THE LONDON" GAZETTE,, HTH OCTOBER t974 8849 at the Legal Section1 of the Borough Secretary's Depart- Municipal Buildings, Tauntc&i, o"r' at" County Hall, ; ment,. Town Hall, Llanelli, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on during normal- office hours. weekdays. The Order becomes operative as from the date on which This" Order be'comes operative as from the llth October the County Council certify that the new path has 1974, and if any person aggrieved by the Order desires been created to their reasonable satisfaction, but if any to question the validity thereof or of any provision contained person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers validity thereof or of any provision contained therein on of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, or on the the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Town grounds that any requirement of that Act or any regulation and Country Planning Act, 1971 or on the'ground that any made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to requirement of that Act or of any regulation made there- the confirmation of the Order, may under section 178 of under has not been complied with in relation to the con- the Town and Country Planning Act, 1962, within six firmation of the Order, he may, under section 244 of the weeks from the llth October 1974, make application for the Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, within 6 weeks from purpose to the High Court. 18th October 1974 make application for the' purpose to Dated 9th October 1974. the High Court. E. P. Williams, Borough Secretary. S. E. Harwood, County Secretary: Town Hall, County Hall, Llanelli. (738) Taunton. 18th October 1974. (876) BOROUGH COUNCIL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 DISTRICT OF TAUNTON DEANE ACQUISITION OF LAND (AUTHORISATION PROCEDURE) ACT, 1946 NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Borough of TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 Scunthorpe in the county of Humberside, in exercise of the SECTION 210 powers conferred on' it by the above-mentioned Acts on the Somerset (Footpath No. 8/10 at ) 22nd July 1974 made an Appropriation Order entitled " The Public Path Diversion Order, 1974 Borough of Scunthorpe (West Common Lane) Appropria- tion Order, 1974", which is about to be submitted to Notice is hereby given that on the 1st October 1974 the Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, the Somerset County Council confirmed the above-named authorising it to appropriate fo'r the purpose of securing OVder. its use for the provision of squash courts and' indoor bowling The e'ffect of the Order as confirmed is to divert that facilities being a purpose for which it can be authorised part of footpath 8/10 that runs from its junction with to acquire land under section! 4 of the Physical Training and Nynehead Hollow, Nynehead in a north-north-westerly then Recreation Act, 1937, the land described in the Schedule north-easterly direction for a total distance of approximately 1 50 yards. To run : from a point in Nynehead Hollow hereto . approximately 20 yards north-east of the original junction A copy of the Order and the map referred to therein have of footpath' 8/10 in a north-easterly and then generally b'e'en deposited at the Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, north-westerly direction for a total distance of approximately and may be seen there at all reasonable hours. 59 yards to rejoin its former route. Any objection to the Order must be made in writing A copy of the confirmed Order and the map contained addressed to the Secretary, Department of the Environment, in it has been deposited at and may be insp'ected free of City House, Leeds LSI 4JD, before the llth November charge at the Area Office of the Taunton Deane District 1974, and-should state the grounds of objection. Council, 35 Fore Street, Wellington and at County Hall, Taunton, during normal office hours. SCHEDULE The Order becomes operative as from the date on which All that piece or parcel of land containing 3-23 acres or the Somerset County Council certify that the new path has thereabouts situate at a distance varying between 332 feet been created to their reasonable satisfaction, but if any and 422 feet to the south of West Common Lane and person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the adjoining the east side of the footpath known as Ridge validity thereof or of any provision contained therein on Walk in the borough of Scunthorpe in the county of the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Town Humberside and more particularly delineated on the map arid Country Planning Act, 1971 or on the ground that any annexed to the" Order and thereon coloured pink. requirement of that Act or of any regulation made there- under has not been complied with in relation to the con- Dated llth October 1974. firmation of the Order, he may, under section 244 of the T. M. Lister, Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer. Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, within 6 weeks from Civic Centre, 16th October 1974 make application for the purpose to Ashby Road, Scunthorpe. (740) the High- Court. S. E. Harwood, County Secretary. County Hall, SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL Taunton. DISTRICT OF TAUNTON DEANE 16th October 1974. (875) NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971 SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL SECTION 210 BOROUGH OF GUILDFORD Somerset (Footpath No. 29/9 at Claremont Farm Estate, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 ) SECTION 210 Diversion of Part of Right of Way No. 38 at Polesden Lane, Public Path Diversion Order, 1974 Ripley Notice is hereby given that on the 1st October 1974, the Somerset County Council confirmed the above-named Order. Notice of Confirmation of Public Path Diversion Order TJie effect of the Order as confirmed is to divert that (No. 4) 1974 part of footpath 29/9 at Claremont Farm Estate, Trull, Notice is hereby given that on 3rd October 1974 the Taunton, that runs from a point approximately 260 yards Surrey County Council confirmed the above-named Order. south of the Taunton Borough boundary in a southerly The effect of the Order, as confirmed, is to divert that direction for a distance of approximately 326 feet. To part of Public Right of Way No. 38 running from a point run : from a point approximately 260 yards south of the on Newark Lane, 137 metres (150 yards) to the east of Tauriton Borough boundary in a south-westerly direction for Polesden Lane, such point being marked " A" on the approximately 130 feet and" then in a south-easterly direction de'posited map, then proceeding in a southerly direction for approximately 270 feet along the estate footpaths to for a distance of 32 metres (35 yards) to the point marked rejoin its former route. " B ", and thereafter proceeding in a south-westerly direc- A copy of the confirmed Order and the map contained tion for a distance of 40 metres (44 yards) to the point in it has been deposited at and may be inspected free o'f marked " C" ; from this point the. path proceeds in a" charge at the offices of the Taunton Deane District Council, southerly direction for a distance of 252 metres (276 yards)