Fordham Students Protest the World Economic Forum Inside

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Fordham Students Protest the World Economic Forum Inside The bserver THE STUDENT VOICE OF FORDHAM COLLEGE AT LINCOLN CENTER February 14, 2002 VOLUME XX, Issue 9 Charlie Boone Fordham Students Protest the Resigns as Director of World Economic Forum Residential Life By Lam Ra%*, PCLC f3 By Ashley Horace, FCLC'04 Nearly 30 students from the Fordham As staff and students returned from community took part in a five-day anti- their winter breaks many were surprised globalization protest during the annual to learn that the Director of Residential meeting of the World Economic Forum Life, Charlie Boone, had resigned and (WEF). Thousands of people marched on would no longer be returning. "I was sort Saturday, February 2, in a peaceful protest of surprised," notes Cheryl Thill, FCLC put together by the coalition Another World '04 who has worked in the office since is Possible. They marched from the corner the fall 2000 semester. "It was definitely of Central Park South to approximately five weird coming into the New Year and not blocks from the Waldorf-Astoria, where the having Charlie around." WEF delegates met Boone's last official day was on Mark Durbak, FCLC '04, helped inform January 23, 2002, however, he was hired Fordham students about the protest and par- back in a part time role to assist the new ticipated in two of the days of protesting. director with the transition. In his part The first two days of protest, Thursday and time position as "special assistant" he Friday, were filled with teach-ins and infor- will manage the 2002 housing lottery mation sessions; Saturday and Sunday were process for the Lincoln Center residents days of action. and review applications for Fordham's "There was a legal, peaceful protest on Eastside housing. Saturday, which had street theatre and giant Before resigning, Boone's duties were puppets," Durbak said. "This was the first Courtesy of http:ffwww.anothorworldispossltjle.con) Protesters of the World Economic Forum. endless with tasks including the manage- anti-globalization motivation since ment of the Office of Residential Life, September 11; and it was really great that all about the WEF. and even families, not just students," Diina overseeing McMahan Hall, and directing of these people came out despite the threats "The WEF consists of multinational cor- said! "There were a lot of causes other than Fordham's Eastside Housing. and fears of a violent protest." porations that make decisions that oppress anti- WEF that were represented, too. There The most important factor affecting In its mission statement, the WEF millions of people. They put profits'before were anti-way, civil rights, free speech, Boone's decision (continued to page 5) claimed to be "committed to improving the people. They are gaining money at the suf- women's rights ancfe other protestors state of the world." While the statement did fering of others," Diina said. "The WEF because the WEF has an effect on all of f not mention the environmental state of the doesn't talk about relieving problems or the those things and since it was such a large- Ass t Resident world, it did bring up the economy. "The negative consequences of their actions but scale protect, people used it to protest other Forum acts in the spirit of entrepreneurship only what could benefit them." causes." Director & in the global public interest to further eco- Diina said that protestors from many dif- Diina said that although the protestors f nomic growth and social progress." ferent groups gathered for slightly different had planned to march to the Waldorf- Resident Ass t. Kathleen Diina, FCLC '02, marched in purposes. Astoria Hotel, police barricades kept them Resign the Saturday protest to express her feelings "Theje were lots of different age groups from getting too c\ose.(continued to page 4) By Katie Jennings, FCLC'02 USG Attempts Inside: On Tuesday, January 29th David White, LAW '02, resigned from his posi- Evaluation Compromise tion as Assistant Resident Director. On Commentary: Monday, February 4th Curtis Lewis resigned from his position as 12th floor with Faculty The Curse of Knowing Resident Assistant. page 9 The reason for White's resignation is unknown; White did not return phone By Nydia Streets, FCLC'04 because they had the Fordham one, they calls made by The Observer and had the departmental one, and they had Sports: Residential Life administrators would After years of a dispiriting response ours," said USG President, Margaret , Crew Are These Guys? not comment on the terms of his resigna- from students and faculty, the United Pesce FCLC '02. "In turn, also, the pro- tion. Student Government decided to cancel fessors found this to be conflicting page 11 "David resigned from his position as the distribution of its survey last semes- because it was taking up class time," she ARD officially Tuesday, January 29th. ter until a new jnethod of surveying continued. Features: Because it is an employment matter I could be found. The survey, which is vol- Because compiling the survey is a lot cannot reveal employees' reasons for res- untary and usually distributed at the end of work for USG, they decided that if VD's Bad Rap ignation," said Catharine McGlade, of the semester, is filled out by students they could not find a method of survey- page 20 assistant director of Residential Life. "I to rate his/her professor. The results are ing that would produce better results, support his reason for resignation and published and made available for other they would not distribute the survey. "We have continued support for David as a students to look at, in order to find out said this year, we want to get a better turn Arts: law resident in the building." what their peers thought about certain out because it's really a lot of work, and 10 Movies to Make You Lewis said he resigned from his posi- professors. They are separate from the since it's kind of a task for students and Glad You're Single tion as resident assistant because, "I need administrative Students' Evaluation of faculty- a lot of faculty really don't like to take care of some personal matters." Education Quality (SEEQ) forms, which them and they refuse to hand then out- page 23 "He [Lewis] is resigning for personal are also distributed at the end of the we decided to meet with the Faculty reasons and we Want to support those semester. Evaluations Committee to see if we reasons," said McGlade. USG hopes to find a new method that could have some kind of evaluation that Vox: According to McGlade, White's will be convenient for everyone. could be accommodating for both the Hallmark Valentine responsibilites were to assist Resident "Obviously, a lot of students didn't want students and faculty," said Pesce. Director Tori LoCascio in supervising to participate in doing the evaluation in There was disagreement, however, Revised programmining (continued to page 6) class because they felt really inundated within the Faculty (continued to page 3) page 28 News February 14,2002 Some facts Residential Life Educates about Eating Fordham Community on Eating Disorders: Once thought to be a white upper Disorders middle «Iass illness, research indicates that they are no longer restricted to that By Kristen Sardis, FCLC'03 group and that girls from African America, Asian, Native American and Eating Disorder Awareness Week officially Latino heritages are also affected. celebrated its kick-off on Saturday, February •Research suggests that 5% of female 2nd. The week, entitled "Everybody is adolescents develop anorexia ner- Beautiful," celebrated all types of bodies and vosa and a slightly higher percentage ended on Thursday, February 7. develop bulimia nervosa. For the second time annual Eating •Eating disorders comprise a third Disorder Awareness week was co-sponsored most chronic category of illnesses by the Office of Residential Life and the coun- among females in the United States. seling centos at both Rose Hill and Lincoln •Over 50% of adolescent girls think Center, with help from the Residential Life they are overweight and diet, staff and two campus organizations, the •Eating Disorder; The Journal of Prevention Party and Serial Programming to Treatment and Prevention indicates Advance a Responsible Community that 52% of .14 year-olds feel better (SPARC). The opening event, which was held Andrew Suggs Eating disorder awareness week. about themselves when they are diet- on Saturday from 10pm to 12 mid-night, fea- ing. tured activities such as sushi making, healthy pie with their body image. I always find it so have an earing problem. McGIade says, •The average North American fashion drinks, a licensed masseuse and body art interesting how people react to seeing the out- "Resident Assistants', Resident Directors' and model is 23% thinner than the aver- Approximately 70 residents attended. line of their bodies on the drawing paper. Freshman Mentors' primary roles are to be age American Woman. Jackie Herbach, who lead the body art Everyone always says, "I thought I was so attune to the needs of the residents on their •A study of 10-and 11-year olds finds exercise states, "The art exercise can help peo- much bigger!" In fact, this exercise is the result floor and respond to mis need in a variety of that people with handicaps, people in of Jackie's battle with her own self-image. ways, depending on the set of circumstances." wheelchairs are rated as more appeal- ^norexia Nervosa ,. "My inspiration for this exercise and all my The Residential Life staff is trained in the ing than “fat people.&#822l; lilts earing disorder is characterized by work with self-image comes from my own area of counseling and programming.
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