadline for abstract submission (1-2 pages of А4 paper in Word) 20.06.2018 – deadline for abstracts review by members of the Program and Organizing Committee 18.06.2018 – submission of summary report (paper)

Proceedings of the Conference will be presented on the USB flash drive.

Rules for summary report (paper)

File of up to 6 pages of A4 format must be submitted in MS Word format to the Organizing Committee to [email protected]. Requirements:  bottom margin - 2.5 cm;  left margin - 3 cm;  right margin - 1.5 cm;  font “Times New Roman”, size 14;  indent (paragraph) - 1.25 cm;  line spacing – 1,5;  Drawings, graphs, charts – at least 300 dpi.  The formulas should be typed in formula editor Microsoft Equation.

Rules for abstracts

Abstract should include the characteristics of the main theme, problems of a scientific paper, purpose of the work and its results. The abstract indicates what new has this paper in compare with other related topics and purposes. Recommended average volume of abstract is 500 characters. Requirements:  bottom margin - 2.9 cm;  left margin – 2.7 cm;  right margin - 2.7 cm;  font Times New Roman, size 14;  indent (paragraph) - 1.25 cm;  line spacing – 1.

Structure of submitted materials

 Initials and surname of author (authors);  Title of the report;  Information about the author (s): name, patronymic, surname, academic degree, place of work, country, city, e-mail or telephone for contact;  Abstract and key words;  Summary report;  The list of references.

Name of the text file with paper and registration form (marked Reg) must contain the name and initials of the first author. If several papers, the name of the text file must have number of the paper. For example: ivanov_ak_1.doc and ivanov_ak-reg.doc.

The papers selected by Program Committee will be published in journals: • «Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals» (Scopus) • «Physics and Mechanics of Materials» (Scopus) The authors of selected papers will be informed about the conditions of the papers submission in relevant journals.

Registration fee before 10.06.2018 - €500 after 10.06.2018 - €550

PhD Students, Students - € 200

Accompanying person: before 10.06.2018 - €450 after 10.06.2018 - €500

Payment methods Intermediary bank: SWIFT: Beneficiary, s bank: Bank «Saint-Petersburg» PJSC 64A Maloohtinsky Prospect, St. Petersburg 195112, Russian Federation SWIFT: JSBSRU2P Beneficiary: account 40503978490550200001 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), 29, Polytechnicheskaja str, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Please, write your name and the conference name (NFM’18) Example: John Brown, NFM’18

You can pay by bank transfer or by cash at registration. Participants wishing to pay by a bank must cover transaction charges. In case of payment by bank transfer please write the bank details of your organization with full legal name and address.

Please note that the hotel reservation is carried out through the NFM’18 Organizing Committee. In this case you get a discount at paying accommodation. Nanotechnologies of Functional Materials (NFM'18) Registration Form Title: Mr  Mrs  Ms  Prof  Dr  Last Name ______First Name ______Other Names ______Dates of birth______Place of birth______Citizenship______Passport number______Date of issue______Date of expiry______Country of permanent residence______Place of visa issuing______Place of work: Organization______Address______Position______E-mail______Fax______Phone______Accompanying person, if any______Date of arrival______Date of departure______Please note! Copy of the first page of your passport sent by fax or by e-mail is required for issuing an official invitation (visa support). Visa support letter (official invitation) will be sent to you within 2 months (for EU members within 2 weeks).

Accommodation needed:  Yes  No Booking the hotel:  Hotel “Sputnik”   single room   double room

Address: 1. «Sputnik» Hotel- Prosp. M.Toreza 36; «Ploshchad’ Muzhestva» metro station

2.University Hotels**:  Lesnoy prospekt 65, «Lesnaya» metro station  single room  double room

3. Grazhdanskiy prospekt 28, «Akademicheskaya» metro station. -single room -double room

Date and Place______Signature ______


* Participants who buy tickets for one or more days before the conference and/or for some days after are kindly asked to indicate in the registration form the need for hotel reservation for this period.

The conference venue

The conference will be held in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University at the address: Politekhnicheskaya str., 29, Research building («Politekhnicheskaya» metro station) – 1st day; the following days – on the Forest Rhapsody Resort (1 Lintulskaya Alley, Ilyichevo, Vyborg District, Leningrad Region Southern Shore of Bolshoe Simaginskoe Lake).

Contact Information Alla Smirnova Antonina Stepanova Tel / fax: +7 (812) 297 20 88 E-mail: [email protected]

Conference website:

Organizing Committee of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Politekhnicheskaya str., 29 195251, St. Petersburg,

Appendix 1 The “Forest Rhapsody” Resort Hotel

The territory of the resort

The map of the resort

The «Forest Rhapsody» resort hotel can offer to conference participants in their spare time to use the following services: * Tennis court, basketball court; * Equipment rental (bicycles, rollers, boats, catamarans); * Swimming pool with 3 lanes; • Gym, etc.

Detailed information: Appendix 2

Excursion program

1. Sightseeing tour «Brilliant St. Petersburg»

The tour will focus on the examination of the front, imperial Petersburg. During the excursion you will see , Palace square, Field of Mars, Admiralty, , St. Isaac Cathedral, the spit of Vasilievsky island, Kunstkamera, Peter and Paul fortress, Summer garden, the Church «Savior on Blood», Mikhailovsky Palace – Russian Museum, Mikhailovsky castle, Trinity square, the House of Peter I, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Alexandrinsky theatre, Gostiny Dvor, Kazan Cathedral, Mariinsky theatre, Smolny convent.

2. Kronstadt is a maritime outpost of St. Petersburg and the naval base of Russia Kronstadt is the most distant and unusual of the seven suburbs of St. Petersburg. It is located in 48 km from Saint-Petersburg. Unique value of Kronstadt as a naval outpost, built to protect the new capital St. Petersburg, was almost immediately after its foundation. The history of the city is inseparably linked with Peter I, formation and strengthening of the Navy of Russia, great inventions and discoveries of Russian scientists, the heroic events of the great Patriotic war. The historical part of Kronstadt and the Kronstadt fortress consisting of the object «Historic centre of Saint Petersburg and related complexes of monuments» are included into the world heritage list of UNESCO. In Kronstadt, there are more than 300 monuments of history, culture, and technology. The unique hydro technical and defensive structures, beautiful buildings and ensembles, such as the Kronshlot Fort, the complex of province houses of the beginning of the 18th century, the world's first self-discharging canal- dock of Peter the Great, a model of the military town of the 18th century, the Naval Cathedral of the early 20th century, the construction of which used the techniques of the construction of Saint Sophia in Constantinople. During the city tour we will see the Anchor square, monument to Vice- Admiral Makarov, Makarov bridge, a monument to Peter I, the Dutch kitchen, «Tree of wishes», Petrovsky dock, seamark, Solar World clock, monument to John of Kronstadt, monument to smelt (fish) and a real beauty - the Naval Cathedral. Also we will visit the Konstantin fort.

* The program and the order of excursions can be changed