Pioneers in Agriculture Mariangela Hungria and Li Jiayang Share the Prestigious TWAS-Lenovo Science Award

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Pioneers in Agriculture Mariangela Hungria and Li Jiayang Share the Prestigious TWAS-Lenovo Science Award Year 2020 - Vol. 32 - No.4 NEWSLETTER A PUBLICATION OF THE WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Pioneers in agriculture Mariangela Hungria and Li Jiayang share the prestigious TWAS-Lenovo Science Award PUBLISHED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE KUWAIT FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCES TWAS Visiting Scientists Share your expertise Advance science in the developing world Build partnerships that last a lifetime CONTENTS 12 2 Editorial: The power of recognition The awards TWAS announced in 2020 celebrated a year of firsts 3 In the news COVID-19 affects organ donations SPECIAL SECTION: LENOVO AWARD CO-WINNERS 4 Science to improve farmers’ lives 16 Lenovo Science Award winner Mariangela Hungria helped introduce environment-friendly agricultural practices in Brazil Top: TWAS-Mohammad A. Hamdan Award winner Abdon 8 Bigger yields, better grains Atangana speaking at Jaipur Chinese scientist Li Jiayang won the Lenovo Science Award for his research Engineering College and Research Centre University on the genetics of rice plants in Jaipur, India, in 2018. Above: TWAS-Samira Omar Award winner Badabate Diwediga 12 Abdon Atangana wins new Hamdan Award (left) conducting on-site The Cameroonian’s work in applied mathematics found use by scientists awareness raising meetings across many fields on land management practices in Togo. (Photos provided) 14 Ajith Parameswaran wins new CAS Award Cover picture: The two The Indian astrophysicist has made important contributions to the understanding co-winners of the 2020 of gravitational waves TWAS-Lenovo Science Award, Mariangela Hungria (left) and Li Jiayang. 16 Badabate Diwediga wins Omar Award The Togolese scientist teaches farmers methods for sustainable land conservation Kenyan immunologist Faith 18 Raoelina Andriambololona wins Rao Award Osier (second from right) teaching The Malagasy physicist urges students to use self-motivation to build resilience students as part of the South- in hardships South Malaria Antigen Research Partnership (SMART). (Credit: James Tuju/Kennedy Mwai) 20 Basant Giri wins Atta-ur-Rahman Award The Nepali scientist is developing easy-to-use tests for screening pesticides, 22 poor-quality drugs, and other chemical hazards 22 Faith Osier wins Abdool Karim Award The Kenyan immunologist has spent her career making strides towards a malaria vaccine 24 People, places & events TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 32 No. 4, 2020 1 EDITORIAL THE POWER OF RECOGNITION wards play an important part in how TWAS This was also the first year of the TWAS-CAS Arecognizes excellence in science. Both the Young Scientist Award for Frontier Science. Academy and the awardees benefit from such Offered in partnership with the Chinese Academy recognition: on the one side, an institution that of Sciences and the Lenovo company, the award motivates scientists attracts the best talents; recognizes achievements in physical sciences on the other, prizes play an important role in by scientists no older than 45 who live and work the development of the awardees’ careers. An in a developing country. The 2020 award went award is almost like a badge recognizing the to Ajith Parameswaran, an astrophysicist from achievement(s) of a scientist both within her/his Bengaluru, India. community and worldwide. The 2020 TWAS-Samira Omar Innovation For the first time in 2020, the TWAS-Lenovo for Sustainability Award—named after TWAS Science Award went to two winners, which only Fellow Samira Omar Asem—went to Togolese shows the very high level of candidates: Brazilian environmental scientist Badabate Diwediga. soil microbiologist Mariangela Hungria and The other prizes administered by TWAS in Raffaella De Lia, Chinese agricultural researcher Li Jiayang. Now 2020 were: the C.N.R. Rao Award, designed TWAS Editor & Public in its seventh edition, the award is arguably the to honour TWAS Fellows from least developed Information Officer most prestigious honour given to scientists from countries; the Atta-ur-Rahman Award in the developing world in various fields of science. chemistry; the Abdool Karim Award in The 2020 edition recognized achievements in biological sciences, given to female scientists agricultual sciences. in low-income African countries; and the Siwei In 2020 also, the first edition of the TWAS- Cheng Award, bestowed to economic scientists Mohammad A. Hamdan Award took place. It was who have been living and working in a developing established to honour esteemed mathematician country for at least 10 years. Mohammad Ahmad Hamdan of Jordan, who was Awards live on with the receivers as a reminder TWAS Vice-President for the Arab region at the of their achievements long after the monetary time of his passing, in February. A few months gifts are spent. TWAS awards, in particular, before, Hamdan had permanently linked his honour and recognize achievements that might name to the Academy’s, endowing a large sum otherwise go overlooked. Recognition aside, to establish an award in his name and “clearly however, the very fact of being nominated reflect[ing] his true commitment to the cause for an award may bring career benefits. The and mission of TWAS in sustaining scientific process of substantiating an award nomination capacity building in the developing world,” prompts to reflect on one’s skills and progress, as TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi may encourage to fill gaps in one’s resumé, and pointed out. seek out advice. In the end, all are winners: the The biennial award is a recognition of awardees, the nominees and the institutions outstanding work in pure and applied offering the awards. The ultimate winner, mathematics, probability or statistics, carried however, is science, particularly when science out by a scientist working and living in Africa succeeds to emerge and triumph in the context or the Arab region. It went to Abdon Atangana, of developing countries. a Cameroonian applied mathematician at the Institute for Groundwater Studies in Raffaella De Lia Bloemfontein, South Africa. Editor & Public Information Officer 2 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 32 No. 4, 2020 WORLD NEWS TWAS NEWSLETTER Published quarterly by The World Academy Prior to the pandemic, less than 10 per cent of Sciences for the of the global need for organ donations was advancement of science IN THE NEWS in developing countries met every year, a World Health Organization with the support of spokesperson said. the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement SciDev.Net: of Sciences (KFAS). ICTP Campus Mixed messages Strada Costiera 11 on ‘pay-to-publish’ system 34151 Trieste, Italy tel: +39 040 2240327 A recent survey revealed that the majority of Space station makes e-mail: [email protected] nearly 1,000 academic researchers in South for unique stem cell lab website: Africa are in favour of keeping a government A team of researchers sent 250 test tubes TWAS COUNCIL scheme that offers cash rewards for publishing of carefully prepared human stem cells to the President research papers in accredited journals, even International Space Station (ISS). It wanted Mohamed H.A. Hassan though they agree that this practice can to study how the near-weightless environment Immediate Past President Bai Chunli promote unethical practices. of the ISS affects these building-block cells. Vice-Presidents The publication-incentive programme—which Scientists hope that studying the properties Moctar Toure awards payments when researchers publish in low Earth orbit might help answer some Dorairajan Balasubramanian Khatijah M. Yusoff journal articles, conference proceedings and sensitive questions. This will, in turn, guide Manuel Limonta-Vidal book chapters—is the country’s largest single researchers that are developing better stem Secretary-General pool of research funding. cell therapies. Luiz Davidovich Nature News: Washington Post: Treasurer Yang Wei Council Members Roseanne Diab Abdel Nasser Tawfik Mohammad Shamsher Ali China lands its Moon rocks Bishal Nath Upreti in Inner Mongolia Mahabir Prashad Gupta China’s Chang’e-5 mission made a triumphant Ex-officio Council Member Atish Dabholkar return last 16 December, landing on the dark frozen plains of Inner Mongolia, Chinese state Executive Director Romain Murenzi media reported. The capsule’s return marks Editor & Public Information the first time China has collected rocks from Officer the Moon. Raffaella De Lia The three-week-long mission was the most Public Information Office Francesca Pettoello complicated in the history of China’s robotic Cristina Serra space exploration programme, involving a lunar Dust may have been the cause Sean Treacy landing, scooping and drilling, and then an of big star’s dimming Design & Art Direction Rado Jagodic, Studio Link, ascent and rendezvous with an orbiter, which In late 2019, the bright star Betelgeuse Trieste, Italy carried the samples back to Earth. suddenly dimmed for no apparent reason. Printing Science Magazine: Some scientists speculated that Betelgeuse Grafica Goriziana, Gorizia, Italy was about to explode in a brilliant supernova that would outshine the full moon. Unless otherwise indicated, That is why, when the star started acting the text is written by the editors and may be COVID-19 affects organ donations strangely, some Betelgeuse researchers aimed reproduced freely with due Far fewer organ transplants were performed their telescope at the dimming giant. Over credit to the source. in late 2020 globally as hospitals closed or the following months, the star returned to its Printed on Fedrigoni diverted resources to treating COVID-19, usual brightness, and the excitement over an Fedrigoni Arena Extra White creating a significant backlog of patients on imminent supernova faded. It turned out a dust Smooth, a paper made with environment-friendly waiting lists. cloud may have been to blame. ECF pure cellulose. Plummeting supplies have only added to an Science News: already increasing global demand for organs. TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 32 No. 4, 2020 3 LENOVO AWARD CO-WINNER SCIENCE TO IMPROVE FARMERS’ LIVES 4 TWAS Newsletter, Vol.
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